13 - May 28, 2024 County Council Agenda PackageElgmCounty Elgin County Council Regular Council Meeting Orders Of The Day Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Note for Members of the Public: Please click the link below to watch the Council Meeting: https://www.facebook.com/ElginCountyAdmin/ Accessible formats available upon request. 1. Call to Order Pages 2. Adoption of Minutes 3 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4. Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 5. Committee of the Whole 6. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 6.1 Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives - 11 Guenther Homes Tax Increment Equivalent Grant (TIEG) Application 6.2 Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives - 19 Elgincentives 2023 Year End Review and 10-year Program Review 6.3 Director of Engineering Services - St. George Street (CR 26) 24 Reconstruction (Tender No. 2024-T09) — Contract Award 6.4 Director of Engineering Services - Reduced Speed Zone Amendment — 27 Kingsmill Corner 6.5 Director of Legal Services - PS 24-11 —Amendments to LDC 30 Remuneration 7. Council Correspondence 7.1 Items for Consideration 7.1.1 Elgin County Drowning Prevention Proclamation & Flag Raising 33 Request 7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 7.2.1 Letter from Quad County Support Services thanking Elgin 35 County Council for the community grant in support of their Summer Youth Transition Program, and their Spring 2024 Newsletter. 7.2.2 Resolution from the City of Belleville in Support of Family Doctors 7.2.3 2024 AccessAbility Open House Poster 8. Other Business 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members 8.2 Notice of Motion 8.3 Matters of Urgency 9. Closed Meeting Items 9.1 Closed Meeting Minutes - May 14, 2024 10. Motion to Rise and Report 11. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole 12. Consideration of By -Laws 12.1 By -Law No. 24-19 - Authorize Speed Limits 12.2 By -Law No. 24-20 - Amend By -Laws 23-03 and 23-05, Adjusting LDC Remuneration 12.3 By -Law No. 24-21 - Confirmation 13. Adjournment E,K 45 53 54 Page 2 of 54 Elgin County Council Minutes May 14, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Members Present: Warden Ed Ketchabaw Deputy Warden Grant Jones Councillor Dominique Giguere Councillor Mark Widner Councillor Jack Couckuyt Councillor Andrew Sloan Councillor Todd Noble Councillor Mike Hentz Councillor Richard Leatham Staff Present: Blaine Parkin, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Amy Thomson, Director of Human Resources Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services Andrea Loughlean, Manager of Emergency Management & Elgin -Middlesex Regional Fire School Paul Hicks, Acting Manager of Planning (virtual) Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Mike Hoogstra, Manager of Purchasing and Risk Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with Warden Ketchabaw in the chair. 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on April 30, 2024 be adopted. Motion Carried. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof Councillor Widner declared a pecuniary interest in regards to Item 6.7 - Acting Manager of Planning - PS 24-8 - CE OPA 1-24; 14000 Belmont Road. Councillor Widner will not participate in the discussion or vote on this item. 4. Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 4.1 Retirement Recognition - Cheryl Fish, Health Recruiter, St. Thomas - Elgin Health Recruitment Partnership Warden Ketchabaw, Deputy Warden Jones, and Councillor Couckuyt presented Cheryl Fish with a Retirement Certificate and congratulated her Page 3 of 54 on her retirement after 11 years as the Health Recruiter for the St. Thomas - Elgin Health Recruitment Partnership Committee. 5. Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Couckuyt Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT we do now move into Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 6. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 6.1 Warden Ketchabaw - Warden's Activity Report (April 2024) Warden Ketchabaw presented the report detailing his activities for the month of April 2024. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Warden's Activity Report (April 2024)" from Warden Ketchabaw dated April 29, 2024 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.2 Warden Ketchabaw - 2024 Community Grant Program Allocations Warden Ketchabaw presented the report detailing the 2024 Community Grant Program Allocations for Council's consideration. Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT Elgin County Council approve the 2024 Community Grant Program allocations as proposed by the Rural Initiatives and Planning Advisory Committee. Motion Carried. 6.3 Manager of Procurement & Risk - Procurement Activity Report Q1 (January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024) The Manager of Procurement & Risk presented the report containing the details relevant to the exercise of delegated authority for all contracts awarded that exceed $15,000 during the period of January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024. Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Procurement Activity Report Q1 (January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024)" from the Manager of Procurement & Risk dated May 14, 2024 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.4 Manager of Emergency Management & Elgin -Middlesex Regional Fire School - 2023 Emergency Management Compliance The Manager of Emergency Management & Elgin -Middlesex Regional Fire School presented the report notifying Council that all requirements of compliance were met and Elgin County's 2023 Emergency Management compliance submission was successful. Moved by: Councillor Leatham Seconded by: Councillor Giguere Page 4 of 54 RESOLVED THAT the report titled "2023 Emergency Management Compliance" from the Manager of Emergency Management & Elgin - Middlesex Regional Fire School dated May 14, 2024 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.5 Director of Legal Services - LS 24-6 Land Ambulance Agreement — Medavie EMS The Director of Legal Services presented the report that recommends that Council award and approve a single -source contract for the provision of Land Ambulance Services to Medavie EMS Ontario Inc. for the period of January 2, 2024 - December 21, 2026 with an option to extend for an additional three-year term. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT the report titled "LS 24-6 Land Ambulance Agreement — Medavie EMS' from the Director of Legal Services dated May 14, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT Council of the County of Elgin award a single -source contract for the provision of Land Ambulance Services to Medavie EMS Ontario Inc. for the period of January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026, with an option to extend for an additional three-year term, in the annual amount of $12,708,248 subject to CPI Adjustments in the years 2025 and 2026; and THAT Council of the County of Elgin authorize the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer to execute an agreement substantially in the form of the contract attached to this report. Motion Carried. 6.6 Acting Manager of Planning - PS 24-9 - 34T-SO2401 — 4431 Union Road The Acting Manager of Planning presented the report that provides County Council with information required to consider granting draft plan approval to the plan of subdivision by the Applicant Barbara G. Rosser, Planning Consultant, on behalf of the Owner Domus Developments (London) Inc., for County File No. 34T-SO2401. Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Hentz RESOLVED THAT the report titled "PS 24-9 — 34T-SO2401 — 4431 Union Road" from the Acting Manager of Planning dated May 14, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin grants draft plan approval to the Draft Plan of Subdivision by Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd. on behalf of Domus Developments (London) Inc. and dated December 21, 2023; and THAT staff be directed to provide notice of this decision subject to the conditions of final approval in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. Motion Carried. 6.7 Acting Manager of Planning - PS 24-8 — CE OPA 1-24; 14000 Belmont Road Councillor Widner abstained from discussion and voting on Item 6.7. Page 5 of 54 The Acting Manager of Planning presented the report providing Council with the information required in order to make a decision on the Municipality of Central Elgin's Official Plan Amendment No. 2. Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT the report titled "PS 24-8 — CE OPA 1-24; 14000 Belmont Road" from the Acting Manager of Planning dated May 14, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin approves Official Plan Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Central Elgin; and THAT staff be directed to provide notice of this decision in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. Motion Carried. 6.8 Acting Manager of Planning - PS 24-10 — Elgin County Official Plan Adoption The Acting Manager of Planning presented the report providing Council with the information required to make a decision on the adoption of the new Elgin County Official Plan. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT the report titled "PS 24-10 — Elgin County Official Plan Adoption" from the Acting Manager of Planning dated May 14, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin approves By - Law No. 24-17, being a by-law to adopt a new Official Plan for the County of Elgin; and THAT staff be directed to prepare the statutory record in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act to be submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval. Motion Carried. 7. Council Correspondence 7.1 Items for Consideration 7.1.1 Flag Raising and Proclamation Letter of Request from Elgin County Pride Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Sloan RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin support the request from Elgin County Pride to hold a flag raising on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 and proclaim August 5 - 11, 2024 as Elgin County Pride Week. Motion Carried. 7.1.2 Flag Raising and Proclamation Request Documents from ChildCan Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Leatham Page 6 of 54 RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin support the request from Childcan to hold a flag raising on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 and proclaim September 2024 as Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Motion Carried. 7.1.3 Resolution from Municipality of Bayham, re: Plank Road Traffic Safety Measures Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Councillor Hentz RESOLVED THAT Engineering Services Staff be directed to investigate a variety of traffic safety measures on Plank Road from Edison to Oak and provide a report to Elgin County Council at a future meeting. Motion Carried. 7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT Correspondence Items #7.2.1 - #7.2.2 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 7.2.1 Western Ontario Warden's Caucus (WOWC) Media Release - WOWC Unveils 2024 Priorities and WOWC 2024-2025 Priorities Report 7.2.2 Elgin County Museum - Oneida Nation of the Thames Mural Launch Invitation 8. Other Business 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members 8.1.1 Warden Ketchabaw - May 10, 2024 Minister's Meeting Update Warden Ketchabaw provided an update to Council on the May 10, 2024 meeting of the Growth Planning Steering Committee with the Minister of Transportation, Prabmeet Sarkaria, and the Associate Minister of Housing, Rob Flack. Warden Ketchabaw stated that the County provided a short presentation to the Ministers detailing the regional impacts and expectations regarding the Volkwagen Power Co. growth and the expected road impacts and where enhancements would be needed to deal with the expected increase in traffic. Warden Ketchabaw stated that Deputy Warden Jones and the Director of Engineering escorted the Ministers on a sixty-five (65) kilometre tour around the area and the affected sites including Yarmouth Centre Road, Ron McNeil Line, Highbury Avenue, and the Broccolini site. Warden Ketchabaw stated that the presentation and tour were well - received by the Ministers and while there are no specific commitments from the Ministry at this time that it opened the door to explain the County's concerns regarding development impacts on County infrastructure and the areas in which the County will need assistance. Deputy Warden Jones stated that he concurred with the Warden's statements. Deputy Warden Jones stated that the infrastructure decisions of the next five years will have effects for the next 50 years and are important for longevity and accessibility of the area, especially Page 7 of 54 for our farming communities and the challenges they will face with the transportation network. Councillor Noble stated that the meeting with the Ministers went really well and that he was impressed with the level of engagement from the Minister of Transportation and how forthcoming with information he was. The Chief Administrative Officer stated that the day was successful on the whole and that both Ministers were extremely engaged with members of Council and staff. The Chief Administrative Officer stated that he thought that the Ministers took away the message that the County of Elgin is wanting to work collaboratively with the Province and plan for that growth and assist in coordinating with Local Municipal Partners on the infrastructure that's required to support that growth and to achieve Provincial goals. Councillor Widner stated that he watched the Growth Planning Steering Committee remotely and that the Director of Engineering did an excellent job in the presentation and that many farmers have concerns about how traffic changes will impact their operations and it is important they have the opportunity to voice these concerns to the Province. 8.1.2 Warden Ketchabaw - Rosy Rhubarb Festival Warden Ketchabaw stated that Edison Fest in Vienna is June 1, 2024 and Rosy Rhubarb in Shedden is June 8 and 9, 2024 and that this is just the start of the Festival Season with many more to come. 8.2 Notice of Motion None. 8.3 Matters of Urgency None. 9. Closed Meeting Items Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Hentz RESOLVED THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss the following matters under Municipal Act Section 239 (2): Closed Meetina Item #1 - Closed Meetina Minutes - April 30. 2024 Closed Meetina Item #2 - Collective Baraainina update (verbal) (d) labour relations or employee negotiations Motion Carried. 9.1 Closed Meeting Minutes - April 30, 2024 9.2 Director of Human Resources - Collective Bargaining update (verbal) 10. Motion to Rise and Report Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT we do now rise and report. Motion Carried. Page 8 of 54 Closed Meeting Item #1 - Closed Meeting Minutes, April 30, 2024 Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Sloan RESOLVED THAT the April 30, 2024 Closed Meeting Minutes be adopted. Motion Carried. Closed Meeting Item #2 - Collective Bargaining update (verbal) Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT the confidential report from the Director of Human Resources be received for information. Motion Carried. 11. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Councillor Giguere RESOLVED THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 12. Consideration of By -Laws 12.1 By -Law No. 24-17 Official Plan Adoption BEING a By -Law to Provide for the Adoption of the Official Plan for the County of Elgin. Moved by: Councillor Leatham Seconded by: Councillor Sloan RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 24-17 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. Motion Carried. 12.2 By -Law 24-18 Confirmation BEING a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May 14, 2024 Meeting. Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 24-18 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. Motion Carried. 13. Adjournment Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 10:21 a.m. to meet again on May 28, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Motion Carried. 7 Page 9 of 54 Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 10 of 54 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Carolyn Krahn, Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives Date: May 28, 2024 Subject: Guenther Homes Tax Increment Equivalent Grant (TIEG) Application Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "Guenther Homes Tax Increment Equivalent Grant (TIEG) Application" from the Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives dated May 28, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT County Council approves the Tax Increment Equivalent Grant for Peter Letkeman Guenther Inc.; and THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to sign the financial agreement between the County of Elgin, the Township of Malahide, and Peter Letkeman Guenther I nc. Introduction: In 2015, all Local Municipal Partners approved their respective Community Improvement Plans (CIP). Each municipality's CIP contains the Tax Increment Equivalent Grant (TIEG), implemented for major projects. The TIEG is intended to stimulate investment by effectively deferring part of the increase in property taxation due to the significant development, redevelopment, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of land or buildings. Typically, the approval of the Elgincentives Implementation Committee is the only requirement needed to approve an Elgincentives application. However, the TIEG must be approved by both the applicant's Municipal Council and Elgin County Council. Endorsement from both levels of government is required as this grant allows for the increase in Municipal and County taxation to be deferred for five (5) years. The Elgincentives Implementation Committee has recommended the approval of the application by Peter Letkeman Guenther Inc. for the New Industrial Building Plaza Page 11 of 54 (10725 Hacienda Road) as it meets all of the requirements of the Tax Increment Equivalent Grant described in the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan. On May 2, 2024, Malahide Council approved its portion of the Tax