14 - June 13, 2023 County Council Agenda Packagew '„w�mAw7lffJJ1,,
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Elgin County Council
Regular Council Meeting
Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 9:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
450 Sunset Drive
St. Thomas ON
Please click the link below to watch the Council Meeting:
Accessible formats available upon request.
6.1 Warden Ketchabaw - Warden's Activity Report May 2023 15
6.2 Accessibility Coordinator - Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report 2022 17
6.3 Accessibility Coordinator - Additions to Joint MYAP for Elgin County 27
Heritage Centre
6.4 Manager of Procurement & Risk - Operation of the Elgin Manor 32
Wastewater Treatment Plant - Elgin (County) / Ontario Clean Water
6.5 Manager of Corporate Facilities - Humidifier Replacement at Bobier Villa 35
- Contract Award
6.6 Manager of Transportation Services - Village of Vienna Speed Limit 38
6.7 Manager of Transportation Services - Imperial Road and Ron McNeil 42
Line - Status Update
6.8 Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - 2022 Annual Report for 46
6.9 Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - 2023 Borrowing By -Law 48
6.10 Planning Technician and Secretary Treasurer of the Land Division 51
Committee - Agricultural Impacts from Proposed Agricultural Lot Creation
Changes to the Provincial Policy Statement
6.11 Acting Manager of Planning - Draft Plan Approval for Draft Plan of
Subdivision, File No. 34T-CE2102
6.12 Acting Manager of Planning - Revised Exemption from Draft Plan
Approval for Plan of Condominium, File No. 34CD-CE2202
6.13 Acting Manager of Planning - Municipality of Bayham Official Plan
Amendment No. 31, File No. BA-OPA 1-23
6.14 Acting Manager of Planning - Municipality of Bayham Official Plan
Amendment No. 32, File No. BA OPA 2-23
6.15 Director of Legal Services - Delegation of Approval Authority
6.16 General Counsel - Elgin / Hawthorne - Approval of Commercial Lease -
Elgin County Administration Building (Suite 345-1)
7.1 Items for Consideration
7.1.1 Letter from Darlene Smith, OAPSB Zone 6 Chair requesting
Council's approval of the appointment of Carolyn Krahn to the
position of OAPSB Zone 6 Secretary Treasurer
7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda)
7.2.1 Article from The Globe and Mail titled "Meet the collector with
hundreds of vintage bicycles", highlighting the Elgin County
Heritage Centre's current exhibit.
7.2.2 Resolution from the Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie -
Urging the Province to Pause Proposed New Provincial
Planning Statement (PPS)
7.2.3 Town of Evanturel resolution supporting Bill 5 - Stopping
Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act
7.2.4 Letter from Elgin Federation of Agriculture regarding Helping
Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act & the Proposed 2023
Provincial Policy Statement
7.2.5 Resolution from the Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie
supporting the City of Cambridge's resolution regarding
Highway Traffic Act Amendments
7.2.6 Resolution from the Township of Puslinch urging relevant
taxation bodies to reinstate previous legislation that permitted a
municipality to apply for and retain the surplus proceeds from a
tax sale in their jurisdiction
8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members
8.2 Notice of Motion
8.3 Matters of Urgency
Page 2 of 135
9.1 Director of Human Resources - Human Resources Update
Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable
individual, including municipal or local board employees, and (f) advice
that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications
necessary for that purpose.
9.2 Director of Legal Services - Advice re Personnel Matter
Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable
individual, including municipal or local board employees, and (f) advice
that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications
necessary for that purpose.
12.1 By -Law No. 23-27 Speed Zone Amendment
12.2 By -Law No. 23-28 Borrowing By -Law 131
12.3 By -Law No. 23-29 Delegation of Approval Authority 133
12.4 By -Law No. 23-30 Confirmation
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May 23, 2023, 9:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
450 Sunset Drive
St. Thomas ON
Members Present: Warden Ed Ketchabaw
Deputy Warden Grant Jones
Councillor Dominique Giguere
Councillor Mark Widner
Councillor Andrew Sloan
Councillor Todd Noble
Councillor Mike Hentz
Councillor Richard Leatham
Members Absent: Councillor Jack Couckuyt (absent with notice)
Staff Present: Stephen Gibson, Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Brian Masschaele, Director of Community & Cultural Services
Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources
Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services
Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer
Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services
Jenna Fentie, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk
Mike Hoogstra, Manager of Purchasing and Risk (virtual)
Peter Dutchak, Manager of Transportation
Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator
Jesse McPhail, Planner, Re:Public Urbanism (virtual)
The meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. with Warden Ketchabaw in the
Moved by: Councillor Leatham
Seconded by: Councillor Noble
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on May 9, 2023 be adopted.
Motion Carried.
Moved by: Councillor Hentz
Seconded by: Councillor Sloan
Page 4 of 135
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Motion Carried.
6.1 Warden Ketchabaw - 2023 Community Grant Program Allocations
Warden Ketchabaw presented the report recommending that Council
approve the 2023 Community Grant Program allocations.
Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones
Seconded by: Councillor Widner
RESOLVED THAT the report titled "2023 Community Grant Program
Allocations" dated May 17, 2023 from the Rural Initiatives and Planning
Advisory Committee Chair be received and filed; and
THAT Council approve the 2023 Community Grant Program allocations as
referenced in Appendix A: 2023 Community Grant Program Allocations.
Motion Carried.
6.2 Acting Manager of Planning -Township of Malahide Official Plan
Amendment No. 21 File No. MA OPA 1-23
Jesse McPhail, Planner from Re:Public Urbanism presented a report on
behalf of the Acting Manager of Planning that provides Council with the
information necessary to consider approving the Township of Malahide
Official Plan Amendment No. 21, File No. MA OPA 1-23.
Moved by: Councillor Giguere
Seconded by: Councillor Sloan
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin
approves Official Plan Amendment No. 21 to the Official Plan of the
Township of Malahide, File No. MA OPA 1-23; and
THAT staff be directed to provide notice of this decision in accordance
with the requirements of the Planning Act.
Motion Carried.
6.3 Director of Homes and Seniors Services - Homes - Multi -Sector
Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) - Schedule F
The Director of Homes and Seniors Services presented the report seeking
authorization for the Acting Chief Administrative Officer to sign the Multi -
Sector Service Accountability Agreement - Schedule F for the period of
April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023 for adult day programs at Bobier Villa and
Terrace Lodge.
Moved by: Councillor Noble
Seconded by: Councillor Sloan
RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Homes - Multi -Sector Service
Accountability Agreement (MSAA) - Schedule F" dated May 15, 2023 from
the Director of Homes and Seniors Services be received and filed; and
THAT Council authorize the Acting Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to
sign the "Multi -Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) -
Schedule F' for the period of April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.
Motion Carried.
Page 5 of 135
6.4 Director of Homes and Seniors Services - Sole Sourcing Report -
Contract, Long -Term Care Transition Coordinator
The Director of Homes and Seniors Services presented the report
recommending Council approve a six-month agreement with Gail
Kaufman Carlin Consulting for the position of Long -Term Care Transition
Coordinator to support the Terrace Lodge redevelopment project.
Moved by: Councillor Hentz
Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones
RESOLVED THAT Council approve the six-month proposed agreement
with Gail Kaufman Carlin Consulting for the Long -Term Care Transition
Coordinator in support of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project; and
THAT the Warden and Acting Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to
sign the agreement.
Motion Carried.
6.5 Director of Homes and Seniors Services - Terrace Lodge
Redevelopment Project - Advocacy for Construction Funding
Subsidy (CFS) Top -up
The Director of Homes and Seniors Services provided a report to Council
detailing the County's funding advocacy efforts for the Terrace Lodge
Redevelopment Project.
Moved by: Councillor Leatham
Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones
RESOLVED THAT Council authorize staff to collaborate with relevant
association(s) to support advocacy efforts for Construction Funding
Subsidy top -up funding; and
THAT staff prepare additional correspondence for the Warden's signature
that will be utilized to support continued advocacy for increased
Construction Funding Subsidy (CFS) funding for the Terrace Lodge capital
redevelopment project.
Motion Carried.
6.6 Manager of Procurement & Risk - Procurement Activity Report Q1
(January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023)
The Manager of Procurement & Risk presented the report summarizing
the County's procurement activity for the first quarter of 2023.
Moved by: Councillor Widner
Seconded by: Councillor Noble
RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Procurement Activity Report Q1
(January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023) dated May 15, 2023 from the
Manager of Procurement & Risk be received and filed.
Motion Carried.
6.7 Manager of Transportation Services - Imperial Road (Port Bruce) -
Request for Guard Rail
The Manager of Transportation Services presented the report
recommending the installation of Chevron alignment signs on Imperial
Road within the Village of Port Bruce.
Moved by: Councillor Sloan
Seconded by: Councillor Widner
Page 6 of 135
RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Imperial Road (Port Bruce) - Request
for Guard Rail" dated May 15, 2023 from the Manager of Transportation
Services be received and filed; and
THAT staff be directed to install Chevron alignment signs on Imperial
Road as per the Ontario Traffic Manual along the horizontal roadway
curve immediately north of Rush Creek Line.
Motion Carried.
6.8 Director of Community and Cultural Services - Installation of Oneida
Settlement Story Mural at Elgin County Heritage Centre
The Director of Community and Cultural Services presented the report
seeking Council's approval for the installation of a mural on the west -
facing exterior wall of the Elgin County Heritage Centre which will depict
the 1840 settlement journey of the Oneida Nation of the Thames.
Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones
Seconded by: Councillor Hentz
RESOLVED THAT County Council hereby approve the installation of an
interpretive mural depicting the settlement story of Oneida Nation of the
Thames on the exterior of the Elgin County Heritage Centre subject to the
terms and conditions contained in the May 16, 2023 report titled
Installation of Oneida Settlement Story Mural at Elgin County Heritage
Motion Carried.
6.9 Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - Council and Outside
Boards Remuneration and Expenses
The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer presented the report detailing
the 2022 Council and Outside Board remuneration and expenses.
Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones
Seconded by: Councillor Hentz
RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Council and Outside Boards
Remuneration and Expenses" dated May 17, 2023 from the Director of
Financial Services/Treasurer be received for information.
Motion Carried.
6.10 General Counsel - Elgin/Diamond Senior Living Corp. -Waste Water
Treatment Services Agreement - Elgin Manor Waste Water Treatment
The General Counsel/Acting Chief Administrative Officer presented the
report informing Council of the compliance status of the Elgin Waste
Water Treatment Services Agreement between Elgin (County) and
Diamond Senior Living Corp. (DSL), and seeks Council's approval for an
instalment payment proposal for outstanding fees to treat waste water
discharged from Royal Oak Senior Living to the Elgin Manor Waste Water
Treatment Plant for the period of April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022.
Moved by: Councillor Widner
Seconded by: Councillor Sloan
RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Elgin/Diamond Senior Living Corp. -
Waste Water Treatment Services Agreement - Elgin Manor Waste Water
Treatment Plant" dated May 15, 2023 from the General Counsel be
received and filed; and
Page 7 of 135
THAT Council approve the instalment payment proposal made by
Diamond Senior Living Corp. and detailed in the report for treatment fees
for waste water discharge to the Elgin Manor Waste Water Treatment
Plant from the Royal Oak Senior Living Facility; and
THAT Council direct staff to continue efforts to ensure compliance of
Diamond Senior Living Corp. with its obligations pursuant to the Elgin
Manor Waste Water Treatment Services Agreement as made effective
December 23, 2020.
Motion Carried.
7.1 Items for Consideration
7.1.1 Resolution from the Municipality of Bayham recommending that
the County of Elgin complete a traffic and speed study to address
speed limit concerns in the village of Vienna.
Moved by: Councillor Leatham
Seconded by: Councillor Giguere
RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to conduct a speed and traffic
study on Plank Road at Chute Line in Vienna; and
THAT staff be directed to review the 50km/hr speed limit zone on
Plank Road at Light Line in Vienna; and
THAT staff be directed to report its findings to County Council at a
future meeting.
Motion Carried.
7.1.2 Resolution from the Town of Aylmer requesting that Elgin County
Council review and comment on the proposed Thames Valley
District School Board boundary changes for East Elgin
Secondary School in Aylmer.
Councillor Giguere read a statement on behalf of Councillor Couckuyt
Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones
Seconded by: Councillor Leatham
RESOLVED THAT the Warden be directed to send a letter to the
Thames Valley District School Board of Trustees expressing County
Council's concerns regarding the proposed school boundary changes
affecting the East Elgin Secondary School catchment area.
Motion Carried.
7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda)
Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones
Seconded by: Councillor Giguere
RESOLVED THAT Correspondence Items 7.2.1 to 7.2.14 be received and
Motion Carried.
7.2.1 Resolution from the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas &
Glengarry regarding the proposed changes to the Provincial
Policy Statement.
Page 8 of 135
7.2.2 Resolution from the City of Cambridge regarding Highway Traffic
Act Amendments.
7.2.3 Letter from Robert Weare, resident of St. Thomas ON, regarding
suggestions for the use of the excess topsoil and fill from the
Volkswagen Battery Plant.
7.2.4 Correspondence from Environment and Climate Change Canada
regarding the proposed Recovery Strategy for the Louisiana
7.2.5 Letter from Tay Valley Township to Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of
Ontario, regarding school bus stop arm cameras.
7.2.6 Resolution from Prince Edward County regarding Declaring
Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic.
7.2.7 Resolution from the Municipality of Tweed regarding reducing
municipal insurance costs.
7.2.8 Resolution from the Town of Lincoln regarding the Municipal
Heritage Register.
7.2.9 Letter from Region of Peel to the Hon. David Lametti, PC, MP,
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada expressing
support for Bill C-321 'An Act to amend the Criminal Code'.
7.2.10 Resolution from the Municipality of Tweed regarding Bell -Hydro
7.2.11 Resolution from the City of Cambridge regarding legislative
amendments to improve municipal codes of conduct.
7.2.12 Resolution from the County of Oxford expressing support for Bill
5 - Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act.
7.2.13 Letter from the Ministry of Transportation regarding an invitation
to discuss transportation planning study for southwestern
7.2.14 Letter from the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks
regarding the Provincial Day of Action on Litter.
8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members
8.1.1 Safety Concerns Regarding Ron McNeil Line & Imperial Road
Councillor Widner shared concerns regarding the frequency of
accidents at the intersection of Ron McNeil Line and Imperial Road in
the Township of Malahide. Councillor Widner noted that the Township
of Malahide will be submitting a resolution to County Council
requesting that the County address these concerns. The Acting Chief
Administrative Officer noted that the matter will be referred to
Engineering Services and a report will be brought forward at a future
8.1.2 Warden Ketchabaw Congratulates Councillor Leatham on
Appointment to Mayor of West Elgin
Warden Ketchabaw congratulated Councillor Leatham on his recent
appointment as Mayor of West Elgin.
8.2 Notice of Motion
8.3 Matters of Urgency
Page 9 of 135
Moved by: Councillor Widner
Seconded by: Councillor Sloan
RESOLVED THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in
accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss the following matters under
Municipal Act Section 239 (2):
Closed Meeting Item #1 - Shared Tower Inc. Access to Highways
(f) advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications
necessary for that purpose; and (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or
instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or
on behalf of the municipality or local board.
Closed Meetinq Item #2 - Organizational Update
(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local
board employees.
Closed Meetinq Item #3 - Interim CAO Recruitment
(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local
board employees; and (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be
applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the
municipality or local board.
Motion Carried.
9.1 Director of Legal Services - Shared Tower Inc. Access to Highways
9.2 Director of Human Resources - Organizational Update
9.3 Director of Human Resources - Interim CAO Recruitment
Moved by: Councillor Sloan
Seconded by: Councillor Noble
RESOLVED THAT we do now rise and report.
Motion Carried.
Closed Meeting Item #1 - Shared Tower Inc. Access to Highways
Moved by: Councillor Sloan
Seconded by: Councillor Noble
RESOLVED THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to
execute a Telecommunication Equipment Consent and Road User Agreement
substantially in the standard form approved by County Council.
Motion Carried.
Closed Meeting Item #2 - Organizational Update
Moved by: Councillor Sloan
Seconded by: Councillor Hentz
RESOLVED THAT the report from the Director of Human Resources be received
for information.
Motion Carried.
Page 10 of 135
Closed Meeting Item #3 - Interim CAO Recruitment
Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones
Seconded by: Councillor Sloan
RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed.
Motion Carried.
Moved by: Councillor Noble
Seconded by: Councillor Leatham
RESOLVED THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee of the
Motion Carried.
12.1 By -Law No. 23-24 Confirmation
BEING a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May 23, 2023 Meeting.
Moved by: Councillor Noble
Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones
RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 23-24 be now read a first, second, and
third time and finally passed.
Motion Carried.
Moved by: Councillor Widner
Seconded by: Councillor Giguere
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 10:42 a.m. to meet again on June 13,
Motion Carried.
Jenna Fentie, Ed Ketchabaw,
Manager of Administrative Warden
Services/Deputy Clerk
Page 11 of 135
June 8, 2023, 9:00 a.m.
Members Present: Warden Ed Ketchabaw
Deputy Warden Grant Jones (virtual)
Councillor Dominique Giguere (virtual)
Councillor Mark Widner (virtual)
Councillor Jack Couckuyt (virtual)
Councillor Andrew Sloan (virtual)
Councillor Mike Hentz (virtual)
Members Absent: Councillor Todd Noble
Councillor Richard Leatham
Staff Present: Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources
Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services
Stephen Gibson, Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Jenna Fentie, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk
Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator
Don Shropshire (guest - virtual)
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with Warden Ketchabaw in the
Moved by: Councillor Couckuyt
Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones
RESOLVED THAT we do now move into Committee of the Whole.
Motion Carried.
6.1 Director of Human Resources -Appointment of an Interim Chief
Administrative Officer
The Director of Human Resources presented the report seeking Council's
direction regarding the appointment of an Interim Chief Administrative
Page 12 of 135
Moved by: Councillor Widner
Seconded by: Councillor Hentz
RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Appointment of an Interim Chief
Administrative Officer" dated June 8, 2023 from the Director of Human
Resources be received and filed; and
THAT County Council appoint Don Shropshire as the Interim Chief
Administrative Officer, effective immediately, and until such time as a
permanent Chief Administrative Officer can be recruited and on -boarded;
THAT the Warden and Acting Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to
execute a contract of temporary employment of Don Shropshire as Interim
Chief Administrative Officer for the Corporation of the County of Elgin as
prepared by and to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services for the
said Corporation of the County of Elgin.
Motion Carried.
8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members
8.2 Notice of Motion
8.3 Matters of Urgency
Council did not enter closed session.
In accordance with the Municipal Act Section 239 (2):
Closed Meeting Item #1 - Human Resources Committee May 26, 2023 Closed
Session Minutes
b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local
board employees.
9.1 Director of Human Resources - Closed Meeting Minutes - Human
Resources Committee - May 26, 2023
Closed Meetina Item #1 - Human Resources Committee Mav 26. 2023 Closed
Session Minutes
Moved by: Councillor Couckuyt
Seconded by: Councillor Widner
RESOLVED THAT the confidential report from the Director of Human Resources
be received for information.
Motion Carried.
Page 13 of 135
Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones
Seconded by: Councillor Sloan
RESOLVED THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee of the
Motion Carried.
12.1 By -Law No. 23-25 -Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Appointment
BEING a By -Law to Appoint Don Shropshire as Interim Chief
Administrative Officer/Clerk and to Repeal By -Law No. 17-24.
Moved by: Councillor Hentz
Seconded by: Councillor Giguere
RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 23-25 be now read a first, second and
third time and finally passed.
