10 - April 9, 2024 County Council Agenda PackageElgmCounty Elgin County Council Regular Council Meeting Orders Of The Day Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Note for Members of the Public: Please click the link below to watch the Council Meeting: https://www.facebook.com/ElginCountyAdmin/ Accessible formats available upon request. 1. Call to Order Pages 2. Adoption of Minutes 3 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4. Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 5. Committee of the Whole 6. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 6.1 Warden Ketchabaw - Warden's Activity Report (March 2024) 8 6.2 Acting Manager of Planning - Municipality of Bayham Official Plan 10 Amendment No. 36, Part of Lot 10, Concession 3, Municipality of Bayham, 55032 Vienna Line 6.3 Director of Legal Services - PS 24-5 Land Division Committee 18 Remuneration / Procedural Change 6.4 Director of Community & Cultural Services - Library, Museum and 22 Archives 2024 Service Update 6.5 Director of Engineering Services - Geographical Information Systems — 43 Shared Service Agreement 6.6 Director of Engineering Services - Engineering Services for Multiple 63 Bridge Rehabilitations — Contract Award 6.7 Director of Engineering Services - Cold In -Place Asphalt Recycling 118 (Tender No. 2024-T11) and Hot Mix Asphalt Paving (Tender No. 2024- T12) - Tender Awards 7. Council Correspondence 7.1 Items for Consideration 7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 7.2.1 St.Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre 2023 Annual Report 124 7.2.2 Resolution from the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe requesting 143 the Province to increase Tile Drain Load Limit 8. Other Business 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members 8.2 Notice of Motion 8.3 Matters of Urgency 9. Closed Meeting Items 9.1 Closed Meeting Minutes - March 12, 2024 9.2 Warden Ketchabaw - Boundary Adjustment Matter Update (verbal) Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (f) advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; (h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them; and (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 10. Motion to Rise and Report 11. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole 12. Consideration of By -Laws 12.1 By -Law No. 24-14 Confirmation 13. Adjournment 145 Page 2 of 145 Elgin County Council Minutes March 26, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Members Present: Warden Ed Ketchabaw Deputy Warden Grant Jones Councillor Dominique Giguere Councillor Mark Widner Councillor Jack Couckuyt Councillor Andrew Sloan Councillor Todd Noble Councillor Mike Hentz Councillor Taraesa Tellier Members Absent: Councillor Richard Leatham (with notice) Staff Present: Blaine Parkin, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with Warden Ketchabaw in the chair. 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on March 12, 2024 be adopted. Motion Carried. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None. 4. Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 4.1 Bernia Martin, Monica Nusink, and Peter Heywood, Southwestern Public Health - 2024 Budget and the Road Ahead Representatives from Southwestern Public Health provided a presentation to County Council detailing the Board of Health population health highlights, priorities and budget & levy information for 2024. Page 3 of 145 Moved by: Councillor Couckuyt Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT the presentation titled "2024 Budget & the Road Ahead" from Southwestern Public Health be received and filed. Motion Carried. 5. Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Tellier RESOLVED THAT we do now move into Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 6. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 6.1 Director of Homes and Seniors Services - Homes — Committee of Management The Director of Homes and Seniors Services presented the report seeking Council's approval for the Terms of Reference, By -Law No. 24-10, and for the designation of the Council of the County of Elgin as the Committee of Management for Elgin County's three Long -Term Care Homes. Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Homes — Committee of Management" dated March 26, 2024 from the Director of Homes and Seniors Services be received and filed; and THAT Council approve the Terms of Reference for the Committee of Management for Bobier Villa, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge Long -Term Care Homes; and THAT the Council of the County of Elgin be designated as the Committee of Management for Bobier Villa, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge Long - Term Care Homes to fulfill the requirement under Subsection 135 (1) of the Fixing Long -Term Care Act, 2021; and THAT Council authorize execution of By -Law No. 24-10 to establish a Long -Term Care Homes Committee of Management for the Corporation of the County of Elgin. Motion Carried. 6.2 Director of Human Resources - 2024 Benefit Plan Renewal The Director of Human Resources presented the report seeking Council's approval of the negotiated 2024 benefit plan renewal rate adjustments with Manulife Financial for the County of Elgin benefit plans. Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT County Council approve the 2024 negotiated renewal rate adjustments with Manulife Financial for all County of Elgin benefit plans. Motion Carried. 6.3 Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - 2024 Borrowing By -Law Page 4 of 145 The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer presented the report seeking Council's approval to adopt Borrowing By -Law No. 24-11 to support the County's credit facility annual in order to provide business continuity. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT the March 26, 2024, report titled, "2024 Borrowing By - Law", submitted by the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer to outline the need to maintain a credit facility be received and filed; and THAT the amended accompanying Borrowing By -Law for 2024 be read for approval. Motion Carried. 6.4 Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - Council and Outside Boards Remuneration and Expenses The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer provided a statement to Council related to Council and Outside Boards remuneration and expenses paid in 2023. Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Tellier RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Council and Outside Boards Remuneration and Expenses" dated March 26, 2024 from the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer be received and filed. Motion Carried 6.5 Director of Legal Services - LS 24-5 — Road Closing By -Law — Part 5, 11 R-10965 The Director of Legal Services presented the report recommending that Council close a small, untraveled 25 square meter portion of Union Road in the Township of Southwold for the purposes of enabling the small area to be transferred to Domus Developments (London) Inc. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Couckuyt RESOLVED THAT the report titled "LS 24-5 - Road Closing By -Law - Part 5, 11 R-10965" dated March 26, 2024 from the Director of Legal Services and Director of Engineering Services be received and filed; and THAT Council pass the road closing by-law for Part of Lot 16, Range 1 South of Union Road, Part Lot 16 Range 2 South of Union Road, Part 5, Plan 11 R-10965, Township of Southwold, as it appears on the March 26, 2024 Council agenda. Motion Carried. 7. Council Correspondence 7.1 Items for Consideration None. 7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Couckuyt RESOLVED THAT Correspondence Items #7.2.1 - 7.2.6 be received and filed. Page 5 of 145 Motion Carried. 7.2.1 Elgin St. Thomas Coalition to End Poverty - 2023 Timeline of Success 7.2.2 Invitation to the Middlesex County Warden's Charity Golf Tournament, Tuesday June 18, 2024 7.2.3 Resolution from the Council of the Town of Goderich calling for the re-establishment of a combined OGRA and ROMA annual conference. 7.2.4 Resolution from the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora requesting an Amenity Sharing Memorandum of Understanding with School Boards for Evening and Weekend Gymnasium Use 7.2.5 Resolution from the Township of Amaranth calling on the Province of Ontario to provide equivalent representative operational budget funding amounts to all Ontario municipalities 7.2.6 Resolution from Loyalist Township regarding solutions to resolve significant financial and budgetary pressures relating to infrastructure development, maintenance and repairs 8. Other Business 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members 8.1.1 Easter Greetings from Warden Ketchabaw Warden Ketchabaw wished everyone a Happy Easter. 8.2 Notice of Motion None. 8.3 Matters of Urgency None. 9. Closed Meeting Items None. 10. Motion to Rise and Report None. 11. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 12. Consideration of By -Laws 12.1 By -Law No. 24-10 Committee of Management BEING a By -Law to Establish a Long -Term Care Homes Committee of Management for the Corporation of the County of Elgin. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 24-10 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. 4 Page 6 of 145 Motion Carried. 12.2 By -Law No. 24-11 Borrowing BEING a By -Law to Authorize the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow from Time to Time to Meet Current Expenditures during the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2024. Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Hentz RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 24-11 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. Motion Carried. 12.3 By -Law No. 24-12 - Road Closing BEING a By -Law to Provide for the Closing of a Portion of Union Street Legally Described as Plan of Survey of Part of Lot 16, Range 1 of South of Union Road, Part Lot 16, Range 2 South of Union Road, Southwold, Being Part 5 11 R-10965, Township of Southwold. Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 24-12 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. Motion Carried. 12.4 By -Law No. 24-13 Confirmation BEING a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 26, 2024 Meeting. Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Sloan RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 24-13 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. Motion Carried. 13. Adjournment Moved by: Councillor Couckuyt Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 9:51 a.m. to meet again on April 9, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Motion Carried. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. 5 Page 7 of 145 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Ed Ketchabaw, Warden Date: March 26, 2024 Subject: Warden's Activity Report (March 2024) Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "Warden's Activity Report (March 2024) dated March 26, 2024 from Warden Ketchabaw be received and filed. Introduction: The purpose of this report is to provide a high-level summary of the meetings and official functions I have attended during the month of March 2024 as Elgin County Warden. Background and Discussion: Events/Meetings Attended by Warden: March 2024: • Long Point Region Conservation Authority AGM (March 1) • County Council Meetings (March 12 and March 26) • Meeting with Elgin CAO and Mgr. Legislative Services (March 12) • Hydro One - Longwoods Expansion Update (March 7) • WOWC virtual meeting (March 18) • Official Plan Open House (March 19) • Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Steering Committee (March 26) • Official Plan Public Meeting (March 26) • Community Planning and Collaboration Meeting -TVDSB (March 27) • Ministry of Finance Embargoed Technical Briefing, 2024 Budget (March 26) • Meeting with Elgin CAO (March 27) • SCOR (March 28) • Mike Baker Retirement event (March 28) Page 8 of 145 Financial Implications: None. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ❑ Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ❑ Delivering mandated ❑ Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: Elgin County continues to work with and find ways to collaborate with Elgin's municipal partners. Communication Requirements: None. Conclusion: I look forward to representing Elgin County Council at various events throughout my term as 2024 Warden. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Ed Ketchabaw Warden Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 9 of 145 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Paul Hicks, Acting Manager of Planning Date: April 9, 2024 Subject: Municipality of Bayham Official Plan Amendment No. 36, Part of Lot 10, Concession 3, Municipality of Bayham, 55032 Vienna Line Recommendation(s): THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin approves Official Plan Amendment No. 36 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham; AND THAT staff be directed to provide notice of this decision in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. Introduction: The Council of the Municipality of Bayham has adopted an amendment to their official plan, known as Official Plan Amendment Number 36 (OPA No. 36) and they have subsequently forwarded the amendment to the County of Elgin for approval (see attached). In accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, the Council of the County of Elgin, as "Approval Authority," is required to make a decision on the adopted amendment in which Council may approve, modify, or refuse to approve the amendment. If Elgin County fails to make a decision within 120 days after the amendment is received, any person or public body may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal. This report is intended to provide County Council with the information required to make a decision on the adopted amendment. Background and Discussion: This official plan amendment provides a site -specific exemption to Section of the Bayham Official Plan which requires that, "where a farm parcel with more than one existing dwelling is being consolidated into a farm operation, only one dwelling may be severed from that farm parcel, and no more than one severance of a surplus dwelling shall be allowed from an original farm parcel regardless of changes in boundary or ownership." In other words, where a farmer has purchased and a farm parcel with multiple dwellings on it, they are only permitted to sever one dwelling from the parcel under the auspices of a `surplus farm dwelling severance' (i.e. the ability to sever a farm Page 10 of 145 dwelling that is surplus to the needs of a farming operation as a result of a farmer purchasing an additional farm parcel). In this case, it is understood that the subject lands were previously merged as a result of a farm consolidation of three parcels, each with a dwelling on them. Two of the three residences were previously severed in 2003, and the applicant is now seeking to sever the third residence. As such, an amendment to the Municipality's Official Plan is required to permit the applicant to move forward with a severance application. The subject OPA proceeded through the standard application process as well as a technical circulation to statutory review agencies. A public meeting required under the Planning Act was subsequently held prior to Municipal Council's adoption of OPA No. 36 in March of 2024. County staff have had the opportunity to review the proposal and associated materials against the requirements of the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement, the County Official Plan, and are satisfied that the proposal meets all relevant requirements. With respect to the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan, the subject OPA is a site -specific exemption to a restriction on agricultural severances that does not exist in either county or provincial policy, and to that end, the OPA is considered by County Staff to be a local matter / discretion on the part of the Bayham Council. Further, County Staff would note that the circumstances with respect to this OPA (i.e. a contiguous farm consolidation that added three residences to a farming operation) are somewhat unique, and were likely not contemplated by the local OP. Financial Implications: There are no identified direct financial implications to the County with respect to the approval of the proposal. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring alignment of ® Planning for and ❑ Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Page 11 of 145 Local Municipal Partner Impact: This amendment will directly impact the Municipality of Bayham. Communication Requirements: The Notice of Decision will be sent to the applicant, Municipality of Bayham and those prescribed under the Planning Act. Conclusion: Based on the above analysis it is recommended that County Council approve OPA No. 36 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham as the amendment is: • Consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement; • Conforms to the County of Elgin Official Plan, and the intent of the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan; and, Constitutes good planning and is in the public interest; All of which is Respectfully Submitted Paul Hicks Acting Manager of Planning Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 12 of 145 AMENDMENT NO. 36 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYH,A,M SUBJECT: Underhill Farms Ltd. 55032 Vienna Line The following text constitutes Amendment No. 36 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham Page 13 of 145 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham by By-law No. 2024-011, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th day of March 2024. MAYOR Page 14 of 145 THE Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1) THAT Amendment No. 36 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham is hereby adopted, 2) THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make an application to the County of Elgin for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 36 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham. 3) THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by Elgin County. ENACTED AND PASSED this 7th day of March 2024. �"' ._ -, MAYOR �x LERK Page 15 of 145 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 36 1. PURPOSE The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to add a new site -specific sub -section to permit the severance of an existing dwelling made surplus through farm consolidation that does not conform to Section Currently, Section requires that where a farm parcel with more than one existing dwelling is being consolidated into a farm operation, only one dwelling may be severed from that farm parcel, and no more than one severance of a surplus dwelling shall be allowed from an original farm parcel regardless of changes in boundary or ownership. As such, the purpose of the Official Plan Amendment would be to permit the severance of a surplus farm dwelling from a farm parcel where more than one dwelling and severance of a surplus farm dwelling had previously occurred on the subject lands as a result of a farm consolidation. This would facilitate a future Consent application to sever the existing dwelling. The Official Plan Amendment will be applicable to lands known as Part Lot 10, Concession 3 and known municipally as 55032 Vienna Line. The subject lands are characterized as a farmed parcel with a residential dwelling, pool to the rear of the residential dwelling, and accessory barn and concrete pad associated with the existing agricultural operations. Several accessory buildings pertaining to the agricultural operations are also located further west from the existing residential dwelling, notably towards centre of the subject lands and furthest point west. The subject lands are located at 55032 Vienna Line, north side, and west of Brown Road. The subject lands have an approximate lot area of 118 hectares (291 acres), an estimated lot frontage of 967 metres (3,172 feet) along Vienna Line, and a lot depth of 1,250 metres (4,101 feet). The existing paved driveway with access onto Vienna Line currently serves the existing residential dwelling to be severed. The existing unpaved access currently serves the existing barn and agricultural operations on the proposed retained lot. The agricultural lands have sufficient frontage onto Vienna Line. The Page 16 of 145 surrounding lands are agricultural in all directions, with several rural residential lots along Vienna Line not supported by agricultural operations. The Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 and the Elgin County Official Plan permit surplus farm dwelling severances where appropriate and where new residential dwellings are prohibited, which in the Municipality of Bayham is accomplished by way of Conditions of the Consent to have the owners obtain Zoning By-law Amendment approval from the Municipality. Where a farm parcel with more than one existing dwelling is being consolidated into a farm operation, the Bayham Official Plan only permits one dwelling and one severance of a surplus farm dwelling. It is understood the subject lands were previously merged as a result of a farm consolidation where three (3) distinct parcels existed, each containing a residential dwelling. It is understood that two of the three residential dwellings were previously severed in 2003, and that the applicant is seeking to sever the third residential dwelling on the remnant agricultural parcel that has existed since 1996. Given the length of time the residential dwelling has existed on the subject lands and is no longer required by the owner as a result of a previous farm consolidation, therefore, specifically permitting the requested surplus farm dwelling severance by way of new policy text section indicating the location of the lands and permission for the severance would be in conformity to the Official Plan. C�rl��_11'�'1<�T _ ►r � ► r � a) Section 2.1.7 of the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham is hereby amended to add the following subsection: Notwithstanding Section, the dwelling located in Part Lot 10, Concession 3 and known municipally as 55032 Vienna Line, and existing as of February 2024, may be severed as a surplus farm dwelling, where more than one dwelling and severance of a surplus farm dwelling had previously occurred on the farm parcel as a result of a farm consolidation. Page 17 of 145 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services Date: April 9, 2024 Subject: PS 24-5 Land Division Committee Remuneration / Procedural Change Recommendation(s): THAT Council for the County of Elgin receive the report entitled "PS 24-5 Land Division Committee Remuneration" and file it for information; AND THAT Council provide direction to the Director of Legal Services to prepare the necessary amendments to By -Law No. 23-03 to adjust the remuneration of LDC members and By -Law No. 23-05 to revise the procedure of the LDC; Introduction: This report advises Council of correspondence received from the Chair of the Land Division Committee ("LDC') requesting that Council consider adjustments to the Land Division Committee remuneration. Specifically, the LDC is requesting adjustments to its compensation and procedures to permit LDC members to conduct site visits and be compensated for their attendance, and, an increase in per -meeting compensation. Staff recommend changes to the procedure to permit LDC members to conduct site visits. Staff are seeking direction on whether Council wishes to change the compensation of the LDC. Background and Discussion: The following request was received from the Chair of the Land Division Committee. "Following discussion at the last Land Division Committee meeting held on February 28t", the Committee has directed me to submit this letter on their behalf requesting the resumption of site visits conducted by LDC members. The members of the LDC feel that visiting sites within their own municipalities would aid in our understanding of the applications being presented and allow us to make more informed decisions. The Committee wishes to return to the system of site visits, which was utilized by the previous Committee whose term ended in October 2022. Page 18 of 145 The issue of remuneration was also discussed. It is the understanding of the LDC that the rates of remuneration have not been updated in a few years. To address this, I would like to propose an increase in the rate of pay for'/2 day meetings from $150 to $175 and for full -day meetings from $300 to $350. It is our understanding that mileage paid for attendance of the LDC meetings in person is the same rate of pay which County staff receive and already takes into consideration increases in the CPI, for which we are thankful." The procedures of the LDC are governed by By -Law No. 23-05. Section 15 of the LDC Procedural By -Law states: 15. Site Visits Site visits shall only be conducted by the Secretary -Treasurer or designate. The general purpose of site visits is to gather relevant information for planning reports and to ensure that public notice was posted on the subject lands in accordance with the requirements in the Planning Act and O. Reg. 197/96. This provision was created in By -Law No. 23-05 for the first time as there was a lack of clarity regarding the purpose of site visits. This is a long-standing issue that the County, LDC and Secretary -Treasurers have attempted to resolve. This is demonstrated through the iterations of the appointment By -Laws establishing the LDC in each term of Council, where there have been attempts to deploy various descriptions around the concept of site visits. In 2011 the by-law contemplated members performing `investigations' and that they may attend local councils to speak to the applications. In 2015 the description was revised. It did continue to use the word `investigations' but no longer referenced attendance at local councils. The reference to `investigations' and historical practice of the LDC created the incorrect implication that the intention of site visits is for the local member to provide their own land -use planning opinion evidence based on information learned from the `investigations'. This led to the 2023 revision. Prior to the prevalence of detailed site mapping being readily available, site visits were the logical method of understanding the context of a planning application. The necessity of site visits has diminished over the past fifteen years as easy access to high detail orthophotography and GIS data has increased. The merit in permitting members to conduct site visits within their local municipality is that it is helpful to understand the complete context of the application, particularly where there are unusual natural elements or topography, or potential planning conflicts with neighboring uses that benefit from observation. The site visit can be utilized by the Member to formulate questions that can be put to the applicant or LDC staff to ensure that any concerns raised by the site visit are addressed with sufficient detail for the Committee to make an informed decision. The drawback in site visits is that they create a potential for one member of the Committee to impact the decision of the entire Committee based on conversations or Page 19 of 145 observations made during a site visit that could lack procedural fairness or be substantively incorrect with regard to land use planning merit. The Director of Legal Services advises that section 15 of the LDC Procedural By -Law can be revised to permit site visits by Members while also providing guidance and clarity on the purpose and conduct of site visits. Staff recommend that site visits should not be mandatory, and, the Member who is appointed from each local municipality should be the member that conducts the site visit within the subject municipality on each application. Staff will work to put together a summary guide for site visits. With regard to compensation specifically for site visits, the County can either pay mileage —which is accounted for in By -Law No. 23-03—or re-establish a per visit rate, which is suggested to be $70.00 (prior to 2023 it was set at $60.00 in 2011 and remained static through 2022). In the event there is a per -visit rate, then mileage would not be payable It is expected that the budgetary impact of a fixed rate of $70.00 would be approximately $6,300.00. With regard to the request for an increase to per meeting compensation, administration advises that the per -diem for a meeting at $150 was set in 2011, with no differentiation between a half -day meeting and a full -day meeting. Most LDC meetings are only half a day or less. With an uptick in the number of meetings that went over a half -day, the full - day rate of $300 was implemented in 2019. It is a standard practice across Ontario for Committees, hearing officers, etc., to have both a half day and full day rate. Should Council wish to increase the compensation as requested in the LDC's correspondence, it would have a maximum potential impact of $4,200.00 per year, but would likely have an impact closer to $2750-$3000, because not call meetings are full - days. The LDC is designed to be revenue neutral, with the application fees set to cover the costs of its operation. As a result, it is recommended that should Council wish to add a per site visit fixed rate and the increase to compensation, application fees should be increased by $100.00 per application. Financial Implications: The increase in costs associated with the requests by the LDC should be off -set by an increase of $100.00 per application. This will be given effect in the fees and charges by- law, which is anticipated to come before Council for consideration at the next Council meeting. Page 20 of 145 Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ❑ Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: None. Communication Requirements: The decision of Council will be communicated to the LDC. Conclusion: Staff present a report to Council for its consideration of revisions to the procedural by- law and compensation for the LDC. Staff recommends revision to the procedural by-law regarding site visits and seeks Council direction regarding compensation. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Nicholas Loeb Director of Legal Services Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 21 of 145 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services Date: April 9, 2024 Subject: Library, Museum and Archives 2024 Service Update Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "Library, Museum and Archives 2024 Service Update" dated April 9, 2024 from the Director of Community and Cultural Services be received and filed. Introduction: This report provides County Council and the public with recent service and project updates for Elgin County Library, Elgin County Museum and Elgin County Archives. Background and Discussion: The following is a general update on recent programs, projects and initiatives at each institution, with illustrations attached in many cases: Elgin County Library • Income tax clinics are being hosted at both Belmont and West Lorne branches, facilitated through the Canadian Revenue Agency's Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. The program provides free income tax support to those with modest incomes. • Employment Services Elgin is now hosting individual employment support sessions at Dutton, West Lorne and Rodney branches. An employment counsellor is available to assist clients at all three branches through regular weekly hours. This is part of the agency's revised service delivery model as it scales back services offered directly at its West Lorne location and takes advantage of the library's ability to provide space at locations that are more convenient for many of the clients being served. Page 22 of 145 • Staff have developed a program to provide service to individuals experiencing precarious housing situations who may have been previously ineligible for a library card due to lack of a permanent address in Elgin County. These individuals are asked to fill out a postcard in the branch which is mailed to a temporary home address in Elgin County of the individual's choosing. The individual then brings the postcard back to the branch and a library card is registered with that address. This is another initiative in the library's diversity, equity and inclusion strategy. • All branches are participating in a program called "1000 Books Before Kindergarten" which is being managed through the library's Beanstack account which allows families to track their progress relative to collective and individual reading goals. March Break was once again a busy time for all ten branches, with programs encompassing reptile shows, magicians, crafts, escape rooms, ventriloquism, fossils and board games, among many others. Attendance at programs remains highly popular with advanced registration often required to conform to occupancy limits. Several programs reported attendance of at least 50 children and a program featuring reptiles attracted over 250 people at the Keystone Complex in Shedden. All branches are running educational programming surrounding the total solar eclipse that will encompass much of Elgin County on April 8t". Six branches are also open that day for viewing opportunities. Explore our eclipse -Chemed learning and library resources ........;:N.!r.:.�N. The delivery van has recently been re -branded as the "Bookmobile", incorporating archival images reflecting Elgin County Library's rich tradition of mobile deliveries. This rebranding is timely as staff are currently working on a pilot project to bring a bookmobile service to long-term care and retirement home facilities. Council can expect further information on this initiative in the coming weeks. • All ten branches participated in this year's Winter Reading Arctic Circle Challenge during February, which was also managed online through Beanstack and in person in branches. Kids and families read for 2,964 hours to beat the challenge of reading 2,646 hours and thus successfully snowshoed 2,646 kms from Elgin County to the Arctic Circle. Elgin County Museum / Elgin County Heritage Centre • Over 60 people attended a presentation by former Warden Paul Baldwin on harmonica virtuoso Tommy Riley and his father James, leader of Elmdale Public School's award -winning harmonica band in the early 1930s. This event also attracted significant media attention. Page 23 of 145 • The Museum's current exhibit is called `Port Stanley — Canada's Coney Island'. This exhibit highlights entertainment and beach attractions over the years as part of Bicentennial celebrations to mark the naming of the village. The Heritage Centre was once again open on Family Day with just over 50 children and their families visiting and partaking in activities along a beach theme to tie into the current exhibit. Similar programming was also offered over March Break. • In May 2023, Council authorized the production of an interpretive mural depicting the settlement story of Oneida Nation of the Thames on the exterior of the Elgin County Heritage Centre. Staff are pleased to report that this mural has been completed and was entirely produced by volunteers at the Oneida Language & Cultural Centre. The mural depicts the 1840 settlement journey of the Oneida Nation of the Thames, a journey that took them from upstate New York, across Lake Erie and through present-day Elgin County to lands on the Thames River. Installation on the Heritage Centre's westward facing exterior wall is expected shortly. A formal launch ceremony is being planned for a County Council meeting in May or June 2024 and involving representatives of both Oneida and County Council. Further details to follow. • Collection review activities continue in earnest. A contract Museum Collection Assistant will be on staff for the remainder of 2024 to assist with processing and de -accessioning of artifacts relative to the museum's current mandate. This position is being funded entirely through donations, including the Bushell Estate and funds received from the estate of Ms. Joan Watt. • Madeleine Howard has now assumed the role of Curator for the museum effective March 21St. succeeding Mike Baker who recently retired. A celebration of Mike's career took place at the Heritage Centre on March 28t" 2024. • The Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee met for the first time in 2024 in February to review the museum's operations and get updates from other County museums. Councillors Giguere and Hentz serve as Council's representatives on this committee. The committee generally meets at least four times per year. Elgin County Archives Planning has begun to move public services and staff working areas to the 4tn floor of the building from the current location in the basement. The imminent completion of accessible elevators that serve the entire building now make this move possible and will create a more welcoming space for researchers and staff. Museum and archives staff will also be able to work in the same location to create better synergies. Modest capital improvements will be completed on the 4t" floor in the coming months to accommodate this move which will be contained within existing funds in the capital budget. The archives current space in the basement will be maintained as climate -controlled storage and workspace for special projects. Page 24 of 145 • Newspaper Digitization Project - Roughly 87,491 newspaper pages were scanned in 2023 and so far, 23,738 pages have been scanned in 2024. St. Thomas Times -Journal newspapers covering the First World War and the Inter - War period (1914-1938) have been digitized and made available to the public. A substantial portion of this project is made possible due to the generous support of the Blidner Family Foundation ($20,000 annually since 2021). The project has sparked the interest of other heritage organizations in the area. Several have contacted us asking how they can start their own digitization program. We have spoken to members of the Norfolk County Archives, the Region of Peel Archives, Haileybury Heritage, and now the London Library about our project, technology, and techniques. • Migration to Andornot Cloud hosting services - Andornot Consulting based out of Vancouver have been our database consultants since the Archives was established in 2002 for both our in-house and online databases. Due to the large amount of data that we were constantly adding to the County's servers, and the threat of complications with nearing capacity, we have successfully migrated our databases, associated media, and web interfaces to Andornot's servers. • 2023 saw a significant increase in social media activity for the Archives. In 2023, the Archives reached an approximate total of 5.8 million people from just over 1,000 social media posts across Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter). This is a 60% increase from 2022. The highest reach and engagement came from the Archives Facebook account. The most popular Elgin County photograph on Facebook for the past year was the exterior of Mackie's/Port Stanley boardwalk, ca. 1947 (see attached). That post reached over 110,000 people and was interacted with just over 7,000 times. The Instagram reel created by our Digitization Assistant Tysha Rieger was our most engaged with Instagram reel and post for 2023. It showcased the newspaper digitization process. The reel was played almost 1,200 times and received 108 interactions. Our average Instagram post sees between 20-40 interactions. This reel can be accessed • Outreach - Some recent highlights include running Green Screen programs at the Horton Farmers Market in St. Thomas and at the Port Stanley and Shedden libraries. Also, we made a presentation to Grade 7 and 8 students at the Southwold Public School on the difference between primary and secondary sources as a way to prepare them for a local history essay competition. Financial Implications: Not applicable. Alianment with Strateaic Priorities: Page 25 of 145 Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ® Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Im Local municipalities are kept informed on matters such as maintenance of library branch facilities and are responsive in this regard. Archives continues to accept regular transfers of records from local municipal partners. Communication Requirements: All three services have a vibrant social media presence and update websites on a regular basis. Conclusion: Council can expect further updates on library initiatives such as a mobile delivery service and branch performance relative to recently released guidelines. 2024 will be a year of transition for both museum and archives due to staffing changes and plans to relocate services in the Elgin County Administration Building. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Brian Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 26 of 145 March 5th-Apri'l 30th.2024 Do you have a modest income and a simple tax situation? Volunteers may be able to complete your tax and benefit return. Must meet eligibility requirements. p p ""i "r ;-:1 r',, t 5- erqpu: E--, d� Must bring ID, all tax slips, receipts, etc. to appointment. Please call for more information or to book an appointment. West Lorne Library 160A Main Street ElginWest Lorne, Ontario NOL 2PO 519-768-1150 www.elgincounty.ca/librarV Page 27 of 145 0 IE Revenue Canada's 0111TID Prn rnm A A "PA? WHO? For those whose incomes are modest* and tax situation simple WHAT? Taxes are prepared & submitted while you wait WHERE? Hosted by Belmont Library, lower level WHY? Simple tax returns are completed at no cost through the Community Volunteer Income Tax program offered by Revenue Canada • No appointment necessary • Bring ALL tax forms with you • Photo I.D. is required Modest income is classified as $35,000 if you are single, $45,000 if you are married, and $2,500 each dependent or child. ,10 11 Qi QUESTIONS? Please email ElginCountyLibrary btsnan@outlook.com Page 28 of 145 (�, Alarge crash backed up �- __-, y..,.= py.., -_ iru._J area t adopting the winker -drier irng A..➢L tlll$IGAY L6bH: allA II$oRir, .P'41. the large crash sent one pc eastbound traffic for several kilometres nairidset,," OOP +Const. Brett Phair hospital with bij uries not on a said in a video on social eredlife-threattening, Jrl ; 1 sectionofHwy 402Thursday, Jan. is, media. "We know it's snowing, Atabout noon, therews arnid snowfall and an ongoing we brow roads are stick, , , we crash i'that, closed the ran deep freeze that had police urging need every driver to slow down, necthng Loangwoods Psoae caution, Drivers were stuck along the add some time, add some distance and be patient," eastbound 402 lanes. The 4 clearedandreopenedbyabi highway connecting London to Three school buses were in- pan, Sarniaforseveralhoursafterrwhat volved in crashes in the region, Ontario ProvincialPolick appeared to be a collision involy- police said, ranCounty alsoreporced a ing atleast two tractortrailers. The There had been no injuries bus,crashedslojxgKipper logjam was in the eastbound lanes across the region as of about 10 which, runs north of H s ofthe 402 near Longwoods Road, a,mm„ Pheir noted, '(But) the only There were,three high sot southwest ofLondon. wayto ensurethere are no injuries aboard, but nobody waaln Police said there were"multiple isifwehaveaiocollisiosaa" lice said, vehicles offthe road" on the 402. As of about lI aan,, one trucker Two schoolbuseo were sr! The crashes across the region told Postmedia he'd already been in separate crashes onTalb, +, �„r,/L�sll„ !�✓,v/F1'1PIEf rlr,,,,c„/rli,G'v'�/��u111ry/�d// t a n$ ra ,m t NO /% li EM �� /�n 20 Page 29 of 145 ,e Sato i lnolnce scud. non to About 15 minutes latpr, a School n-ind- bus miss hithornbebanadby a vehl— e know it's cis on Talbot Line easll of Power also a vconx- snowing, we Road, police said. There were „ sto,dentso nthebussandtwopeopli o the ]{Z'gow roads in the vehicle, No injuries were re 2was s hso are slick ,;; , we ported, and the investigation hnto the crash continues, police said, needy every Eastbound'401 lanes near Rod- nHu- driver d7 slow neyinChatha-I>entwereblocbed chool late onthe Thursdaynnoc nI, load, down, add to another crash, police said, xsell. olers SC1Z�le ZYYIe; add In the city, London poli�ceurged t„pQ- sd37"'Yde distance drivers to berespettfUlofaeoww rs,,:. moval vehicles, and bP. patieZ' t "Never pass a worki ng snoww- alved plow. It puts you and; others ap. Line risk,"tbeywaanedonsocial rnedia. � fir/ r/ ni/ r iri r ii r i Cat t,bw i u d s neerio / k �k j.... ul `/ri ti � 1 TV, C l� JJ T I n�l a I ElginCourityLlbrary Thank you for visiting one of our Elgin County Library branches to get a library M5 MIF MR. to yourself. We will mail it to you. 3. Bring it back to us to get your Elgin County EiginCountyLibrary Page 31 of 145 j11 //%' y %. / l/ l �� / I 1/ I 1, /% jj/ l�li% j ERGARTEN "IJ/D%%/f/„ //////////��/%% �%// �� �/�/ Irk � l ���/i �� !� �//10 �i / if/ l % %//% r l jiai i t ,/, E O TRACK ON STARTT KEEPING IMT C I� OR I ( LIBRARY STAFF A PAPER VERSION . / [CC The name 000 Books Before Kindergarten is used with permissiT- 71 Page 32 of 145 Page 33 of 145 Page 34 of 145 Page 35 of 145 January ¥SQ»\»30 . March w , - 'ALI - > .Elgin , . County .:, . . . »w .w.2,..r:¥m y <«<+ challenged }# n ! :.� 222,,z., w. read enough 1:e.e::e » o \4 :d ¥� w d 4 y w., .:..:. a §. �: „:,� 2 �«»:� 2< n \he yd i� !Collective « they read enough to walk 29 ©/° -d is 318 \(22 ■««e than we needed! 7867 ?e d.re ; d\ Elgin County\ ElginCounty Library mm N Aylmer /1 Dutton Stanley g§' Ay mer 0' Port BIL rwe Delmont p Port S Rodney 0 Shedden Jill Springfield 7 Straffordville West Lorne Week I Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 177,867 rninute4egeeAq in Elgin County London's Deputy Mayor, Shawn Lewis & Director of Community and. Cultural Services, Brian Masschaele 14134 Belmont Road P.O. Box 149 Belmont, Ontario NOL1BO|51S'044-15OO Page 38of145 [19lu County Ai chlvLs Elack and vh1s phoscaraph shimno 'ne e�-,crior %lacim , 3 in Port Si ) n ru,/, c a j r1Cj r i, pi, from J o I If, i wLk f,, i rL,, IdR Rob R050 WhIle, Andy a could oet tood cld Silven"Ood" ceclt'M) 0- Lfl, 17,11AV Hid, U-y TI— loved Don ST'Inley I lived in St Tlhoma5 , back. in The tittie: [ iya[ld hitch hike to Port STanisy Rank Then t he re Yves th p 000 i"d vv,) I k with all s irts of game, a little mi matu,i a golf, cowse and a roller ninle, anci of course the or Stork C 1 .1110 In how I I a Y See more 0 1" LIndi Mowl,smud, RcIpli,¢, I ret1emt7er this well, What a jreaT way to ,pend a quincl aT Markip, on the bitaidwalk Page 42 of 145 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Peter Dutchak, Director, Engineering Services Tyson Edwards, GIS and Asset Management Coordinator Date: April 9, 2024 Subject: Geographical Information Systems — Shared Service Agreement Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled, Geographical Information Systems — Shared Service Agreement, be received and filed; and, THAT the Warden and CAO be authorized and directed to execute the Geographical Information Systems Shared Service Agreement with Elgin's local municipal partners. Introduction: Since 2021, the County of Elgin has established and operated a web -based Geographic Information System (GIS) platform (called "Elgin GeoHub") to meet the County's needs, provide a service to our local municipal partners (LMPs) and the public. A shared service agreement has been prepared to formalize the current arrangement, define service expectations, and provide mechanisms for additional services that could be provided by the County. Background and Discussion: A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a set of tools for mapping and analyzing things that exist and events that happen. GIS integrates and organizes layers of spatial data (where things are) with non -spatial or descriptive data (what things are) to give a better understanding of a place or process and can play an important role in supporting the day-to-day operations of a municipality. Municipalities have continued to embrace GIS technology solutions to store and utilize their data that integrates into daily operations and the delivery of public services. As one example, an expected increased use of GIS internet-based mapping applications is required for municipalities to maintain compliance indefinitely with the Municipal Asset Management Planning Regulation (O.Reg. 588/17). Land use planning, Municipal Drainage, 911 property addressing, Conservation Authority regulated areas, and public Page 43 of 145 works asset maintenance/work orders are some other examples of regularly utilized data sets and tools that municipalities and other stakeholders rely upon daily. In 2021, County Council approved the establishment a secure web -based enterprise GIS platform (I�:l. null �.�&� ���Ilu«.pll� �II¢i'iii�u e�/ ) for the County's own needs and for use of its member municipalities who wished to participate and at the County's cost. Now, after 3 years of experience, all of Elgin's partner municipalities are utilizing this system to varying degrees. The Municipality of Central Elgin who had partnered with the City of St. Thomas for GIS services for many years is now migrating their data to Elgin's GIS server. The Township of Malahide, who pioneered GIS services across Elgin is also migrating over to the County servers as they close out the use of their own systems. Currently there are 65 municipal employees who regularly use the system and this number is expected to grow as technical staff who specialize in GIS are being hired by municipalities and they integrate more municipal activities to GIS solutions. Over the last 12 months, approximately 15,000 people accessed the system verifying that the public and other stakeholders utilize this portal and the information and tools it provides. This regional service has been provided by the County since 2021 without formal agreement. In order to formalize the GIS data hosting, management and administration services the County provides, a formal agreement has been prepared and attached to this report for Council's information. The agreement includes a standard list of ongoing services provided by the County (Schedule `A') which includes the following: • Provide secure access to the GIS server, Municipal Databases, ArcGIS Online, Geocortex and Portal. • Act as the administrator of the GIS server, providing permissions/licenses and access credentials to municipal users. • Ensure data backups are completed and software licenses are renewed. • Maintain and update as required: property parcel fabric, municipal addressing and road network shapefiles. • Add datasets to the Geocortex internal and external facing websites, as requested. • Provide training for municipal staff to access and navigate GIS products. • Circulate County -wide GIS data to approved third party agencies (e.g. MOH, OPP, OMAFRA, Tillsonburg Dispatch) These base services will establish a consistent platform across the County and set service expectations. The agreement provides a mechanism whereas an LMP can request additional services be completed for their own needs. The County will receive all requests and has the authority to either accept or decline additional project work requests and with 2 business days. If accepted by the County, a timeline for completion and an estimate of the staff hours required to complete the project will be provided to the requesting municipality. If accepted by the requesting municipality they would reimburse the County at the hourly rate of $75 as prescribed in the agreement. Page 44 of 145 The agreement has been presented to Elgin's CAOs in a recent meeting with consensus. Financial Implications: The approximate annual cost to utilize the ESRI Enterprise GIS software license and GeoCortex suite is $90,000 annually. This cost does not include periodic consulting, server hardware/maintenance costs and staff time. A new 3-year term of the ESRI Enterprise License agreement has recently been renewed by the County and it requires each participating municipality to sign a data sharing agreement. Those agreements have been circulated for execution to each LMP Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ❑ Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ❑ Delivering mandated ❑ Enhancing quality of programs and services ❑ Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: Building upon the success of the County wide GIS service pioneered by the Township of Malahide and re-established at the County in 2021, the County's GIS system continues to evolve and provides a necessary regional service. Page 45 of 145 Communication Requirements: GIS staff from the County and participating municipalities continue to meet and collaborate to resolve both individual and/or common GIS service priorities. Conclusion: In 2021, Elgin County Council approved the establishment of a County wide GIS System for access and use by Elgin's municipal partners and the public. After 3 years of evolution and success, all of Elgin's municipalities are utilizing the system to varying degrees and their use is expected to grow. A formal agreement has been prepared and presented to local CAOs which defines the services provided and includes a mechanism to acquire additional staff services for individual project needs. Staff recommends that the attached agreement be circulated to Elgin's municipal partners for execution. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Peter Dutchak Director, Engineering Services Tyson Edwards GIS and Asset Management Coordinator Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 46 of 145 Page 1 of 16 THIS AGREEMENT made the day of , 2024 BETWEEN: Corporation of the County of Elgin (hereinafter referred to as "Elgin") and [Local Municipal Partner Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality") WHEREAS: 1. The Corporation of the County of Elgin is an upper -tier municipal corporation incorporated pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 R.S.O. c. M. 25, as amended or replaced (the "Municipal Act, 2001'). 2. The Municipality is a lower -tier municipal corporation incorporated pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 and is one of the constitutent local municipalities within the geographic limits of Elgin County. 3. The Municipality, from time to time, requires certain on -demand Goegraphic Information Systems ("GIS") services with regard to its operations. 4. Elgin is prepared to provide GIS services to the Municipality. 5. Elgin and their GIS staff have the requisite skill, experience and knowledge necessary to carry out the GIS services required; 6. The parties wish to formalize their contractual relationship through this Agreement. IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and other terms and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties hereby covenant, promise and agree each with the other as follows: Page 47 of 145 Page 2 of 16 Definitions 1. In this Agreement, a) "Confidential Information" means any information that is supplied in confidence explicitly or should be reasonably understood to have been supplied in confidence and includes, but is not limited to, Personal Information as defined in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and information that is subject to confidentiality requirements due to third -party agreements, licences or other instruments; b) "Director" means the person holding the position of the Director of Engineering of Elgin; c) "Elgin" means the Corporation of the County of Elgin; d) "Elgin CAO" means the person holding the position of Chief Administrative Officer of Elgin; e) "Elgin Council" means the municipal Council of Elgin; f) "GIS System" means the system for capturing, storing, checking and displaying data in a geographic manner, including the hardware and software that, in conjunction, is used to provide the Services, including but not limited to the locally hosted servers, software, software as a service, licences and data; g) "LMP CAO" means the person holding the position of Chief Administrative Officer of the Municipality; h) "Services" means the registered professional planner services to be provided by the County pursuant to this Agreement and as specified in clause 5 of this Agreement. General 2. Elgin is a municipal corporation governed by Warden and Council and operated by administration, who is hereby authorized to administer this Agreement save for those areas specifically limited herein. 3. The Municipality is a municipal corporation governed by Mayor and Council and operated by administration, who is hereby authorized to administer this Agreement save for those areas specifically limited herein. 4. The Schedules attached hereto are incorporated into and form part of this Agreement. Page 48 of 145 Page 3 of 16 Elgin GIS Services 5. Elgin agrees to perform the GIS services described in Schedule "A" to this Agreement. 