October 21, 2008 Agenda ORDERS OF THE DA Y FOR TUESDA Y. OCTOBER 21. 2008 - 9:00 A.M PAGE # ORDER 1st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations DELEGATIONS: 2-14 9:00 a.m. Sandra Datars Bere, Director, Ontario Works and Social Housing, St. Thomas-Elgin Ontario Works, re: St. Thomas-Elgin Ontario Works Service Plan 2008-2009 (attachment) 15-16 9:15 a.m. Sine Herold, Renal Dialysis Unit for St. Thomas and Central Elgin re: need for a renal dialysis unit located in St. Thomas (attachment) Motion to Move into "Committee Of The Whole Council" Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff Council Correspondence - see attached 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statementsllnquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th Closed Meeting Items (see separate agenda) 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 13th Consideration of By-Laws 14th ADJOURNMENT 5th 17-57 6th 7th 58-67 8th LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED NOTICE: November 7,2008 - Warden's Banquet at St. Anne's Centre - 5:30 p.m. Social Hour - 6:30 p.m. Dinner November 25, 2008 - 9:00 A.M. - County Council Meeting - Student Education Day November Outside Board Reportinq Schedule: Land Division Town Crier ST. THOMAS ST. THOMAS - ELGIN ONTARIO WORKS 423 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5P lel 1T1ECORPORATIo-::-lOfTHR OlYOF IReport No. OWEC12-0al REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCil FROM: Sandra Datars Bere. Director of Ontario Works and Social Housing St. Thomas - Elgin MEETING DATE: October 21.2008 SUBJECT: st. Thomas-Elgin Ontario Works Service Plan 2008-2009 Recommendation: THAT: Report OWEC12-08 of the Director of st. Thomas-Elgin Ontario Works and Social Housing regarding the st. Thomas-Elgin Ontario Works Service Plan be received for information. Report: The Ministry of Community and Social Services requires the development of a Service Plan by municipalities who are contracted as Consolidated Municipal Services Managers to deliver the Ontario Works Program. The City of st. Thomas. as the CMSM for SI. Thomas and Elgin County developed the attached Service Plan for the period 2008-2009 which was submitted to MCSS earlier this month. The plan is attached for County Council's review. comments and questions. Page 1 of 1 OWECll-D8 Seplember 9.2008 ~ C QJ OJ C o v ..... o QJ :c ~ !"I::~mm'<t'trlO\.NN'" !! I!!!: :..~..~~~O\.ooo" 1 I . , I .. , . . I .. I ' . . ; . . , I I! ! 1 II! ! I . II i III II i I. . i I . . : .1:1 I . . I . . . : . . 1 . i ! : . i ! i i ell I Ii. I Ii! I ! i , I I ' I ' , ' 'e I ' , I ' , , ' , , ' It III! i ! 11 I! ! ! ! J ! i I! I I:; , I I , I I ,~ II , I I ~ ' I I , I I] ! 11% I ! I ~ I i II ! ~ I ! i ! I J,g 1 ,I~~! I !~1:eCllIII i~! I !.il ::..~. l,)._.;: t:: :. ~ : v . : : +' VI 0.> i I~E I i ll'JfoQj 1'6bci~~! IS'~ tj~ I i2~ i i i~2i'ij 12iijO~ iuiVllll :> ~ i I ~ ~ .~ c : E l\t a i.s 6 .s gig.,~ ~ ffi3: i iE5~:8~Wo:E~ iVl~:o~IDl.:J:5~ 11).2 ! I IS 'S;: ~ ,0. ~ 1Il ~ cc :0 41 ".~o::: ~ III It! III ~ ... : : ... 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'2 VI 'QO 0 t: t: !'I:I l'IJ t: 0. vUJc:"O_O('1J\I].pV~VI :2 tn 0 @.f::2 0.<( VI.Q 0.. Q) ~ o ~ ~ o o " c " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" " .". g N '" ... ~ N Dear Warden and Councilors of County of Elgin; We, the supporters of a Renal Dialysis Unit for S1. Thomas and Elgin County, ask you to pass a resolution suppOliing the creation ofa renal dialysis unit for S1. Thomas-Elgin to be located at the S1. Thomas General Hospital or other suitable location in the area. The reasons we want a dialysis unit for S1. Thomas-Elgin are as follows: . There are currently at least 32 patients traveling to London three times a week for dialysis. . That's 96 round trips per week at a minimum of60 km round trip . That's about 6,000 km per week x 52 weeks =. 312,000 km of driving per year . There is no option in bad weather... you drive . The cost of transportation by cab is $100.00 return per trip x 156 trips = 15,600 per year in costs . If you are in a wheelchair it is $184.00 per round trip = about 28,000 per year . Cost of transportation is NOT considered a medical expense therefore not deductible for taxation purposes . The following communities have dialysis: Tillsonburg, Chatham, Sarnia, Woodstock and Palmerston to name some. We are in London's 'catchment' area and therefore have not qualified. The quality of life for a dialysis patient in our area is much lower than the same person living in, say, Palmerston. . With aging populations and more diabetes, more dialysis units are needed and S1. Thomas-Elgin deserves to be better served. . Moving to London has been the only option for some. Why should the most vulnerable members of society be forced to leave their home communities at the very time they need their community most? This is a bitter pill to swallow for people, often seniors, who have served their communities for decades. 5 families have left the community to live in London. . Ultimately this is a quality of life issue. The stress on the dialysis patient is great in terms of driving home tired, often in snow or fog. These 32 patients spend a combined 6000 hours on the road each year. Think what else they could be doing with their lives. We argue that for dialysis patients there is 25 % less life in S1. Thomas-Elgin. We need our community's support to make the goal of a dialysis unit for S1. Thomas- Elgin a reality. In that light we ask you to pass a resolution supporting a unit. Further, we request to appear as a deputation, during council session, on October 21 st, 2008 at 9: 15 a.m. to better convey what has been condensed into one shOli page. . RESOLUTION We would ask you to pass a resolution "that the Warden and the County . Councilors support the establishment of a renal dialysis unit for St. Thomas and Central Elgin to be located in a clinic or at the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital or other suitable location in close proximity". REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF OCTOBER 21, 2008 Councillor Reports - (ATTACHED) 18 Warden Hofhuis - St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre 20 Councillor Habkirk - Elgin County Museum 23 Councillor Wilson - Chair, Ambulance Base Building Committee - Terrace Lodge Ambulance Base Update Staff Reports - (ATTACHED) 25 Chief Administrative Officer - Council Per Diems 28 Chief Administrative Officer - Procedure for Police Investigations 30 Director of Senior Services - Bobier VillalElgin Manor - Annual Request to Carry Forward 2008 Vacation 32 Directors of Senior Services - BN & ElM, TL - Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care- LHIN - PSW Funding Announcement 34 Payroll & Benefits Coordinator, Director of Financial Services - Excess Indemnity Renewal 2009, Occupational Accident Insurance 36 Director of Community and Cultural Services, Purchasing Coordinator - Replacement Vehicle for Elgin County Library 40 Manager of Cultural Services - Horticultural Society Plaque at Rodney Library 41 Director of Community and Cultural Services - Surplus Furniture at Land Registry Office 43 Director of Community and Cultural Services - New Signage in Front of Administration Building 45 Director of Engineering Services - Request to Establish a Community Safety Zone - New Sarum School 49 Director of Financial Services - Budget Comparison - August 31, 2008 54 Director of Financial Services - Reserve Policy 17 St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre Executive Directors Report On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of the St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the County of Elgin for your continued support. Your support allows us to present quality exhibitions and programming to our public and provides us with the opportunity to be creative, responsive and entertaining and allows for considerable and necessary contributions to the well-being of our community. It is the mission of the St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre to encourage and promote an appreciation for and support the practice of the visual arts in our community through a variety of exhibitions, education programs and through the preservation of a permanent collection. The Art Centre is situated in St. Thomas, in the centre of Elgin County and provides services to over 46 000 individuals. The Education Program continued to flourish and grow this year, with a range of diversified programs, classes and workshops that met the needs and interests of our children and community members. Our focus is on quality instruction in a creative environment. This year the Art Centre hosted the "Great Beginnings" exhibition, showcasing nearly 700 works from St. Thomas and Elgin County's young artists and representing 16 schools. The schools included Scott St. PS, Davenport PS, McGregor PS, Southwold PS, Dunwich-Dutton PS, St. Raphael PS, New Sarum PS, Forest Park PS, Monsignor Morrison Catholic School, Elgin Court PS, Port Stanley PS, St. Thomas Community Christian School, Arthur Voaden SS, Parkside SS, St. Joseph's HS, East Elgin SS, and Central Elgin Collegiate. It marked the 20th year of the exhibit - and continues to inspire and thrill the children who participate. Many of the participating schools came to the centre and enjoyed a two hour gallery visit and studio activity. The Art Centre also provided in-class art instruction in our public schools and childcare agencies impacting 1534 students (to date). We look forward to another successful year of reaching out into the community to inspire and cultivate creativity with partnerships with the St. Thomas Library, Ontario Early Years Centre, Talbot Teen Centre, Elgin Counseling and Mediation Centre, Family and Children Services, Thames Valley District School Board and the Catholic School Board. As part of the St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre's mission to support and promote the arts in our region, we are delighted to host a diverse array of events through out the year and in our community. The Art Centre provided many opportunities to our youth with exciting and creative free activities at the Canada Day celebrations in Pinafore Park, Iron Horse-Kids Junction, and Artfest Elgin. The 2nd Annual St. Thomas-Elgin Studio Tour featured artists from St. Thomas and Elgin County. This free weekend event was a great success with the participation from the community and artists. ARTFEST ELGIN, was hosted in partnership with the Elgin Tourist Association, in the magnificent Pinafore Park. Artists from Sparta, Shedden, Aylmer, St. Thomas and West Lome participated in the free one-day event. The Art Centre is able to offer its beautiful gallery space to community organizations. We were pleased to support many groups and partners who have held their events and meetings at the centre: CAS Elgin, Elgin Association for Community Living, St. Thomas Executive Association, St. Thomas- Elgin Artists Guild, Iron Horse Festival (Celebration of Wine and Food), Metcalfe Gardens, Steps for Success, St. Thomas Wood Carvers, Thames Valley District School Board Professional Development, Community Services Coordination Network, and Dundee Wealth Management. Our members are truly the heart of the SI. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre, and we are pleased to report that membership grew from 103 to 165 in 2008. More efforts will be placed on our annual membership drive for 2009 to increase our membership 10% annually. We have also worked to improve member communication in 2008, updating the newsletter and utilizing e-blasts more frequently to provide members with information about classes, exhibition openings and special events. Enhancements were made to the Art Centre's website, including dynamic permanent collection artworks, links to organizations in our community, and great information about our local artists. Hits to the Art Centre website reached 287, 249 from October 2007 to September 2008. In 2008, the Art Centre continued to host a variety of exhibitions both onsite and offsite featuring artists of all ages. The highlight of 2008 was an exhibition in partnership with the YWCA SI. Thomas-Elgin featuring the works of Cheryl Ann Webster. The artwork was accompanied by motivational and education a presentations, workshops and resource materials suitable for a broad range of participants. The mission of the project is to raise awareness about the link between self-worth, self-identity and physical appearance. The Art Centre seeks new opportunities for outreach projects and partnerships among community groups to deepen and expand relationships and audiences in our community. In 2008, an exciting partnership with the Port Stanley Artists' Guild, has been developed, together we will be organizing display of artworks from the permanent collection along side of works by local artist at the Port Stanley Library. Our permanent collection has also been presented in exhibitions at the Backus-Page House, featuring works from Robert Whale, William SI. Thomas-Smith and Carolyn Curtis. The Centre joined forces with the Elgin County Archives and the Elgin County Museum to bring an exhibition featuring the images and artwork of Alma College. The Archives have been successful in providing the images and text to community libraries which will be on display at the Springfield Library, Port Stanley Library and the Shedden Library. Plans to collaborate on "Letters from Home", an exhibit of images and text from the archives and works from the permanent collection, for November 2008 is in progress. It will be on display in the Timken Gallery from November 1 to January 2, 2009. It is through your support that we are able to continue to strengthen our programs, and to develop new and innovative projects to serve our community. Again, thank you for making our mission a reality. Sincerely, Laura Woermke Executive Director f Curator SI. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Councillor Bob Habkirk DATE: 01 October 2008 SUBJECT: Elgin County Museum Annual Report to Council CORPORATE GOAL/S) REFERENCED: To promote cultural seNices. INTRODUCTION: The report below is submitted as County Council's representative on the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee: DISCUSSION: The committee met four times between January and September of 2008 in fulfilment of the terms of Elgin County By-law No. 05-44. The following are issues and reports brought forward to the committee during this period: Staffing In addition to the Curator and the Museum Assistant, two grant supported positions were added to the staffing complement during 2008. A Young Canada Works position, which finished in March, saw the completion of two virtual museum exhibits for use on the web one on Col. Talbot and his settlers and one on the Scott-Sefton Collection. A successful application to the Federal Government's Job Creation Programme allowed the museum to hire a data specialist, who worked with the museum partners to strengthen their understanding of the shared data base. A sUNey of each member museum's registration system was completed, on-site assistance with setting up registration systems was provided and a new users guide to the data base was produced. During June, July, and August, a museum studies student from Algonquin College was hired through the Young Canada Works program. She greeted PSTR passengers, kept statistics, re-boxed and listed the entire textile collection. Exhibitions and Proqrammes The museum installed four exhibitions during 2008. Two touring exhibitions ran concurrently in the spring: Sitting Pretty, on the history of the toilet and the Emigrant's Kist, which was comprised of a typical settler's trunk of the 19th century and its contents, on loan from the National Museum of Scotland. The Kist was augmented with objects loaned by descendants of several of Elgin County's Scottish immigrants. The opening for the Kist was attended by approximately 80 people who enjoyed Scottish country dancing and refreshments. Sitting Pretty opened with a Family Fun Day attended by about 30 people and the museum staff was flushed with the success of this exhibit. In September, about 50 people attended the opening of Pinecroft: 60 Years of Canadian Achievement, organized by Conrad Biernacki with the assistance of the Pinecroft Pottery and the Dufferin County Museum. Both Sitting Pretty and The Emigrant's Kist brought a substantial number of first time visitors to the museum. An exhibition of the Anderson cranberry glass collection was mounted at Elgin Manor. The museum was represented by volunteers at several events including the Kettle Valley steam show, and the Senior's Picnic. In June, the museum co-hosted with the Elgin Historical Society, a book launch for Vanished Villages of Elgin County by Jennifer Grainger, at the Valleyview Home. Approximately 80 people attended. Educational Outreach The Museum Assistant visited residents in the County's long-term care facilities a total of six times with artifacts related to various themes and also made two visits to schools with the Pioneer Programme. The Curator participated in the Education Day programme at Backus-Page House where he portrayed a Scottish emigrant. Museum Partners Several of the museum partners including the Elgin County Railway Museum, the Forge and Anvil and the Backus-Page House received in-depth assistance with their cataloguing system allowing them to better utilize the county-wide database. The curator was invited to join the Elgin County Railway Museum strategic planning committee in the fall of 2007 and was able to assist with a successful application to the province for a grant toward the completion of a report on future directions for the museum. The Arts and Cookery Bank in West Lorne and the Big Band Hall of Fame in Port Stanley have also received assistance and support with their planning studies. A successful Museum Partners meeting was held on February 6th, where members reviewed their plans for the upcoming season and discussed the ongoing use of the data base. A fall meeting is planned for October. Visitor Statistics and Donations A total of 2287 individuals and groups have visited the museum up to the end of September; of this total 1093 arrived as passengers on the PSTR. Four groups booked tours including one school (Summers Corners). The museum has received $740.00 in admission donations to date and the gift shop has grossed $1472.00. 32 organizations or individuals have donated approximately 250 artifacts to date. Port Stan lev Terminal Railwav During the summer of 2007, Port Stanley Terminal Rail in partnership with the County ran a trial stop at the County Administration Building on Thursdays during the summer months. Several stops were made bringing 23 passengers to the museum and archives. In the fall of 2007, the PSTR proposed a regular stop of approximately 20 minutes at the Administration building on Tuesdays and Thursdays during July and August, allowing passengers to visit the museum. The museum promoted the summer stops on the rack card and provided a guide to greet the passengers. A total of 1093 passengers visited the museum, a substantial increase from the one day a week trial in 2007. The PSTR is currently reviewing its agreement with the County. CONCLUSION: This report outlines the activities of the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee for the period January 1st, 2008 to September 30th, 2008. RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: John Wilsonr Chairr Ambulance Base Building Committee DATE: October 1r 2008 SUBJECT: Terrace Lodge Ambulance Base Update CORPORATE GOALCS) REFERENCED: 1. To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability 2. To forge community partnerships 3. To provide innovative and collaborative quality service 4. To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: Construction on the new Terrace Lodge Ambulance Base has begun and a brief update is provided to Council for information. DISCUSSION: At the March 13r 2007 Council Meetingr Council approved the re-activation of the Ambulance Base Building Committee with the appointment of Councillors Wilson and Habkirk to sit on this committee to begin the planning of the new Terrace Lodge Ambulance Base. The building costs for this project were estimated by SPH Engineering to be approximately $729r540 not including taxes. The approved construction bid by Reid & Deleye came in at $555r800. There were some unexpected costs ($27r134) due to removing materials not suitable for structural support for the concrete floors. The original design had included a basement but that was not possible due to flood levels and was disallowed by the Conservation Authority. This leaves a contingency amount of 13% or $58rOOO for any necessary change ordersr base start up costs (i.e. deskr tabler chairsr window blindsr computer grand openingr) and any unforeseen events. Costs in general appear to be in line with the costs for the Shaw Valley Base which were $616r322 in 2005 when accounting for construction cost increases over the last three years and increase in the building footprint. The project has experienced some unforeseen delays in obtaining Ministry of Transportation permits related to exiting onto Highway #3 and in drawing up the Agreement for Services with the Town of Aylmer. Staff is pleased to report that construction is now earnestly in progress with completion expected sometime in early November. CONCLUSION: An update on the construction of the new Terrace Lodge Ambulance Base is provided for Council's information. Approval of a building contingency of 13% of the building estimate in the amount of $58,000 is requested for any necessary change orders, base start up costs (i.e. desk, table, chairs, window blinds, computer, grand opening, and any unforeseen events. The building costs are to be funded through the financing line of the capital budget as outlined at a July 24th, 2007 Council Meeting Report "Ambulance Base Location Plan". RECOMMENDATION: That the report dated entitled "Terrace Lodge Ambulance Base Update" dated October 1, 2008 be received and filed as information. Respectfully Submitted REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. DATE: September 16, 2008 SUBJECT: Council Per Diems CORPORATE GOAL'S) REFERENCED: 1. To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability 2. To be recognized as a desired employer 3. To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: In March 2008, Council approved a Council compensation review. As part of that review, the Consultant recommended that "following an in-house review of the workload of Council, give consideration for standardizing the per diem rates ranging from $110 to $150." The Consultant's rationale for introducing per diems in addition to the Council stipend ($18,000 per annum) is "even though they can be difficult to control/administer, meeting per diems have a distinct advantage. Members of Council are only compensated for meetings they actually attend". The purpose of this report is to suggest a system for providing per diems to members of Council. DISCUSSION: As indicated by the compensation consultant, per diems "can be difficult to control/administer". More particularly, it is very difficult to define what meeting, function or event qualifies for a per diem. For example, should ceremonial functions like the Warden's Banquet qualify for a per diem? What about attending a telephone conference call? What about a local road tour that also examines County roads within the lower-tier municipality? Does a meeting with staff qualify for a per diem? Should there be half day and full day rates? A Suqqestion: One way to address these matters is to divide meetings/functions into three distinct categories: a business meeting; a social/ceremonial function; and convention/seminar/workshop attendance. A business meeting would be defined as attendance at a duly called meeting of a committee, sub-committee or board of a municipal organization to which the council member has been appointed by resolution and at which minutes of the meeting are taken. Examples would be County Council meetings, Ambulance Building Committee meetings, SCOR and outside boards such as the Board of Health, Hospital Boards, Museum, etc. A