04 - February 13, 2024 County Council Agenda PackageElgmCounty Elgin County Council Regular Council Meeting Orders Of The Day Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Note for Members of the Public: Please click the link below to watch the Council Meeting: https://www.facebook.com/ElginCountyAdmin/ Accessible formats available upon request. 1. Call to Order Pages 2. Adoption of Minutes 3 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4. Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 4.1 William Vanraes, Inclusive Communities Consulting & Life Skills - Project 15 Lifesaver Funding Request 5. Committee of the Whole 6. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 6.1 Warden Ketchabaw - Warden's Activity Report (January 2024) 17 6.2 2023 Land Division Committee Chairman - Elgin County Land Division 19 Activities for 2023 6.3 Director of Human Resources - Annual Council Committee Update — 24 Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee 6.4 Manager of Procurement & Risk - Procurement Activity Report Q4 28 (October 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023) 6.5 Manager of Corporate Facilities - Contract Award - Corporate Facility 31 Contract Cleaning Services 7. Council Correspondence 7.1 Items for Consideration 7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 7.2.1 Elgin Ontario Health Team Quarterly Report 88 7.2.2 Elgin County Drowning Prevention Coalition 2023 Recap 89 8. Other Business 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members 8.2 Notice of Motion 8.3 Matters of Urgency 9. Closed Meeting Items 9.1 Closed Meeting Minutes - January 30, 2024 9.2 Director of Community & Cultural Services - Organizational Update Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. 9.3 Director of Legal Services - LS-3 — Advice re Potential Litigation Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and (f) advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. 10. Motion to Rise and Report 11. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole 12. Consideration of By -Laws 12.1 By -Law No. 23-06 Confirmation 13. Adjournment `[oIe] Page 2 of 100 Elgin County Council Minutes January 30, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Members Present: Warden Ed Ketchabaw Deputy Warden Grant Jones Councillor Dominique Giguere (virtual) Councillor Mark Widner Councillor Jack Couckuyt (virtual) Councillor Andrew Sloan (virtual) Councillor Todd Noble Councillor Mike Hentz Councillor Richard Leatham Staff Present: Blaine Parkin, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Brian Masschaele, Director of Community & Cultural Services Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services Peter Dutchak, Director of Engineering Services Jenna Fentie, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Carolyn Krahn, Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator Dave Colvin, CEMC Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. with Warden Ketchabaw in the chair. 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on January 9, 2024 be adopted. Motion Carried. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None. 4. Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations None. 5. Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Councillor Noble Page 3 of 100 RESOLVED THAT we do now move into Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 6. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 6.1 Warden Ketchabaw - Annual Council Committee Update — Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee Warden Ketchabaw presented the report detailing the activities of the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee in 2023. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Annual Council Committee Update — Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee" dated January 30, 2024 from Warden Ketchabaw be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.2 Warden Ketchabaw - Annual Council Committee Update — Human Resources Committee Warden Ketchabaw presented the report detailing the activities of the Human Resources Committee in 2023. Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Annual Council Committee Update — Human Resources Committee" dated January 30, 2024 from Warden Ketchabaw be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.3 Warden Ketchabaw - Annual Council Committee Update — Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee 2023 Warden Ketchabaw presented the report detailing the activities of the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee in 2023. Moved by: Councillor Leatham Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Annual Council Committee Update Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee 2023" dated January 30, 2024 from Warden Ketchabaw be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.4 Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives - Sponsorship Requests — Impact Awards, Elgin Women's Leadership Conference, and the International Women's Day Celebration The Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives presented the report that recommends Council support sponsorship requests received for three events in Elgin County, and recommends that staff develop a policy to provide clear guidelines for evaluating and responding to sponsorship requests. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to obtain additional event budget information from the St. Thomas & District Chamber of Commerce, the Elgin Women's Leadership Conference, and the Elgin Business Resource Page 4 of 100 Centre in advance of Council's consideration of providing sponsorship funding; and THAT staff be directed to develop and present to Council a policy to govern how the department responds to requests for sponsorships. Defeated. Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Councillor Hentz RESOLVED THAT Elgin County Economic Development supports the Impact Awards with a sponsorship of $2,500-1 and THAT Elgin County Economic Development supports the Elgin Women's Leadership Conference with a sponsorship of $250; and THAT Elgin County Economic Development support the Elgin Business Resource Centre's International Women's Day Celebration with a sponsorship of $4,000-1 and THAT staff develop and present to Council a policy to govern how the department responds to requests for sponsorships. Motion Carried. 6.5 Manager of Emergency Management & Elgin -Middlesex Regional Fire School - Legacy Wells Initiative The Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk presented the report on behalf of the Manager of Emergency Management & Elgin -Middlesex Regional Fire School that details the Ontario government's strategy to address the issue of Legacy Wells. Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Legacy Wells Initiative" dated January 30, 2024 from the Manager of Emergency Management & Elgin -Middlesex Regional Fire School be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.6 Director of Community and Cultural Services - Guidelines for Rural/Urban Public Library Systems, 4th Edition The Director of Community and Cultural Services presented the report that provides an overview of the Guidelines for Rural/Urban Public Library Systems (4t" Edition, 2023) and the changes made to the guidelines since County Council received the 3rd edition in 2017, and recommends that the guidelines be used as a reference document for future library planning. Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT the Guidelines for Rural/Urban Public Library Systems (4th Edition, 2023) be received as a reference document for Elgin County Library planning purposes. Motion Carried. 6.7 Director of Engineering Services - Elgin Manor Waste Water Treatment Plant - Request for Additional Capacity Page 5 of 100 The Director of Engineering Services presented the report detailing the request received from the Thames Valley District School Board to increase the sewage allocation for Southwold Public School at the Elgin Manor Wastewater Treatment Plant, and recommends that Council support the request. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT the County of Elgin accept an increase in sewage flow from the Southwold Public School to be treated at the Elgin Manor Waste Water Treatment Plant as requested by the Thames Valley District School Board; and THAT staff be directed to update the existing service agreement between the County of Elgin and the Thames Valley District School Board in order to be consistent with other agreements and to reflect the current cost recovery formula. Motion Carried. 7. Council Correspondence 7.1 Items for Consideration None. 7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT Correspondence Items #7.2.1 - 7.2.4 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 7.2.1 AMCTO MFIPPA Working Group Advocacy Package and Letter of Appreciation 7.2.2 Quad County Support Services Annual Report and Newsletter 7.2.3 Kinsmen Club of Aylmer - Fundraising Gala in support of the Terrace Lodge Comforts of Home Fundraising Campaign 7.2.4 Greg Fentie, President, Elgin Federation of Agriculture with a letter requesting that County Council maintain the Farm Class Tax Rate at 0.23 per cent for the 2024 Property Tax year. 8. Other Business 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members 8.1.1 Councillor Widner -Joint Planning Councillor Widner asked whether there is any interest in centralized planning among the local municipalities. The Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk noted that staff have developed a job description for a Director of Planning, and pending final budget approval, recruitment will move forward as quickly as possible, and he will be reaching out to member municipalities to continue to build a plan for centralized planning services. Councillor Hentz stated that it is difficult for small municipalities to hire the expertise required and fully supports the centralized planning initiative, and that Dutton Dunwich looks forward to participating. Deputy Warden Jones stated that Southwold is on board as well. 8.1.2 Councillor Noble - Southwestern Public Health Budget Page 6 of 100 Councillor Noble recommended that, during budget deliberations, it is important that the County look closely at the budget increase from Southwestern Public Health, and noted that the increase this year is 55%, which is approximately 4% of the County budget and a 300% increase since 2018. Warden Ketchabaw noted that the Budget Committee will be meeting later today and it will be part of the agenda. 8.1.3 Warden Ketchabaw - ROMA Conference Update Warden Ketchabaw stated that members of Elgin County and the Local Municipal Partners attended the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference last week, and noted that representatives from the County had the opportunity to meet with Minister Flack and had worthwhile discussions. Warden Ketchabaw stated that while Elgin County did not participate in delegations on its own, SCOR was involved in nine (9) with various ministries and Party Leaders, and the Western Ontario Wardens Caucus (WOWC) were involved in eight (8) delegations. The Warden noted that he participated in about eight (8) delegations between these two organizations. Warden Ketchabaw stated that the delegations involved discussions regarding electrical systems, and community transit programs. 8.2 Notice of Motion None. 8.3 Matters of Urgency None. 9. Closed Meeting Items Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss the following matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2): Closed Meeting Item #1 - Closed Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2024 Closed Meeting Item #2 - Potential Disposition of Land (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. Closed Meeting Item #3 - Collective Bargaining Update (d) labour relations or employee negotiations. Motion Carried. 9.1 Closed Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2024 9.2 Director of Engineering Services - Potential Disposition of Land 9.3 Director of Human Resources - Collective Bargaining update 9.4 Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - Advice re Potential Property Litigation (additional item added by Council resolution) 10. Motion to Rise and Report Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT we do now rise from Closed Session in order to add an item to the Closed Meeting Agenda. Page 7 of 100 Motion Carried. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT Council consider an additional item in Closed Session under Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (e) (f) for the purposes of advice regarding potential property litigation. Motion Carried. Moved by: Councillor Leatham Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss the following matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2): Closed Meeting Item #1 - Closed Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2024 Closed Meeting Item #2 - Potential Disposition of Land (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. Closed Meeting Item #3 - Collective Bargaining Update (d) labour relations or employee negotiations. Closed Meeting Item #4 - Advice re Potential Property Litigation (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and (f) advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. Motion Carried. Moved by: Councillor Leatham Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT we do now rise and report. Motion Carried. Closed Meeting Item #1 - Closed Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2024 Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT the January 9, 2024 Elgin County Council Closed Meeting Minutes be adopted. Motion Carried. Closed Meeting Item #2 - Potential Disposition of Land Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT Council dispose of lands in Dutton for nominal cost to the Dutton Lions provided that the Dutton Lions are responsible for all out of pocket expenses of the County; and Page 8 of 100 THAT the Director of Engineering is authorized to execute any documents necessary to give effect to the transfer. Motion Carried. Closed Meeting Item #3 - Collective Bargaining Update Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT the confidential report from the Director of Human Resources be received for information; and THAT staff proceed as directed. Motion Carried. Closed Meeting Item #4 - Advice re Potential Property Litigation Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Sloan RESOLVED THAT the confidential report from the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer be received for information. Motion Carried. 11. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 12. Consideration of By -Laws 12.1 By -Law No. 24-03 Non -Union Economic Adjustment BEING a By -Law to Establish Remuneration Rates for Employees Covered by the Job Evaluation Scale. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Sloan RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 24-03 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. Motion Carried. 12.2 By -Law No. 24-04 Confirmation Being a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January 30, 2024 Meeting. Moved by: Councillor Leatham Seconded by: Councillor Hentz RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 24-04 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. Motion Carried. 13. Adjournment 7 Page 9 of 100 Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 10:39 a.m. to meet again on February 13, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Motion Carried. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 10 of 100 Elgin(.ou it ty Elgin County Council Special Meeting Minutes February 6, 2024, 11:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Members Present: Warden Ed Ketchabaw Deputy Warden Grant Jones Councillor Dominique Giguere Councillor Mark Widner Councillor Andrew Sloan Councillor Todd Noble Councillor Mike Hentz Councillor Richard Leatham Members Absent: Councillor Jack Couckuyt Staff Present: Blaine Parkin, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Brian Masschaele, Director of Community & Cultural Services Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services (virtual) Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services Peter Dutchak, Director of Engineering Services Jenna Fentie, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Carolyn Krahn, Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m. with Warden Ketchabaw in the chair. 2. Adoption of Minutes None. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None. 4. Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations None. 5. Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT we do now move into Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 6. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 1 Page 11 of 100 6.1 Discussion with Associate Minister Flack in regards to growth throughout the region including impacts on infrastructure, local business development, and financial planning. Warden's Welcome Warden Ketchabaw welcomed Hon. Rob Flack, Associate Minister of Housing and Member of Provincial Parliament for Elgin -Middlesex - London. Warden Ketchabaw stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss a collaborative effort between Elgin County and its partners to ensure success of the significant Provincial strategic investment in the St. Thomas - Elgin manufacturing sector. Warden Ketchabaw stated that the County is the only level of municipal government with the mandate to focus on the region as a whole and as a credible partner, Elgin County is willing to collaborate and is excited for the growth and is committed to ensuring that this project succeeds. Minister Flack's Opening Remarks Minister Flack provided opening remarks and introduced his colleagues, Scott Collier, Director of Policy at the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs, and Ian Kerr, Regional Director for the Western Region for Municipal Affairs and Housing. Minister Flack stated that a goal is to make sure that the lines of communication remain open as we move forward with the major investment that is being made in Central Elgin, St. Thomas, and the entire community. Minister Flack stated that his role is to try to facilitate a collective effort to break down silos in the best interest of everyone in Elgin County for this serious investment. Minister Flack stated that he and his colleagues are here to listen and learn and try to answer any questions and discuss any key priorities on how to work together toward our collective good. Elgin County Presentations County Council and Minister Flack received three (3) presentations from County staff. The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer provided a presentation on financial planning and management. The Director of Engineering Services provided a presentation on infrastructure planning and coordination. The Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives provided a presentation on business development. General Discussion Minister Flack and Council Members had a general discussion on the topic of anticipated growth and regional collaboration. The Warden opened up the floor for Councillors to speak briefly to the needs of their local municipalities. Deputy Warden Jones stated that, historically, infrastructure costs have been shared three ways between federal, provincial, and municipal governments and that he hoped the federal government would again share the responsibility in the future. Minister Flack noted that a $200 million Canada Infrastructure Bank was announced last year, and anticipated that the money would be allocated quickly. Minister Flack stated that some debt will need to be taken on collectively and that the province is hopefully developing more instruments that municipalities can use such as private equity and investments. Councillor Hentz spoke to the costs required to modify the wastewater system in the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich. Councillor Hentz also raised the concern regarding servicing the anticipated growth to the municipality Page 12 of 100 and would be seeking support from the provincial and federal governments. Councillor Sloan stated that he had suggested a community liaison in a previous meeting with Minister Flack and asked if there was such a role. Minister Flack stated that regular discussions should take place between himself and the Warden and County Council to keep an updated list of main priorities to tackle from a regional approach. Minister Flack responded that the cost of living is the biggest stress right now and remarked on the needs for affordable and attainable housing, and that it will require developments of greater density and smaller unit sizes. Minister Flack noted that he cannot be a full-time facilitator, however, he offered that he would meet with the Warden to identify the top five (5) or six (6) issues, and then collectively meet with the County and the City of St. Thomas and set a discipline in place to meet regularly to see these issues progressing. Minister Flack stated that this must be a multi -year strategy. Next Steps Warden Ketchabaw stated that one of the main objectives in hosting Minister Flack was to seek Minister Flack's support and seek that Minister Flack request that the Provincial Land and Development Facilitator include the County at all facilitation discussions going forward. Warden Ketchabaw stated that the second objective was to seek Minister Flack's assistance in putting together a liaison team that has the mandate to communicate and share information with Elgin County on expected growth so that Elgin County can plan and coordinate accordingly (examples include road usage, expected business development, policing, housing needs, etc.) Closing Comments Warden Ketchabaw made closing statements including gratification that Minister Flack proposes meeting regularly as the County also wishes to do so. The Warden stated that the County will send follow-up correspondence to Minister Flack after this meeting. Warden Ketchabaw remarked that the County of Elgin hopes that the lines of communication are kept open and desires to start broaching topics one at a time and map out a path for solutions on how we can work together. Minister Flack stated that he is 100 percent behind creating a liaison team and that the next step is to collectively figure out how to get that done. Minister Flack stated that his door is always open, that County Councillors were welcome to call him at his personal phone number, and that he is enjoying working with the County and called for them to keep working together. 