Motion Carried.
12.2 By -Law No. 23-26 - Confirmation
BEING a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June 8, 2023 Meeting.
Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones
Seconded by: Councillor Sloan
RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 23-26 be now read a first, second and
third time and finally passed.
Motion Carried.
i&�il >11001NLlhViIALl111
Moved by: Councillor Widner
Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 9:07 a.m. to meet again on June 13,
2023 at 9:00 a.m.
Motion Carried.
Jenna Fentie, Ed Ketchabaw,
Manager of Administrative Warden.
Services/Deputy Clerk.
Page 14 of 135
. .. .Progfressive by Nature
FROM: Ed Ketchabaw, Warden
DATE: June 5, 2023
SUBJECT: Warden's Activity Report May 2023
THAT the report titled "Warden's Activity Report May 2023" dated June 5, 2023 from
Warden Ketchabaw be received and filed.
The purpose of this report is to provide a high-level summary of the meetings and
official functions I have attended during the month of May 2023.
Events/Meetings Attended by Warden:
May 2023:
• County Council Meetings (May 4, 9, & 23, 2023)
• Meeting with Enbridge Gas (May 2, 2023)
• Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee Meeting (May 8, 2023)
• Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee Meeting (May 16, 2023)
• Change of Command Ceremony for St. Thomas Police (May 16, 2023)
• Community Safety and Well -Being Integration Table Meeting (May 17, 2023)
• Aldborough Child Care Centre Opening (May 24, 2023)
• SCOR Board Meeting (May 25, 2023)
• Human Resources Committee Meeting (May 26, 2023)
• Health Recruitment Partnership Dinner (May 30, 2023)
• Elgin Middlesex Regional Fire School Recruit Graduation (May 31, 2023)
Page 15 of 135
gyring Elgin
® Ensuring alignment of
current programs and
services with community
® Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
® Engaging with our
community and other
Growing Elgin
® Planning for and
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
® Fostering a healthy
® Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
® Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
® Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
Elgin County continues to work with and find ways to collaborate with Elgin's municipal
I look forward to continuing to represent Elgin County Council and connecting with our
residents and stakeholders through various events and meetings throughout the next
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Warden Ed Ketchabaw
Page 16 of 135
Pro�,ressive, by Nature
FROM: Sarah Savoie, Accessibility Coordinator
DATE: June 13, 2023
SUBJECT: Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report
THAT the report titled "Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report 2022" dated June
13, 2023 be received, filed, and approved.
Elgin County and its Local Municipal Partners (LMPs) are required to collaboratively
prepare an annual accessibility status report on the progress of measures taken to
implement the goals outlined in the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan. Additionally, the
status report must be posted on the County and LMPs websites for the public, per the
Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) requirements.
Elgin County and its LMPs created a Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan spanning 2021-
2026. As a result of the plan becoming a joint effort between the County and its Local
Municipal Partners, the status reports will also be done jointly. Over the 5-year period,
on an annual basis, the County and its LMPs are required to provide an update to
County Council as well as LMPs Councils on the progress made towards obtaining the
goals outlined in the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan, per the AODA. The attached
report outlines the measures taken to ensure compliance with the Accessibility for
Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and IASR. It details the initiatives undertaken by
the County and LMPs in 2022 to identify, remove and prevent barriers.
Financial Implications:
No financial implications.
Page 17 of 135
Alignment with Strategic Priorities:
Serving Elgin Growing Elgin
® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and
current programs and facilitating commercial,
services with community industrial, residential,
need. and agricultural growth.
® Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
® Engaging with our
community and other
❑ Fostering a healthy
® Enhancing quality of
Local Municipal Partner Impact:
Investing in Elgin
® Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
® Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
As the status reports will continue to be done collaboratively between Elgin County and
its LMPs, it should reduce the amount of time that the Local Municipal Partners spend
fulfilling this requirement. Since the previous model required each LMP to complete this
requirement independently, making it a joint effort allows LMPs to send information to
the County Accessibility Coordinator, who is wholly responsible for drafting the report.
Communication Requirements:
The Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report for 2022 is required to be communicated
and collaborated on with Elgin County and its Local Municipal Partners. The report was
taken to the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee for approval and feedback before
taking it to County Council. Upon approval by County Council, the report will go to all
the Local Municipal Councils to be received for information and posted online. The
report must be made available to the public via the County and LMPs websites.
As outlined in the attached Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report, the County of Elgin
and its Local Municipal Partners will continue to identify, remove and prevent barriers to
people with disabilities. These efforts are communicated to County Council and LMP
Councils through the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan and affiliated status reports.
Page 18 of 135
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Sarah Savoie
Accessibility Coordinator
Amy Thomson
Director of Human Resources
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Page 19 of 135
wrIPoWNWmwsNA' � wMb'm+w .JWdq. d�W, ,i, i. ,,, �r �.. viEPProgressive 4y Nature
Joint Annual Accessibility Status
Report 2022
A summary of Elgin County and its Local Municipal Partners accomplishments towards inclusion
and accessibility in 2022
Page 20 of 135
Elgin County and Local Municipal Partners
Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report 2022
Objectives and Purpose
This is the County of Elgin and its Local Municipal Partners (LMPs) Annual Accessibility Status
Report update. In 2015, Elgin County released its second Multi -Year Accessibility Plan, in
accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Integrated
Accessibility Standards Regulation (Ontario Regulation 191/11). The plan outlined the County's
strategy to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility, which includes how to meet
requirements under the AODA.
In 2021, the County released its first Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP), which includes
the County of Elgin and its seven Local Municipal Partners' accessibility progress, goals and
timelines for the next five years. As a result of the MYAP becoming a joint effort, it allowed the
Annual Accessibility Status Reports to become streamlined and collaborative rather than
requiring each LMP to create their own.
This Status Report includes the accessibility initiatives that were completed in 2022 to
implement the strategy outlined in the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan.
The purpose of this Status Report is to make the public aware of Elgin County and its LMPs'
progress with accessibility implementation and to prevent and remove barriers and meet
requirements under the AODA and IASR.
Compliance Reporting
Elgin County filed their sixth Accessibility Compliance Report in February 2023, due to claiming
non-compliance regarding web accessibility and the WCAG 2.0 Level AA criteria in 2021. For the
2023 report, Elgin County was able to claim compliance and continues to work on maintaining
web compliance and document accessibility. Any LMPs who claimed non-compliance are
working with the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility to ensure compliance is achieved. The
deadline for municipalities that reported compliance in 2021, will be on December 31, 2023.
Commitment Statement
The County of Elgin and its LMP's statement of commitment establishes the vision and goals for
the Municipalities to meet the legislated accessibility requirements. The statement of
commitment is publicly available on the County website, accessibility policy and Joint MYAP.
The County of Elgin and its LMPs are committed to identifying, eliminating and preventing
barriers and improving accessibility for people with disabilities in a manner that respects
dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.
Page 21 of 135
The County of Elgin and its LMPs recognize the diverse needs of all of our residents and
customers and will respond by striving to provide goods, services and facilities that are
accessible to all.
The County of Elgin and its LMPs are committed to being responsive to the needs of all of our
residents and employees. In order to meet the needs of people with disabilities the
Municipalities will:
• Ensure policies address dignity, independence, integration and provide for equal
opportunity for people with disabilities
• Allow people with disabilities to use their own personal devices to obtain, use or
benefit from the services offered by the County and LMPs
• Accommodate the accessibility needs of people with disabilities to ensure they
can obtain, use, or benefit from the County and LMPs goods, services, programs
and facilities
• Communicate with people with disabilities in a manner that is considerate of the
person's disability
The County of Elgin and its LMPs will promote accessibility by ensuring that compliance is met
for all regulations made under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. In
order to ensure that timelines are met, The County and its LMPs will establish, implement and
maintain a Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan. The plan will outline the County and its LMPs
strategy to prevent and remove barriers to people with disabilities. The plan will be updated on
an ongoing basis, as needed, to ensure it remains current and aligns with the IASR.
Continuous Achievements in Accessibility
• The County of Elgin and its LMPs focus on removing barriers which may exist in
our buildings and facilities, while ensuring that new buildings, leases, and
renovations do not create any new barriers
• Elgin County/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee continues to
meet and review accessibility initiatives
• The County of Elgin and its LMPs continue to comply with the requirements of
the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation including continuing to train
staff, volunteers and third parties who interact on behalf of the Municipalities on
an ongoing basis
• All library branches continue to provide accessible materials and communication
supports upon request. In addition, the libraries have several accessible
materials and resources available including but not limited to: large print books,
audio books, CELA Library loan access, electronic materials with zoom features,
hand-held magnifiers as well as ZoomText with large print keyboards
• Continue to review customer feedback and take appropriate action
Page 22 of 135
• The County of Elgin and its LMPs are continuously looking into new
accommodation options for people with disabilities
• Use of technology such as eScribe to ensure that Council agendas and minutes
are completely accessible as well as maintaining website compliance achieved
• Continue to explore and monitor potential funding opportunities for the built
environment relating to accessibility under the Enabling Accessibility Fund,
Ontario Trillium Foundation, Canadian Tire Jumpstart and Investing in Canada
Infrastructure Program
Highlights of 2022
• The County of Elgin accomplished the following in 2022:
o Working to complete renovations on accessible elevators in the County
Administration Building
o Finish making upgrades to Council chambers and front lobby on first floor
o Created an Accessibility Content Style and Design Guide, and a Creating
Accessible Documents Guide
o Continued making changes to the County website to ensure compliance
with the WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements
o Completed the Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report for 2022 regarding
the progress made for the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan
o Began the creation of a Joint Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan between
Elgin County and Local Municipal Partners that includes accessibility
o Creation of training for document accessibility which will be rolled out to
Elgin County staff and Local Municipal Partners upon request in 2023
• Elgin County / Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC)
reviewed and provided consultation on:
o The County of Elgin Accessibility Policy to ensure it meets industry best
o The creation of the Accessibility Content Style and Design Guide and a
Creating Accessible Documents Guide
o The establishment of on -street accessible parking spaces in downtown
Rodney near Furnival Road
o The revision of the JAAC Terms of Reference
o The JAAC Co -Hosted the Accessibility Open House with the City of St.
• The Municipality of Bayham accomplished the following in 2022:
o Conducted an accessible Election including establishment of a Municipal
Election Accessibility Plan and Election Official training
Page 23 of 135
o Approved schematic plans for Straffordville Community Centre expansion
o Tendering and construction planned for 2023
o Applied to the Enabling Accessibility Fund for accessibility upgrades at the
Marine Museum
o Approval of capital item for new website in 2023
o Ongoing sidewalk improvements through Bayham's capital program
including 1.3 kms of new sidewalk in Vienna
o Implementation of technology for hybrid Council meetings
• The Municipality of Central Elgin accomplished the following in 2022:
o Hard surfaced accessible concrete sidewalks added to Union Street Park in
o Construction of a barrier free and accessible washroom in Union Street Park
in Belmont
o Accessible playground equipment Union Street Park
o Accessible fitness equipment Union Street Park
o Construction of an accessible elevator at the Belmont Arena
o Addition of sidewalks in Old Lynhurst including two crosswalks from Talbot
Hill to Wellington Road
o Restoration of the gravel pathway around the Little Creek Stormwater
Management Facility in Port Stanley
• The Municipality of Dutton Dunwich accomplished the following in 2022:
o Accessible ramp and entrance at town hall railing to be installed this fall
o Development of a new website with a citizen portal for residents to
complete municipal business 24/7
o Two fully accessible outdoor exercise equipment (accessible hand bike and
upper body stretcher) to add to our existing pieces — a total of 5
o Hand sensor door opener replaced a paddle at our medical centre and
Service Ontario offices
o Applied for the Enabling Accessibility Grant -small projects component to
make our entire front reception area accessible
o If successful it will be completed this December as we have the drawing and
specs already
o Continue to digitize our TOMRMS filing system so employees (present a
future) can access any files should they need to work from home as an
accommodation due to any issues
• The Municipality of West Elgin accomplished the following in 2022:
o Completed Accessible public/staff washroom as part of Municipal Office
Renovations — monies provided through Enabling Accessibility Grant
Page 24 of 135
o Open renovated Municipal Office with better accessibility for staff and
public — accessible front counter, entrance way and meeting room as well
as staff areas
o Completed Pre -Election Accessibility Plan and placed on website
o Provided training on accessibility to staff to ensure compliance (ongoing)
o Continued updating documents for website to ensure compliance (ongoing)
o Completion of Accessible Parking space on Moriah Street in Rodney as part
of Downtown Rodney Reconstruction
o Worked with a local service group to create accessible pathways in Miller
Park (1 section completed and this is an ongoing project to provide
accessible pathways throughout park)
• The Town of Aylmer accomplished the following in 2022:
o Administered an accessible election in accordance with the Municipal
Elections Act
■ No requests for accommodation were received throughout the
election period; however, staff received positive feedback from
visitors respecting the voting method (Internet, Telephone) with in -
person assistance available onsite
o Accessible upgrades were made to the newly renovated Council Chambers
located at 25 Centre Street, Aylmer
o Continued accessibility related improvements to www.aylmer.ca
o Continued staff training regarding WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements
• The Township of Malahide accomplished the following in 2022:
o Provided training on document accessibility to staff to ensure compliance
o Created a Municipal Elections Accessibility Plan
o Continued making changes to the Township website to ensure compliance
with the WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements
o Continued making changes to the Township Facebook page to ensure
compliance with the WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements
• The Township of Southwold has accomplished the following in 2022:
o Staff participation document accessibility training to ensure compliance
o Update to Official Plan Text— now an accessible document
o Update to many other documents to make accessible — creation of
templates so they are accessible going forward
o Continue to update and maintain Township website to ensure compliance
with the WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirement
o Completion of accessible pavilion and playground in new Talbotville park
Page 25 of 135
Availability of the Plan and Status Report
The Multi -Year Accessibility Plan and Annual Accessibility Status Reports can be accessed
through Elgin County's website on the Accessibility Page:
Contact Information
For more information contact — Elgin County's Accessibility Coordinator:
Phone 519-614-0620
Fax 519-633-7785
Email ssavoie2elgin.ca
Mail Accessibility Coordinator
County of Elgin, Human Resources Dept.
450 Sunset Drive,
St. Thomas, ON N5R 5X7
Accessible formats and/or communication support(s) are available upon request.
Page 26 of 135
E l f
rO'M555M? 1�y Nature
FROM: Sarah Savoie, Accessibility Coordinator
DATE: June 1, 2023
SUBJECT: Additions to Joint MYAP for Elgin
County Heritage Centre
THAT Elgin County Council approve the amendments to the Elgin County and
Local Municipal Partners' Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan 2021-2026 to
include accessibility progress, goals, and timelines specific to the Elgin County
Heritage Centre.
THAT the amendments be forwarded to Local Municipal Partners' Councils to be
approved and filed.
Elgin County and its Local Municipal Partners ("LMPs") prepared a Joint Multi -Year
Accessibility Plan ("Joint MYAP") spanning 2021-2026 that outlines accessibility
progress, goals and timelines for all of Elgin County. It is recommended that the Joint
MYAP be amended to include accessibility progress, goals and timelines that are
specific to the Heritage Centre.
The Joint MYAP outlines accessibility progress and goals spanning 2021-2026. When
Elgin County and its LMPs were in the process of creating the Joint Multi -Year
Accessibility Plan there were progress, goals and timelines established that covered all
Elgin County departments, services, and facilities. The Heritage Centre is required to
have an Accessibility Plan in place when applying for provincial museum grants
including the Community Museums Operating Grant and Heritage Organization
Development Grant. While the Joint MYAP intends to cover all County departments and
facilities, in order to ensure a strong grant application, the Heritage Centre is
recommending amendments to the Joint MYAP to include progress, goals and timelines
that are directly relevant to the museum and its facilities and services.
Page 27 of 135
Below is a list of all the amendments that are being recommended by the Heritage
Centre to include in the Joint MYAP:
General Requirements
Continue training of Heritage Centre staff, Elgin County Museum Advisory
Committee members, and volunteers on the AODA and Ontario Human Rights
Code as it pertains to people with disabilities
Timeline —Ongoing
• Continue training Heritage Centre staff, Committee members and volunteers on
Information and Communication
Heritage Centre collaborates with Legislative Services Department and Cultural
Services Department staff to upload content to the website to ensure it is
compliant with the WCAG 2.0 Level A and AA requirements
• Following website redevelopment - develop robust accessible document training
strategy for website content uploaders onto the County Site, including Library
and Heritage Centre staff
• Provide social media training for Heritage Centre and Cultural Services staff for
web content accessibility to ensure that social media posts are compliant with the
IASR requirements
Timeline —Ongoing
• Provide social media training for Heritage Centre and Cultural Services staff
Continue to ensure that volunteer recruitment and onboarding for Heritage
Centre volunteers is compliant with the AODA requirements
Update Heritage Centre volunteer application form to ensure public knows
accommodations and accessible formats and/or communication supports are
available upon request during the recruitment process for Elgin County Museum
Advisory Committee members and volunteers
Page 28 of 135
Timeline —Ongoing
• Ensure volunteer recruitment and onboarding for Heritage Centre volunteers is
AODA compliant
• Update Heritage Centre volunteer application form to ensure public knows
accommodations, accessible formats and/or communication supports are
available upon request during the recruitment process
Design of Public Spaces
Elgin County Heritage Centre constructed in 2017
o Building is equipped with designated accessible parking spaces, a
universal washroom, accessible door operators at entrances, paved
walkways and accessible ramp for barrier free path of travel
• Elgin County Heritage Centre continues to consider people with disabilities who
use mobility aids and wheelchairs when designing exhibits and displays to
ensure full access to facilities for all visitors
Create Universal Washroom Emergency Call Button Alarm Procedure for all
County facilities equipped with universal washrooms
o Collaborate with Heritage Centre and Admin Building staff to ensure
procedure is implemented for universal washroom and training is provided
as needed
• Create Service Counter Design Guidelines including mobility device friendly
access to be shared with Local Municipal Partners
o Consider placement and location of information, signage, brochures etc.
o Redesign service counter area and desk in the Heritage Centre to make
more accessible for all visitors
• Collaborate with Heritage Centre and Admin Building staff to implement and
provide training on procedure
Page 29 of 135
• Redesign of Heritage Centre service counter area
Customer Service
• Considers people with disabilities when providing services to the public including
school group programs and public events
o Ensures exhibits, displays and facilities are accessible to all visitors, and
accommodations are made available upon request
• Ensure all Heritage Centre staff, Museum Advisory Committee members and
volunteers receive the accessible Customer Service Standard training
Timeline —Ongoing
• Training for Heritage Centre staff, Committee members and volunteers on
Customer Service Standard
Financial Implications:
No financial implications.
Alignment with Strategic Priorities:
Serving Elgin
® Ensuring alignment of
current programs and
services with community
❑ Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
® Engaging with our
community and other
Growing Elgin
❑ Planning for and
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
❑ Fostering a healthy
® Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
❑ Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
® Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
Page 30 of 135
Local Municipal Partner Impact:
Elgin County and all its Local Municipal Partners must post the Joint MYAP on their
websites. If the Joint MYAP is updated or amended, the new version should replace the
existing version that is posted on LMPs websites. LMPs may opt to present the changes
to their Councils for approval before adding the revised Joint MYAP to the website.
Communication Requirements:
Any updates or amendments to the Joint MYAP must be brought to the Joint
Accessibility Advisory Committee to consult on and approve. Once approved by the
Committee, the amendments will be taken to County Council. Upon approval by County
Council, the updated Joint MYAP will go to all the Local Municipal Councils to be
received for information and posted online.
