02 - April 30, 2024 RIPA Committee Agenda PackageOZ5 ElgmCounty Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee Orders of the Day Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 1:00 p.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Note for Members of the Public: Please click the link below to watch the Committee Meeting: https://www.facebook.com/ElginCountyAdmin/ Accessible formats available upon request. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of the Agenda 3. Adoption of Minutes 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 5. Delegations 6. Reports/Briefings 6.1 Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk - Community Grant Program Allocation Recommendations 7. Other Business 8. Correspondence 9. Closed Meeting 9.1 Closed Meeting Minutes - April 3, 2024 10. Motion to Rise and Report 11. Date of Next Meeting 12. Adjournment Pages 2 5 Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee Minutes April 3, 2024, 10:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Members Present: Warden Ed Ketchabaw Deputy Warden Grant Jones Councillor Mark Widner Donna Lunn, EFA Representative Members Absent: Councillor Richard Leatham (with notice) Staff Present: Blaine Parkin, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 10.00 a.m. with Warden Ketchabaw in the chair. 2. Approval of the Agenda Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT a closed session item be added to the agenda to discuss matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual. Motion Carried. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Donna Lunn RESOLVED THAT the agenda for the April 3, 2024 Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee meeting be approved as amended. 1 Page 2of8 Motion Carried. 3. Adoption of Minutes Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the August 18, 2023 Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee meeting be adopted. Motion Carried. 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None. 5. Delegations None. 6. Reports/Briefings 6.1 Community Grant Program Application Eligibility Discussion The Legislative Services Coordinator provided an overview and summary to the Committee of the eligibility criteria for the program, the total funding amount available, and the total request for funds. The Committee discussed individual applicants under Item #9 - Closed Meeting. 7. Other Business None. 8. Correspondence None. 9. Closed Meeting Moved by: Donna Lunn Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT we do now move into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. Motion Carried. 9.1 Identifiable Individuals 10. Motion to Rise and Report 2 Page 3of8 The Committee recessed at 11.00 a.m. and reconvened at 11.05 a.m. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT we do now rise and report. Motion Carried. Closed Meeting Item #1 - Identifiable Individuals Moved by: Donna Lunn Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT staff proceed as directed. Motion Carried. 11. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee will be held on April 30, 2024 in the afternoon. 12. Adjournment Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 11.08 a.m. to meet again on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 in the afternoon. Motion Carried. Blaine Parkin, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden Ed Ketchabaw, Chair. 3 Page 4of8 ElginCounty Report to Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee From: Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Date: April 22, 2024 Subject: Community Grant Program Allocation Recommendations Recommendation(s): RESOLVED THAT the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee endorse the Community Grant Program allocations as presented; and, THAT the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee Chair be directed to present the proposed grant allocations to County Council for approval. Introduction: The Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee (RIPA) is responsible for considering grant requests made to County Council through the Community Grant Program (CGP) and making recommendations to Council as to which organizations should be provided funding as part of the Council budget process. The CGP is currently divided into two streams: Community Services, and Festivals and Events. These two streams are further divided into Cultivate (existing programs and events) and Seed (new programs and events). The CGP was developed in 2020 to replace the previous grant process and has undergone several minor changes at the direction of the Committee. Background and Discussion: The Application Scoring Process The CGP scoring process has been designed to ensure the Committee is able to objectively review requests for funding using a fair and consistent process. This is particularly important as the program is regularly oversubscribed. 1. Applications are first screened for eligibility against a set of criteria laid out in the CGP application. 2. Applications that do not meet eligibility criteria are removed from consideration. 3. Applications are then reviewed independently by each Committee Member and scored using a standard scoring matrix. Page 5of8 4. Staff compile the scores received from each Committee Member to determine an average total score for each application. 5. Applications must receive an average total score of 60% or higher to be considered for funding. Applications that do not meet this threshold are also removed from consideration. 6. A Weighted Factor is then calculated for each application = (total score*ask/(sum of scores*sum of asks)) 7. A recommended allocation is then calculated = (weighting factor / total weights*available funds) 8. The Normalization Factor = sum of weighting factor 9. Finally, the Committee is presented with a list of proposed funding allocations to consider for approval. 2024 Application Overview There is $74,358 allocated for the CGP as part of Council's approved 2024 Budget. A total of 29 applications were received for the 2024 intake period. 9 applications did not meet the eligibility criteria of the program or achieved lower than an average total score of 60%. There were 20 applications that were eligible for funding, and total eligible asks were $147,500. 2024 Recommended Allocations Overview by Funding Stream Ask % of total ask Proposed Budget Community Services - Seed $0 0% $0 Community Services - Cultivate $56,100 38% $28,281 Festivals & Events - Seed $7,000 5% $3,529 Festivals & Events - Cultivate $84,400 57% $42,548 TOTAL $147,500 100% $74,358 Community Services There were no Community Services Seed Applications recommended for funding in 2024. Community Services - Average Ask Weighting Recommended Cultivate Total Factor Allocation Score Page 6of8 St. Thomas -Elgin 70 $10,000 0.0213660 $4,859 Second Stage Transitional Residents Quad County Support 72 $3,000 0.0065929 $1,499 Services STEAM Education 69 $10,000 0.0210607 $4,790 Centres Incorporated The Family Central 75 $10,000 0.0228921 $5,206 Apartments Mennonite Community 72 $10,000 0.0219764 $4,998 Services Multi -Service Centre 73 $2,100 0.0046791 $1,064 VON - Student Nutrition 77 $9,000 0.0211523 $4,810 Program Elgin 4-H Association 76 $2,000 0.0046395 $1,055 TOTAL 584 $56,100 0.1243590 $28,281 Festivals and Events Festivals and Events - Average Ask Weighting Recommended Seed Total Factor Allocation Score Tyrconnell Heritage 76 $7,000 1.0000000 $3,529 Society - Backus Page TOTAL 76 $7,000 1.0000000 $3,529 Festivals and Events - Average Ask Weighting Recommended Cultivate Total Factor Allocation Score Bayham Historical 71 $1,500 0.0015675 $733 Society - Edisonfest Straffordville Community 72 $10,000 0.0105973 $4,958 Committee - Watermelon Fest Port Burwell Periscope 68 $10,000 0.0100085 $4,683 Playhouse Elgin County Plowmen's 74 $500 0.0005446 $255 Association Bayham Beachfest 70 $10,000 0.0103029 $4,821 CALIPSO 79 $10,000 0.0116276 $5,440 Wallacetown Ag Society 80 $10,000 0.0117747 $5,509 Port Burwell Historical 75 $4,900 0.0054090 $2,531 Society Aylmer & East Elgin Ag 68 $10,000 0.0100085 $4,683 Society Shedden Ag Society 73 $7,500 0.0080583 $3,770 Page 7of8 Rodney Ag Society 75 $10,000 0.0110388 $5,165 TOTAL 805 $84,400 0.0909379 $42,548 Financial Implications: $74,358 has been included in the Elgin County 2024 Budget for the CGP. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ❑ Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ❑ Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: None. Communication Reauirements: After the proposed Community Grant Program allocations are approved by the Committee, the Chair will bring a report to County Council for consideration. After Council's decision, letters will be sent to both the successful and unsuccessful applicants. Conclusion: After diligent consideration, Committee Members submitted individual scores for each CGP application received. These scores were combined and then proposed allocations were calculated using a weighted formula. These proposed allocations are before the Committee for consideration. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Katherine Thompson Manager of Administrative Services Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 8of8