7. Council Correspondence None. 8. Other Business 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members None. 8.2 Notice of Motion None. Page 13 of 100 8.3 Matters of Urgency None. 9. Closed Meeting Items None. 10. Motion to Rise and Report None. 11. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 12. Consideration of By -Laws 12.1 By -Law No. 24-05 Confirmation BEING a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February 6, 2024 Meeting. Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 24-05 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. Motion Carried. 13. Adjournment Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Hentz RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 12:07 p.m. Motion Carried. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. 4 Page 14 of 100 To: Elgin County Council Re: Project Lifesaver Date: February 51", 2024 I am writing to you to notify you of Project Lifesaver, a project that is happening in Elgin County and asking for your support to assist with getting this project up and running. Project Lifesaver is a community based, non-profit organization that provides law enforcement and emergency responders with a program that is designed to protect and quickly locate individuals who have a cognitive disorder or intellectual disability. This program consists of a database for people who sign up and wear a trackable device on their wrist or ankle. If a person who has signed up for the program becomes lost, or wanders away from home, first responders can use this program to assist in the search. The method relies on proven radio technology and specially trained search and rescue teams. Citizens enrolled in Project Lifesaver wear a small transmitter on the wrist or ankle that emits an individualized frequency signal. If an enrolled client goes missing, the caregiver notifies their local Project Lifesaver agency, and a trained emergency team responds to the wanderer's area. The first responders will then use the client's individualized frequency to locate the position of the individual. This could significantly reduce search times down from days or hours to potentially minutes, which would not only save lives but also reduce the cost of resources needed in a large search and rescue event. Project Lifesaver is in many communities in Ontario, but not currently in Elgin County. This project would bring together partner agencies and Police Services to make Project Lifesaver available to residents of Elgin County. Administered by Victim Services Elgin with the assistance of Inclusive Communities Consulting and Life Skills, and supported by Elgin OPP, Aylmer Police and St. Thomas Police, this program will help protect our most vulnerable people, which could include youth, adults and seniors with cognitive disorders, intellectual disabilities, or are at risk. What is needed to get Project Lifesaver up and running is funding for the initial purchase of equipment. To effectively implement the program, we need to purchase four receiver units that will be made available for use in Elgin County. Each receiver unit will be strategically located at the detachments/headquarters of the agencies who respond to missing persons occurrences in Elgin County, the Elgin OPP, Aylmer Police, and the St. Thomas Police. Elgin OPP have already arranged training for officers from all three police services, which will include a train the trainer model to ensure that multiple officers from each service are trained with the system. We are looking for a total of $18,000.00 to purchase equipment to get the program up and running. We are asking Elgin County to assist with $6,000.00 of the funding. Sustainability and cost coverage of the program will be through purchasing of wearable devices by families, as well as a yearly subscription to the program. With training already underway, we would like to have Project Lifesaver up and running by the spring of 2024. This would mean purchasing equipment in February 2024, and getting the information out to families in Elgin County. All partners involved are extremely excited to be able to bring Project Lifesaver to Elgin County. We hope a system like this never has to be used, but in the event that it is needed, it will be a valuable tool to greatly assist first responders. Not only can it save thousands of dollars that would be used in a large search and rescue effort, it can potentially save lives. We trust that you can see the value in Project Lifesaver and what it will bring to the many communities of Elgin County. Sincerely, William Vanraes Inclusive Communities Consulting & Life Skills inclusivecommunitiesconsulting@gmail.com 905-379-0084 Unaflifing & ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Ed Ketchabaw, Warden Date: February 13, 2024 Subject: Warden's Activity Report (January 2024) Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "Warden's Activity Report (January 2024)" dated February 13, 2024 from Warden Ketchabaw be received and filed. Introduction: The purpose of this report is to provide a high-level summary of the meetings and official functions I have attended during the month of January 2024 as Elgin County Warden. Background and Discussion: Events/Meetings Attended by Warden: January 2024: • County Council Meetings (January 9 & January 30, 2024) • Power Co. Briefing Meeting (January 5, 2024) • Appreciation Farewell for Interim CAO (January 5, 2024) • CAO and Warden Meeting (January 8, 2024) • BR&E Meeting at Beach Patties in Port Burwell (January 16, 2024) • SCOR ROMA Planning Meeting (January 16, 2024) • Elgin -St. Thomas Crime Stoppers Appreciation Dinner (January 17, 2024) • BR&E Meeting at Craig Latimer's in Richmond (January 18, 2024) • Growth Planning Steering Committee Meeting (January 18, 2024) • Rural Ontario Municipalities Ontario Conference (January 21-23, 2024) • The Pitch Business Plan Competition (January 24, 2024) • SCOR Meeting (January 25, 2024) • Meeting with CAO — Planning for February 6, 2024 Meeting with Minister Flack (January 25, 2024) Page 17 of 100 • Budget Committee Meeting (January 30, 2024) Financial Implications: None. Alianment with Strateaic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ® Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ® Exploring different ways ® Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: Elgin County continues to work with and find ways to collaborate with Elgin's municipal partners. Communication Requirements: None. Conclusion: I look forward to representing Elgin County Council at various events throughout my term as 2024 Warden. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Ed Ketchabaw Warden Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 18 of 100 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: John "Ian" Fleck, 2023 Chair, Elgin County Land Division Committee & Paul Clarke, Secretary Treasurer Date: February 13, 2024 Subject: Elgin County Land Division Activities for 2023 Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "Elgin County Land Division Activities for 2023" from the Elgin County Land Division Committee Chair and the Secretary -Treasurer, dated February 13, 2024 be received and filed for information. Introduction: The Elgin County Land Division Committee has been the consent -granting authority for the County of Elgin since 1971. Its purpose is to authorize the separation of parcels of land where a plan of subdivision is deemed unnecessary. When making a decision on an application for consent, the approval authority shall have regard to the requirements of the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement (2020), the policies of the Elgin County Official Plan, local municipal Official Plans, Ministry and Agency comments, and input from the public. In making sound planning decisions the Committee carefully reviews all of the information received in its deliberations. The Land Division Committee acts as an administrative adjudicative body, exercising discretionary statutory powers. It must be unbiased and has a duty to act fairly. Background and Discussion: In 2023 a new Land Division Committee (LDC) was appointed, with a mixture of returning and new members from across all of Elgin's seven (7) local municipalities. At the beginning of 2023, an orientation session was held for both returning and new members to familiarize the LDC with recent legislative changes as well as current provincial, county and local policies. Meetings continue to be held in a hybrid in -person and online format to increase public engagement and provide a more accessible and open process for both applicants and members of the public. The More Homes, Built Faster Act, 2022 received royal assent in November of 2022, after the previous term of LDC had ended. In effect, the first LDC meeting held after the Act came into force and effect was held in February of 2023. One of the key changes to the Planning Act that was made by More Homes, Built Faster was the elimination of Page 19 of 100 third -party appeals on consent decisions made by the LDC. This has substantially reduced the number of appeals made to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). Unlike in previous years, the Secretary -Treasurer has received no appeals on any LDC applications by specified persons or public bodies as of the writing of this report. The Province also introduced a draft version of the new Provincial Policy Statement (PPS); however, the passing of the new PPS was delayed to allow for further revisions by the Province. To date, a revised version of the draft PPS has not been released, though it is anticipated that a new PPS will be available for comment sometime in early 2024. A total of 89 consent applications were received in 2023; three were deferred or withdrawn at the applicant's request. The creation of new lots (excluding surplus farm dwellings) accounts for 45% of the total applications received, which were not withdrawn or deferred, and surplus dwellings make up another 25%. There are seven members on the Land Division Committee which are appointed by County Council for the term January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026. The 2023 member composition and roles included: John "Ian" Fleck - Chair, responsible for the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich Dugald Aldred — Vice Chair - responsible for the Municipality of West Elgin Tom Marks - responsible for the Municipality of Central Elgin John Andrews - responsible for the Township of Southwold Bill Ungar - responsible for the Town of Aylmer Dave Jenkins - responsible for the Township of Malahide John Seldon - responsible for the Municipality of Bayham Appendix A and B Land Division Committee Report — Statistics for 2023 indicate the numbers and types of severances that the Committee heard from January 1, 2023 to December 13, 2023, as well as the number of hearings held. Financial Implications: None. Page 20 of 100 Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring alignment of ® Planning for and ❑ Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ® Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: Land Division Committee activity relates to all local municipal partners. Communication Requirements: The information in this report will be circulated to all local municipal partners. Conclusion: The Land Division Committee continues to receive a high number of new applications as well as amendments to previous applications. It was a pleasure serving as Chairman and working with such a committed group of individuals over 2023. All of which is Respectfully Submitted John "Ian" Fleck, Chair Elgin County Land Division Committee Paul Clarke, Secretary Treasurer Elgin County Land Division Committee Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 21 of 100 APPENDIX A: NUMBER AND TYPE OF SEVERANCE APPLICATI( Municipality Granted Conditionally Not Granted Lot Ad 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 Aylmer 3 3 0 0 0 Bayham 5 19 0 0 3 Central Elgin 15 13 0 0 2 Dutton Dunwich 14 121 0 0 1 Malahide 9 14 0 1 2 Southwold 13 13 0 0 2 West Elgin 10 12 0 0 0 Total 69 86 01 1 10 Total 2022 69 Total 2023 86 APPENDIX B: NUMBER OF HEARINGS Number of Hearings Full Days 2 (Including orientation) Half Days 10* *this includes the last LDC meeting of the year which will take place on December 13, 2023 Page 22 of 100 DNS Idition New Lot Surplus Farm Dwelling Easement/Right- of-Way/Lease Tabeled or Deferred 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 01 3 3 0 01 0 0 0 0 1 3 13 2 5 0 0 0 0 11 5 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 7 3 0 1 1 0 4 2 7 3 3 0 0 0 1 61 6 6 5 11 0 0 2 0 0 4 3 3 9 1 1 0 0 26 27 39 24 22 11 2 3 1 Page 23 of 100 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources Date: February 13, 2024 Subject: Annual Council Committee Update — Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee Recommendation: THAT the report titled "Annual Council Committee Update — Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee" dated January 30, 2024 be received and filed. Introduction: Pursuant to Section 13(a) of the County of Elgin Committee By -Law No. 23-01 "A By - Law to Define the Mandate and Meeting Procedures for Committees Established by the Corporation of the County of Elgin", Committees shall report to Council annually respecting the following matters- (i) A concise summary of the activities and accomplishments of the Committee during the current year; (ii) A summary of the Committee's focus areas for the following year; said focus areas to be aligned with Council's Strategic Plan and objectives; and (iii) Any recommendations respecting proposed changes to the Committee's structure, composition or mandate/terms of reference. The purpose of this report is to provide County Council with a summary of the activities of the Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee. Background and Discussion: The County of Elgin/Municipality of Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee was created in 2002 with the intent to advise members of Council on the implementation of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) along with the affiliated Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR). Municipalities with a population of 10,000 or more are required to establish an accessibility advisory committee — two or more municipalities may, instead of each establishing their own committee, establish a joint accessibility advisory committee. Other local municipal partners do not meet the threshold of 10,000 and thus the Joint Page 24 of 100 Accessibility Advisory Committee is only comprised of the County of Elgin and the Municipality of Central Elgin. The following members served on the Committee in 2023: • Todd Noble, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Central Elgin and Elgin County Councillor • Dave Baughman, Municipality of Central Elgin Councillor • Tom Marks — Committee Chair • Jenn Salverda, Community Member • George Corrin, Community Member It is noted that Mr. Corrin stepped down from the Committee in the Fall of 2023. In 2023, the Committee met on April 20, June 1, and November 7. The Committee also held several joint meetings with the City of St. Thomas Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee to plan the 2023 `AccessAbility' Open House, held on September 28t", 2023. Committee Mandate: In conjunction with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), the County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee shall provide advice to participating municipal councils in relation to accessibility planning and legislated standards. This includes: • Advise Councils regarding the preparation, implementation and effectiveness of the multi -year accessibility plans of the participating municipalities; • Advise participating municipalities on the accessibility of buildings, structures or premises that the municipalities lease, purchase, construct or significantly renovate; • Review and advise municipalities on the accessibility of site plans and drawings described in Section 41 of the Planning Act that the committee selects; • Advise Councils about the requirements and implementation of accessibility standards and the preparation of accessibility reports and such other matters for which the Councils may seek advice; and • Perform all other functions specified in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). At this time, the Committee is not proposing any changes to the Committee's structure, composition or mandate/terms of reference. 2023 Committee Accomplishments Reviewed and approved plans for a Multi -Use Path on East Road in Port Stanley; Requested that the Municipality of Central Elgin include a clause in the terms and conditions for snow clearing contracts that prohibits cleared snow from being deposited in accessible parking spaces; Endorsed the Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report 2023; Page 25 of 100 • Approved amendments to the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan to include accessibility progress, goals, and timelines that are specific to the Elgin County Heritage Centre, and forwarded the amendments to Elgin County Council and Municipality of Central Elgin Council for approval; • Endorsed the Elgin County and LMP Joint Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan 2024-2026; • Approved updates to the County's Accessibility Policy, Emergency Response Policy, and Accommodations Policy; • Planned and co -hosted the AccessAbility Open House with the City of St. Thomas Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee on September 28, 2023 at the Memorial Arena in St. Thomas. Plans for 2024 In early 2024, the Committee will be required to review the 2023 Joint Annual Accessibility Status Report. Elgin County and its Local Municipal Partners are required to collaboratively prepare an annual accessibility status report on the progress of measures taken to implement the goals outlined in the Joint Multi -Year Accessibility Plan. Financial Implications: �m Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ® Exploring different ways ® Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ❑ Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: None. Page 26 of 100 Communication Requirements: A copy of this report will be circulated to the Municipality of Central Elgin for information. Conclusion: The Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee is committed to working towards eliminating barriers and improving accessibility for people with disabilities in a manner that respects dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Amy Thomson Director of Human Resources Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 27 of 100 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Mike Hoogstra, Manager of Procurement & Risk Date: February 13, 2024 Subject: Procurement Activity Report Q4 (October 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023) Recommendation(s): THAT the February 13, 2024 report titled, Procurement Activity Report Q4 (October 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023), submitted by the Manager of Procurement & Risk, be received and filed for information Introduction: The County's Procurement Policy requires that an information report containing the details relevant to the exercise of delegated authority for all contracts awarded that exceed $15,000, including amendments and renewals, be prepared and reported to Council on a quarterly basis. This report covers the period from October 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. Background and Discussion: The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin delegated authority to the Directors to award contracts as follows: Value Report Status Greater than $15,000 but less than $250,000 No report to Council required if within approved budget Council also approved that an information report would be brought forward containing details of the award of contracts including amendments and renewals. The detailed report of the award of contracts is attached as Appendix A. Financial Implications: Prior to contract and purchase order approval, confirmation is made to ensure that the appropriate funds are available in the approved budget. Page 28 of 100 Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ❑ Enhancing quality of programs and services ❑ Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: None Communication Requirements: None Conclusion: This report is submitted to summarize the County's procurement activity for the fourth quarter of 2023 in accordance with the reporting