01 - April 20, 2023 JAAC Agendaw '„w�mAw7lffJJ1,, r Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee ORDERS OF THE DAY Thursday, April 20, 2023, 3:00 p.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON NOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: This meeting will not be livestreamed. Minutes will be posted to the Elgin County website following the meeting. Accessible formats available upon request. Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ELECTION OF CHAIR 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3 5. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 6. DELEGATIONS 7. REPORTS/BRIEFINGS 7.1 Accessibility Coordinator - JAAC Presentation 12 7.1.1 About the JAAC 7.1.2 JAAC Members and Accessibility Coordinator 7.1.3 Terms of Reference Review 7.1.4 Consultation Requirements 7.1.5 Training Requirements 7.1.6 General Accessibility Information 7.1.7 Current and Upcoming Accessibility Progress 7.1.8 Updates on Local Municipal Partner (LMP) Accessibility Progress 7.1.9 Contact Information and Next Meeting 7.2 Director of Infrastructure and Community Services, Municipality of 35 Central Elgin - East Road Multi -Use Path Port Stanley 7.3 Accessibility Coordinator - Snow Removal in Parking Lots 42 7.4 Accessibility Coordinator - Accessibility Status Report 2022 45 8. OTHER BUSINESS 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. CLOSED MEETING ITEMS 11. MOTION TO RISE AND REPORT 12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 13. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 54 000 Elgii'�i County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes Tuesday, September 13, 2022 10.00 a.m. Virtual via Zoom Attendees: Doug Mayer, Chair Tom Marks, Deputy Warden, County of Elgin Michele Horton, Community Member Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk, Municipality of Central Elgin Sarah Savoie, Accessibility Coordinator, County of Elgin Jenna Fentie, Manager of Administrative Services, County of Elgin Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator, County of Elgin Regrets: Arn Row, Vice Chair 1. Call to Order The County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Committee met this 13t" day of September 2022 via Zoom. The Chair called the meeting to order at 10.10 a.m. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None. 3. Adoption of Previous Minutes — June 13, 2022 Moved by: Michele Horton Seconded by: Tom Marks RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on June 13, 2022 be approved. 4. Delegations None. Motion Carried. Page 3of54 5. New Business a. Event Hosted by City of St. Thomas Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC) The Accessibility Coordinator reminded the Committee about the Annual Accessibility Open House hosted by the St. Thomas Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee. The event will take place on September 22, 2022 from 1.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. at the St. Thomas Seniors Centre. The Municipality of Central Elgin and the County of Elgin will be attending and will each provide a door prize. Committee membership applications will also be available at the event. The Accessibility Coordinator will send the advertisements for the event to all Committee members for distribution. M. Horton suggested including information on the Committee's role, projects, and successes. The Accessibility Coordinator will also gather photos of projects for display at the event table. b. Alzheimer's Society Discussion and Accessibility Training The Accessibility Coordinator met with Susan Oster and Ashlyn Humphry from Alzheimer Society to discuss how to improve education and awareness across the County with respects to different topics relating to accessibility. The hope is to consider teaming up with different organizations to share resources and offer information sessions in the future to staff on different accessibility topics. Resources were shared regarding Neighbourhood Safety and Audit Checklist for making public spaces dementia -friendly. The Accessibility Coordinator will discuss next steps with senior management and report back to the Committee at a future meeting. c. Accessibility Projects Update i. Accessibility Content Style and Design Guide/Creating Accessible Documents Guide Update The Accessibility Coordinator informed the Committee that both guides will be presented to County Council on September 14, 2022 for information. The guides have been reviewed and approved by County Senior Leadership. The Accessibility Coordinator will be organizing training with County departments as well as any Local Municipal Partners that have expressed interest. ii. Other Current/Upcoming Project Updates The Accessibility Coordinator provided updates on current and upcoming accessibility projects currently underway at the County of Elgin and at local municipalities. Projects/Updates include Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion training for staff and interested Local Municipal Partners, Town of Aylmer updates to Willow Run recreational trail, Township of Malahide's reconstruction of accessible ramp and Page 4of54 additional parking spaces at the Municipal Building, and the Municipality of West Elgin's addition of on -street accessible parking space in Rodney. d. JAAC Membership The Accessibility Coordinator noted that this will be the last Committee meeting for the term, and meetings will begin again in January 2023 following the municipal election. A process for disbanding and reforming committees will be presented at a future County Council meeting. e. Handicap Parking Deputy Warden Marks noted that some residents have expressed concerns regarding paid parking for accessible parking spaces in Port Stanley. The Accessibility Coordinator will research policies at other municipalities and report back to the Committee. Deputy Warden Marks noted that an update of parking in Port Stanley will be presented at the next meeting of Central Elgin Council. 