As outlined above, the recommended amendments to the Joint MYAP would ensure
specific progress, goals and timelines are included and will help to demonstrate the
Heritage Centres commitment to accessibility and compliance with the AODA. This will
help strengthen the grant application when applying to provincial museum grants.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Sarah Savoie
Accessibility Coordinator
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Page 31 of 135
FROM: Mike Hoogstra
Manager of Procurement & Risk
DATE: May 30, 2023
SUBJECT: Operation of the Elgin Manor Wastewater
Treatment Plant — Elgin (County) / Ontario Clean
Water Agency
THAT the within Report to Council, dated May 30, 2023, and entitled "Operation of the
Elgin Manor Wastewater Treatment Plant — Elgin (County) / Ontario Clean Water Agency"
be received and filed;
THAT Staff be authorized to extend the current service arrangement with Ontario Clean
Water Agency for the Operation of the Elgin Manor Wastewater Treatment Plant for the
six-month term commencing July 1, 2023, and ending December 31, 2023; and,
THAT the Acting Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign a change order with
Ontario Clean Water Agency to implement the said extension of service arrangement.
The Wastewater Treatment Plant located behind Elgin Manor is a fully automated plant
and has been in operation since 2006. The plant has been operated by Ontario Clean
Water Agency (OCWA) since the plant opened. The agreement with OCWA expires on
June 30, 2023.
In October 2015 the County issued a Request for Proposal to prequalified firms
interested in operating the Elgin Manor Wastewater Treatment Plant. Following the
evaluation of proposal submissions, Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) achieved the
highest overall score and was subsequently awarded a five-year operation and
maintenance service contract by Council at the December 10, 2015 meeting.
The original agreement commenced on January 1, 2016 and expired on December 31,
2020. In accordance with the terms of the agreement, the County extended the
agreement for the first two-year term however decided not to extend the agreement for
the second two-year term. The agreement contained a termination clause that stated the
Page 32 of 135
services would extend six months past the agreement expiration of December 31, 2022.
OCWA is continuing to operate the plant until June 30, 2023.
Administration recommends that the current services arrangement with OCWA be
extended via change order for a six-month term to expire on December 31, 2023. This
six-month extension will allow staff to initiate and complete the RFP process and have a
recommendation to Council for a new agreement term in the third or fourth quarter of
2023. OCWA has been consulted and agrees to the additional six-month term.
The current monthly cost to operate the plant is $6,695.22. There will be no increase in
cost for the six-month term.
Serving Elgin Growing Elgin
® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and
current programs and facilitating commercial,
services with community industrial, residential,
need. and agricultural growth.
❑ Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
❑ Engaging with our
community and other
Additional Comments:
® Fostering a healthy
❑ Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
® Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
® Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
Page 33 of 135
The County's existing services agreement for the operation of the Elgin Manor
Wastewater Treatment plant has expired and OCWA is continuing to operate the plant
based on section 4.3 of the original agreement. Staff recommends that the current
services arrangement with Ontario Clean Water Agency be extended via change order
for a six-month term.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Mike Hoogstra
Manager of Procurement & Risk
Jennifer Ford
Director of Financial Services / Treasurer
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Page 34 of 135
FROM: Ryan Terpstra, Manager of Corporate
Mike Hoogstra, Manager of Procurement &
Progfressive by Nature Risk
DATE: June 2, 2023
SUBJECT: Humidifier Replacement at Bobier Villa -
Contract Award
THAT 9079653 Canada Corporation o/a Combustion Techs be selected for the
Humidifier Replacement Project at Bobier Villa, Contract No. 2023-Q23 at a total price
of $72,888.00 exclusive of H.S.T.; and
THAT the additional funding required be reallocated as detailed in this staff report; and,
THAT the Warden and Acting Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to
sign the contract.
A Request for Quote was advertised and issued as per the County's Procurement
Policy for the replacement of seven (7) humidifiers at Bobier Villa. The work involves
the removal of the existing humidifiers, installation and commissioning of new
humidifiers and upgrading the water supply lines.
A total of eight (8) contractors downloaded bid documents for this project from the
County's bidding system qs.��� in„u!�w�. Five (5) contractors submitted electronic bids for
this Request for Quote which closed on May 24, 2023. Bids were received as follows:
Bid Price
(exclusive of HST)
9079653 Canada Corporation o/a Combustion Techs
Postma Heating and Cooling Inc.
YYZ Contractors Inc.
Temperature Control Solutions
Page 35 of 135
Ainsworth Technical LP $156,842.00
9079653 Canada Corporation o/a Combustion Techs submitted the lowest compliant
bid for the project at a total price of $72,888.00 exclusive of HST.
The lowest compliant bid exceeds the County's approved capital budget for this project.
Therefore, per section 5.4c) of the Procurement Policy, this project requires Council
The following summary of projected estimated costs is provided for review and will be
confirmed throughout the project:
Project Cost $ 72,888.00
Net HST (1.76%) $ 1,282.83
Total Projected Costs $ 74,170.83
Approved Capital Budget $ 55,000.00
Forecast Budget Surplus/(Deficit) $ (19,170.83)
The recommended contract award for the replacement of the humidifiers will result in a
budget shortfall of $19,170.83. Staff is recommending that unspent available funds in
the amount of $20,000 from the Condenser (North, East and West wing) (No 45032355)
be reallocated to fund the projected budget deficit.
Serving Elgin
® Ensuring alignment of
current programs and
services with community
❑ Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
❑ Engaging with our
community and other
Growing Elgin
❑ Planning for and
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
❑ Fostering a healthy
® Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
® Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
® Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
Page 36 of 135
Bobier Villa staff and visitors will be advised of the project through construction project
notices and progress updates.
Work on this project is expected to commence in August 2023 and will be completed
prior to October 31, 2023.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Ryan Terpstra
Manager of Corporate Facilities
Mike Hoogstra
Manager of Procurement & Risk
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Page 37 of 135
Pro�fressival by Nature
FROM: Peter Dutchak, Manager of Transportation
DATE: May 25, 2023
SUBJECT: Village of Vienna Speed Limit
THAT the report titled, "Village of Vienna Speed Limit" from the Manager of
Transportation, dated May 25t", 2023 be received and filed; and,
THAT the Reduced Speed Zone By-law, Schedule `C' be amended as follows:
County Road 19, section C, from 755 metres south of the north property line of
Light Line to 200 metres north of the north property line of Light Line be established
as a 60km/h reduced speed zone.
At their May 23rd, 2023 meeting, County Council passed the following resolution:
RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to conduct a speed and traffic study on Plank
Road at Chute Line in Vienna; and
THAT staff be directed to review the 50km/hr speed limit zone on Plank Road at
Light Line in Vienna; and
THAT staff be directed to report its findings to County Council at a future meeting.
This report will provide existing traffic study data as requested and recommend a
reduced speed zone to encompass the settlement area of the Village of Vienna.
Plank Road (CR19) near the Village of Vienna has an annual daily traffic volume of
approximately 3,000 during summer months. This volume drops to approximately 2,500
daily during other times of the year. Plank Road north of Vienna has a functional
classification as a Rural Minor Arterial roadway, meaning its primary purpose is traffic
movement and to provide connections to other arterial roadways and urban centres.
Page 38 of 135
In response to the request from the Municipality of Bayham and as directed by County
Council, staff deployed traffic counters at two locations on Plank Road north of Chute
Line and those findings are detailed in the table below:
Location within the Village of Average Average Speed 85t" Percentile
Vienna Daily (km/h) Speed (km/h)
Plank Road south of Chute Line 2259 54 63
Plank Road 500m north of Chute 2624 73 83
The collected data suggests that traffic tends to slow as it enters the main part of the
village as drivers negotiate the horizontal and vertical curves north of the Big Otter
Creek, however, most vehicles are exceeding the 50km/h posted speed limit.
Reduced speed zones along Elgin's road network are recommended in "Built Up Areas"
as defined by the Highway Traffic Act. That definition considers the percentage of
physical building density adjacent to and fronting a highway. The existing building
density north of the current 50km/h reduced speed zone does not satisfy this definition
since these older building lots can be up to 40m wide, some of the properties front onto
Soper Road and the St. Luke's Cemetery located on the east side of Plank Road is
considered as open land within this definition. For these reasons, the existing 50km/h
zone has been established where it currently exists.
Although a reduced speed zone is not normally recommended where there is
insufficient adjacent development to satisfy the "Built Up Area" definition, consideration
can be given to the fact that this section of Plank Road resides within the Village of
Vienna settlement limits.
In order to address the expressed resident concerns and in an attempt to alter driver
behaviour within the Village of Vienna limits, staff recommends establishing a 60km/h
zone, starting where the current 50km/h zone begins and extending northerly to the
settlement limits, being 200m north of Light Line. A new 955m long 60km/h zone
transition to the existing 50km/h zone will provide a reasonable speed limit for drivers
who tend to travel at speeds they feel comfortable and safe travelling at. This new
recommended 60km/h speed zone is detailed on the attached map.
Page 39 of 135
Serving Elgin
Growing Elgin
® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and
current programs and
services with community
® Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
❑ Engaging with our
community and other
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
❑ Fostering a healthy
❑ Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
❑ Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
® Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
The Municipality of Bayham will be requested to install the new signage, funded by the
County of Elgin.
The OPP Elgin Detachment will be notified of the amended speed zone area.
The County of Elgin received a request from the Municipality of Bayham to consider the
implementation of a 50km/h reduced speed zone within the Village of Vienna northern
Although this area does not satisfy normally applied criteria, staff recommends
establishing a reduced 60km/h zone since this area of Plank Road resides within the
village settlement limits and in an attempt to alter driver behaviour to satisfy resident
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Peter Dutchak
Manager of Transportation Services
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Page 40 of 135
FROM: Peter Dutchak, Manager of Transportation
DATE: June 5, 2023
Progfressive by ature SUBJECT: Imperial Road and Ron McNeil Line —
Status Update
THAT the report titled, "Imperial Road and Ron McNeil Line — Status Update" from the
Manager of Transportation, dated June 5t", 2023 be received and filed.
The County of Elgin has received a request from the Township of Malahide regarding
safety concerns at the intersection of Imperial Road (CR 73) at Ron McNeil Line (CR 52).
This report will provide an update regarding this intersection and the progress of the
County's Transportation Master Plan.
The intersection of Imperial Road and Ron McNeil Line resides north of the Town of
Aylmer within the Township of Malahide. This intersection is two-way stop controlled
(on Ron McNeil Line), has oversized stop and stop ahead signs, an overhead flashing
intersection control beacon and concrete ripple islands at the stop blocks in order to
position vehicles perpendicularly to Imperial Road. This intersection along with others is
being evaluated within the development of the County's Transportation Master Plan.
The County of Elgin begun developing its first Transportation Master Plan (TMP) in
2021 and has created a video introducing the project that can be viewed in the following
The plan will be completed in four phases as follows:
Phase 1 (Identify Needs and Opportunities) — This phase has been completed and
presented to County Council in 2022. The entire report can be viewed in the link below
ki 1. ant° " 'rl sii „n a as rif s k1z `; a a° „ f s ai 1z'= 7 44 11 z
Page 42 of 135
Phase 2 (Develop and Assess Network Alternatives)
Phase 3 (Develop Supporting Strategies and Policies)
Phase 4 (Prepare Final Transportation Master Plan)
Currently in Phase 2, the TMP considers strategies, initiatives and plans that will
positively contribute to Elgin's future transportation network in the medium -term (2036),
long-term (2051) and horizon (2066) planning time frames. Phase 2 develops potential
transportation improvements for the identified needs in Phase 1. Phase 2 also
produces a preferred road and cycling network anticipating future growth and needs.
Specifically, the intersection of Imperial Road and Ron McNeil Line was included in a
traffic operations analysis list that included eleven of the County road intersections with
the highest frequency of collisions. The complete list is provided below:
4 (17%)
CR 30 (Hiigilhbur Ave) &
CR 45- (Fergusoin Line)
CR 52 (Ron McNeil Line) &
7 (39%)
CR 25 ( ell1ington Rd)
CR 30 (Hiigilhbury Ave) &
3 (18%)
Mapleton (Line
CR 45 (Johan Wise Line) &
1 (7%)
CR 36 (Quaker Rd)
OR 52 (Ron McNeil Line) &
3 (25%)
CR 73 (Imperial Rd),
CR 52 (Ron McNeil Line) &
5 (42%)
CR 74 (Belllirmont Rd),
CR 4 (Sunset Dr) &
3 (27%)
C R 23 (East Rd)
CR 4 (Sunset Er) &
2 (20%)
Frulit Ridge Line
OR 45 (Johan Wise Line) &
1 (11%)
CR 73 (Imperial Rd),
OR 45 (Johan Wise Line) &
2 (22%)
CR 40 ( piringlfiiellld Rd')
CR 3 (Talbot Line) &
1 (11%)
CR 79 (irahami Rd)
Source: IOI Group snalllys s of colksion dlsts on Elgih County roads (2017-2021)
The table above shows that the Imperial Road and Ron McNeil Line intersection was 5th
highest in terms of total number of collisions (4 wildlife and 8 other collisions) based on
available police reported collision reports in the preceding 5 years of the TMP's
Page 43 of 135
nent. A traffic operational review of this intersection was also completed
u, ,� - ,alysis confirmed that no operational deficiencies such as excessive delays
currently exist. The review forecasted the 2051 operational level of service for Ron
McNeil Line to be poor when considering anticipated future traffic volume growth.
Currently, the County's 10-year capital plan (2023-2032) does not include any
improvements to the intersection of Imperial Road and Ron McNeil Line. Staff
anticipates that once the TMP is completed and endorsed by Council, a number of
improvements and initiatives will be identified to be required in future years and those
recommendations may include improvements to this intersection. At that time, Council
will have to prioritize and balance any new investments with existing needs and
available funding.
New Development Impacts
With the new announcement of a major international battery manufacturing plant within
the City of St. Thomas being developed, the TMP's growth and demand forecasts will
need to be revised to determine how the County road network may be impacted. Phase
2 of the TMP is currently delayed until the County is able to obtain some updated travel
demand and growth forecasting data in order to better inform plan recommendations.
Serving Elgin
Growing Elgin
® Ensuring alignment of
® Planning for and
current programs and
facilitating commercial,
services with community
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
® Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
® Engaging with our
community and other
® Fostering a healthy
® Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
® Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
® Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
The ongoing development of the TMP will include consultation of the County's LMPs.
Page 44 of 135
A copy of this report will be provided to the Township of Malahide.
The County of Elgin received a request from the Township of Malahide regarding safety
concerns at the intersection of Imperial Road (CR 73) at Ron McNeil Line (CR 52).
This intersection has been reviewed in the larger context of the County's Transportation
Master Plan development. Recommendations supporting required future improvements to
the transportation network are anticipated in Phase 2. An implementation plan of
recommended network improvements is anticipated in Phase 4 of the TMP.
TMP progress is currently delayed until revised travel demand and growth data can be
obtained supporting newly announced developments.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Peter Dutchak
Manager of Transportation Services
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Page 45 of 135
FROM: Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial
DATE: June 5, 2023
SUBJECT: 2022 Annual Report for Investments
THAT the 2022 Annual Report for Investments, submitted by the Director of Financial
Services/Treasurer, be received and filed for information.
Section 8(1) of Ontario Regulation 438/97, issued under section 418(6) of the Municipal
Act 2001, requires the Treasurer to produce and submit to Council an Annual
Investment Report.
Below is a chart summarizing the year end balances by account and the applicable
income received through the variable investment activities within the financial
instruments for the year 2022.
Investment Category
Balance at
Dec 31-22
Rate of
General Account
Cash Account - High Interest Savings
2.11 %
Account (HISA)*
In -Year Guaranteed Investment
Since balances within the financial instruments fluctuate over the year, the Average
Rate of Return is based on the average daily balances held within the accounts
throughout the year rather than directly related to the balance shown within the account
at year end. GIC interest was earned in 2022 from a multi -year GIC whose term ended
in 2022 and was subsequently deposited back into the HISA.
*Q4 Levy received Dec 15, 2022
Page 46 of 135
All of the above investments are consistent with the restrictions outlined in Ontario
Regulation 438/97, as amended, required for municipalities to follow.
Serving Elgin
❑ Ensuring alignment of
current programs and
services with community
❑ Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
❑ Engaging with our
community and other
Additional Comments:
Growing Elgin
❑ Planning for and
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
❑ Fostering a healthy
® Enhancing quality of
No impact
Investing in Elgin
® Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
❑ Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
This report is provided to support mandatory requirements of the Municipal Act.
For Council's information, to be received and filed.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Jennifer Ford
Director of Financial Services/Treasurer
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Page 47 of 135
m`Progressive iky Nature
FROM: Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial
DATE: June 5, 2023
SUBJECT: 2023 Borrowing By -Law
THAT the June 5, 2023, report titled, 2023 Borrowing By -Law, submitted by the Director of
Financial Services/Treasurer to outline the need to maintain a credit facility be received and
filed; and,
THAT the amended accompanying Borrowing By -Law for 2023 be read for approval.
Section 407 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides authority for a Council, by By -
Law, to authorize the head of Council and the Treasurer to borrow from time to time, by way of
promissory note or bankers' acceptance, such sums as the Council considers necessary to
meet the current expenses and other qualifying expenditures (as set forth in the said section 407
of the Act) of the Corporation until levies from local municipalities and other revenues are
received. This report outlines the need for this By -Law to support the maintenance of our credit
facility annually in order to provide business continuity.
The County of Elgin has enacted a Borrowing By -Law in the past to enable potential
borrowings of either a specified percentage or amount based on the current year revenue
budget. The purpose of a blanket short-term Borrowing By -Law is to enable the County to
meet current year obligations for short term purposes only. It is expected that any borrowing
that takes place under this authority would be fully repaid within the same year when expected
revenues are received.
In the past several years, the County has experienced occasions where the need for the
provisions offered by this By -Law were relevant from an emergency preparedness standpoint.
The most notable occasion occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the onset of the
pandemic, the County extended the levy payment timeline in an effort to relieve financial
pressures on our Local Municipal Partners related to paying the levy revenue to us quarterly.
In turn, our Local Municipal Partners were able to offer ratepayers further time to pay property
Page 48 of 135
taxes and provided relief from the initial unknown financial stresses on households in the
County during the state of emergency. The extension of the timelines had the potential to put
the County in a position where we may have had need to borrow to meet our obligations
between payment periods. However, ratepayers were able to meet their commitment to
paying taxes on time which enabled our Local Municipal Partners to pay the levy to the County
in the usual manner. As a result, the need to borrow during that time did not materialize.
It is prudent for us to maintain trusted working relationships with our employees, vendors, and
partners. Our employees and vendors expect timely payment of payroll and invoices
respectively so that the County is able to continue to deliver important services to our
community such as Long -Term Care and Ambulance Services.
From time to time, the County may experience extreme external events, pressures, or other
emergency situations that may affect our receipt of revenue or expense timelines for a short
period of time. In order to meet our payment obligations, and to ensure continuity of service, it
is best practice to ensure that documentation with our banking partner is in place in advance of
our need to borrow.
Council approval of the Borrowing By -Law and Budget By -Law are the two pieces of
documentation that our banking partner requires to ensure that our credit facility obligations
are in place annually and in advance of our need. The Budget By -Law was approved earlier
this year. The Borrowing By -Law, presented in this report, is an outstanding item that is
required to be approved before our banking partner can formally authorize our credit facility.
Serving Elgin
Growing Elgin
® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and
current programs and
services with community
❑ Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
❑ Engaging with our
community and other
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
❑ Fostering a healthy
❑ Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
® Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
® Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
Page 49 of 135
Additional Comments:
No immediate impact at this time.