requirements as set out in section 12.2 of the Procurement Policy All of which is Respectfully Submitted Mike Hoogstra Manager of Procurement & Risk Jennifer Ford Director of Financial Services / Treasurer Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 29 of 100 APPENDIX A Procurement Activity — October 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Department Budget Project Supplier / Amount Allocation Contractor (HST excluded) / PO# Engineering Capital 2023 Dodge Ram Pickup Truck Elgin Chrysler $50,703 Services PO# 1040 Capital Replacement of 3 Condenser and 3 ProTemp $101,350 PO# 965 Evaporator Units at Bobier Villa Refrigeration Operating Emergency Road Repair Gary D. Robinson $77,100 Talbot Line (CR#3) Slope Failure Contracting near New Glasgow (Nov 6/23) Homes & Capital Maxi Move Lift (Elgin Manor) Arjo Canada $16,915 Seniors PO# 1055 Services Capital Sara Plus Sit/Stand Lift with Scale Arjo Canada $16,336 (Terrace Lodge) Operating Mobile Medical Imaging Services Westminster $16,000* (One-year term plus option to renew Mobile Medical *approximate for 4-1 year terms) [OHIP funded] Imaging cost per year Financial Operating External Audit Services (Five-year Graham Scott $185,750 Services term) Enns Information Operating Laserfiche Software and Consulting ThinkDox Inc. $104,849 Technology Support Services (Three-year term) Page 30 of 100 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Ryan Terpstra, Manager of Corporate Facilities Date: February 13, 2024 Subject: Contract Award - Corporate Facility Contract Cleaning Services Recommendation(s): THAT Contract Cleaning Services for the Administration Building, Heritage Centre and POA Courthouse be awarded to Corporate Mirror Inc. for a two-year term at a total price of $248,583 plus HST; and, THAT staff be authorized to extend the cleaning contract for an additional three (3) one- year terms, in accordance with section 7.6 of the Procurement Policy, subject to satisfactory performance during the initial two-year contract term; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. Introduction: This report provides details on the Request for Proposal (RFP) that was issued to solicit proposals from firms to provide Contract Cleaning Services at the Administration Building, Elgin County Heritage Centre and POA Courthouse and seeks Council's approval to award the contract. Background and Discussion: The current contract for cleaning services at the three facilities is expiring and a new RFP was recently issued. An RFP was selected in order to provide firms bidding on the project the opportunity to provide for solutions to enhance the level of cleaning, provide the required resources to complete the tasks and provide further details on their workplans, training programs and contingency plans. It also allows staff to evaluate the proposals based on the criteria identified in the RFP document (see section 3.5). The RFP was issued on November 24, 2023. The document is attached to this report as Attachment 1. The RFP closed on December 15, 2023 and fifteen (15) proposals were received. Page 31 of 100 Information that was advertised and posted on the County's Bid Portal page I[,) dsandt ndei �.,.a. including dates, proposals submitted and a complete plan takers list is attached to this report as Attachment 2. The Evaluation Committee (refer to Attachment 3) evaluated the proposals based on the following criteria: i) Overview and company profile; ii) Management, supervisory and cleaning staff qualifications and experience; iii) Unionized environment experience; iv) Work plan, timing of tasks, communication plan and resources; v) Start-up plan and contingency plan; vi) Education and training; vii) Value-added services; viii) Client References (type and level of detail provided); and ix) Total Overall Cost. Once the technical proposal evaluations were completed, pricing was factored into the evaluation process as detailed in section 3.6 of the RFP. The evaluation committee is recommending that Corporate Mirror Inc. be selected and awarded the contract. The proposal submitted by Corporate Mirror Inc. was the highest scoring qualified proposal and thus represented the best complete quality submission. Corporate Mirror currently provides contract cleaning services for a number of Ontario municipalities (London, Brantford, Trent Lakes, Region of Peel) and a number of commercial tenants in the immediate area. All Proponents that submitted a proposal to the County will be advised of the contract award and will be offered a debriefing of their individual proposal submission. Financial Implications: The total cost to provide contract cleaning services for the three facilities identified in this report is $248,583 plus HST for a two (2) year period. The pricing received is consistent with the price for services in 2023 and therefore aligns with the current operating budget. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Page 32 of 100 Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ❑ Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ® Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ❑ Enhancing quality of programs and services ❑ Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: None Communication Requirements: None Conclusion: As detailed above, the evaluation committee completed an evaluation and selection process in accordance with RFP No. 2023-P41 and subsequently the proposal submission from Corporate Mirror Inc. was deemed the highest scoring qualified proposal and is recommended for award. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Ryan Terpstra Manager of Corporate Facilities Mike Hoogstra Manager of Procurement & Risk Peter Dutchak Director of Engineering Services Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 33 of 100 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, HERITAGE CENTRE AND POA COURTHOUSE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 2023-P41 Proposals shall be received by the Bidding System no later than: December 15, 2023 @ 3:00 p.m. (local time) Issue Date: November 24, 2023 Page 34 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES INDEX DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS.................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 1.0 - INFORMATION TO PROPONENTS................................................................................... 5 1.1 Introduction and Background........................................................................................ 5 1.2 Proposal Format and Delivery.......................................................................................5 1.3 Designated Official......................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Questions / Inquiries...................................................................................................... 6 1.5 Site Examination, Tours and Information Meeting ...................................................... 7 1.6 Addenda..........................................................................................................................7 1.7 RFP Schedule.................................................................................................................. 8 1.8 Proponent Communications.......................................................................................... 8 1.9 Proponent Investigations............................................................................................... 8 1.10 Notice of No Response................................................................................................... 8 SECTION 2.0 -CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................... 9 2.1 Term of Contract............................................................................................................ 9 2.2 Work Locations............................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Scope of Work - Administration Building (450 Sunset Drive) ..................................... 9 2.4 Scope of Work- Heritage Centre (460 Sunset Drive) ................................................ 12 2.5 Scope of Work - Provincial Offences Administration Courthouse (480 Sunset Drive)............................................................................................................................. 13 2.6 Paper Supplies, Soap, Garbage Bags, ETC................................................................... 15 2.7 Materials and Equipment............................................................................................ 16 2.8 Floor Plans.................................................................................................................... 17 2.9 Occupancy.................................................................................................................... 17 2.10 Inspection..................................................................................................................... 18 2.11 Cleaning Training Program........................................................................................... 18 2.12 Hours / Days of Work................................................................................................... 18 2.13 Bill 7 Information ..........................................................................................................18 2.14 Supervision and Liaison................................................................................................ 19 2.15 Access to Premises....................................................................................................... 19 2.16 Responsibility for Damage to the Building and Contents .......................................... 19 2.17 Work Not Included....................................................................................................... 20 2.18 Work Included.............................................................................................................. 20 2.19 Snow Removal.............................................................................................................. 20 2.20 Work Restrictions due to Noise................................................................................... 20 2.21 Operation Schedule...................................................................................................... 20 2.22 Additional Unscheduled Work..................................................................................... 21 2.23 Standards, Inspection and Reporting.......................................................................... 21 2.24 Worker Appearance..................................................................................................... 21 2.25 Changes to Equipment or Service............................................................................... 21 2.26 Bonding.........................................................................................................................21 1 Page 35 of 100 .ttaclhrn nl1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 2.27 Security Clearance - Police Records Check................................................................. 21 2.28 Confidentiality Agreement ...........................................................................................22 2.29 Worker Safety and Standards...................................................................................... 22 2.30 WHMIS..........................................................................................................................23 2.31 Fire Safety..................................................................................................................... 23 2.32 Unsatisfactory Work..................................................................................................... 23 2.33 Employment and Fair Wages....................................................................................... 23 2.34 Character or Workers................................................................................................... 23 2.35 Supervision and Prohibitions....................................................................................... 24 2.36 Pricing, Invoicing and Payment.................................................................................... 24 2.37 County Not Employer................................................................................................... 25 SECTION 3.0 - PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................... 26 3.1 Proposal Submissions................................................................................................... 26 3.2 Proposal Submission Requirements -Technical Proposal (Part 1)........................... 26 3.3 Financial Submission Requirements - Financial Proposal (Part 2)............................. 28 3.4 Evaluation Process........................................................................................................ 29 3.5 Evaluation Criteria........................................................................................................ 30 3.6 Ratings...........................................................................................................................31 3.7 Presentation and Interview......................................................................................... 32 SECTION 4.0 - GENERAL CONDITIONS.................................................................................................. 33 4.1 Rights of the County..................................................................................................... 33 4.2 Conflict of Interest........................................................................................................ 33 4.3 Modified Proposals...................................................................................................... 34 4.4 Disqualification of Proponents.................................................................................... 34 4.5 Confidentiality/ MFIPPA.............................................................................................. 34 4.6 Proposal Assignments.................................................................................................. 34 4.7 Purchasing Policy.......................................................................................................... 35 4.8 Failure to Perform........................................................................................................ 35 4.9 Award and Agreement................................................................................................. 35 4.10 Insurance Requirements.............................................................................................. 35 4.11 Indemnification............................................................................................................ 36 4.12 WSIB Requirements..................................................................................................... 36 4.13 Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontario with Disabilities Act 2005 ................ 36 4.14 Disqualification.............................................................................................................36 4.15 Record and Reputation................................................................................................ 37 4.16 Proponent's Costs........................................................................................................ 37 4.17 Legal Matters and Rights of the County...................................................................... 38 4.18 Compliance with Laws, Acts and Policies.................................................................... 39 4.19 Covid-19 Pandemic....................................................................................................... 39 4.20 Clarification...................................................................................................................39 4.21 Supplementary Information........................................................................................ 39 4.22 Errors and Omissions................................................................................................... 40 K Page 36 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 4.23 No Increase in Rates..................................................................................................... 40 4.24 Contractor's Liability.................................................................................................... 40 4.25 Contractor's Insolvency................................................................................................ 40 4.26 Default / Non-Performance......................................................................................... 41 APPENDIX A - SAMPLE AGREEMENT.................................................................................................... 42 APPENDIX B — BILL 7 INFORMATION.................................................................................................... 47 APPENDIX C —ADMIN BUILDING COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT/ LIUNA LOCAL 1059.............. Attached APPENDIX D — CONFIDENTIALLITY AGREEMENT.......................................................................Attached 450 SUNSET - FLOOR PLANS.........................................................................................................Attached 460 SUNSET - FLOOR PLANS.........................................................................................................Attached 480 SUNSET - FLOOR PLANS.........................................................................................................Attached 3 Page 37 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS The following definitions apply to the interpretation of the Request for Proposal Documents; 1. "Addenda or Addendum" means such further additions, deletions, modifications or other changes to any Request for Proposal Documents. 2. "Authorized Person" means; i) For a Proponent who is an individual or sole proprietor that person. ii) For a Proponent which is a partnership, any authorized partner of the Proponent. iii) For a Proponent which is a corporation: a) any officer of director of the corporation; and b) any person whose name and signature has been entered on the document submitted with the Request for Proposal, as having been authorized to participate in the completion, correction, revision, execution, or withdrawal of the submission, whether that person is or is not an officer or director. iv) For a Proponent that is a joint venture, the submission shall be signed by a person for and on behalf of each joint venture or, if they warrant that they have the authority vested in them to do so, one person so authorized may sign on behalf of all joint ventures. 3. "Bidding System" means the County's bid portal website operated by bids&tenders'" and posted as https://elgincounty.bidsandtenders.ca/Module/Tenders/en 4. "Contractor" means the Proponent whose proposal has been approved by the County. 5. "County" refers to the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 6. "Designated Official" refers to the Manager of Procurement & Risk for the County of Elgin. 7. "Proposal" means the Response in the form prescribed by this Request for Proposal Document and completed and submitted by a Proponent in response to and in compliance with the Request for Proposal. 8. "Proponent" means the legal entity submitting a proposal. 9. "Request for Proposal (RFP)" means the document issued by the County in response to which Proponents are invited to submit a proposal that will result in the satisfaction of the County's objectives in a cost-effective manner. 10. "Services" means the cleaning/janitorial services as required and described in this RFP. 11. "Successful Proponent" means the Proponent whose proposal has been approved by the County. 4 Page 38 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES SECTION 1.0 - INFORMATION TO PROPONENTS 1.1 Introduction and Background The County of Elgin is situated in the heart of southwestern Ontario along the north shore of Lake Erie and due south of Highway 401 in what can be best described as a rich agricultural zone complemented by industry. The County is an upper -tier municipality comprised of seven local municipalities (excluding St. Thomas) covering an area of 460,000 acres, with a population of approximately 52,000 people. For more information on the County and the services we provide, visit www®elincounty®ca The purpose of this RFP is to solicit vendors to provide a proposal to provide contract cleaning services, in a cost effective, high operational quality, environmentally safe manner, and to maintain optimum conditions of cleanliness in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live, work and play. The County of Elgin's commitment to serve its residents remains the same, and as such, the facilities must be cleaned to a high quality as the County has high standards and expectations for cleaning of these facilities. The following is a brief description of the work for the three facilities included in this contract. More detailed work requirements can be found in Section 2.0 ➢ Night (daily) cleaning operations ➢ Periodic cleaning operations ➢ Provision of materials and supplies (as noted) ➢ Collection and removal of all garbage and recyclable materials from the building 1.2 Proposal Format and Delivery PLPTTROINflC III')II POSAL ;"! i.IVBIV'illl;"! 