01 - March 20, 2023 Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Agenda Page 1 October 3, 2022 Corporation of the County of Elgin TERRACE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE MINUTES For Monday, October 3, 2022, 7:00 p.m. rd The Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee met this 3 day of October 2022. The meeting was held at the Masonic Centre of Elgin, 42703 Fruit Ridge Line, St. Thomas in a hybrid format with Committee members and staff participating as indicated below: Attendees: Dominique Giguère, Elgin County Councillor, Chair (in-person) Amarilis Drouillard, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich Councillor (in-person) Kay Haines, Community Member (in-person) Jim Jenkins, Community Member (virtual) Jamie Chapman, Community Member (in-person) Ruth Anne Perrin, Community Member (in-person) Staff: Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services (virtual) Tanya Noble, Manager of Program & Therapy Services (virtual) Jenna Fentie, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk (in-person) Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator (in-person) Regrets: Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial Services Christine Leonard, Administrator, Terrace Lodge Pete Barbour, Town of Aylmer Councillor Fiona Wynn, Councillor, Municipality of Central Elgin Brigette Clark-Carmichael, Community Member Richard Kisuule, Community Member 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Councillor Giguère in the Chair. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by: Ruth Anne Perrin Seconded by: Amarilis Drouillard RESOLVED THAT the agenda for the October 3, 2022 meeting of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee be approved as presented. - Motion Carried. Page 2 October 3, 2022 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Kay Haines RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on August 22, 2022 be approved. - Motion Carried. 4. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST OR THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 5. DELEGATIONS None. 6. BRIEFINGS 6.1 Donation Update Director of Financial Services Councillor Giguère briefly reviewed the report updating the Committee on the amount of funds received Moved by: Kay Haines Seconded by: Amarilis Drouillard RESOLVED THAT the report ti Director of Financial Services dated September 30, 2022 be received and filed. - Motion Carried. 7. Fundraising Strategies 7.1 Events Booth The Committee provided feedback on the events attended throughout the summer. Efficiency of coordinating logistics increased with each event and the process will be smoother next year. Committee members noted that being near the washrooms at Wallacetown Fair was beneficial due to it being a high traffic area. Having a draw, such as small toys, glitter tattoos, colouring kit, or other activities for children, and the animatronic therapy cat, were effective for starting conversations with parents. Young people showed interest as they have buy-in because they have grandparents. The booths were a good way to increase awareness of the project, especially in the western part of the county. Some people had already donated or already heard about the project. Some children had already done the colouring kits Page 3 October 3, 2022 through the libraries. Not as many events were attended as had originally been planned. Roughly half of the materials were used; the remainder can be used next year. About $350 was raised. Estimate for how much could be raised per day was accurate. There were lots of inquiries on how to get into Terrace Lodge as a resident. The Director of Homes and Seniors Services will look into providing pamphlets that could be used at the booths. The information is available on the County website and the Manager of Program & Therapy Services will work on something to add to the Fundraising website and will send a link to the Manager of Administrative Services as well as make a card with info that could be handed out. Thank you to committee members, staff (admin & Terrace Lodge), and Chair for all their work on this project. Committee members discussed participating in Christmas parades. Aylmer, Port Burwell, Springfield, Belmont, St. Thomas usually have Christmas parades. Committee members are open to the idea of doing a float, could hand out colouring kits or magnets. Recruit students to help, they can earn volunteer hours. The Chair will put this on list of potential ideas. Jim Jenkins joined virtually at 7:22 p.m. 7.2 Launch of Christmas Catalogue/Donor Recognition Event After canvassing donors for feedback, the committee decided to wait to do a pre- recorded video of the construction progress and answering questions donors may have will be made and sent out to donors via email that also includes details of the Christmas campaign. This video can also be shared with Terrace Lodge residents. The committee will preview the video at their next meeting. The next committee meeting will be a small celebration potluck, at cost of as the committee composition may change after the election. The Manager of Program & Therapy Services and the Director of Homes and Seniors Services will review the list of items to be included in the Christmas catalogue. The catalogue should be complete by November 14. 