social or ceremonial function is defined as attendance at a municipal business event of a social and or ceremonial nature where no official minutes are taken. The Warden's Banquet, Business After Five, a public information centre, a Mayor's Breakfast, a meeting with an M.P. or M.P.P., a County dance, and a Home's barbeque would all qualify in this category. Convention/seminar/workshop attendance would generate a per diem at the approved rate provided the event considered material that was relevant to County business. Payment would be subject to the yearly maximum (currently $2,000 per Councillor) as amended from time to time. Obviously, mileage would be paid for attendance at any County related function, even ceremonial ones. Workload: As Council is aware, Council workload was recorded for a three-month period, from March to May 2008. Using the above definitions as a guide, the average number of "business meetings" from the survey sample is four per month. The average number of "ceremonial functions attended" was two per month. Council should be cautioned that the number of respondents to the survey was small. It may be of interest to note that when Council moved to a monthly stipend in 1998, the stipend was based on four meetings per month. CONCLUSION: If Council is interested in introducing a per diem to its monthly stipend, then a clear definition of what type of event qualifies for a per diem should be developed. Although not perfect, the above definitions attempt to provide consistency in application. A major implication of this proposal is that those members of Council who are currently paid per diems (Board of Health Members) would not be permitted to accept payment from the Board. Instead, per diems would be paid by the County for qualifying attendance for the fifth and successive meetings attended each month. In addition, the stipend should reflect 2008 rates and be increased to $150 from $110. It is estimated that the increase would add approximately $2,500 to the 2009 budget. In a somewhat related matter, the Warden receives a per diem for attendance at conventions, seminars and workshops; however, the Warden's salary has recently been adjusted to reflect comparables, Perhaps these stipends are no longer required since they were introduced many years ago when annual remuneration for the Warden was comparatively low. In short, if Council adopts this method of remuneration, the per diem will apply at the fifth and subsequent meetings where minutes are taken and the Warden's stipend for convention/seminar attendance will be discontinued, RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report entitled Council Per Diems, dated September 16th, 2008 be approved and that staff be directed to operationalize the report by preparing an enacting by-law to be effective on January 1, 2009, ALL of which is respectfull submitted, " , Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer DATE: September 17,2008 SUBJECT: Procedure for Police Investigations CORPORATE GOAL(Sl REFERENCED: 1. To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability 2. To forge community partnerships INTRODUCTION: Occasionally the County will be approached by a Police Agency doing an investigation to cooperate in the investigation. From time to time, the Police authority will ask for evidence in the form of computers or other equipment and material and remove the item(s) from County premises for forensic review. The purpose of this report is to recommend a common procedure to be followed in the event of an investigation. DISCUSSION: When an Officer of the Law approaches a County department requesting the temporary removal of County property, the following policy is recommended: 1) A badge must be shown along with photo identification of the Officer (Warrant Card); 2) If there is any doubt as to the Officer's authenticity, then the Officer's Police Force must be called for verification; 3) A duly executed Warrant signed by a Judge must be issued before the item leaves the premises; 4) The relevant Director or Chief Administrative Officer must be contacted before the material is released; 5) A receipt for the item must be provided before the item is released from County custody. CONCLUSION: While it is imperative to cooperate in any Police matter, it is equally important to ensure that County property is protected against unwanted intrusion. In an effort to protect Elgin County property, the above-mentioned policy is being recommended for implementation. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report and policy on the Procedure for Police Investigations dated September 17th, 2008 be approved for implementation. All of which is respectfully submitted, Mark G. Mc aid, Chief Administrative Officer. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Pat Vandevenne Director of Senior Services, Bobier Villa and Elgin Manor DATE: October 6, 2008 SUBJECT: Annual Request to Carry Forward 2008 Vacation CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: 1. To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability 2. To be recognized as a desired employer 3. To promote Elgin as "The Place to Live" 4. To provide innovative and collaborative quality service 5. To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: The Ontario Nurses Association (ONA) has within the Collective Agreement, the ability for Registered Nurses to apply for a carry over of vacation into the following year. DISCUSSION: As per the current Collective Agreement with ONA, Registered Nurses do have the ability to submit a written request to carry forward a portion of their 2008 vacation entitlement into the 2009 calendar year. These requests are subject to the Employer approval, which will not be unreasonably denied. CONCLUSION: At Elgin Manor, two Registered Nurses have submitted written requests to carry forward Vacation. . Nurse 1 . Nurse 2 10 Vacation days to be carried over 3 Vacation days to be carried over. RECOMMENDATION: That the report entitled Annual Request to Carry Forward 2008 Vacation be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted f2- Lt/7'\rI~<J{,~ Pat Vandevenne Director of Seniors Services, Elgin Manor Mar l3':-MGblor.lal Chief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL From: Pat Vandevenne - Director of Senior Services-BY & EM Rhonda L. Roberts-Director of Senior Services-TL Date: October 8, 2008 Subject: Ministry of Health & Long Term Care - LHIN - PSW Funding Announcement CORPORATE GOALS: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability To provide innovative & collaborative quality service To recognize and seize opportunity for improvement INTRODUCTION: In August 2008, the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care-LHIN announced $23.3 million in 2008/2009 funding across the long term care sector to support the creation of 873 PSW positions in the long-term care homes sector. DISCUSSION: The intent of the additional funding is to target the initial creation of 873 new PSW Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. LTC home operators are expected to create net new PSW FTE positions with the funding, as allocated by home. LTC homes will receive a per diem increase of $1.25 in the Nursing and Personal Care envelope adjusted for Case Mix Index (CMI). The funding will be allocated on a monthly basis beginning in the September 2008 payment notice and will include a retroactive adjustment August 2008. This increase to base funding is a four year commitment to provide funding to create 2,500 new PSW positions (FTE's) in the LTC homes sector. Future instalments will be announced at a later date. It is unclear if funding will continue after the fourth year therefore, the hours will be posted as temporary full time to avoid possible future layoffs in the event that funding does not continue. The estimated Increase in full time equivalents per home: Temp. Home FTE increase Bobier Villa 1 Elgin Manor 1 Terrace Lodqe 2 2 The County of Elgin Homes continue to staff personal care hours per resident per day, higher than the provincial average as indicated in the chart below. Provincial Average 2.089 Bobier Villa 2.440 Elgin Manor 2.220 Terrace Lodge 2.220 LTC homes providing enhanced levels of staffing are not permitted to retain the PSW funding for purposes other than to create additional FTE PSW positions. Any unspent funding is subject to reconciliation (claw back). Estimated 2008 funding levels (August - December) and respective increases to care hours - per resident day (PRD) for the County of Elgin Homes are projected as follows: Revised Home Funding Hrs PRO Bobier Villa * $22,911 2.54 Elgin Manor $40,438 2.33 Terrace Lodge $47,286 2.34 * It is important to note that Bobier Villa care hours PRD are higher due to staffing requirements related to a 19 bed unit. CONCLUSION: The County of Elgin Long Term Care Homes have an excellent reputation for providing quality nursing care to it's residents, delivered at a staffing level higher than industry average. Entering in to an agreement with the LHIN would add additional PSW hours per home therefore increasing part-time positions to full time. There will be no added cost to the County. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled Ministry of Health & Long Term Care - LHIN - PSW Funding Announcement be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted 12. L)t)/Y'\rJ~<,l[~ Pat Vandevenne Director of Senior Services, BV & EM Approved f P8U15mission Mark McDonald Chief Administrative Officer '~ tM-~ tt~ rJ tJJ '1{0-:. ./ ~ Rhonda L. Roberts Director of Senior Services, TL REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Dorothy Schaap, Payroll & Benefits Coordinator Linda Veger, Director of Finance DATE: October 9,2008 SUBJECT: Excess Indemnity Renewal 2009, Occupational Accident Insurance CORPORATE GOALS: . To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability . To be recognized as a desired employer . To provide innovative and collaborative quality service INTRODUCTION: The County's Excess Indemnity and Occupational Accident Insurance are to be renewed at 12:01 a.m. on January 1,2009. DISCUSSION: As requested by County Council at last year's renewal, the renewal for 2009 covers the period from January 1, 2009 to October 31, 2009. The Excess Indemnity Policy assists with liability for claims in excess of $350,000. The Occupational Accident Policy covers for partial or permanent disability on the job. To date $ 625,000 has been received from Chubb Insurance Company of Canada for claims that have exceeded $350,000. With the ongoing efforts and diligence of the Human Resources Co-ordinator with claims management, the assistance of Acclaim Ability Management, training, policies and senior management, staff has seen reductions in accidents and shorter time periods away from work when they do occur. Due to continued growth of large losses, the rate has increased from $.402/100 to $.464/100, a 15% increase. Also, due to annual increases, additional staff, salary continuance as example, assessable earnings are approximately $1 million higher for the 2009 coverage year. The Occupational Accident Insurance coverage (CHUBB) rates are increased by 1%. The premium for the Excess Indemnity for the 10 month period in 2009 is approximately $67,319 including taxes. The Occupational Accident Insurance premium for 2009 is approximately $8,058 including taxes. The chart below indicates the 2008 and 2009 premiums. 2008 2009 2009 Based on 366 days Based on 365 days Based on 304 days including taxes including taxes including taxes at Council's request Excess Indemnity 62,649.72 80,826.12 67,318.56 Occupational Accident 9,617.40 9,677.61 8,057.88 72,267.12 90,503.73 75,376.44 This represents an annual increase of approximately $18,236.61 but at County Council's request last January, the renewal date has been changed to November 1st. The current provider continues to seek alternate insurers, but unfortunately at this time, there continues to be little demand for this type of coverage for the municipal sector. CONCLUSION: Excess Indemnity coverage as well as Occupational Accident coverage for the County for 2009 must be secured. Also, as previously agreed by Council, the renewal period is January 1, 2009 to October 31, 2009. RECOMMENDATION: THAT County Council approves the Excess Indemnity coverage and Occupational Accident coverage for 2009 in the amount of approximately $75,377; and, THAT the premium be funded from the WSIB Reserve Account. Respectfully Submitted Approved for-SU (}Al_L~f Dorothy Schaap Payroll & Benefits Coordinator 4.