5101NIS 01YU11, shall be received by the Bidding System. Hardcopy submissions not permitted. All Proponents shall have a Bidding System Vendor account with bids&tenders'" and be registered as a Plan Taker forthis RFP opportunity, which will enable the Proponent to download the Request for Proposal document, download Addendums, receive email notifications pertaining to this RFP and to submit their proposal electronically through the Bidding System. Proponents are cautioned that the timing of their Proposal Submission is based on when the proposal is RECEIVED by the Bidding System, not when a proposal is submitted, as proposal transmission can be delayed due to file transfer size, transmission speed, etc. For the above reasons, it is recommended that sufficient time to complete your proposal submission and attachment(s) (if applicable) and to resolve any issues that may arise. The closing time and date shall be determined by the Bidding System's web clock. Proponents should contact bids&tenders'" support listed below, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the closing time and date, if they encounter any problems. The Bidding System will send a confirmation email to the Proponent advising that their proposal was submitted successfully. Page 39 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES If you do not receive a confirmation email, contact bids&tenders'" support at support@ bi san ten ers.ca. Late Proposals are not permitted by the Bidding System. To ensure receipt of the latest information and updates via email regarding this RFP, or if a Proponent has obtained this RFP document from a third party, the onus is on the Proponent to create a Bidding System Vendor account and register as a Plan Taker for the RFP opportunity. Proponents may edit or withdraw their proposal submission prior to the closing time and date. However, the Proponent is solely responsible to ensure the re -submitted proposal is received by the Bidding System no later than the stated closing time and date. The onus unequivocally remains with the Proponent to ensure that the proposal is submitted electronically prior to the deadline and in accordance with the submission instructions. The County, its elected officials, employees and agents shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Proponent, prior or subsequent to, or by reason of the acceptance, or non -acceptance by the County of any proposal, or by reason of any delay in the acceptance of any proposal. The County shall not be liable for any cost of preparation or presentation of proposals, and all proposals and accompanying documents submitted by the Proponent become the property of the County and will not be returned. There will be no payment to Proponents for work related to, and materials supplied in the preparation, presentation and evaluation of any proposal, nor for the Contract negotiations whether they are successful or unsuccessful. 1.3 Designated Official For the purpose of this contract Mike Hoogstra, Manager of Procurement & Risk for the County is the "Designated Official" and shall perform the following functions: releasing, recording, and receiving proposals, recording and checking of submissions; answering queries from perspective proponents, considering extensions of time, reviewing proposals received, ruling on those not completing meeting requirements and coordinating the evaluation of the responses. 1.4 Questions / Inquiries All inquiries regarding this RFP shall be directed through the Bidding System online by clicking on the "Submit a Question" button for this bid opportunity. Questions submitted through the bidding system are directed to the Designated Official. The deadline for submitting questions is noted in Section 1.7. If during the period prior to submission of proposals, the County determines, in its sole and unfettered discretion, that part of the RFP requires formal amendment or clarification, written addenda to this RFP will be distributed to all registered Proponents. Page 40 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES No clarification requests will be accepted by telephone, fax or in -person meeting. Responses to clarification requests will be provided to all interested parties. Inquiries must not be directed to other County employees or elected officials. Directing inquiries to other than the Designated Official may result in your submission being rejected. 1.5 Site Examination. Tours and Information Meeting A non -mandatory site tour and information meeting is scheduled for November 30, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. beginning at 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas. Proponents shall meet at the rear south entrance of the building near the loading dock. Proponents are asked to limit representation to one person per Proponent. The Proponent shall examine the RFP documents, floor plans and make a personal examination of the facilities in order to acquaint and satisfy themselves with the conditions under which they will be obliged to work prior to submitting a proposal. Staff from the County shall assume no responsibility whatsoever in providing site measurements or details on site conditions. The Proponent is not to claim at any time after the submission of the proposal that there was any misunderstanding of the terms and conditions of the RFP relating to the conditions. 1.6 Addenda The County, may at its discretion, amend or supplement the RFP documents by addendum at any time prior to the closing date. Changes to the RFP documents shall be made by addendum only. Such changes made by addendum shall be supplementary to and form an integral part of the RFP documents and should be allowed for in arriving at the total cost. The County will make every effort to issue all addenda no later than three (3) days prior to the closing date. Proponents shall acknowledge receipt of any addenda through the Bidding System by checking a box for each addendum and any applicable attachment. It is the sole responsibility of the Proponent to have received all Addenda that are issued. Proponents should check online at ttps://el incounty. i san ten ers.ca/ o ule/Ten ers/en prior to submitting their proposal and up until the RFP closing time and date in the event additional addenda are issued. If a Proponent submits their proposal prior to the RFP closing time and date and an addendum has been issued, the Bidding System shall WITHDRAW the proposal submission and the bid status will change to an INCOMPLETE STATUS and Withdraw the proposal. The Proponent can view this status change in the "MY BIDS" section of the Bidding System. The Proponent is solely responsible to: • make any required adjustments to their proposal; and • acknowledge the addenda; and • Ensure the re -submitted proposal is RECEIVED by the Bidding System no later than the stated RFP closing time and date. Page 41 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES The Proponent shall not rely on any information or instructions from the County or a County Representative except the RFP Documents and any addenda issued pursuant to this section. 1.7 RFP Schedule The RFP process will be governed according to the following schedule. Although every attempt will be made to meet all dates, the County reserves the right to modify or alter any or all dates at its sole discretion by notifying all Proponents through the bidding system. Issue RFP: Site Tours: Last Date for Questions: RFP Close: Interviews/Presentations: Award of Contract: November 24, 2023 November 30, 2023 @ 3:00 p.m. December 8, 2023 December 15, 2023 TBA* January 9, 2024* *Dates noted above are an approximation only and are subject to change. 1.8 Proponent Communications Each Proponent is solely responsible to ensure that all contact information for the Proponent is accurate and updated at all times during the RFP process. Proponents may update or revise their contact information in their Bidding System Vendor account. All correspondence from the County to a Proponent will be issued through the Bidding System. 1.9 Proponent Investigations Each Proponent is solely responsible, at its own cost and expense, to carry out its own independent research, due diligence or to perform any other investigations, including seeking independent advice, considered necessary by the Proponent to satisfy itself as to all existing conditions affecting the Proposal for this RFP. The Proponents' obligations set out in this RFP apply irrespective of any background information provided by the County or information contained in the RFP Documents or in responses to questions. The County does not represent or warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information set out in the RFP Documents or made available to Proponents. The Proponents shall make such independent assessments as they consider necessary to verify and confirm the accuracy and completeness of all such information as any use of or reliance by Proponents an any and all such information shall be at the Proponent's sole risk and without recourse against the County. 1.10 Notice of No Response If you are unable, or do not wish to provide a proposal, please complete a notice of no response form in the bidding system. It is important to the County to receive a reply from all Proponents. 8 Page 42 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES SECTION 2.0 — CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 Term of Contract The intent is to award the contract for a two-year term, commencing on February 1, 2024 to January 31, 2026. The County at its discretion may extend the contract up to an additional three (3) years consisting of one, two-year extension and one, one-year extension, subject to performance review and acceptable pricing at the anniversary date of the Contract. The decision of the County to extend the Contract shall be final and not subject to review. 2.2 Work Locations The work locations pertaining to this contract are listed below. The County reserves the right to add or delete locations without penalty. ➢ Administration Office, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas ➢ Elgin County Heritage Centre, 460 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas ➢ Provincial Offences Administration Courthouse, 480 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas Upon award of the contract and prior to commencement of the contract, the Contractor will meet with the Manager of Corporate Facilities to finalize conditions of the contract. Unless otherwise notified, failure to contact the proper County personnel and failure to establish familiarization of the awarded contract will result in immediate cancellation of the contract until such procedures are adhered to. If this is not done within a reasonable time, the County has the right to cancel and re -award the contract. 2.3 Scope of Work —Administration Building (450 Sunset Drive) Cleaning for the Administration Building is 5 nights per week after 4:30 pm. Total of 89.5 hours per week. The Administration Building cleaning staff are members of LIUNA Local 1059 and all work at the administration building is governed by the collective agreement attached as Appendix B. The scope of work for the administration building is as follows: Occupied Areas ➢ Wastebaskets shall be emptied nightly and thoroughly cleaned inside and out as required. ➢ Upholstered furniture shall be vacuumed as required. ➢ Furniture shall be dusted on the horizontal surfaces nightly, using a dust control method. Desks shall be cleaned when required; items on desks shall NOT be moved. ➢ Exposed vertical surfaces of furniture shall be dusted weekly. Chrome edges and chrome legs shall be damp wiped weekly. ➢ Filing cabinets shall be dusted weekly and kept free of finger marks. ➢ Windowsills and heat pumps shall be dusted weekly. ➢ Interior glass shall be kept clean on both sides nightly. ➢ Counters and public desks shall be dusted, keep free of finger marks and other dirt nightly. Horizontal surfaces shall be washed weekly. Page 43 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES Council Chambers Prior to meetings (as noted on room booking schedule via WorxHub): ➢ Dust all tables, chair legs and windowsills. ➢ Clean glass table tops, mirrors, etc. ➢ Vacuum chairs and carpets. ➢ Remove and place all mugs, glasses, pitchers, etc., in the dishwasher. Once complete, return to storage area in kitchen area (following each meeting). Meeting Rooms Prior to meetings (as noted on room booking schedule via WorxHub): ➢ Dust all tables, chair legs and windowsills weekly. ➢ Vacuum chairs. ➢ Dust hardwood floor daily. ➢ Remove and place all mugs, glasses, pitchers, etc., in the dishwasher. Once complete, return to storage area in kitchen area (following each meeting). Carpets ➢ The carpets are to be vacuumed weekly and as required with careful attention paid to corners and edges around the baseboards. The carpet vacuum used shall have both suction and beater bar for removing dust from deep in the carpet fabric. ➢ Spot clean as necessary. ➢ We estimate that 86% of the flooring is carpet and 14% are hard surfaces. Hard Surface Flooring ➢ Drop and mop nightly, using a dust control method. Remove coffee stains and other dirt marks as required at all times. ➢ Damp mop once per week minimum. ➢ Strip floors once per year. Wax accumulations under furniture and baseboards shall be removed. Remove and replace furniture and appliances. Work must be prescheduled with owner. ➢ Corners shall be kept free of dirt, dust and dirty watermarks at all times. Washrooms ➢ Remove garbage nightly. ➢ Clean mirrors nightly. ➢ Clean and disinfect nightly: washbasins, toilet seats, toilet bowls, toilet tanks, outsides of toilets, valves, soap dispensers and urinal bowls (both interior and exterior). ➢ Dust windowsills as required. ➢ Restock paper products nightly and hand soap as required. ➢ Urinal blocks are to be supplied by contractor and replaced as required. ➢ Floors are to be damp mopped nightly, using disinfectant or germicide cleaning solution. ➢ The floors to be stripped and waxed yearly using system approved by the County. 10 Page 44 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ➢ The schedule for stripping and waxing floors must be pre -approved by the County. ➢ Wash walls and partitions as required. Elevators ➢ The elevators are to be vacuumed nightly. ➢ Walls are to be cleaned as required with stainless steel cleaner. ➢ All elevator touchpoints to be disinfected daily. ➢ Mirrors to be cleaned as required. I(itrhanattac ➢ Sinks and counter tops shall be cleaned nightly. ➢ Floors surface damp mopped /vacuumed as required. Floors to be stripped and waxed yearly. Schedule for stripping and waxing floors must be pre -approved. ➢ Restock paper products and hand soap as required; check nightly. Cta i rInia I I c ➢ Sweep and damp mop as required ➢ Strip wax and 3 coats of sealer wax once a year. Schedule must be pre -approved. ➢ All handrails and touchpoints to be disinfected daily. Wastepaper / Refuse / Recycling (Nightly) ➢ The County has recycling program. ➢ Recycled materials shall be collected, sorted and placed into the provided bins located near the garage. ➢ Cardboard to be collected, separated and broken flat and deposited in bins located near the garage. ➢ Garbage and refuse shall be collected and placed in closed plastic bags and deposited in garbage bins located near the garage. All Buildine Areas ➢ All door entrances, door handles and touchpoints to be cleaned and disinfected daily. ➢ Mats shall be cleaned and vacuumed as required (minimum weekly) ➢ Glass in entrance doors and lights around doors shall be cleaned on both sides nightly. ➢ Clean or vacuum all window blinds as required. ➢ Clean all vents and grills as required. ➢ With soft brush clean and wash all walls as required ➢ Remove spots or spills from all areas immediately and report any issues to the County. ➢ High ledges, tops of partitions/desks, pipes and other high area where dust collects, shall be dusted as required. ➢ Notice boards, interior of fire extinguisher cabinets and display show cases shall be kept clean at all times. 11 Page 45 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ➢ Heating elements and units, and ceiling air diffusers shall be kept clean of all marks and other soiling as required. ➢ Door hardware shall be polished as required using an appropriate solution. ➢ Cobwebs, insets, etc. shall be removed once a month, or, when required. ➢ Fluorescent light diffusers shall be removed and thoroughly cleaned once per year. ➢ Report any mechanical or electrical deficiencies to Engineering Services as soon as possible. Building Exterior ➢ Exterior entrances, sidewalks, stairs and loading ramps shall be swept as required. ➢ Exterior garbage containers shall be emptied when required. ➢ Cigarette receptacles on the exterior of the building to be emptied weekly. ➢ During the winter months, on occasion when requested, when evening meetings are scheduled, exterior entrances and sidewalks must be kept clear by shoveling the sidewalks/entrances and applying ice melt as required. Windows ➢ Wash all windows inside and out and brush screens once per year. Schedule must be pre - approved by the County. There are approximately 470 windows in the administration building. The pricing for window cleaning is separated in the schedule of prices. Tile & Terrazzo Flooring ➢ All tile and terrazzo to be stripped and waxed yearly. Schedule must be pre -approved by County. 2.4 Scope of Work — Heritage Centre (460 Sunset Drive) Cleaning for the Heritage Centre is a minimum 3 nights per week (Mon / Wed / Fri) after 7pm. Total of 12 hours per week. The days listed per week are currently what is required but may be adjusted depending on the Heritage Centre's schedule. The scope of work for the Heritage Centre is as follows: Occupied Areas ➢ All door entrances, door handles and touchpoints to be cleaned and disinfected daily. ➢ Interior glass shall be kept clean on both sides. ➢ Exterior glass windows shall be kept clean on the inside ➢ Upholstered furniture shall be vacuumed as required. ➢ Windowsills shall be dusted monthly. ➢ Counters and desks shall be dusted, keep free of finger marks and other dirt. Horizontal surfaces shall be washed weekly. Washrooms ➢ Remove garbage. ➢ Clean mirrors. Page 46 of 100 12 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ➢ Clean and disinfect: washbasins, toilet seats, toilet bowls, toilet tanks, outsides of toilets, valves, soap dispensers and urinal bowls (both interior and exterior). ➢ Dust windowsills as required. ➢ Restock paper products and hand soap as required. ➢ Floors are to be damp mopped, using disinfectant or germicide cleaning solution. ➢ Wash walls and partitions as required Wastepaper / Refuse / Recycling Carpets ➢ Recycled materials shall be collected, sorted and placed into the provided grey bins located near the garage. ➢ Cardboard to be collected, separated and broken flat and deposited in bins located near the garage. ➢ Garbage and refuse shall be collected and placed in closed plastic bags and deposited in garbage bins located near the garage. ➢ The carpets shall be vacuumed as required (minimum weekly) with careful attention paid to corners and edges around the baseboards. The carpet vacuum used shall have both suction and beater bar for removing dust from deep in the carpet fabric. ➢ Spot clean as necessary ➢ We estimate that 33% of the flooring is carpet and 67% are hard surfaces. Hard Surface Floorin ➢ Drop and mop, using a dust control method. Remove coffee stains and other dirt marks as required. ➢ Damp mop once per week minimum. ➢ Corners shall be kept free of dirt, dust and dirty watermarks at all times. Building Exterior ➢ Exterior entrance, front sidewalk shall be swept as required. ➢ Exterior garbage container shall be emptied when required. 2.5 Scooe of Work — Provincial Offences Administration Courthouse (480 Sunset Drive Cleaning for the Provincial Offences Administration Building is 5 nights per week after 4:30 pm. Total of 32 hours per week for two (2) cleaning staff. The scope of work for the POA Building is as follows: Occupied Areas (except Cell Area) ➢ All door entrances, door handles and touchpoints to be cleaned and disinfected daily. ➢ Front lobby and entrances to be swept and mopped daily. 