6. Elgin has the unfettered right pursuant to this Agreement to: a) Establish procedures and protocols for how requests for GIS Services are initiated by the Municipality; b) Determine the timing and method of performing the GIS Services; c) Assigning personnel to the GIS Services; d) Determine the delvierables that the County can offer; 7. Elgin will use commercial reasonable efforts, having regard to all of the circumstances including existing workload, personnel availability, the complexity of the GIS Services request and any other factor it deems relevant, to provide timely GIS Services. 8. The Municipality specifically acknowledges that the GIS Services of the County are provided to other local municipal partners within the geographic area of Elgin County and that GIS Services that are requested that are similar in nature to requests by other local municipal partners may be grouped together, the deliverables and work product may be shared with other local municipal partners and the ser Elgin GIS System and Hosting 9. Elgin hosts the Municipality's GIS data on Elgin servers and provides access to the Municipality to its GIS system. The Municipality hereby acknowledges and agrees that such hosting and access is subject to the following terms and conditions: a) The Municipality shall have the ability to access the GIS system through credentials provided to it by Elgin. The Municipality is solely responsible for restricting access to such credentials as needed and shall do so at its sole risk and shall release, save harmless and indemnify Elgin from any damages or claim arising out of access to the GIS system by its credentials whether authorized or unauthorized. b) Elgin disclaims, provides no warranties, assurances or representations with regard to GIS data hosting. c) The Municipality acknowledges and agrees that the GIS System is provided on an "as is" and "where available" basis and Elgin makes no guarantee, warranty, representation or condition of accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the GIS System for the Municipality's purpose or intent, save and except where Elgin has agreed to create specific data or layers pursuant to a GIS Service retainer as set out herein or otherwise described in Schedule "A". Page 49 of 145 Page 4 of 16 d) The Municipality acknowledges and agrees that Elgin makes no representation, warranty or condition that its server will be continuously available or will function without interruption; that access to its server or GIS system will be compatible with the Municipality's equipment or software; that its server or GIS system will be error free or that errors will be corrected; that access to its server will be free of viruses or other destructive or disruptive components. Retainer Process 10. In order for the Municipality to retain the Elgin GIS Services, a request will be made in writing by the Municipal CAO to the Director of Engineering or designate. The written request shall include, at minimum, a detailed description of the issue, the deliverable or goal sought by the Municipality and a timeline for completion. The Director shall give best efforts to respond within two (2) business days acknowledging the request and indicating whether or not the the Service can be performed and whether the requested timeline can be met. 11. The Director may decline to provide the GIS Services at Elgin's sole and unfettered discretion. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Director will have regard to the nature of the issue, the timeline for completion, any potential conflicts of interest and the workload of Elgin's GIS Department. 12. Elgin retains the right to terminate any particular file or Service(s) if (i) circumstances arise which create an actual or potential conflict of interest with the best interests of the Municipality or Elgin, as determined in the Director's sole and absolute discretion; and/or, (ii) loss of personnel, qualification and/or experience to render the Service(s). In the event that any Service(s) are terminated pursuant to this provision it shall be without recourse by, or compensation to, the Municipality. 13. The Municipality retains the right to terminate any particular retainer, file or Service(s) at its sole and absolute discretion, by providing written notice from the Municipality's CAO to the Director. If any particular file or Service(s) are terminated by the Municipality then Elgin shall immediately cease work on the file or Service(s) and invoice for all Service(s) rendered up to the time Elgin received the written notice. Page 50 of 145 Page 5 of 16 Non -Exclusive Services 14. The Municipality shall not be required to retain Elgin to provide all or any of the Municipality's GIS Services. 15. Elgin is permitted to provide GIS Services to entities other than the Municipality. Fees and Disbursements Services 16. The Municipality shall pay to Elgin for its Services the rates set out in Schedule "B" to this Agreement which shall be the effective rates for the calendar years of 2023 and 2024. 17. The Parties agree that Elgin shall be permitted, pursuant to its unfettered discretion, to increase the said hourly rates, effective as of January 1 in any calendar year during which this Agreement is effective, commencing January 1, 2025, provided that Elgin delivers written notice of such intended rate increase prior to November 1 of the prior calendar year thereof, commencing November 1, 2024. 18. The Municipality agrees that Elgin shall be entitled to obtain reimbursement of all disbursements and expenses incurred by Elgin in relation to any Service(s) for which it is retained by the Municipality, provided that, for any specific disbursement in an amount anticipated to be in excess of $500.00, Elgin shall obtain prior written authorization from the Municipality before incurring such expense, including but not limited to any third -party fee(s). 19. Elgin shall provide detailed accounts for the Services on a quarterly basis. If requested by the CAO, the County will make available to Elgin such accounts, records, receipts, vouchers and documents for the purpose of substantiating its billings. 20. The Municipality shall pay each invoice within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Capital — GIS Hosting and Licences 21. The County shall host a GIS server, and pursuant to a ESRI Enterprise Licence, obtain licences necessary to operate a GIS system that shall, subject to the terms and conditions of such licence, be made available for use by the Municipality. 22. Pursuant to the arrangement initiated by the County in 2021, in consultation with its local municipal partners, the Municipality shall not be required to pay to Page 51 of 145 Page 6 of 16 Elgin any annual fee for GIS server or Elgin ESRI Enterprise licence costs during the Term of this Agreement. 23. Notwithstanding sections 21 and 22, should the Municipality require Elgin to obtain any licence for provision of a specific GIS service rquested by the Municipality, or should Elgin be requested by its local municipal partners to increase its hardware or software beyond the level of service offered at the commencement of this Agreement, the Municipality agrees that the County shall not be required to comply with such request at Elgin's own cost. Elgin Covenants 24. Elgin hereby covenants as follows: a) to comply with all applicable laws, legislation, directives, rules and orders, whether International, Federal, Provincial, or local in providing the Services; b) to comply with the Workplace Safety and Insurance requirements (WSIA) and Human Rights policies; c) to obtain and keep current WSIB insurance; d) to ensure that the persons in their organizations who deal with members of the public or other third parties on behalf of the Municipality or who participate in developing the Municipality's policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of goods and services to members of the public or other third parties receive training about the provision of goods or services to persons with disabilities as required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c.11, as amended; e) to supply at its sole cost and expense all staff, equipment, accommodations and technical assistance necessary to perform the Services and assume all overhead expenses in connection with the Services, save and except those specifically specified in this agreement as being at the cost of the Municipality; f) to co-operate with the Municipality CAOs, or his or her designate, and to do all things necessary to enable the Municipality's CAO to evaluate the Services as required. Elgin Representations 25.Elgin hereby represents as follows: a) that it will employ competent GIS staff to render the Services; b) that it will assign qualified GIS staff to perform the GIS Service(s) associated with any particular matter; Page 52 of 145 Page 7 of 16 c) that it will not render Services that intentionally create a conflict of interest between Elgin and the Municipality and/or any Third Party or any combination thereof; d) that where a conflict of interest is foreseeable in the provision of Services, it will identify the potential conflict as soon as practicable to the Municipality's CAO; Municipality Covenants 26.The Municipality hereby covenants as follows: a) that it will communicate with Elgin GIS staff in a timely manner, including with respect to the initial request for Service(s); b) to provide Elgin GIS staff with all relevant information and documentation, as may be requested, and to otherwise provide any assistance requested by Elgin and its GIS staff; c) that it warrants that it has the right, ability and licence to provide Elgin with all data and information that it provides to Elgin for the purpose of this Agreement; d) that it warrants that notwithstanding the generality of section 25(c), it is specifically satisfied that Elgin is a consultant for the purpose of sharing MPAC data and that in forming this agreement the Municipality is further satisfied that it meets all criteria required by MPAC to share data with Elgin; e) that it will provide Elgin with current, relevant data or policies of the Municipality that are applicable to any Service(s) that are requested; f) to at all times act honestly, ethically, and with integrity in any and all of its dealings with Elgin in respect of any Service(s) being delivered; g) that it acknowledges and agrees that Elgin County does not warrant, and specifically disclaims, the GIS Services as being fit for any particular purpose beyond any specific representations that Elgin County may make in delivering the Services; h) if required, it will enter into any licence agreement necessary by any third - party in order for the Municipality to receive GIS Services; i) that it acknowledges that in requesting the services of Elgin pursuant to this agreement that Elgin is acting as a service provider to the Municipality and that such provision of service does not violate any licence agreement that the Municipality has with any third -party; Dispute Resolution 27. In the event of a dispute between Elgin and the Municipality relating to any provision, covenant, commitment and/or obligation contemplated herein, or any Page 53 of 145 Page 8 of 16 other dispute with regard to the delivery of the Service(s), the parties hereto agree that the following process shall be used: a) The party identifying the dispute will provide written notice to the other party, including sufficient detail for the party receiving the notice to respond and, where necessary, investigate the issue. Where the Municipailty is providing written notice, it shall be from the Municipality's CAO to the Director. Where Elgin is providing written notice, it shall be from the Director to the Municipality's CAO. b) The parties agree to discuss the dispute as between the Director and the Municipality's CAO and otherwise reach consensus on a resolution of the dispute within a period of thirty (30) days, or shorter period if there is an applicable time sensitivity to the dispute. c) Should the parties not reach a consensus resolution then the dispute may be escalated to the Elgin CAO. The parties agree to discuss the dispute as between Elgin's CAO and the Municipality's CAO and otherwise reach consensus on a resolution of the dispute within a period of thirty (30) days, or shorter period if there an applicable time sensitivity to the dispute. d) Should the parties not reach a consensus resolution, either or both parties shall be at liberty to assert and/or protect their respective legal rights and interests in any manner permitted at law. 28. The parties will meet annually to review delivery of the Services and address any issues that remain outsanding that were not addressed through the formal dispute resolution process set out immediately above. Term and Termination 29.The term of this Agreement shall be from the effective date of this Agreement noted at the top of page one and shall continue until it is terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement (the "Term"). 30.Either party may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement by providing the other party with one hundred an eighty (180) days' written notice of termination. 31.Elgin may terminate this Agreement immediately, without Notice, on the occurrence of any of the following: a) Elgin no longer has qualified or competent staff to perform the Services; b) Elgin does not appropriate the required funds to operate the GIS Services in any budget year; Page 54 of 145 Page 9 of 16 c) The Municipality materially breaches its obligations pursuant to this agreement including, but not limited to, failing to pay the required fees in a timely manner; d) The Muncipality has materially misrepresented or warranted any thing or covenant at the time this Agreement was formed; 32. Upon termination, the annual fee paid by the Municipality shall be prorated to actual number of days in the year, to the termination date. Indemnity 33. Subject to section 34, the Parties hereby agree that they will, from time to time, and at all times, well and truly save, keep harmless and fully indemnify the other party (the "Indemnified Party"), its successors and assigns, from and against all actions, claims and demands whatsoever which may be brought against or made upon the Indemnified Party and against all loss, liability, judgments, claims, costs, demands or expenses which the Indemnified Party may sustain, suffer or be put to: a) resulting from or arising out of any breach, violation or non-performance of any covenant, condition, agreement or other obligation in this Agreement to be fulfilled, kept, observed and performed by the Indemnifying Party; and b) resulting or occasioned by any wrongful act, default, omission or negligence of the Indemnifying Party and those for whom it is in law responsible, including but not limited to any damage to property and any injury to any person (including death). 34. The Municipality acknowledges and agrees that it shall release and hold harmless Elgin from any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidential, consequential or special, including any costs associated with any claim or demand, arising out of a cyberattach, ransomware or other malicious attack by a third -party on Elgin information technology hardware or software including the GIS System and any licensed or SaaS product utilized by Elgin. In no event shall Elgin be liable to the Municipality in any manner whatsoever for any damages arising out of third -party interference with Elgin IT systems, including the GIS System, unless the third -party is the approved and authorized agent or contractor of Elgin. Insurance 35.The Parties shall each maintain a policy of Municipal/Commercial General Liability insurance that shall: a) have a limit of liability of not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) inclusive for any occurrence; Page 55 of 145 Page 10 of 16 b) include damage caused by vehicles owned by the Party and used in conjunction with the work either within or outside the contract limits, and shall have a limit of liability of not less than $2,000,000 inclusive for any one occurrence; Subcontractors 36.Elgin will be solely responsible for the payment of any subcontractors, consultants, agents or other Chid -parties employed, engaged or retained by it for the purpose of assisting it in the discharge of its obligations in providing the Services under this Agreement. The employment, engagement or retainer of any subcontractors and/or sub -consultants must have received prior written approval from the Municipality. Confidential Information 37. Elgin shall take all reasonable steps to keep all Confidential Information received from the Municipality confidential and not disclose any such Confidential Information to Elgin's Warden, Councillors, administration, staff, employees, servants, agents, consultants or contractors, other than to its GIS staff and associated support or supervisory staff. 38. The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that all rights, obligations and responsibilities set out in this Agreement with regard to confidentiality are subject to the Municipal Freedom of Inforrmation and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M 56, as may be amended or replaced ("MFIPPA'). 39. For the purposes of the MFIPPA and any amendments thereto, and except as expressly provided in this clause, the parties hereby acknowledge and agree that any GIS records in Elgin's possession as a result of providing the Services are within the custody and control of Elgin. Should Elgin receive an access to information request regarding records that were supplied to Elgin by the Municipality for the purpose of receiving GIS Services, then Elgin shall notify the Municipality of the request for access to the information, unless ordered otherwise by the Information and Privacy Commissioner or other authority of competent jurisdiction. No confidential information shall be disclosed by Elgin in any manner whatsoever, save and except as required by law, without the approval in writing of the Municipality's CAO, and: a) Elgin shall hold all confidential information obtained in trust and confidence for the Municipality and shall not disclose any such confidential information, by publication or other means, to any person, company or other government agency unless required by law so ordered by an authority of competent jurisdiction or unless the information is already public or has been otherwise disclosed by any party that is not Elgin; Page 56 of 145 Page 11 of 16 b) any request for approval by Elgin to the Municipality's CAO to use confidential information shall specifically state the benefit to the Municipality of the disclosure of the confidential information; c) any use of the confidential information shall be limited to the express purposes as set out in the approval of the Municipality's CAO; and d) Elgin shall not, at any time during or after the term of this Agreement, use any confidential information for the benefit of anyone other than the Municipality. No Agency or Employment Relationship 40. The Municipality and Elgin agree that Elgin, its servants, agents and employees shall under no circumstances be deemed agents or representatives of the Municipality and except as the Municipality may specifically authorize in writing, shall have no right to enter into any contracts or commitments in the name of or on behalf of the Municipality or to bind the Municipality in any respect whatsoever. Force Majeure 34. The performance of the respective parties hereto or their respective obligations hereunder shall be subject to force majeure, including, but not limited to, insurrections, riots, wars and warlike operations, explosions, governmental acts, epidemics, strikes, fires, accidents, acts of any public enemy, or any similar occurrence beyond the reasonable control of the party affected. Any party temporarily excused from performance hereunder by any such circumstances shall use its best efforts to avoid, remove or cure such circumstances and shall resume performance with utmost dispatch when such circumstances are removed or cured. Any party claiming circumstances as an excuse for delay in performance shall give prompt notice in writing thereof to the other party. Notices 35. Any notification or written communication required by or contemplated under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by electronic mail, in which case the electronic mail shall be deemed to have been delivered the day after it is sent to an e-mail address specificed below, or Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested and which shall be deemed to have been delivered five business days after the date of mailing. Addresses for such notices shall be: If to the Municipality: Page 57 of 145 Page 12 of 16 If to Elgin: Director, Engineering Services 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, ON, N5R 5V1 engineering@elgin.ca Miscellaneous 36. The waiver of any provision hereof or the failure of any party hereto to enforce any right hereunder shall apply to that provision or right only and shall not be deemed to affect the validity of the remainder hereof. 37. No departure from or waiver of the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to authorize any prior or subsequent departure or waiver and neither party shall not be obligated to continue any departure or waiver or to permit any subsequent departure or waiver. 38. This Agreement shall be constructed with all changes in number and gender as may be required by the context. Any titles used within this document are for reference purposes only and not an aid to interpretation. 39. All obligations herein contained, although not expressed to be covenants, shall be deemed to be covenants. 40. Whenever a statement or provision in this Agreement is followed by words denoting inclusion or example and then a list of or reference to specific items, such list or reference shall not be read so as to limit the generality of that statement or provision, even if words such as "without limiting the generality of the foregoing" do not precede such list or reference. 41. The parties agree that all covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement shall be severable, and that should any covenant or condition in the Agreement be declared invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining covenants and conditions and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain valid and not terminate thereby. 42. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. 43. This Agreement embodies the entire agreement between the parties with regard to the provision of the Services and associated deliverables and Page 58 of 145 Page 13 of 16 supersedes any prior understanding or agreement, collateral, oral or otherwise with respect to the provision of the deliverables and additional deliverables, existing between the parties at the date of execution of the agreement. 44. The parties have entered into this Agreement voluntarily and have had the opportunity to seek independent professional and legal advice prior to the execution of this Agreement. Where such advice has not been sought or received the party is deemed to have intentionally waived such opportunity. 45. This Agreement shall not be assignable by the either party without the prior written consent of the other party, and such written consent may be refused at the other party's sole and absolute discretion. 46. This Agreement may be signed electronically, may be executed in counterpart, and may be exchanged by scanned or faxed copy. A combination of counterparts, including counterparts bearing electronic signatures, shall be deemed to be an original. 47. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Elgin and the City have respectively executed and delivered this Agreement on the date set out above. Corporation of the County of Elgin Date Ed Ketchabaw, Warden Date Blaine Parkin, Chief Administrative Officer IlWe have the authority to bind the Corporation. [Local Municipal Partner] Page 59 of 145 Page 14 of 16 Date Date Name/Title: Name/Title: 1/We have authority to bind the Corporation. Page 60 of 145 Page 15 of 16 SCHEDULE "A" SERVICES • Provide secure access to the GIS server, Municipal Databases, ArcGIS Online, Geocortex and Portal. • Act as the administrator of the GIS server, providing permissions/licenses and access credentials to municipal users. • Ensure data backups are completed and software licenses are renewed. • Maintain and update as required: property parcel fabric, municipal addressing and road network shapefiles. • Add datasets to the Geocortex internal and external facing websites, as requested. • Provide training for municipal staff to access and navigate GIS products. • Circulate County -wide GIS data to approved third party agencies (e.g. MOH, OPP, OMAFRA, Tillsonburg Dispatch). Page 61 of 145 Page 16 of 16 SCHEDULE "B" FEES All Fees below are expressed on a per -hour basis, exclusive of HST and any disbursements: $75/hr Page 62 of 145 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Peter Dutchak, Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra, Manager of Procurement & Risk Date: April 9, 2024 Subject: Engineering Services for Multiple Bridge Rehabilitations — Contract Award Recommendation(s): THAT the contract for Engineering Services associated with the Rehabilitation of Multiple Bridges, Request for Proposal 2024-P07 be awarded to Spriet Associates London Limited in the amount of $279,900.00 (excluding HST); and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign the contract. Introduction: This report provides details on the Request for Proposal (RFP) that was issued to solicit proposals from firms to provide engineering services for the rehabilitation of multiple bridges and seeks Council's approval to award the contract. Background and Discussion: An RFP seeking professional services from interested engineering firms was recently released to provide complete project engineering, reporting, detailed design (including drawings), tender preparation, inspection and contract administration services to rehabilitate the following existing bridges: Eden Bridge (B53) — located on Eden Line, Municipality of Bayham Gillets Bridge (B27) — located on Sparta Line, Municipality of Central Elgin Mapleton Bridge (B14) — located on Belmont Road, Municipality of Central Elgin Players Bridge (B28) — located on John Wise Line, Municipality of Central Elgin Port Burwell Bridge (B45) — located on Nova Scotia Line, Municipality of Bayham This engineering assignment will extend over a two-year period in the following two (2) phase deliverables: ■ Phase 1: Engineering Designs, Tender, Permits and Approvals — 2024 Page 63 of 145 ■ Phase 2: Construction Inspection and Contract Administration — 2025 The complete RFP document and all supporting Addenda are attached to this report as Attachment 1. Information that was advertised and posted on the County's Bid Portal page I[,) dsandt ndei �.,.a. including RFP dates, proposals submitted and a complete plan takers list is attached to this report as Attachment 2. The Evaluation Committee (refer to Attachment 3) used a `Quality Based Selection Process' utilizing a "two submission method" procurement process in which proposals were received in two separate submissions. The first submission (part 1) consisting of technical and qualitative information was evaluated based on the following criteria: i) Understanding of the Project Goals, Objectives, Scope and Key Issues ii) Demonstrated Methodology and Approach to Completing Project Tasks and Deliverables iii) Demonstrated methodology and approach to public and stakeholder consultation iv) Project Manager, Experience and Qualifications v) Key Team Members and Sub Consultants (if any), Experience and Qualifications vi) Firms previous relevant experience vii) Proposed Project Workplan and allocation of staff hours and appropriate resourcing viii) Proposed Project Schedule Timelines, Milestones, Submissions, etc. ix) Quality and Cost Control Plan The second submission (part 2) consisting of the corresponding price information was reviewed and evaluated only after the information in the first submission had been evaluated in accordance with the requirements of the RFP document (refer to Attachment 1, Section 3.4). The firm selected by the Evaluation Committee is Spriet Associates London Limited. The proposal submitted by Spriet Associates London Limited was the highest scoring qualified proposal and thus represented the best complete quality submission. All Proponents that submitted a proposal to the County will be advised of the contract award and will be offered a debriefing of their individual proposal submission. Financial Implications: The total cost for engineering services, construction inspection and contract administration is $279,900 (excluding HST). The 2024 Capital Budget included $255,500 for the engineering design services for the rehabilitation of these 5 bridges. The cost of contract inspection services along with the physical project work will form part of the 2025 capital budget, therefore sufficient project amounts exist to fund these services. For Council's information, the following Page 64 of 145 estimated values have been included in the approved 2024 Budget and the proposed 2025 Capital Budget: 2024 Approved Budget Eden Bridge (B53) — $510,000 Gillets Bridge (B27) — $51,000 Mapleton Bridge (B14) — $51,000 Players Bridge (B28) — $51,000 Port Burwell Bridge (B45) — $51,000 Total = $714,000 Proposed 2025 Capital Budget Gillets Bridge (B27) — $416,160 Mapleton Bridge (B14) — $416,160 Players Bridge (B28) — $416,160 Port Burwell Bridge (B45) — $468,180 Total = $1,716,660 Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ❑ Enhancing quality of programs and services ❑ Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: Elgin's local municipal partner staff will be provided the details regarding the County's bridge rehabilitation projects. Communication Requirements: Project websites will be developed for these projects in order to inform the public and stakeholders about the project and impacts to traffic. Page 65 of 145 Conclusion: As detailed above, the Evaluation Committee completed a `Quality Based' evaluation and selection process in accordance with Request for Proposal 2024-P07, and subsequently the proposal submission from Spriet Associates London Limited was deemed the successful qualified proponent and is recommended for award All of which is Respectfully Submitted Peter Dutchak Director of Engineering Services Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 66 of 145 MlcIlniiT ent .i ElgunlCaun BRIDGE REHABILITATIONS Engineering Services REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 2024-P07 IIII II ............. IIII IIIL° IIII IIIII IIILIII' IIII' IIIII IIIII IIII IIII IIIL Proposals shall be received by the Bidding System no later than: IIII IIIII'°°IIPIIIh°°°° '" , 2024 @ 3:00 p.m. (local time) Issue Date: February 1, 2024 Documents are available in accessible format and/or with communication supports upon request. Page 67 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations - Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 INDEX DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS............................................................................ 3 SECTION 1.0 - INFORMATION TO PROPONENTS........................................................... 