Increment Equivalent Grant for Peter Letkeman Guenther. Background and Discussion: Peter Letkeman Guenther Inc., located within the Township of Malahide, is the third TIEG application to the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan. The Peter Letkeman Guenther Inc. project proposes building a 38,000-square-foot facility with six (6) business units. The facility will be mixed -use with both industrial and commercial uses. The land is currently vacant, and this project will convert vacant land into a space for entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses, creating more jobs for residents. This project is not located within the tourism corridor or priority area; as such, it is eligible for a 100% grant of the Municipal and County portion of the taxes for the first year with a reduction of 10% each year for the next four (4) years (100% in year 1, 90% in year 2, 80% in year 3, 70% in year 4, 60% in year 5, and 0% in year 6). The total cost of construction, including site preparation, heating/cooling, plumbing, and electrical, is estimated at $1,800,000.00. The construction of six business units is expected to draw investment from companies in the industrial and commercial sectors and aspiring entrepreneurs in the area. The new units are estimated to create upwards of 100 new jobs in the region. Financial Implications: Based on the most recent tax rates and an assessment value of $1,800,000, the estimated tax deferral to the County based on 100% industrial occupancy would be $109,637.43 over five (5) years: Year 1: $27,409.36 Year 2: $24,668.42 Year 3: $21,927.49 Year 4: $19,186.55 Year 5: $16,445.61 The final total of the grant that will be issued depends on MPAC's property assessment, which can occur six (6) months to two (2) years after construction. Page 12 of 54 Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ® Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ® Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: At 100% industrial occupancy, the Township of Malahide portion of the Tax Increment Equivalent Grant will be around $122,560.99 over five (5) years. Communication Requirements: Elgin County Economic Development will notify the property owner of their successful application if approved. Moreover, we will showcase the project on our website and social media platforms to generate more awareness and interest. This success story will help portray the County as a business -friendly community, and the project will gain more traction and attract potential investors, partners, and customers. By doing so, Elgin County Economic Development aims to support the growth and prosperity of our local businesses and communities. Conclusion: The Elgincentives Implementation Committee has recommended the application by Peter Letkeman Guenther Inc. for approval as it meets all of the requirements of the Tax Increment Equivalent Grant described in the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan. The applicant must pay the total tax amount, and each year, for five (5) years, the applicant will receive a rebate from the incremental taxes. During this five-year period, the Township of Malahide and Elgin County will still receive the original taxation amount. Page 13 of 54 All of which is Respectfully Submitted Carolyn Krahn Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 14 of 54 N o _ 4— O +�+ CU 0O N M a) Y, CV W (D V � n` UI ° UI ° ° n` to � cn 5 4—Ate, ° 0 O O o U 0 Cl) O r = _ �+ _ y. O i O L p) U O L ap U O ti i O cfl �- U c0 L m O xcn O .L a) O O O O x O U co � a> O p O O a) (6 a) = c0 -Fu Q •s o O O cn O Q a) > > >cu O _ `- a) O 0 to O O 5 O r O a) O N a) L° N N> a) 0 ao O p O p 0 cn -+ j c0 +� �O O O L a O cn O O cn O 0 aF OCU _ Q`. / L c0 �_ c0 O .O cu a) c6_ �_ p . V > a) a) 0 O U O U U 0 O U cu 3 U 0 (� U O Q > a) c0 L O1 a) O O O a) L O O O 0-0 O 0 cn i 0 co Q c0 cn _ R3 L c6 a) to C �+ � �- �+ � (6cu +- a) 0 O' a) LU > a) cn .Q' ', — O c0 aj N c0 L cu a) c6 > O ch _ c4 r cn cu �% — — U 0 (6 c0 ° � c0 E .L M U cn N L = CU 0 cn cu L Q c0 U L 2-L c0 U c0 Q U L c0 0- U � E >% v cn 'F Q. 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Ln < Ln I c t c Ic Cl Ln ID u Cl ID cz cN aNi 0 Ln Ln Cl) 0 -0 _0 I'- 0 z o E-Z F-i E- F-i E--j E--j E-Z E-Z E..Z 0 �2 M E cn cz CO 1E. I U cn w w 1 cz 21 16Z 21 ................. ............................ cn cn w cn U w ch M 'IT LO 4-- 0 co a) 0) m 0- ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Carolyn Krahn, Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives Date: May 28, 2024 Subject: Elgincentives 2023 Year End Review and 10-year Program Review Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "Elgincentives 2023 Year End Review and 10-year Program Review" from the Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives dated May 28, 2024 be received and filed. Introduction: Since October 2015, the County of Elgin has administered a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) with the help of its Local Municipal Partners (LMPs). The CIP aims to encourage redevelopment activities that make efficient use of lands, buildings, and infrastructure, and to attract private investment in a cohesive and coordinated manner. The Elgincentives CIP was created to stimulate economic growth and diversification, improve the quality of place for residents and visitors, and ensure the stability and sustainability of the tax base. Elgincentives focuses on four (4) key areas of local economic activity: downtowns and main streets, agricultural areas, ports and lakeshore areas, and other key tourist and private outdoor recreation facilities. The program offers financial incentives to encourage private investment in these areas, and its funding commitments were renewed by the County Council in April 2022. The program was renewed to include two (2) intakes per year, refocused priorities, targeted marketing, and updated evaluation criteria. Economic Development staff continue to work with the Local Municipal Partners to conduct an annual review of the program to ensure its alignment with community needs. A full version of the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan is available on the co nom is eve opm en ���.���.�'.....�."::�..il.n:.�/�nll ..h. II `�W�:r. Page 19 of 54 Background and Discussion: In 2023, Elgincentives had a total of 16 approved applications from April — November with a total investment by Elgin of $78,356.38 resulting in private investment of $476,351.98. Eight (8) applications were denied this year as they did not meet the minimum required score. One (1) applicant withdrew their application following grant approval. Elgincentives Grants Number of Approved Projects* Approved Grant Value Fagade 9 $31,931.73 Signage 4 $6,619.62 Property 1 $1,035.32 Building Improvement 9 $25,470.62 Building Conversion/Expansion 3 $12,109.13 Energy Efficiency 1 $1,189.96 Outdoor Art Grant (located in priority area) 0 0 Savour Elgin 0 0 Arts Trail N/A N/A Planning and Building Fees Grant 0 0 Tax Increment Equivalent Grant 0 0 *several applications were approved for more than one grant Municipality # of Applications Grant Value Value of Projects Aylmer 4 $16,851.13 $53,652.86 Bayham 1 $4,237.08 $30,058 Central Elgin 3 $24,528.18 $146,153.40 Dutton Dunwich 3 $13,187.79 $122,756.50 Malahide 1 $712.53 $2,260 Southwold 2 $13,354.88 $114,870.14 West Elgin 2 $5,484.79 $16,601.08 Future of the Elgincentives Program and 10-year Review In 2015, the Local Municipal Councils approved the Elgincentives CIP for a 10-year period. According to the CIP, if Councils wish to extend or reduce the term, an amendment to the CIP is required (section 6.1/section 8.5b). The Councils of each Local Municipality must pass amendments to the CIP under the Planning Act. Municipalities must also pre -consult with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on any amendments to the CIP, and they must follow a specific process to make any amendments: Page 20 of 54 • Issue a notice of a statutory public meeting (at least 20 days before the public meeting); • Make the background information and amended Elgincentives CIP document available for public review 20 days before the public meeting; • Hold a statutory public meeting for the proposed Community Improvement Plan amendment; • Bring forward a bylaw to adopt the amended Community Improvement Plan; • Provide written notice of adoption to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Without any action, the Elgincentives CIP program will lapse in 2025. Staff are recommending a comprehensive review of the program to determine whether to amend the CIP or to develop something new. Staff recommend that a planning consultant lead the process, with the review starting in the Fall of 2024 and the $40,000 allocated for the fall intake of the Elgincentives program to be allocated to the review. Although the spring intake would be the only intake for 2024, the review will ensure that the program continues to provide relevant incentives to improve our communities. The project will involve three main phases: Phase 1: Project Kickoff - Host project kickoff meeting - Develop an engagement strategy - Facilitate request/transfer of necessary data and information - Schedule a consultation with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Phase 2: CIP Diagnostic & Needs Assessment - Launch survey - Undertake a diagnostic of the existing CIP - Conduct a high-level scan of the County from a market perspective - Engage with identified stakeholders to gather insights - Benchmark the County's economic performance and incentive offerings - Evaluate available resources and partnerships - Undertake a review of applicable plans, policy, and legislation Phase 3: Final Report & Workshop - Prepare a consolidated Diagnostic & Needs Assessment Report Page 21 of 54 Schedule a workshop with County staff to review the report's conclusions and next steps The numbers and the project scope are based on consultation with Paul Hicks of Re -Public Urbanism. If approved by Council, the project will go out to RFP Financial Implications: $40,000 from the Elgincentives budget to be allocated to the 10-year review. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ® Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ® Exploring different ways ® Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: The Local Municipalities will be involved throughout the review process, and any amendments to the CIP must be adopted at the local level. Communication Requirements: A copy of this report and any further direction provided by Council will be circulated to each of the member municipalities. Conclusion: The popularity of the Elgincentives program remains strong, and it continues to improve Elgin's downtowns, waterfronts, and agricultural and tourism areas. However, the region has seen significant changes and growth since the Plan's adoption in 2015. A review of the program will ensure that it continues to align with our community's needs and that we can continue to plan for and facilitate commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural growth. Page 22 of 54 All of which is Respectfully Submitted Carolyn Krahn Manager of Economic Development, Tourism & Strategic Initiatives Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 23 of 54 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Peter Dutchak, Director of Engineering Services Mike Hoogstra, Manager of Procurement & Risk Date: May 28, 2024 Subject: St. George Street (CR 26) Reconstruction (Tender No. 2024-T09) — Contract Award Recommendation(s): THAT PV-EX Construction Ltd. be selected to complete the St. George Street (County Road 26) Reconstruction project, Tender No. 2024-T09 at a total price of $3,279,205 including a $335,000 contingency allowance and exclusive of HST.; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign the contract. Introduction: As part of the 2024 Capital Budget, a tender was advertised and issued as per the County's Procurement Policy for the Reconstruction of St. George Street (CR 26) from Wellington Road (CR 25) to the Canadian National Railway (CN) spur line in the Municipality of Central Elgin, being a total length of 1.1 kilometres. Background and Discussion: A total of fifteen (15) contractors downloaded tender documents for this project from the ������i����.���i�;h�������i'-s. Eight (8) contractors submitted electronic bids ounty s bidding system I�°�ii�;,�h..���:�:�:��....:.':�:�`".L::L....... for this tender which closed on May 8, 2024. Bids were received as follows: Company Bid Price (exclusive of HST) PV-EX Construction Ltd. $3,279,205.00 291 Construction Ltd. $3,417,561.95 J-AAR Civil Infrastructures Limited $3,520,033,82 L82 Construction Ltd. $3,653,970.21 Page 24 of 54 Company Bid Price (exclusive of HST) Cassidy Construction London Limited $3,735,869.88 Elgin Construction $3,757,481.60 Omega Contractors Inc. $3,901,893.98 Amico Infrastructures Inc. $4,316,603.20 PV-EX Construction Ltd. submitted the lowest compliant bid for the project at a total price of $3,279,205.00 exclusive of HST. Financial Implications: The approved 2024 Capital Budget allocated $3,636,300 for this reconstruction project. Sufficient project funds exist to accommodate the low bid received for this project. The following summary of projected estimated costs is provided for review and will be confirmed throughout the project: St. George Street Reconstruction Tender Value Net HST (1.76%) Total Projected Costs 2024 Capital Budget Allocation Forecast Budget Surplus/(Deficit) Alignment with Strategic Priorities: $ 3,279,205 $ 57,714 $ 3,336,919 $ 3,636,300 $ 299,381 Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ❑ Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Page 25 of 54 Local Municipal Partner Impact: The Municipality of Central Elgin and City of St. Thomas have been consulted throughout project design and their input has been incorporated into the project scope. A construction detour will be established to restrict through road traffic while permitted local resident access as much as possible during the project. Regular and ongoing communication to affected property owners, including the distribution of "door knockers" will keep residents within the project area apprised of project activities. Communication Requirements: Council, Municipal staff and residents have been and will continue to be advised of the project and construction progress updates. Conclusion: Tenders for the reconstruction of St. George Street (CR 26) have been received and the lowest bid was under budget. Construction is expected to commence mid -June 2024 with a substantial completion anticipated to be achieved by the end of September 2024. Final asphalt paving and minor restoration will be completed in 2025. The County of Elgin would like to recognize the Government of Ontario for their funding assistance with the St. George Street Reconstruction project through the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF). The Government of Ontario continues to strengthen communities through investments to construct and repair critical infrastructure for which the County of Elgin is grateful to be a recipient. As per the County of Elgin's Procurement Policy, if change orders are required and the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by less than 10%, and the amount is within the overall budgeted project amount, work will proceed upon authorization by the Director. However, if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10%, the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Peter Dutchak Director of Engineering Services Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 26 of 54 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Peter Dutchak, Director of Engineering Services Date: May 28, 2024 Subject: Reduced Speed Zone Amendment — Kingsmill Corner Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "Reduced Speed Zone Amendment — Kingsmill Corner" from the Director of Engineering Services dated May 28, 2024 be received and filed, and; THAT the Reduced Speed Zone By -Law be revised as follows: Schedule "C" (Maximum 60 kilometres per hour) Road 52, Section A, "from 285 metres west of the west property limit of Springwater Road, easterly for a distance of 1,025 metres" Introduction: A minor revision to the existing 60km/h reduced speed zone along Ron McNeil Line, through the community of Kingsmill Corner is recommended after receiving concerns from a local resident. Background and Discussion: A 60km/h reduced speed zone has existing along Ron McNeil Line (CR 52) through the community of Kingsmill Corner for many years. The east end of this speed zone currently commences west of the intersection with Dorchester Road, and already within the community. An extension of the east end of this reduced speed zone to the east side of the intersection of Dorchester Road would advise drivers to reduce their speed before they enter this built up area. A minor revision is also proposed to the west limits of this reduced speed zone in order to encapsulate all residential properties. The attached map illustrates the current and proposed reduced speed zone limits for Council's information. In order to consolidate previous amendments, a new Reduced Speed By -Law has been created that merges previous amendments and also includes the amendment recommended in this report. Page 27 of 54 Financial Implications: The Township of Malahide will be requested to install the new signage and at the County's expense. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ❑ Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ❑ Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: The Township of Malahide will be requested to install the new signage and at the County's expense. Communication Requirements: The Elgin Detachment of the OPP will be notified of this revised speed zone. Conclusion: A local resident has identified a concern with the start of a reduced speed zone in the community of Kingsmill Corner along Ron McNeil Line in the Township of Malahide. Staff has reviewed the existing conditions and concur that an extension of the zone would help promote the desired driver behaviours in this area. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Peter Dutchak Director, Engineering Services Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 28 of 54 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services Date: May 28, 2024 Subject: PS 24-11 —Amendments to LDC Remuneration Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "PS 24-11- Amendments to LDC Remuneration" from the Director of Legal Services dated May 28, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT Council approve the by-law presented for its consideration on the May 28, 2024 agenda that amends By -Law Nos. 23-03 and 23-05. Introduction: This report is presented for Council's consideration to confirm changes to Land Division Committee remuneration and site visits, as directed by Council at its April 9, 2024 meeting. Background and Discussion: On April 9, 2024, Council was presented with Report PS 24-5 Land Division Committee Remuneration / Procedural Change. That report presented a request by the Chair of the Land Division Committee for changes to the amount of remuneration received by Land Division Committee members for meetings and a return to site visits by members. Council gave direction to staff to prepare amendments to By -Laws Nos. 23-03 and 23- 05 to give effect to the following: An increase in half -day and full -day remuneration to $175 and $350, respectively; That mileage be paid for site visits; That the section setting out that only the Secretary -Treasurer may perform site visits be deleted, such that members could return to performing site visits for LDC applications; Page 30 of 54 Presented on today's agenda is an amending by-law that serves to amend By -Laws Nos. 23-03 and 23-05 to give effect to the direction of Council. Staff recommend the amending by-law be passed. Financial Implications: The financial implication of these changes is an anticipated increase of approximately $4,200.00 for meetings and as an estimate only, $5,000 for mileage. The mileage cannot be predicted with exactitude because it varies based on the location of the applications received. The increase will be off -set by a recommended change to the fees and charges by-law of $100 per application. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ® Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ® Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ❑ Enhancing quality of programs and services ® Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: None. Communication Requirements: The decision of Council will be communicated to the Chair of the LDC. Page 31 of 54 Conclusion: Council is presented with a by-law giving effect to its direction of April 9, 2024 and staff recommend that it be passed. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Nicholas Loeb Director of Legal Services Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 32 of 54 Elgin County Drowning Prevention Proclamation Request - July 21-27, 2024 Dear County of Elgin, Canada continues to face a major problem — and a preventable one: over 450 people die every year from drowning. In fact, the drowning burden is so great around the world that theUnited Nations General Assembly passed the UN Resolution on Drowning Prevention (A/75/L.76) and named July 25th of each year as World Drowning Prevention Day. On behalf of the Elgin County Drowning Prevention Coalition, I am writing to ask that you proclaim July 21 - 27th, 2024 as DROWNING PREVENTION WEEK in the County of Elgin, aligning with the Lifesaving Society of Canada's NATIONAL Drowning Prevention Week. The Elgin County Drowning Prevention Coalition, was formed by two local individuals, MaryKate Townsend and Briar McCaw, partnering with community stakeholders to create awareness about water safety and drowning prevention in our communities. Briar McCaw has dedicated her undergraduate Health Sciences Research Project at Queen's University to identifying those most at risk of drowning in Elgin and surrounding counties, in order to make a difference in our community. Through research and data analytics, it is our intention to focus media and community attention on the drowning problem and drowning prevention. During this week, the ECDPC urges individuals to: • Supervise children in and around the water (including pools, bathtubs, open water, etc.) • Learn to Swim • Swim with a buddy • Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages while participating in all types of aquatic activities (including boating) • Wear a lifejacket when boating, including kayaks, canoes and paddle boards • Learn the dangers of your environment, whether open water, pools, or agricultural settings If everyone followed these guidelines, we could greatly reduce the impact of not only fatal drownings, but non -fatal drownings as well. Some of our key focus areas are children, immigrants (including migrant workers), and anyone faced with cultural or language barriers that may prevent them from learning to swim or understanding water safety practices. Page 33 of 54 An annual proclamation from Warden Ketchabaw would continue to give great exposure to our lifesaving efforts to residents of Elgin County. It would be a great honour if Warden Ketchabaw could declare July 21-27, 2024 Drowning Prevention week in the County of Elgin, by raising our flag once again. If you have any questions, please contact me at 519-854-3198 or ecdrowningprevention@gmail.com. Sincerely, MaryKate Townsend, Co -Chair, Elgin County Drowning Prevention Coalition Page 34 of 54 Telephone 519-693-4812 Fax 519-693-7055 Email: nfra l ,uadc a,unty.ca Website: https://quadcounty.ca 195 Wellington St., Wardsville, Ontario NOL 2N0 May 21, 2024 Corporation of the County of Elgin Community Grant Program 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Warden Ed Ketchabaw I am sending my sincere gratitude for the grant of $1,499 given by the Elgin County Community Grant Program to Quad County Support Services. These funds will provide assistance to our Summer Youth Transition Program. As in previous years, we are seeing an overwhelming response to this program. There are very few resources available to youth with disabilities in the West Elgin area. Families see the importance of preparing their children for life after school. There are thousands of individuals on the wait list for supports in adult developmental services. The summer program allows us to offer participants an opportunity to learn new skills in preparation for the time when they leave high school. In the past, many individuals have had opportunities for volunteer and work experience. One of the biggest indicators of securing a job as an adult is work experience as a student. The facilitators also meet with families to assist them to navigating various systems in preparation for their future. Unfortunately there is a large disconnect between the youth and adult systems so the better -prepared families are, the better they will be. Quad County's person directed service model allows us to meet families where they are at and develop supports based on their vision of the future. We look forward to providing you with a more fulsome update when the final report is submitted. I have attached our most recent newsletter which highlights individuals who are experiencing their best life. Thank you once again for supporting our grant request. Most Sincerely, Linda Long Executive Director Quad County Support Services Page 35 of 54 We ,' wall III �fA to III � � t' r„ °% III -. /lll III o III f[ YII yo ,JJ! Have ideas for a community program or questions about services and supports we provide? There are lots of ways to connect. RinfoCaquadcounty.ca FACEBOOK PAGE: Quad County Support Services WEBSITE: f`a quadcounty.ca EVENTS: quadcounty.ca/events . .......... 2,, �(/�l�l J� IIIIII����l l�plll II�UJ�IIIU � lip I gvewiti%it) While I get excited about spring, with the budding of the trees and new life emerging, I have to admit it's been a bit of a roller coaster here. We've had to say goodbye to a familiar face, hello to a new team member, update our staff training while supporting individuals getting active in our community. For my spring report, I want to provide an update on our strategic plan. As you know, this is our guiding document for the work we do to grow Quad. Our focus the last few months has been on supporting staff training and sustainability. Supporting staff training Earlier thisyear we renewed our Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training. A special thank you to Kali Zwambag who led the training for our staff. She shared lots of valuable information on how we can provide the best care possible under these pillars - care, welfare, safety and security- both for the individuals we support as well as our staff team. Page 36 of 54 ..continued next page This training is a key part of developing a culture of safety for our organization. We've also completed our annual FIT testing, which ensures staff are equipped with properly fitting respirators sothey're ready if needed. Thanks to Stephanie Caron and Jessica Blais for being our fit testers. In June, we're excited to have Cynthia Lockrey return to conduct communications training for staff. We'll be looking at how we can improve our communications skills with individuals, families and each other. Cynthia has worked with us for a number of years, and as a mother and sister of two autistic individuals, she's passionate about supporting the work we do to help people with disabilities live their best lives. Sustainable future