If approved, the Borrowing By -Law will be forwarded to our banking partner to enable us to
fulfill the final obligation related to credit facility documentation that will place us in good
standing with them should the need arise and be at the ready in case of emergency. Annually,
the Borrowing By -Law is presented after the final budget is approved, in order to update the
By -Law amounts to reflect the current year budget..
The County has not had the need to borrow for short-term purposes for many years but has
maintained a credit facility with our banking partner over this time. From an emergency
preparedness and best practice perspective, advanced planning enables the County to quickly
pivot and lean on our ability to borrow immediately should the need arise. Staff recommend
the continuation of the credit facility and that the Borrowing By -Law be approved in order to
complete the documentation with our banking partner.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Jennifer Ford
Director of Financial Services/Treasurer
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Page 50 of 135
� FROM: Paul Clarke, Planning Technician and
.......... f
Secretary Treasurer of the Land Division Committee,
and Tyson Edwards, GIS Technician
°. ..
Progfressive by Nature DATE: June 13, 2023
SUBJECT: Agricultural Impacts from Proposed
Agricultural Lot Creation Changes to the
Provincial Policy Statement
THAT the report titled "Agricultural Impacts from Proposed Agricultural Lot Creation
Changes to the Provincial Policy Statement" from the Elgin County Planning Technician
and GIS Technician dated June 13, 2023 be received for information purposes.
On April 6, 2023 the Province released a proposed Provincial Policy Statement (PPS),
2023 alongside Bill 97 (which contains numerous legislative amendments to several Acts,
including the Planning Act). The purpose of these changes is to assist the Province in
achieving the Government's goal of building 1.5 million new homes in Ontario by 2031.
The changes proposed to the PPS include significant amendments to the sections of the
Policy that govern lot creation in agricultural areas, as well as the expansion of settlement
This report has been prepared as a supplementary report to the one presented by
Acting Manager of Planning Paul Hicks, at the May 2nd Council meeting. In that report,
Mr. Hicks summarized the proposed changes to the PPS, particularly how the
amendments to the section governing lot creation in prime agricultural areas will affect
planning within the County. At the request of the Western Ontario Warden's Caucus,
and to further illustrate the concerns outlined by Mr. Hicks, this report has been
prepared to show the potential impacts of new residential lot creation on existing farm
operations in Elgin County.
Elgin County is home to some of the highest quality agricultural land in the province.
The County's Official Plan (OP) and the current version of the PPS protect the viability
of farmland by generally restricting new lot creation on prime agricultural lands to:
Page 51 of 135
a) new lots for agricultural uses;
b) agriculture -related uses; and
c) existing dwellings surplus to a farming operation.
Currently, under both the PPS and OP, the creation of new residential lots is prohibited
on agricultural lands.
The proposed changes to the PPS will permit the creation of up to three residential lots
on existing agricultural lots of record and prevent municipalities from enacting Official
Plan policies which are more stringent than what the PPS permits, meaning Elgin
County would be required to permit this lot creation regardless of whether County
Council was of the opinion it would be appropriate.
To assess the impacts of this proposed lot creation on Elgin County's farmland a spatial
analysis was performed to estimate the number of potential lots that could be created,
the total land mass of agricultural land that could potentially be lost, and the impacts of
these changes on the potential expansion of existing livestock operations.
Effects on Prime Agricultural Land
The statistics presented below were obtained through the following methodology
utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software:
1. Identification of all agricultural zoned lands in Elgin County.
2. Identification of properties with a minimum size of ten acres.
3. Multiplication of the remaining properties by three to estimate the total number of
potential new lots as would be permitted under the proposed PPS.
This analysis resulted in the table below, which shows a breakdown of the total new lots
that could be created per local Municipality.
Total Number of
Eligible Ag Parcels
(10+ acres)
Potential New
Lots if 3 per
parcel is possible
Central Elgin
West Elgin
Elgin County
Page 52 of 135
Assuming an average lot size of 1.5 acres, this equates to the potential loss of 24,372
acres to residential lot creation, which is the equivalent to over one-third of Central
Elgin's existing area.
The liberalization of residential lot development in prime agricultural regions will have
several implications:
1. Conflict with modern farming practices: The introduction of additional non -farming
residents increases the likelihood of conflicts with farming operators, including
complaints against normal farm practices.
2. Difficulty expanding existing livestock operations: Under provincial regulation,
new residential lot creation restricts where new livestock can be established or
3. Shift focus of development away from settlement areas: Lot creation policies
would direct growth away from serviced settlement areas that are best able to
accommodate non -farming residents.
4. Greater demand for rural services: Municipalities may face increased pressure to
provide enhanced rural services, including more frequent snow plowing, road
maintenance, and emergency services, due to the expansion of residential
development in rural areas.
5. Fragments Land at Urban Boundaries: It is likely that lot creation will cluster
around the fringes of urban boundaries fragmenting future development areas
and making future urban expansions more inefficient.
6. Potential Groundwater Impacts: Increased residential lot creation on private well
and septic systems will require municipalities to more closely monitor impacts on
groundwater from overuse and / or contamination, particularly in areas of Elgin
County characterized by sandy soils.
Effects on existing livestock operations
To asses the impacts of residential lot creation staff randomly selected an agricultural
area of the County with existing livestock operations in close proximity to each other.
The area selected was in north Malahide Township bounded by Putnam Road, Pigram
Line, Lyons Line, and Century Line. The results are attached to this report as Appendix
A series of 1.5-acre lots were created on existing agricultural lots. All potential lots
comply with Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) I requirements from the surrounding
livestock barns and manure facilities (where applicable). The MDS calculation was
developed by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and
is required for new lot creation within 750m of an existing livestock operation. The
purpose of the MDS is to minimize conflicts between livestock operations, manure
storage facilities, anerobic digesters, and sensitive land uses such as residential homes.
Expansion of livestock facilities was assumed to occur with the following parameters:
Page 53 of 135
1. The expansion would be roughly a similar floor area to existing structure(s) on
the farm.
2. The new farm building would contain the same type of livestock as the existing
3. Manure storage already provided on the farm would be adequate for the new
Based on these parameters, and using calculations from OMAFRA to establish the
potential capacity of livestock barns, a buffer was created around each barn showing
the calculated MDS II separation distance required. MDS II is required for any
expansion of existing livestock operations or the construction of a new barn and
provides the required minimum separation distance the new barn must be from existing
sensitive land uses. As shown on Appendix 1, the presence of surrounding residential
lots conflicts with the MDS II required separation distance and would restrict the
expansion of the existing livestock facilities.
No direct financial implications to the County of Elgin.
Serving Elgin
❑ Ensuring alignment of
current programs and
services with community
❑ Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
® Engaging with our
community and other
Growing Elgin
® Planning for and
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
® Fostering a healthy
❑ Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
❑ Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
® Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
Page 54 of 135
This applies to all local municipalities.
This information report should be circulated to all of the local municipalities.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Paul Clarke
Planning Technician / Secretary Treasurer of
the Land Division Committee
Paul Hicks
Acting Manager of Planning
Reviewed and Approved for
Stephen Gibson
Acting Chief Administrative Officer
Page 55 of 135
'.Progfressive by Nature
FROM: Paul Hicks, Acting Manager of Planning
DATE: June 13, 2023
SUBJECT: Part of Clergy Reserve Lot `D', North of
Lake Road, and Part of James Begg Lots 14 & 15,
Registered Plan No. 20 (Middlesex), and Part of Road
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the Lake
Rd, and all of Lot `T', Registered Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
Owner: James Glover
File No.: 34T-CE2102
1. THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin grants draft plan
approval to Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by Strik Baldinelli Moniz on behalf
of James Glover and dated August 4, 2022; and,
2. THAT staff be directed to provide notice of this decision subject to the conditions of
final approval in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act.
This report provides County Council with information required to consider granting
approval to the above -noted plan of subdivision. In accordance with Section 51 of the
Planning Act, the Council of the County of Elgin, as "Approval Authority," is required to
make a decision which gives approves, or refuses to give approval to, a draft plan of
The County of Elgin is in receipt of a draft plan of subdivision application for the above
noted lands in the community of Port Stanley. This application would facilitate the
creation of a residential plan of subdivision composed of 70 single detached building
lots and nine semi-detached building lots serviced by an internal road network and open
Page 57 of 135
The subject application proceeded through the standard application process including
the preparation, review, and acceptance of a number of technical studies and reports,
and the technical circulation to statutory review agencies. Central Elgin staff have
recommended approval Central Elgin Council who have subsequently endorsed the
proposed plan of subdivision, along with associated conditions of approval.
County staff have had the opportunity to review the subject application under the
requirements of the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement, the County Official
Plan, and the Central Elgin Official Plan and are satisfied that the application meets all
relevant requirements. Further, a series of conditions to the draft approval have been
prepared to accompany the approval, should County Council deem it appropriate to
approve, including conditions from: the Municipality of Central Elgin, Bell Canada, the
County of Elgin, Canada Post, and Enbridge.
There are no identified direct financial implications to the County with respect to the
approval of the application.
Serving Elgin
Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin
❑ Ensuring alignment of ® Planning for and ❑ Ensuring we have the
current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools,
services with community industrial, residential, resources, and
need. and agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver
❑ Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
® Engaging with our
community and other
❑ Fostering a healthy
® Enhancing quality of
programs and services
now and in the future.
❑ Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
This plan will directly impact the Municipality of Central Elgin
Page 58 of 135
Notice of the decision will be sent out to all parties that requested notification, to the
local municipality, and to any other person / body prescribed under the Planning Act.
Based on the above analysis it is recommended that County Council provide draft plan
approval to the subject application along with the associated conditions, as the
• Is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement;
• Conforms to the County of Elgin, and Municipality of Central Elgin Official Plans;
• Constitute good planning and is in the public interest.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted Reviewed and Approved for
Paul Hicks
Acting Manager of Planning Stephen Gibson
Acting Chief Administrative Officer
Page 59 of 135
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Owner: James Glover
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
File No.: 34T- CE2102
Municipality: Central Elgin
Subject Lands: Pt of Clergy Reserve Lot `D'
N of Lake Rd, and Part of James Begg Lots 14
& 15, Reg'd Plan No. 20 (Midd), and Pt of Rd
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the
Lake Rd, and all of Lot `T', Reg'd Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Date of Decision: June 13, 2023
Date of Notice: #####
Last Date of Appeal: #####
Lapsing Date: June 13, 2026
On Application for Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision
Subsection 51(37) of the Planning Act
Approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision in respect of the subject lands noted above was given
by the County of Elgin on June , 2023. A copy of the conditions for final approval and the draft
approved plan is attached. Council considered all written and oral submissions received on
this application, the effect of which helped Council to make an informed decision.
When and How to File an Appeal
Notice to appeal the decision to the Ontario Land
Tribunal (OLT) must be filed with the County of Elgin
no later than 20 days from the date of this notice as
shown above as the last date of appeal.
The notice of appeal should be sent to the attention
of the Manager of Planning, at the address shown
below and it must,
(1) set out the reasons for the appeal, and
(2) be accompanied by the fee prescribed under the
Ontario Land Tribunal Act in the amount of
$400.00 (for individuals) and $1,100 (for
corporations), payable by certified cheque to the
Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario.
Who Can File an Appeal
Only individuals, corporations or public bodies may
appeal the decision in respect of a proposed plan of
subdivision to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.
An appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated
association or group. However, a notice of appeal
may be filed in the name of an individual who is a
member of the association or group.
Right of Applicant or Public Body to Appeal
The applicant or any public body may, at any time
before the final plan of subdivision is approved,
appeal any of the conditions imposed by the County
of Elgin by filing with the Manager of Planning a
notice of appeal.
How to receive Notice of Changed Conditions
The conditions of an approval of draft plan of
subdivision may be changed at any time before the
final approval is given.
You will be entitled to receive notice of any changes
to the conditions of approval of draft plan of
subdivision if you have either,
(1) made a written request to be notified of the
decision, or
(2) made a written request to be notified of changes
to the conditions of approval of the draft plan of
Other Related Applications:
Central Elgin Zoning By-law Amendment
Getting Additional Information
Additional Information about the application is
available for public inspection during regular office
hours at the County of Elgin at the address noted
Mailing address for Filing a Notice of Appeal
County of Elgin
450 Sunset Drive, 3rd Floor
St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1
Attention: County Solicitor
Telephone: 519-631-1460
Fax: 519-633-7661
Email: nloeb@elgin.ca
Page 61 of 135
Owner: James Glover
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
File No.: 34T- CE2102
Municipality: Central Elgin
Subject Lands: Pt of Clergy Reserve Lot `D'
N of Lake Rd, and Part of James Begg Lots 14
& 15, Reg'd Plan No. 20 (Midd), and Pt of Rd
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the
Lake Rd, and all of Lot `T', Reg'd Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Date of Decision: May 23, 2023
Date of Notice: #####
Last Date of Appeal: #####
Lapsing Date: May 23, 2026
The conditions and amendments to final plan of approval for registration of this Subdivision
as provided by the County of Elgin are as follows:
This approval applies to the draft plan of subdivision, prepared by Callon Dietz,
Ontario Land Surveyors and certified by Terry P. Dietz, Ontario Land Surveyor, dated
August 4, 2022, which shows:
• 70 single detached building lots (Lots 1-70)
• 9 semi-detached building lots (Lots 71-79)
• Open Space Blocks (Blocks 82, 83, 87, and 88)
• Walkway Blocks (Blocks 84, 85, 86, and 90)
• Future Roadway Block (Block 89)
• Public Roadways
2. This approval applies for three years, and if final approval is not given by that date, the
draft approval shall lapse, except in the case where an extension has been granted by
the County of Elgin.
3. The owner enters into a subdivision agreement with the Municipality of Central Elgin
wherein the owner agrees to satisfy all of the requirements, financial and otherwise of
the Municipality of Central Elgin concerning the installation of services including roads,
sanitary sewage collection system, water distribution system, utilities and storm water
management facilities for the development of the lands within the plan.
4. The subdivision agreement be registered against the lands to which it applies once the
plan of subdivision has been registered.
5. The subdivision agreement, where required, shall contain a provision, prepared to the
satisfaction of the municipality, regarding the phasing or timing of the development.
6. The owner provides easements as may be required for services, utility or drainage
purposes in a form satisfactory to the Municipality or Utility and where required by the
Municipality, daylight corners and street reserves shall be shown on the final plan and
conveyed in a form satisfactory to the Municipality.
Page 62 of 135
Owner: James Glover
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
File No.: 34T- CE2102
Municipality: Central Elgin
Subject Lands: Pt of Clergy Reserve Lot `D'
N of Lake Rd, and Part of James Begg Lots 14
& 15, Reg'd Plan No. 20 (Midd), and Pt of Rd
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the
Lake Rd, and all of Lot `T', Reg'd Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Date of Decision: May 23, 2023
Date of Notice: #####
Last Date of Appeal: #####
Lapsing Date: May 23, 2026
7. The road allowances included in this draft plan shall meet the standards of the
Municipality and be shown and dedicated as public highways on the final plan
submitted for approval and registration.
8. The streets within the draft plan of subdivision shall be named to the satisfaction of the
Municipality of Central Elgin.
9. The owner shall provide a storm water management report satisfactory to the
Municipality based on the report, Functional Servicing Report for Kettle Creek
Subdivision (Strathroy Turf Farms Inc.), 37719 Lake Line, Port Stanley ON, Strik
Baldinelli Moniz, December 2022 the development agreement between the owner and
the Municipality including provisions regarding the development, implementation,
installation, dedication and maintenance of the storm water management facilities.
10.The appropriate zoning is in place for the development.
11.The subdivision agreement between the owner and the Municipality shall contain a
provision requiring the owner to install geodetic monuments within the subdivision. The
number, specifications and location of the monuments are to be approved by the
Director of Asset Management and Development Services prior to final approval and
12.The subdivision agreement between the owner and the Municipality shall contain
provisions requiring the implementation of the recommendations of the environmental
impact study (EIS) reports, Environmental Impact Study (EIS) Report, James Glover
(Below -Me Developments), 37719 Lake Line Road, Port Stanley, MTE Consultants,
July 29, 2022 MTE File No. 48957-100.
13.The subdivision agreement between the owner and the Municipality shall contain
provisions requiring the implementation of the recommendations of the reports,
Strathroy Turf Farm Ltd., Kettle Creek Golf and Country Club Development, Preliminary
Geotechnical Investigation, September 18, 2014, EXP, LON-0013222- GE and
Strathroy Turf Farm Ltd., Kettle Creek Golf and Country Club Development,
Supplementary Geotechnical Investigation, April 9, 2015, EXP, LON-0013222-GE, and
Strathroy Turf Farm Ltd., Kettle Creek Golf and Country Club Development, Slope
Assessment, April 7, 2022, EXP, LON-22006266-AO
14.The subdivision agreement between the owner and the Municipality shall contain
Page 63 of 135
Owner: James Glover
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
File No.: 34T- CE2102
Municipality: Central Elgin
Subject Lands: Pt of Clergy Reserve Lot `D'
N of Lake Rd, and Part of James Begg Lots 14
& 15, Reg'd Plan No. 20 (Midd), and Pt of Rd
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the
Lake Rd, and all of Lot `T, Reg'd Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Date of Decision: May 23, 2023
Date of Notice: #####
Last Date of Appeal: #####
Lapsing Date: May 23, 2026
provisions requiring the implementation of the recommendations of the report,
Strathroy Turf Farms, Kettle Creek Subdivision, 37719 Lake Line, Port Stanley,
Transportation Impact Study, Strik Baldinelli Moniz, October 2021, SBM-18-0530.
15.The subdivision agreement between the owner and the Municipality contain provisions
a) The owner to include a statement informing the persons who first purchase a unit
following final approval of all the approved development charges, including
development charges for school purposes, relating to any such unit within the
draft plan of subdivision pursuant to Section 59(4) of the Development Charges
Act. 1997;
b) All services, which in the opinion of the Municipality are necessary for the
development of the lands within the Plan, such services being hereinafter called
the "necessary services" shall be in place before the development begins; and
c) Notwithstanding, development may begin before all of the necessary services are
in place if the Municipality is satisfied that adequate arrangements have been
made to ensure that the necessary services shall be provided in a timely manner
as development proceeds. Adequate arrangements shall include the passing of
an area -specific development charge by-law pursuant to section 2 of the
Development Charges Act, 1997 and the entering into of a front -ending
agreement under section 44 of such Act, which by-law and agreement relate to
the necessary services.
16.That prior to final approval, the Municipality shall confirm that there is uncommitted
reserve sewage and water treatment capacity to service the development and that the
proposed arrangements for stormwater management are acceptable and can be
assumed by the Municipality.
17.That prior to final approval, no grading or other soil disturbances shall take place on the
subject property prior to the Owner's Licensed Archaeologist providing a letter to the
Municipality and the County indicating that there are no further concerns for impacts to
archaeological sites on the subject lands. This is to be accompanied by a Ministry of
Tourism, Culture and Sport letter indicating that the licensee has met the terms and
conditions for Archaeological Licensing and that the report has been entered into the
Ontario Public Register of archaeological reports.
18.The owner conveying up to 5% of the land included in the plan to the Municipality for
park or other public recreation purposes or alternatively the Municipality may require
Page 64 of 135
Owner: James Glover
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
File No.: 34T- CE2102
Municipality: Central Elgin
Subject Lands: Pt of Clergy Reserve Lot `D'
N of Lake Rd, and Part of James Begg Lots 14
& 15, Reg'd Plan No. 20 (Midd), and Pt of Rd
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the
Lake Rd, and all of Lot `T, Reg'd Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Date of Decision: May 23, 2023
Date of Notice: #####
Last Date of Appeal: #####
Lapsing Date: May 23, 2026
cash in lieu of all or a portion of the conveyance.