4 1.1 Introduction and Background.......................................................................... 4 1.2 Proposal Format and Delivery ........................................................................ 4 1.3 Designated Official.......................................................................................... 5 1.4 Questions / Inquiries........................................................................................ 5 1.5 Site Tour & Information Meeting..................................................................... 6 1.6 Addenda.......................................................................................................... 6 1.7 RFP Schedule................................................................................................. 6 1.8 Proponent Communications............................................................................ 7 1.9 Proponent Investigations................................................................................. 7 1.10 Notice of No Response................................................................................... 7 SECTION 2.0 - TERMS OF REFERENCE........................................................................... 8 2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Background..................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Consultants Scope of Services....................................................................... 9 2.4 General Design Requirements...................................................................... 10 2.5 Reporting Schedule....................................................................................... 12 2.6 Project Schedule........................................................................................... 12 2.7 Deliverables...................................................................................................12 2.8 Information Provided by the County.............................................................. 13 SECTION 3.0 - PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................. 14 3.1 Proposal Submissions................................................................................... 14 3.2 Proposal Submission Requirements - Technical Proposal (Part 1) ............ 14 3.3 Financial Submission Requirements - Financial Proposal (Part 2).............. 16 3.4 Evaluation Process........................................................................................ 16 3.5 Evaluation Criteria......................................................................................... 17 3.6 Ratings...........................................................................................................18 3.7 Presentation and Interview............................................................................ 19 SECTION 4.0 - GENERAL CONDITIONS.......................................................................... 21 4.1 Rights of the County...................................................................................... 21 4.2 Conflict of Interest.......................................................................................... 22 4.3 Modified Proposals........................................................................................ 22 4.4 Disqualification of Proponents....................................................................... 22 4.5 Confidentiality................................................................................................ 22 4.6 Proposal Assignments.................................................................................. 23 4.7 Procurement Policy....................................................................................... 23 4.8 Failure to Perform.......................................................................................... 23 4.9 Award and Agreement.................................................................................. 23 1 Page 68 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 4.10 Insurance Requirements............................................................................... 23 4.11 Indemnification.............................................................................................. 24 4.12 WSIB Requirements...................................................................................... 24 4.13 Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontario with Disabilities Act 2005 ..... 25 4.14 Disqualification.............................................................................................. 25 4.15 Record and Reputation................................................................................. 25 4.16 Proponent's Costs......................................................................................... 26 4.17 Legal Matters and Rights of the County ....................................................... 26 4.18 Human Rights, Harassment and Occupational Health and Safety .............. 27 4.19 Covid-19 Pandemic....................................................................................... 27 4.20 Clarification.................................................................................................... 28 4.21 Supplementary Information........................................................................... 28 4.22 Default / Non-Performance........................................................................... 28 APPENDIX A - SAMPLE AGREEMENT............................................................................. 29 APPENDIX B — LIST OF ATTACHED DOCUMENTS........................................................ 34 FA Page 69 of 145 HcIlniiT nt I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS The following definitions apply to the interpretation of the Request for Proposal Documents; 1. "Addenda or Addendum" means such further additions, deletions, modifications or other changes to any Request for Proposal Documents. 2. "Authorized Person" means; i. For a Proponent who is an individual or sole proprietor that person. ii. For a Proponent which is a partnership, any authorized partner of the Proponent. iii. For a Proponent which is a corporation: a) any officer of director of the corporation; and b) any person whose name and signature has been entered on the document submitted with the Request for Proposal, as having been authorized to participate in the completion, correction, revision, execution, or withdrawal of the submission, whether that person is or is not an officer or director. iv. For a Proponent that is a joint venture, the submission shall be signed by a person for and on behalf of each joint venture or, if they warrant that they have the authority vested in them to do so, one person so authorized may sign on behalf of all joint ventures. 3. "Bidding System" means the County's electronic bid portal website operated by bids&tendersTm and posted as https:ffeigincounty.bidsandtenders.ca 4. "Consultant" shall have the same meaning as Successful Proponent. 5. "Contract" means the contract arising upon the acceptance of a Proposal and award of the Contract by the County in accordance with the RFP. 6. "County" refers to the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 7. "Designated Official" refers to the Manager of Procurement & Risk for the County of Elgin. 8. "Proponent" means the legal entity submitting a proposal in response to this RFP. 9. "Proposal" means the Response in the form prescribed by this Request for Proposal Document and completed and submitted by a Proponent in response to and in compliance with the Request for Proposal. 10. "Request for Proposal (RFP)" means the document issued by the County in response to which Proponents are invited to submit a proposal that will result in the satisfaction of the County's objectives in a cost-effective manner. 11. "Successful Proponent" means the Proponent whose proposal is selected and is awarded the contract for this RFP by the County. Page 70 of 145 HcIlniiT nt I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 SECTION 1.0 - INFORMATION TO PROPONENTS 1.1 Introduction and Background The County of Elgin is situated in the heart of southwestern Ontario along the north shore of Lake Erie and due south of Highway 401 in what can be best described as a rich agricultural zone complemented by industry. The County is an upper -tier municipality comprised of seven local municipalities (excluding St. Thomas) covering an area of 460,000 acres, with a population of approximately 52,000 people. For more information on the County and the services we provide, visit www.el�incount�.ca The County of Elgin is inviting proposals from Consulting Engineers to undertake the rehabilitation design of five (5) bridges that will meet the requirements of the County as outlined in this Request for Proposal. The successful proponent will possess the requisite technical skills to deal with the matters to be addressed in the following tasks and will be required to work directly with County staff, the public and other agencies in a professional manner. The firm, in addition to technical qualifications, must exhibit skills such as timeliness, diplomacy, tact, strong communication ability and an understanding of the County. Further information regarding the scope of work is included in Section 2.0. 1.2 Proposal Format and Delivery ELECTRONIC PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS ONLY, shall be received by the Bidding System. Hardcopy submissions not permitted. All Proponents shall have a Bidding System Vendor account with bids&tendersTm and be registered as a Plan Taker for this RFP opportunity, which will enable the Proponent to download the Request for Proposal document, download Addendums, receive email notifications pertaining to this RFP and to submit their proposal electronically through the Bidding System. Proponents are cautioned that the timing of their Proposal Submission is based on when the proposal is RECEIVED by the Bidding System, not when a proposal is submitted, as proposal transmission can be delayed due to file transfer size, transmission speed, etc. For the above reasons, it is recommended that sufficient time to complete your proposal submission and attachment(s) (if applicable) and to resolve any issues that may arise. The closing time and date shall be determined by the Bidding System's web clock. Proponents should contact bids&tenders TM support listed below, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the closing time and date, if they encounter any problems. The Bidding System will send a confirmation email to the Proponent advising that their proposal was submitted successfully. If you do not receive a confirmation email, contact bids&tenders TM support at support bidsandtenders.ca. Page 71 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 Late Proposals are not permitted by the Bidding System. To ensure receipt of the latest information and updates via email regarding this RFP, or if a Proponent has obtained this RFP document from a third party, the onus is on the Proponent to create a Bidding System Vendor account and register as a Plan Taker for the RFP opportunity. Proponents may edit or withdraw their proposal submission prior to the closing time and date. However, the Proponent is solely responsible to ensure the re -submitted proposal is received by the Bidding System no later than the stated closing time and date. The onus unequivocally remains with the Proponent to ensure that the proposal is submitted electronically prior to the deadline and in accordance with the submission instructions. The County, its elected officials, employees and agents shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Proponent, prior or subsequent to, or by reason of the acceptance, or non -acceptance by the County of any proposal, or by reason of any delay in the acceptance of any proposal. The County shall not be liable for any cost of preparation or presentation of proposals, and all proposals and accompanying documents submitted by the Proponent become the property of the County and will not be returned. There will be no payment to Proponents for work related to, and materials supplied in the preparation, presentation and evaluation of any proposal, nor for the Contract negotiations whether they are successful or unsuccessful. 1.3 Designated Official For the purpose of this contract Mike Hoogstra, Manager of Procurement & Risk for the County is the "Designated Official" and shall perform the following functions: releasing, recording, and receiving proposals, recording and checking of submissions; answering queries from perspective proponents, considering extensions of time, reviewing proposals received, ruling on those not completing meeting requirements and coordinating the evaluation of the responses. 1.4 Questions / Inquiries All inquiries regarding this RFP shall be directed through the Bidding System online by clicking on the "Submit a Question" button for this bid opportunity. Questions submitted through the bidding system are directed to the Designated Official. The deadline for submitting questions is noted in Section 1.7. If during the period prior to submission of proposals, the County determines, in its sole and unfettered discretion, that part of the RFP requires formal amendment or clarification, written addenda to this RFP will be distributed to all registered Proponents. No clarification requests will be accepted by telephone, fax or in -person meeting. Responses to clarification requests will be provided to all interested parties. Inquiries must not be directed to other County employees or elected officials. Page 72 of 145 HcIlniiT nt I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 Directing inquiries to other than the Designated Official may result in your submission being rejected. 1.5 Site Tour & Information Meeting A mandatory site tour is not required as part of this RFP. It is recommended that proponents visit each of the five (5) bridge sites themselves to ensure the assignment can accurately be scoped and bid upon. 1.6 Addenda The County, may at its discretion, amend or supplement the RFP documents by addendum at any time prior to the closing date. Changes to the RFP documents shall be made by addendum only. Such changes made by addendum shall be supplementary to and form an integral part of the RFP documents and should be allowed for in arriving at the total cost. The County will make every effort to issue all addenda no later than three (3) days prior to the closing date. Proponents shall acknowledge receipt of any addenda through the Bidding System by checking a box for each addendum and any applicable attachment. It is the sole responsibility of the Proponent to have received all Addenda that are issued. Proponents should check online at https://eigincounty.bidsandtenders.ca/Module/Tendersfen prior to submitting their proposal and up until the RFP closing time and date in the event additional addenda are issued. If a Proponent submits their proposal prior to the RFP closing time and date and an addendum has been issued, the Bidding System shall WITHDRAW the proposal submission and the bid status will change to an INCOMPLETE STATUS and Withdraw the proposal. The Proponent can view this status change in the "MY BIDS" section of the Bidding System. The Proponent is solely responsible to: • make any required adjustments to their proposal; and • acknowledge the addenda; and • Ensure the re -submitted proposal is RECEIVED by the Bidding System no later than the stated RFP closing time and date. The Proponent shall not rely on any information or instructions from the County or a County Representative except the RFP Documents and any addenda issued pursuant to this section. 1.7 RFP Schedule The RFP process will be governed according to the following schedule. Although every attempt will be made to meet all dates, the County reserves the right to modify or alter any or all dates at its sole discretion by notifying all Proponents through the bidding system. Issue RFP: February 1, 2024 Last Date for Questions: February 15, 2024 Page 73 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 RFP Close: February 22, 2024 Interviews/Presentations: If required, TBD Award of Contract: March 12, 2024* *Dates noted above are an approximation only and are subject to change. 1.8 Proponent Communications Each Proponent is solely responsible to ensure that all contact information for the Proponent is accurate and updated at all times during the RFP process. Proponents may update or revise their contact information in their Bidding System Vendor account. All correspondence from the County to a Proponent will be issued through the Bidding System. 1.9 Proponent Investigations Each Proponent is solely responsible, at its own cost and expense, to carry out its own independent research, due diligence or to perform any other investigations, including seeking independent advice, considered necessary by the Proponent to satisfy itself as to all existing conditions affecting the Proposal for this RFP. The Proponents' obligations set out in this RFP apply irrespective of any background information provided by the County or information contained in the RFP Documents or in responses to questions. The County does not represent or warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information set out in the RFP Documents or made available to Proponents. The Proponents shall make such independent assessments as they consider necessary to verify and confirm the accuracy and completeness of all such information as any use of or reliance by Proponents an any and all such information shall be at the Proponent's sole risk and without recourse against the County. 1.10 Notice of No Response If you are unable, or do not wish to provide a proposal, please complete a notice of no response form in the bidding system. It is important to the County to receive a reply from all Proponents. Page 74 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 SECTION 2.0 - TERMS OF REFERENCE 2.1 Introduction The County of Elgin is inviting proposals from Consulting Engineering firms to undertake the rehabilitation of five (5) bridges as listed below and shown on the attached map: • Eden Bridge (1353) — located on Eden Line, Municipality of Bayham • Gillets Bridge (1327) — located on Sparta Line, Municipality of Central Elgin • Mapleton Bridge (1314) — located on Belmont Road, Municipality of Central Elgin • Players Bridge (1328) — located on John Wise Line, Municipality of Central Elgin • Port Burwell Bridge (1345) — located on Nova Scotia Line, Municipality of Bayham It is the intent of the County to secure an Engineering firm who will be the County's prime Consultant for the engineering and project administration of these projects. The successful Consultant and subsequent subconsultants will possess the requisite technical skills to manage and address the tasks described herein and will be required to work directly with County staff, the public and other agencies in a professional manner. Further information regarding the scope of work is included in Section 2.2. 2.2 Background The subject bridge structures have had OSIM inspections recently completed in 2023 and those reports are included with this RFP. These inspections concluded that these bridges require various rehabilitation works and their overall structure notes are as follows: Eden Bridge (1353) Steel girder bridge with a total deck area of 517m2. Built in 1967 and rehabilitated in 1998. Eccentric loader end treatments are substandard and should be replaced with code compliant end treatments. Joint seals appear to be leaking and should be replaced. Deck drains are moderate to severely corroded and should be replaced. Spalls, delaminations and severe scaling noted on soffit and deck curbs and should be repaired. Moderate to severe corrosion of girder ends should be repaired. Abutment bearings are in poor condition and should be replaced. Structural steel coating (girders and diaphragms) are generally in poor condition. It is recommended that the steel be cleaned, repaired and re -coated. Gillets Bridge (1327) Full through truss bridge with total deck area of 309m2. Built in 1930 with repairs completed to the curbs, deck and abutment in 2019. Generally, in fair to poor condition. Approach barriers and deck barrier are substandard and should be replaced with code compliant barriers. Isolated light to moderate corrosion of verticals at deck level. 4 verticals appear to be bowing / deformed on west span. A small perforation observed at end of top chord near bearing. Isolated moderate to severe corrosion and perforations at bottom chord connection plates. There appears to be Page 75 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 moderate areas of delaminated concrete on soffit at 3 floor beam locations on the west span and 3 floor beam locations on the east span. Exterior stringers have moderate to isolated severe corrosion (severe corrosion at ends of deck). Mapleton Bridge (1314) Concrete rigid frame with a total deck area of 184m2. Built in 1951. Structure generally in fair to poor condition. The concrete barrier is in poor condition and should be planned for replacement and repairs. Soffit is generally in fair to poor condition with severe spalls with wide cracking on facia and severe spalls at bridge edges. The structure is nearing the end of its service life. Players Bridge (1328) Concrete simply supported bridge with a total deck area of 823m2. Built in 1969. Structure is in generally good condition. Bridge barriers are in fair to poor condition and should be scheduled for replacement. One joint has failed and should be replaced. Port Burwell Bridge (1345) Precast concrete girder bridge. Built in 1968. Approach guiderail connections to deck barrier are substandard and should be replaced with code compliant connections. Spalls with exposed corroded reinforcing steel and disintegration on a few concrete support pedestals supporting light standards. Isolated impact damage on north deck barrier railing, east end of deck. Severe scaling of sidewalk at south-east corner of deck. Soffit interior has a few severe delaminations. Deterioration and spalls with exposed corroded reinforcing steel on west abutment. 2.3 Consultants Scope of Services The scope of work is to provide complete project engineering, reporting, detailed design (including drawings), tender preparation, inspection and contract administration services to rehabilitate the existing bridges identified above. Recently completed OSIM reports are attached to this RFP that include rehabilitation work recommendations, however, the successful Consultant will provide their own rehabilitation recommendation work scope for each structure that may differ from that which is outlined in the accompanying OSIM reports. The rehabilitation scopes presented shall address existing deficiencies in order to maintain the structure and extend its Iifecycle at the lowest Iifecycle cost. The County would note that due to the age, materials and features of Gillets Bridge, the Consultant should carry costs to complete a Municipal Heritage Bridge Checklist and Evaluation and Screening for Cultural Heritage Value or Interest. The submitted project schedule shall include any and all required pre -engineering investigations, design work, drawings, tender, applicable permits and approvals throughout 2024. The physical rehabilitation construction works of the bridges will occur during 2025. Therefore, engineering services under this contract will extend over a 2-year period. The County's intention is to secure one Contractor to complete work on all five structures during 2025. The project included in these Terms of Reference will require engineering services to rehabilitate the identified bridges, in accordance with the most current edition of the Provincial Structural Manual, the Canadian Bridge Design Code and all Provincial Standards. The most recent Page 76 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 bridge inspection form and relevant available information is included with this document for the proponent's information. Rehabilitation works and staging will accommodate one lane of vehicular traffic at all times when possible. Otherwise, roads will be closed during defined periods and a signed detour route will be designed by the Consultant, in accordance with OTM Book 7 with approval by the County of Elgin. The Consultant will be required to provide a work plan that outlines the proposed staffing arrangements to complete each task and the estimated number of hours and cost allocated to accomplish each task by staff person, in a detailed time -task matrix. The Consultant will also provide a reasonable estimate of expenses and disbursements for the duration of the project. The work plan is subject to review, and must be agreed upon by the County prior to final award, and commencement of the assignment. During the course of the assignment, the Consultant will be required to monitor and report monthly on changes between the estimated and actual number of staff hours required to complete the assignment. During the construction phase of the project, the Consultant shall provide FULL TIME construction inspection and contract administration services and act on behalf of the County to be the direct contact person for all project inquiries. The cost submitted will be considered the upset limit and shall include all disbursements and miscellaneous costs. All drawings are to be prepared in a digital format using AutoCAD Civil3D version 2018 or later. All documentation is to be as per the specifications of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Appropriate requirements of the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (2023) must be followed. This is assumed to be an exempt project under the MCEA with the exception of Gillets Bridge as noted above. The Consultant will be required to obtain and manage the services of any additional firms or sub - consultants necessary to provide information required for the completion of the project. The Proponent shall address all tasks and include the cost for all sub -consultants noted in the Terms of Reference. The Consultant shall not transfer task(s) or cost of task(s), to the County or act as a coordinator between the County and any sub -consultant or delete tasks in the RFP. The upset limit shall be inclusive of all required tasks and sub -consultants identified in these Terms of Reference. 