13 Page 47 of 100 .ttaclhrn nl1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ➢ Front lobby chairs to be moved and maintained for cleanliness daily. ➢ Lobby ceiling wood slats (downside only) dusted once per month. ➢ Courtroom to be vacuumed after each session or minimum 3 times per week. ➢ Courtroom to be dusted as required. ➢ Meeting rooms adjacent to lobby vacuumed daily. ➢ Main office, office suites, conference room, Justice of the Peace office and corridors to be mopped or vacuumed daily. ➢ Upholstered furniture shall be vacuumed as required. ➢ Windowsills shall be dusted monthly. ➢ Counters and desks shall be dusted, keep free of finger marks and other dirt. Horizontal surfaces shall be washed weekly. Lunchroom ➢ Sink, counter top and table shall be cleaned and disinfected nightly. ➢ Floors surface damp mopped /vacuumed as required. ➢ Restock paper products and liquid soap as required; check nightly. ➢ Lunchroom fridge inside cleaned once per month. Washrooms (all items daily) ➢ Remove garbage. ➢ Clean mirrors. ➢ Clean and disinfect: washbasins, toilet seats, toilet bowls, toilet tanks, outsides of toilets, valves, soap dispensers and urinal bowls (both interior and exterior). ➢ Restock paper products and hand soap as required. ➢ Floors are to be damp mopped, using disinfectant or germicide cleaning solution. ➢ Wash walls and partitions as required. Cell Area ➢ Cells, corridor, enforcement office and interview room to be cleaned as required. Cleaners shall inspect daily and perform a light clean. A full clean is required during occupation. County staff will advise if a full clean is required. For the purposes of estimating time, assume a full clean once per month. Glass / Windows ➢ Interior office area glass shall be kept clean on both sides daily. ➢ Interior glass at Ticket Payment windows to be cleaned daily. ➢ Windows inside lobby area to be spot cleaned as required to arm reach height. Windows must be fully cleaned on the inside once per week. ➢ Windows/Glass at front entrance and doors to be cleaned daily; 14 Page 48 of 100 Carpets REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ➢ The carpets shall be vacuumed as required with careful attention paid to corners and edges around the baseboards. The carpet vacuum used shall have both suction and beater bar for removing dust from deep in the carpet fabric. ➢ Spot clean as necessary Hard Surface Flooring ➢ Drop and mop, using a dust control method. Remove coffee stains and other dirt marks as required. ➢ Damp mop once per week minimum. ➢ Corners shall be kept free of dirt, dust and dirty watermarks at all times. Waste / Recycling ➢ Recycled materials, paper and cardboard shall be collected from all areas, sorted and placed into the provided grey totes located on -site. ➢ Waste and garbage shall be collected from all areas and placed in closed plastic bags and deposited in garbage bins located on -site. ➢ Cleaners to set out garbage and recycling at curb with use of supplied cart on Tuesday evenings. ➢ If required, next day garbage and recycling bins to be returned from roadside. Buildine Exterior ➢ Exterior entrance, front sidewalk shall be swept as required. ➢ Exterior garbage container shall be emptied when required. ➢ All annual flowers located in the planters at the front of the building to be watered daily beginning in June and ending in September. There are six (6) planters. A water hose will be provided. NOTE: THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY TO ALL BUILDINGS 2.6 Paper Supplies, Soap, Garbage Bags, ETC All paper supplies (toilet tissue and hand towels), hand soap, hand sanitizer and dispensers will be supplied by the County for this contract. Garbage bags, female hygiene disposal bags and urinal blocks for use as required by this contract, shall be supplied by the Contractor and included in the monthly amount bid. The contractor will be required to re -fill all dispensers containing paper supplies, hand soap and hand sanitizer. When supplies are low, the contractor shall advise the Manager of Corporate Facilities so supplies can be re -ordered. 15 Page 49 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 2.7 Materials and Equipment All supplies, products, materials and equipment required for performance of the Contract shall be supplied by the Contractor. This will include, but not be limited to mopping tanks, scrubbing machines, floor machines, vacuum cleaners, brooms, mops (wet and dry), ladders, dusting cloths, pails, scrubbing brushes, cloths, scrapers, scouring materials, detergents, deodorizers, disinfectants and polishing materials such as waxes and applicators. All cleaning supplies and chemicals must be applied only to the surfaces for which they are authorized by the manufacturer of such products and must comply with the latest Canadian Government specifications. There is no preference as to what brand of cleaning supplies to be used. However, we encourage the products be environmentally friendly and perform to the standards set by the County. The County will only supply the items listed in section 2.6. The cost for the supplies must be included in the monthly lump sum bid. The Contractor will provide a cleaning and materials product list with their submission. All cleaning machinery and equipment shall be commercial quality and shall be maintained at the highest standard of appearance and efficiency. The Manager of Corporate Facilities or designate may order the immediate replacement of any machinery or equipment that is not serviceable or is not of a presentable appearance. NOTE: Vacuums must be equipped with beater bars for vacuuming of carpets. All power tools, machines and equipment necessary to perform the work shall be in accordance with industrial -type CSA approved equipment and the equipment must meet current energy efficiency requirements. The Contractor shall advise the County in writing of any proposed changes to the equipment it provides for the duration of the Contract and shall not make changes unless authorized by the County. Any variance to any cleaning products or materials during the contract must be approved in writing by the County prior to any change taking place. The County reserves the right to change cleaning products used by the contractor at any time during the contract to a product selected by the County with no change to the contract price. The Contractor shall mark all owned equipment for easy identification. The County will provide storage space in the building covered by the contract. The Contractor shall be given storage space for bulk chemical dispensers. The Contractor shall clean all areas, storage places and slop sinks, etc. The County will not give any assistance in the procurement of materials or products required for the performance of this Contract. Electricity and hot water required by the Contractor in the execution of janitorial services will be provided by the County without charge. 16 Page 50 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES To minimize the use of cleaning chemicals, a Microfibre cleaning system (which includes wiping cloths and mops) shall be used whenever possible. 2.8 Floor Plans The floor plans for the three buildings are attached. Totals shown are approximate and furnished without liability on behalf of the County. Totals are supplied for guidance only and are not to be considered as a minimum or maximum of quantities. Administration Building: The total square footage of the administration building is approximately 87,000 square feet. Occupied areas included in this contract are as follows: Basement: 13,000 sq. ft. 1s' Floor: 18,000 sq. ft. 2nd Floor: 16,000 sq. ft. 3d Floor: 16,000 sq. ft. 41" Floor: 1,800 sq. ft. Heritage Centre: The total square footage of the Heritage Centre is approximately 2,900 square feet. The Heritage Centre is one level. Provincial Offences Administration: The total square footage for the Provincial Offences Administration building is approximately 9,900 square feet and is located on one level. Should any unoccupied areas become occupied during the term of this contract, the County will revisit the contract price with the successful Contractor. 2.9 Occupancy There are approximately 130 people working in the Administration Building. The various meeting rooms throughout the building are used approximately 12 times per month. The administration building has approximately 100-200 visitors per day. There are approximately 2 people working in the Heritage Centre. The various spaces throughout the building are used approximately 3 - 4 times per week. The Heritage Centre has approximately 100 visitors per month, this fluctuates throughout the year. There are approximately 7 people working in the POA Building. The various meeting rooms throughout the building are used approximately 25 times per month. The POA building has approximately 100-200 visitors per week. The occupancy totals described are approximate and furnished without liability on behalf of the County. Totals are supplied for guidance only and are not to be considered as minimum or maximum quantities. 17 Page 51 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 2.10 Inspection The Manager of Corporate Facilities or designate may enter the work site at any time to inspect the work being performed and any equipment, tools, parts, materials, etc. associated with the work. 2.11 Cleaning Training Program The Contractor shall submit a copy of their Contractors Cleaning Training Program that all cleaners must receive. 2.12 Hours / Days of Work A work schedule outlining the number of staff and hours scheduled to work will be provided monthly to the Manager of Corporate Facilities. The County is not looking for a reduction in the number of hours currently being worked as noted in sections 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5. The rate of wages paid and the working conditions shall meet all Federal and Provincial Labour Regulations. Increase in the cost of performing the work due to wage increase or adjustments, shall be borne by the Contractors without additional cost to the County. Administration Building Regular cleaning for the Administration Building shall be carried out in the evening after normal business hours, five (5) nights per week, Monday to Friday inclusive, and Saturday as arranged with the Manager of Corporate Facilities. The Contractor shall ascertain from the Manager of Corporate Facilities the hours during which the work shall be performed and will at all times co-operate with the County. Hours of work will be Monday to Friday 4:30 p.m. to 12:00 Midnight. On occasion, work may need to be completed on Saturdays, such as floors, etc. Usually working on Saturdays is extra to the service provided. A separate quote would be obtained for work outside of the contract. There must be two or more staff working in the administration building at all times. Staff must carry communication radios provided by the County at all times. Heritage Centre Regular cleaning for the Heritage Centre shall be carried out in the evening after normal business hours, 3 nights per week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Provincial Offences Administration Regular cleaning for the Provincial Offences Administration building shall be carried out in the evening after normal business hours, 5 nights per week on Monday to Friday. 2.13 Bill 7 Information Please refer to Appendix B for current Bill 7 information. 18 Page 52 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 2.14 Supervision and Liaison The Contractor shall provide cellular phone access to an onsite manager or designate between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. Monday to Friday inclusive, and during Saturday cleaning periods (if applicable). The Contractor shall provide a supervisor on site to receive and act upon reports and/or requests for cleaning services and to perform monthly inspections. The on -site Manager and their designate must be fully conversant in the English language, both oral and written, to fully comprehend and carry out instructions from County staff. The Contractor and their employees shall carry proper identification when entering the County premises. A complete list of personnel employed on the Contract shall be maintained and updated as necessary by the Contractor and provided to the Manager of Corporate Facilities. 2.15 Access to Premises The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the premises upon entering and leaving the buildings, where janitorial cleaning services are being performed. The Contractor shall ensure that all entrance/exit doors and windows are closed and locked before vacating the premises, unless otherwise directed by County staff. 2.16 Responsibility for Damage to the Building and Contents It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all products are compatible with the surfaces on which they are employed. Any damage resulting from the use or misuse of such agents or materials shall be assessed against the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate and suitable means to save the building and its contents from injury, dust and defacement during the process of the work by providing and using cloths, painter cloths, tarpaulins or other approved protection whenever necessary or directed. The Contractor will also ensure that all mobile equipment, ie. barrels, utility carts, etc. will be provided with resilient bumpers and approved wheels or castors. It is the Contractors responsibility at time of Contract award to examine the surfaces that are to be maintained in order to ascertain their condition and to bring to the County's attention, in writing, any defective surfaces, within 30 days of award of Contract. Flammable cleaning materials and all containers in which it is carried or stored shall be used only when essential, subject to approval of the Manager of Corporate Facilities or designate, and shall be removed from the premises at the end of each workday. The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate barricades, warning signs, out of order signs, and all reasonable protection when required. 19 Page 53 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES All electrical equipment which is used by the Contractor shall be safe to use, properly grounded, CSA approved, and be of no hindrance to the building electrical system or equipment. 2.17 Work Not Included Washing glasses, dishes and similar items in staff lounges is NOT part of the contract. Cleaning of boiler, electrical, mechanical and information technology rooms is NOT part of the contract. 2.18 Work Included On occasion, mainly after Council meetings, there may be some dishes that will need to be collected from the Council Chambers, washed and stored in the kitchenette located next to the Council Chambers. County Council meets every two weeks and Central Elgin Council meets three times a month. The Contractor will also be responsible for setting up and dismantling rooms for scheduled meetings, i.e. tables and chairs. There are approximately 2-3 meetings per week and setup/dismantling varies depending on attendees. Site plans will be provided via the County's WorxHub software. 2.19 Snow Removal The County has contracted winter maintenance services, however, on occasion, if there is a scheduled night meeting and the cleaning Contractor is onsite, the cleaning Contractor must ensure that the sidewalks are clear of snow and apply ice melt as needed. The County will provide a snow shovel and ice melt. 2.20 Work Restrictions due to Noise Care must be given to avoid cleaning and/or creating excessive noise in areas where meetings are in progress. When meetings are in progress in places where cleaning is required, Contractors shall proceed to clean other areas first, then come back after meetings have adjourned. Any areas not cleaned due to meetings in progress must be reported to the Manager of Corporate Facilities or designate. 2.21 Operation Schedule Within 15 days of award of the Contract, work schedules for all janitorial cleaning services required by this Contract, shall be provided by the Contractor to the County in writing. These work schedules shall indicate the location, number of personnel and scheduling of services in accordance with the cleaning frequency requirements of this Contract. The schedules that are submitted shall be reviewed and evaluated by the Manager of Corporate Facilities or designate. Once the submitted schedules have been accepted, they will be countersigned by the Manager of Corporate Facilities or designate and the Contractor. Any changes to the schedules must be submitted in writing to the Manager of Corporate Facilities or designate one week prior to the effective date of change. No change to the schedule will be made without written consent of the Manager of Corporate Facilities or designate. 20 Page 54 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 2.22 Additional Unscheduled Work If the County orders in writing the performance of any work not covered by the specifications that cannot be classified as coming under any of the extra unit prices noted, then such extra work shall be performed on a per -quote basis. All extra work must be approved by the County. 2.23 Standards, Inspection and Reporting Work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Manager of Corporate Facilities or designate. The visual appearance of the serviced areas shall be neat and tidy each day. The Contractor shall inspect the work in all buildings once a month with the Manager of Corporate Facilities or designate and provide inspection audit reports to the County with the monthly progress invoice. These monthly audit reports shall indicate the Contractor's compliance to the cleaning schedules and confirmation of hours worked. The audits will be verified by the County representative and any misrepresentations or false claim by the Contractor may result in the cancellation of the Contract. The buildings will be inspected periodically by the County and any unsatisfactory conditions found will be reported to the Contractor's representative for immediate corrective action. Proponents shall include a sample audit inspection report to be used for this purpose (see section 3.2c). 2.24 Worker Appearance All employees must wear a company uniform (shirt or vest) identified with the company name at all times. 2.25 Changes to Equipment or Service The County may, without invalidating the Contract, direct the Contractor to make changes to the equipment or services. When a change causes an increase or decrease in the equipment or services, the contract price shall be increased or decreased by the applicable unit price, or in the absence of applicable unit prices, by an amount to be agreed upon in writing between the County and Contractor. All changes must be in writing. 2.26 Bonding The Contractor will be required to submit documentation that all employees are bonded or bondable. The Contractor will also obtain and maintain Crime/Fidelity Coverage as outlined in the Insurance clause. 2.27 Security Clearance — Police Records Check The Contractor will be required to submit a Police Records Check for all employees that will normally be working in the facility and any replacement workers or supervisors directly involved with this contract. The records check shall be obtained from the Police Service in which the employee resides. 21 Page 55 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 2.28 ConfidentialityAgreement The Contractor is required to execute and adhere to the provisions of the Confidentiality Agreement set out at Appendix D. All employees of the Contractor working at the Administration Building and POA Courthouse during the term of this contract must receiving training and direction on compliance with the Confidentiality Agreement by the Contractor. This Confidentiality Agreement must be submitted to and received by the County prior to the Contractor's first day of work. The Confidentiality Agreement requires, through its terms and conditions, that the Contractor require its employees, agents and those under its direction or control to execute confidentiality agreements that ensure compliance with the Confidentiality Agreement prior to such persons accessing any County property. Violations of the Confidentiality Agreement may cause the immediate termination of the contract. 2.29 Worker Safety and Standards The Contractor is required to: a) conform with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, relating to the performance of the contract; b) ensure that all employees have been properly trained for the work; c) ensure that employees wear the appropriate safety gear while working on County property; d) ensure that staff use safe lifting practices and 2 people when required for setting up rooms for meetings (i.e. tables and chairs); e) ensure that all work is performed according to the standards of the contract cleaning industry and to the complete satisfaction of the County. All work performed by the Contractor shall be to a professional standard, complying with the requirements of the applicable edition of the CSA, Occupational Health and Safety, Provincial and Municipal building codes. All work shall comply with all applicable safety regulations, codes and general safe working practices of the trade. The Contractor shall be aware of and conform to all governing regulations, including those established by the County, related to employee health and safety. The Contractor shall keep employees informed of such regulations. The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining a Workplace Safety and Health Policy and to adhere to the policy, including the dress code (if applicable) for on-the-job safety. The Contractor will ensure there are always two or more staff in the administration building at all times. The County will provide communication radios to be carried by staff at all times. The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate barricades, warning signs, out of order signs, and all reasonable protection when required. All electrical equipment which must be used by the Contractor shall be safe to use, properly grounded, CSA approved, and be of no hindrance to the building electrical system or equipment. The Contractor shall comply with current COVID health and safety measures in place during the term of this contract. The Contractor must provide a copy of the current policy related to COVID-19 screening and worker safety procedures. Page 56 of 100 22 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 2.30 WHMIS Prior to commencement of work the Contractor shall provide, to the Owner, a list of those products controlled under WHMIS, which they expect to use on this Contract. All containers used in the application of products controlled under WHMIS shall be labeled. The Contractor shall notify the Manager of Corporate Facilities of any changes to the list in writing and provide the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets. The Contractor will assume full responsibility for the safe handling and delivery of materials, in accordance with any municipal, provincial or federal legislation applicable during the term of this Contract. 