7.3 Telethon Councillor Giguère will reach out to Richard Kisuule about getting numbers Page 4 October 3, 2022 of how many subscribers Eastlink has and where they are located to help determine if a telethon would be beneficial. 8. OTHER BUSINESS 8.1 Consultants are preparing donor letter templates. 8.2. The Terrace Lodge Auxiliary group is considering donating two of three stained glass windows for the chapel. The Auxiliary group and the Manager of Program & Therapy Services will discuss to arrange for them to be able to meet at Terrace Lodge again. It is noted that the Tuck Shop is a very valuable program that is missed. Long-Term Care Homes do not yet permit visitors to take off masks for food or drink, so the Tuck Shop has not been able to operate. 9. CORRESPONDENCE None. 10. CLOSED SESSION Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Ruth Ann Perrin RESOLVED THAT we do now move into closed session in accordance with Municipal Act Section 239 (2) to discuss the following matters: In-Camera Item #1 (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees Donor Outreach Update - Motion Carried. 11. MOTION TO RISE AND REPORT Moved by: Kay Haines Seconded by: Ruth Anne Perrin RESOLVED that we do now rise and report. - Motion Carried. Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Amarilis Drouillard RESOLVED THAT the confidential report from the Manager of Administrative Services be received and filed. Page 5 October 3, 2022 - Motion Carried. 14. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee will meet again Monday, November 14 at 4:00 p.m. 15. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Jamie Chapman Seconded by: Jim Jenkins RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 8:12 p.m. - Motion Carried. _______________________________ _______________________________ Julie Gonyou, Dominique Giguère, Chief Administrative Officer. Chair. Schedule A-2 Standing Committee Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Committee TERRACE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT - FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE The following Terms of Reference describe the scope of the committee's responsibilities, the limits of authority, the results it is expected to achieve and the reporting required. PURPOSE The Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee (herein referred to as "Fundraising ring Committee (herein referred to as "Steering Committee") . Working in collaboration the Steering Committee, the purpose of the Fundraising Committee is to plan, coordinate, implement and evaluate fund development activities in support of the operational and "value added" revenue generation in support of Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project. The Fundraising Committee shall not support the capital costs associated with the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project. REPORTING/ACCOUNTABILITY The Fund Development Committee is a Sub-Committee of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project Steering Committee. The Fund Development Committee will provide reports to the Steering Committee through the distribution of the committee's minutes. MEMBERSHIP The Fundraising Committee membership includes elected officials representing the East Elgin municipalities and representatives of local service groups, local businesses and community members. Local Municipalities including: - One (1) Member of Municipality of Central Elgin; - One (1) Member of Municipality of Bayham; - One (1) Member of Township of Malahide; - One (1) Member of Town of Aylmer; - One (1) Member of Municipality of Dutton Dunwich - One (1) Member of Municipality of West Elgin; and, - One (1) Member of Township of Southwold - One (1) Elgin County Councillor - One (1) Member of the Terrace Lodge Auxiliary; - A minimum of four (4) and a maximum of ten (10) members from local service groups, local businesses, and the community that represent the catchment area; - Long-Term Care Staff including Director of Homes and Seniors Services, Terrace Lodge Administrator, and Manager of Program and Therapies TERMS Members from municipal council are appointed for the duration of their term on local Council. Community Members are appointed for a four (4) year term and shall be eligible for re-appointment. SECRETARY An employee of the County shall be the Secretary of the Committee and shall act as a resource person in a non-voting capacity. SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITIES To assist the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project Steering Committee to meet its project targets, including working with staff and volunteers to recommend goals and objectives of the fundraising initiatives: Recommend and draft a Fundraising Plan and Fundraising Target that supports and