2.4 General Design Requirements a) Conduct a project initiation meeting with the Project Team. 10 Page 77 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 b) Investigating, and confirming the present location(s) of all utilities potentially impacted by the project. Coordinating with the utility companies any possible utility stake outs and/or relocation as required. Locations of existing utilities to be collected to be displayed on design drawings. c) The Consultant will be required to liaise with and attend a reasonable number of meetings with the appropriate authorities, including but not limited to: The County of Elgin, local municipalities, utility providers (as noted above), and other regulatory agencies, as required, to obtain their input and requirements for the project. For consistency among Proponents, the Consultant shall allow for a minimum of three (3) project team meetings (including the initiation meeting) at the County Administration Building (450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, ON). d) Review all the available documents and investigate the existing conditions. Conduct a site investigation to assess the site -specific requirements related to each bridge including, but not necessarily limited to, the requirements of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code CAN.CSA S6:19, current edition, MTO Structural Manual and all other applicable MTO directives. Site investigation shall include obtaining all required structure dimensions, assessment for rehabilitating of the existing bridge structures, any approach/road reconstruction requirements, environmental protection requirements and the traffic control requirements during construction. e) Undertake field survey work required for: o Estimation of quantities o Assessment of vegetative and underground features f) Prepare detailed design drawings (1.250 scale) for construction. Incorporate comments raised by the County, agencies and the Public, where appropriate. Design drawings to be submitted to the County in a timely fashion for review and comment. g) Submit application(s), plans, supporting documentation for any agency/authority approval, as required. Attend meetings at the offices of the agencies to discuss the design and provide explanations for the purpose of furthering the application towards approval. Application fees will be paid by the County. h) Prepare Contract Documents (Special Provisions and Form of Tender) for the project including tender quantities, material lists, specifications and special provisions. The County's Standard Tender documents will be used for this project. Including a detailed itemized construction cost estimate. i) Provide a complete set of drawings in PDF and AutoCAD Civil3D digital formats and a digital copy of tender documents in Microsoft Word and/or Microsoft Excel format and one form of tender in Excel Format. 11 Page 78 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 j) The Consultant shall provide the County's Project Manager with a monthly financial report to accompany invoices, indicating the status of the project with early identification of any potential financial issues. k) The Consultant shall acknowledge that any expenditure beyond the upset limit will require appropriate written approval. 2.5 Reportinq Schedule The reporting schedule will be as follows: 70% drawing submission. 100% drawing submission including all detail plans, removals, traffic plans, etc. Preliminary form of tender and special provisions to be included with the 100% submission. Final submission to include stamped tender ready plans, specifications, form of tender and a detailed construction cost estimate. 2.6 Project Schedule The anticipated project schedule will be as follows: ➢ Kickoff Meeting April 2024 ➢ Design Concept Review (70%) June 2024 ➢ 100% Design Submission & Construction Estimate October 2024 ➢ 100% Tender Ready December 2024 ➢ Construction On or after March 2025 2.7 Deliverables The deliverables for the project are summarized below: ➢ Preliminary and detailed design plans as noted in the Reporting Schedule; ➢ Newspaper and online notifications as required (County cost); ➢ Reports, memos, communications, etc., as may be required during the course of this assignment; ➢ Approvals and permits from all external agencies for all construction to proceed; ➢ PDF and CAD format drawings and a digital copy of tender documents and form of tender. ➢ Monthly construction meeting agendas /minutes and progress payment certificates. 12 Page 79 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 2.8 Information Provided by the County The County will supply the following items: • Access to all available plans and reports (if available); • Standard template for use in preparing specifications and form of tender; • General direction to the Consultant in completing the services and granting of approvals as necessary in a timely fashion; • Review of information and plans prepared by the Consultant and comment in a timely fashion; • Other documentation as available. Attachments: Map identifying bridge locations Available bridge drawings (none for Mapleton Bridge) 2023 OSIM inspection reports 13 Page 80 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 SECTION 3.0 - PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Proposal Submissions YIII IIII'° S S�IIIIIIIIIISSIII IYS IYIII , shall be received by the Bidding System. The Proposal Submission shall comprise of two (2) separate proposal submission files as detailed in section 3.2 Hardcopy submissions not permitted. This RFP is a two -stage submission and requires that pricing be included separately as Part 2. Any submissions which contain pricing information in the Technical Proposal (Part 1) will be rendered informal and will be disqualified. All information related to fees/pricing must be submitted in Part 2 only. Failure to include the submission requirements may result in your proposal being disqualified. 3.2 Proposal Submission Requirements — Technical Proposal (Part 11 Proponents shall upload a PDF Proposal Submission to the Bidding System. The submission shall be no longer than fifteen (15) single sided pages (Arial 12 font or equivalent), excluding the Curricula Vitae. The submission should include all of the information listed in this Technical Proposal Requirements section. Each response to a request should clearly identify the section of this RFP to which it is responding (by number and heading). The Proponent should provide information of sufficient scope and depth to demonstrate the ability of the Proponent to deliver the services described in this RFP. Information submitted is subject to verification, and further pertinent information may be obtained from references. The proposal submissions must include at a minimum the following information and shall be submitted in the same sequence in order to be considered responsive. a) Section A: Overview A narrative demonstrating the firm's understanding of the full scope of services, reasons why the Proponent is interested in taking on this project and its familiarity with the County of Elgin. b) Section B: Work Program Provide a work program that includes the following: Provide a detailed project work plan summarizing the approach and methodology for the specific tasks proposed. The work plan shall include resources necessary to meet the project objectives and shall indicate the tools and techniques that will be used to ensure 14 Page 81 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 the project remains on budget and on schedule. The Proponent shall identify issues and risks associated with the project, including deviations to the project plan and how they would handle and manage the risks through the course of the project. c) Section C: Project Team — Own Personnel Identify the Project Team proposed for the assignment. For each member of the Project Team, confirm if the individual is a full-time, permanent employee of the Proponent and the estimated number of hours allocated to accomplish each task by staff person. Provide a complete company profile including the resumes and relevant experience (while employed by the proponent) of the proposed project manager. Provide confirmation that the individuals that will serve as the key personnel for the duration of the project assignment are available to work on this project. Provide prime consultant contact info for the Project Manager last two completed projects. d) Section D: Project Team — Specialist Consultants Identify the other members of the Project Team proposed for the assignment. For each member of the Project Team, identify specific role/specialty, the individual responsible, and their specific experience as it pertains to this assignment. Describe the organization of the Project Team. Demonstrate the experience and capability of the members of the Project Team. Provide resumes for all members of the project team clearly indicating that the personnel have experience in the provision of the Scope of Services; identification of the personnel's education qualifications, professional affiliations, years of experience in the field, and the number of years with the firm. It is important that your Project Team show a proven track record in designing and detailing similar facilities and show foresight in resolving problems before construction starts. Provide confirmation that the individuals that will serve as the key personnel for the duration of the project assignment are available to immediately commence on this project. e) Section E: Project Schedule Provide a comprehensive project timeline / schedule in the form of a Gantt chart (or equal) which identifies the proposed scheduling of all major project tasks as identified in the Terms of Reference including scheduling of all milestones and any scheduling dependency relationships between activities, tasks and/or phases of the project. Indicate any possible areas that have flexibility to provide time and cost savings. f) Section F: Client References Provide at least three (3) references the County may contact. References should be from sources of similar project experience relevant to the requirements of this project and include projects where various timelines and schedules were managed simultaneously and the timeline and budget were met to deliver a successful project. Where the budget and timeline were not met, include details regarding the challenges faced and the workarounds utilized in order to complete the project. 15 Page 82 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 3.3 Financial Submission Requirements - Financial Proposal (Part 2) Proponents are required to complete the electronic Pricing Forms in the Bidding System. The total estimated cost including disbursements for the work proposed shall be considered in the upset limit. Fees & expenses shall not include contingencies or HST. The proposal must clearly state which services are not included in your financial pricing submission. Part 2 will only be unsealed if Technical Proposal (Part 1) scores a minimum of 56 points out of a possible 80 points by the evaluation team. 3.4 Evaluation Process This is a multi -stage evaluation process that considers both the qualifications of the Proponent and price. Phase I: Technical Proposal Phase I of this RFP requires that vendors respond to the Technical Proposal Requirements listed in section 3.2. During this phase of the evaluation process, submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by an evaluation committee through a consensus method based on the evaluation criteria set out in section 3.5. The disclosure of the allocated weightings for each category/criteria is provided to assist Proponents in preparing a submission that best meets the requirements of the County. Only submissions which score a minimum of 56 points out of a possible 80 points in Phase I will have met the established threshold and pass to Phase II and will be given further consideration for award. Phase II: Financial Proposal Only those Proponents who have met the established threshold will enter into Phase 11. If the Proponent does not meet the minimum criteria, they will not be considered for Phase II or any subsequent award. Pricing will be unsealed and will be calculated according to the example in section 3.6. Each proposal will be evaluated on its clarity and the demonstrated understanding of the Project requirements, the services proposed and timeframes, as well as the proponent's experience and the anticipated benefit to Elgin County. A short list of firms may be created for purposes of an interview or presentation, should this be required. Proponents may be contacted to explain or clarify their proposals; however, they will not be permitted to alter information as submitted. An Evaluation Committee will be established from members of the County or any others as deemed necessary. 16 Page 83 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of all information provided by the Proponent. Each proposal will be reviewed to determine if the proposal is responsive to the submission requirements outlined in the RFP. Failure to comply with these requirements may deem the proposal non -responsive. Selection of a proposal will be based on (but not solely limited to) the following criteria and any other relevant information provided by the Proponent at the time of submission as well as any additional information provided during subsequent meetings with the Proponent. In recognition of the importance of the procedure by which a Proponent may be selected, the following criterion outlines the primary considerations to be used in the evaluation and consequent awarding of this project (not in any order). The County reserves the right to evaluate and rank each submission using criterion noted. Actual scores will be confidential. The County reserves the right to request confidential references for any of the proponent's projects listed, as well as any of the proponent's other projects, and factor the ratings from all references, whether completed or in progress. 3.5 Evaluation Criteria Submissions will be evaluated by an evaluation committee based on the following categories. The disclosure of the allocated weightings for each category is provided to assist in preparing a proposal that best meets the requirements of the County. By responding to this RFP, Proponents agree to accept the decision of the evaluation committee as final. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following weighted evaluation factors: Maximum Rated Criteria Weight Points Understanding of the Project Understanding of the Project Goals, Objectives, Scope and Key Issues 20 Methodology and Approach to Project Tasks, Deliverables and Consultation Demonstrated Methodology and Approach to Completing Project Tasks 10 and Deliverables Demonstrated methodology and approach to public and stakeholder 10 consultation that maintains a high engagement in meetings and other consultation forums in a virtual/remote format or combination thereof of in -person formats, for the duration of the assignment. 17 Page 84 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services EigonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 Project Team and Experience Project Manager, Experience and Qualifications 10 Key Team Members and Sub Consultants (if any), Experience and Qualifications 5 Project Firm Experience Firms previous relevant experience 10 Project Workplan (Time/Task Matrix) and Project Schedule Proposed Project Workplan and allocation of staff hours and appropriate resourcing 5 Proposed Project Schedule Timelines, Milestones, Submissions, etc. 5 Quality and Cost Control Plan 5 Fees / Pricing / Total Overall Cost 0 20 points e 0 3.6 Ratings The following ratings will be used to evaluate the technical portion of the RFP process. For consistency, the table below describes the characteristics attributable to particular scores between 0-10. 0 Unacceptable Did not submit information 1 Very Poor Information provided does not meet any requirements 2 Poor Barely meets some requirements, does not meet others. 3 Weak Minimally addresses some, but not all of the requirement of the scope. Lacking in critical areas 4 Below Addresses most of the requirements of the criteria to the minimum Average acceptable level. Lacking in some areas. Somewhat Addresses most, but not all, of the requirements of the criteria to the 5 Satisfactory minimum acceptable level. May be lacking in some areas that are not critical. 6 Satisfactory Adequately meets most of the requirements of the criteria. May be lackingin some areas that are not critical. 18 Page 85 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 7 Good Meets all requirements of the criteria. 8 Very Good Somewhat exceeds the requirements of the criteria. 9 Excellent Exceeds the requirements of the criteria in ways that are beneficial. 10 Outstanding Proposal exceeds the requirements of the criteria in superlative ways / very desirable. The firms achieving the minimum score identified will be shortlisted and Phase 2 of the evaluation will be unsealed for consideration. The lowest cost proposed shall be awarded the full amount of points available for the fee portion of the evaluation. All higher proposals shall be awarded points, rounded to the closest full point for the cost portion of the evaluation by the following: Lowest Cost = Proposed Cost x Maximum Points = Total Cost Points. It should be emphasized that pricing/cost is only one of the factors being considered in determining the successful Proponent. In submitting a proposal, the Proponent acknowledges the County's right to accept other than the lowest priced proposal and expressly waives all rights for damages or redress as may exist in common law stemming from the County's decision to accept a proposal which is not the lowest price proposal, if it is deemed to be in the County's best interest to do so. All qualified proposal submissions will be reviewed and evaluated. Additional information may be requested if necessary. Only the proposal response and Curricula Vitae requested will be evaluated. Proponents must include all relevant information in the required page limit restriction identified in section 3.2. 3.7 Presentation and Interview The County may have the two highest scoring Proponents attend an interview to present the evaluation team with additional insight into the Proponent's ability to meet the requirements as requested in the RFP. The County reserves the right to interview more or fewer than two Proponents based on the scoring results. Note- If the County elects to interview short listed proponents, the proposed Project Manager is required to attend. The interviews would be conducted by the representatives of the Evaluation Committee via Zoom Web Conferencing. Senior staff members to be assigned to this project must attend the interview. 19 Page 86 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 Presentations shall follow this general format: ➢ Introduction of Proponents Project Team (5 minutes) ➢ Proponent Presentation of the Proposal (15 minutes) ➢ Questions from Interview Committee (5 minutes) ➢ Questions from Proponents (5 minutes) The Proponents will be notified of the final format and exact date and time for interviews / presentations in advance. For the interview portion of the evaluation (if required), the County of Elgin will be using the rating criteria shown below and will evaluate each short-listed Proponent only. Interview Criteria and Weighting (Second Stage if required): Criteria Category Weighted Points Presentation 25 The score from the proposal evaluations and the Interview will be combined to determine an overall score. 20 Page 87 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 SECTION 4.0 - GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Riahts of the Count The County is not liable for any costs incurred by the Proponent in the preparation of their response to the RFP or selection interviews, if required. Furthermore, the County shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Proponent, prior or subsequent to, or by reason of the acceptance, or non -acceptance by the County of any proposal or by reason of any delay in the award of the contract. The County reserves the right to accept any proposal, in whole or in part, that it feels most fully meets the selection criteria. Therefore, the lowest cost proposal, or any proposal may not necessarily be accepted. County staff shall evaluate all compliant proposals received by the closing time and make evaluations and recommendations for acceptance. The County reserves the right to request specific requirements not adequately covered in their initial submission and clarify information contained in the Request for Proposal. The County reserves the right to modify any and all requirements stated in the Request for Proposal at any time prior to the possible awarding of the contract. The County reserves the right to cancel this Request for Proposal should the project not be approved as part of the County's 2024 budget, without penalty or cost to the County. The County reserves the right to cancel this Request for Proposal at any time, without penalty or cost to the County. This Request for Proposal should not be considered a commitment by the County to enter into any contract. The County reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected Proponent. If these negotiations are not successfully concluded, the County reserves the right to begin negotiations with the next selected Proponent. Proposals shall remain open and subject to acceptance for a period of ninety (90) days from closing date. In the event of any disagreement between the County and the Proponent regarding the interpretation of the provisions of the Request for Proposal, the Director of Financial Services or an individual acting in that capacity, shall make the final determination as to interpretation. No proposal shall be accepted from any person or Proponent who, has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding against the County or against whom the County has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding, without the prior approval of County Council. This applies whether the legal proceeding is related or unrelated to the subject matter of this RFP. 21 Page 88 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 4.2 Conflict of Interest The Proponent declares that no person, firm or corporation with whom or which the Proponent has an interest, has any interest in this RFP or in the proposed contract for which this proposal is made. The Proponent further declares that no member of the Council of the County and no officer or employee of the County will become interested directly or indirectly as a contracting party, partner, shareholder, surety, or otherwise in or in the performance of the Contract or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, or in any of the money to be derived there from. Should the Proponent feel that a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists; the Proponent must disclose this information to the County prior to the submission of a proposal. The County may, at its discretion, delay any evaluation or award until the matter is resolved to the County's satisfaction. The County may allow a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest to exist if it is satisfied that there are adequate safeguards in place and if the County determines that it is in its best interests to do so. The County reserves the right to disqualify a proposal where the County believes a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists. 4.3 Modified Proposals In the event that a preferred proposal does not entirely meet the requirements of the County, the County reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected Proponent, to arrive at a mutually satisfactory arrangement and to make any modifications to the proposal as are in the best interests of the County. 4.4 Disqualification of Proponents More than one Proposal from an individual firm, partnership, corporation or association under the same or different names will not be considered. A Proponent shall not discuss or communicate, directly or indirectly with any other Proponent, any information whatsoever regarding the preparation of its own Proposal or the Proposal of the other Proponent. Proponents shall prepare and submit Proposals independently and without any connection, knowledge, comparison of information or arrangement, direct or indirect with any other Proponent. Collusion between Proponents will be sufficient for rejection of any Proposals so affected. 4.5 Confidentiality The proposal must not be restricted by any statement, covering letter or alteration by the Proponent in respect of confidential or proprietary information. The County will treat all proposals as confidential. The County will comply with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and its retention by-law pursuant to the Municipal Act, in respect of all proposals. All Public Reports approved by the Council of the County will become public information. 22 Page 89 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 4.6 Proposal Assignments The successful Proponent will not be permitted to assign or transfer any portion of the proposal as submitted or the subsequent agreement without prior written approval from the County. 4.7 Procurement Policy Submissions will be solicited, received, evaluated, accepted and processed in accordance with the County's Procurement Policy as amended from time to time. In submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the Proponent agrees and acknowledges that it has read and will be bound by the terms and conditions of the County's Procurement Policy. The Procurement Policy can be viewed on the County's website, www.el�incount�.ca 4.8 Failure to Perform Failure to comply with all terms and conditions of this proposal, and failure to supply all documentation, as required herein, shall be just cause for cancellation of the award. The County shall then have the right to award this contract to any other Proponent or to re -issue this RFP. 4.9 Award and Agreement The Proponent that fully meets the requirements and scores the highest based on the evaluation criteria, will be recommended for award. Once the award is made and approved by the County or County Council, the report recommending such award including the total cost of the awarded project shall be a matter of public record, unless otherwise determined by Council. A written agreement, prepared by the County shall be executed by the County and the successful Consultant. The complete proposal package submitted by the successful proponent, together with the entire Request for Proposal documents prepared by the County of Elgin, shall form part of the Agreement (see attached sample of agreement in Appendix A). 