2.31 Fire Safety It is expected that the Contractor and their employees familiarize themselves with building layouts, fire exits, pull stations, fire extinguisher locations and the building fire evacuation procedures. The Contractor will observe all building fire alarms and is expected to evacuate the building when the building fire alarm is activated. 2.32 Unsatisfactory Work In the event the work performance of the Contractor is unsatisfactory, the Contractor will be notified by the County and be given seven calendar days to correct the work. There will be no cost to the County for re -works. Failure to meet stated response time can result in cancellation of this contract. 2.33 Employment and Fair Wages All persons employed by the Contractor or in connection with the work shall be paid fair wages and shall have hours in conformity with the latest Fair Wage Schedule of the Province of Ontario in accordance with the Ministry of Labour. The Contractor, will, employ only residents of Canada. 2.34 Character or Workers All persons employed by the Contractor must be fully trained, qualified and experienced. If any employee is not performing satisfactorily or operating the equipment safely to the satisfaction of the County, the County reserves the right to have the equipment and the employee removed from the job site immediately upon request. At all times, the employees of the Contractor shall act in a civil, responsible, courteous and productive manner. The County reserves the right to request that any Contractor's employees be taken off the job, and not re- employed until satisfactory arrangements have been made to ensure that there is no repetition of any offending behavior. The Contractor shall employ only skilled staff. The Contractor shall not leave any equipment on County property unattended at any time, unless the County of Elgin gives prior approval and such equipment is properly protected to the satisfaction of the County. Page 57 of 100 23 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 2.35 Suoervision and Prohibitions The contractor shall keep the operation under their personal control and shall not assign, transfer or sublet any portion without first obtaining the approval of the County. The consent of the County to any such assignment, transfer or subletting shall not, however, relieve the contractor of any responsibility for the proper commencement, execution and completion of the operation according to the terms of the contract, and the contractor shall either in person or through an accredited agent, receive all notices, communication, orders, instructions, or legal service as if they were performing the work with their own equipment and their own forces. The contractor will exercise competent supervision of work at all times though a supervisor who has authority to receive on behalf of the contractor any order or communications relating to the work. Any supervisor or worker, who is not acceptable to the County by reason of incompetence, improper conduct, etc., shall be removed from the site of the work and replaced forthwith. 2.36 Pricing, Invoicing and Payment All prices quoted shall be in Canadian funds and shall be firm for the term of the contract as specified in the Schedule of Prices. Pricing shall include labour, material, overhead, freight and profit and other relative charges, but shall be exclusive of HST. Any work done on the basis of unit prices shall be carried out generally in accordance with the specifications for similar work and shall be the County's approval. Price changes caused by Government Tax Legislation will be accepted, but these changes must be submitted in writing and accepted by the County prior to being invoiced. No other price changes will be accepted. The County is seeking firm, lump sum, monthly janitorial cleaning rates. The firm lump sum monthly rates bid must include all labour, materials, equipment, cleaning supplies, chemicals, garbage bags and all cleaning operations in accordance with the stated frequency; daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or other. This RFP may contain provisional items. If provisional pricing is requested, this pricing is requested as a separate pricing structure and will not be carried forward in the total price calculation, unless directed otherwise. Monthly invoices shall be submitted electronically to engineering elgin®ca Where early payment discounts are offered, the invoice must indicate the discount after taxes. The County's payment terms are Net 30. Payment terms shall only be modified at the sole discretion of the Countyto take advantage of the discounts for prompt payment orfor otherterms that shall be deemed to be in the best interests of the County. Payment will only be issued if there is a valid WSIB Clearance Certificate attached to each invoice submitted. 24 Page 58 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 2.37 County Not Employer The Contractor agrees that the County is not to be understood as the employer to any successful contractor nor to such contractor's personnel or staff for any work, services, or supply of any products or materials that may be awarded as a result of this RFP process. Also, in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Contractor herewith agrees to be the "constructor" as defined under this act. 25 Page 59 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES SECTION 3.0 - PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Proposal Submissions ELECTROINflC III'')II POS� III.. ;"! i.IVBIV'illl;"! 5101NIS 01YU11, shall be received by the Bidding System. The Proposal Submission shall comprise of two (2) separate proposal submissions as detailed below. Hardcopy submissions not permitted. This RFP is a two -stage submission and requires that pricing be included separately as Part 2. Any submissions which contain pricing information in the Technical Proposal (Part 1) will be rendered informal and will be disqualified. All information related to pricing must be submitted in the bidding system only (Part 2). Failure to include the submission requirements may result in your proposal being disqualified. 3.2 Proposal Submission Requirements —Technical Proposal (Part 1) Proponents shall upload a PDF Proposal Submission to the Bidding System. The submission shall be no longer than twenty (20) single sided pages (Arial 12 font or equivalent), excluding any specific attachments requested. The submission should include all of the information listed in this Technical Proposal Requirements section. Information submitted is subject to verification, and further pertinent information may be obtained from references. Each response to a request should clearly identify the section of this RFP to which it is responding (by number and heading). The Proponent should provide information of sufficient scope and depth to demonstrate the ability of the Proponent to deliver the services described in this RFP. a) Section A: Overview and Profile of the Company Provide the following: ➢ a brief description of the company; ➢ a brief description of the Proponent's experience in providing cleaning services to similar types of organizations; ➢ the total number of years in business and years providing contract cleaning services; ➢ full contact information of the lead contact person including the contact's name and title, phone number(s), fax number(s) and email address(es); ➢ the address of the Proponent's head office and the address of the branch office which would provide the services, if different; ➢ regular office hours; ➢ the total number of employees. 26 Page 60 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES b) Section B: Resources including Management and Cleaning Staff c) i) Provide information on all management, supervisory and individuals within the Proponent's organization who will be assigned to the Contract. Include a detailed description for each individual outlining their: ➢ qualifications and relevant experience; ➢ history of employment or association with the Proponent; ➢ contribution to be provided during the Contract by each individual; ➢ experience with unionized staff. ii) Provide cleaning staff information which is to include: ➢ details on how staff (whether employee of the company or a subcontractor) are recruited and screened; ➢ a list of subcontractors (if applicable) indicating the specific roles and responsibilities which will be assigned to each company/individual and how they will be supervised. If no subcontractor will be used during the Contract, clearly state this. Section C: Work Plan and Communication Tools i) Provide a methodology that describes key elements of the work plan that would be employed by the proponent in undertaking the contract specifications as outlined in this RFP. The methodology does not need to be very detailed, but must contain enough information to indicate a sound understanding of the needs of the County. ii) Provide comments on the realistic timing of tasks identified. iii) Provide the total number of hours per week for cleaning services per site. Indicate how the County can be assured that the hours being worked are verified and monitored. iv) Indicate how your firm will provide the services using transparent communications and initiating open dialogue to ensure the County receives high quality cleaning services. v) Provide a recommendation for scheduling check -in meetings with County Facilities staff. vi) Provide a sample of an audit inspection report to be provided to the County monthly. d) Section D: Proposed Start Up and Contingency Plan i) Proposed start-up plan, which includes implementation timelines and contingencies. Proponents are requested to address hiring and staffing issues. ii) Proposed contingency plans for staffing during the term of the contract to ensure continuity of services with a full complement of cleaners at all times, taking into consideration, vacations, sick days and other staffing matters. 27 Page 61 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES iii) Information on the Proponent's historical staffing stability and turnover rates. e) Section E: Proponent Training and Programs / Service Offered i) Provide the types, methods and frequency of training programs regarding technical, working at heights, health & safety, WHMIS, customer service and other issues related to the specifications. Include samples of training guides, materials and certificates in the submission. ii) Provide a copy of the proponent's health and safety program. iii) Specify any value-added services and/or products that would be of value to the County that your organization can provide. f) Section F: Client References Provide a minimum of three references, from organizations of a similar size for contracts of a similar scope and magnitude in similar secure buildings. Each reference should include: ➢ the name of the client organization, contact name, address, telephone numbers and email address; ➢ the type of operating environment (i.e. office, 24-hour operation, medical/care facility etc.); ➢ the time of the day / days of the week the cleaning being performed; ➢ the term of the contract, including start and finish dates; ➢ a description of the services provided, including building(s) total square footage, number of floors, total square footage cleaned, working hours per day or per week, regular occupancy of the building, and any other pertinent information; ➢ the number of cleaning staff required to perform the contract; ➢ the turnover rate of cleaning staff on the contract; ➢ the approximate total cost of the contract. 3.3 Financial Submission Requirements - Financial Proposal (Part 2) Proponents are required to complete the electronic Pricing Forms in the Bidding System. Prices shall not include contingencies or HST. The proposal must clearly state which services are not included in your financial pricing submission. Part 2 will only be unsealed if Technical Proposal (Part 1) scores a minimum of 49 points out of a possible 70 points by the evaluation team. 28 Page 62 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 3.4 Evaluation Process This is a multi -stage evaluation process that considers both the qualifications of the Proponent and price. Phase I: Technical Proposal Phase I of this RFP requires that vendors respond to the Technical Proposal Requirements listed in section 3.2. During this phase of the evaluation process, submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by an evaluation committee through a consensus method based on the evaluation criteria set out in section 3.5. The disclosure of the allocated weightings for each rated criterion is provided to assist Proponents in preparing a submission that best meets the requirements of the County. Only submissions which score a minimum of 49 points out of a possible 70 points in Phase I will have met the established threshold and pass to Phase II and will be given further consideration for award. Phase II: Financial Proposal Only those Proponents who have met the established threshold will enter into Phase 11. If the Proponent does not meet the minimum criteria, they will not be considered for Phase II or any subsequent award. Pricing will be unsealed and will be calculated according to the example in section 3.6. Each proposal will be evaluated on its clarity and the demonstrated understanding of the Project requirements, the services proposed and timeframes, as well as the proponent's experience and the anticipated benefit to Elgin County. A short list of firms may be created for purposes of an interview or presentation, should this be required. Proponents may be contacted to explain or clarify their proposals; however, they will not be permitted to alter information as submitted. An Evaluation Committee will be established from members of the County or any others as deemed necessary. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of all information provided by the Proponent. Each proposal will be reviewed to determine if the proposal is responsive to the submission requirements outlined in the RFP. Failure to comply with these requirements may deem the proposal non -responsive. Selection of a proposal will be based on (but not solely limited to) the following criteria and any other relevant information provided by the Proponent at the time of submission as well as any additional information provided during subsequent meetings with the Proponent. In recognition of the importance of the procedure by which a Proponent may be selected, the following criterion outlines the primary considerations to be used in the evaluation and consequent awarding of this project (not in any order). The County reserves the right to evaluate and rank each submission using criterion noted. Actual scores will be confidential. 29 Page 63 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES The County reserves the right to request confidential references for any of the proponent's projects listed, as well as any of the proponent's other projects, and factor the ratings from all references, whether completed or in progress. 3.5 Evaluation Criteria Submissions will be evaluated by an evaluation committee based on the following categories. The disclosure of the allocated weightings for each category is provided to assist in preparing a proposal that best meets the requirements of the County. By responding to this RFP, Proponents agree to accept the decision of the evaluation committee as final. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following weighted evaluation factors: Rated Criteria PHASEPROPOSAL Overview and Company Profile Maximum Weight Points POINTS 10 Management, supervisory and cleaning staffing staff qualifications and experience 10 Unionized environment experience 5 Work Plan, Timing of Tasks, Communication plan and resources 15 Start-up plan and contingency plan 5 Education and Training 10 Value -Added Services 5 Client References (type & level of detail provided) 10 • PROPOSAL Total Overall Cost POINTS 30 TOTALPOINTS 100 POINTS 30 Page 64 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 3.6 Ratings The following ratings will be used to evaluate the technical portion of the RFP process. For consistency, the table below describes the characteristics attributable to particular scores between 0 - 10. 0 Unacceptable Did not submit information 1 Very Poor Information provided does not meet any requirements 2 Poor Barely meets some requirements, does not meet others. 3 Weak Minimally addresses some, but not all of the requirement of the scope. Lacking in critical areas 4 Below Average Addresses most of the requirements of the criteria to the minimum acceptable level. Lacking in some areas. Somewhat Addresses most, but not all, of the requirements of the criteria to the 5 Satisfactory minimum acceptable level. May be lacking in some areas that are not critical. 6 Satisfactory Adequately meets most of the requirements of the criteria. May be lacking in some areas that are not critical. 7 Good Meets all requirements of the criteria. 8 Very Good Somewhat exceeds the requirements of the criteria. 9 Excellent Exceeds the requirements of the criteria in ways that are beneficial. Proposal exceeds the requirements of the criteria in superlative ways / 10 Outstanding very desirable. The firms achieving the minimum score identified will be shortlisted and Phase 2 of the evaluation will be unsealed for consideration. The lowest cost proposed shall be awarded the full amount of points available for the financial portion of the evaluation. All higher proposals shall be awarded points, rounded to the closest full point for the cost portion of the evaluation by the following: Lowest Cost _ Proposed Cost x Maximum Points = Total Cost Points. It should be emphasized that pricing/cost is only one of the factors being considered in determining the successful Proponent. In submitting a proposal, the Proponent acknowledges the County's right to accept other than the lowest priced proposal and expressly waives all rights for damages or redress as may exist in common law stemming from the County's decision to accept a proposal which is not the lowest price proposal, if it is deemed to be in the County's best interest to do so. 31 Page 65 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES All qualified proposal submissions will be reviewed and evaluated. Additional information may be requested if necessary. Only the proposal response and documentation requested will be evaluated. Proponents must include all relevant information in the required page limit restriction identified in section 3.2. 3.7 Presentation and Interview The County may have the two highest scoring Proponents attend an interview to present the evaluation team with additional insight into the Proponent's ability to meet the requirements as requested in the RFP. The County reserves the right to interview more or fewer than two Proponents based on the scoring results. The interviews would be conducted by the representatives of the Evaluation Committee via Zoom Web Conferencing. Senior staff members to be assigned to this project must attend the interview. Presentations shall follow this general format: ➢ Introduction of Proponents Project Team (5 minutes) ➢ Proponent Presentation of the Proposal (15 minutes) ➢ Questions from Interview Committee (5 minutes) ➢ Questions from Proponents (5 minutes) The Proponents will be notified of the final format and exact date and time for interviews / presentations in advance. For the interview portion of the evaluation (if required), the County of Elgin will be using the rating criteria shown below and will evaluate each short-listed Proponent only. Interview Criteria and Weighting (Second Stage if required): Criteria Category Weighted Points Presentation 25 The score from the proposal evaluations and the Interview will be combined to determine an overall score. 