encourages community engagement with Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project both the short and long-term, for approval by the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee; Support the staff and volunteers to identify, research, solicit, foster and steward major prospect and donors so as to build a pipeline of project specific support; Assist with the development and cultivation of mutually supportive fundraising partnerships with local community groups and organizations; Monitor and evaluate progress in meeting fundraising targets and return on investment; Oversee the formation/review of policies and procedures associated with fundraising activities so that they are conducted in accordance with County of Elgin Policies; Create and recommend fundraising policies that ensure that fundraising best practices are maintained and that committee's program is donor-centric; Promote and support fundraising events/activities by attending, volunteering and/or giving monetary/in-kind assistance to the level that committee members are able; Review and recommend levels of sponsorship recognition and evaluate methods of donor recognition and stewardship opportunities so that all donations of time and money are recognized appropriately. MEETINGS Meetings will be held as necessary or an estimated 6 times per year. ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS Elgin County will administer funds and will issue tax receipts. VOTING/QUORUM The Fundraising Committee shall endeavour to operate by consensus. In case of disagreement, Committee members shall cast votes. Decision-making is limited to providing advice and recommendations. A quorum will be five (5) Members at the meeting who are entitled to vote. Members of the Fundraising Committee will attempt to advise County staff at least two days in advance if unable to attend a meeting of the Committee. If quorum cannot be met, the meeting may be cancelled and rescheduled. REVIEW An evaluation of the Fund Development Committee will be conducted from time-to-time as the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project Steering Committee deems necessary. Draft approved by County Council: January 10, 2023 2021 FUNDRAISING REPORT Contents A Message from the Campaign Chair What the Comforts of Home Campaign Means to Me Donor Photos Mission, Vision and Goals 2021 Achievements: Some Highlights Thank You To Our Generous Donors Redevelopment Construction Progress 2021 by the Numbers Seasonal ThemesOur Team Items Fully-Funded To-Date Looking Forward To 2022 Financials Become Part of the Journey A Message from the Campaign Chair Wedevelopedthemedmini-campaignsandwiththesupportof ConstructionontheTerraceLodgeRedevelopmentiswell theAylmerExpresswepromotedthesethemesinthelocal underwayandscheduledtobecompletedon-timeandon newspaper,weleveragedouronlinepresencemakingthemost budgetin2023.Itisexcitingtoseeprogressbeingmadeon ofoursocialmediaaccountsandwebsite,andfinallyweturned thislong-anticipatedproject. tothetried-and-truefundraisingtechnique:pickingupthephone. TerraceLodge(locatedintheTownshipofMalahide),hasbeen Despitetheconstantlychangingrulesaroundgathering,the operatedbytheCountyofElginsince1977.The Committeefoundwaystomaintainitsmeetingscheduleusing redevelopmentwillproduceamodernizedandreimagined virtualandhybridmethods.Iamextremelyproudofwhatwe facilitythatwillmeetthecomplexcareneedsofour100 havebeenabletoaccomplishoverthecourseof2021.Iam residents,whileprovidingthemwithalivingexperiencethatis extremelyhonouredtoleadsuchadedicated,drivengroupof ashome-likeaspossible. communitymindedindividuals.Iamlikewisehonouredtobea residentofsuchagenerouscommunity.Evenduringthedifficult Inordertocreatethishome-likeatmospheretheTerraceLodge yearweexperienced,theserviceclubs,businesses,and FundraisingCommitteehasbeenhardatworkraisingfunds individualsofElginCountygavefromtheirhearttomakethefirst thatwillhelpustopurchasespecificitemsthatwillenhance yearofthecampaignasuccess.Onbehalfofmycolleagueson thehome-likequalityoftheredevelopedfacility. CountyCouncil,Ithankyouforyourcommitmenttoprovidingthe comfortsofhomeforourresidentsatTerraceLodge. Welaunchedourcampaignonaverysnowymorningin Decemberof2020withaprovinciallockdownonthehorizon. Ilookforwardto2022withoptimismandcontinueddedicationto Therearemanychallengesassociatedwithlaunchinga thiscause. fundraisingcampaigninthemidstofaglobalpandemic.Being unabletogatherin-personasaCommittee,meetface-to-face CouncillorDominique GiguŽre, Campaign Chair withpotentialdonors,orholdin-personfundraisingevents meantthattheCommitteeneededtogetcreative. Mission The Fundraising Committee has been mandated to plan, coordinate, implement and evaluate fundraising activities. The funds raised by the Committee will be invested in value-added enhancements to the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project. Vision To create an inviting state-of-the-art Home, where residents feel safe and comfortable, while enabling the excellent care provided proudly by staff and volunteers. As redevelopments are completed, the staff, residents and families of Terrace Lodge will notice a shift from the traditional medical model toward a homelike model of care. Goals To raise sufficient funds to purchase the items deemed necessary to enhance Terrace Lodge and provide residents with the Comforts of Home. As of January 2022, the total cost of all items is estimated at $650,000. This goal may be adjusted throughout the campaign as more information becomes available (e.g. building design features, price of items). 