19.The subdivision agreement shall acknowledge and require the owner to convey any
easements as deemed necessary by any telecommunications operator to service this
new development at no cost to said operator.
20. The subdivision agreement shall require that should any conflict arise with existing
telecommunications facilities where a current and valid easement exists within the
subject area, the owner shall be responsible for the relocation of any such facilities or
easements at their own cost.
21.The subdivision agreement shall require that the owner provide Enbridge with any
necessary easements and/or agreements required by Enbridge for the provision of gas
services for this project.
22.The subdivision agreement shall require the Owner to fund a portion of the ultimate
required infrastructure, to implement the recommended improvements to the County's
intersection of Colbourne / Warren Roads and include a 30 m northbound left turn lane,
a 40 m eastbound left turn lane and traffic signals as detailed in Strathroy Turf Farms,
Kettle Creek Subdivision, 37719 Lake Line, Port Stanley, Transportation Impact Study,
Strik Baldinelli Moniz, October 2021, SBM-18-0530.
23. The subdivision agreement shall require that the owner consult with Canada Post to
determine suitable permanent locations for the Community Mail Boxes and these will
then be indicated on the appropriate servicing plans.
24. The subdivision agreement shall require the owner, prior to offering any units for
sale/rent, to display a map on the wall of the sales office in a place readily accessible
to potential owners/renters that indicates the location of all Community Mail Boxes
within the development, as approved by Canada Post.
25. The subdivision agreement shall require the owner to include, in all offers of purchase /
rental, a statement which advises the purchaser/renter that mail will be delivered via
Community Mailbox and also notes the locations of all Community Mail Boxes within
the development, and to notify affected owners/renters of any established easements
granted to Canada Post to permit access to the Community Mailbox.
26. The subdivision agreement shall require the owner to provide a suitable and safe
temporary site for a Community Mailbox until curbs, sidewalks and final grading are
Page 65 of 135
Owner: James Glover
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
File No.: 34T- CE2102
Municipality: Central Elgin
Subject Lands: Pt of Clergy Reserve Lot `D'
N of Lake Rd, and Part of James Begg Lots 14
& 15, Reg'd Plan No. 20 (Midd), and Pt of Rd
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the
Lake Rd, and all of Lot `T, Reg'd Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Date of Decision: May 23, 2023
Date of Notice: #####
Last Date of Appeal: #####
Lapsing Date: May 23, 2026
completed at the permanent Community Mailbox locations. Canada Post will provide
mail delivery to new residents/tenants as soon as the homes/businesses are occupied.
27. The subdivision agreement shall require the owner to provide the following for each
Community Mailbox site and to include these requirements on the appropriate
servicing plans:
• Any required walkway across the boulevard, per municipal standards;
• Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access, with an opening of at
least two to three metres (consult Canada Post for detailed specifications); and
• A Community Mailbox concrete base pad per Canada Post specifications.
28.That prior to final approval of the plan of subdivision, the Municipality of Central Elgin
shall advise in writing how conditions 1 to 18 have been satisfied.
29.That prior to final approval of the plan of subdivision, Bell Canada shall advise in
writing how conditions 19 to 20 have been satisfied.
30.That prior to final approval of the plan of subdivision, Enbridge shall advise in writing
how condition 21 has been satisfied.
31.That prior to final approval of the plan of subdivision, County of Elgin shall advise in
writing how condition 22 has been satisfied.
32.That prior to final approval of the plan of subdivision, Canada Post shall advise in
writing how condition 23 to 27 have been satisfied.
1. It is the owner's responsibility to fulfill the conditions of draft approval.
2. It is suggested that the applicant be aware of section 144 of the Land Titles Act and
subsection 78(10) of the Registry Act.
Subsection 144 (1) of the Land Titles Act requires that a plan of subdivision of land
that is located in a land titles division be registered under the Land Titles Act.
Exceptions to this provision are set out in subsection 144(2).
Subsection 78(10) of the Registry Act requires that a plan of subdivision of land that
Page 66 of 135
Owner: James Glover
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
File No.: 34T- CE2102
Municipality: Central Elgin
Subject Lands: Pt of Clergy Reserve Lot `D'
N of Lake Rd, and Part of James Begg Lots 14
& 15, Reg'd Plan No. 20 (Midd), and Pt of Rd
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the
Lake Rd, and all of Lot `T', Reg'd Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Date of Decision: May 23, 2023
Date of Notice: #####
Last Date of Appeal: #####
Lapsing Date: May 23, 2026
is located only in a registry division cannot be registered under the Registry Act
unless that title of the owner of the land has been certified under the Certification of
Titles Act. Exceptions to this provision are set out in clauses (b) and (c) of
subsection 78(10).
3. The owner is advised that in the event that deeply buried archaeological remains
should be discovered during construction, it is recommended that archaeological staff
of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport be notified immediately.
Similarly, in the event that human remains should be encountered during
construction, it is recommended that the proponent immediately notify the Ontario
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and the Registrar of the Cemeteries
Regulation Unit of the Cemeteries Branch.
4. The Ontario Land Surveyor responsible for preparing the final plan for registration
should contact the Municipality of Central Elgin regarding the preparation of the final
plan to ensure the requirements of draft approval are properly addressed in the
preparation of the final plan and that the final plan prepared contains sufficient
geodetic information to locate the plan within the UTM Coordinate System, North
American Datum 1983, prior to submitting the plan for final approval. A digital copy
of the final plan, in a form satisfactory to the Municipality of Central, is required as
part of the final plan submission.
5. Inauguration, or extension of a piped water supply, a sewage system or a storm
drainage system, is subject to the approval of the Ministry of the Environment under
Sections 52 and Section 53 of the Ontario Water Resources Act.
6. The owner is hereby advised that the review of this plan of subdivision did not include
groundwater, soil or atmosphere testing to fully discount the possibility that waste
materials and/or other contaminants are present within or in close proximity to this
subdivision. If either the owner or the Municipality requires such assurance before
proceeding with this plan of subdivision, a team of consultants should be retained to
conduct any necessary investigations.
7. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks must be advised
immediately should waste materials or other contaminants be discovered during the
development of this plan of subdivision. If waste materials or contaminants are
discovered, a further approval under Section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act
may be required from that Minister.
Page 67 of 135
Owner: James Glover
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
File No.: 34T- CE2102
Municipality: Central Elgin
Subject Lands: Pt of Clergy Reserve Lot `D'
N of Lake Rd, and Part of James Begg Lots 14
& 15, Reg'd Plan No. 20 (Midd), and Pt of Rd
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the
Lake Rd, and all of Lot `T, Reg'd Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Date of Decision: May 23, 2023
Date of Notice: #####
Last Date of Appeal: #####
Lapsing Date: May 23, 2026
8. The owner is advised that if any unplugged petroleum wells or associated works are
identified during the development of the site, the owner shall notify the Petroleum
Resources Centre of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. The owner
shall plug the wells and rehabilitate the surface according to the Provincial Standards
of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act. The Ministry of Natural Resources and
Forestry recommends that no structures be built immediately over a plugged
petroleum well.
9. The owner is advised to contact Bell Canada at: planninganddevelopment@bell.ca
during the detailed utility design stage to confirm the provision of communications /
telecommunications infrastructure needed to service the development.
10. It shall be noted that it is the responsibility of the owner to provide entrance/service
duct(s) from Bell Canada's existing network infrastructure to service the approved
draft plan of subdivision. If no such network infrastructure exists, in accordance with
the Bell Canada Act, the owner may be required to pay for the extension of such
network infrastructure. If the owner elects not to pay for the above noted connection,
Bell Canada may decide not to provide service to this development.
11. Canada Post will provide mail delivery service to this development through
centralized Community Mailboxes (CMBs) unless.
12. If the development includes plans for (a) multi -unit building(s) with a common indoor
entrance, the developer must supply, install and maintain the mail delivery equipment
within these buildings to Canada Post's specifications. If there are over 100 units, a
mail room will be required.
13. Please provide Canada Post with the excavation date for the first foundation/first
phase as well as the date development work is scheduled to begin so that we can
plan for equipment. Finally, please provide the expected installation date(s) for the
14. It is noted that the subject lands are affected by regulations enacted under Section 28
of the Conservation Authorities Act, whereby written permission is required of Kettle
Creek Conservation Authority prior to any development and/or alteration upon the
Page 68 of 135
Owner: James Glover
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
File No.: 34T- CE2102
Municipality: Central Elgin
Subject Lands: Pt of Clergy Reserve Lot `D'
N of Lake Rd, and Part of James Begg Lots 14
& 15, Reg'd Plan No. 20 (Midd), and Pt of Rd
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the
Lake Rd, and all of Lot `T, Reg'd Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Date of Decision: May 23, 2023
Date of Notice: #####
Last Date of Appeal: #####
Lapsing Date: May 23, 2026
15. It is suggested that the Municipality register the subdivision agreement as provided
by subsection 51(26) of the Planning Act, against the land to which it applies, as
notice to prospective purchasers.
12. Clearances are required from the following agencies:
Municipality of Central Elgin
450 Sunset Drive,
St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1,
Analyst Land Support
Enbridge Gas Inc.
50 Keil Drive North
Chatham, ON N7M 5M1
Manager — Planning & Development
Network Provisioning
Bell Canada
1 Carrefour Alexander Graham Bell
Montreal, QC H3E 3133
Director of Engineering
County of Elgin
450 Sunset Drive
St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1
Delivery Services Officer
Delivery Planning
Canada Post Corporation
955 Highbury Ave
London, ON N5Y 1A3
If the agency's condition concerns a clause in the subdivision agreement, a copy of
the agreement should be sent to them. This will expedite clearance of the final plan.
A copy of the agreement is also required by the County of Elgin.
13. All measurements on subdivision and condominium final plans must be presented in
metric units.
Page 69 of 135
Owner: James Glover
Applicant: Strik Baldinelli Moniz
File No.: 34T- CE2102
Municipality: Central Elgin
Subject Lands: Pt of Clergy Reserve Lot `D'
N of Lake Rd, and Part of James Begg Lots 14
& 15, Reg'd Plan No. 20 (Midd), and Pt of Rd
Allowance Between Lots 14 & 15 North of the
Lake Rd, and all of Lot `T', Reg'd Plan No. 39,
Geographic Twp of Southwold
Date of Decision: May 23, 2023
Date of Notice: #####
Last Date of Appeal: #####
Lapsing Date: May 23, 2026
The final plan must be submitted digitally in AutoCAD (DWG) and Portable Document
Format (PDF) with the appropriate citation from the Planning Act used.
The AutoCAD (DWG) file must be consistent with the following standards:
• Georeferenced to the NAD83 UTM Zone 17M coordinate system.
• All classes of features must be separated into different layers.
Each layer should be given a descriptive name so that the class of feature it
contains is recognizable.
The final plan approved by the County of Elgin must include the following paragraph
on all copies (3 mylars and 4 paper) for signature purposes:
Approval Authority Certificate
This final plan of subdivision is approved by the County of Elgin under Section 51
(58) of the Planning Act, R. S. O. 1990, on this day of 20
Manager of Planning
14. The approval of this draft plan of subdivision File No. 34T-CE2102 will lapse on
June 13, 2026, pursuant to subsection 51(32) of the Planning Act, as amended. It is
the responsibility of the owner to request an extension of the draft approval if one is
needed. A request for extension should be made at least 60 days before the
approval lapses since no extension can be given after the lapsing date. The request
should include the reasons why an extension is needed and a resolution in support of
the extension from Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin.
15. The final plan approved by the County of Elgin must be registered within 30 days or
the County may withdraw its approval under subsection 51(59) of the Planning Act.
Page 70 of 135
'.Progfressive by Nature
FROM: Paul Hicks, Acting Manager of Planning
DATE: June 13, 2023
SUBJECT: Revised Exemption from Draft Plan
Approval for Plan of Condominium, Block 65, Plan
11 M-241, Part of Lot 1, Concession 1, Geographic
Village of Port Stanley, Municipality of Central Elgin
Applicant: CJDL Engineering
Owner: Domus Developments (London) Inc.
File No.: 34CD-CE2202
THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin grants, in accordance with
Section 9 of the Condominium Act, an exemption to draft plan approval for a draft plan of
a phased condominium on Block 65, Plan 11 M-241, Part of Lot 1, Concession 1,
Geographic Village of Port Stanley, Municipality of Central Elgin for lands contained in
Block 65 for the development of a further 16 units; and,
THAT staff be directed to prepare and issue a certificate of exemption, and sign and
submit the final plans to the Land Registry Office in accordance with the requirements of
the Planning Act and Condominium Act.
This report will provide County Council with information required to consider issuing a
final approval to the abovementioned plan of condominium.
Under Section 9 of the Condominium Act, plans of condominium are subject to the same
legislated criteria as plans of subdivision outlined under Sections 51 and 51.1 of the
Planning Act. However, there are some condominium cases where all relevant planning
considerations have already been reviewed and/or found acceptable under a previously
completed planning process such as official plan/zoning by-law amendments, or site plan
control. In these cases, subsection 9(6) of the Condominium Act allows for the owner to
make an application to have the description or any part of the description for a
condominium exempted from the provisions of Sections 51 and 51.1 of the Planning Act.
In accordance with subsection 9(7) of the Condominium Act, the County, as approval
authority, may grant an exemption if it believes the exemption is appropriate in the
Page 71 of 135
In November 2022, County Council granted a final approval to the first phase of the
above -noted phased condominium in Port Stanley through the `exempted approval'
provisions of Section 9 of the Condominium Act and are now applying to have the second
phase exempted for final approval to develop an additional 16 units. To grant an
exemption to the draft approval process requires that:
• a development agreement or site plan agreement be in place with the local
• appropriate zoning is in place for the subject lands;
• a resolution has been passed in support of the proposed condominium; and
• there are no other outstanding matters related to the development that have not
been addressed through either zoning or the development agreement.
To that end, the owners obtained site plan approval from the Municipality of Central
Elgin (By-law No. 2569) in 2021 for the entire development of 52 townhouse dwelling
units on the subject lands. As part of this approval, a site plan agreement was executed
between the Municipality and owner and registered against the subject lands outlining
the obligations associated with the development. As part of the site plan approval
process, relevant planning considerations have already been reviewed and/or found
acceptable to the Municipality. Further it has been confirmed in writing by Central Elgin
staff that a resolution has been passed by Council in support of the proposed
development and that appropriate zoning is in place and finally, municipal staff have
confirmed that there are no other outstanding issues at the local level that would
preclude the County granting the request exemption.
No direct financial implications to the County of Elgin have been identified.
Page 72 of 135
Serving Elgin
❑ Ensuring alignment of
current programs and
services with community
® Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
® Engaging with our
community and other
Growing Elgin
® Planning for and
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
❑ Fostering a healthy
® Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
❑ Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
❑ Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
The Municipality of Central Elgin will be impacted by this application.
No notice is required pursuant to the Condominium Act for exemptions from draft plan
approval. Notwithstanding this, if approved, County staff will prepare and issue a
Certificate of Exemption to be provided to the owner. Further, County staff will sign and
submit the final plans to the Land Registry Office in accordance with the requirements of
the Planning Act and Condominium Act.
Based on the above analysis it is recommended that County Council grant an exemption
to the draft plan approval of the subject application for plan of condominium as the
• Meets the requirements of the Planning Act and Condominium Act;
• Is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement;
• Conforms to the Official Plans of the County of Elgin and Municipality of Central
Elgin, and the Zoning By-law of the Municipality of Central Elgin; and
• Constitutes good planning and is in the public interest.
Page 73 of 135
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Paul Hicks
Acting Manager of Planning
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Acting Chief Administrative Officer
Page 74 of 135
Flrof ressfve by Nature
File No.:
June 13, 2023
Municipality of Central Elgin
Subject Land:
63 Compass Trail, Units 24-39
Legal Desc.:
Block 65, Plan 11 M-241, Part of Lot 1,
Concession 1, former Village of Port
CJDL Engineering Ltd. on behalf of
Domus Developments (London) Inc.
WHEREAS this certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of subsection 9(3) of the
Condominium Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 19.
WHEREAS this certificate applies to Draft Plan of Phased Condominium, on Part of Block
65, Plan 33M-603, in the former Village of Port Stanley (now the Municipality of Central
Elgin), County of Elgin, prepared by Archibald, Gray, & McKay Ltd. and dated June 1, 2023.
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin granted approval for
an exemption to draft plan approval for the draft plan of condominium described above on
June 13, 2023.
NOW THEREFORE this certificate hereby certifies that above -noted plan is exempted under
subsection 9(3) of the Condominium Act, 1998, from those provisions of sections 51 and
51.1 of the Planning Act this 13t" day of June, 2023.
Stephen Gibson,
Acting Chief Administrative Officer,
County of Elgin
Page 75 of 135
< 2i
4o AP
z z
H 0 1 H
'.Progfressive by Nature
FROM: Paul Hicks, Acting Manager of Planning
DATE: June 13, 2023
SUBJECT: Municipality of Bayham Official Plan
Amendment No. 31, Concession 8, Part of
Lot 20, Registered Plan 11 R-7041; Part 2,
(10729 Plank Road), Municipality of
Applicant: Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd.
Municipality: Township of Bayham
Owner: Blayne & Kelsey Thompson
File No.: BA OPA 1-23
1. THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin approves, as modified,
Official Plan Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham;
2. THAT staff be directed to provide notice of this decision in accordance with the
requirements of the Planning Act.
The Council of the Municipality of Bayham has adopted an amendment to their official
plan, known as Official Plan Amendment Number 31 (OPA No. 31) and they have
subsequently forwarded the amendment to the County of Elgin for approval (see
attached). In accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, the Council of the County of
Elgin, as "Approval Authority," is required to make a decision on the adopted amendment
in which Council may approve, modify, or refuse to approve the amendment. If Elgin
County fails to make a decision within 120 days after the amendment is received, any
person or public body may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
This report is intended to provide County Council with the information required to make
a decision on the adopted amendment.
OPA No. 31 was adopted by Bayham Council on April 20, 2023 (By-law No. 2023-029).
The purpose of the amendment is to permit the construction of a new 560 m2
Page 79 of 135
building for a mechanical services business on lands designated `Estate
The proposal has proceeded through the standard application process, including the
preparation, review, and acceptance required technical studies and reports, as well as a
technical circulation to statutory review agencies. A Public meeting required under the
Planning Act was subsequently held prior to Municipal Council's adoption of OPA No.
31. Two letters of support from neighbouring property owners were received, while no
concerns were raised by members of the public or commenting agencies. Municipal
staff did not support the proposed amendment on the grounds that it was not
appropriate use of the lands.
County staff have had the opportunity to review the proposal and associated materials
against the requirements of the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement, the
County Official Plan, and Township of Malahide Official Plan, and are satisfied that the
proposal meets all relevant requirements.
While the proposed amendment does not conflict with the County Official Plan, County
Staff are recommending a modification to the proposed OPA. As adopted, the OPA
would re -designate the lands from the current `Estate Residential' designation to an
`Industrial' designation which would potentially establish wider industrial use of the lands
than that contemplated by Bayham Council, and could restrict residential uses in the
surrounding `Estate Residential' designation. As such, County Staff are recommending
that the adopted OPA be modified by deleting the adopted new Subsection and
replacing it with a new Subsection 3.3.5 "Specific Policy Area No. 5" to permit the
proposed industrial use within the existing `Estate Residential' designation. The
adopted land use schedule and remaining text of the adopted OPA would also be
modified, as required, to reflect these changes. Municipal staff have had the
opportunity to review the proposed modifications and have advised they do not take
issue with changes.