4.10 Insurance Requirements Any agreement resulting from this RFP will contain the following insurance requirements: a) Comprehensive general liability insurance including bodily injury, property damage liability, personal injury liability, completed operations liability, blanket contractual liability, non -owned automobile and shall contain a severability of interest and cross liability clause to a limit of no less than five million ($ 5,000,000) dollars in respect to any one occurrence. The above -mentioned policy shall be endorsed to include the County of Elgin as an Additional Insured. b) Professional Liability insurance covering all activities as described in the Proponent's proposal to a limit of no less than two million ($2,000,000) per claim and in the aggregate. Such insurance shall provide coverage for errors and omissions made by the professional in the rendering of, or failure to render, professional services in connection with the Agreement. Upon completion of the work the policy shall remain in force for twelve (12) 23 Page 90 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 months. The Proponent must confirm that any property damage, personal injury or bodily injury resulting from an error or omission is considered an insurable loss whether coverage is under the Comprehensive General Liability Policy or the Professional Liability Policy (Errors & Omissions). c) Standard OAP 1 Automobile liability policy in the amount of two million ($2,000,000) dollars. d) The aforementioned policies of insurance shall contain or shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: ➢ be written with an insurer licensed to do business in Ontario; ➢ be non-contributing with, and will apply only as primary and not excess to any other insurance or self-insurance available to Elgin County; ➢ contain an undertaking by the insurer to notify the County in writing not less than sixty (60) days before any material change in risk or cancellation of coverage. ➢ any deductible amounts shall be borne by the Proponent. ➢ Prior to the execution of the Agreement and within fifteen (15) business days of the placement, renewal, amendment, or extension of all or any part of the insurance, the Proponent shall promptly provide Elgin County with confirmation of coverage insurance and, if required, a certified true copy(s) of the policy(s) certified by an authorized representative of the insurer together with copies of any amending endorsements applicable to the Agreement. 4.11 Indemnification The successful Proponent shall indemnify and hold harmless the County of Elgin, its officers, County Council, Employees and volunteers from and against any liabilities, claims, expenses, demands, loss, cost, damages, suits or proceedings by whomsoever made, directly or indirectly arising directly or indirectly by reason of a requirements of this agreement save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the County or their employees. 4.12 WSIB Requirements The successful Proponent shall furnish a WSIB Clearance Certificate prior to commencement of work and agrees to maintain their WSIB account in good standing throughout the contract period. If the successful Proponent is a self-employed individual, partner or executive officer who does not pay WSIB premium and is recognized by WSIB as an "independent operator" a letter from WSIB acknowledging independent contractor status and confirming that WSIB coverage is not required must be provided to the County of Elgin prior to commencement of work. 24 Page 91 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 4.13 Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontario with Disabilities Act 2005 The Proponent shall ensure that all its employees and agents receive training regarding the requirements as outlined in the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Ontario Regulation 191/11) as well as the Ontario Human Rights Code. The Proponent is responsible to ensure that all of its employees, volunteers and others for which the Proponent is responsible are adequately trained. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 20051ntegrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Ontario Regulation 191111), the County requires content created for the municipality that is to be posted on our website to be provided in a format which is compliant with WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements. As required under Section 14 of the regulation, any content published on our website after January 1, 2012 needs to be compliant with the WCAG requirements by the timelines set out in the Regulation. It is the successful Proponent's responsibility to produce the required documents in an accessible format 4.14 Disqualification The County may, in its sole discretion, disqualify a proposal or cancel its decision to make an award under this RFP, at any time prior to the execution of the Agreement by the County, if, ➢ the Proponent fails to cooperate in any attempt by the County to verify any information provided by the Proponent in its proposal; ➢ the Proponent contravenes one proposal per Person or Entity; ➢ the Proponent fails to comply with the laws of Ontario or of Canada, as applicable; ➢ the Proposal contains false or misleading information; ➢ the Proposal, in the opinion of the County, reveals a material conflict of interest; ➢ the Proponent misrepresents any information contained in its proposal. 4.15 Record and Reputation Without limiting or restricting any other right or privilege of the County and regardless of whether or not a proposal or a Proponent otherwise satisfies the requirements of this RFP, the County may disqualify any proposal from any Proponent, where; ➢ In the opinion of the County Solicitor or the Manager of Procurement & Risk for the County, the commercial relationship between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Proponent has been impaired by the prior and/or current act(s) or omission(s) of each Proponent, including but not limited to: a) Litigation with the County; b) The failure of the Proponent to pay, in full, all outstanding accounts due to the County by the Proponent after the County has made demand for payment; c) The refusal to follow reasonable directions of the County or to cure a default under a contract with the County as and when required by the County or it's representatives; d) The Proponent has previously refused to enter into an Agreement with the County after the Proponent's proposal was accepted by the County; 25 Page 92 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 e) The Proponent has previously refused to perform or to complete performance of contracted work with the County after the Proponent was awarded the contract; f) Act(s) or omission(s) of the Proponent has resulted in a claim by the County under a bid bond, a performance bond, a warranty bond or any other security required to be submitted by the Proponent on an RFP within the previous five years. ➢ In the opinion of County Council or the Chief Administrative Officer, or their designate, there are reasonable grounds to believe that it would not be in the best interests of the County to enter into an Agreement with the Proponent, for reasons including but not limited to the conviction or finding of liability of or against the Proponent or its officers or directors and any associated entities under any taxation legislation in Canada, any criminal or civil law relating to fraud, theft, extortion, threatening, influence peddling and fraudulent misrepresentation, the Environmental Protection Act or corresponding legislation in other jurisdictions, any law regarding occupational health or safety or the Securities Act or related legislation. 4.16 Proponent's Costs The Proponent shall bear all costs and expenses incurred by the Proponent relating to any aspect of its participation in this RFP process, including all costs and expenses related to the Proponent's involvement in; ➢ the preparation, presentation and submission of its proposal; ➢ the Proponent's attendance at the Proponent's meeting; ➢ due diligence and information gathering processes; ➢ site visits and interviews; ➢ preparation of responses to questions or requests for clarification from the County; ➢ preparation of the Proponent's own questions during the clarification process; and, ➢ agreement discussions. The County is not liable to pay such costs and expenses or to reimburse or compensate a Proponent under any circumstances, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the RFP Process, including the rejection of all proposals or the cancellation of the RFP, and including any negligence of the County in the conduct of the RFP process. 4.17 Legal Matters and Rights of the County This RFP is not an offer to enter into either a bidding contract (often referred to as "Contract A") or a contract to carry out the project (often referred to as "Contract B"). Neither this RFP nor the submission of a proposal by a Proponent shall create any contractual rights or obligations whatsoever on either the Proponent or the County. The County may at its sole discretion change or discontinue this RFP process at any time whatsoever. The County may in its sole discretion enter into negotiations with any person, whether or not that person is a Proponent or a Short -Listed Proponent with respect to the work that is the subject of this RFP. 26 Page 93 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 The County may at its sole discretion decline to evaluate any proposal that in the County's opinion is incomplete, obscure or does not contain sufficient information to carry out a reasonable evaluation. Without limiting the generality of the RFP, the County may at its sole discretion and at any time during the RFP process; ➢ reject any or all of the Proposals; ➢ accept any Proposal; ➢ if only one Proposal is received, elect to accept or reject it; ➢ elect not to proceed with the RFP; ➢ alter the timetable, the RFP process or any other aspect of this RFP; and ➢ cancel this RFP and subsequently advertise or call for new Proposals for the subject matter of this RFP. In addition to and notwithstanding any other term of this RFP, the County shall not be liable for any damages resulting from any claim or cause of action, whether based upon an action or claim in contract, warranty, equity negligence, intended conduct or otherwise, including any action or claim arising from the acts or omissions, negligent or otherwise of the County and including any claim for direct, indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profit, loss of reputation, injury to property and bodily injury that results from the Proponents' participation in the RFP process, including but not limited to; ➢ the disclosure of a Proponent's confidential information; ➢ the costs of preparation of a Proponents Proposal, whether it is accepted, disqualified or rejected; ➢ any delays, or any costs associated with such delays, in the RFP process; ➢ any errors in any information supplied by the County to the Proponents; ➢ the cancellation of the RFP; and ➢ the award of the contract to a Proponent other than the Proponent recommended by the Proposal Review Committee. 4.18 Human Rights, Harassment and Occupational Health and Safety The successful Proponent shall be required to comply with the County's policies regarding Human Rights, Harassment in the Workplace and Occupational Health and Safety as well as all Provincial and Federal laws, regulations and guidelines regarding Human Rights, Harassment in the Workplace and Occupational Health and Safety. 4.19 Covid-19 Pandemic The successful Proponent shall comply with current COVID health and safety measures in place during the term of this contract. 27 Page 94 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 4.20 Clarification The County may require the Proponent to clarify the contents of its proposal, including by the submission of supplementary documentation, or seek a Proponent's acknowledgement of the County's interpretation of the Proponent's proposal. The County is not obliged to seek clarification of any aspect of a proposal. 4.21 Supplementary Information The County may, in its sole discretion, request any supplementary information whatsoever from a Proponent after the submission deadline including information that the Proponent could or should have submitted in its proposal prior to the submission deadline. The County is not obliged to request supplementary information from a Proponent. 4.22 Default / Non -Performance The County will reserve the right to determine "non-performance" or "poor quality" of service and further reserves the right to cancel any or all of this contract at any time should the Proponent's performance not meet the terms and conditions of the RFP upon 30 days written notification to the Proponent. "Non-performance" shall mean the failure to meet the complete terms and conditions of this Contract including, but not limited to, the response time. In the event of such cancellation, the County retains the right to claim damages as a result of such default. If the County terminates the Contract, it is entitled to: a) withhold any further payment to the Proponent until the completion of the work and the expiry of all obligations under the Contract; and b) recover from the Proponent any loss, damage and expense incurred by the County by reason of the default (which may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the Proponent). 28 Page 95 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 APPENDIX A - SAMPLE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made effective this XXXX day of XXXXXXX, 2024. BETWEEN: -AND- CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (hereinafter called "County') (hereinafter called "Consultant") OF THE FIRST PART OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS on <Insert Date>, the County issued Request for Proposal No. <Insert #> and Addendum No. <X> dated <Insert Date> for <Insert Project Name> for the County of Elgin (the "RFP"); AND WHEREAS on <Insert Date> the Consultant submitted a proposal in response to the RFP (the "proposal"); AND WHEREAS the County wishes to enter into an agreement with the Consultant for the services, as more particularly described in the RFP Terms of Reference, attached hereto as Schedule A forming part of this Agreement (the "Services"); NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) now paid by the Consultant to the County and performance of the promises, obligations and covenants herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby irrevocably acknowledged, the Parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 The Consultant shall provide the Services set forth in Schedule "A" hereto, including but not limited to satisfaction of all Evaluation and Service Requirements and Qualifications and Requirements as set forth therein; provided that, if there should be any conflict between the text of this Agreement and the provisions of the said Schedule "A", the text of this Agreement shall prevail. ARTICLE 2 The County covenants with the Consultant that the Consultant, having in all respects complied with the provisions of this Agreement, will be paid for and in respect of all the work, at the quoted rates or lump sum amount as summarized below- - <Insert Lump Sum Amount> Page 96 of 145 29 Hac niiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 ARTICLE 3 The Term of this Agreement is deemed to commence on or about <Insert Date> and expire on <Insert Date>; provided further that the County, in its unfettered discretion, may extend the within Agreement up to an additional XXX (X) years upon mutual agreement between both Parties. ARTICLE 4 A copy of each of the Terms of Reference and Addendum No. XX are hereto annexed (as Schedule A) and together with the Consultant Proposal, General Conditions, Proposal Requirements and Information for Proponents relating to the work contemplated herein, even though not attached, all as listed in the RFP document, form part of and are deemed to be incorporated into this Agreement. ARTICLE 5 In case of any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the Terms of Reference or General Conditions or RFP or any other document or writing, the provisions of such documents shall take precedence and govern in the following order, namely: a) Agreement; b) Addenda; c) Terms of Reference; d) Consultant Proposal; e) General Conditions; f) Proposal Requirements; g) Information to Proponents. ARTICLE 6 Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time, without notice or creation of any right to compensation or damages, for just cause, which shall include, without limitation, dishonesty, fraud, willful deceit or failure to properly fulfill the obligations hereunder where such failure is not remedied within ten (10) days after notice of same is given. Notwithstanding that set forth immediately above, either Party hereto may terminate this Agreement, for convenience and without creating any right to compensation or damages, upon giving at least ninety (90) days written notice to the other Party. ARTICLE 7 The Consultant shall indemnify and save harmless the County, including it elected officials, officers, employees and agents and further including their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns (hereinafter collectively the "Releasees") from and against any and all claims of any nature, actions, causes of action, losses, expenses, fines, costs (including legal costs as between a solicitor and his or her own client), interest, or damages of every nature and kind whatsoever as arising from the negligence, errors, omissions, fraud, or willful misconduct of 30 Page 97 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 the Consultant, including its officers, employees, servants, agents, and consultants or sub - consultants, or any one or combination of them, as attributable or connected with the performance, non-performance, or purported performance by the Consultant of any promise, obligation, or covenant as contemplated by this Agreement, save and except to the extent that same is attributable to or caused by the negligence of the County, its officers, employees, servants, agents, or consultants or sub -consultants, or any one or combination of them. Furthermore, this indemnity shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement and continue thereafter in full force and effect. ARTICLE 8 This Agreement together with its Schedule constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties. Any change, addition to, or waiver of the terms hereof must be specifically agreed upon, in writing, and signed by both Parties. Failure on the part of either Party to insist upon the strict observance of any of the terms and/or conditions herein shall not operate as a waiver of such Party's right to require the future observance of any such terms or conditions. ARTICLE 9 The Consultant declares that it has either investigated for itself the character of the work and all local conditions that might affect the proposal or acceptance of the work, or that not having so investigated, it is willing to assume and does hereby assume all risk of conditions arising or developing in the course of the work which might or could make the work, or any items thereof, more expensive in character or more onerous to fulfill, than was contemplated or known when the proposal was made of the Contract signed. The Consultant also declares that it did not and does not rely upon information furnished by any methods whatsoever, by the County or its officers or employees, being aware that any information from such sources was and is approximate and speculative only, and was not in any manner warranted or guaranteed by the County. ARTICLE 10 Where any notice, direction or other communication is required to be or may be given or made by one of the parties hereto to the other, it shall be deemed sufficiently given or made if mailed or delivered in writing to such party at the following addresses: COUNTY: Corporation of the County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 CONSULTANT: Page 98 of 145 31 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 Either Party may from time to time change its address for service by notice to the other Party as previously set out. For the purposes immediately set forth above, Notices which are served in the manner as set out above shall be deemed sufficiently given for all purposes of this Agreement, in the case of those personally served directly upon the Party to be deemed to have been completed upon the date of service, and in the case of registered mail, on the third postal delivery day following the mailing of the Notice. Should normal service of mail be interrupted by strikes, slowdown or other cause, then the Party sending the Notice shall use any similar service which is not been so interrupted in order to secure prompt receipt of the Notice and for purposes of this Agreement such service shall be deemed to be personal service. ARTICLE 11 This Agreement shall not be assigned, in whole or in part, by either Party hereto without the prior written consent of the other Party. ARTICLE 12 This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and, when applicable, the Dominion of Canada. ARTICLE 13 All obligations under this Agreement shall be considered a separate covenant and any declaration of invalidity of any such covenant shall not invalidate any other such covenant. ARTICLE 14 The Contract shall apply to and be binding on the parties hereto, their heirs, executors, successors, administrators, and assigns jointly and severally. (Balance of Page Left Blank Intentionally) 32 Page 99 of 145 Hac niiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 ARTICLE 15 This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which, when so executed, shall constitute but one and the same document. This Agreement may also be signed in paper form, by facsimile signature or by electronic signature in accordance with section 11 of the Electronic Commerce Act, 2000 (Ontario). It may also be signed, whether or not in counterpart, scanned to Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) and delivered by way of electronic mail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and at the location indicated below or otherwise caused their corporate seals to be affixed, attested by the signature of their proper officers, as the case may be. Date: Location Date: Corporation of the County of Elgin Per: Name: Ed Ketchabaw Position: Warden Per: _ Name: Blaine Parkin Position: Chief Administrative Officer / Clerk We have the authority to bind the Corporation <INSERT CONSULTANT NAME> Per: Name: _ Position: Location ) I have the authority to bind the Corporation 33 Page 100 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services UgonCouinty RFP No. 2024-P07 APPENDIX B - LIST OF ATTACHED DOCUMENTS Bridge Location Map Bridae Drawinas/Resorts Eden Bridge (1961 — 1997) Gillett Bridge (2002, 1989, 1930) Mapleton Bridge Inspection Report (1997) Players Bridge (1985) Port Burwell Bridge (1994, 1985, 1966) OSIM Reports Eden Bridge B53 Gillett Bridge B27 Mapleton Bridge B14 Players Bridge B28 Port Burwell Bridge B45 Page 101 of 145 34 WWWHO OF ,rw dill svaci ci r vvrs,r h, /i i rr rn�' , e/ i rulzc Flftor;h rne:�irt 7 o%r ' IJl ' �%�� � r _ � !rrr' >, i//i, ffj� ��� �; a / o % rlr r,.✓ I 1 �rU„/��%�,, v%///// it , Ir'��;;,. 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'�``� ,�„/ r r r r 1 / 3s / / ii r t /. 1, / / I 1 / / 1 r COUNTY OF ELGIN L@g@ICU. ,a, ty CoontyRoada ���� Flr local Roads �`„ x �• Provincial Roads N 2024 Bridge RFP .r—....... Bridges a i.0-:emnoe3m Pi rnza rWx r d Page 102 of 145 �, , ..,. „ HncllniiT nt I Addendum No. 1 Request for Proposal No. 2024-P07 Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services This addendum forms part of the RFP documents and is to be read, interpreted and coordinated with all other parts of the Request for Proposal. 1. Please be advised that the closing date for this RFP has been extended to: Friday, March 1, 2024 @ 3:00 p.m. (local time) 2. The deadline for additional questions has also been extended to: Thursday, February 22, 2024 @ 4.00 p.m. Due to the number of questions received, a second addendum will be issued on February 20 with all responses. End of Addendum No. 1 Addendum Issued: February 16, 2024 Regards, Mike Hoogstra, CPPB I Manager of Procurement & Risk P: 519-631-1460, extension 129 1 E: mhoo stragel in.ca Page 103 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Addendum No. 2 Request for Proposal No. 2024-P07 Bridge Rehabilitations — Engineering Services This addendum forms part of the RFP documents and is to be read, interpreted and coordinated with all other parts of the Request for Proposal. The following questions have been received by the County; the County's response follows each question. Question 1: On Page 10 of the proposal it indicates that full time construction inspection is required. Will the County give any consideration to having part-time inspection for the less critical parts of these construction repairs? Answer 1: The County does not anticipate full-time inspection will be required throughout the entire scope of work and time allotment will be further defined through the design. However, at this time, and to provide an equal bidding process, the Proponent shall assume hours as defined in the RFP. Contract Administration duties shall be lump sum based on the Consultants prior experiences and project understanding based on the proposed time allotment. Question 2: Would the County please consider extending the submission deadline by 2 weeks? Answer 2: The County has issued Addendum #1 extending the closing date until Friday, March 1, 2024 at 3.00.59 PM (8-day extension). The County has also reopened the question period until February 22, 2024 at 4.00 PM. Question 3: Can the schedule be appended to responses as an appendix outside of the 15-page maximum or are they to be included within the 15-page limit? Page 104 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Addendum No. 2 RFP No. 2024-P07 Answer 3: Yes, outside of the page restriction. Question 4: Can the County confirm that response section 'C. Project Team - Own Forces' should include all content related to the prime respondent's team members while section D. Project Team - Specialist Consultants' is reserved for subconsultant personnel? This delineation is somewhat unclear within the RFP (sections 3.2 c and d). Answer 4: Correct Question 5: Considering the age of the structure (Constructed in 1930) and type (truss), based on reviewing the check list a Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report (CHER) is required, can County clarify if CHER to be included in the scope for Gillet Bridge B27? Answer 5: As noted in Section 2.3 — Consultants Scope of Services, "The County would note that due to the age, materials and features of Gillets Bridge, the Consultant should carry costs to complete a Municipal Heritage Bridge Checklist and Evaluation and Screening for Cultural Heritage Value or Interest." Question 6: Can County clarify if scope for designated substances be included for Eden Bridge B53, Gillets Bridge B27, and Mapleton Bridge (1314)? Answer 6: The County of Elgin does not have information pertaining to designated substances with respect to the structures. Where removals of materials are recommended (paint, etc.) the Consultant shall carry costs to test and confirm whether materials removed will be designated substances or hazardous materials. Question 7: Should consultants assume any archaeological assessments for any of the bridge sites? Page 105 of 145 MlcIlniiT ent I Addendum No. 2 RFP No. 2024-P07 Answer 7: The OSIM recommended works on structure do not contemplate works which would warrant excavation around the structure. Therefore, the Consultant shall assume that no archaeological assessments are required. Question 8: Can County clarify if consultants should assume full road closure for construction or staged construction with one lane open to traffic all times during construction? Answer 8: Full road closures will be contemplated on a bridge by bridge basis. Where a full closure is proposed due to scope of work, safety, efficiency or logistics they may be warranted and approved for full closure. Examples may include: • Gillets Bridge (B27) is a single lane crossing and due to structural member deformations may warrant a full closure due to safety to repair or strengthen members • Players Bridge (B28) notes barriers are in poor condition but should be able to be rehabbed with one lane open to traffic at all time • Eden Bridge (B53) notes bearing replacements and may warrant bridge jacking as well as structural recoating and may warrant full closure The County of Elgin's preference would be to maintain one lane of traffic at all times but understands this may not be possible or economically feasible. Question 9: Can County clarify if consultants should assume SUE level B for all bridge sites? Answer 9: The Consultant shall submit for locates for all structures as part of detailed design and fulsome background information gathering. However, as noted in Answer 7, the OSIM recommended works on structures do not contemplate works which may warrant excavation around the structure and would not require subsurface utility engineering. The County would note that Port Burwell (B45) bridge carries utilities under the soffit and roadside safety improvements (guiderails) are warranted on several structures. Page 106 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Addendum No. 2 RFP No. 2024-P07 Question 10: With the upcoming long weekend and staff taking extra time off due to long weekend, would County consider extending the submission deadline by a week? Answer 10: See answer 2. Question 11: Per recommendations made in MTO Structural Rehabilitation Manual, undertaking a Detailed Condition Survey is highly recommended to support making an informed decision re best rehabilitation approach (or replacement) based on certain decision -making flow charts noted therein. Given the significant cost and schedule impact associated with Detailed Bridge Condition Survey, could the County advise if the intent is to proceed with these additional investigation or the rehabilitation design shall be based on the scope of the work outlined in the RFP which appears to be solely based on the findings of the recent visual OSIM inspection? Answer 11: Per the attached OSIM reports, a Detailed Condition Survey is recommended on all of the 5 structures. The County of Elgin has not undertaken these surveys and would expect that the Consultant will undertake a Detailed Condition Survey as part of detailed design for the structures. As noted in the Consultants Scope of Services, "Recently completed OSIM Reports are attached to this RFP that include rehabilitation work recommendations, however, the successful Consultant will provide their own rehabilitation recommendation work scope for each structure that may differ from that which is outlined in the accompanying OSIM Reports." If the Consultant feels additional studies are crucial to complete the review of the structures, they should identify them in their proposal for a detailed understanding of the work. Additionally, at the completion of the project in 2025, it is expected that the Consultant provide updated OSIM sheets noting the rehabilitation undertaken and assigning a new rating to the rehabilitated structure to maintain the County's OSIM inspection schedule. Question 12: It is understood that the County will require a FULL TIME CA/CI services during the construction phase. Since still in design phase, and to support a fair bid process, could the County please advise on the level of effort needed for these tasks based on an assumed duration of construction (e.g. 20 hours of CA and 40 hours of Cl for an assumed duration of 16 weeks, covering all 5 structures as one contract package)? Page 107 of 145 MlcIlniiT ent I Addendum No. 2 RFP No. 2024-P07 Answer 12: The County's intention is to issue these rehabs in one Contract to one Contractor. A full-time inspector would therefore be expected to cover simultaneous operations should the Contractor elect to undertake multiple bridges simultaneously resulting in part time inspection per structure. However, the Contractors schedule or order of operations cannot be discerned at this time and therefore in an effort to provide County Council with a realistic upset budget, the County has assumed 1,000 hours of inspection over 5 structures with an additional hourly rate to be utilized should hours not be sufficient for the scope of work or multiple inspectors are required during significant events. Contract Administration can therefore be assumed at 16-20 weeks based on inspection hours. Question 13: Could the County please advise that given the age of the structures if the scope of work for this assignment shall include undertaking DSS (Designated Substance Survey)? If yes, would the County accept one combined report for all 5 structures or we should consider 5 separate reports? Answer 13: See answer 6. Yes, one combined report for all structures is acceptable. Question 14: Given the anticipated scope of work (bridge rehabilitation), could the County please confirm if the scope of work would exclude undertaking any drainage investigation and corresponding bathymetric survey? Answer 14: The scope of work does not include any drainage investigation or bathymetric surveys. Question 15: To support a fair bid, and noting the anticipated scope of work (bridge rehabilitation), could the County please advise on the minimum limits for topographic survey (if not already exist with the County's archives?)