You may have noticed a few changes in the administrative office. We welcome Janice, our new finance associate who's working three days a week. You'll continue to see Norine who's returning to her role as administrative assistant in July, also at three days a week. They've both been working hard to try and make this a seamless and smooth transition. While we've had some bumpy spots, much like our spring weather, we know it will all come together to help strengthen the organization. Looking ahead Like many of you, I'm excited for the summer and all the activities that come with it. But first, we'll be celebrating Community Living month in May. Watch our Facebook page for some special events. With much sadness we had to cancel our Christmas gathering to help keep people healthy for the holidays. Knowing how much everyone loves getting together, we're busy planning a summer picnic. Details will be shared closer to the date so stay tuned. Linda Long Executive Director re excited and grateful for another Epicure fundraiser, hosted by Andrea Burdick. Money raised will help our summer Youth Transitions Program. Each $25 box contains 5 meals and a dessert. Each order = a $10 donation to Quad. Page Vef Qmail andreaburdickrnCayahoo.ca FACEBOOK PAGE: Quad County Support Services U4 OHd Da wr l sy,cfiome Day rrr�murrm� o�e We decided to add a Quad twist to this year's 1 World Down Syndrome Day. We asked Katie to help us design a pair of socks and used her drawing as inspiration for our own pair of "r Quad socks. These limited -edition socks were given to individuals we support so they could rock their socks on March 21. Thanks to interest in the design, we were also able to sell a few pairs to community members as a fundraiser. If you're wanting to buy a pair, email us at info@quadcounty.ca. A special thankyou to the local businesses who did an amazing job at creating Rock Your Socks window displays as well as having staff and students wear their funky socks on March 21. It was incredible to see all the support and awareness of Down Syndrome. Page 38 of 54 FACEBOOK PAGE: �k 0A Quad County Support Services Page 39 of 54 •rMTOMi• For 18 years, Tony Byc raft from Healing Tones (or Karaoke with Tony) has been a regular face at Quad County Support Services. In 2006, he started hosting music workshops with a small West Elgin group, mo nth ly visits to our day program and providing entertainment at the Glencoe Fair. Tony's travelling karaoke was a huge hit with many organizations seeking him out. He was kept very busy, gaining the nickname Tonyoke. When COVID hit, he didn't miss a beat and moved his popular karaoke online. He provided a valuable social connection and laughs at a time when many people were isolated in their homes. His online karaoke sessions were called Zoomaoke. Over the years we've enjoyed his bag of fun, seasonal hats, musical instruments and most importantly the joy he brought with him. On April 25, Tony hosted his last karaoke session. Since we were his first group session, he felt it was appropriate we were also his last. He said he wanted to end it where it began. A big thankyou to Tony for all the years of entertainment and good times. We have so many memories of our karaoke sessions over the years and wish you a well -deserved retirement. Autism Acceptance Month Erica is a familiar face at Quad -often busy doing activities or volunteering in the community. She loves living in her new home and is grateful for the great friends and staff who surround her. "I like that I can now do stuff by myself and I'm working on my independence," says Erica. She keeps busy by volunteering at Ashton's, the Glencoe Library as well as her summer job working at the marina. What brings Erica joy every day is exercising, eating healthy and keeping on track of her daily routine. With a commitment to her health, she's most proud of keeping strong, being brave, being mighty and being flexible with change. She's enjoying her new home and is having a great year. We're excited to see more of Erica's adventures unfold. Page 40 of 54 1111111111111, ,�»t>oii � ,�»t>oii � ,»tititi�i� ,»tititi�i� �uu»iii � � ��'° �s»s5»�����11111�i ��1������lluuu ��1������lluuu11111 `,»��11111 `,»�� "'»,,,1iiistis»»„ uuuiiiiiss>;ii1111'�11",»��1 This spring we said goodbye to our long-time staff member, Don McLachlan. Many of you know Don as he's been with Quad for almost 33 yea rs. He first joined the organization as a vocational instructor at the sheltered workshop. Over the years, he's seen many changes from providing support in a production environment to now offering individualized support in someone's home, based on their distinct needs and interests. When asked about his start at Quad, Don said even though it wasn't as well paying as other opportunities, he decided to give it a try. He's happy to report it ended up being the best job he ever had. We wish Don well in his retirement! We also welcomed a new face to Quad -Janice McCallum - our finance associate. Here's what Janice had to say about joining Quad. Thanks to everyone for the very warm welcome. My grandmother was one of the ladies involved in Quad in the early days, so I feel like I've come full circle. This is my first experience in a non-profit environment, and I've been learning a lot with Norine and Linda's help. I've lived in or near Wardsville since 1983, and my husband Tom and I raised 4 children here. While they're all grown and flown away, we try to make them visit Wardsville every once in a while. This part-time position is perfect for my stage of life, as I'm not ready to retire but also want some extra time to devote to our new home and my scrapbooking hobby. Welcome to Quad Janice! '..his 10ioll�w Page 41 of 54 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 613-968-6481 FAX 613-967-3206 May 16, 2024 ettp of -jDetieb[fie Todd Smith, MPP Prince Edward Hastings 5503 Hwy 62 S., Phase 1, Unit #4 Belleville, ON K8N 4Z7 Ric Bresee, MPP Hastings-Lennox&Addington 8 Dundas St. W Napanee, ON K7R 1 Z4 Dear Minister Smith and Minister Bresee: 169 FRONT STREET BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO KSN 2Y8 via e-mail: Todd. SmithcoCcD_pc.oIa. org via e-mail: Ric. Bresee(a-pc.ola.oM RE: City of Belleville Healthcare Resolution in Support of Family Doctors New Business 10. Belleville City Council Meeting, May 13 2024 This is to advise you that at the Council Meeting of May 13, 2024, the following resolution was approved. "WHEREAS, the Province of Ontario is responsible for providing quality health care to all residents of Ontario; AND WHEREAS, Family medicine is the backbone of the healthcare system and providing timely access to a primary health care provider for everyone in the Province is essential and should be the Provincial Government's highest priority; AND WHEREAS, the shortage of family physicians across the province has reached a crisis point where millions of Ontario residents do not have a family doctor and hospitals, emergency rooms and clinics are overloaded by the health care needs of Ontario residents; ,J2 Page 42 of 54 10. New Business Belleville City Council Meeting May 13, 2024 AND WHEREAS, studies have shown that without access to a primary care provider, patients end up with poorer health outcomes and it costs the health care system more; AND WHEREAS, the Province of Ontario could address this issue quickly and efficiently by increasing wages paid to family physicians and lessening the administrative burden all family doctors face with managing practices; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Province of Ontario take immediate action to ensure family physicians are properly compensated with immediate fee increases and that the administrative burden now being experienced by family doctors be reduced so they have more time to see their patients; AND FURTHER THAT, the City Clerk forward Council's resolutions resulting from Council's approval of these recommendations to premier Doug Ford, Health Minister Sylvia Jones, MPP Todd Smith, MPP Ric Bresee, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and to the municipal Clerks of Ontario's municipalities, AND FURTHER THAT Council request a direct response from the MPPs within 30 days." n Thank you for your attention to this mattE MMacD/nh Pc: Premier Doug Ford Health Minister Sylvia Jones AMO Municipal Clerks of Ontario Director of Corporate Services/City Clerk Page 2 Page 43 of 54 i�muu�oir�r ol[lk��k cli'llif� �fll ���0� mUUJUIII��+J1111�ti'l/�y �7�I f� �i/� �,�lrr��uauuuui�uuuuuuuil�lll� i�m��uirmi�umr�!! U^ fill,iYlllumrlrlrlrlrlrlrlruilililu ��omul���rul llJll���an�irrrirlru� � lr� �In�lrl�l��r�rlll�lllU��o�ml����m��rr�rllu�f i�rlhmull�����' � ua�o ��lm���lurriirl>>rr� °'i�11111i1�D11�lICu�" `^"���ll���l F II�IY��iI�IIMInIU1,�O�lYr!l111�1� � Ui!