~4<UJ Linda Veger Director of Finance Mark Mc onald Chief Administr Harley . nderhill Director f Human Resources REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: October 2,2008 SUBJECT: Replacement Vehicle for Elgin County Library CORPORATE GOALS REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. INTRODUCTION: The County of Elgin leases a 2006 Cargo Van for the Elgin County Library. The lease ends December 20, 2008. This report recommends that the van be purchased once the lease expires. DISCUSSION: The current leased vehicle is a 2006 V8 GMC Cargo Van that has almost 88,000 km and has served the library well. Staff have explored options for replacing the van once the lease expires. Quotations were circulated to all Elgin County new vehicle dealers. The results of the quotation are as follows: Dealer Option # 1 Option # 2 Purchase Price (inclusive of Monthly Lease taxes) (inclusive of taxes) (36 month term) St. Thomas Ford Lincoln Sales $27,235.57 $ 21,897.00 Dempsev Chrysler No Bid No Bid Fordham GM No Bid No Bid EIQin Chrysler Ltd No Bid No Bid Hutchison Motors No Bid No Bid Miller Ford No Bid No Bid Disbrowe Pontiac Buick No Bid No Bid Co-Trac No Bid No Bid St. Thomas Ford Lincoln Sales submitted the only bid for a Monthly Lease Option and a Purchase Option for a 2009 Ford Econoline 250. St. Thomas Ford Lincoln Sales submitted a pricing option of paying for the lease in a one-time up front payment thereby saving financing charges. The one time up front payment is quoted at $ 20,615.04 (inclusive of taxes) realizing a savings of $1,281.96. The County has the option of: 1) purchasing the leased vehicle coming off lease, 2) leasing a new vehicle over a three-year term, 3) leasing a new vehicle and paying the three-year lease up front, 4) purchasing a new vehicle. Option 1 (purchasino the current leased vehicle) The lease end purchase option price is $14,144.11 inclusive of taxes. There are also governmental fees and related charges such as safety certification, license transfer fees, emissions testing which may total approximately $500.00, plus possible repair costs that may be determined during the required safety and emissions check, although these repairs are unlikely. The van will require new tires. Although the current van has 88,000 KM of mileage, almost all of this is what can be called "highway miles", meaning wear and tear on the engine and transmission has been minimal. Loads tend to be fairly light and well within acceptable cargo limits for a van of this size. It is reasonable to expect that a V8 cargo van driven under such conditions can expect to accumulate at least 200,000 KM's or more of low maintenance driving, meaning that staff can expect at least 3 to 4 years more year's of usage from the current van with routine maintenance. Even if only three year's of usage is obtained, purchasing the current van would result in an average annual cost of $5000 per year, a much better value than leasing. It should also be pointed out that the current van has been retrofitted with shelving and a safety panel that were customized for the configurations of the 8M Savana. The safety panel cannot be transferred to another model and the shelving would require modifications given that cargo dimensions are slightly different with each manufacturer. The library's operating budget currently allocates $13,000 per year towards the cost of the van lease, maintenance and repairs. If Council endorses purchasing the current van out of the County's vehicle replacement reserve, this line in the library's operating budget will be reduced to help off-set the purchase of future County vehicles. Option 2 (Ieasino a new vehicle over a three-year term) and Option 3 (Ieasino a new vehicle and payino the three-year lease up-front) The pricing difference between Option (2) and (3) from St. Thomas Ford Lincoln Sales is: Net Leased Vehicle Amount $ 21,897.00 (includes taxes) One time payment $ 20,615.04 (includes taxes) Actual Savings of $ 1,281.96 The County currently earns approximately 2.35 % on cash deposits. St. Thomas Ford Lincoln Sales financing cost of the three-year monthly payment lease is quoted as 11.75% and the financing cost for paying the three-year lease up front is 9.50%. The buyout (residual) value at the end of the 36 month lease will be $10,892.97 plus taxes, plus safety and emissions certificates and administration fees. Although the County has preferred leasing in the past, the lack of bids received is a clear indication of a larger trend in the industry away from leasing. Leasing may no longer represent the best value for taxpayers given the absence of a competitive environment. In any case, annual costs over a three year period would average approximately $7000 without any equity in the vehicle at the end of this period. * Note: The lease program quoted above may change prior to delivery of the vehicle. The lease rate quoted is subject to interest rates, residual and program changes. Option 4 (purchasinQ a new vehicle) The purchase price for a 2009 Ford E250 is $27,235 (inclusive of taxes). In light of the lack of competition for leasing options, Council may wish to give consideration to purchasing an entirely new vehicle if purchasing the current van is not pursued. Although only one bid was received for this option, staff are satisfied that the price is competitive. Reasonably, staff can expect to receive six years of usage from this vehicle, amounting to an annual cost of approximately $4500 per year. While the annual costs over a six year period seem lowest compared to the options of buying the current vehicle of leasing, staff do not recommend that this option be pursued given that a new van would also need to retro-fiUed to serve the library's purposes, costs for which could be as much as $1200 in total, meaning that this option is not cheaper an annual basis than buying the current van. CONCLUSION: The existing lease on the GM Savana Van will expire on December 20, 2008 and the use of a vehicle is required to transport books between the library branches. Quotations were circulated as per the County's Procurement Policy and sent to all eight new vehicle dealers in Elgin County. The County of Elgin received one response. Staff are recommending that the library's current van be purchased once the lease expires as it has served the library well and will continue to do so for three or more years. As a departure point, Council should be aware that the previous two times a Request for Quotation for new vehicles was issued, the County received only 2 responses. The vehicle in Engineering Services will need to be replaced in 2009. In the past car dealers were invited to bid. In the future, to ensure a fair competitive bid process, new vehicle dealers from outside Elgin County may be approached to provide a quote. RECOMMENDATION: THAT, the leased 2006 GM Savana be purchased for the buyout residual price of $14,144.11 inclusive of taxes plus other applicable charges related to the purchase of the vehicle with funds allocated from the Capital - Vehicle Replacement fund. Respectfully Submitted ike18Q Director of Community & Cultural Services ~Dro ~ro,~~ Sonia Beavers Purchasing Co-Ordinator Mark . Me Chief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services DATE: September 29, 2008 SUBJECT: Horticultural Society Plaque at Rodney Library CORPORATE GOAL/S} REFERENCED: To promote cultural services; To forge community partnerships. INTRODUCTION: The Rodney & District Horticultural Society wishes to install a plaque in the Rodney Library to commemorate deceased donors to the society. This report recommends that County Council authorize the plaque's installation. DISCUSSION: The Rodney & District Horticultural Society wishes to install a plaque to recognize deceased donors to the society. The society has been a long-standing partner of the library over the years and its members volunteer their time to provide landscaping services in front of the building. Staff support the installation of such a plaque at the society's expense. The Municipality of West Elgin also approves as the building's owner. A mutually agreeable location has already been chosen inside the library. The society will pay for all expenses relating to the plaque's installation. CONCLUSION: This report recommends that the Rodney & District Horticultural Society be authorized to install a commemorative plaque inside the Rodney Library. RECOMMENDATION: THAT permission be granted to the Rodney & District Horticultural Society to install a commemorative plaque inside the Rodne 0-i1mlfY. Respectfully Submitte MarkG. Chief Administrative Officer Brian Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services DATE: October 3rd, 2008 SUBJECT: Surplus Furniture at Land Registry Office CORPORATE GOAL(SI REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability; To promote cultural services. INTRODUCTION: The Elgin County Land Registry office will be vacating its offices on Gladstone Avenue in St. Thomas by the end of 2008. The report informs Council about the status of County owned assets within the office. DISCUSSION: The Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is in the process of moving the Elgin County Land Registry Office to new quarters at 1010 Talbot Street in St. Thomas, thereby vacating their current offices adjacent to the Elgin County Courthouse. The relocation will take place by the end of 2008. Council may be aware that the County owns furniture and equipment at the office as a result of an agreement established with the province when the function was formally divested from the County. Staff have been working with the Registrar to take account of these assets and to determine if they are of use to the County or the province on an on-going basis. Staff have identified certain furnishings that should be retained by the County, including an antique desk and a wooden storage cabinet. Almost all other materials are being claimed by the province for use in the office's new quarters or can be declared surplus. It is understood that once the offices are fully vacated, the County will then release the province from any future claims to furnishing and equipment associated with the Elgin County Land Registry Office. Council should be aware that the County still has significant assets at the Elgin County Courthouse and these are unaffected by this transaction. CONCLUSION: The Elgin County Land Registry Office is moving to new quarters. This report recommends that the County claim furnishings and other equipment of on-going interest to the County and that all other materials be offered to the Province of Ontario or be declared surplus. RECOMMENDATION: THAT any furniture and assets belonging to the County of Elgin at the Elgin County Land Registry Office in St. Thomas of on-going or historic value to the County be claimed by the end of 2008; AND THAT all other assets be offered to the Province of Ontario or be declared surplus by the end of 2008; AND THAT the Province of Ontario be released from any further claims by the County to furniture and equipment at the Registry Office effective January 1, 2009. ~';:ged dan Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services ubmission MarR-G>M@onald Chief AdminlSrrative-e REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services DATE: September 15th, 2008 SUBJECT: New Signage In Front Of Administration Building CORPORATE GOAL/S) REFERENCED: To promote cultural services; To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement; To forge community partnerships. INTRODUCTION: This report recommends that signage with a digital message board be installed in front of the Elgin County Administration Building that incorporates the County's new logo