There are no identified direct financial implications to the County with respect to the
approval of the proposal.
Page 80 of 135
gyring Elgin
❑ Ensuring alignment of
current programs and
services with community
❑ Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
® Engaging with our
community and other
Growing Elgin
® Planning for and
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
❑ Fostering a healthy
❑ Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
❑ Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
❑ Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
This amendment will directly impact the Municipality of Bayham
The Notice of Decision will be sent to the applicant, Municipality of Bayham and those
prescribed under the Planning Act.
Based on the above analysis it is recommended that County Council approve, as
modified, OPA No. 31 of the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham, as the modified
• Is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement;
• Conforms to the County of Elgin, and Township of Malahide Official Plans; and
• Constitutes good planning and is in the public interest.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Paul Hicks
Acting Manager of Planning
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Acting Chief Administrative Officer
Page 81 of 135
With respect to Official Plan Amendment No. 31 to the
Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham under 17(34) of
the Planning Act
I hereby modify approve Official Plan Amendment No. 31 to the Municipality of Bayham
Official Plan adopted by By-law No. 23-029.
Dated at the County of Elgin this 13t" day of June 2023.
Acting Chief Administrative Officer,
County of Elgin
Page 82 of 135
SUBJECT: Blayne and Kelsey Thompson
10729 Plank Road
The following text constitutes
Amendment Number 31 to the Official
Plan of the Municipality of Bayham
Page 83 of 135
THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham
by By-law No. 2023-029, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 20th day
of April 2023.
Page 84 of 135
BY-LAW NO. 2023-029
THE Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions
of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows:
1) THAT Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham is hereby
2) THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make an application to the County of
Elgin for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan of the
Municipality of Bayham.
3) THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by Elgin
ENACTED AND PASSED this 20th day of April 2023.
Page 85 of 135
The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to change the designation of the subject
lands from Estate Residential to ,,,,,S, e i ,q , �afigy, ,r , a 1r -by changing the
symbol on Schedule Al: Municipality of Bayham: Land Use from Estate Residential to
�jpeclflc Polley Area No„ 5 1n rig ato permit mechanical services warehouse and
office use and accessory residential use, subject to Zoning By-law Amendment and Site
. Plan Approval, by adding new Subsection 3,,,,,,,,,35
,,,,,,,, ..
The Official Plan Amendment would require Zoning By-law Amendment to change the
zoning from "Estate Residential (ER)" to "site -specific a .l.....tJ..I.
(,., xx)" zone to permit mechanical services warehouse and office use and accessory
residential use; and to permit reduced rear yard setback of 6.0 metres (19.7 ft) whereas
10.0 metres (32.8 ft) is the permitted minimum for the proposed building, in Zoning By-law
The Official Plan Amendment will be applicable to lands known as CON 8 PT LOT 20 RP
11R7041; PART 2 and known municipally as 10729 Plank Road (County Road 19).
The subject lands are characterized as a commercial/industrial and residential parcel of
land comprising a dwelling, accessory building and mechanical services business office
and warehouse (to be developed) with floor area of 560 square metres. The dwelling is
serviced by private water and sewer services and the proposed warehouse and office
building would share the existing well and have a separate septic system installed for
employee washrooms. The subject lands are located on the west side of Plank Road,
north of Maple Grove Line. The property has lot frontage of 365.19 m (1,198 ft) and varying
lot depth, with two existing driveway accesses to Plank Road, one devoted to residential
and one devoted to the business.
Surrounding uses are agricultural to the west and in the surrounding area; residential to
the north and south; and residential and industrial to the east. There is a former railway
Page 86 of 135
corridor abutting to the west. The residential uses consist of several single -detached
dwelling uses along Plank Road and Maple Grove/Howey Line. The industrial use
comprises an automotive repair and sales business.
The Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 permits other rural land uses which provide
economic opportunity on rural lands where they use is compatible with surrounding uses.
The Elgin County Official Plan recognizes that certain lands outside of settlement areas
have been designated for nonagricultural development by the lower tier Official Plans and
these lands are deemed to not be within the prime agricultural area and are instead subject
to the relevant policies of this Plan and the policies of the lower tier Official Plan, due to
the existing non -resource designation of the lands. The proposed amendment is
consistent to the PPS and in conformity to the Elgin County Official Plan.
The Bayham Official Plan permits limited non -resource use in the rural area subject to
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment and other applicable policies of
the Official Plan. The proposed amendment is in conformity to the Official Plan.
The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would bring the subject lands into conformity to
the Official Plan.
a) Section 3.1 9 of the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham is hereby amended to
add the following subsection:
3.3.E . In accordance to Section the establishment of industrial land uses
in the rural area outside of the Bayham Industrial Park are permitted subject
to Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment, the subject lands located
at CON 8 PT LOT 20 RP 11 R7041; PART 2 and municipally known as
10729 Plank Road (County Road 19) are permitted to use the lands for
mechanical services business office and warehouse industrial use, which
use shall be permitted specific to the subject lands in the Zoning By-law
prior to permit the use and Site Plan Approval being obtained to permit the
proposed use.
The lands subject to this Amendment as designated "S e f......H y„ r
........... 4 " may be used, developed, and zoned to permit the
mechanical services office and warehouse use in aee
3...1.... che p
,c�,�, f �,�a,0,,,,,,f�a,,,,,,t,,,,,,,,rj, f�,,f
b) Schedule "Al": Land Use of the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham is hereby
amended by replacing the Estate Residential use symbol with the .q. � S f, ,, N„�, y,
,r..e a , „oa,,,,...... 5..use colour as shown and marked as added on the attached Schedule "Al",
which shall constitute part of this amendment.
Page 87 of 135
Page 88 of 135
Felrruar,, 2019
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F111:.C.✓111.R.1l::0 5..'.
. ... ..F.I.C .. .. .... .... .... ....ISt�l,ll.. .... . . A... ... .. ..:A.. . .N... ... ....
Resource Uses
Nai Heritage
Mineral Aggregate
1sr t
Resource Area
Natural Gas Reservoir
ag§RWri; Uses/
Sipecifilc Land Use Policies
Estate Residential
Mobile Home Parks
Seasonal! ""ra,,el Trailer
and Campgrounds
EM Instill
Commercial, Highway Cc ninneircial
EM Con5e,"iijon Lands
. . ..... .. .
Lbonced Pit$ lurid Qmar,ies
Specific Policy Areas
Base Feai ures
Provincial Highway 3
County Roads
Local Roads
vvateroourse I Shoreline
1 73,592
Schedule 'All forms part of Official Plan
of the Municipality of Bayinam and must
be read m ocu)—flor, Will the inflitien text.
Page 89 of 135
'.Progfressive by Nature
FROM: Paul Hicks, Acting Manager of Planning
DATE: June 13, 2023
SUBJECT: Municipality of Bayham Official Plan
Amendment No. 32, Concession 10, Part Lot 21, RP
11 R-0370; Part 2 (14077 Bayham Drive), Municipality
of Bayham.
Applicant: LandPro Planning Solutions Inc.
Municipality: Municipality of Bayham
Owner: Arie and Christina Schep
File No.: BA OPA 2-23
1. THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin may approve Official
Plan Amendment No. 32 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham; and
2. THAT staff be directed to provide notice of this decision in accordance with the
requirements of the Planning Act.
The Council of the Municipality of Bayham has adopted an amendment to their official
plan, known as Official Plan Amendment Number 32 (OPA No. 32) and have
subsequently forwarded the amendment to the County of Elgin for approval (see
attached). In accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, the Council of the County of
Elgin, as "Approval Authority," is required to make a decision on the adopted amendment
in which Council may approve, modify or refuse to approve the amendment. If Elgin
County fails to make a decision within 120 days after the amendment is received, any
person or public body may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
This report is intended to provide County Council with the information required to make
a decision on the adopted amendment.
OPA No. 32 was adopted by Municipal Council on April 20, 2023 (By-law No. 2023-
030). The purpose of the amendment is to modify Section 2.1.5 of the Municipality's OP
to add a new section containing a site -specific permission for an electrical services
Page 90 of 135
be established as an on -farm diversified use within a building no larger than
amendment also includes a proposed redesignation of the lands from
"Agriculture" to "Site Specific Agriculture" to accommodate the modifications above.
this case the applicant had proceeded with construction of the proposed use (and a
single detached dwelling) in advance of obtaining required planning and building
permissions, and the proposed OPA has been submitted part of a process by the
applicant to `legalize' the use of the property.
The proposal proceeded through the standard application process, including the
preparation, review, and acceptance required technical studies and reports, as well as a
technical circulation to statutory review agencies. A public meeting required under the
Planning Act was subsequently held prior to Municipal Council's adoption of OPA No.
32. It should be noted that Municipal Staff recommended refusal of the proposed
amendment on the basis that it does not meet the requirements of the Provincial Policy
Statement, or the Bayham or County Official Plans.
County Staff have had the opportunity to review the proposal and associated application
materials against the requirements of the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement,
the County Official Plan, and Municipality of Bayham Official Plan. In their submitted
Planning Justification Report, the applicant has advised they consider the subject use to
be an `agriculturally -related use', but County Staff disagree with this assessment, as
agriculturally -related uses are defined by the County Official Plan as being `directly
related to agriculture and primarily serve the agricultural operation. While the electrical
business may serve agricultural clients, it is not directly related to agriculture, nor does it
primarily serve the agricultural operation it is located on.
Notwithstanding this, County Staff would agree with the applicant that that the use
would fall more generally under the `secondary use' and `home industries' provisions of
the County Official Plan as it is related to a single detached dwelling located on the
property. To that end, County Staff are generally satisfied that the proposed
amendment addresses the `secondary use' requirements of the Agricultural designation,
particularly in light of provincial guidelines with respect to such uses, however staff are
not entirely satisfied that the proposed amendment meets the policy requirements of the
`home industries' policies namely the following policy requirements:
• the home industry and the principle use generally rely upon the same water and
sewer infrastructure and the driveway from the public road; and
• the home industry has a floor area that is consistent with the scale of uses on the
Page 91 of 135
In this case, the home industry is located approximately 45 metres (150 ft) away from
the existing residence, is serviced by a separate well and septic system, and has a floor
area significantly larger than the residence on the property, but it would be generally
consistent with the scale of the agricultural use of the property (namely the existing cash
crop operation).
From the perspective of County Staff, these provisions of the County Official Plan could
likely have been easily addressed should the applicant not have proceeded with the
construction of the workshop in advance of the receiving the required permissions.
Further, under a strict interpretation of county policy, Staff are of the opinion there are
grounds to deny the application. Notwithstanding this, Staff are also of the opinion there
is some flexibility in the wording of the `home industries' policies of the Official Plan that
would permit County Council to approve the amendment if Council was satisfied that it
is an appropriate use of the land.
There are no identified direct financial implications to the County with respect to the
approval of the proposal.
Serving Elgin
❑ Ensuring alignment of
current programs and
services with community
❑ Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
® Engaging with our
community and other
Growing Elgin
® Planning for and
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
❑ Fostering a healthy
❑ Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
❑ Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
❑ Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
This amendment will directly impact the Municipality of Bayham.
Page 92 of 135
The Notice of Decision will be sent to the applicant, the Municipality of Bayham and
those prescribed under the Planning Act.
Based on the above analysis County Council may approve OPA No. 32 of the Official
Plan of the Municipality of Bayham.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Paul Hicks
Acting Manager of Planning
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Acting Chief Administrative Officer
Page 93 of 135
With respect to Official Plan Amendment No. 32 to the
Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham under 17(34) of
the Planning Act
I hereby approve all of Official Plan Amendment No. 32 to the Municipality of Bayham
Official Plan as adopted by By-law No. 23-030.
Dated at the County of Elgin this 13t" day of June 2023.
Acting Chief Administrative Officer,
County of Elgin
Page 94 of 135
SUBJECT: Arie and Christina Schep
14077 Bayham Drive
The following text constitutes
Amendment Number 32 to the Official
Plan of the Municipality of Bayham
Page 95 of 135
THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham
by By-law No. 2023-030, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 20th day
of April 2023.
Page 96 of 135
BY-LAW NO. 2023-030
THE Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions
of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows:
1) THAT Amendment No. 32 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham is hereby
2) THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make an application to the County
of Elgin for approval of the aforementioned' Amendment No. 32 to the Official Plan of the
Municipality of Bayham.
3) THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by Elgin
ENACTED AND PASSED this 20th day of April 2023.
Z.�,t6i!Z2 . .............
Page 97 of 135
The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to permit an oversized home occupation
workshop as a non -resource based secondary use and an On -farm Diversified use for
an electrical services business contained on a portion of subject lands and operating out
of an existing building and gravel yard, specific to the subject lands. The amendment
includes adding a new policy in Section specific to the subject lands to permit the
electrical services business as an on -farm diversified use.
The Official Plan Amendment would facilitate the concurrent Zoning By-law Amendment
to change the zoning from site specific Agriculture (A1-29) to a modified Al-29 zone to
permit a Service Shop use within the defined area of 2,700 square metres comprising
the barn and parking area for the electrical business, in Zoning By-law Z456-2003.
The Official Plan Amendment will be applicable to lands known as BAYHAM CON 10 PT
LOT 21 RP; 11 R10370 PART 2 and known municipally as 14077 Bayham Drive.
The subject lands are characterized as an agricultural lot used for crop cultivation
(leased to a local farmer) and residential use and comprises a single -detached dwelling
and secondary use building used for matE!rial and work vehicle storage for an electrical
services business. The dwelling is serviced by private water and sewer services. The
subject lands are located on the south side of Bayham Drive, south of Highway 3. The
property has lot frontage of 432.44 m ('1,418.76 ft.) and varying lot depth, with one
driveway access to Bayham Drive for the residential and business use.
Surrounding uses are agricultural and natural heritage in all directions. The farmed area,
dwelling and electrical services building are located on the north and central areas of the
subject lands, approximately 150 m (500 ft.) south of Bayham Drive and are accessed
Page 98 of 135
by one driveway from Bayham Drive.
The Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 permits on -farm diversified use as secondary use
in the rural agricultural area. The Elgin County Official Plan permits home occupation
and home industries as secondary uses. The Bayham Official Plan permits limited non -
resource use in the rural area. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would bring the
subject lands into conformity to the Zoning By-law. The proposed amendment is
consistent to the PPS and in conformity to the Elgin County and Bayham Official Plans
and the Zoning By-law.
a) Section of the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham is hereby amended to
add the following subsection: Notwithstanding Section policy for on -farm diversified use the
establishment of agri-tourism, farm related home occupations, farm
related home industries and uses that produce value added agricultural
products, the subject lands located at BAYHAM CON 10 PT LOT 21 RP;
11 R10370 PART 2, and municipally known as 14077 Bayham Drive may
have a secondary use with commercial and industrial characteristics for
the operation of an electrical services business use as an on -farm
diversified use to be operated within a building with maximum floor area
of 520 square metres and adjacent parking and circulation yard.
The subject lands subject to this Amendment as designated "Agriculture"
may be used, developed, and zoned to permit an oversized home
occupation workshop as a non -resource based secondary use and an
On -farm Diversified use in accordance to Section of the Official
Plan, as amended.
Page 99 of 135
rot!,r ssiv by Nature
FROM: Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services
DATE: June 8th, 2023
SUBJECT: Delegation of Approval Authority
THAT County Council receive the following report titled Delegation of Approval Authority
dated June 8t", 2023 from the Director of Legal Services for information.
THAT County Council pass By -Law No. 23-29 to delegate various planning authority, as
set out therein, to the Director of Legal Services and the Chief Administrative Officer /
Clerk, in the absence of the Manager of Planning and General Manager of Engineering,
Planning and Enterprise / Deputy CAO.
The purpose of this report is to request Council to delegate authority for various
planning approvals as set out in By -Law No. 23-29, attached to today's agenda, to the
Director of Legal Services and the Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk, in the absence of
the officers of the corporation that already have such authority delegated to them.
Council delegates the approval of a number of Planning Act authorities to the Manager
of Planning and in his/her absence, the General Manager of Engineering, Planning and
Enterprise / Deputy CAO.
At the present time, external consultants provide planning services to the County and
the office of the General Manager of Engineering, Planning and Enterprise / Deputy
CAO is vacant. As a result, all planning approvals that are intended by Council to be
delegated for the efficient delivery of planning services need to return to Council.
Additionally, signing authority for some planning documents, even where approved by
Council, would otherwise have to be authorized in each Council report individually.
Requiring all such approvals to return to Council creates inefficiencies in the
development process that require those seeking approval to wait for staff to prepare a
report and present it to Council for Council's consideration.
Staff are, therefore, recommending that Council add two officers to the existing
delegation of authority of such planning approvals by passing By -Law No. 23-29, that
Page 100 of 135
wiii permit the Director of Legal Services and the Chief Administrative Officer / Clerk to
make such approvals.
Given that the Director of Legal Services and the Chief Administrative Officer / Clerk
have differing professional credentials than those officers currently delegated such
authority, it is important to note to Council that it is the intention of these officers to only
act on the advice and recommendations of the County's planning consultants in a
similar way that Council would be presented with such recommendations. If there is any
ambiguity or concern that the Director of Legal Services or Chief Administrative Officer /
Clerk have with making such approvals, they will bring a report to County Council for
Council's consideration, in any event. Delegating this authority to officers of the
corporation does not preclude Council consideration, if necessary.
No change has been made in the type of approvals delegated to staff. The difference
between By -Law No. 23-29 and the existing By -Law No. 22-01, which will be repealed,
is solely the officers that the authority is delegated to by Council.
Serving Elgin
® Ensuring alignment of
current programs and
services with community
❑ Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
❑ Engaging with our
community and other
Growing Elgin
® Planning for and
facilitating commercial,
industrial, residential,
and agricultural growth.
❑ Fostering a healthy
❑ Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
® Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
® Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
Page 101 of 135
Staff request that Council delegate planning authority to additional officers of the County
to ensure the continued efficient service delivery related to planning matters.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Nicholas Loeb
Director of Legal Services
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
Page 102 of 135
FROM: Stephen Gibson, General Counsel
DATE: June 6, 2023
SUBJECT: Elgin / Hawthorne —Approval of
Commercial Lease — Elgin County
Administration Building (Suite 345-1)
It is recommended that:
1. The within Report to Council entitled "Elgin / Hawthorne - Approval of Commercial
Lease — Elgin County Administration Building (Suites 345-1)" be received and filed.
2. Elgin County Council approve anew commercial Lease Agreement between Carol
Hawthorne, carrying on business as "Clinical Associates", and Elgin County in
relation to Suite 345-1 in the County Administration Building at 450 Sunset Drive,
St. Thomas, Ontario, such Lease Agreement to provide for, amongst other terms,
a one-year Term commencing May 1, 2023, and annual rent of $4,360.80.
3. Elgin County Council authorize the Warden and Acting Chief Administrative Officer
to execute the said Lease Agreement.
The purpose of this Report is to inform Council that consensus has been reached with
Carol Hawthorne, carrying on business as "Clinical Associates", as to the terms of a new
one-year commercial lease for those Premises currently occupied by Ms. Hawthorne, as
Tenant, and, furthermore, to seek authorization for execution of the required Lease
Carol Hawthorne is an existing commercial tenant of Elgin County within the County
Administration Building at 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario.
Ms. Hawthorne currently occupies Suite 345-1 within the County Administration Building,
from which premises she operates a counselling firm under the name "Clinical
The previous commercial Lease Agreement expired on April 30, 2023.