2021 Achievements: Some Highlights Committee work and $75,000 donation from Legacy Giving: $50,000 donation from plans adjusted to new Green Lane Îa boost to Information kit ETBO Îa nice end to pandemic realities the campaign developed year one. Sign goes up at TL. December 2021 December 2020 English and Low German poster designed CampaignLaunch of seasonally Donation as gift: cards and placed throughout Kick Off. themed campaigns, and system the community. targeting specific implemented Partnership with Aylmer Radio spot on DeBrigj seasonal items from the Express secured. catalogue. Branding, brochure, campaign website, Fireplaces and benches catalogue and online all sold out! donation system set up. 2021 By the Numbers 109 Individual Donors 109 individual donations were received from service clubs, businesses and individuals. 800+ hours of volunteer work Despite COVID-19 restrictions the Committee never lost momentum. While focused on everyoneÓs health and safety, members adapted and used various technologies to communicate, plan, make decisions and coordinate all outreach efforts. $269,788 Raised In 2021 the Campaign raised $144,788 and secured $125,000 in pledges. The $269,788 total to-date represents 40% of the campaignÓs overall $675,000 target. (This target includes a 4% budget for campaign expenses). Seasonal themes with targeted items The campaign used seasonal themes for bi-weekly adds. This strategy was selected to raise awareness about the specific items needed at Terrace Lodge. The ads, designed by the Aylmer Express team, received great feedback and generated interest for designated donations. Items fully funded to-date* 1 of 4 Recreation Room TV 2 of 2 Large Gazebos 20 of 20 Montessori Kits (various sizes) 1 of 3 Chapel Stained Glass Panels 1 of 1 Gift Shop Table & Chairs Set 1 of 1 Chapel podium 8 of 8 Electric Fireplaces 1 of 1 Water Feature 4 of 4 Lounge areas: all furnishings 4 of 4 Above Ground Planters 1 of 1 Dining Room Set 4 of 12 Landscape Areas (adopt) 1 of 1 Guest Suite, fully furnished + AV 8 of 8 Outdoor Solar Lighting 100 of 100 Personalised Door Coverings 23 of 23 Garden Ornaments (various sizes) 87 of 100 Keepsake Boxes 6 of 6 Bench Roof/cover 2 of 2 Bird Centres4 of 4 Bookcases 2 Bird Seeds for a year4 of 4 iPads 20 of 20 Benches1 of 4 Whiteboards with Stand 7 of 7 Outdoor Tables (accessible)1 of 2 CD Players/speakers 2 of 2 Stainless Steel Barbeque1 of 1 Beauty Nook Desk 60 of 60 Outdoor Stackable Chairs100 of 100 Word Cloud Frames 1 of 6 Abby Computer System 2 of 6 Abby System Support (annual) 10 of 30 Abby Individual Subscriptions *as of December 31, 2021 Financials Donations Received for Terrace Lodge Fundraising as atDecember 31, 2021 REVENUE (Donations to date)ReceivedTo be received Cash/Cheque51,22813,000 Credit Card27,280 Donations Prior to Campaign Start8,105 Pledges (Expected Value)45,150125,000 In Kind Donations25 Total Donations131,788138,000 EXPENSESPaidOutstanding Fees (credit card)624 Fundraising Consultants4,500 Signage2,719 Meeting Room Rental 150 In Kind Purchases25 Advertising and Promotion9,656 Total Expenses17,674 Total funds towards the campaign252,114 What the Comforts of Home Campaign Means To Me Why I gave to Terrace Lodge Why I volunteer on the Fundraising Fundraising:Committee ÐWe want to thank Terrace Lodge ÐTo help provide a state of art for good care, for our family over home with all the comforts for our the years.Ñ residents, in our community.Ñ -Keith and Anne Howe, -Ruth Anne Perrin, DonorsCommittee Member West Elgin Insurance -$3,900Action Financial Group iAPrivate Wealth -$1,000 Westminster Mutual Insurance -$10,000 Elgin Roofing Inc.-$5,000Aylmer Express -$10,000 Knights of Columbus -Our Lady of Sorrows-$500 Aylmer Lioness-$2,000Springfield Lioness/Swans -$1,600Green Lane Community Trust -$75,000 Aylmer Community Foundation -$5,000 Belmont Lioness-$1,000 Thank you to our generous donors Elgin Roofing Inc. Bob Purcell Action Financial Group Ltd. Elizabeth and Gerry Vanderwyst CandyvilleMart Advanced Stainless ETBO Tool and Die Catherine Bearss Al and Randee Hooghiem Greenlane Community Trust Christine VanDaele Alison Warwick Ida and David McCallum Connie Foster Andy and Ann Honchell IGPC Ethanol Inc. Dave and Judy Mennill AntonissenTrucking iModularHomes Inc. Dave H. Jenkins ArkessRebekah Lodge Jack and Ruby Dykxhoorn David Perrin Aylmer Community Foundation Janis Hamilton Deb Shackelton Aylmer Express Jess Terpstra Debra Shackleton B&M Finishes Jim and Jeanette Jenkins Dianne Wilson Barry and June Kinsey Joe Snyders Dominos Pizza Aylmer Belmont Lioness Club