to promote County events and services. DISCUSSION: Staff recommend that new signage be installed in front of the Elgin County Administration Building that incorporates the County's new logo and brand statement. The sign would also incorporate a digital message board to relay information about programs and events taking place in the building, including those taking place at the Elgin County Museum. Staff have received feedback that more prominent signage is required for the museum for motorists along Sunset Road. New signage would achieve this goal while at the same time better promoting the County's new brand and all other County services. Staff recommend that the sign be located in the vicinity of The Municipality of Central Elgin's 10th anniversary garden at the north end of the property adjacent to Sunset Road. It would be installed in such a way as to compliment the garden without affecting its visual appeal. The sign's estimated dimensions are 11 feet high by eight feet wide, a suitable size to incorporate a message board big enough that could be read by passing motorists within a few seconds. Staff recommend that Ministry of Culture grant funds currently in the budget of the Elgin County Library be used to cover all expenses associated with the sign's installation, the cost of which is estimated to be between $25,000 and $30,000. No additional funds are required to proceed. CONCLUSION: This report recommends that new signage be installed in front of the Elgin County Administration Building adjacent to Sunset Road. RECOMMENDATION: THAT promotional signage with a digital display board be installed in front of the Elgin County Administration Building adjacent to Sunset Drive that incorporate the County's new brand; AND THAT funds be drawn from the operating budget of the Elgin County Library to an upset limit of $30,000 and in accordance with the County's purchasing policy. ~ Brian Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services Approved for 's . Respectfully Sub Mark . 6Qon Chief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters/ Director of Engineering Services DATE: October 1/ 2008 SUBJECT: Request to Establish a Community Safety Zone - New Sarum School CORPORATE GOALS To build and maintain an efficient/ affordable/ effective and safe transportation network that accommodates the diverse needs of our communities and is able to support economic development and sustainable growth. To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement. INTRODUCTION The County of Elgin has received a resolution (attached) from the Municipality of Central Elgin/ to establish a Community Safety Zone (CSZ) on County Road #74 (Belmont Road) within the Hamlet of New Sarum at the New Sarum school. DISCUSSION The purpose of Community Safety Zones (CSZs) are to change the behaviours of drivers in a specific area through active enforcement where a documented need exists. CSZs are not intended to be permanent installations and permanent solutions (such as reducing the speed limit or eliminating hazards) should be implemented if driver behaviours do not change. Studies also show that CSZs with active police enforcement have no further influence over driver behaviour as compared to police enforcement alone. The County has a policy to determine if areas warrant the installation of a Community Safety Zone and is as follows: In order for the establishment of a Community Safety Zone the area must comply with 3 out of 4 of the following criteria: . Minimum traffic volume of 2,500 vehicles per day. . High truck traffic (>5%). . High volume of children / seniors crossing the road or walking on the shoulder of the road where sidewalks are not present (school or seniors home near or within area). . Poor sight distance for the posted speed limit. That regardless of this policy, Council may elect to grant requests received by local municipal councils at any time so long as all costs are borne by the requesting municipality. This section of Belmont Road complies with only 2 of the 4 policy criteria (MDT of 2650 and the truck percentage 6.07%). Anecdotal evidence suggests that, for the high volume of children and seniors walking on the shoulder where sidewalks, are not present and sight distance do not meet the policy criteria, therefore, the existing conditions on Belmont Road in front of the New Sarum School do not automatically warrant a Community Safety Zone using the policy requirements. The policy also states that Council may elect to grant requests received by local municipal councils at any time so long as all costs are borne by the requesting municipality, regardless of the policy. All school areas are places where public safety is of special concern and that criteria alone should not persuade Council's decision to establish a CSZ at this location. In order to address safety concerns, all County roads adjacent to school areas (including this location at the New Sarum School) have school zone signs erected as per the Ontario Traffic Manual to warn motorists of the presence of a school zone and the speeds are reduced to 50 kmph. CONCLUSION A requirement for a CSZ is a "demonstrated need that public safety is of special concern". A policy has been established by Council to determine where CSZ's are warranted so that damages to persons or public property do not have to occur prior to their establishment. CSZ's are also not intended to be permanent installations. Their purpose is to change driver behaviours in an area (along with active police enforcement) and then be removed once the specific behaviours that initiated the CSZ are modified and other permanent solutions are implemented to address the "safety concern". The County has consistently installed school zone signage and reduced speed limits to 50km/h at all schools adjacent to County roads to address safety concerns near schools. The resolution supporting a CSZ in New Sarum from the Municipality of Central Elgin does not automatically satisfy the policy criteria, and is therefore not recommended by staff. A CSZ installation at the New Sarum School may prompt all schools to request similar treatment. Regardless, Council may elect to grant the request from the Municipality of Central Elgin with all costs being borne by the municipality. RECOMMENDATION THAT the request for the establishment of a Community Safety Zone in New Sarum School area from the Municipality of Central Elgin be denied for the reasons of not meeting the County's warrant policy criteria. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED Qt}tJ vdw Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services Mark ElElrlaLd, Chief Administrative Officer The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive, 1 st Floor, St. Thomas, Ontario NSR 5Vl P: 519.631.4860 F: 519.631.403t September 23rd, 2008 Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive Sl. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. Watters: Re: New Sarum Community Safety Zone Please be advised that Council discussed the above noted matter at their meeting dated Monday, September 22nd, 2008 and the following resolution was passed: THAT: The Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin is agreeable to paying the cost of installing community safety zone signs on Belmont Road in New Sarum subject to the County of Elgin formally approving the community safety zone. CARRIED. If you have any questions with respect to this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the municipal office. Yours truly, ~X~ Dianne Wilson Deputy Clerk c.c. G. Reu, Councillor L. Perrin, Director of Physical Services RECEIVED SEP 2 5 2008 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Linda B. Veger, Director of Financial Services DATE: September 25, 2008 SUBJECT: Budget Comparison - August 31, 2008 Corporate Goal Referenced: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. Introduction: Attached is the budget comparison to August 31, 2008 for the County operating departments. Discussion: The departmental totals are reasonable for the eighth month of the year. Negative trends are not apparent. Financial Services - (10,399) - advertising for the Treasurer's position. Overall the three Homes are in a positive position. A number of positive variances occur in the departments within each of the Homes leading to overall positive variances at August 31. Library - 132,839 - the provincial grant has been received 116,739. Provincial Offences - the first payments have been made to the municipalities in July. Ambulance Services - Payments to the contractor are under budget leading to lower than expected revenues from St. Thomas. The up-staffing approved with the 2008 budget took place on August 31, 2008. Collections - payments have been made to the municipalities in July. Economic Development - (12,210) - grant monies to be received shortly. City of St. Thomas - (not included on the budget comparison) - three programs that we share with the City of St. Thomas, Ontario Works, Child Care, and Social Housing, are over budget by approximately $261,687 to August 31, 2008. All indications are that this trend will continue. Recommendation: THAT the report titled Budget Comparison - August 31, 2008 and dated September 26, 2008 be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted A~ro ed for Submission r!t~'AJ~ Linda B. Veger Director of Financial Services MarK. onald Chief Administrative Officer COUNTY OF ELGIN Departmental Budget Comparisons For The 8 Periods Ending August 31, 2008 Total YTD YTD Variance %OF Budget Budget Actual 0 Budget Warden & Council Wages 197,980 131,987 131,447 540 Benefits 38,900 25,933 5,394 20,539 Operations 74,275 55,250 49,596 5,654 Total 311,155 213,170 186,438 26,732 59.92% Administrative Services Wages 286,923 187,648 187,099 549 Benefits 70,519 46,119 43,715 2,405 Operations 16,300 10,867 10,077 790 Total 373,742 244,634 240,890 3,744 64.45% Financial Services Wages 336,733 220,223 219,974 249 Benefits 79,754 52,159 53,384 (1,225) Operations 17,332 11,555 20,978 (9,423) Total 433,819 283,937 294,336 (10,399) 67.85% Human Resources Wages 338,486 221,370 214,606 6,764 Benefits 82,445 53,944 46,963 6,982 Operations 17,800 11,867 9,489 2,377 Total 438,731 287,181 271,059 16,122 61.78% Administration Building Wages 202,630 132,520 128,845 3,675 Benefits 48,848 31,947 30,472 1,475 Operations 123,280 82,187 47,393 34,794 Total 374,758 246,653 206,710 39,943 55.16% Corporate Expenditures Insurance 259,000 242,511 221,990 20,521 Telephone 35,000 23,333 24,363 (1,030) Legal & Professional 162,000 108,000 100,638 7,362 Retiree Benefits 18,000 12,000 10,992 1,008 Other Expenditures 90,675 60,450 38,869 21,581 Total 564,675 446,295 396,852 49,443 70.28% Engineering Wages 274,910 179,791 187,356 (7,565) Benefits 62,633 40,962 42,940 (1,978) Operations 68,800 45,867 13,351 32,515 Maintenance 2,645,542 1,340,271 1,315,121 25,150 Total 3,051,885 1,606,891 1,558,769 48,122 51.08% Agriculture Fees Revenue 0 0 (624) 624 Operations 34,500 17,350 8,489 8,861 Total 34,500 17,350 7,865 9,485 22.80% Elgin Manor Revenues (4,793,451) (3,195,634) (3,208,200) 12,566 Wages 4,385,801 2,868,314 2,814,081 54,233 Benefits 1,185,466 775,295 714,238 61,056 Operations 1,009,930 673,287 594,203 79,084 Total 1,787,746 1,121,261 914,322 206,939 51.14% Terrace Lodge Revenues (5,396,941 ) (3,597,961 ) (3,618,746) 20,785 Wages 4,582,460 2,996,929 3,062,801 (65,872) Benefits 1,121,433 733,417 775,363 (41,946) Operations 1,136,675 757,784 571,229 186,555 Total 1,443,627 890,169 790,647 99,522 54.77% Bobier Villa Revenues (3,025,137) (2,016,758) ( 1,986,263) (30,495) Wages 3,103,499 2,029,688 2,046,078 (16,390) Benefits 722,396 472,447 479,949 (7,502) Operations 749,653 499,769 343,243 156,526 Total 1,550,411 985,146 883,007 102,139 56.95% Museum Wages 102,025 66,775 76,045 (9,270) Benefits 24,836 16,243 17,142 (899) Operations 25,300 16,867 2,454 14,413 Total 152,161 99,885 95,641 4,244 62.85% Library Wages 1,209,766 791,187 796,458 (5,271) Benefits 318,300 208,168 193,822 14,346 Collections 245,000 163,333 171,133 (7,799) Operations 246,247 164,165 32,602 131,563 Total 2,019,313 1,326,853 1,194,015 132,839 59.13% Archives