Consensus has now been reached for a new one-year lease, commencing May 1, 2023
and ending April 30, 2024. The Leased Premises continues to include Suite 345-1, still to
be used for office purposes.
The core elements of the proposed new commercial Lease Agreement include the
(i) Term — One year, commencing May 1, 2023 and expiring April 30, 2024.
(ii) Rent — Year 1 — $18.96 psf / $4,360.80 pa / $363.40 pm.
(Note: All Rents expressed exclusive of taxes.)
(iii) Tenants Legal Liability Insurance — In accordance with arrangement implemented as
of May 1, 2022, minimum Tenant Legal Liability Insurance reduced to $2,000,000.00
per occurrence.
(iv) Quiet Enjoyment — Continuation of specific Acknowledgement of potential
interference through noise, vibration, and other consequences of current elevator
improvement project, along with conditional commitment to provide similar
acknowledgement in relation to other construction and installation projects within
County Administration Building during Term of Lease Agreement.
A consensus has been reached as to the terms and conditions of a Lease Agreement
which will allow an existing commercial Tenant to continue to occupy her current premises
within the County Administration Building. Subject to new wording which expands
exceptions to the Tenant's contractual right to quiet enjoyment of the Premises, the terms
of the proposed Lease Agreement are consistent with existing practices and format.
Elgin shall receive increased rents from the continued rental of Suite 345-1 within the
County Administration Building for the Term of the proposed Lease Agreement, subject
to early termination.
Serving Elgin
Growing Elgin
® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and
current programs and facilitating commercial,
services with community industrial, residential,
need. and agricultural growth.
® Exploring different
ways of addressing
community need.
® Engaging with our
community and other
Additional Comments: None
❑ Fostering a healthy
® Enhancing quality of
Investing in Elgin
® Ensuring we have the
necessary tools,
resources, and
infrastructure to deliver
programs and services
now and in the future.
❑ Delivering mandated
programs and services
efficiently and
Staff is pleased to report that consensus has been reached with Carol Hawthorne which
will allow continuation of her tenancy in Suite 345-1 within the County Administration
Building. With the exception of an expanded exception to the Tenant's contractual right
to quiet enjoyment, the terms of the proposed Lease Agreement are consistent with
existing formats and practices. Staff recommends approval of the proposed lease
arrangements and authorization of the Warden and Acting Chief Administrative Officer to
execute the draft Lease Agreement as prepared by Elgin Legal Services.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Stephen Gibson
General Counsel
Approved for Submission
Stephen Gibson
Chief Administrative Officer (Acting)
June 5, 2023
Dear Warden Ketchabaw and Members of Elgin County Council,
As the Chair of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards (OAPSB) — Zone 6, 1 write to
you today on behalf of the Zone 6 membership with respect to the appointment of a new Secretary
With regret, we received the resignation of our former Zone 6 Secretary Treasurer, Julie Gonyou.
Julie's departure leaves a void in our team, and we express our gratitude for her contributions
during her tenure and wish her the very best in her future endeavors.
In light of this transition, on May 26th the OAPSB Zone 6 voted to appoint Carolyn Krahn to the
position of Secretary Treasurer, pending the approval of Elgin County Council. Carolyn previously
supported Julie in her role, and has a good understanding of the responsibilities and requirements
of this position.
As the Chair of the OAPSB Zone 6, I have worked closely with Carolyn and appreciate her
organizational skills, attention to detail, and her ability to effectively manage and coordinate the
administrative aspects of our board's activities. Her familiarity with the operations of the OAPSB
Zone 6 Board make her an ideal candidate to fill the position of Secretary Treasurer.
The OAPSB Zone 6, which includes Police Services Boards from the areas of Aylmer,
Amherstburg, Chatham -Kent, LaSalle, London, Sarnia, Strathroy-Caradoc, and Windsor, holds
bi-annual meetings to discuss important matters pertaining to our respective communities.
Carolyn has been actively involved in these meetings in the past and is well-acquainted with the
demands and responsibilities associated with the role of Secretary Treasurer. I kindly request that
Elgin County Council extend their support to the OAPSB Zone 6 by approving Carolyn Krahn's
appointment as Secretary Treasurer.
We greatly appreciate your support. If you require any additional information or would like to
discuss this recommendation further, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Yours sincerely,
Darlene Smith
Chair, OAPSB Zone 6
Page 106 of 135
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Community Services
Legislative Services
May 30, 2023
File #120203
Sent via email: remier ontario.ca
The Honourable Doug Ford
Premier of Ontario
Queen's Park
Toronto, ON L7A 1A7
Honourable and Dear Sir:
Re: The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward - Urging the Province to Pause
Proposed New Provincial Planning Statement (PPS)
Please be advised the Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie at its meeting of May 29,
2023 received and supported correspondence from The Corporation of the County of Prince
Edward dated May 10, 2023 requesting the Province to pause proposed changes to the new
Provincial Planning Statement (PPS) — Sections 2.6 and 4.3.
Attached please find a copy of The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward's
correspondence dated May 10, 2023.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Kind regards,
Ashlea Carter, AMP
Deputy Clerk
acarter _forterie.ca
cc: The Honourable Steve Clerk, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing minister. ah a�ontario.ca
The Honourable Lisa M. Thompson, Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs inister.oafra a�ontario.ca
The Honourable David Piccini, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks minister. ecpontario.ca
The Association of Municipalities of Ontario resolutions —a o.on.ca
Federation of Municipalities of Ontario resolutions _fc .ca
Wayne Gates, MPP-Niagara Falls dmtjLpa g, jj) t ro,a i ._a ft
Catalina Blumenberg, Clerk, The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward clerks an.pecounty.on.ca
All Ontario Municipalities
Region of Niagara
Mailing Address: The Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie
1 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie ON L2A 2S6
Office Hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone: (905) 871-1600 FAX: (905) 871-4022
Web -site: www.forterie.ca
Page 108 of 135
From the Office of the Clerk
The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward
"he T: 613.476.2148 x 1021 F: 613.476.5727
PRINCE FOWARIP COUNTY • ONTARIO c�lerksQpecouinty.oin, ca I wwwAhecounty.ca
May 10, 2023
Please be advised that during the Regular Council meeting of May 9, 2023 the following
resolution regarding the proposed new Provincial Planning Statement (PPS) was carried:
DATE: May 9, 2023
MOVED BY: Councillor Hirsch
SECONDED BY: Councillor MacNaughton
WHEREAS the goal of increasing housing supply and reducing barriers in planning
processes as set out in the recent legislative, regulatory and policy changes,
including new provisions from Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 is
WHEREAS the proposed PPS (sections 2.6 and 4.3) would dramatically remove
municipal power and renders aspects of the County's Official Plan, and other official
plans throughout Ontario inoperative, terminating some local planning autonomy,
and directly interfering with municipalities' ability to meet local variation and unique
community needs;
WHEREAS the proposed PPS changes that would allow proliferation of lots with
protection restricted to specialty crop areas only diminishes the purpose, uses, and
integrity of rural and agricultural lands, thereby removing protection and restricting
future uses of those lands,
WHEREAS the proposed PPS changes encourage sprawl and rural roadway strip
development, rather than more fiscally and environmentally sustainable practices
like intensification in established settlement areas; and
WHEREAS the province has announced changes will be proposed to natural
heritage (section 4.1) that have yet to be published;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the
County of Prince Edward urges the province to:
pause proposed changes to the PPS, particularly regarding natural heritage
(section 4.1) and agricultural lands (sections 2.6 and 4.3)
Page 109 of 135 BY COUNCIL
From the Office of the Clerk
The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward
The T: 613.476.2148 x 1021 F: 613.476.5727
PRINCE ["AROCOUNTY. ONTARIO deiiIltis@pecouInty on,ca � ww.taheQ:.ounty,ca
reinvest trust in the local planning authority of all 444 municipalities,
recognizing that each Ontario municipality has unique landscapes, different
housing needs and differing visions for local planning matters;
THAT our fellow municipalities be urged to voice their concerns regarding the
proposed undermining of local planning authority;
AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to all 444 municipalities, The
Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, The Hon. Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal
Affairs and Housing; The Hon. Lisa Thompson, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs, The Hon. David Piccini, Minister of Environment, Conservation and
Parks, Bay of Quinte MPP, Todd Smith, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario,
the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and the Eastern Ontario Wardens
Yours truly,
Catalina Blumenberg, CLERK
cc: Mayor Ferguson, Councillor Hirsch, Councillor MacNaughton & Marcia Wallace,
Page 110 of 135
Tel: 705 544 8200 � �Y 414269 Bryan's Road
Email: clerk@evanturel.com 9���� P.O. Box 209
ar W-W anaur 1. qr Englehartp ON P0J 11%0
Emai ed: prg i w(4e,�pjLlp.N...j.o.ca
May 25, 2023
Honourable Doug Ford
Premier of Ontario
Legislative Assembly of Ontario
111 Wellesley St. W
Toronto, ON M7A 1 A2
Dear Premier Ford,
Re: Support —Bill 5 — Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act
The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Evanturel, at the regular council meeting of May 24,
2023, resolved to express its support for Bill 5 — Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act.
Find enclosed a true copy of Township of Evanturel Resolution No. 7 passed in open council May 24, 2023,
authorizing this support.
Yours truly,
Virginia Montminy
c.c. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing — emailed
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (.tMO) - emailed
John Vanthof— MPP — Timiskaming-Coctirane - emailed
Ontario Municipalities - emailed
Page 111 of 135
Tel: 705-544-8200
Ernail: clerkCr)evaanturel.corn
3Mw j.evanturelacorn
Resolution of Council
Moved by: C., v u �\C, �wc (� y111111-11
Seconded by: `i it'tr.�....
14269 ryan's Road
P.O. Box 209
Engle art, ON P0j 1 0
Date: May 24, 2023
Resolution No:
WHEREAS elected leaders of municipalities do not have an appropriate accountability structure when
it comes to perpetrating violence and harassment in the workplace;
AND WHEREAS a fundamental, underlying principle of broadening diversity, equity and inclusion in
politics rests on the assumption that the workplace is safe;
AND WHEREAS Bill 5 — Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act would require
Councillors to comply with the workplace violence and harassment policies (the Policies) of the
municipality they represent, permit municipalities to direct the Integrity Commissioner to apply to the
court to vacate a member's seat for failing to comply with the Policies, and as well restrict officials
whose seat have been vacated from seeking immediate subsequent re-election;
AND WHEREAS Bill 5 would both hold accountable and protect all municipal officials;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Evanturel hereby resolves to
express its support for Bill 5 — Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, -
AND FURTHER that this resolution be directed to the Premier of Ontario, and sent to the Minister of
Municipal Affairs and Housing; the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); John Vanthof —
MPP Timiskaming-Cochrane; and all Ontario Municipalities.
Carried_..r ..r ._..
Derek Mundle - Reeve
I )a;c l Nflion Of' Vecuuau<ary Interest— Report to Council TWP2019-05 — Form A — Reeve Mundle ; Councillor
Certltled to be a true copy of des alaatl a i>, I ttl r
said ar 0ItroeiA ctancdl one th(, 4 _ I� roti n Iblp rul �no auvt�uuell
� day of ,)VV' 1Z t out 2021
t"drr°d r���ar&n^pvy� t�ml,r
11"ownshA p of Eva ntu
Page 112 of 135
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Elgin Federation of Agriculture
228-450 Sunset Drive
St. Thomas, ON.
N5R 5V1
To Ed Ketchabaw, Elgin County Warden, and fellow members of Elgin County Council,
Re: Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act & the Proposed 2023 Provincial
We commend the government's initiative to address the housing crisis goal of building
1.5 million homes by 2031 while working to support Ontario's food production
In Elgin County, Agribusiness is a vital contributor to the national economy, covering
130,000 hectares of land. Our thriving industry contributes a staggering $558 million to
the national GDP and creates 19.7% of jobs within the county. As such, it is an
important sector that deserves continued support and investment.
We are asking Elgin County Council to provide our thoughts on the Helping
Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act and the proposed 2023 Provincial Planning
Statement (PPS) from the perspective of our rural and small urban communities to the
Ontario Government to protect the future of the farming industry.
While agriculture is a crucial component of Elgin County's economy and culture, the
proposed policy would permit up to three new residential lots to be created from a
parcel of land that existed on January 1, 2023, subject to certain criteria. However, this
could negatively affect other provincial and local interests, such as livestock farming, the
availability of aggregate mineral resources, and the provision of municipal services.
450 Sunset Dr #228, St Thomas, ON 1 (519) 633-0114 1 elginfarmers@gmail.com
Page 113 of 135
The announcement of this legislation has sparked worries about the potential
consequences of scattered residential development on farmland in Elgin County. The
high prices of farmland are often driven by speculative investments that cause purchase
prices to rise. The trend continues to make it increasingly difficult for future generations
to acquire farmland as the cost of entry into farming becomes prohibitively expensive.
Merging urban and rural areas in Elgin County often increases tensions between
residential neighbourhoods and agricultural land. These result in challenges for farmers,
including difficulties in maintaining crop nutrition and protection, controlling wildlife, and
carrying out necessary farm operations. These challenges usually lead to increased
complaints to local municipalities regarding bylaws and regulations.
Bill 97 threatens both our food sovereignty and the agri-food sector. It undermines the
importance of local food production and the need to buy locally to support our
communities and ensure the sustainability of our food systems
The proposed policy predicts farmland loss of approximately 510,000 acres in Ontario,
with local estimates in Middlesex at 21,000 acres and Oxford estimating that 10% of
farmland may qualify for the policy. The specific impact of this policy on farmland in
Elgin County is still unknown and requires further investigation. To minimize the impact
on agriculture, we can not further divide existing non -farm parcels within the agricultural
area to provide additional rural housing opportunities.
Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) regulations impose strict guidelines on livestock
operations to ensure they are located at a safe distance from residential areas and
other sensitive land uses. While these regulations aim to protect public health and
safety, they may also limit the growth and development of the industry. In Elgin, this
legislation will make it virtually impossible for livestock operations to expand or establish
450 Sunset Dr #228, St Thomas, ON 1 (519) 633-0114 1 elginfarmers@gmail.com
Page 114 of 135
new operations when lots are severed to meet development requirements. This poses
significant challenges for our food production industry in Elgin and hinders its future
Elgin County has undergone an extensive Official Plan update process, including
community engagement and significant amendments to the County's Official Plan.
These legislative amendments will hinder the county's ability to address important rural
land use matters crucial for our success and vitality.
Our organization has a strong partnership with the farmers in Elgin County, and we
understand the significance of working together to support rural communities. With the
current housing crisis, we must collaborate to find solutions. As Bill 97 proposes a new
Provincial Planning Statement, we are eager to engage in discussions with the County
of Elgin to ensure that the needs of the farming community are considered and
If you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them
Sincerely yours,
VW C"wu
Melissa Schneider
EFA President
450 Sunset Dr #228, St Thomas, ON 1 (519) 633-0114 1 elginfarmers@gmail.com
Page 115 of 135
� � V
� r A � Community Services
Legislative Services
May 30, 2023
File #120203
Sent via email -
The Honourable Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation
5th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, ON IM7A 1 6
Re: The City of Cambridge - Highway Traffic Act Amendments
Please be advised the Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie at its meeting of May 29,
2023 received and supported correspondence from the City of Cambridge dated May 10, 2023
requesting amendments to Section 205.1 of the Highway Traffic Act to permit municipalities to
locate an ASE system permanently or temporarily on any roadway under its jurisdiction and
not be restricted to only community safety zones and school safety zones.
Attached please find a copy of the City of Cambridge correspondence dated May 10, 2023.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Kind regards,
Ashlea Carter, AMP
Deputy Clerk
acarter fortene.ca
C. c. The Honourable Steven Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing minister. ah-ontario.ca
Jennifer Stevens, MPP - St. Catharines JStevens-CO a@ndp.on.ca
Jeff Burch, MPP - Niagara Centre J urch-QP a@ndp.on.ca
Wayne Gates, MPP - Niagara Falls wgates-co a@ndp.on.ca
Sam Oosterhoff, MPP - Niagara West-Glanbrook sa .00sterhoffan,pc.ola.or
The Association of Municipalities of Ontario ao crnao.on.ca
All Ontario Municipalities
Niagara Region
Mailing Address: The Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie
1 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie ON L2A 2S6
Office Hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone: (905) 871-1600 FAX: (905) 871-4022
Web -site: www.forterie.ca
Page 116 of 135
The Corporation of the City of Cambridge
Corporate Services Department
Clerk's Division
The City of Cambridge
50 Dickson Street, P.O. Box 669
Cambridge ON N1R 5W8
Tel: (519) 740-4680 ext. 4585
May 10, 2023
Re: Highway Traffic Act Amendments
Dear Ms. Mulroney,
At the Council Meeting of May 9, 2023, the Council of the Corporation of the City of
Cambridge passed the following Motion:
WHEREAS speeding on our roads is a major concern in our community,
AND WHEREAS speeding can occur in all areas of our community,
AND WHEREAS barriers and delays to enforcement pose a danger to our community,
AND WHEREAS our municipality has limited resources to implement speed mitigation
road design and re -design,
AND WHEREAS our local police service has limited resources to undertake speed
AND WHEREAS s.205.1 of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) provides that Automated
Speed Enforcement systems (ASE) may only be placed in designated community
safety zones and school safety zones,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City of Cambridge request that the
Ontario Government amend s.205.1 of the HTA to permit municipalities to locate an
ASE system permanently or temporarily on any roadway under the jurisdiction of
municipalities and as determined by municipalities and not be restricted to only
community safety zones and school safety zones;
AND THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Ontario Minister of
Transportation, the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, local area
MPPs, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and all Ontario
g tlj 2023
n ..� ......, mw
50 (Dickson Street a Cambridge ON N Y R .5 8 P.O. Box 669
Phone 5 4 9•-623-0 340 m www.caunbridge ca
Page 117 of 135
CAMB ' '
Should you have any questions related to the approved resolution, please contact
Yours Truly,
Danielle Manton
City Clerk
Cc: (via email)
Steve Clark, Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Local Area MPPs
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)
All Ontario Municipalities
Phone 5 � 9,,..62 - Q 340 - www.carwibHdge,ca
Page 118 of 135
Minister of Municipal
Affairs and Housing
Hon. Steve Clark
777 Bay St
17th Floor, Toronto
ON M5G 2E5
Minister of Finance
Peter Bethlenfalvy
Ministry of Finance
Frost Building South
7th Floor, 7 Queen's Park Cres.
Toronto, ON M7A 1Y7
Peter. Bethlenfalvy(a)pc.o�
Dear Minister Clark and Minister Bethlenflavy,
Township of Puslinch
7404 Wellington Road 34
Puslinch, ON NOB 2.10
June 1, 2023
Please be advised that the Township of Puslinch Council, at its meeting held on May 24, 2023
received a report from the Township Finance Department regarding the reinstatement of
legislation permitting a municipality to retain surplus proceeds from tax sales.
Prior to being repealed by the Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017, Section
380(6) of the Municipal Act, 2001 allowed for a municipality to retain surplus proceeds from tax
sales within their jurisdiction. The Township agrees with other municipalities that the
Public Tax Sale process is burdensome to a municipality who invests a considerable amount of
time and money recovering these proceeds for the potential sole benefit of the Crown in Right
of Ontario.