- e.g. 50m from either side of the bridge to the limits of ROW? Answer 15: 50m either side of the structure is acceptable unless otherwise warranted by approach barrier additions or replacements. Page 108 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Addendum No. 2 RFP No. 2024-P07 Question 16: Could the County please confirm that due to the anticipated scope of work (bridge rehabilitation), there will be no need for undertaking legal survey? Answer 16: Legal surveys are not required as part of this scope of work. Question 17: Could the County please confirm that due to the anticipated scope of work (bridge rehabilitation), there will be no need for Excess Soil Material testing? Answer 17: Excess Soil Reporting (O.Reg. 406/19) are not required as part of this scope of work. Question 18: Could the County please confirm that due to the anticipated scope of work (bridge rehabilitation), the scope MCEA for all bridge can be assumed as Schedule A+ with no need for PIC? Answer 18: Under the MCEA update, March 2023, bridge rehabilitations are now exempt under the EA process when the structure is over 40 years old and has been found not to have cultural heritage value or interest. As noted in Answer 5, the only structure which may have cultural heritage value or interest is Gillets Bridge (1327), all others are simple concrete spans and would have no cultural heritage value or interest based on the checklist. The County of Elgin will provide communications to residents with respect to project notification regardless of the EA process being exempt. Question 19: Could the County please confirm that due to the anticipated scope of work (bridge rehabilitation), the level of utility investigation is limited to SUE QL-C? If not, and the County expects QL B, please advise if the scope shall include GPR survey or it could be limited to undertaking locates? Answer 19: See Answer 9. Page 109 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Addendum No. 2 RFP No. 2024-P07 Question 20: For the purpose of progress meetings, could the County please advise if they could be held as virtual? Or in -person meeting with the County's staff at their office shall be considered for the purpose of bidding? Answer 20: Per Section 2.4 c), the Proponent shall assume 3 project team meetings. The project initiation meeting will be held in person at 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas. Subsequent meetings may be held virtually. Question 21: To support a fair bid process, could the County please advise on the number of progress meetings with the County and other stakeholders? We understand the bid form asks for hourly rates for additional scope of work, which could include additional meetings if required. Answer 21: See Answer 20. Question 22: Given the nature of the inquiries, the time needed to approach respective specialty sub -consultants to receive input and update a quality proposal, and noting the upcoming long weekend, could the County please consider extending the submission deadline by 2 weeks? Answer 22: See Answer 2. Question 23: Does the County intent for the consultant to carry for design level of effort that the rehabilitation programs will only address the deterioration that is noted in the provided OSIM Reports? Answer 23: See Answer 11. Page 110 of 145 HcIlniiT ent I Addendum No. 2 RFP No. 2024-P07 Question 24: Section 2.3 of the RFP states that the consultant shall provide full time construction inspection and contract administration services. Could the County please clarify that this requirement for all five bridges can be fulfilled through one full time staff member or does the County intend to have one full time staff member at each location? Answer 24: See Answer 12. Question 25: Port Burwell Bridge (1345) features a retaining wall at the east edge of the bridge. The OSIM only includes for the inspection of the first 6m on either side of the bridge. Would the County like to include the entire length of the retaining wall during the rehabilitation investigation of this structure or will the retaining wall be considered under a separate project? Answer 25: The retaining wall will be considered under a separate project. Question 26: Gillets Bridge (1327) features a load posting. Is the intent of the rehabilitation program for this bridge to remove this load posting? Answer 26: This is not the intention of the rehabilitation program. Question 27: Each of the OSIM reports for the five bridges recommend that a detailed condition survey be completed due to the age and condition of the structures. Would the County like these to be completed as part of the rehabilitation program? Answer 27: See Answer 11. Page 111 of 145 HncllniiT nt I Addendum No. 2 RFP No. 2024-P07 Question 28: Does the county require the consultant to complete an up -close review of the soffit of Port Burwell Bridge (B45), Players Bridge (B28), and Eden Bridge (B53) during the design stage (with the use of a bridgemaster)? Answer 28: See Answer 11. Question 29: What is the anticipated service life extension anticipated for each these structures? Answer 29: The Consultant shall implement a rehabilitation program which seeks to maximize the lifecycle of the structure at the lowest lifecycle cost. Question 30: Given the long weekend on the 19th, as well as the timing of the addendum responses, could we request a week extension to the proposal submission to organize subconsultants? Answer 30: See Answer 2. End of Addendum No. 2 Addendum Issued: February 20, 2024 Regards, Mike Hoogstra, CPPB I Manager of Procurement & Risk P: 519-631-1460, extension 129 1 E: mhoo stragel in.ca Page 112 of 145 HcIlniiT ent 1 bidsgla,..id'r View Details Return to the Bids Homepage (https://elgincount ..bidsandtenders.ca/Module/Tenders/en), Bid Details Bid Classification: Services Bid Type: Request For Proposal Bid Number: 2024-P07 Bid Name: Engineering Services - Bridge Rehabilitations Bid Status: Closed Published Date: Thu Feb 1, 2024 11:20:59 AM (EST) Bid Closing Date: Fri Mar 1, 2024 3:00:59 PM (EST) Question Deadline: Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:00:00 PM (EST) Electronic Auctions: Not Applicable Language for Bid Submissions: English unless specified in the bid document Submission Type: Online Submissions Only Submission Address: Online Submissions Only Public Opening: No Description: The County of Elgin is inviting proposals from Consulting Engineering firms to undertake the rehabilitation of five (5) bridges as listed below: • Eden Bridge (B53) — located on Eden Line, Municipality of Bayham • Gillets Bridge (B27) — located on Sparta Line, Municipality of Central Elgin • Mapleton Bridge (B14) — located on Belmont Road, Municipality of Central Elgin • Players Bridge (B28) — located on John Wise Line, Municipality of Central Elgin • Port Burwell Bridge (B45) — located on Nova Scotia Line, Municipality of Bayham It is the intent of the County to secure an Engineering firm who will be the County's prime Consultant for the engineering and project administration of these projects. Page 113 of 145 HcIlniiTei-it Bid Document Access: Bid document preview, bid opportunity, and award notices are available on the site free of charge. Suppliers are not required to register for a bid opportunity prior to previewing unsecured bid documents. Please note, some documents may be secured and you will be required to register for the bid to download and view the documents. To obtain an unsecured version of the bid document and/or to participate in this opportunity, an annual or a per bid fee must be paid (annual fee - $418.95, per bid fee - $125.75). Categories: Show Categories [±] Documents File Name RFP Document Thursday February 1, 2024 11:15 AM Electronic Forms (Copy Only) Thursday February 1, 2024 10:54 AM Bridge Location Map Thursday February 1, 2024 10:30 AM Drawings - Eden Bridge Thursday February 1, 2024 10:33 AM Drawings - Gillets Bridge Thursday February 1, 2024 10:35 AM Drawings - Mapleton Bridge (Inspection Report) Thursday February 1, 2024 10:36 AM Drawings - Players Bridge Thursday February 1, 2024 10:37 AM Drawings - Port Burwell Bridge Thursday February 1, 2024 10:44 AM OSIM - Eden Bridge Thursday February 1, 2024 10:49 AM OSIM - Gillets Bridge Thursday February 1, 2024 10:50 AM OSIM - Mapleton Bridge Thursday February 1, 2024 10:50 AM OSIM - Players Bridge Thursday February 1, 2024 10:51 AM OSIM - Port Burwell Bridge Thursday February 1, 2024 10:51 AM Addenda File Name Addendum 1 Friday February 16, 2024 09:36 AM Register for this Bid Download Bid Documents Page 114 of 145 Addendum 2 Tuesday February 20, 2024 01:38 PM HcIlniiT ent Purchasing Representatives Hoogstra, Mike Robertson, Brandon Bids Submitted Company Centex Engineering and Development Inc. CIMA Canada Inc. G. Douglas Vallee Limited J.L. Richards & Associates Limited Spriet Associates London Limited TSI Inc. Plan Takers The following are the plan takers for the bid: Company Ambashi Engineering & Management Inc. Contact Hilborn, Josh 265 Hanlon Creek Blvd. Unit 7, Guelph Ontario, Canada N1C0A1 Fox, Lauren 5935 Airport Road, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L4V 1W5 Culver, Lisa 2 Talbot Street North, Simcoe Ontario, Canada N3Y 3W4 JLR, RFP 343 Preston St, Tower 2, Suite 1000, Ottawa Ontario, Canada K1S 1N4 Vail, Barbaralee 155 York Street, London Ontario, Canada N6A 1A8 Rezvanynejad, Nasim 30 Bayberry Cres., Toronto ON, Canada MY 1T8 Contact Engineering, Ambashi 68 Peace Dr. Toronto ON M1G 2V4, Toronto Ontario, Canada M 1G 2V4 Page 115 of 145 HcIlniiT ent AMTEC Engineering Ltd Centex Engineering and Development Inc. Monteleone, Agostino 1500 Royal York Road, Unit 48, Toronto Ontario, Canada M9P 3B6 Hilborn, Josh 265 Hanlon Creek Blvd. Unit 7, Guelph Ontario, Canada N1C0A1 Fox, Lauren CIMA Canada Inc. 5935 Airport Road, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L4V 1W5 Rideout, Melinda ContructConnect 3760 14th Ave 6th floor, Markham ON, Canada L3R 3T7 Canada, Egis Egis 6240 Hwy 7, Woodbridge Ontario, Canada L4H 4G3 Culver, Lisa G. Douglas Vallee Limited 2 Talbot Street North, Simcoe Ontario, Canada N3Y 3W4 JLR, RFP J.L. Richards & Associates Limited 343 Preston St, Tower 2, Suite 1000, Ottawa Ontario, Canada K1S 1N4 Team, Pursuit Kontzamanis Graumann Smith MacMillan 300-865 Waverley St, Winnipeg Inc. Manitoba, Canada R3T 5P4 MacDonald, Roddy R.A. MacDonald Mechanical Inc. 74329 Driftwood Dr, Bayfield Ontario, Canada NOM 1G0 Spencer, Richard RC Spencer Associates Inc. 800 University Ave. W, Windsor Ontario, Canada N9A 5R9 Remisz, Greg REMISZ Consulting Engineers Ltd. 57 Auriga Drive, Suite 102, Ottawa ON, Canada K2E 8B2 Vail, Barbaralee Spriet Associates London Limited 155 York Street, London Ontario, Canada N6A 1A8 Rezvanynejad, Nasim TSI Inc. 30 Bayberry Cres., Toronto ON, Canada MY 1T8 Page 116 of 145 HcIlniiT ent Bridge Rehabilitations - Engineering Services Evaluation Committee RFP No. 2024-P07 Evaluation Team Member Position Conflict of Interest Peter Dutchak Director of Engineering Services No Andrew Parker Manager of Roads and Asset Management No Mike Hoogstra Manager of Procurement & Risk No Page 117 of 145 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Peter Dutchak, Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra, Manager of Procurement & Risk Date: April 9, 2024 Subject: Cold In -Place Asphalt Recycling (Tender No. 2024-T11) and Hot Mix Asphalt Paving (Tender No. 2024-T12) - Tender Awards Recommendation(s): THAT Roto-Mill Inc. be selected to complete Cold In -Place Asphalt Recycling on various roads, Tender No. 2024-T11 at a total price of $2,628,071.93 inclusive of a $100,000 contingency allowance and exclusive of H.S.T.; and, THAT Brantco Construction be selected to complete Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on various roads, Tender No. 2024-T12 at a total price of $4,567,904.30 inclusive of a $250,000 contingency allowance and exclusive of H.S.T.; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign the contracts. Introduction: As part of the 2024 Capital Budget, tenders were advertised and issued as per the County's Procurement Policy for Cold In -Place Asphalt Recycling and Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on various roads. Backaround and Discussion: Cold In -Place Asphalt Recycling (Tender No. 2024-T11) As part of the recommended 2024 Capital Budget, seven (7) county roads will be rehabilitated utilizing a Cold In -Place Asphalt Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Material (CIREAM) technique in advance of hot mix asphalt paving. The following roads are scheduled to be recycled this construction season: 1. Union Road (CR 20) from the Village of Fingal to Thomas Road - 7.1 km 2. Fairview Road (CR22) from Dexter Line to Sparta Line - 3.22km 3. Dexter Line (CR24) from Yarmouth Centre Road to Quaker Road - 3.7km Page 118 of 145 4. John Wise Line (CR 45) from Springwater Road to Imperial Road - 4km 5. Putnam Road (CR 47) from Lyons Line to Avon Drive - 5.65km 6. Lyons Line (CR 48) from Putnam Road to Pigram Road - 2.85km 7. Chatham Street (CR 39) from Bridge Street to Lake Erie - 1.4km A total of six (6) contractors downloaded tender documents for this project from the �����������.���i�;h���� i,-^� . Three (3) contractors submitted electronic bids ounty s bidding system I�°�ii�;,�h..���:�:�:��....:.':�:�°".L::L....... for this tender which closed on March 13, 2024. Bids were received as follows: Company Bid Price' (exclusive of HST) Roto-M i II Inc. $2,628,071.93 Lavis Contracting Co. Limited $2,703,490.00 GIP Paving Inc. $3,047,030.00 ' Inclusive of a $100,000 contingency allowance. Roto-Mill Inc. submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $2,628,071.93 exclusive of HST. Hot Mix Asphalt Paving (Tender No. 2024-T12) As part of the approved 2024 Capital Budget, nine (9) roads, one (1) laneway and one (1) asphalt swale will receive hot mix asphalt resurfacing and new granular shoulders as part of a rehabilitation projects or as stand-alone resurfacing projects, as detailed on the appended map. The following roads and laneway are scheduled to be paved with asphalt this construction season- 1 . Union Road (CR 20) from the Village of Fingal to Thomas Road - 7.1 km 2. Fairview Road (CR22) from Dexter Line to Sparta Line - 3.22km 3. Dexter Line (CR24) from Yarmouth Centre Road to Quaker Road - 3.7km 4. John Wise Line (CR 45) from Springwater Road to Imperial Road - 4km 5. Putnam Road (CR 47) from Lyons Line to Avon Drive - 5.65km 6. Lyons Line (CR 48) from Putnam Road to Pigram Road - 2.85km 7. Chatham Street (CR 39) from Bridge Street to Lake Erie - 1.4km 8. Avon Drive (CR 37) Avon west limits to Avon East Limits - 0.95km 9. Intersection of Currie Road and Pioneer Line 10. Elgin Manor (#39262 Fingal Line) Laneway to WWTP 11. Talbot Line (CR 3) Asphalt Swale (New Glasgow) A total of seven (7) contractors downloaded tender documents for this project from the �����������.���i�;h���� i,.^� . Four (4) contractors submitted electronic bids ounty s bidding system I�°�ii�;,�h..���:��:��....�:.':�:�`".L::L..�..... for this tender which closed on March 13, 2024. Bids were received as follows: Page 119 of 145 Company Bid Price' (exclusive of HST) Brantco Construction $4,567,904.30 GIP Paving Inc. $4,724,391,33 Dufferin Construction Company $4,822,572.00 J-AAR Excavating Limited $4,992,000.00 ' Inclusive of a $250,000 contingency allowance. Brantco Construction submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $4,567,904.30 exclusive of HST. Financial Implications: The Cold In -Place Asphalt Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Material (CIREAM) tender represents road rehabilitation activities for seven (7) different projects within the 2024 capital budget. Sufficient project funds exist to accommodate the lowest bid received for these projects and a projected budget surplus of $419,674 is anticipated. The following summary of projected estimated costs is provided for review and will be confirmed throughout the project: CIREAM Tender Value $ 2,628,071.93 Net HST (1.76%) $ 46,254.07 Total Projected Costs' $ 2,674,326.00 Combined 2024 Capital Budget Allocationsz $ 3,094,000.00 Forecast Budget Surplus/(Deficit) $ 419,674.00 ' Inclusive of a $100,000 contingency allowance. 2 Cumulative estimated project costs of CREAM activities within seven (7) identified projects. The Hot Mix Asphalt Paving tender represents road rehabilitation activities within eleven (11) different projects within the 2024 capital budget. Sufficient project funds exist to accommodate the lowest bid received for this project and a projected surplus of $367,100 is anticipated. The following summary of projected estimated costs is provided for review and will be confirmed throughout the project: Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Tender Value Net HST (1.76%) Total Projected Costs' Combined 2024 Capital Budget Allocationsz Forecast Budget Surplus/(Deficit) $ 4,567,904.30 $ 80,395.12 $ 4,648,299.42 $ 5,015,400.00 $ 367,100.00 Page 120 of 145 Inclusive of a $250,000 contingency allowance. 2 Cumulative estimated project costs of paving activities within eleven (11) identified projects. It should be noted that the projected surplus' may be reduced to fund the potential increase in the cost of asphalt cement material used in these contracts. A portion of these project values is tied to the "MTO Asphalt Cement Price Index", which is indirectly tied to other oil commodity prices, currently at multi -year highs. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ❑ Enhancing quality of programs and services ❑ Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: Elgin's local municipal partner staff will be provided the details regarding the County's 2024 road projects. Communication Requirements: Project sign boards will be installed at each project location in advance of all roadworks. A weekly capital project update will be circulated to Elgin's local municipal partners and elected officials to advise them of the following weeks anticipated works. Conclusion: Tenders for capital projects on County roads were issued and received for CIREAM and Hot Mix Asphalt Paving. This work forms part of eleven (11) separate road projects being completed in 2024. Work on these projects is expected to commence in May with completion anticipated to be achieved by the end of September. As per the County of Elgin's Purchasing Policy, if change orders are required and the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by less than 10%, and the amount is within the overall budgeted project amount, work will proceed upon Page 121 of 145 authorization by the Director. However, if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10%, the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Peter Dutchak Director of Engineering Services Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 122 of 145 Resurfacing ,r F CENTRAL, s,."�� Resurfacing <r, ELGINb V40X'o surfacing facing f t9 i Resurtacing Resurfacing urta n Re, e � a �/ � i I' >j ;,„�p�**,�»w/ .,mob � /,,,,,�ri,,.�,» „�+nr,rHrr�i�r✓,.s,«, y�� i / / u T Resurfacing i / Resurfacing / �� ��""'^/ i ✓ . ✓ y �j� 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 /1 Kilometers � .Project List ---�- Resurfacing-28.9km 2024 Construction Projects iaij o B NAD eupdneII oi. zozs +rll 1,�,<r film P Iccti on. NAU i Zonml>N Page 123 of 145 , 01 1% V/ If"", k " . ........ N p" m Of NE V N4 v �\ \0 NIN, �l" J A" t A AN V, N� % A Nt N1 'w"' "s % Ilk, % N, 4 APF¢ NV A % % N R, "NI . " it. ... . . Iff %N lk k "N. 1% % f0y 401, or "N N" 41, pjj� g 6 1,214, of 14, '1/ o iki 1111, The mission of the St. Thomas -Elgin Public Art Centre is to encourage and promote an appreciation for and support the practice of the visual arts in St. Thomas and Elgin County through a variety of exhibitions and educational programs and through the preservation of a permanent collection. The St. Thomas -Elgin Public Art Centre is a highly valued and respected art centre that is a foca'. point for the St. Thomas and Elgin community. The Art Centre is dedicated to fostering a welcoming, enriching and engaging environment of art and creativity, inspire, challenge and educate its audiences. We gratefully acknowledge the continued support from the City of St. Thomas, the County of Elgin, donors, members and supporters. With your support you provide us with the opportunity to be creative, responsive and entertaining. Igin, by Nnmn"' STTHQMAS 'If H 1.", F'o A t 1, W A 11 (,; I I Y ILWViY C121y' 1141111 TOMiSM T 0 U F1 i S WM� 111 11PIIIJILAR i i t ri( hw A ASSOCIAT110N CARFAC U, ON TAR, 0 # Page 125 of 145 Board of Directors Suzanne Baehr PRESIDENT Tara McCaulley VICE PRESI- DENT Meghan Vreman TREASURER Laura Woermke RECORDING SECRETARY Andrew Snetsinger Steven McLarty Payson Bethany Green Dang Ho Neil Hubert Tara McCaulley (City Rep.) Alternate Jim Herbert (City Rep.) Dominique Giguere (County Rep.) Administration Laura Woermke, Executive Di- rector / Curator Sherri Howard, Program Direc- tor Julianne Bryans, Gallery Assis- tant, Instructor Teagan Butler, Instructor Kate Neville, Education/ Ad- ministrative Assistant Jan -June Jonathon Cairns Education/ Administrative Assistant Sept - Dec Zanna Gold, Gallery Assistant Elizabeth Bourque, Volunteer Reception Suzanne Baehr, Volunteer Re- ception Committees Acquisitions Committee (standing) Chair Bethany Green Kevin Morrell Laura Woermke f Ali . Bethany Suzanne Baehl Sherri Howa Laura Woerm Finance Committee Chair Suzanne a w *. Laura Woermke Chair•- WoersmLe Human Resource i Chair Suzanne Baehr Dang Ho Megan Vreman Sponsorship Laura Woermke Dang • Instructors Julianne Bryans Angela Hardy Teagan Butler Volunteers Ava Dodge Antonia Platten Sienna Crocker Charlie Pineau Dalilah Robinson Suzie Baehr Tara McCaulley Julianne Bryans Neil Hubert Robin Grindley Amy Sloan Cathy Nicoli Sharon Little Jan Willoughby Mary Helen Raynham Ardythe Anderson Kathy Hagerman Doreen Tretheway Agnes Berko Page126 Eleanor Ryder Sue Bandeen Rita Herbert Joan Dennis Jennie Carswell Dalilah Robinson Kincade Hayes Truman Dawson Sophia Phillips Camryn Sibley Rylie Doan Trent Hoff Mary Ellen Bolt Barb Green Andrew Snetinger Mike Pineau Dominique Giguere Meaghan Vreman Jonathan Hayes Steve Peters Dani Dawson V ���/������///%//Io,»»,., "'fir/ i��//'l// �// ��j��pIBI I � � / ° IIIVuIuu �� i //ilii rrr�j�/%//// � /�1NIh ire �j�r6 vl/'% :�G�✓�Wi((�ri z ���%��G����//� ,, .% 3r: 1j v,1M, ,.