Wages 97,316 63,645 82,293 (18,648) Benefits 24,602 16,090 17,635 (1,546) Operations 51,800 34,533 11,739 22,794 Total 173,718 114,268 111,668 2,600 64.28% Land Division Wages 56,464 37,125 33,763 3,362 Benefits 10,260 6,718 6,556 162 Operations (63,000) (42,000) (45,873) 3,873 Total 3,724 1,843 (5,554) 7,397 (149.14%) Emergency Measures Wages 5,460 3,571 3,571 0 Benefits 1,420 929 929 0 Operations 9,000 6,000 2,811 3,189 Total 15,880 10,500 7,310 3,189 46.03% Information Technologies Wages 209,365 136,925 138,496 (1,571) Benefits 53,938 35,275 34,144 1,131 Operations 317,700 211,800 143,255 68,545 Total 581,003 384,000 315,896 68,104 54.37% Provincial Offences Grant (78,590) (52,393) 0 (52,393) Fines Revenues (850,000) (566,667) (564,084) (2,583) Shared Revenues - Municipal 494,799 247,400 291,893 (44,494) Wages 159,687 104,435 108,577 (4,141) Benefits 38,632 25,265 27,469 (2,204) Operations 213,175 142,117 98,515 43,602 Total (22,297) (99,843) (37,630) (62,213) 168.77% Ambulance Services Province of Ontario (3,551,002) (2,367,335) (2,406,484 ) 39,149 City of SI. Thomas (1,433,802) (955,868) (878,087) (77,781) Contractor Payments 6,940,053 4,626,702 4,455,293 171,409 Wages 70,592 46,167 46,516 (348) Benefits 17,549 11,477 11,323 154 Operations 35,300 23,533 16,743 6,790 Total 2,078,690 1,384,677 1,245,304 139,373 59.91% Collections Revenue (461,175) (307,450) (237,792) (69,658) Shared Revenues - Municipal 262,652 175,101 79,930 95,171 Wages 0 0 0 0 Benefits 0 0 0 0 Operations 180,475 120,317 71,973 48,344 Total (18,048) (12,032) (85,889) 73,857 475.89% Tourism Grants (82,791) (55,194) (47,232) (7,962) Wages 60,281 39,424 51,976 (12,552) Benefits 13,680 8,947 7,117 1,829 Operations 119,395 79,597 46,207 33,390 Total 110,565 72,773 58,068 14,705 52.52% Economic Development Grants (20,000) (13,333) 0 (13,333) Wages 82,519 53,967 53,113 855 Benefits 20,524 13,423 13,107 315 Operations 174,300 116,200 116,247 (47) Total 257,343 170,257 182,467 (12,210) 70.90% REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Linda B. Veger, Director of Financial Services DATE: October 2, 2008 SUBJECT: Reserve Policy CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability. INTRODUCTION: In March Council approved the following: THAT staff be directed to develop a reserve policy to be presented to Council later in the year. In order to prepare this policy staff must first determine the reserves that are considered designated or undesignated: A designated or reserved reserve is a fund whose use has been designated by Council - as example the Road Maintenance Reserve. An undesignated reserve or unreserved reserve is a fund that is available for spending - as example the Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve. DISCUSSION: Healthy reserve balances can provide flexibility for Council to meet financial obligations that were not anticipated during the budget process. It also provides cash flow that negates the use of bank financing thereby saving the County financing costs and providing investment income. Examples of how this reserve has been utilized: a) to cover the shortfall in the budget for the Zoll defibrillators ($100,000) and b) to cover the unexpected additional expenditures for the third floor renovations ($50,000). The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) suggests a minimum unreserved fund balance of no less than five to fifteen percent of regular operating revenues with most municipalities choosing 10%. The County's 2008 budgeted operating revenues total $41,962,438 and therefore 10% equates to $4,196,244. The operating revenues are determined as follows: 2008 total budaet $49,429,016 Less: Capital 6,550,328 Less: Amounts set aside as reserves 916,250 2008 operatinq revenues 10% $41,962,438 $4,196,244 Staff is recommending that the following reserves are undesignated and should be consolidated into the Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve which is considered an undesignated reserve. Reserve Mill Rate Stabilization Reserves Tourism Reserves Ambulance Severance Total (as of October 2,2008) $1,397,855 36,000 209,858 $1,643,713 The shortfall between actual and the calculation is $2,552,531. This is a significant shortfall. In order to narrow the gap, Council may consider increasing the annual budget for the Mill Rate Stabilization reserve to a minimum of $200,000 plus reserve the first $250,000 of any annual operating surplus until such time as the balance reaches the 10% minimum. CONCLUSION: There is a significant shortfall between the actual undesignated reserve balance and the recommended 10% of operating revenues. Staff recommends increasing the annual Mill Rate Stabilization budget along with setting aside a portion of any annual operational surplus until such time as the target is achieved. RECOMMENDATION: WHEREAS, Council acknowledges that an adequate undesignated reserve balance is essential in maintaining the County's strong financial standing, and; WHEREAS, should the County move into a borrowing or debenture situation, a healthy undesignated reserve balance provides evidence to bond rating agencies of financial stability and credit worthiness, and; WHEREAS, an undesignated reserve balance can provide for capital expenditures, unanticipated emergency expenses, revenue shortfalls, and one-time expenditures; NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved that the following be adopted: 1. That an amount equal to at least 10% of operating revenues be established as a minimum undesignated reserve balance. 2. That annually, until such time as the undesignated reserve balance is equal to 10% of operating revenues, no less than $200,000 be budgeted for the Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve. 3. That, in the event of an operating surplus and until such time as the 10% target is met, as a minimum the first $250,000 of the surplus be set aside in the Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve. 4. That Council may determine to expend or reserve amounts greater than that listed above based on the immediate or long-term needs of the County. or~~.J~ Linda B. Veger Director of Financial Services u mission Respectfully Submitted Mark . G nald Chief Administrative Officer OJ o o N N ~ Q) -" o C~ ,- " .2'0 W, '0 ~ .2;>2: C Q) ::l </) o Q) 00:: € '" </) 0.. </) "0 </)"0 "0 C '" C ::l E.2 Q) - ~ "0 XOl '" C Q) - C Ol ~ "',- '" ::l"" 'iij C C ~ Q) 0 cO 0 o. . . <($ '" "0 OJ Q> '" 1: LO Q> OJ </) r-: e '" c "'. :J ~ Ol C '6 C ::l - ,S; C ,Q tl:: C.f) -1:52 ~E~.g~ ._ I- c. Q} <... o U~COI-[IJ +-' :::1"'00 ro >. 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Peter Hume, AMO President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, thanking the membership for their support, outlining some issues the Association will be working on in the coming year and with a copy of the 2007 Annual Report. (ATTACHED) (report available upon request) 2. R. Millard, C.A.O.lClerk, Township of Malahide, with copy of correspondence to the Ministry of the Environment concerning the Imperial Tobacco Waste Disposal Application for soil washing within the Town of Aylmer. (ATTACHED) 3. Hon. Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario; M. Bredeson, Executive Correspondence Officer, Office of the Prime Minister; acknowledging Council's resolution concerning the protection of Canada's water resources. (ATTACHED) 4. Thank card from Councillor Jim Mcintyre's family. (ATTACHED) 5. Central Community Health Centre, announcing a Community Forum to be held at the St. Thomas Seniors' Centre on November 5th, 1-4 pm or 6-9 pm. (ATTACHED) .6at1te Association of Municlpalllies of Ontario Association of Municipalities of Ontario OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT RECEIVED September 23, 2008 SEP 2 9 2008 Members of Council COUNTY OF ELGIN. The Association has emerged from yet another succ~PJmj~%'YMl~~k%~~VI9~ant to take this opportunity to share with you a number of thi[1gs. First - a thank you to the membership for bestowing upon me the privilege of becoming your President. During the 12 years that I've been a member of the Board, I have watched the . Association grow and become a very influential organization. With your support, we will continue to do even more - always focused on our advocacy work and development of services. I have enclosed a copy of the 2007 Annual Report. It provides a synopsis of the Association's activities for the last year, and an outline of our products that can mean a difference in stretching your revenue and reducing your costs. I urge you to read it. I want to acknowledge Doug Reycraft's devoted leadership as president for the hist two years. If you were not in attendance at the August annual conference, you may not be aware that I have asked Doug to continue to lead the AMO elected representatives at the Provincial- Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review Table. The final stage of this project requires continuity. I also want to acknowledge the time and effort of my colleagues on that team as well as the contribution of AMO staff and municipal staff, who have undertaken research, worked to build and analyze data, and brought forward ideas for good public policy and good fiscal policy. . We know that the financial situation for the province has changed this year, and that the Province's surplus for the 2007-8 fiscal year is unlikely to be repeated next year. The $1.1 billion of the 2007-8 surplus that is being provided by the Province for municipal capital investment in infrastructure is significant. While we have a long way to go to eliminate the municipal infrastructure deficit, we continue to make progress. AMO, along with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and other provincial and territorial associations, are working to see that municipal priorities are considered during the federal election period.. And we will be there afterward, promoting the municipal orderof government and the needs of their communities. I encourage you to press your local candidates on the municipal priorities. I refer you to AMO's Federal Election Alerts which set out these priorities, including the need for fairness for Ontario. There is no justification for Ontario to receive less than a fair sphere of provincial/territorial allocations for national programs or for the federal Employment Insurance rules that short-change Ontario workers. There are a number of new and emerging. issues that the Association is working on including economic development, climate change, Hydro One OEB rate applications, aboriginal relations .../2 200 University Ave., Suite 801 Toronto ON M5H 3C6 Canada I E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca. ~ 1 www.amo.on.caTel: (416) 971-98561 Fax: (416) 971-61911 Toil-free in Ontario: 1-877-426-6527 n 2 and a submission to the Premier's Propane Review Expert Panel to name a few. We continue to advance our policy work on immigration and our integrated waste strategy which the Province has begun to implement with LeBO deposit return, and 100% producer responsibility for electronic waste ar:4 special waste. We are also pressing hard for a national housing strategy and we continue tei. advocate for the predictable, stable infrastruoture funding municipalities need to keep or communities, our province and our country strong and competitive. . i- :'-. With your involvement and local support on these and other issues, I know that we can continue to make a difference for the better for our communities. I look to working with you as AMO continues to champion municipal governments of types and all sizes in every part of Ontario. ~~ Peter Hume AMO President 200 University Ave., Suite 801. Toronto ON M5H 3C6 Canada 1 E-mail: amo@amo.on.calif.W 1 www.amo.on.ca Tel: (416) 971-98561 Fax: (416) 971-61911 Toll-free in Ontario: 1-877-426-6527 n ~9/19/2008 FRI 14:43 ~ John Street South, Aylmer, Ontario N5H 2C3 Telephon.: 519.773..5344 Fox: 519-773..5334 www.townsnlp.malahtde.on.ca FAX 519 773 5334 TWP OF MALAHIOE ~~~ County of Elgin ~OOl/001 A proud tradition, a bright future. MALAiiS.H.II September 19,2008. Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, Floor 12A, 2 St. Clair Ave., West, TORONTO, Ontario M5V IL5 Attention: Margaret Wojcik, P. Eng. Senior Waste Engineer Dear Ms. Wojcik: RE: Imperial Tobacco - Waste Disposal Application. Malahide Township Council met on September 18,2008, and passed the following Resolution: THAT Malahide Township Council support the letter of the Cpunty of Elgin to the Ministry of Environment sent September 17, 200S,regarding their concerns of the issuing of a waste disposal application for soil washing to Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd., on Lot 82, Part 2, Reference Plan HR, within the Town of Aylmer. . THAT the Corporation also has concerns regarding water demands, storage and removal of both the contaminated material and materials to be removed and storage and removal of the wash. AND THAT upon receipt of the information requested Malahide Township Council would then provide further comments. We look forward to receipt of ftuther information with respect to this matter. Yours very truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE tJ~ R. MILLARD, C.A.O./CLERK V Copy - County of Elgin Town of Aylmer \\malahidets.local\usersfiles$\diana\diana's files\Randy 2008\moe - imperial- waste disposal- sept 19,doc RANDALL R. MILLARD SUSAN E. WILSON C.A.O./Clerk Treasurer treosurer@lownship.moJohide,on.ca Rece ived Time Sep, 19, 2008 2:42PM No, 1329 The Premier of Ontario Le Premier ministre de l'Ontario til .......' Ontario Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1 Edifice de l'Assemblee legislative Queen's Park Toronto (Ontario) M7A1A1 September 30, 2008 R"""Ii"'<''''''''~~ RP"D ~~';( ?~"-::$S;:-i t1ft ;P'l . Q - j ,} (<,J '.. - tll~~1~ ''...,,::: k:,,-., ~'J \" h:-.',-'l',,, Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl OCT ~ 6 2008 COUNTY OF ELGIN ADMINISTRA liVE SERVICES Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter of September 9 providing me with a copy of council's resolution regarding protecting Canada's water resources. I appreciate your keeping me informed of council's activities. I note that you have sent a copy of council's resolution to my colleague the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment. I trust that the minister will also take council's views into consideration. Thank you again for the information. Yours truly, ~ Dalton McGuinty Premier c: The Honourable John Gerretsen @ Office of the Prime Minister Cabinet du Premier ministre Ottawa, Canada K1A 0/'2. October 1, 2008 RE"(':'''W''""\''-D '.o,W -tf."'-II ~ J.J ~~~ "i'i' (~ e >,l .~_..~,~ '",;-G' j0-:g If. ,_, l!7,,,", '.... Mrs. Sandra J. Heffi"en Manager of Administrative Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. llhomas, Ontario N5R 5VI OCT ~ 7 2008 COUNTY OF ELGIN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Dear Mrs. Heffi-en: On behalf of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence of September 9, with which you enclosed a copy of a resolution of the 1l0wnship of Galway-Cavendish and Harvey, as endorsed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, regarding the protection of Canada's water resources. You may be assured that the views expressed in the resolution have been carefully reviewed. As a copy of your correspondence has already been sent to the Honourable John Baird, Minister of the Environment, I am certain that he will have appreciated receiving this information. I have directed a further copy to the Honourable David Emerson, Minister of Foreign Affairs, for his information and consideration. llhank you for writing to the Prime Minister. Yours sincerely, }VI. 15iu~1J M. Bredeson Executive Con'espondence Officer Canada , " , , " , , ~~, ", , , ~> "<:, ,. , " , ~ '~ , '~ ~ ~, '~s.d ~. . !;' tt- t ~. : ~~i ~; -o:J r ~ ~ \ ~~ ~~ 1~ ~i' (J ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ . ~ t 1 Community Forum Are you a community member, someone who is concerned about healthcare services, healthcare provider, member of a social service organization, faith community, professional association, municipal government official, concerned citizen, volunteer, parent, senior, teenager, or a caregiver? This is your chance to learn more about what a community health centre (CHC) can offer, and for you to participate in planning the services to be offered by our CHC. Everyone is welcome and your input is strongly encouragedl RSVP: info@centraICHC.ca or call 519-633-5200 ext 224 There is no cost to attend but we ask that you call or email to confirm attendance to allow us to adequately prepare and accommodate. Let us know which session (afternoon or evening) you will be attending. Special needs, concerns or questions? Please give us a call or send us an email. Ontario's Community Health Centres What are CHCs and AHACs? Community Health Centres (CHCs) Community health centres are not-for-profit, community-governed organizations that provide primary health care, health promotion and community development services, delivered by inter-disciplinary teams working in collaborative practice. These teams may include physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, dieticians, health promoters, counsellors, community mental health outreach workers, social workers, physiotherapists, Aboriginal traditional healers, and, Increasingly, oral health practitioners, who are paid a salary, rather than through a fee-for-service system. Community Health Centres are governed by Incorporated not-for-profit community boards made up of members of the community and representatives of partner organizations. Community governance ensures that the health of a community is enhanced by providing leadership that is reflective of its diverse communities. Community boards and committees provide a mechanism for Centres to be responsive to the needs of their respective communities, and for communities to develop a sense of ownership over "their" Centres. Services are designed to meet the specific needs of a defined community. In addition, CHCs provide a variety of health promotion and illness prevention services which focus on addressing and raising awareness of the broader determinants of health such as employment and working condllions, physical ability, education, environment, isolation, racialization, sexual orientation, social support, income and housing. CHC care demonstrates the CHC sector's commitment to anti-oppression in all its forms (see AOHC's Report of the Anti-oppression Working Group, 2007). CHCs have been in existence in Canada since the 1920s; today, there are over 300 CHCs across Canada. In Ontario, an announcement by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in 2005 will increase the number of communities and neighbourhoods benefiting from CHC's unique model of care to 117. This includes services offered by CHCs, Aboriginal Health Access Centres (see below) and francophone Centres de sante communautaire. CHCs prioritize and focus their programs and services on priority populations: those who have difficulties accessing a full range of appropriate primary health-care services. Some examples of priority populations are members of linguistic or cultural groups, individuals who live in remote under-serviced communities, individuals with low incomes, individuals who are newly-arrived to Canada, individuals who are homeless, at-risk youth and the elderly. CHCs provide accessible primary healthcare services in northern and rural communities, in communities where many people have a high risk of ill health or to individuals and families with significant access issues, such as their race, ethnicity, or mother tongue. While focusing on priority populations, CHCs also serve everyone in a community through programs and initiatives which develop individual and community capacity, empowerment and well-being. Community Health Centres are an integral part of the provincial healthcare system. Individual CHCs playa significant role in the provision of essential services in many communities, and are often the main delivery of community-based health services. CHCs strive to ensure seamless care across the continuum of services and throughout an individual's life span by acting as hubs for information, education for self-care, coordination of and integration with services across the health and social service spectrum. Through community governance, personal development groups, advocacy and community initiatives, CHCs promote both Individual and community ownership of health and well-being. Rellised Jllb', 2008 Aboriginal Health Access Centres (AHAC) Aboriginal Health Access Centres were created as part of the Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy, an initiative to improve access to appropriate primary health care for First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples, both on and off reserve. Currently there are ten AHACs in Ontario of which the majority are in the north. AHACs offer culturally appropriate care that complements Western medical approaches through interdisciplinary teams that also include practitioners such as traditional healers, elders, grandmothers and midwives. Range of Programs at CHCs and AHACs Primary Care Health Assessment Clinical evidenced-based illness prevention and health promotion Interventions for acute and episodic illness or injury. Primary reproductive care Early detection of initial and ongoing treatment of chronic illness Care for the majority of illnesses (in conjunction with specialists as needed) Education and support for self-care Support for care in hospital, home and long-term care facilities Arrangements for 24-hour/7 -day a week response Service co-ordination and referral Maintenance of a comprehensive medical record for each client in the centre Primary mental health care including psycho-social counselling Coordination and access to rehabilitation Support for people with a terminal illness Health Promotion and Community Capacity Building Asthma health promotion Smoking cessation Nutrition workshops Diabetes education Housing security and homelessness Food security Access to employment Supports to immigrants and refugees Parenting support groups Farm safety Breast feeding support Childbirth preparation Bike safety Seniors drop-in Senior recreations Stress management Anger management Self-esteem Violence prevention Community justice conflict resolution Community kitchen, gardens ESL preparation Multi-lingual programming on a variety of topics Youth programs Women's support group School snack program CLOSED MEETING AGENDA October 21. 2008 Staff Reports: 1) Chief Administrative Officer - Contract Negotiations for Waste Management Other Business: 1) Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; Annual Performance Evaluation of Chief Administrative Officer (under separate cover) Administrative Services Department Administration Building 450 Sunset Drive, SL Thomas, Ontario, N5R 5V1 Phone: (519) 631-1460 Ex!. 156 Fax: (519) 633-7661 County of Elgin www.elgin-county.on.ca Fax To: Fax: Phone: Re: Warden Hofhuis and County Councillors Call Group From: Mark G. McDonald mmcdonald@elgin-county.on.ca October 17, 2008 including cover sheet Additional Items for Council Agenda of October 21, 2008 Date: Pages: cc: Comments: Staff Reports: (attached) 1) Tourism Development and Marketing Coordinator, "County Tourism Progress Report" 2) Chief Administrative Officer, "Expropriation - Quaker Road at Sparta" Confidential Closed Meetin~ Reports: 1) Tree Commissioner, Municipal Act, Section 239 & 240.2(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual- Tree By-Law Violation 2) Tree Commissioner, Municipal Act, Section 239 & 240.2(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual- Tree By-Law Violation Correspondence: Items for Information (Consent A~endal: (attached) 1) Danny Brouillette, AlManager, Enabling Accessibility Fund, Office for Disability Issues, Human Resources and Social Development Canada, advising that the County's grant application for a barrier free accessibility ramp upgrade submitted under the Small Projects Enabling Accessibility Fund Program was approved for $50,000.00. THE INFORMATION IN THIS FACSIMILE IS FOR THE NAMED RECIPIENT ONLY. IT MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAw. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECENED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, OR THERE ARE PROBLEMS IN TRANSMISSION, PLEASE NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Karen Cummings, Tourism Development and Marketing Coordinator DATE: October 9,2008 SUBJECT: County Tourism Progress Report CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: . To forge community partnerships . To provide innovative and collaborative quality service . To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement INTRODUCTION: With the addition of new staff, and a new Title defining the responsibilities of the new Tourism Development and Marketing Coordinator, Elgin St. Thomas Tourism Services has embraced a renewed vision, incorporating a pro-active approach to realizing its goals of promoting and servicing tourism members, developing local tourism product, and the affective marketing and promotion of both that product and the area to be recognized as a premier destination. Additionally, the "marketing" aspect of the title allows the department to develop new priorities to increase recognition of Elgin County and St. Thomas as both desirable living and working destinations, and a unique and authentic brand to targeted audiences. Although still in the process of developing strategies to achieve these goals, Economic Development and Tourism, a function of Community and Cultural Services, has achieved a number of successes over the summer. DISCUSSION: The "Marketing" aspect of the new job description immersed Elgin St. Thomas Tourism Services staff in the development of the new economic development marketing plan including; - new Community Profiles, Municipal Profiles, Tri-fold Brochure, and website - the new Elgin County brand is available on promotional items - Brand Launch on September 11 th at GT's, resulting in front page coverage on local news publications including the St. Thomas Times Journal, the Aylmer Express and the Lake Erie Beacon. The Summer Starts Here Promotion: included a coupon with discounts at a selection of tourism partner venues initiated communications with members, and the press. Media coverage included two A Channel feature stories airing at both the news at 6 and 11 pm. Renewed motivation of tourism partners to participate in new initiatives. Media Successes: - two page spread (worth approximately $2,500) in the Summer Destination special insert (with increased circulation and summer long shelf life) of the London Free Press for an advertising investment of $190.00 articles on the Talbot Trail of Yard Sales. An upcoming article, written by staff, along with photo shoots on two homes in Elgin County will appear in Lake Erie Living Magazine next spring/summer. Virtually every press release sent from the department has garnered at least some media response. Film and Television Initiative: - attractions in Elgin County and St. Thomas have been afforded professional photos of their venues that can be used in new marketing pieces including web and print for a reasonable cost of $200.00. - a package on each location will be sent to the Ontario Media Development Corporation for inclusion in their potential film site database, which is the go-to resource for film and television producers considering shooting in Ontario. Tracking of Tourism StatisticslTourism Booths: Data was compiled from the tracking sheets completed by students in St. Thomas, Port Stanley and Port Burwell and charts and graphs were created which are easy to read and give information which will become the base point of comparisons in coming years. One of the highlights upon reviewing the statistical information was to see the inclusion of TV and Radio as the answer to the "where did you hear of Elgin County" question for the first time. Internet was added to the Caboose in St. Thomas to enable our summer students to better assist visitors. Summer Student Projects: an audit of local tourism product an extensive list of all media in southern Ontario categorized by genre. Ontario South Coast joint venture: - Through partnering with Haldimand and Norfolk, Elgin County was able to benefit from a $15,000 advertising campaign that includes radio advertising in London, Hamilton and Kitchener - as well as web banners on the weather network, and a postcard promotion into London, Ontario over a 4 week period (ending third week of October). $6,000 of those dollars were courtesy of the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation's IPPP program. arget markets in those areas are encouraged to visit www.gosouthcoast.ca where there is more information on each County and links to our individual websites. IPM 2010 The 2008 International Plowing Match in Bruce County afforded promotion of Elgin Tourism and Economic Development. Over 1,000 Visit and Tour Guides were given out and promotional assistance was lent towards promotion of the 2010 event. Plans to include the 2010 IPM event on all new Tourism Marketing materials is already underway, beginning with the new Visit and Tour Guide. Tourism Packages packaging our attractions for inclusion in web, print and joint venture advertising promotions to make sure booking an experience in Elgin County is as simple as possible. The first package, Rustic Indulgence includes an overnight stay at Pinecroft, hot rock massage in their massage cottage, golf at Tarandowah's Links course and dinner at M.E. and Suzies in Port Stanley. This package will be linked to the Great Fall Drives promotion on the Ontario Tourism website, and will appear on our website, along with both Norfolk's and Haldimand's. Many more packages will be created to target specific markets over the coming year. Ongoing and future initiatives: re-vamping of the tourism website www.elgintourist.com Tourism Development and Marketing Strategy. This thorough and focused evaluation promises to do for Tourism what the Economic Development Marketing Strategy has already done for Economic Development. The department also has plans to evaluate potential tourism development sites and actively markeUsolicit them to appropriate tourism businesses. Elgin St. Thomas Tourism Services hopes to secure a new tourism kiosk in Port Stanley, and will be actively searching for grant funds and/or new partnerships to do so for 2009. There are also plans to increase the number of summer students in 2009 to 4 in order to staff a new tourism booth at Lakeview Gardens. CONCLUSION: In the past, much of the tourism efforts have been expended on local promotion with very little focus on marketing or developing our Tourism Product. The recent Premier Ranked Tourist Destination Framework Project observed a need to further develop and promote our railway heritage, and the need for more name brand accommodations. Both the Premier Ranked project and the more recent Economic Development Marketing Strategy noted a fragmented approach to tourism across the county, a non-committal approach to and perception of tourism from many lower tier governments and the need for more partnerships and team efforts. Tourism Services' recent endeavours have been initiated with the intention of developing our product to a higher standard that will encourage overnight stays and bring in more tourism dollars. Staff also hope to solidify the tourism branding messages, and market to those who have never visited the destination (rather then spending money on those who already know the product). The department plans on taking advantage of every marketing opportunity and getting more value for the advertising dollar by "tooting our own horn" to motivate members. RECOMMENDATION: THAT this report be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted ~' . I~ 'K re C mmings ~ Tourism Developme t and M''''et~'d;" . ~ Alan mil Deputy Director of Community And Cultural Services ij,~a~ Director of Community and Cultural Services Approve uemissiQn - ') r-_/ Mar~G:"" cDonald / Chief Aaministrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. DATE: October 17, 2008 SUBJECT: Expropriation - Quaker Road at Sparta CORPORATE GOAL(S) REFERENCED: . To ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability . To forge community partnerships . To recognize and seize opportunities for improvement . To build and maintain an efficient, affordable, effective and safe transportation network that accommodates the diverse needs of our communities and is able to support economic development and sustainable growth INTRODUCTION: At its September 23fd, 2008 meeting, Council approved by resolution the application to expropriate certain lands adjacent to Quaker Road in Sparta to facilitate the replacement of the "Mill Creek Culvert". The purpose of this report is to provide an update to Council on the expropriation proceedings to date. DISCUSSION: As directed by the County Solicitor and in keeping with the procedures of the Expropriations Act, the County of Elgin has applied to itself for expropriation. In fact, the County was served the application on October 15th, 2008. Notice of Expropriation will be served upon registered owners and a notice will be placed in the St. Thomas Times-Journal shortly. Anyone with an interest in the property has 30 days from the date of first publication (expected to be on October 25th, 2008) to make an inquiry of the County of Elgin as to this expropriation and to request a hearing of necessity as to such expropriation. If a request for a hearing of necessity does not materialize, then the County may pass a by-law acknowledging the expropriation and authorizing endorsements on the Expropriation Plan. The passage of the by-law signifies the completion of the expropriation and compensation is then issued to the parties. -2- CONCLUSION: Expropriation procedures are proceeding for the properties affected by the Mill Creek culvert replacement at Sparta. RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received and filed for information purposes. All of which is respectfully submitted, Mark G. na Chief Administrative Officer. .+. Human Resources and Ressources humaines et Social Development Canada Developpement social Canada OCT 0 6 200B Mr. Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services The County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive Central Elgin, Ontario N5R 5V1 Project Number: 7159700 Project Title: Barrier Free Accessibility Ramp Upgrade Dear Mr. Watters: We are pleased to inform you that your application for a grant submitted under the Small Projects Enabling Accessibility Fund Program has been approved by the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC). Your organization will receive a total of $50,000.00 to assist you in calTying out your Small Project entitled "Barrier FreeAccessibility Ramp Upgrade". The grant will be paid in one installment after your plarmed project start date of March 15, 2009. Enclosed is a signed copy of your grant application, which now becomes the agreement between your organization and HRSDC. This document includes the objectives, activities, expected results, and the terms and conditions for the funding of your grant. Please note that the conditions of your grant funding require that you submit, within 30 days of the end of your project, a final project repOlt. You are encouraged to submit "before" and "after" photographs with your final report. A Program Officer from the Office for Disability Issues will contact you shortly to discuss possible approaches to reporting and to assist you with any concerns or questions you may have. You will be submitting the final project report to the following address: Enabling Accessibility Fund Program Office for Disability Issues 105 Hotel de Ville Bell Building, 1st Floor Gatineau, QC KIA OJ9 .../2 Canada RECEIVED OCT 1 5 2008 Should you have any questions regarding your grant or the process, please contact your Program Officer Bmno Tavares by telephone at 819-994-5878 or by email at: bmno. tavares@hrsdc-rhdsc.gc.ca In closing, I would like to wish you every success in achieving the objectives of your project. Yours sincerely D Bro . e AlManager Enabling Accessibility Fund, Office for Disability Issues Enclosure: 1