� �Inllll1J11ffI0�fl� >Ir�rilllmir� ,IIm�1� o i� LO O N CD c6 a �9111►IVK910�1Erll►1 By -Law No. 24-19 Wy:111►IcTi'lWAWATAri7eTIjI:191:1rAA&I,:11 :11DlIILTA IIII &'% WHEREAS pursuant to Section 128(2) of the Highway Traffic Act, being Chapter H.8, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, the council of a municipality may by by-law prescribe a different rate of speed for motor vehicles driven on a highway or portion of a highway under its jurisdiction than is prescribed in Section 128(1)(a)(b); and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles on certain highways in the County of Elgin be different from the rate as set out in said Subsection (1.a). NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT when any highway or portion of highway set out in Schedules "A", "B", "C" and "D", appended hereto, is marked in compliance with the regulations under the Highway Traffic Act the maximum rate of speed thereon shall be the rate of speed prescribed in the Schedule. 2. THAT the penalties provided in Section 128(14) of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. 3. THAT this By -Law shall become effective once signage setting out the speed limit has been duly posted. 4. THAT By -Laws No. 20-58 and any by-law inconsistent with this by-law be and the same are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 28th DAY OF MAY 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 45 of 54 SCHEDULE"A" By -Law No. 24-19 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED 40 KILOMETRES PER HOUR Road Section Description 15 A From the West property limits of John Street for a distance of 360 metres west. 19 A From the south property limits of Heritage Line for a distance of 475 metres south. 19 B From 35 metres north of the north property limits of Jackson Line for a distance of 350 metres south. 20 A From 40 metres north of the north property limits of Warren Street for a distance of 470 metres south. 23 B From the east property line of County Road 4 to the east property line of Count Road 23 being a total distance of 280 metres 27 B Starting 905 metres from the south west property limits of Quaker Road for a distance of 470 metres west. 29 A From the north property limits of County Road #52 for a distance of 755 metres. 42 A From the east property limits of Robinson Street for a distance of 517 metres east. 43 B From the north property limits of Calton Line for a distance of 245m northerly. 44 A From the west property limits of Highway #3 for a distance of 590 metres west. 50 A From the south property limits of Plank Road for a distance of 360 metres south. 73 C From 175 metres south of the south property limits of Highway #3 for a distance of 380m south. 74 A From the northern property limits of Highway #3 for a distance of 520 metres north. Page 46 of 54 -3- SCHEDULE "B" By -Law No. 24-19 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED 50 KILOMETRES PER HOUR Road Section I Description 2 A From 1250 metres east of the south west property line of County Road 76 1827 metres west of the south east property line of County Road 76. 3 A From the west property line of Highway 4 west 432 metres. 3 A From 550 metres east of the east property line of County Road 20 to 508 metres west of the east property line of County Road 20. 3 A From 610 metres east of the east property line of County Road 8 to 730 metres west of the east property line of County Road 8. 4 A From the south property limits of Bridge Street to 1692 metres north. 4 B From the west property line of County Road 20 to the west property line of County Road 4. 8 A From 384 metres south of the north property line of County Road 13 to 1285 metres north of the north property line of County Road 13. 8 B From 814 metres south of the south property line of County Road 3 to 437 metres north of the south property line of County Road 3. 13 A From the east property line of County Road 8 to 1264 metres east. 14 A From 150 metres north of the south west property line of County Road 3 to 800 metres south of the south west property line of County Road 3. 14 B From 725 metres north of the north property line of Sixth Line to 32 metres south of the north property line of Sixth Line. 15 A From County Road 8 to John Street. 15 B From 360 metres west of John Street, west to County Road 2. 16 A From 490 metres west of the west property line of County Road 20 to 456 metres east of the west property line of County Road 20. 16 B From 64 metres east of the east property line of Lyle Road to 716 metres east of the east property line of Lyle Road. 18 A From 630 metres east of the east property line of Lawrence Road to 203 metres east of the east property line of Lawrence Road. 19 A From 880 metres south of the north property line of County Road 44 to 565 metres north of the north property line of County Road 44. 19 B From the south property limits of County Road 38 for a distance of 866 metres north. 19 C From 475 metres south of the south property line of County Road 38 for a distance of 353 metres southerly. 19 C From 1100 metres south of the south property line of County Road 41 to 766 metres north of the south property line of County Road 41. 19 D From the south property line of County Road 142 to the west property line of County Road 19. 20 A From 933 metres north of the north property line of County Road 3 to 360 metres south of the north property line of County Road 3. 20 B From 775 metres north of the north property line of County Road 16 to 393 metres south of the north property line of County Road 16. 20 C From the north property limits of County Road 4 to 470 metres south of the north pro erty limits of County Road 21. 21 A From the east property line of County Road 20 to the west property line of County Road 4. 23 A From the east property limit of County Road 4 southerly to the north property limit of Joseph Street being a distance of 2078m. 24 A From the north property line of Hale Street to the west property line of County Road 24. 24 B From the north limits of Hale Street to the west limit of Dexter Line. 24 C From the north limits of Colin Street to the South limits of Catfish Creek. 24 D From the west property line of County Road 73 to 825 metres west. Page 47 of 54 -4- Road section I Description 25 A From the City of St. Thomas limits to the south property limits of Highway 3. 26 A From the east property line of County Road 25 to the City of St. Thomas limits. 27 A From the west property line of County Road 36 (south side) to 905 metres west. 28 A From the north property line of County Road 56 to the south property line of Highway 3. 34 A From the west property line of County Road 74 to 816 metres west. 36 A From 665 metres north of south property line of County Road 36 to 395 metres south of the south property line of County Road 36. 37 A From the east property line of County Road 74 to 640 metres east. 37 B From the southeast property line of County Road 47 to 493 metres east. 37 C From the southwest property line of County Road 47 to 436m west. 38 A From 1815 metres east of the east property line of County Road 19 to 850 metres west of the east property line of County Road 19. 38 B From 495 metres west of the east property line of County Road 43 to 127 metres east of the east property line of County Road 43. 39 A From south property line of County Road 42 to the southern limits. 40 A From 688 metres south of the south property line of County Road 45 to 408 metres south of the south property line of County Road 45. 40 A From 40 metres south of the south property line of County Road 45 to 537 metres north of the south property line of County Road 45. 40 B From the south property line of County Road 52 to 1100 metres south. 41 A From the north property line of Front Street northerly 183 metres and from the west roperty line of Main Street westerly 492 metres. 42 A From east property line of County Road 19 to 760 metres east. 43 A From 531 metres north of the north property line of County Road 45 for a distance of 286 metres south. 43 B From the north property limits of County Road 45 for a distance of 390 metres south. 43 C From the south property line of County Road 38 to 440 metres south. 44 A From 590 metres west of the west property limits of Highway #3, west to County Road 46. 45 A From 647 metres west of the west property line of County Road 43 to 300 metres east of the west property line of County Road 43. 45 B From the east property line of County Road 40 to 959 meters east. 47 A From the south property line of County Road 37 to 431 metres south. 48 A From the east property line of County Road 25 to 625 metres east. 49 A From the north property line of County Road 52 northerly a distance of 814 meters. 50 A From 360 metres south of the south property line of County Road 19 to the north pro erty line of County Road 142. 52 A From 1096 metres west of the east property line of County Road 40 to 512 metres east of the east property line of County Road 40. 53 A From the west property line of County Road 73 to the west property line of Elm Street. 53 B From the north property line of Highway 3 to the north property line to Beech Street. 56 A From the south property line of the City of St. Thomas limits to 855 metres east. 73 A From the north property line of County Road 53 northerly to 700 metres. 73 B From the west property line of Levi Street to 1090 metres north of the north ro ert line of County Road 24. 73 C From 530 metres south of the south property line of County Road 42 to 517 meters north of the south property line of County Road 42. 73 D From the south property line of Highway #3 to 175 metres south. 73 E From 555 metres south of the south property limits of Highway #3 for a distance of 1112 metres south. 