� �e m aWf S Recent Acquisitions Selections from the Permanent Collection Gallery Three January 14 to February 18, 2023 Like many public art galleries and museums, the St. Thomas -Elgin Public Art Centre cares for a permanent collection of artworks that has been gathering and growing since our first acquisitions in 1969. Through generous donations and thoughtful pur- chases, the Public Art Centre has been steadily adding artworks to our collection re- sulting in a collection that now numbers over 2000 artworks. Rosemary Sloot The Dresses My Daughter Never Wore Gallery One and Two February25 to April 8, 2023 p This body of work developed over a dozen years beginning and ending with self-portraits. Paint based images evolved into still life objects such as feathers, eggs and shorelines fragments that have been my mainstay. Rosemary Sloot Records of Journeys Selections from the Permanent Collection In Memory of Eric Atkinson (1928-2022) Gallery Three February 25 to April 8, 2023 Eric Atkinson introduced generations of students, artists, culture workers, and collectors to the in- fluences of European art and design and we are honoured to display the collection's holding of his artwork. Thes works span over 30 vears and demonstrate his passion for creating. Robert Ruby The Mechanics of Meaning Gallery One and Two April 15 to June 3, 2003 Artist Reception May 6, 2023 1-3pm ''The Mechanics of Meaning' was an exhibition of mixed media art including many as- semblages, and to varying degrees all works represent a personal post -concussive study of a decades -long jcP_e@e/1l$8uEdM146with an ABI (Acquired Brain Injury). "Cultivated Landscapes: Reflections of Nature in Elgin County" Selections from the Permanent Collection / Elgin County , Museum June 10 to July 22, 2023 The "Cultivated Landscapes: Reflections of Nature in Elgin County" exhibition was a unique showcase of artwork from the Elgin County Museum and the permanent collection that highlighted the beauty and complexity of the local landscapes in Elgin County. The exhibi- tion explored themes such as lost landscapes and farmland, provid- ing an opportunity for visitors to reflect on the impact of human in- tervention on the natural world i View of the Artist An ual Juried Exhibition Gal ry One and Two to September 9, 2023 T Juljuried exhibition exhibited original two dimensional works of art that celebrated he artist behind the work, what the artist saw and created, "in their view", real or im- agined. This means anything goes. Over 130 artworks was submitted to the jurying process. Portside Gallery Artists Gallery Three July 29 to September 9, 2023 Opening Reception July 29, 2023 The Portside artist group's group exhibition was a collaborative showcase of artworks created by members of the Portside artist collective. This exhibi- tion brought together a diverse range of artistic styles, techniques, and perspectives, reflecting the collective talent and creativity of the group. Each artist contributed their unique vision and voice to the exhibition, which created a dynamic and engaging exhibition. Pat Gibson Planet Waters Gallery One and Two November 14 to December 23, Saturday December 2, 2023 from 2-4pm "I have been fascinated by the movement and mystery of water on and under its surface since living on the shores of Lake Erie." The drawings and paintings in this exhibition were created in response to disaster stories of tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, changing shorelines, oil spills and our sick planet waters. The work is also informed by ongoing research of estu- aries, tides, currents, water levels, pollution and the water column. Annual Miniature Show and Sale Gallery Three November 14 to December 22, 2023 The air was buzzing with excitement as art enthusiasts browsed the collection, each piece a small treasure waiting to be discovered. The annual miniature show and sale was a celebration of art in its most delicate and enchanting form, a tes- tament to the boundless creativity that thrives in the world of miniatures. Page 129 of 145 The Art Centre offers curriculum based tours and hands-on art activities free of charge to the schools in our communi- ty. We continue to update our programs to better reflect the Ontario Arts Curricu- lum, incorporating aspects of both the creative process and the critical analysis process, as well as offering students a more active, participatory experience. Students encounter original artworks with a tour led by our Program Director, Sherri Howard that complement and en- hance classroom learning and are based on the Ontario Curriculum. They take time to look carefully, ask questions, and develop their own interpretations. Through open-ended discussion, stu- dents discover that art can possess mul- tiple layers of meaning. Their shared endeavor - in which all voices are valued - becomes a powerful learning experi- ence that will be memorable and mean- ingful. Kindergarten to Grade 6 Students taking part in tours at these grade levels will play an active role in learn- ing about the choices an artist makes � 21 when creating art. They will be en- couraged to generate questions, ide- as and opinions about the exhibitions and the importance of art in express- ing ideas and feelings. Special at- tention will be given to the use of the elements and principles of art both in the work of professional artists and the work that they create. In the hands-on section students will create work, appropriate to each grade lev- el, that emphasizes both the ele- ments and principles of art. SP Art Scholarships Each year, graduating Secondary School students from St. Thornos-Ekzin'studying art ot college oruniversity, are invited toapply for the Clark McDougall scholarships. There issuch owealth cfyoung talent inour community! Nate Dennis (Central Elgin Collegiate Institute) and Destiny Vickers (West Elgin Secondary School) received the scholarships this year. Congratulations toNate Dennis and Destiny Vickers, and best ofluck inuniversity. Thank you toDiane Dobson, Eric Lemon, and Ron Milton for their expertise, and involvement with the McDougall rr-k"|ri,"ki"" "�..~...~..�~. Destiny Vickers MHOWNROM Partnerships/Programs/Outreac St. Anne's Catholic School Beaver and Scouts Tour Looke'sPublic School Mount Salem Christian School PorksideColligate Institute Arthur VoodenSecondary School �voCiro6-C8t6French Immersion Public School Monsignor Morrison Public School Elgin Court Public School PorksideCo||igote |nstitute3H3M Pierre Elliott TmdeouPublic School Rogers Broadcasting Economic Development Board Rotary Club cfSt. Thomas Canadian Mental Health Association Hosting Book Clubs New Comer Youth Group YWCA Indwell Mount Hope PorksideColligate Institute Co -Op Sarah Meadows Elgin County Studio Tour Artists Downtown Development Board Pumpkin Prowl London & St. Thomas Association ofRealtors Downtown Development Board Light UpTalbot Page 131 of 145 Classes and Workshops ��VV,���� PA Day Workshop FhdayJan 2O.2O23 9:OOarn-3:3Oprn Grades J�4 Instructor Sherri Howard Elementary Expressions Fe�uary�25 (Saturdays) GnndesJ�4 Instructor Wilma Pineau DrawingU|ushn�ngExot�/\nirna|s Fe�uary�25(3atundays) Gnndes�B Instructor Julianne Dryans February Btok4archl'2O23 18 months to age 3 10:30-1l :3OarnInstructor Teagan Butler Ma�hD�akCamps Daily� k4anohl3-l7.2O23 GnndesJ�4 InstructorsKienz Datoo|d' Wil- ma Pineau' Sherri Howard Elementary Expressions /\ph|l4tok4ay6.2O23 GnndesJ�4 |nstructooKienzDatoo|d' rnaPineau' � Summer ACampsWeek One July lOto 13.2023 9ooarn to3:3Oprn GnndesJK-4 |nshnctoxKieno Datzo|d' Jeevan/\hwa| Summer Art Camps Week Two V0l- July l7to2l.2O23 9:ooarn to3:3Oprn Grades JK-4 Drawing April l4toMay 6.2O23 Grades 4-8 Instructor Julianne Dryans Preschool Picas os /\ph| 19 to May lO. 2023 lB months to age 3 Cursive Writing /Creative Lettering August 1-4'2023 Instructors Sherri Howard, Ju|ianneDryans 10:30-1l :3Oprn Instructor: TeaganDu�s �'@Qe132Of145 Summer Art Camps Week Three August B-ll.2O23 9ooarn to3:3Oprn GnndesJK-4 |nshnctoxKieno Datzo|d' Jeevan/\hwa| Drawing/\nime August B-ll.2O23 l-3pm Grades 4-8 Instructor Julianne Dryans' VVi|rna Pineau Summer Art Camps Week Four August 14-18.2023 9ooarn to3:3Oprn GnndesJK-4 |nshnctoxKieno Datzo|d' Jeevan/\hwa| PA Day Workshop October 6, 2023 Grades JK-4 9:00am to 3:30pm Instructor Sherri Howard Elementary Expressions October 14 to November 4, 2023 (Saturdays) Grades JK-4 10:00 to 1 1:30pm Instructor Wilma Pineau, Adalia Scott Drawing Cartoons & Ani- mation October 14 to November 4, 2023 (Saturdays) Grades 4-8 1-3pm Instructor Julianne Bryans PA Day Workshops November 17, 2023 Grades JK-4 9:00am to 3:30pm Instructor Sherri Howard PA Day Workshop November 17, 2023 Grades JK-4 9:00am to 3:30pm Instructor Sherri Howard Discovery Week Health Recruiter -City of St Thomas - County of Elgin Thursday, June 1, 2023.6:00 - 9:30pm Picture a room with eager health professionals, their hands adorned with brushes and palettes instead of stethoscopes and pens. The air was alive with the sound of laughter and the scent of creativity, as these professionals delved into the world of art . With each stroke of the brush, they discovered a different side of them- selves, tapping into a well of creativity that had long been dormant. The art activity became a journey of self-discovery, a way for these professionals to explore new perspectives. As they immersed themselves in the world of art, they found a new way to connect and communicate, bridging the gap between the ana- lytical world of healthcare and the expressive realm of art. The activity was lead by our Program Director and educator, Sherri Howard. Preschool Picassos Ages 18 months to age three / accompanied by an adult The studio was filled with tiny hands creating colorful masterpieces with the help of their adult companions. The air was filled with giggles and squeals of delight as these budding Picassos explored the world of art. Each week focused on a new way of making art as they discovered a new way to express themselves and con- nect with the world around them. The adult companions served as guides, encour- aging and nurturing the creative spirit of the little artists as they explored different textures, shapes, and colors. Together, they embarked on a journey of imagination and discovery. It was a magical experience that not only sparked creativity but also fostered a bond between the young artists and their adult companions, creat- ing memories that would last a lifetime. Thank you to Ian Begg and the Windon Fund for supporting as a amazing program. Drop -In Acoustic Jam In 2023, the participants and audience were immersed in the melodic tapes- try woven by spontaneous musicians as they gather for the drop -in acoustic jam session in the main gallery space. The air is filled with the harmonious strumming of guitars and the gentle plucking of strings, which created a symphony that resonated through the walls. The gallery space transformed into a musical oasis where creativity flowed free) DanNounclaries bet, pp olid rudience. May13 May 27 June 17 November 18 December 9 Drop in 2024 as this exciting public program will continue! Adult Classes and Workshopl Vision Board Workshop January 27, 2023 7 to 8:30pm Adult / Teen Instructor Paula Morritt Life Drawing (Self Guided) February 15 to March 7, 2023 Adult / Teen Creating Together April 29, 2023 Adult and Child workshop Life Drawing (Self Guided) October 17 to November 7, 2023 Adult / Teen EAT DRINK CREATE Friday November 24, 2023 7-9pm Adult Bold & Expressive Representational Abstract Painting October 18 to November 8, 2023 7:00-9:OOpm Instructor Angela Hardy ATF ART TREES AND TRAILS PUBLIC ARTS CENTRE This project has brought historic and contempo- rary artwork from the Art Centre's permanent collection to our beautiful local trails and Elevat- ed Park through the installation of attractive signs that features high quality reproductions of many of our landmark paintings. The "Art, Trees & Trails" project has been generously funded with $1 15,000 by the Estate of Donna Vera Evans Bushell. Art has an incredible ability to unify. Supporting the mission of the Public Art Centre, especially "encouraging the appreciation for and support- ing the practice of the visual arts in St. Thomas and Elgin County", the "Art, Trees & Trails" pro- ject will allow us to engage with the community outside the walls of the Public Art Centre, pro- mote art education, and add to our visual envi- ronment in places where community members . and visitors explore nature. New locations: Lake Margaret Trail }}- Hiawatha Trail art Pinafore Park ca�Q_A,)Waterworks Park �trccs Palmer Walkway ti �II�S Mural West Wall MWArtist Notes* the 'city limits' is an interesting way of think- ing about our current environmental state, where we are pushing more & more into the natural world & the wildlife are forced to navigate this ever -changing boundary. The artist likes the idea of featuring coyotes, one of the 'tricksters' common in certain Indigenous teachings and oral histories. The trickster often is a protector, but also one that challenges rules & boundaries ... this seems perfect to me both for the location of the mural & the role of artists ... the trickster can be transformative & shape -shifting, and in some cultures, moves back -and -forth between the physical and spiritual worlds ... Hawlii Pichette is a Mushkego Cree (Treaty 9) urban mixed -blood artist and illustra- tor who currently resides in London, Ontario. Born and raised in Cochrane in northeastern Ontario, her work is deeply influenced by her culture and upbringing, and reflects the beautiful interconnections of the natural world. For the west exterior wall of the St. Thomas -Elgin Public Art Centre, Hawlii painted a mural that contemplates the ever -shifting line between natural and built environments, and how wildlife navigate this area through complicated relationships with humans and the various constructs that sit at the edges of cities. Page 135 of 145 Special Events/Fundraising VMMACA -A Lf", J' (�I (, JJ� ff; �1:00, 5:00 P.M. _R 301 T-,VT�r40v _I►lowLg6 HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN ITEMS, ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES, FUNITURE, LIGHTING, TOYS, GAMES, PRINTS, POSTERS, AND SO MUCH MORE! RM A heartfelt thank you to all the volun- teers who generously dedicated their time and effort to help at the rum- mage sale. Your hard work, enthusi- asm, and commitment made a sig- nificant difference in the success of the event. Your selfless contributions and support not only benefited the Public Art Centre but also showcased the power of community and kind- ness. We are truly grateful for your invaluable assistance and for being a vital part of making the rummage sale a memorable and successful event. Thank you for your dedication and for making a positive impact through your volunteerism. ART MUSIC Summer Cocktail Lounge Saturday July 29, 2023 Imagine a swirling symphony of colors, melodies dancing in the air, and the clinking of glasses in a harmonious cho- rus. The evening was a canvas of crea- tivity, where music, art, and cocktails intertwined to create a sensory master- piece. From the soulful tunes that caressed the audience to the vibrant strokes of paint that brought the walls to life, every moment was a brushstroke in the masterpiece of the night. A fu- sion of artistic expression and liquid in- spiration, where each sip was a note in the symphony of the evening. Thank you to the fundraising commit- tee, Beth Green, the artists (bang Ho and Jonathan Hayes, the musicians (Mike Pineau, Paddy O'Sullivan and Griffin Noriega) for making the memo- rable. Halloween Revival 2023 On behalf of the public art centre, we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to Revival Studio and Ara- ble Communications for hosting "Halloween Revival 2023", fundrais- ing event. Their generosity and sup- port have made a significant impact in our mission this year. The event was a resounding success, thanks to their dedication and com- mitment. Your efforts in organizing and hosting the event allowed us to raise much -needed funds to contin- ue our exhibitions and programs. The Halloween -Chemed activities, deco- rations, and entertainment created a fun and memorable experience for all attendees. We are incredibly grateful for making the Halloween fundraising event a success. Your commitment to the public art centre is commendable, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future. ARTI�IUSC SUMMER COCKTAIL LOUNGE SATIURDAY, JIULY 29, 2023 9:30-11:00 PM Hal loween Revival 2023 Saturday, October 28 7:00 pm - midnight 377 Tatbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario Revival Studio and Arable Brand Communications are hosting the first annual upstairs -downstairs HaLLoween Revival in support of the St. Thomas -Elgin Public Art Centre, and you're invited! Join us for an evening of spooky fun with... Oracle Card Readings by Mystic Moon Mage Pumpkin Carving Silent Auction 50/50 Draw Epic Street Tacos by Chef Jamie Whalen + more Halloween tricks and treats! Costumes are welcome and encouraged, but not mandatory (no costume, no prize). Full event details will be released on Friday, October 13th (of course). Children are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Soo _- SOO Revival Studio Arable Gift Shop The St. Thomas -Elgin Public Art Cen- IN SUPPORT OF LOCAL BREWS BY ORACLE REABINGS BY tre's Gift Shop offers a unique and PU $,.aerT9 CAPS OFF *em distinct selection of items that are ° Rem CENTRE everchanging. A wide selection of local artists including painting, SP&F sculpture, cards and much more. Page 136 of 145 Fall Art Auction We are thrilled to announce the tremendous success of our annual art auction! Thanks to the unwavering support of our dedicated community, the event exceeded all expectations and proved to be a memorable celebration of art and gener- osity. The evening unfolded with an air of excitement and anticipa- tion as art enthusiasts, collectors, and supporters of the Public Art Centre came together to make a difference. The event showcased an exquisite collection of artwork generously do- nated by both renowned and emerging artists, collectors and supporters, which captivated attendees with its diversity and creativity. A special thank you to our Emcee and Auctioneer, Steve Pe- ters. Highlights of the event: 1. Exceptional Artwork: The auction featured a curated selection of paintings, photographs, and mixed media pieces that showcased the immense talent and artistic vision of the contributing artists. Each piece was thoughtfully presented, allowing bidders to fully appreciate of the artwork. 2. Energetic Bidding: The gallery space was filled with an electrifying atmosphere as passionate bidders engaged in friendly competition to secure their favorite artworks. Spirited bidding wars ensued, resulting in several pieces exceeding their estimated values, further emphasizing the enthusiasm and dedication of our attendees. 3. Generous Donations: We are immensely grateful for the generosity of our sponsors. Their contributions truly enhanced the overall fundrais- ing efforts and helped us achieve our goals. 4. Community Support: The success of the art auction would not have been possible without the overwhelming support from our community. Attendees, sponsors, volunteers, and staff all played a crucial role in making the event a resounding success. Their commitment to the Public Art Centre and their belief in our mission drove the auction's triumph. 5. Fundraising Success: The art auction surpassed our fundraising ex- pectations, allowing us to secure vital resources to support our ongo- ing exhibition and education programs and initiatives. The funds raised will enable us to continue promoting art education, supporting local artists, and the preservation of the permanent collection. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the annual art auction. Your enthusiasm, generosity, and commitment to the Public Art Centre have made a lasting impact on our organization and the community as a whole. Through your sup- port, we are one step closer to achieving our vision of a vibrant and inclusive art community. Doug Tarry Homes Talbot Trail Physiotherapy Geerlinks Home Hardware Railway City Tourism O.M.A.C. Mortgages Locke Insurance Graham Scott Enns Kenny Insurance Downtown Development Board � Meog,:6T 6*9415 Law ST. THOMAS-ELGIN PUBLIC ART CENTRE 11ring & 1111osl r Sale Gallery Three April 21 to July 22, 2023 The Art Centre is having a print and poster sale in Gallery Three. The sale will feature a charming and varied selection of images and aritists that you can take with you today. You are sure to find something that appeals to you! As the prints and posters sell, new works will be added to the sale, so stop by often and check out the current selections, i a L � , iL✓ i/ � r 1 ill) � � �%lN ! � L rc Nv, »J %�Y,ei�j. � , q/ a � 1 !I�} '� � u %wn� f t /b 1y L ✓d � I ,t �uw n, o ,m- i, �`v�;, �, u i � r � m; �� � �`s' w i r yam �. � � � �� �s ✓I � ~"' a,. L / �i �/ j L t� i � ;� ' t,y ,� � 4G ✓ uar �hnPi ya. Clark McDougall, 1290, acrylic on board, not dated In 2023, the focus on acquisitions highlights a commitment to supporting and exhibiting artists from the local and regional community. By acquiring artworks created by local and regional artists, cultural institutions and organizations not only contribute to the growth and recognition of these artists but also celebrate the unique artistic expressions that reflect the cultural identity and diversity of the region. This focus on local and regional artwork acquisitions can help foster a sense of pride and connection within the community, promote the visi- bility of our artists, and enrich the cultural landscape with authentic and meaningful artistic contributions. Clark McDougall, 1290, not dated, acrylic on board 24"x40" Rosemary Sloot, Ghost Dress, 2018, oil on canvas, 16"x20" Elizabeth Knowles, Untitled "Birch Trees", not dated, oil on canvas board 16"x20" William St. Thomas Smith, Cornish Scene, not dated, watercolour 30"x36" Robert Reginal Whale, Niagara Falls, not dated, oil on canvas, 30"x36" Paul Schleusner, Jumbo Days, 1985, pastel on paper, 20"x25" Jean Spence, Port Stanley Connection (21 paintings) , 2008, oil on canvas 9"xl 1 " each Page 138 of 145 Ru wP If . I- - Mi FMVisual enhancements aid in elevating the ambiance and overall visitor experience, fostering a more engaging and immersive environment for art appreciation. Upgrades can also ensure the preservation and optimal display of valuable artworks, safeguarding them for future generations to enjoy. With a generous donation, the Public Art Cen- tre embarked on replacing dated storage in the permanent collection vault one. The new storage now can accommodate the small sculptural works in the collection. In 2023, the Public Art Centre replaced the florescent lighting in the studio space, stair- ways, and the main floor kitchen to cost sav- ing LED lighting. A heartfelt thank you to the Late Anne Bridge for her generous bequest to our public art center. Her gift has made lasting impact on the Public art Centre, our community and the visual arts. Public Art Centers serve as important cultural institutions that enrich 6eTor e our lives in many ways. Page 139 of 1 Membership Jane Armstrong Robin Baratta Elizabeth Bourque Peter Bloch -Hansen Gwen Card Cheryl Kaufman Don Ferguson Lisa Gerrard Robin Grindley Richard Haddon Cherie Hall Susan Hampson Pat Hartwell Mclean Dang Ho Petrusia Hontar Joseph Hubbard Marion Hummel Debra Jackson -Jones Nancy Johnson Mary Intven Wallace Dennis Kalichuk Elizabeth Kusinski David & Sandra Marr Catherine Marshall Landsley Annette Martin Brian Masschaele Pat McCaig Kathy McNeil Janet Medlyn Kathleen O'Dea Elizabeth Raven Deborah Rogers Shirley Shore Rosemary Sloot Patrick Thibert Susan Wells Harry Wilkinson Pat White FAMILY Janet Farley Brodie Gary & Elaine Clark Mary Jane & Jerry Collins John McMahon and Catherine Craig Diane & Steve Dob- son Carol & Wally Ewaskiw Bethany Green Joel Keenleyside Michael & Dana Lind- say Brian & Kathy Lyle S'ine Mavle Ciabh McEve- nue Dan & Lynne Peter- son Andrew Snetsinger Jeff & Susanna Suchak CONTRIBUTING Fred & Ardythe An - Katherine Nicli Steven McLarty- Payson Rowena Spersrud Tony Stacpoole & Pat Baker Patricia Thornton Wendy & Dan Tippin Steve Wookey & Breeda Kevany Catherine & Andres Villar Fanny Yeager SUPPORTING Ian Begg Agnes Berko Jeff Strong & Jenny Couse Joyce M. Ferguson Jack & Louise Ferri- derson man Philip & Janet Ballan- Jim Barber & Brenda tyne Fuhrman Amanda Caldwell- Sine B. Herold Wraith Joan & Matt Janes Pat & Bob Curtis Patricia John - Darrell & Joan Dennis son George & Lynn Dis- Wayne & Maxine browe Kentner Dawn Docker Gary & Carolyne Sue Fortin- McLeod Smith Ian Tripp Millie Gremonprez Kevin Mor- Ted Gilchrist rell Eileen Grimley Malcolm & Monique Kathy Hagerman Wood Bob & Maryanne Heath SPONSORING Neil Hubert Suzanne Baehr Allan & Kim Hughson Betty Burrell-Beaudry Dagny & Mary Beth Suzanne Faris Ingolfsrud Sharon Little Dr. Donald & Mrs. Gilli- Sally Martyn an Lawrence John D. Shaw & Cath- Johnnene Maddison erine Elliot Shaw Page 140 of 145 SUSTAINING Carl & Debra Bagshaw Brian & Mary Ellen Bolt Elgin Contracting and Restoration Ltd. Candy McManiman St. Thomas Downtown Development Board Sponsors Aylmer Express Doug Tarry Limited GeedinksHome Hardware Kenny Insurance Broker [lMACMortgages LTD Railway City Tourism Annual Giving Glen White Investments Ltd. Capital Program |onBegg General Donations Arable Communications Pat Baker and Tony Stocpoo|e Kevin Morrell Sine Mou|e StontecConsulting Ltd.' PothckThibert Kim Wilkie Ed Zelenak Clark McDougaUURe- Centre �������� Martha McKjUopKhan OunconMcKjUop Gifts In -Kind Arable Communications Charlotte Arbuckle |onBegg Tom Brennond Michael Crane Jim Coburn Catherine Elliot Shaw Greg Fry Edward and Marianne Gibson Robin Grindley Jill He|dingen Sine Herold OennbKoUchuk Ron kjngsvvood EUzobethKudnski Mary |ntvenWallace Roegon Little �Ilwf� M�� Steven McLort«Payson Jane MckjUopCoffey OunconMcKjUop Martha McKjUopKhan Anne MckjUopOstrom JohnneneModdison A|Mogroth KothehneMed|yn ScottMossecor Ron and Rhonda Milton Minerva Art Gallery Kevin Morrell Rowena Pasternak BiUSpocknnon Louise Sifton RosernoryS|oot Jean and Michael Spence Jeffery and Susanna Suchok Wendy and OonTippin Kim Wilkie Mary Louise White Robert and Rose White In Memory of John D. Shaw Sine Herold In Memory of Joyce Hughson Susan and Richard Andrews Nancy and Jason KeiUor Helen Lynch Suzette Sutton Treonoand Bob Fellows Sine Herold Sharon Little Bob and Mary Anne Heath In Memory of Theodore Bnon^aKz Joan and Darrell Dennis In Memory of Doug Dolman Jan Row Inspire a«tuden0 Elgin Contracting and Restora- tion Ltd.' Kinsmen Club of St. Thomas Lions Club cfPort Stanley Lions Club ofSt. Thomas Optimist Club ofSt. Thomas Talbot Trail Optimist Club Williams Funeral Home Malcolm and Monique Wood Summer Cocktail Art and Music Sponsor Doug Tarry Homes Ltd.' Railway City Tourism 2023 Art Auction Doug Tarry Homes Ltd.' Kenny Insurance Broker Railway C|tvTourism Graham Scott Enns Aylmer Express Ferguson OinneoProfessional Corporation Sandra OinneoProfessional Cor- poration Locke Insurance Brokers Talbot Trail Physiotherapy Geer|inksHome Hardware [l.M.A.C. Mortgages Downtown Development Board St. Thomas Grants City of St. Thomas Elgin County TurnbenyFund YVindonFund Howard and Alice Williams Fund Museum Assistance Program Canada Summer Jobs Page 141 of 145 1 Ell 1 In I�fl 77 a El Ell W. TOWNSHIP OF Adelaide Metcalfe March 22nd, 2024 The Honourable Lisa Thompson Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 11 th Floor 77 Grenville St. Toronto, ON M5S 1 B3 RE: Township of Adelaide Metcalfe — Request to Increase Tile Drain Loan Limit Dear Minister Thompson, On March 18, 2024, the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe Council approved the following resolution. - WHEREAS farm drainage is of paramount importance in Ontario due to its significant impact on agricultural productivity and sustainability. Effective drainage systems help mitigate waterlogging, control soil moisture levels, and enhance soil structure, thereby optimizing growing conditions for crops; WHEREAS improved drainage also facilitates timely field operations, reduces erosion, and minimizes nutrient runoff, contributing to environmental conservation efforts; WHEREAS Ontario's diverse agricultural landscape, where weather variability is common, well -maintained drainage systems play a crucial role in ensuring stable yields, economic viability, and long-term resilience for farmers across the Province, - WHEREAS the Tile Loan Drainage Act, R. S.O 1990, c. T 8 allows for the borrowing of money for the purpose of constructing drainage works, - WHEREAS the maximum annual limit for these loans, unchanged since 2004, is currently set at $50, 000. WHEREAS costs for Tile Drainage has increased markedly since 2004; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe requests that the Province through the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) consider increasing the maximum annual Tile Loan limit to a minimum of $100,000. AND THAT this resolution be circulated the Honourable Lisa Thompson — Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA), and all Ontario municipalities. 2340 Egremont Drive, R.R. #5, Strathroy, Ontario, N7G 31­16 Phone (519)247-3687 Toll Free 1-866-525-8878 Fax (519)247-3411 E-Mail info@adelaidemetcalfe.on.ca Page 143 of 145 Your consideration of Council's request is appreciated. Kind regards, Mi�ael Barnier Clerk & Manager of Legislative Services Township of Adelaide Metcalfe airniieic a dellaodernetcaHe..on,ca Cc:. Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) All Ontario Municipalities Page 144 of 145 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 24-14 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE APRIL 9, 2024 MEETING" WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O.2001, c.25, as amended, the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5.3 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, the powers of every Council shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, at its meeting held on April 9, 2024 be hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Warden and appropriate officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer, or alternate, are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9T" DAY OF APRIL, 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 145 of 145