6. Next Meeting The next meeting will be scheduled in 2023. 7. Adjournment Moved by: Deputy Warden Marks Seconded by: Michele Horton RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 11.00 a.m. Julie Gonyou, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Motion Carried. Chair. 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Northeast Port Stanley has been subject to increased development over the last 20 years resulting in an increase in pedestrians walking or enjoying other modes of active transportation. East Road currently sees 2,400 vehicles/day at a posted speed limit of 50km/h - this number peaked in 2019 at 2,900 vehicles/day (pre-COVID). With this, the pedestrian facilities that currently exist are substandard and require improvement to separate pedestrians and active transportation users from the travelled roadway. The proposed East Road Multi -Use Pathway will see the addition of: barrier curb, concrete boulevard, catch basins, and a 3.Om asphalt multi -use pathway installed between Dexter Line (County Road 24) and Compass Trail along the west side of the roadway. A pedestrian crosswalk will also be installed at Erie Heights Way / Compass Trail to link development on the west side to Little Creek Park and the existing sidewalk into downtown Port Stanley. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $600,000 Year 1 $600,000 Year 4 $0 Year 7 $0 Year 2 $0 Year 5 $0 Year 8 $0 Year 3 $0 Year 6 $0 Year 9 $0 CAPITAL BUDGET FINANCING Tax Levy $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Development Charges $600,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 User Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Reserves $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Grant $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Other $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $600,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAPITAL PROJECT PRIORITY W, Asset Replacementi,.+„N Service Enhancement Page 35 of 54 F N m r Q 0Q ry n W r� Vn/ U) W� J Ln O I r� N O N u Q ry z O u H W � J oa d H X y 41, 4" uta��nuouv � 41140111[,�)) .. 2 lllmomuuouu��uu ��iouumlu°°lmuvovouv i my vuavo... , vm. m m�ooum�ovuv ,vv, a�0000%0000- mu 4mpuav iivai ssvdwoo z W J LL p O W Z U o 0Lu¢a QtLwo w Op�W p Ua¢�= Lu H Z Z e �`V Iv,6 y t61 I 01260 COMPASS TRAIL Nga �� A ,�. - o+i oo ry 3 4\}\ •yl�l I fr�� bpi � - o+3eo ',. ... �3` 0 \ & o+Pao ❑0-0 a i 0+080 0+340 "« o- - o+zoo ❑� LU o+oao a .r j _ 0+320 W i w i W j w y m +ozo w o�g iT -- e rc rc _ m �Yii; j w o� � =o Od g 0 0 . - 0+210 ILIJI/ a o—o i +.a O OMPASS TRAIL wCD o o�� od 8'a M N O N V 0.....� j O O O o rc p \ O + I O O +01— - 0+280 B nn j :;fff f T eeeee �eeuee I-INVIAM. : \ 0 \ « : F o. 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OV NO, a� �y Ow im� . m® =m 0 w J �o gs bpi mSR �g €_@ � €esss � \ S t \ 3 g - rA S p3a $ age �y` G a a? ego G g A m a G bz d iW 51 sW o Qe a 8 b� '• G:-� � W rc a ff eE gip° atl bey w tl E W F zi S8d gads Sa APO! p=� z' 6;9 MINI 4pEa�aAM $`� 3m xH lap NA be Ea 'M a�dp€kl .Sg L: s gam`= a.€�� aoi g Ot E=g x25FIRE $ z � s$� aW $ a a .�$ o a sb€aa .H T eeeee �eeuee 1 Report to Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee From: Sarah Savoie, Accessibility Coordinator Date: April 20, 2023 Subject: Snow Removal in Parking Lots Recommendation: THAT the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee request that the Municipality of Central Elgin include a clause in the terms and conditions for snow clearing contracts that prohibits cleared snow from being deposited in accessible parking spaces. Introduction: Contractors hired for snow removal may sometimes deposit snow in accessible parking spaces, which reduces the overall number of spaces available to people with disabilities. Below is an image that shows an accessible parking space in the parking lot located opposite to 782 Port Stanley, located within the Municipality of Central Elgin, that is inaccessible to people with disabilities due to snow being deposited in the space. Page 42 of 54 Discussion: E Many municipalities face challenges when it comes to snow removal. Currently there is no legislation that specifically focuses on the removal of snow and accessibility. As a result, contractors responsible for removing snow from parking lots may deposit the snow in accessible parking spaces reducing access for people with disabilities. The Integrated Accessibility Standards Legislation (IASR) requires a certain number of accessible parking spaces based on the size of the parking lot (please refer to the 1AS°R Accessible Parking section 80.32-80.39 for details). To ensure this requirement is met, accessible parking spaces need to remain free of snow or other debris so people with disabilities can access the spaces. To resolve this issue, it is recommended that contractors choose a non -accessible parking space to deposit snow, or deposit snow at an alternate location that does not restrict access to the parking lot spaces for users. Financial Implications: No financial implications. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of current programs and services with community need. ® Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. Growing Elgin ❑ Planning for and facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth. ® Fostering a healthy environment. ® Enhancing quality of place. Local Municipal Partner Impact: Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ® Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. The recommendation is that the Municipality of Central Elgin require contractors to select an alternative location for depositing snow to avoid making accessible parking spaces unusable. This restriction should apply to on and off-street accessible parking. Page 43 of 54 Communication Requirements: The recommendation put forward by the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee will be brought to the Municipality of Central Elgin Council for consideration. Conclusion: Given the limited availability of accessible parking spaces, it is important Municipalities refrain from creating barriers that prevent people with disabilities from accessing said spaces. Snow removal should consider people with disabilities and ensure that accessible parking spaces remain clear, both for on and off-street parking. Further considerations may be given to incorporating additional clauses in snow removal contracts to ensure that people with disabilities can still access all accessibility related equipment during the winter. Examples may include: • Ensuring access to automatic accessible crosswalk buttons • Ensuring automatic door operator switches are accessible • Ensuring snow is removed from Tactile Walking Surface Indicators • Ensuring all paths of travel remain barrier free and cleared of snow All of which is Respectfully Submitted Sarah Savoie Accessibility Coordinator Approved for Submission Jenna Fentie Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk 3 Page 44 of 54 m0uumu .r Pro�,ressive, by Nature Recommendation(s): Report to Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee FROM: Sarah Savoie, Accessibility Coordinator DATE: April 20, 2023 SUBJECT: Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report 2022 THAT the report titled "Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report 2022" dated April 25, 2023 be approved by the JAAC, and sent to County Council for approval. Introduction: Elgin County and its Local Municipal Partners (LMPs) are required to collaboratively prepare an annual accessibility status report on the progress of measures taken to implement the goals outlined in the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan. Additionally, the status report must be posted on the County and LMPs websites for the public, per the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) requirements. Discussion: Elgin County and its LMPs created a Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan spanning 2021- 2026. As a result of the plan becoming a joint effort between the County and its Local Municipal Partners, the status reports will also be done jointly. Over the 5-year period, on an annual basis, the County and its LMPs are required to provide an update to County Council as well as LMPs Councils on the progress made towards obtaining the goals outlined in the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan, per the AODA. The attached report outlines the measures taken to ensure compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and IASR. It details the initiatives undertaken by the County and LMPs in 2022 to identify, remove and prevent barriers. Financial Implications: No financial implications. Page 45 of 54 K Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of current programs and services with community need. ® Exploring different ways of addressing community need. ® Engaging with our community and other stakeholders. Growing Elgin ❑ Planning for and facilitating commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth. ❑ Fostering a healthy environment. ® Enhancing quality of place. Local Municipal Partner Impact: Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring we have the necessary tools, resources, and infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. ® Delivering mandated programs and services efficiently and effectively. As the status reports will continue to be done collaboratively between Elgin County and its LMPs, it should reduce the amount of time that the Local Municipal Partners spend fulfilling this requirement. Communication Requirements: The Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report for 2022 is required to be collaborated on with Elgin County and its Local Municipal Partners. Upon approval by County Council, the report will go to all the Local Municipal Councils to be received for information and posted online. Conclusion: As outlined in the attached Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report, the County of Elgin and its Local Municipal Partners will continue to identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities. These efforts are communicated to County Council and LMP Councils through the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan and affiliated status reports. Page 46 of 54 All of which is Respectfully Submitted Sarah Savoie Accessibility Coordinator Approved for Submission Jenna Fentie Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk 3 Page 47 of 54 wrIPoWNWmwsNA' � wMb'm+w .JWdq. d�W, ,i, i. ,,, �r �.. viEPProgressive 4y Nature Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report 2022 A summary of Elgin County and its Local Municipal Partners accomplishments towards inclusion and accessibility in 2022 Page 48 of 54 Elgin County and Local Municipal Partners Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report 2022 Objectives and Purpose This is the County of Elgin and its Local Municipal Partners (LMPs) Annual Accessibility Status Report update. In 2015, Elgin County released its second Multi -Year Accessibility Plan, in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Ontario Regulation 191/11). The plan outlined the County's strategy to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility, which includes how to meet requirements under the AODA. In 2021, the County released its first Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP), which includes the County of Elgin and its seven Local Municipal Partners' accessibility progress, goals and timelines for the next five years. As a result of the MYAP becoming