32 Page 66 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES SECTION 4.0 - GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Rights of the County The County is not liable for any costs incurred by the Proponent in the preparation of their response to the RFP or selection interviews, if required. Furthermore, the County shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Proponent, prior or subsequent to, or by reason of the acceptance, or non -acceptance by the County of any proposal or by reason of any delay in the award of the contract. The County reserves the right to accept any proposal, in whole or in part, that it feels most fully meets the selection criteria. Therefore, the lowest cost proposal, or any proposal may not necessarily be accepted. County staff shall evaluate all compliant proposals received by the closing time and make evaluations and recommendations for acceptance. The County reserves the right to request specific requirements not adequately covered in their initial submission and clarify information contained in the Request for Proposal. The County reserves the right to modify any and all requirements stated in the Request for Proposal at any time prior to the possible awarding of the contract. The County reserves the right to cancel this Request for Proposal at any time, without penalty or cost to the County. This Request for Proposal should not be considered a commitment by the County to enter into any contract. The County reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected Proponent. If these negotiations are not successfully concluded, the County reserves the right to begin negotiations with the next selected Proponent. Proposals shall remain open and subject to acceptance for a period of ninety (90) days from closing date. In the event of any disagreement between the County and the Proponent regarding the interpretation of the provisions of the Request for Proposal, the Director of Financial Services or an individual acting in that capacity, shall make the final determination as to interpretation. No proposal shall be accepted from any person or Proponent who, has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding against the County or against whom the County has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding, without the prior approval of County Council. This applies whether the legal proceeding is related or unrelated to the subject matter of this RFP. 4.2 Conflict of Interest The Proponent declares that no person, firm or corporation with whom or which the Proponent has an interest, has any interest in this RFP or in the proposed contract for which this proposal is made. 33 Page 67 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES The Proponent further declares that no member of the Council of the County and no officer or employee of the County will become interested directly or indirectly as a contracting party, partner, shareholder, surety, or otherwise in or in the performance of the Contract or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, or in any of the money to be derived there from. Should the Proponent feel that a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists; the Proponent must disclose this information to the County prior to the submission of a proposal. The County may, at its discretion, delay any evaluation or award until the matter is resolved to the County's satisfaction. The County may allow a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest to exist if it is satisfied that there are adequate safeguards in place and if the County determines that it is in its best interests to do so. The County reserves the right to disqualify a proposal where the County believes a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists. 4.3 Modified Proposals In the event that a preferred proposal does not entirely meet the requirements of the County, the County reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected Proponent, to arrive at a mutually satisfactory arrangement and to make any modifications to the proposal as are in the best interests of the County. 4.4 Disqualification of Proponents More than one Proposal from an individual firm, partnership, corporation or association under the same or different names will not be considered. A Proponent shall not discuss or communicate, directly or indirectly with any other Proponent, any information whatsoever regarding the preparation of its own Proposal or the Proposal of the other Proponent. Proponents shall prepare and submit Proposals independently and without any connection, knowledge, comparison of information or arrangement, direct or indirect with any other Proponent. Collusion between Proponents will be sufficient for rejection of any Proposals so affected. 4.5 Confidentiality / MFIPPA The proposal must not be restricted by any statement, covering letter or alteration by the Proponent in respect of confidential or proprietary information. The County will treat all proposals as confidential. The County will comply with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and its retention by-law pursuant to the Municipal Act, in respect of all proposals. All Public Reports approved by the Council of the County will become public information. 4.6 Proposal Assignments The successful Proponent will not be permitted to assign or transfer any portion of the proposal as submitted or the subsequent agreement without prior written approval from the County. 34 Page 68 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 4.7 Purchasing Policy Submissions will be solicited, received, evaluated, accepted and processed in accordance with the County's Purchasing Policy as amended from time to time. In submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the Proponent agrees and acknowledges that it has read and will be bound by the terms and conditions of the County's Purchasing Policy. The Purchasing Policy can be viewed on the County's website, www®elincounty®ca 4.8 Failure to Perform Failure to comply with all terms and conditions of this proposal, and failure to supply all documentation, as required herein, shall be just cause for cancellation of the award. The County shall then have the right to award this contract to any other Proponent or to re -issue this RFP. 4.9 Award and Agreement The Proponent that fully meets the requirements and scores the highest based on the evaluation criteria, will be recommended for award. Once the award is made and approved by the County or County Council, the report recommending such award including the total cost of the awarded project shall be a matter of public record, unless otherwise determined by Council. A written agreement, prepared by the County shall be executed by the County and the successful Contractor. The complete proposal package submitted by the successful proponent, together with the entire Request for Proposal documents prepared by the County of Elgin, shall form part of the Agreement (see attached sample of agreement in Appendix A). Failure to execute the contract and to file satisfactory forms (insurance, WSIB, etc.) as required herein within the specified time period shall be just cause for the cancellation of the contract award. 4.10 Insurance Requirements Any agreement resulting from this RFP will contain the following insurance requirements: a) Comprehensive general liability insurance including bodily injury, property damage liability, personal injury liability, completed operations liability, blanket contractual liability, non -owned automobile and shall contain a severability of interest and cross liability clause to a limit of no less than five million ($5,000,000) dollars in respect to any one occurrence. The above -mentioned policy shall be endorsed to include the County of Elgin as an Additional Insured. b) Standard OAP 1 Automobile liability policy in the amount of two million ($2,000,000) dollars. c) Crime Fidelity Insurance: The Contractor will provide coverage with a comprehensive (3D) Dishonesty, Disappearance and Destruction Blanket Position Policy in the amount of twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars per employee. The County shall be shown on the policy as a named Obligee, with respect to incidents arising from work performed under this contract. 35 Page 69 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES d) The aforementioned policies of insurance shall contain or shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: ➢ be written with an insurer licensed to do business in Ontario; ➢ be non-contributing with, and will apply only as primary and not excess to any other insurance or self-insurance available to Elgin County; ➢ contain an undertaking by the insurer to notify the County in writing not less than sixty (60) days before any material change in risk or cancellation of coverage. ➢ any deductible amounts shall be borne by the Proponent. ➢ Prior to the execution of the Agreement and within fifteen (15) business days of the placement, renewal, amendment, or extension of all or any part of the insurance, the Proponent shall promptly provide Elgin County with confirmation of coverage insurance and, if required, a certified true copy(s) of the policy(s) certified by an authorized representative of the insurer together with copies of any amending endorsements applicable to the Agreement. 4.11 Indemnification The successful Proponent shall indemnify and hold harmless the County of Elgin, its officers, County Council, Employees and volunteers from and against any liabilities, claims, expenses, demands, loss, cost, damages, suits or proceedings by whomsoever made, directly or indirectly arising directly or indirectly by reason of a requirements of this agreement save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the County or their employees. 4.12 WSIB Requirements The successful Proponent shall furnish a WSIB Clearance Certificate rp for to commencement of work and agrees to maintain their WSIB account in good standing throughout the contract period. If the successful Proponent is a self-employed individual, partner or executive officer who does not pay WSIB premium and is recognized by WSIB as an "independent operator" a letter from WSIB acknowledging independent contractor status and confirming that WSIB coverage is not required must be provided to the County of Elgin prior to commencement of work. 4.13 Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontario with Disabilities Act 2005 The Proponent shall ensure that all its employees and agents receive training regarding the requirements as outlined in the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Ontario Regulation 191/11) as well as the Ontario Human Rights Code. The Proponent is responsible to ensure that all of its employees, volunteers and others for which the Proponent is responsible are adequately trained. 4.14 Disqualification The County may, in its sole discretion, disqualify a proposal or cancel its decision to make an award under this RFP, at any time prior to the execution of the Agreement by the county, if, 36 Page 70 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ➢ the Proponent fails to cooperate in any attempt by the County to verify any information provided by the Proponent in its proposal; ➢ the Proponent contravenes one proposal per Person or Entity; ➢ the Proponent fails to comply with the laws of Ontario or of Canada, as applicable; ➢ the Proposal contains false or misleading information; ➢ the Proposal, in the opinion of the County, reveals a material conflict of interest; ➢ the Proponent misrepresents any information contained in its proposal. 4.15 Record and Reputation Without limiting or restricting any other right or privilege of the County and regardless of whether or not a proposal or a Proponent otherwise satisfies the requirements of this RFP, the County may disqualify any proposal from any Proponent, where; ➢ In the opinion of the County Solicitor or the Purchasing Coordinator for the County, the commercial relationship between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Proponent has been impaired by the prior and/or current act(s) or omission(s) of each Proponent, including but not limited to: a) Litigation with the County; b) The failure of the Proponent to pay, in full, all outstanding accounts due to the County by the Proponent after the County has made demand for payment; c) The refusal to follow reasonable directions of the County or to cure a default under a contract with the County as and when required by the County or it's representatives; d) The Proponent has previously refused to enter into an Agreement with the County after the Proponent's proposal was accepted by the County; e) The Proponent has previously refused to perform or to complete performance of contracted work with the County after the Proponent was awarded the contract; f) Act(s) or omission(s) of the Proponent has resulted in a claim by the County under a bid bond, a performance bond, a warranty bond or any other security required to be submitted by the Proponent on an RFP within the previous five years. ➢ In the opinion of County Council or the Chief Administrative Officer, or their designate, there are reasonable grounds to believe that it would not be in the best interests of the County to enter into an Agreement with the Proponent, for reasons including but not limited to the conviction or finding of liability of or against the Proponent or its officers or directors and any associated entities under any taxation legislation in Canada, any criminal or civil law relating to fraud, theft, extortion, threatening, influence peddling and fraudulent misrepresentation, the Environmental Protection Act or corresponding legislation in other jurisdictions, any law regarding occupational health or safety or the Securities Act or related legislation. 4.16 Proponent's Costs The Proponent shall bear all costs and expenses incurred by the Proponent relating to any aspect of its participation in this RFP process, including all costs and expenses related to the Proponent's involvement in; Page 71 of 100 37 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ➢ the preparation, presentation and submission of its proposal; ➢ the Proponent's attendance at the Proponent's meeting; ➢ due diligence and information gathering processes; ➢ site visits and interviews; ➢ preparation of responses to questions or requests for clarification from the County; ➢ preparation of the Proponent's own questions during the clarification process; and, ➢ agreement discussions. The County is not liable to pay such costs and expenses or to reimburse or compensate a Proponent under any circumstances, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the RFP Process, including the rejection of all proposals or the cancellation of the RFP, and including any negligence of the County in the conduct of the RFP process. 4.17 Legal Matters and Rights of the County This RFP is not an offer to enter into either a bidding contract (often referred to as "Contract A") or a contract to carry out the project (often referred to as "Contract B"). Neither this RFP nor the submission of a proposal by a Proponent shall create any contractual rights or obligations whatsoever on either the Proponent or the County. The County may at its sole discretion change or discontinue this RFP process at any time whatsoever. The County may in its sole discretion enter into negotiations with any person, whether or not that person is a Proponent or a Short -Listed Proponent with respect to the work that is the subject of this RFP. The County may at its sole discretion decline to evaluate any proposal that in the County's opinion is incomplete, obscure or does not contain sufficient information to carry out a reasonable evaluation. Without limiting the generality of the RFP, the County may at its sole discretion and at any time during the RFP process; ➢ reject any or all of the Proposals; ➢ accept any Proposal; ➢ if only one Proposal is received, elect to accept or reject it; ➢ elect not to proceed with the RFP; ➢ alter the timetable, the RFP process or any other aspect of this RFP; and ➢ cancel this RFP and subsequently advertise or call for new Proposals for the subject matter of this RFP. In addition to and notwithstanding any other term of this RFP, the County shall not be liable for any damages resulting from any claim or cause of action, whether based upon an action or claim in contract, warranty, equity negligence, intended conduct or otherwise, including any action or claim arising from the acts or omissions, negligent or otherwise of the County and including any claim for direct, indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profit, loss of reputation, injury to property and bodily injury that results from the Proponents' participation in the RFP process, including but not limited to; 38 Page 72 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ➢ the disclosure of a Proponent's confidential information; ➢ the costs of preparation of a Proponents Proposal, whether it is accepted, disqualified or rejected; ➢ any delays, or any costs associated with such delays, in the RFP process; ➢ any errors in any information supplied by the County to the Proponents; ➢ the cancellation of the RFP; and ➢ the award of the contract to a Proponent other than the Proponent recommended by the Proposal Review Committee. 4.18 Compliance with Laws, Acts and Policies The successful Proponent shall be required to comply with the County's policies regarding Human Rights, Harassment in the Workplace and Occupational Health and Safety. The successful Proponent shall also comply with all Municipal, Provincial and Federal laws, including but not limited to: i. The Environmental Protection Act., R.S.O. 1990, c. E.19, as amended ii. The Occupational Health and Safety Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.0.1, as amended iii. Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, effective January 1, 1998, as amended iv. Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1999, c.M.56, as amended v. Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended vi. Fairness is a Two -Way Street Act (Construction Labour Mobility), 1999, R.S.O. 1999, c.4 vii. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005,c.11, as amended 4.19 Covid-19 Pandemic Refer to Section 2.29. 4.20 Clarification The County may require the Proponent to clarify the contents of its proposal, including by the submission of supplementary documentation, or seek a Proponent's acknowledgement of the County's interpretation of the Proponent's proposal. The County is not obliged to seek clarification of any aspect of a proposal. 4.21 Supplementary Information The County may, in its sole discretion, request any supplementary information whatsoever from a Proponent after the submission deadline including information that the Proponent could or should have submitted in its proposal prior to the submission deadline. The County is not obliged to request supplementary information from a Proponent. 39 Page 73 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES 4.22 Errors and Omissions Errors, mistakes, or omissions made by the successful Proponent, its agents, employees, or workmen shall be rectified by the successful Proponent at its sole expense 4.23 No Increase in Rates No claim for increase in rates or other prices quoted in the Contract will be entertained, nor shall the successful Proponent be entitled to make any claim on the ground of misrepresentation, nor on the grounds that he was given any promise or guarantee by the County or its agents or employees or any other person. 4.24 Contractor's Liability Any work performed by the Contractor upon the lands of the County and its agencies or otherwise in connection with the proposed work, shall be solely at the Contractor's own risk and the County and its agencies shall not be liable to the Contractor or the Contractor's employees, agents or invitees for any damage, injury or loss sustained by them, including death, or to their property as a result of working or operating hereupon. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage, injury (including death) or loss sustained by the Contractor or any other person, or to its or any other person's property as a result of working or operating upon the lands of the County and its agencies and providing the goods and services of this project and shall obtain public liability insurance, property damage insurance and automobile insurance all to the satisfaction of the County and its agencies in every respect including without limitation, amount of coverage and deductible amounts as noted in this RFP document. The Contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance evidencing the foregoing requirements to the satisfaction of the County and its agencies prior to the signing of the agreement and commencement of work. 4.25 Contractor's Insolvency If the Contractor commits any act of bankruptcy, or if a receiver is appointed on account of its insolvency or in respect of any of its property, or if the Contractor makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; then, in any such case, the County may, without notice, terminate the Contract. If the Contractor fails to comply with any request, instruction or order of the County; or fails to pay its account; or fails to comply with or persistently disregard statutes, regulations, by-laws or directives or relevant authorities related to the equipment, material and/or services; or fails to prosecute the equipment, material and/or services with skill and diligence; or purports to assign or sublet the contract or a portion of it without the County's written consent; or refuses to correct defective equipment, material and/or services; or is otherwise in default in carrying out its part of any of the terms, conditions and obligations of the contract; then, in any such case, the County may, upon expiration of ten (10) days from the date of written notice to the Contractor, terminate the contract. 40 Page 74 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES Any termination of the Contract by the County, as mentioned above, shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the County may have. 4.26 Default / Non -Performance The County will reserve the right to determine "non-performance" or "poor quality" of service and further reserves the right to cancel any or all of this contract at any time should the Contractor's performance not meet the terms and conditions of the RFP upon thirty (30) days written notification to the Contractor. "Non-performance" shall mean the failure to meet the complete terms and conditions of this Contract including, but not limited to, the following: ➢ The Contractor not having a crew on site, cleaning during the prescribed dates and times; ➢ The Contractor not adhering to the County's cleaning standards or frequency of cleaning as identified herein; ➢ Persistent non-compliance with health and safety policies and regulations; ➢ The Contractor's refusal to correct unsatisfactory cleaning conditions as identified by the Manager of Corporate Services or designate; ➢ Inappropriate or unsafe performance of duties by the Contractor and/or Contractor's employees. In the event of such cancellation, the County retains the right to claim damages as a result of such default. If the County terminates the Contract, it is entitled to: a) withhold any further payment to the Contractor until the completion of the work and the expiry of all obligations under the Contract; and b) recover from the Contractor any loss, damage and expense incurred by the County by reason of the default (which may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the Contractor). The County further reserves the right to cancel this Contract by way of an advanced 60 days written notice, if the services of the Contractor are no longer required due to unforeseen circumstances. 