73 E From the north property limits of Highway #3 to 1500 metres north. Page 48 of 54 -5- Road section I Description 74 A From 520 metres north of the north property limits of Highway #3 to 320 metres north. 74 B From 91 metres south of the south property limits of County Road 34 to 1529 meters north. 76 A From the south property line of County Road 2, 1650 meters south, to the north limits of Marsh Line. 76 B From the north property line of County Road 2 to 708 metres north. 103 A From 1493 metres north of the south property line of County Road 104 to 2037 metres south of the south property line of County Road 104. 103 B From 117 metres south of the south property line of Gray Line. 104 A From west property line of County Road 103 to 610 metres west. Page 49 of 54 SCHEDULE"C" By -Law No. 24-19 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED 60 KILOMETRES PER HOUR Road Section I Description 2 A From north-east property line of County Road 103 to 606 metres east. 2 B From the west property line of County Road 8 westerly 870 metres. 3 A From 337 metres west of the west property line of County Road 76 to 338 metres east of the west property line of County Road 76. 4 A From 140 metres south of south property line to County Road 45 to south of City of St. Thomas limits. 4 B From the south property line of Highway 3 to 400 metres south. 7 A From the south property line of County Road 6 to 154 metres south. 7 B From the south property line of County Road 6 to 332 metres north. 18 B From 1,465 metres west of the centreline of Southdel Drive to 690 metres east of the centreline of Southdel Drive, being a total distance of 2,155 metres. 19 A From 35 metres north of the north property limits of Jackson Line for a distance of 300 metres north. 19 B From 315 metres south of the north property limits of Jackson Line for a distance of 300 metres south. 19 C From 755 metres south of the north property line of Light Line to 200 metres north of the north property line of Light Line. 20 A From 360 metres south of the south property line of Talbot Line (County Road 3), r a distance of 550 metres south. 22 A From the south property line of County Road 27 to 770 metres south. 24 A From the east property limits of County Road 23 to 400 metres east. 27 A From 744 metres east of the east property line of County Road 4 to 3326 metres west of the east property line of County Road 4. 27 B From 70 metres east of the south-west property line of County Road 22 westerly259 metres. 27 C From 1375 metres west of the south-west property limits of County Road 36 south side for a distance of 300 metres west. 28 A From the south property line of County Road 56 to 810 metres south. 35 B From 517 metres north of the property line of Glencolin Line to 923 metres north of the north property line of Glencolin Line. 35 B From the north-east property line of Highway 3 to 902 metres north. 35 A From the south property line of Highway 3 to 752 metres south. 35 A From the south property limits of Conservation Line to a point 300 metres south of the south property limits of Southdale Line being a distance of 795 metres. 37 A From 578 metres east of the east property line of County Road 73 to 450 metres east. 40 A From south property line of Highway 3 to 400 metres south. 40 B From the west property limits of Springfield Road to the east property limits of Spring field Road being a total distance of 126m. 42 A From east property line of County Road 73 to 445 metres east. 44 A From west property line of County Road 19 to 784 metres west. 45 A From 223 metres south east of the east property line of Springwater Road to 294 metres west of the east property line of S rin water Road. 45 B From the east property line of County Road 40 to 959 metres east. 45 C From 177 metres west of the west property line of County Road 43 to 2450 metres east of the west property line of County Road 43. 45 D From the west property line of County Road 4 to 637 metres west of County Road 4. Page 50 of 54 Road Section Description 46 A From 500 metres south of the south property line of Best Line to 235 metres north of the south property line of Best Line. 46 B From 100 metres south of the south property limits of County Road 44 to 400 metres north of the north property limits of County Road 44. 48 A From 317 metres east of the east property line of County Road 73 to 335 metres west of the east property line of County Road 73. 48 B From the southwest property line of County Road 25 to 601 metres west. 52 A From 225 metres west of the north west property limits of County Road 35 to 517 metres east. 52 A From 285 metres west of the west property limit of Springwater Road, easterlyfor a distance of 1025 metres. 57 A From the east property line of County Road 4 to the City of St. Thomas limits. 73 A From 270 metres south of the north property line of County Road 48 to 691 metres north of the north property line of County Road 48. 73 A From 408 metres east of the east property line of County Road 73 to 335 metres west of the east property line of County Road 73. 73 B From 326 metres south of the south property line of County Road 42 to 317 metres north of the south property line of County Road 42. 73 C From the south limits of the Town of Aylmer, being 1,667 metres south of Talbot Line, for a distance of 1,216 metres south. 74 A From 169 metres south of the south east property line of Mapleton Line to 778 metres north of the south east property line of Mapleton Line. 76 A From the north limits of Marsh Line, south 1,049 metres. 103 A From 237m south of the south property limits of Johnston Line and extending north along Furnival Road for 420m. Page 51 of 54 -8- SCHEDULE "D" By -Law No. MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED 40 KILOMETRES PER HOUR Rb-6a School Zone Maximum Speed When Flashing Zones Road Active Times During Description Days when School is in Session 40 7:55 to 8:35 a.m. From 40m south of the south property limits of Calton Line to And a distance of 378 metres southerly. 3:15 to 3:50 p.m. Page 52 of 54 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 24-20 "BEING A BY- LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 23-03 AND BY-LAW NO. 23-05, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADJUSTING REMUNERATION OF THE LAND DIVISION Isle] LTA ILTA 111aI:I:& WHEREAS Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin passed By -Law No. 23-03, Being a By -Law to Appoint A Land Division Committee and to Repeal By -Law No. 20- 10." AND WHEREAS Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin passed By -Law No. 23-05, Being a By -Law to Prescribe Procedures for Governing the Calling, Place and Proceedings of the Elgin County Land Division Committee." AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedient to amend By -Law No. 23-03 to adjust the remuneration of the Land Division Committee. AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedient to amend By -Law No. 23-05 to remove the restriction that permits only the Secretary -Treasurer of the Land Division Committee to perform Site Visits with regard to Land Division Committee Applications. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. By -Law No. 23-03 of the Corporation of the County of Elgin is hereby amended in the following way: a. Section 2 is repealed and replaced with: "2. That the Members of the Land Division Committee be paid the following remuneration for attending meetings and performing site visits for the Committee: a) For attending a duly called meeting of the Committee, each Member shall be paid a per diem of $175.00 per half day meeting and $350.00 for a full day meeting. b) In addition to the above remuneration, the Chair shall receive an additional $250.00 per year to recognize the additional responsibilities of the position. c) In addition to the above remuneration, each Member shall be paid the same rate for each kilometer necessarily traveled in the performance of the Member's duties, including travel to meetings and site visits, as established by Council for the use of personal vehicles while on County business. 2. That the remainder of By -Law No. 23-03 remain in full force and effect. 3. By -Law No. 23-05 is hereby amended by deleting section 15, Site Visits. 4. That the remainder of By -Law No. 23-05 remain in full force and effect. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 28th DAY OF MAY, 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 53 of 54 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 24-21 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MAY 28, 2024 MEETING" WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O.2001, c.25, as amended, the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5.3 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, the powers of every Council shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, at its meeting held on May 28, 2024 be hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Warden and appropriate officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer, or alternate, are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 28TH DAY OF MAY, 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 54 of 54