03 - September 13, 2022 JAAC Agenda Packageu .� 14- .' i . County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Agenda Tuesday, September 13, 2022 10.00 a.m. — 12.00 p.m. Virtual via Zoom 1. Call to Order 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3. Adoption of Previous Minutes — June 13, 2022 4. Delegations — none. 5. New Business a. Event Hosted by City of St. Thomas MAAC b. Alzheimer's Society Discussion and Accessibility Training c. Accessibility Projects Update i Accessibility Content Style and Design Guide ii Creating Accessible Documents Guide Update iii Other Current/Upcoming Project Updates d. JAAC Membership 6. Next Meeting — TBD 7. Adjournment 11000 � I � i County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes Monday, June 13, 2022 10.00 a.m. Virtual via Zoom Attendees: Doug Mayer, Chair Tom Marks, Deputy Warden, County of Elgin Michele Horton, Community Member (joined meeting in progress) Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk, Municipality of Central Elgin Sarah Savoie, Accessibility Coordinator, County of Elgin Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services, County of Elgin Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator, County of Elgin Regrets: Am Row, Vice Chair Guests: Tracey Tiersma, City of St. Thomas Matt Byl, City of St. Thomas Sheila Rodaway, St. Thomas Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee Leslie McClure, St. Thomas Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee Michelle Sylvester, St. Thomas Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee 1. Call to Order The County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Committee met this 13t" day of June 2022 via Zoom. The Chair called the meeting to order at 10.00 a.m. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None. 3. Adoption of Previous Minutes — January 12, 2022 Moved by: Deputy Warden Marks Seconded by: Michele Horton RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on January 12, 2022 be approved. Recorded Vote YES NO ABSTAIN Deputy Warden Marks X Michele Horton X Doug Mayer, Chair X TOTAL 3 0 0 Motion Carried. 4. Delegations None. 5. New Business a. Event Hosted by City of St. Thomas Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC) The City of St. Thomas hosts an annual accessibility open house and will be held on September 22, 2022 at the St. Thomas Seniors Centre. The City of St. Thomas MAAC requested that the County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee assist with the promotion of the event, and will forward advertisements to the County of Elgin and Central Elgin to post on their respective social media platforms, beginning in August. b. Accessible Municipal Election Plan Review i Municipality of Dutton Dunwich The Accessibility Coordinator presented the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich's Municipal Election Plan for the Committee's review and comment. Moved by: Michele Horton Seconded by: Deputy Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT the County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee approve changes to the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich Accessible Municipal Election Plan Review as presented by the Accessibility Coordinator. Recorded Vote YES NO ABSTAIN Warden Marks X -Deputy Michele Horton X Mayer, Chair X -Doug TOTAL 3 0 0 Motion Carried. b. JAAC Membership Update The Accessibility Coordinator provided an update to the Committee on member recruitment, and noted that staff are experiencing challenges with recruiting new members. The Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk informed the Committee that due to the municipal election, all Committees will be disbanded on November 14, 2022, and advertisements for member recruitment will resume once the new County Council is formed. c. Accessibility Policy Revisions The Accessibility Coordinator presented the County's updated Accessibility Policy and sought approval from the Committee to present the revised policy to County Council for endorsement. Moved by: Deputy Warden Marks Seconded by: Michele Horton RESOLVED THAT the County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the revisions to the County of Elgin Accessibility Policy subject to additional feedback received by the Committee by June 27, 2022. Recorded Vote YES NO ABSTAIN Deputy Warden Marks X Michele Horton X Doug Mayer, Chair X TOTAL 3 0 0 Motion Carried. d. Rodney Accessible On -Street Parking Update The Accessibility Coordinator notified the Committee that the Council of the Municipality of West Elgin approved the location for accessible parking spaces on Moriah Street off of Furnival Road in Rodney. The County of Elgin will be undertaking the installation of these spots as part of the final paving of Furnival Road later this month or in early July. c. Current and Upcoming Accessibility Projects i Accessible Style Content and Design Guide The Accessibility Coordinator is preparing a document that will ensure uniformity amongst documents produced by the County, and it will address accessibility issues in Word, Abode, Canva, Social Media, etc. The document will outline proper terminology as well as accessible and inclusive language and font/styles. The Accessibility Coordinator will send a copy of the document to the Committee for their review. ii Accessibility Training The Accessibility Coordinator notified the Committee that she will be providing staff with accessibility training in relation to the Design Guide once it is approved by County Council. Training will also be provided to the new Council and Local Municipal Partner Councils as requested. 6. Next Meeting The next meeting will be tentatively scheduled for September 14, 2022 from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. 7. Adjournment Moved by: Michele Horton Seconded by: Deputy Warden Marks RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 10.58 a.m. to meet again on September 14, 2022 at 10.00 a.m. Recorded Vote YES NO ABSTAIN Deputy Mayor Marks X Michele Horton X Doug Mayer, Chair X TOTAL 3 0 0 Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Motion Carried. Doug Mayer, Chair.