41 Page 75 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES APPENDIX A - SAMPLE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made effective this XXXX day of XXXXXXX, 2024. BETWEEN: CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (hereinafter called "County") (hereinafter called "Contractor") OF THE FIRST PART OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS on <Insert Date>, the County issued Request for Proposal No. <Insert #> and Addendum No. <X> dated <Insert Date> for <Insert Project Name> for the County of Elgin (the "RFP"); AND WHEREAS on <Insert Date> the Contractor submitted a proposal in response to the RFP (the "p ro posa I"); AND WHEREAS the County wishes to enter into an agreement with the Contractor for the services, as more particularly described in the RFP Terms of Reference, attached hereto as Schedule A forming part of this Agreement (the "Services"); NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) now paid by the Contractor to the County and performance of the promises, obligations and covenants herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby irrevocably acknowledged, the Parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 The Contractor shall provide the Services set forth in Schedule "A" hereto, including but not limited to satisfaction of all Evaluation and Service Requirements and Qualifications and Requirements as set forth therein; provided that, if there should be any conflict between the text of this Agreement and the provisions of the said Schedule "A", the text of this Agreement shall prevail. ARTICLE 2 The County covenants with the Contractor that the Contractor, having in all respects complied with the provisions of this Agreement, will be paid for and in respect of all the work, at the quoted rates or lump sum amount as summarized below: - $XX.00 per XXX for the period of <Insert Date> to <Insert Date> - OR State Lump Sum Amount 42 Page 76 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ARTICLE 3 The Term of this Agreement is for a three-year term, deemed to commence on or about <Insert Date> and expire on <Insert Date>; provided further that the County, in its unfettered discretion, may extend the within Agreement up to an additional XXX (X) years. ARTICLE 4 A copy of each of the Terms of Reference and Addendum No. XX are hereto annexed (as Schedule A) and together with the Contractor Proposal, General Conditions, Proposal Requirements and Information for Proponents relating to the work contemplated herein, and the Confidentiality Agreement, even though not attached, all as listed in the RFP document, form part of and are deemed to be incorporated into this Agreement. ORTiri F S In case of any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the Terms of Reference or General Conditions or RFP or any other document or writing, the provisions of such documents shall take precedence and govern in the following order, namely: a) Agreement; b) Addenda; c) Terms of Reference; d) Contractor Proposal; e) General Conditions; f) Proposal Requirements; g) Information to Proponents. ARTICLE 6 Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time, without notice or creation of any right to compensation or damages, forjust cause, which shall include, without limitation, dishonesty, fraud, willful deceit or failure to properly fulfill the obligations, including any violation of the Confidentiality Agreement, hereunder where such failure is not remedied within ten (10) days after notice of same is given. Notwithstanding that set forth immediately above, either Party hereto may terminate this Agreement, for convenience and without creating any right to compensation or damages, upon giving at least ninety (90) days written notice to the other Party. ARTICLE 7 The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the County, including it elected officials, officers, employees and agents and further including their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns 43 Page 77 of 100 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES (hereinafter collectively the "Releasees") from and against any and all claims of any nature, actions, causes of action, losses, expenses, fines, costs (including legal costs as between a solicitor and his or her own client), interest, or damages of every nature and kind whatsoever as arising from the negligence, errors, omissions, fraud, or willful misconduct of the Contractor, including its officers, employees, servants, agents, and Contractors or sub -Contractors, or any one or combination of them, as attributable or connected with the performance, non-performance, or purported performance by the Contractor of any promise, obligation, or covenant as contemplated by this Agreement, save and except to the extent that same is attributable to or caused by the negligence of the County, its officers, employees, servants, agents, or Contractors or sub -Contractors, or any one or combination of them. Furthermore, this indemnity shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement and continue thereafter in full force and effect. ARTICLE 8 This Agreement together with its Schedule constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties. Any change, addition to, or waiver of the terms hereof must be specifically agreed upon, in writing, and signed by both Parties. Failure on the part of either Party to insist upon the strict observance of any of the terms and/or conditions herein shall not operate as a waiver of such Party's right to require the future observance of any such terms or conditions. ARTICLE 9 The Contractor declares that it has either investigated for itself the character of the work and all local conditions that might affect the proposal or acceptance of the work, or that not having so investigated, it is willing to assume and does hereby assume all risk of conditions arising or developing in the course of the work which might or could make the work, or any items thereof, more expensive in character or more onerous to fulfill, than was contemplated or known when the proposal was made of the Contract signed. The Contractor also declares that it did not and does not rely upon information furnished by any methods whatsoever, by the County or its officers or employees, being aware that any information from such sources was and is approximate and speculative only, and was not in any manner warranted or guaranteed by the County. ARTICLE 10 Where any notice, direction or other communication is required to be or may be given or made by one of the parties hereto to the other, it shall be deemed sufficiently given or made if mailed or delivered in writing to such party at the following addresses: COUNTY: Corporation of the County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 CONTRACTOR: Page 78 of 100 44 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES Either Party may from time to time change its address for service by notice to the other Party as previously set out. For the purposes immediately set forth above, Notices which are served in the manner as set out above shall be deemed sufficiently given for all purposes of this Agreement, in the case of those personally served directly upon the Party to be deemed to have been completed upon the date of service, and in the case of registered mail, on the third postal delivery day following the mailing of the Notice. Should normal service of mail be interrupted by strikes, slowdown or other cause, then the Party sending the Notice shall use any similar service which is not been so interrupted in order to secure prompt receipt of the Notice and for purposes of this Agreement such service shall be deemed to be personal service. ARTICLE 11 This Agreement shall not be assigned, in whole or in part, by either Party hereto without the prior written consent of the other Party. ARTICLE 12 This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and, when applicable, the Dominion of Canada. ARTICLE 13 All obligations under this Agreement shall be considered a separate covenant and any declaration of invalidity of any such covenant shall not invalidate any other such covenant. ARTICLE 14 The Contract shall apply to and be binding on the parties hereto, their heirs, executors, successors, administrators, and assigns jointly and severally. (Balance of Page Left Blank Intentionally) 45 Page 79 of 100 AttacIhiment1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES ARTY I F it; This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which, when so executed, shall constitute but one and the same document. This Agreement may also be signed in paper form, by facsimile signature or by electronic signature in accordance with section 11 of the Electronic Commerce Act, 2000 (Ontario). It may also be signed, whether or not in counterpart, scanned to Adobe° Portable Document Format (PDF) and delivered by way of electronic mail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and at the location indicated below or otherwise caused their corporate seals to be affixed, attested by the signature of their proper officers, as the case may be. Date: Location Date: Location Corporation of the County of Elgin Per: Name: Position: Warden Per: Name: Position Chief Administrative Officer We have the authority to bind the Corporation <IIIMSLR°°I"" CON ..I..III ACTOR, IIIMAIV'IF Per: Name: Position: I have the authority to bind the Corporation Page 80 of 100 46 .11aclhrn nl1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-P41 CONTRACT CLEANING / JANITORIAL SERVICES APPENDIX B — BILL 7 INFORMATION The Bill 7 information for this contract will be issued as Addendum 1. The information was unavailable at time of RFP issuance. Page 81 of 100 47 IIIlnrnn.t 2 View Details Return to the Bids Homepage(httpa//elgincounty.bidsandtenders.ca/Module/Tenders/en) Bid Details Bid Classification: Services Bid Type: Request For Proposal Bid Number: 2023-P41 Bid Name: Contract Cleaning / Janitorial Services Bid Status: Closed Published Date: Fri Nov 24, 2023 12:30:59 PM (EST) Bid Closing Date: Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:00:59 PM (EST) Question Deadline: Tue Dec 12, 2023 4:30:00 PM (EST) Electronic Auctions: Not Applicable Language for Bid Submissions: English unless specified in the bid document Submission Type: Online Submissions Only Submission Address: Online Submissions Only Public Opening: No Description: Proposals will be accepted for providing Contract Cleaning / Janitorial Services for the following facilities: • Administration Office, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas • Heritage Centre, 460 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas • POA Courthouse, 480 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas Bid Document Access: Bid document preview, bid opportunity, and award notices are available on the site free of charge. Suppliers are not required to register for a bid opportunity prior to previewing unsecured bid documents. Please note, some documents may be secured and you will be required to register for the bid to download and view the documents. To obtain an unsecured version of the bid document and/or to participate in this opportunity, an annual or a per bid fee must be paid (annual fee - $418.95, per bid fee - $125.75). Categories: Show Categories [±] Register for this Bid Download Bid Documents Page 82 of 100 Meeting Locations .t.t °hime t 2 The following are the meeting times and locations for the bid: Meeting Location Description Date / Time Thursday Administration Building - 450 Sunset Site Meeting November 30, Drive 03:00 PM to 0 PM (EST) Documents File Name RFP Document Friday November 24, 2023 12:16 PM Appendix C Friday November 24, 2023 11:43 AM Appendix D Friday November 24, 2023 11:44 AM On-line Submission Forms - Viewing Copy Only Friday November 24, 2023 11:41 AM Floor Plans - 450 Sunset Tuesday November 21, 2023 03:40 PM Floor Plans - 460 Sunset Tuesday November 21, 2023 03:38 PM Floor Plans - 480 Sunset Tuesday November 21, 2023 03:39 PM Addenda File Name Addendum No. 1 Friday December 8, 2023 11:45 AM Addendum No. 2 Tuesday December 12, 2023 09:03 AM Addendum No. 3 Wednesday December 13, 2023 11:22 AM Purchasing Representatives Employee Hoogstra, Mike Robertson, Brandon Bids Submitted The following are the unofficial bid results Company Contact Page 83 of 100 1000720264 ONTARIO INC. 1434378 Ontario Inc. o/a Commercial Cleaning Services 1887014 Ontario Ltd. OA ServiceMaster of London 2529493 ONTARIO INC All clear building maintenance Ltd Clean Crysta Services Inc. CLEANSPELL CLEANING COMPANY INC. Corporate Mirror INC Dexterra Group Inc. GDI Services (Canada) LP Green Maples Environmental INC Serv-U-Clean Inc. SkyBlue Services Corp Sritharan, Sajeeth 2 Wandering Trail, Scarborough ON, Canada M1X1K5 Gallos, Christina 151 Cushman Road, St. Catherines ON, Canada L2 M 6T4 Korakianitis, Nick 801 Consortium Court, London Ontario, Canada N6E 2S8 Helder, Leanne 110 Cumberland Street, Toronto Ontario, Canada M5R 3V5 Hehear , Amarveer 6713, Surrey British Columbia , Canada V3W5J3 Management, Tender 39 Devineridge Ave, Ajax Ontario, Canada L1Z0T1 Palayil Paulose, Basil 2185 Sheridan Park Drive, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L5K 1C7 Maran, Gouthamraj 1850 Fisher Dr, Peterborough Ontario, Canada K9J6X6 Proposals Team, Dexterra 5915 Airport Rd, Suite 425, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L4V 1T1 Services Canada, GDI 60 Worcester Road, Etobicoke ONTARIO, canada M9W 5X2 Selva, Kana 6790 Kitimat Road, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L5N 5L9 DiFrancesco, Johnny 1820 Shawson Drive Unit 3, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L4W 4X8 Management, SKYBLUE 116 Albert Street, Ottawa Ontario, Canada K1P 5G3 .ttaclhrn nt 2 Page 84 of 100 Raj, Diran TOPLINE FACILITY MANAGEMENT INC 77 City Centre Drive, Mississauga ON, Canada L5B 1M5 Titov, Anton Twin City Commercial Cleaners 483 Orton Avenue, Ancaster Ontario, Canada L9G4M7 Plan Takers The following are the plan takers for the bid: Company Contact Sritharan, Sajeeth 1000720264 ONTARIO INC. 2 Wandering Trail, Scarborough ON, Canada M1X1K5 Gallos, Christina 1434378 Ontario Inc. o/a Commercial 151 Cushman Road, St. Catherines Cleaning Services ON, Canada L2 M 6T4 Korakianitis, Nick 1887014 Ontario Ltd. OA ServiceMaster 801 Consortium Court, London of London Ontario, Canada N6E 2S8 Helder, Leanne 2529493 ONTARIO INC 110 Cumberland Street, Toronto Ontario, Canada M5R 3V5 George, Ivan 620828 NB INC. 1 West Pearce Street, Richmond Hill Ontario, Canada L4B 3K3 Hehear , Amarveer All clear building maintenance Ltd 6713, Surrey British Columbia , Canada V3W5J3 Taylor, Karl Ambassador Building Maintenance 628 Monmouth Rd, Windsor Limited Ontario, Canada N8Y 3L1 Management, Tender ANK Maintenance Services 1-85 Steeles Ave East, Milton Ontario, Canada L9T1X9 Management, Tender Clean Crysta Services Inc. 39 Devineridge Ave, Ajax Ontario, Canada UZOT1 Palayil Paulose, Basil CLEANSPELL CLEANING COMPANY INC. 2185 Sheridan Park Drive, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L5K 1C7 Page 85 of 100 ttacnhrn n.l2 Corporate Mirror INC Corvin Building Maintenance Ltd. Dexterra Group Inc. GDI Services (Canada) LP Green Maples Environmental INC ONE STOP PARKING LOT CARE Pure Maple Maintenance Inc. Serv-U-Clean Inc. SkyBlue Services Corp Super Clean Services Inc. TOPLINE FACILITY MANAGEMENT INC Twin City Commercial Cleaners Maran, Gouthamraj 1850 Fisher Dr, Peterborough Ontario, Canada K9J6X6 Najibi, Liena 2 Thorncliffe Park Drive, Toronto Ontario, Canada M4H 1H2 Proposals Team, Dexterra 5915 Airport Rd, Suite 425, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L4V 1T1 Services Canada, GDI 60 Worcester Road, Etobicoke ONTARIO, canada M9W 5X2 Selva, Kana 6790 Kitimat Road, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L5N 5L9 Kriger, Boris 1877 Saint Johns Road, Innisfil Ontario, Canada L9S 1T4 ROOPRAI, PERMINDER 90 Penderwick Crescent , Maple Ontario, Canada L6A2J4 DiFrancesco, Johnny 1820 Shawson Drive Unit 3, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L4W 4X8 Management, SKYBLUE 116 Albert Street, Ottawa Ontario, Canada K1P 5G3 de Melo, Joe 121 Wellington Street West, Suite 217, Barrie Ontario, Canada L4N 1L2 Raj, Diran 77 City Centre Drive, Mississauga ON, Canada L5B 1M5 Titov, Anton 483 Orton Avenue, Ancaster Ontario, Canada L9G4M7 .ttaclhrn nt 2 Page 86 of 100 Contract Cleaning / Janitorial Services Evaluation Committee RFP No. 2023-P41 Evaluation Team Member Position Conflict of Interest Ryan Terpstra Manager of Corporate Facilities No Cole Aicken Building Sciences Technologist No Mike Hoogstra I Manager of Procurement & Risk I No Page 87 of 100 ElginA Report from the i o Here we are, already in February. What little winter we had seems to have come and gone quickly, though I suppose we should keep our snow tires on a little while longer. This past quarter, we welcomed several new community members (patient, client, family, and caregiver partners) as well as two new affiliate members to the OHT: St. Joseph's Healthcare London and the St. Thomas Elgin Local Immigration Partnership (STELIP). We're also building a collaborative relationship with Western University, now partnering on three projects, with hopes these projects will continue next school year: - Promoting the use of online health resources to empower people to manage their health and wellbeing. - Working with primary care providers to enhance colorectal cancer screening rates. - Using data to understand how the social determinants of health impact the Elgin community and health outcomes. With one of our primary objectives to improve awareness of services amongst community members and providers alike, we're pleased to have launched an Elgin Navigators Collaborative, offering an open space for self -identified navigators to come together and share ideas and resources. The Community Support Services Central Intake enhancement team integrated more equity -based questions into their processes to better understand who is (and is not) accessing services through this resource. This team also developed a data dashboard to share information with other OHT members, including understanding referral patterns, commonly requested services, and unmet needs. These efforts will set the stage for future OHT activities and process enhancements. Continuing our efforts to build an integrated ears model for people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), we're taking an initial look at how people get a confirmed diagnosis (through spirometry testing) and what happens after that diagnosis. This includes understanding how that journey is different for people without access to a regular primary care provider and identifying opportunities for improvement. We officially launched interpretation services in primary care, and are imminently launching our secure messaging demonstration project to enhance communication between providers supporting people along their COPD journeys. The breadth of participant groups engaged in this initiative (hospital, primary care, specialized geriatric services, community paramedicine, community support services, home and community care support services, long term care) truly demonstrates the commitment of the Elgin community towards integrated care to improve outcomes and experiences. 1 With gratitude, ! Deanna Huggett (dca,gi i a„Ir uggca, call linoht.ca� Page 88 of 100 O O 4 O O O N a 13 e V) N •�-4 4-J 4-4 4-4 4-4 O � 4—j �--► O bO ;-4 .. �-I 4-4 O N • r--I i�l � Cn � O a ;-I 4-j c0 R §4 O O N M O 4-4 1-4 V � � 1-4 5-4 ru M, m Wnw�� •�' o ro . 4-J ° o.� Q ;-4 o m -j V 4- J > •�' �-j x 0 0CU ' V f04-4 •� N u ;-4 _ -► 4 • " Ili u m a I[I m II I m iu� m IGI�M�II,o m 14-4 C) P4 I� I m .P.4 Ullllllllllll4-4 IIII��IIIII��IIIyy Ullllllllllllu IUD w. I P� UI plllllllllp r;1,;l,l IIIIII Illllp ullllllllllllp III IIIIIIII IIIIIIII I � U M II � Ullllllllllllu INu o w! m I I �of ��I�IIIIIIIII ��I�IIIIIIIII Ullllllllllllu -Pw4IIIIIIIII{4 m' ft IIIIII itl 04 I E m 9 N N y O LO a c ° m a y Y d m c - a=i C _ O iu Q _ eu } G Ix Q E+ F d Cr N LLL T U N ED r- G �aati my a 0 rr ;yi ,�. r V ry� I P ��T6tid7� fJ/Ya Y'y3V/.m�"r'" a^ �,A3 /�dYe'A4Ydb�R ,x n� SWI N N V J 0, I RI 11 0 co m a> 0) m a 4-4 pz� 11 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 24-06 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE FEBRUARY 13, 2024 MEETING" WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O.2001, c.25, as amended, the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5.3 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, the powers of every Council shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, at its meeting held on February 13, 2024 be hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Warden and appropriate officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer, or alternate, are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 100 of 100