John and Ruth Anne Perrin Dr. Michael and Mrs. Michele Toth Bob and Suzanne Carrel Thank you to our generous donors John BajcMike Abell ElectricRosemary Kennedy Karen and Gilles LeBlancMike and Lynn Summers and Aylmer TirecraftRoss Alford Keith and Anne HoweMonica and Glen Howe Royal Canadian Legion Branch 81 Keith Hunt ConstructionNancy Caverly Scott and Sharon Shakir Knights of Columbus -Our Lady of Pam RuckleBuysSpringfield C.P. & T. -Springfield Sorrows Pat and Sue ZimmerOddfellows & Rebekahs Larry McNeilPat VandevenneSpringfield Lioness/Swans Lloyd PerrinPeters Paving Springwater Packers Lucille WhitePhilip and Leslie Psutka Stan Putnam Marilyn Greenwood and Bonnie Toth RD Kisuule Professional CorporationStuder's Variety (Alpha Business Marjorie and Larry Cowan Robert FosterEnterprises Ltd.) Maureen D. Jenkins Robert Michele DerykFamily The Wood Connection Thank you to our generous donors Tim Maloney and Family The Committee would like to thank Tom and Muriel Carrel the following organizations for their Township of Malahide Staff promotional support: Vera Lampman The Aylmer Express Vienna Lioness Club The Northshore Beacon Vuteq The Dorchester Sign Post West Elgin Mutual Insurance Westminster Mutual Insurance Company DeBrigjRadio 94.1 MyFM * The Committee would also like to thank Rogers TV the many generous donors who wished Dominos Pizza to remain anonymous. Redevelopment Construction Progress March 2021 ÎStart of project Îclearing of site and setting up of construction trailers and staging/storage areas. Construction of temporary access lane for the project. April ÎMay 2021 ÎBegin excavation of addition, prepare for the relocation of the existing ground mounted air handling units for north and south wings. June ÎAug 2021 ÎContinue to form and pour concrete foots, pads, and walls. Delays experienced do to multiple heavy rain events throughout the summer. Sept ÎNov 2021 ÎCompletion of foundation, installation of all underground electrical conduit and plumbing. The installation of all structural steel framing and metal studding. Ongoing installation of above ground electrical conduit, Mechanical rough in. Installation of concrete floor on ground level. Dec ÎJan 2022 ÎCompletion of interior steel partitions, continued installation of mechanical, plumbing and electrical infrastructure throughout the addition. Installation of roofing material and placement of roof top HVAC equipment. The 2021 Fundraising Committee Richard Kisuule Dominique GiguŽre Jim JenkinsRuth Anne Perrin rkisuule@elgin.ca -(519) 639-3767 dgiguere@elgin.ca -(548) 888-6252 (519) 644-1445rperrin@elgin.ca -(226) 545-0452 Kay HainesPete BarbourJamie ChapmanFiona Wynn khaines@elgin.ca -(519) 857-2138pbarbour@elgin.ca -(519) 765-3793jchapman@elgin.cafwynn@elgin.ca -(519) 852-2921 Staff Supports Michele Harris Jennifer FordJenna Fentie Director of Homes and Seniors Manager of Financial Services/Deputy Legislative Services Coordinator Services Treasurer The Committee would also like to thank the Elgin County IT Department for technical support provided. The Committee is very grateful for the professional Katherine ThompsonTanya Noble support provided by staff. Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Manager of Program and Therapy ClerkServices Looking Forward to 2022 FOCUS: RECREATION TARGET YEAR 2: $225,000 Recreation programs in our long-term care homes 2022 is the second of the three-year Comforts of Home campaign. play a vital part in the health of residents. In 2022 we After raising 40% of the total target in year 1, year 2 will once again will focus our efforts on securing funds for a wide aim to raise $225,000. This will bring us 2 /3 of the way to the initial range of recreational items such as a wheelchair bike, target set at $675,000. outdoor music therapy equipment, art supplies, TV screens and stackable chairs.By the midpoint of the campaign, in June 2022, we will endeavour to fine tune the goals and the list of items required. The campaign target will be adjusted at that point to reflect changes in pricing and in best practices for resident care. OUTREACH: COUNTY-WIDE PRIORITY: RECRUITMENT With Terrace lodge in the heart of the Aylmer-The first year of the campaign relied on a small but Malahide area, we saw a high level of engagement in mighty group of dedicated committee members and those two communities in 2021. We know that volunteers. Our goal for 2022 is to increase the number residents at the home come from all over Elgin of members and volunteers and to ensure each County. The outreach in 2022 will ensure loved ones, community in Elgin County will be represented on the service clubs and businesses from across the county committee. have the opportunity to become part of the Comforts of Home journey. Become Part of the Journey... Visit our online catalogue and www.donatetoterracelodge.ca purchase a much-needed item. donatetoTL@elgin.ca Reach out by phone or email to make a donation by cash, Dominique GiguŽre, Campaign Chair cheque or credit card. 548-888-6252 Join our Committee or become a campaign volunteer.