a joint effort, it allowed the Annual Accessibility Status Reports to become streamlined and collaborative rather than requiring each LMP to create their own. This Status Report includes the accessibility initiatives that were completed in 2022 to implement the strategy outlined in the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan. The purpose of this Status Report is to make the public aware of Elgin County and its LMPs' progress with accessibility implementation and to prevent and remove barriers and meet requirements under the AODA and IASR. Compliance Reporting Elgin County filed their sixth Accessibility Compliance Report in February 2023, due to claiming non-compliance regarding web accessibility and the WCAG 2.0 Level AA criteria in 2021. For the 2023 report, Elgin County was able to claim compliance and continues to work on maintaining web compliance and document accessibility. Any LMPs who claimed non-compliance are working with the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility to ensure compliance is achieved. The deadline for municipalities that reported compliance in 2021, will be on December 31, 2023. Commitment Statement The County of Elgin and its LMP's statement of commitment establishes the vision and goals for the Municipalities to meet the legislated accessibility requirements. The statement of commitment is publicly available on the County website, accessibility policy and Joint MYAP. The County of Elgin and its LMPs are committed to identifying, eliminating and preventing barriers and improving accessibility for people with disabilities in a manner that respects dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity. Page 49 of 54 The County of Elgin and its LMPs recognize the diverse needs of all of our residents and customers and will respond by striving to provide goods, services and facilities that are accessible to all. The County of Elgin and its LMPs are committed to being responsive to the needs of all of our residents and employees. In order to meet the needs of people with disabilities the Municipalities will: • Ensure policies address dignity, independence, integration and provide for equal opportunity for people with disabilities • Allow people with disabilities to use their own personal devices to obtain, use or benefit from the services offered by the County and LMPs • Accommodate the accessibility needs of people with disabilities to ensure they can obtain, use, or benefit from the County and LMPs goods, services, programs and facilities • Communicate with people with disabilities in a manner that is considerate of the person's disability The County of Elgin and its LMPs will promote accessibility by ensuring that compliance is met for all regulations made under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. In order to ensure that timelines are met, The County and its LMPs will establish, implement and maintain a Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan. The plan will outline the County and its LMPs strategy to prevent and remove barriers to people with disabilities. The plan will be updated on an ongoing basis, as needed, to ensure it remains current and aligns with the IASR. Continuous Achievements in Accessibility • The County of Elgin and its LMPs focus on removing barriers which may exist in our buildings and facilities, while ensuring that new buildings, leases, and renovations do not create any new barriers • Elgin County/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee continues to meet and review accessibility initiatives • The County of Elgin and its LMPs continue to comply with the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation including continuing to train staff, volunteers and third parties who interact on behalf of the Municipalities on an ongoing basis • All library branches continue to provide accessible materials and communication supports upon request. In addition, the libraries have several accessible materials and resources available including but not limited to: large print books, audio books, CELA Library loan access, electronic materials with zoom features, hand-held magnifiers as well as ZoomText with large print keyboards • Continue to review customer feedback and take appropriate action Page 50 of 54 • The County of Elgin and its LMPs are continuously looking into new accommodation options for people with disabilities • Use of technology such as eScribe to ensure that Council agendas and minutes are completely accessible as well as maintaining website compliance achieved • Continue to explore and monitor potential funding opportunities for the built environment relating to accessibility under the Enabling Accessibility Fund, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Canadian Tire Jumpstart and Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program Highlights of 2022 • The County of Elgin accomplished the following in 2022: o Working to complete renovations on accessible elevators in the County Administration Building o Finish making upgrades to Council chambers and front lobby on first floor o Created an Accessibility Content Style and Design Guide, and a Creating Accessible Documents Guide o Continued making changes to the County website to ensure compliance with the WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements o Completed the Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report for 2022 regarding the progress made for the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan o Began the creation of a Joint Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan between Elgin County and Local Municipal Partners that includes accessibility o Creation of training for document accessibility which will be rolled out to Elgin County staff and Local Municipal Partners upon request in 2023 • Elgin County / Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC) reviewed and provided consultation on: o The County of Elgin Accessibility Policy to ensure it meets industry best practice o The creation of the Accessibility Content Style and Design Guide and a Creating Accessible Documents Guide o The establishment of on -street accessible parking spaces in downtown Rodney near Furnival Road o The revision of the JAAC Terms of Reference o The JAAC Co -Hosted the Accessibility Open House with the City of St. Thomas • The Municipality of Bayham accomplished the following in 2022: o Conducted an accessible Election including establishment of a Municipal Election Accessibility Plan and Election Official training 3 Page 51 of 54 o Approved schematic plans for Straffordville Community Centre expansion o Tendering and construction planned for 2023 o Applied to the Enabling Accessibility Fund for accessibility upgrades at the Marine Museum o Approval of capital item for new website in 2023 o Ongoing sidewalk improvements through Bayham's capital program including 1.3 kms of new sidewalk in Vienna o Implementation of technology for hybrid Council meetings • The Municipality of Central Elgin accomplished the following in 2022: o Hard surfaced accessible concrete sidewalks added to Union Street Park in Belmont o Construction of a barrier free and accessible washroom in Union Street Park in Belmont o Accessible playground equipment Union Street Park o Accessible fitness equipment Union Street Park o Construction of an accessible elevator at the Belmont Arena o Addition of sidewalks in Old Lynhurst including two crosswalks from Talbot Hill to Wellington Road o Restoration of the gravel pathway around the Little Creek Stormwater Management Facility in Port Stanley • The Municipality of Dutton Dunwich accomplished the following in 2022: o Accessible ramp and entrance at town hall railing to be installed this fall o Development of a new website with a citizen portal for residents to complete municipal business 24/7 o Two fully accessible outdoor exercise equipment (accessible hand bike and upper body stretcher) to add to our existing pieces — a total of 5 o Hand sensor door opener replaced a paddle at our medical centre and Service Ontario offices o Applied for the Enabling Accessibility Grant -small projects component to make our entire front reception area accessible o If successful it will be completed this December as we have the drawing and specs already o Continue to digitize our TOMRMS filing system so employees (present a future) can access any files should they need to work from home as an accommodation due to any issues • The Municipality of West Elgin accomplished the following in 2022: o Completed Accessible public/staff washroom as part of Municipal Office Renovations — monies provided through Enabling Accessibility Grant 0 Page 52 of 54 o Open renovated Municipal Office with better accessibility for staff and public — accessible front counter, entrance way and meeting room as well as staff areas o Completed Pre -Election Accessibility Plan and placed on website o Provided training on accessibility to staff to ensure compliance (ongoing) o Continued updating documents for website to ensure compliance (ongoing) o Completion of Accessible Parking space on Moriah Street in Rodney as part of Downtown Rodney Reconstruction o Worked with a local service group to create accessible pathways in Miller Park (1 section completed and this is an ongoing project to provide accessible pathways throughout park) • The Town of Aylmer accomplished the following in 2022: o Administered an accessible election in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act ■ No requests for accommodation were received throughout the election period; however, staff received positive feedback from visitors respecting the voting method (Internet, Telephone) with in - person assistance available onsite o Accessible upgrades were made to the newly renovated Council Chambers located at 25 Centre Street, Aylmer o Continued accessibility related improvements to www.aylmer.ca o Continued staff training regarding WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements • The Township of Malahide accomplished the following in 2022: o Provided training on document accessibility to staff to ensure compliance (ongoing) o Created a Municipal Elections Accessibility Plan o Continued making changes to the Township website to ensure compliance with the WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements o Continued making changes to the Township Facebook page to ensure compliance with the WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements • The Township of Southwold has accomplished the following in 2022: o Staff participation document accessibility training to ensure compliance (ongoing) o Update to Official Plan Text— now an accessible document o Update to many other documents to make accessible — creation of templates so they are accessible going forward o Continue to update and maintain Township website to ensure compliance with the WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirement o Completion of accessible pavilion and playground in new Talbotville park 5 Page 53 of 54 Availability of the Plan and Status Report The Multi -Year Accessibility Plan and Annual Accessibility Status Reports can be accessed through Elgin County's website on the Accessibility Page: https://www.elgincounty.ca/accessibility/ Contact Information For more information contact — Elgin County's Accessibility Coordinator: Phone 519-614-0620 Fax 519-633-7785 Email ssavoie2elgin.ca Mail Accessibility Coordinator County of Elgin, Human Resources Dept. 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, ON N5R 5X7 Accessible formats and/or communication support(s) are available upon request. 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