As a result of this discussion, Council passed the following resolution:
Resolution No. 2023-175: Moved by Councillor Bailey and
Seconded by Councillor Hurst
THAT Report FIN-2023-022 entitled Reinstatement of Legislation Permitting a Municipality
to Retain Surplus Proceeds from Tax Sales be received; and
THAT Council direct Township staff to send a letter to all relevant taxation bodies, including
the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, Wellington County Council, MPP
Ted Arnott, Association of the Municipalities of Ontario and all other municipalities in
7404 Wellington Road 34, Puslinch, ON NOB 2JO
Tel: (519) 763-1226 Fox: (519) 763-5846 odmin@puslinch.co
Page 119 of 135
Ontario urging them to re -instate previous legislation that permitted a Municipality to apply
for and retain the surplus proceeds from a tax sale in their jurisdiction.
As per the above resolution, please accept a copy of this correspondence for your information
and consideration.
Municipal Clerk
Wellington County Council
Honourable Ted Arnott,MPP
Association ofMunicipalities ofOntario (AM[>)
All Ontario Municipalities
74o4Welling Von nno634,pvJ/nJ,umNOB zm
re|:(519)763'1226 rox:(519)763s846 o6m/n@pus|/nch.co
Page 120Of135
REPORT FIN-2023-022
TO: Mayor and Members of Council
PREPARED BY: Mary Hasan, Director of Finance/Treasurer
PRESENTED BY: Mary Hasan, Director of Finance/Treasurer
MEETING DATE: May 24, 2023
SUBJECT: Reinstatement of Legislation Permitting a Municipality to Retain Surplus
Proceeds from Tax Sales
File: F22 TAX
THAT Report FIN-2023-022 entitled Reinstatement of Legislation Permitting a Municipality to
Retain Surplus Proceeds from Tax Sales be received; and
THAT Council direct Township staff to send a letter to all relevant taxation bodies, including
the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, Wellington County Council, MPP Ted
Arnott, Association of the Municipalities of Ontario and all other municipalities in Ontario
urging them to re -instate previous legislation that permitted a Municipality to apply for and
retain the surplus proceeds from a tax sale in their jurisdiction.
The purpose of this report is to report back to Council based on direction from Council at their
meeting held on April 12, 2023.
Council at its meeting held on April 12, 2023 received Consent Item No. 6.26 and Consent Item
No. 6.27. Council directed staff to forward Consent Item No. 6.26 to RealTax to obtain their
input in order to report back to Council on this matter.
Page 121 of 135
REPORT NO. FIN-2023-022
Page 2 of 4
Attached as Schedule A to this Report is Consent Item No. 6.26 from the Town of Essex which
was listed on the April 12, 2023 Council agenda regarding the reinstatement of Legislation
Permitting a Municipality to Retain Surplus Proceeds from Tax Sales. Attached as Schedule B to
this Report is Consent Item No. 6.27 from the Town of Plympton-Wyoming which was listed on
the April 12, 2023 Council agenda supporting the resolution from the Town of Essex.
Township staff agree with these municipalities that the Public Tax Sale process is burdensome
to a municipality who invests a considerable amount of time and money recovering these
proceeds for the potential sole benefit of the Crown in Right of Ontario.
Township staff forwarded this information to RealTax to obtain their input. RealTax assists the
Township with the tax registration process and public tax sales. RealTax advised that they do
hope that municipalities regain this process and have the legislation reversed. The surplus funds
are what is over and above the minimum tender amount (ie. the cancellation price which is the
amount of tax arrears that are outstanding inclusive of legal costs, RealTax costs, outstanding
taxes, outstanding penalties/interest, etc.) and the actual tender amount in a successful tax
These funds must be paid into the Superior Court of Justice in accordance with the current
provisions outlined in Section 380 of the current Municipal Act.
Prior to 2018, Section 380 of the Municipal Act included the following provisions regarding the
proceeds of sale with the relevant items for municipalities underlined below:
380. (1) The proceeds of a sale under section 379 shall,
(a) firstly, be applied to pay the cancellation price;
(b) secondly, be paid to all persons, other than the owner, having an interest in the land
according to their priority at law, and
(c) thirdly, be paid to the person who immediately before the registration of the tax deed
was the owner of the land.
(2) The treasurer shall pay the proceeds of sale, minus the cancellation price, into the Superior
Court of Justice together with a statement outlining the facts under which the payment into
court is made including,
(a) whether the land, at the time of the registration of the tax arrears certificate, was
vested in the Crown because of an escheat or forfeiture under the Business
Corporations Act or the Corporations Act;
(b) the date that payment is being made into court; and
Page 122 of 135
REPORT NO. FIN-2023-022
Page 3 of 4
(c) a notice that a person claiming entitlement to the proceeds of sale must apply to the
Superior Court of Justice within one year of the payment into court.
(3) Within 60 days after making a payment into court under subsection (2), the treasurer shall
send a copy of the statement to the Public Guardian and Trustee and to the persons to whom
the treasurer sent notice under subsection 379 (1).
(4) Any person claiming entitlement under clause (1) (b) or (c) may apply to the Superior Court
of Justice within one year of the payment into court under subsection (2) for payment out of
court of the amount to which the person is entitled.
(5) The court shall, after one year has passed from the day the payment was made into court,
determine all of the entitlements to receive payments out of the proceeds of sale.
(6) If no person makes an application under subsection (4) within the one-year period referred
to in that subsection, the amount paid into court under subsection (2) shall be deemed to be
(a) to the Public Guardian and Trustee if, at the time of the registration of the tax arrears
certificate, the land was vested in the Crown because of an escheat or forfeiture under
the Business Corporations Act or the Corporations Act; or
b) in anv other case. to the municipal
(7) The Public Guardian and Trustee or the municipality, as the case may be, may apply to the
Superior Court of Justice for payment out of court of the amount that was paid in.
(8) In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the Superior Court of Justice may rely on the
statement of the treasurer under subsection (2) in determining whether the amount paid into
court under that subsection is forfeited to the Public Guardian and Trustee or the municipality
under subsection (6).
(9) Money received by a municipality under subsection (6) shall be paid into the general funds
of the municipality.
Financial Implications
As outlined throughout this Report.
Applicable Legislation and Requirements
Section 380 of the Municipal Act
Page 123 of 135
REPORT NO. FIN-2023-022
Page 4 of 4
Engagement Opportunities
Staff recommend that Council direct Township staff to send a letter to all relevant taxation
bodies, including the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, Wellington County
Council, MPP Ted Arnott, Association of the Municipalities of Ontario and all other municipalities
in Ontario urging them to re -instate previous legislation that permitted a Municipality to apply
for and retain the surplus proceeds from a tax sale in their jurisdiction.
Schedule A — Consent Item No. 6.26 listed on the April 12, 2023 Council Meeting from the
Town of Essex regarding the reinstatement of Legislation Permitting a Municipality to Retain
Surplus Proceeds from Tax Sales
Schedule B - Consent Item No. 6.27 listed on the April 12, 2023 Council Meeting from the Town
of Plympton-Wyoming supporting the resolution from the Town of Essex
Respectfully submitted:
Mary Hasan
Director of Finance/Treasurer
Page 124 of 135
Schedule A to Report FIN-2023-022
Honourabale Steve Clark
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
College Park 1711 Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M7A 2J3
33'11'albot Streetouthi, IF ^ sex, Ontario, IN8M i A8
March 22, 2023
RE:The Reinstatement of Legislation Permitting a Municipality to Retain Surplus Proceeds from
Tax Sales
Dear Honourable Steve Clark,
At its Regular Council Meeting held on March 6, 2023, Mayor Bondy brought forward a Notice
of Motion for Council's consideration regarding the reinstatement of previous legislation
permitting a municipality to retain surplus proceeds from tax sales. It was discussed that, prior
to being repealed by the Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017, Section
380(6) of the Municipal Act, 2001 allowed for a municipality to retain surplus proceeds from
tax sales within their jurisdiction. It was further noted that the Public Tax Sale process is
burdensome to a municipality who invest a considerable amount of time and money
recovering these proceeds for the potential sole benefit of the Crown in Right of Ontario.
As a result of this discussion, Council passed the following resolution:
Moved by: Mayor Bondy
Seconded by: Councillor Allard
That Council direct Administration to send a letter to all relevant taxation bodies, including
the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, Essex County Council, MPP Anthony
Leardi, Association of the Municipalities of Ontario and all other municipalities in Ontario
urging them to re -instate previous legislation that permitted a Municipality to apply for and
retain the surplus proceeds from a tax sale in their jurisdiction.
I trust you will find this satisfactory. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to
contact the undersigned.
Yours truly,
Shelley Brown
Acting Clerk
Schedule A to Report FIN-2023-022
33'11'albot Streetouthi, IF ^ sex, Ontario, IN8M i A8
c.c. Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance
Mary Birch, Interim Chief Administrative Officer
m bi rch@cou ntyofessex.ca
Anthony Leardi, MPP
Association of Municipalities of Ontario ("AMO")
All other municipalities in Ontario
Page 126 of 135
Schedule B to Report Fl N-2023-022
The Honourable Steve Clark The Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy
Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing Minister of Finance
minister.ma(a}ontario.ca minister.fin(a}ontario.ca
March 315t 2023
Re: Municipalities Retaining Surplus Proceeds from Tax Sales
Dear Premier Ford,
Please be advised that at the Regular Council Meeting on March 29th 2023, the Town of Plympton-
Wyoming Council passed the following motion, supporting the resolution from the Council of the Town
of Essex regarding Municipalities Retaining Surplus Proceeds from Tax Sales.
Motion 14
Moved by Councillor Mike Vasey
Seconded by Councillor Bob Woolvett
That Council support item `N' of correspondence from the Town of Essex regarding Municipalities
Retaining Surplus Proceeds from Tax Sales.
If you have any questions regarding the above motion, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone
or email at dailesCa dvmbton-wvomino.ca.
Denny Giles
Deputy Clerk
Town of Plympton-Wyoming
cc: Bob Bailey — MPP, Sarnia-Lambton
Association of Municipalities of Ontario
All Ontario Municipalities
546 Niagara Street, P.O Box 250 1 Wyoming ON, NON 1TO 1 519-845-3939 1 www.plympton-wyoming.com
Page 127 of 135
Schedule B to Report FIN-2023-022
Honourabale Steve Clark
I• I I M-Mro-womm-
C�ollege Paoor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M7A 2.13
3,3 Talb�.)t Stwet South, Essex, Ontark), N8M � A8
p: 519,7 7(5,73 36 f. 5193 76,8811 �� ess,ex,,ca
March 22, 2023
RE: The Reinstatement of Legislation Permitting a Municipality to Retain Surplus Proceeds from
Tax Sales
At its Regular Council Meeting held on March 6, 2023, Mayor Bondy brought forward a Notice
of Motion for Council's consideration regarding the reinstatemenit of previous legi�slat�ion
to being repealed by the Modernizing Ontario's Munic�ipal Legislation Act, 2017, Section
380(6i) of the Municipal Act, 2001 allowed for a municipality to retain surpluis proceeds from
tax sales, within their jurisdiction. It was further noted that the Public Tax Sale process
burdensome to a municipality who invest a considerable amount of time and money
recovering these proceeds for the potential sole benefit of the Crown in Right of Ontario.
It *Irl)ZO �--
Moved by- Mayor Bondy
gj i,.• ..a*� �*%:
That Counciil direct Administration to send a —letter to all relevant taxation bodies, including
the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, Essex County Council, MPP Anthony
Leardl, Association of the Municipalities, of Ontario and aill other municipalities in Ontario
u rg i n g them to re-i nstate previo u s I eg i 5 latio n that perm itte d a M u n ic�ipa I Ity to a p p ly fo r an d
retain the surplus proceeds from a tax sale in their jurisdiction.
I trust you will find this satisfactory., If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to
contact the undersigned.
Yours truly,
Shelley Brown
Acting Clerk
dIA t j�Wgl
Schedule B to Report FIN-2023-022
33 Tabot Weet SouLh, Essex, Ontarb, N&I � A8
px 51917&7336 N. 51 937U8 11 essex.ca
cx. Honourable Peter Bethlenfaivy, Minister of Finance
min ister.fin@ontario.ca
Mary Birch, Interim Chief Administrative Officer
Anthony Lea,rdi, MPP
All other municipalities in Ontario
Page 129 of 135
By -Law No. 23-27
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 128(2) of the Highway Traffic Act, being Chapter H.8, R.S.O
1990, as amended, the Council of a municipality may by by-law prescribe a different rate of
speed for motor vehicles driven on a highway or portion of a highway under its jurisdiction
than is prescribed in Section 128(1a);
AND WHEREAS the County of Elgin did pass By-law No. 20-58 prescribing different rates of
speed for motor vehicles on certain highways under its jurisdictions;
AND WHEREAS By -Law No. 20-58 was previously amended by By -Law No. 21-30, 22-04, 22
40, 23-16, and 23-20;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to further amend said By -Law to prescribe a different
rate of speed on certain highways under its jurisdiction.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the
County of Elgin enacts as follows:
THAT Schedule "C" of By-law No. 20-58 setting out a maximum rate of speed of
60km/hr be and is hereby amended by adding the following:
Road Section Description
Road 19 C From 755 metres south of the north property line of Light Line to 200
metres north of the north property line of Light Line.
THAT this by-law shall become effective once signage setting out the speed limit has
been installed.
JUNE, 2023.
Don Shropshire, Ed Ketchabaw,
Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden.
Page 130 of 135
BY-LAW NO. 23-28
WHEREAS section 407 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides
authority for a Council, by by-law, to authorize the head of Council and the Treasurer to
borrow from time to time by way of promissory note or bankers' acceptance, such sums as
the Council considers necessary to meet, until levies from local municipalities and other
revenues are received, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the fiscal year;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, hereinafter called
the "Corporation", deems it necessary to borrow, from time to time, by way of promissory
note or bankers' acceptance, certain sums to meet, until levies from local municipalities and
other revenues are received, the current expenditures of the Corporation, for the fiscal year
AND WHEREAS the total amount that may be borrowed from all sources at any one time
to meet the current expenditures of the Corporation, except with the approval of the Ontario
Municipal Board, is limited by section 407 of the Municipal Act to a portion of the total 2023
estimated revenues of $92,638,000.
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County
of Elgin:
THAT the Warden and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to borrow, from time to time, by
way of promissory note or bankers' acceptance, during the fiscal year 2023 (hereafter
referred to as the current year), such sums as may be necessary to meet, until levies from
local municipalities and other revenues are received, the current expenditures of the
Corporation and the other amounts that are set out in subsection 407 (1) of the Municipal
THAT a promissory note or bankers' acceptance made under Section 1 shall be signed by
the Warden, or such other person as is authorized by a by-law to sign it, and by the
Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer.
THAT the lenders from whom amounts may be borrowed under the authority of this by-law
shall be, the Bank of Montreal, 739 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario, N5P 1E3, and such other
lender(s) as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Council.
THAT the total amount which may be borrowed at any one time under this by-law, together
with the total of any similar borrowings that have not been repaid, shall not exceed, from
January 1st until September 30th of the current year, 50 percent of the estimated
revenues of $84,204,000 or $42,319,000, or from October 1st until December 31st of the
current year, 25 percent of the said estimated revenues or $23,159,500.
THAT for the purposes of this by-law, the estimated revenues of the Corporation shall include
sums to meet the current expenditures and obligations of the Corporation for the fiscal
year and for any body and other purposes for which the Corporation is required by law to
provide. Estimated revenues for the Corporation shall not include revenues derivable or
derived from:
(a) borrowing or issue of debentures or
(b) a surplus, including arrears of levies, or
(c) a transfer from the capital fund, reserve fund or reserves.
THAT the Treasurer shall, at the time when any amount is borrowed under this by-law,
ensure that the lender is or has been furnished with a certified copy of this by-law, a certified
copy of the resolution mentioned in Section 3 determining the lender if applicable, and a
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certified copy of the estimates of the Corporation adopted for the current year. The
Treasurer will provide to Council the total of any other amounts borrowed from any and all
sources under authority of Section 407 of the Municipal Act that have not been repaid.
THAT if the estimates for the current year have not been adopted at the time an amount is
borrowed under this by-law,
the limitation on the total borrowing, as set out in Section 4, shall be calculated for the time
being upon the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates
adopted for the preceding fiscal year.
the certified copy furnished under Section 6 shall show the revenues of the Corporation as
set forth in the estimates adopted for the preceding fiscal year.
THAT all or any sums borrowed under this by-law shall, with interest thereon, be a charge
upon the whole of the revenues of the Corporation for the current fiscal year and for any
preceding fiscal years as and when such revenues are received, but such charge does not
defeat or affect and is subject to any prior charge then subsisting in favour of any other
THAT this by-law takes effect and comes into force on June 13, 2023.
JUNE, 2023.
Don Shropshire Ed Ketchabaw,
Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden.
Page 132 of 135
By -Law NO. 23-29
WHEREAS Section 4 (1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P. 13, as
amended, provides that the Minister may by order delegate to the Council of the
Corporation of the County of Elgin the authority to approve, among otherthings, plans
of subdivision, plans of condominium and part lot control by-laws; and
WHEREAS Section 5 (1) of the Planning Act, Chapter P 13, R.S.O. 1990, as
amended, provides that the Council may by by-law delegate all or any of the authority to
approve, among other things, plans of subdivision, plans of condominium and part lot
control by-laws to a Committee of Council or to an Appointed Officer identified in the by-
law by name or position occupied; and
WHEREAS County Council considers it advisable to delegate certain powers to the
Manager of Planning for the County of Elgin, and, in the Manager of Planning's absence,
the General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise / Deputy CAO, and in the
absence of both such officers, the Director of Legal Services and/or the Chief
Administrative Officer/Clerk.
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as
THAT the Council of the County of Elgin delegates to the Manager of Planning and in
his/her absence, the General Manager of Engineering, Planning & Enterprise / Deputy
CAO, and in the absence of both, the Director of Legal Services and/or the Chief
Administrative Officer/Clerk the authority to:
a) Sign draft plans of subdivision forthe purpose of indicating draft approval.
b) Sign draft plans of condominium forthe purpose of indicating draft approval.
c) Sign local municipal Official Plan Amendments indicating approval
d) Sign County Official Plan Amendments indicating approval
e) Refuse to accept or further consider any application for plan of subdivision or
plan of condominium until the prescribed information and material and the
required fee and the draft plan are received, pursuant to section 51 (19) of the
Planning Act as amended.
f) Enter into negotiations/dispute resolution with those parties involved in an
objection to a draft plan of subdivision or condominium or conditions thereof.
g) Decide whether a change to conditions of draft approval is minor for the
purpose of giving notice and to approve such minor changes.
h) Extend draft plan approval time periods.
i) Approve and sign final plans of subdivision and final plans of condominium for
the purpose of indicating that final approval has been granted by the
approval authority and is acceptable for registration purposes.
j) Approve part lot control by-laws for local municipalities passed under Section
50 of the Planning Act, as amended.
THAT this by-law shall come into force and effect on the date of its final passing by the
Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin.
THAT By-law No. 22-01 be repealed.
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OF JUNE, 2023.
Don Shropshire, Ed Ketchabaw,
Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden.
Page 134 of 135
By -Law No. 23-30
JUNE 13, 2023 MEETING"
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as
amended, the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by its Council;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5.3 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as
amended, the powers of every Council shall be exercised by by-law;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of
the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin
enacts as follows:
THAT the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin,
in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports and each motion and
resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation
of the County of Elgin, at its meeting held on June 13, 2023 be hereby adopted and
confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law.
2. THAT the Warden and appropriate officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin
are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the
actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in
the preceding section hereof.
3. THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer, or alternate, are authorized
and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the
seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin.
JUNE, 2023.
Don Shropshire, Ed Ketchabaw,
Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden.
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