15 - June 25, 2024 County Council Agenda PackageElgmCounty Elgin County Council Regular Council Meeting Orders Of The Day Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Note for Members of the Public: Please click the link below to watch the Council Meeting: https://www.facebook.com/ElginCountyAdmin/ Accessible formats available upon request. 1. Call to Order Pages 2. Adoption of Minutes 3 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4. Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 5. Committee of the Whole 6. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 6.1 Director of Engineering Services - Corporate Asset Management Plan — 8 Phase 2 6.2 Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk -Appointment By -Laws 62 Update 6.3 Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk -Approval of Fees and 65 Charges 2024 7. Council Correspondence 7.1 Items for Consideration 7.1.1 Resolution from the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich regarding 78 requests for sidewalks along Currie Road and Pioneer Line west of Currie Road. 7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 7.2.1 Doug Reycraft, Chair and Patricia Greig, Secretary -Treasurer 80 with a memo calling for nominations to the Community Schools Alliance Executive Committee 7.2.2 Email Correspondence from Association of Municipalities 87 Ontario (AMO) regarding the Funding Agreement for the Renewed Canada Community -Building Fund, 2024-2034 8. Other Business 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members 8.2 Notice of Motion 8.2.1 Notice of Motion - Councillor Sloan 8.3 Matters of Urgency 9. Closed Meeting Items 9.1 Director of Legal Services - LS 24-7 Staffing Update Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. 9.2 Director of Legal Services - LS 24-8 — Telecommunications Agreement Municipal Act Section 239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 10. Motion to Rise and Report 11. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole 12. Consideration of By -Laws 12.1 By -Law No. 24-23 Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerks (Alternate) Appointment 12.2 By -Law No. 24-24 Appointment of Alternate Land Division Secretary - Treasurer 12.3 By -Law No. 24-25 Delegated Approval Authorities 12.4 By -Law No. 24-26 Fees and Charges 2024 12.5 By -Law No. 24-27 Canada Community Building Fund Transfer Agreement 12.6 By -Law No. 24-28 Confirmation 13. Adjournment 90 91 92 94 102 127 Page 2 of 127 Elgin County Council Minutes June 11, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Members Present: Warden Ed Ketchabaw Deputy Warden Grant Jones Councillor Dominique Giguere Councillor Mark Widner Councillor Jack Couckuyt Councillor Andrew Sloan Councillor Todd Noble Councillor Mike Hentz Councillor Richard Leatham Staff Present: Blaine Parkin, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Brian Masschaele, Director of Community & Cultural Services Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services Peter Dutchak, Director of Engineering Services Paul Hicks, Acting Manager of Planning (virtual) Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Madeleine Howard, Curator Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with Warden Ketchabaw in the chair. 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by: Councillor Leatham Seconded by: Councillor Couckuyt RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on May 28, 2024 and closed meeting minutes from May 28, 2024 be adopted. Motion Carried. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None. 4. Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations None. 5. Committee of the Whole Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Noble RESOLVED THAT we do now move into Committee of the Whole. Page 3 of 127 Motion Carried. 6. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 6.1 Warden Ketchabaw - Warden's Activity Report (May 2024) Warden Ketchabaw presented the report detailing his activities for the month of May 2024. Warden Ketchabaw stated that in May 2024 Deputy Warden Jones attended a meeting on his behalf with the City of London and the surrounding area to discuss economic development, homelessness, and various other issues with the outcome being to solicit interest for a joint meeting with a multi -ministerial delegation at the 2024 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference. Warden Ketchabaw stated that notes from this meeting would be distributed to the County of Elgin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk and that there would likely be follow-up meetings. Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Warden's Activity Report (May 2024) from Warden Ketchabaw dated May 31, 2024 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.2 Curator - Elgin County Museum Collections Management Policy Approval The Curator presented the report recommending updates to Elgin County Museum's Collections Management Policy that was last updated in 2006. Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT the Elgin County Museum's Collections Management Policy as attached as Appendix A to the report titled "Elgin County Museum Collections Management Policy Approval" from the Curator dated June 11, 2024 be hereby adopted. Motion Carried. 6.3 Acting Manager of Planning - PS 24 — 12 — Condominium Exemption from Draft Plan Approval — Compass Trail Phase 3 The Acting Manager of Planning presented the report providing County Council with information required to consider issuing a final approval to the Compass Trail Phase 3 plan of condominium in the Village of Port Stanley. Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Sloan RESOLVED THAT the report titled "PS 24-12 — Condominium Exemption from Draft Plan Approval — Compass Trail Phase 3" from the Acting Manager of Planning dated June 11, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin grants, in accordance with Section 9 of the Condominium Act, an exemption to draft plan approval for a draft plan of a phased condominium on Block 65, Plan 11 M-241, Part of Lot 1, Concession 1, Geographic Village of Port Stanley, Municipality of Central Elgin for lands contained in Block 65 for the development of a further 13 units; and Page 4 of 127 THAT staff be directed to prepare and issue a certificate of exemption, and sign and submit the final plans to the Land Registry Office in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act and Condominium Act. Motion Carried 6.4 Acting Manager of Planning - PS 24-13 — Condominium Exemption from Draft Plan Approval — Kokomo Beach Club (100 The Promenade) The Acting Manager of Planning presented the report providing Council with information required to consider issuing a final approval to the Kokomo Beach Club (100 The Promenade) plan of condominium in the Village of Port Stanley. Warden Ketchabaw made a statement that today marks the last day of Paul Hicks as the Acting Manager of Planning and thanked Mr. Hicks for his extensive support of the County of Elgin since his start with the County in January 2022. Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT the report titled "PS 24-13 - Condominium Exemption from Draft Plan Approval - Kokomo Beach Club (100 The Promenade)" from the Acting Manager of Planning dated June 11, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin grants, in accordance with Section 9 of the Condominium Act, an exemption to draft plan approval for a draft plan of a phased condominium on Part of Block 66, Plan 11 M-247 and Part of Block 61, Plan 11 M-259, Geographic Village of Port Stanley, Municipality of Central Elgin for the development of a 68- unit condominium; and THAT staff be directed to prepare and issue a certificate of exemption, and sign and submit the final plans to the Land Registry Office in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act and Condominium Act. Motion Carried. 6.5 Director of Engineering - Plank Road (Vienna) — Speed Management Options The Director of Engineering presented the comprehensive report to Council providing a general discussion of speed management options for County road locations through built up areas and an investigation into a variety of potential traffic safety measures along Plank Road within the Village of Vienna from Edison Street to Oak Street, as directed by Council at the May 14, 2024 meeting of County Council. Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Plank Road (Vienna) — Speed Management Options" from the Director of Engineering Services, dated June 11, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT staff work with local municipal staff to install additional roadway speed signage, roadway speed marking and edge line painting on Plank Road within Vienna as discussed in the report. The roadway speed markings are considered a pilot trial and staff will report on their effectiveness at a future meeting. Page 5 of 127 Motion Carried. 6.6 Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk - Municipal Flag Protocol and Proclamation Policy The Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk presented the report providing Council with the necessary information to make a decision on the recommendation to replace the Community Flag Raising and Flag Protocol Policy (1.3) with a revised policy that also includes procedures and processes for proclamations and lighting the County of Elgin Administration building. Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Municipal Flag Protocol and Proclamation Policy" from the Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk dated May 31, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT Council replace the Community Flag Raising and Flag Protocol Policy (1.3) with the revised Municipal Flag Protocol and Proclamation Policy (1.3). Motion Carried. 7. Council Correspondence 7.1 Items for Consideration None. 7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) None. 8. Other Business 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members None. 8.2 Notice of Motion None. 8.3 Matters of Urgency None. 9. Closed Meeting Items 9.1 Closed Meeting Minutes - May 28, 2024 10. Motion to Rise and Report None. 11. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Noble Seconded by: Councillor Sloan RESOLVED THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 12. Consideration of By -Laws 12.1 By -Law No. 24-22 - Confirmation 4 Page 6 of 127 BEING a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June 11, 2024 Meeting. Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT By -Law No. 24-22 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. Motion Carried. 13. Adjournment Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 9:54 a.m. to meet again on June 25, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Motion Carried. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 7 of 127 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Peter Dutchak, Director, Engineering Services Andrew Parker, Manager of Roads and Asset Management Date: June 25, 2024 Subject: Corporate Asset Management Plan — Phase 2 Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "Corporate Asset Management Plan - Update" from the Director of Engineering Services dated June 25, 2024 be received and filed. Introduction: Public infrastructure is central to our prosperity and our quality of life. The majority of public infrastructure in Canada is the responsibility of municipal government. Adequate municipal infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and underground water and sewage pipes are essential to economic development, citizen safety, and quality of life. Well maintained infrastructure is critical in sustaining a municipality as an attractive place to live and do business. Building assets accounts for only 10-20% of their total cost of ownership and therefore the management of maintaining assets through their life is critically important. Asset Management is the process of collecting a variety of data and information regarding municipality assets and using that data to make the best long-term decisions when building, operating, maintaining, renewing, replacing, and disposing of those assets. In December 2017, Ontario Regulation 588/17 (O.Reg.588/17), known as the Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure regulation was adopted by the Provincial government to promote standardization and consistency in municipal asset management. The County remains on target to comply with this regulation. The County is in the midst of a multi -year comprehensive Corporate Asset Management Plan (CAMP) development approach to improve its asset management practices and processes. The County's latest updated CAMP prepared exclusively by staff focuses on the County's stormwater, sanitary, transportation, fleet, long-term care homes, and corporate facilities, and was adopted by County Council in 2022. Page 8 of 127 This plan is available on the County's website and available through the link below: Itt)i�)sllWWWeIIaun�.;o,uintv�.;a/wii�) C0« 1[flN 2(,)22... The phase -in schedule for the implementation of O.Reg.588/17 is set across the following timeline milestones: July 1, 2019: Deadline for municipalities to have completed a strategic asset management policy, which implements asset management planning in the budgeting, operations, maintenance and other municipal planning activities. COMPLETE July 1, 2022: Deadline for municipalities to have a finalized and approved asset management plan for core assets (roads, bridges, water, wastewater and stormwater management systems (Phase 1 — COMPLETE). July 1, 2024: Deadline for municipalities to have an approved asset management plan for all municipal infrastructure assets (Phase 2 — Presented in this report). This later requirement has now been completed and incorporates the remaining County departmental assets (Information Technology and Cultural Services) as a supplemental document to the CAMP approved in 2022 and is presented in this report for approval. Background and Discussion: The County is responsible for provision of a diverse array of stormwater, sanitary, transportation, fleet, long-term care homes, corporate and cultural facilities which have a combined approximate replacement value of $1.38 Billion (as of 2022). An integral component of ensuring reliable service is to create an effective approach of managing existing and future municipal assets. Effective asset management aims to manage assets in a way that balances levels of service, risk, and cost effectiveness throughout the entire asset lifecycle. Ultimately, adopting effective and comprehensive asset management strategies across the organization will support the long-term sustainability of the services the County provides. The CAMP will inform future budget development and arm County Council with the information required to make important investment decisions. The County of Elgin completed its core and partial non -core Corporate Asset Management Plan in July 2022, and this supplemental update provides information on non -core assets previously not included within the Asset Management Plan prepared ahead of the July 2022 timeline. This supplemental plan — hereby referred to as Phase 2 of the Asset Management Plan — incorporates Information Technology and Cultural Services Assets. The final implementation of O. Reg. 588/17 builds upon previous phases and develops levels of service (LOS) metrics to be utilized for different asset classes. This component of the process will be referred to as Phase 3 of the CAMP and builds on Phase 1 and 2 by adding and revising the proposed levels of service with strategies to fund the activities Page 9 of 127 over a 10-year horizon. This funding strategy will ultimately identify the gap between the County's infrastructure and assets being managed at a determined LOS and the current state. This financial strategy will be completed by July 2025 and with the assistance of an external consultant. The figure to the right showcases the O. Reg. 588/17 milestones. 20111 202 1122 2025 Core, All IIn rastruLtur Tbrigeted I a yip Ili, ty:( ,Sc.,r%i i cie Key highlights included within the Phase 2 supplemental report are as follows: Information Technology • 441 Desktop / Laptop computers • 191 Cell Phones / Tablets • 27 Storage / Backup servers • $3.1 M replacement value Cultural Services • 10 Libraries • 210,264 books/physical items • $2.88M replacement value Financial Implications: Phase 3 of the CAMP will be developed with the assistance of a consultant not yet retained. All CAMP development to date has been prepared exclusively by County staff and it is recommended that the final version, which incorporates setting Council approved levels of service and financial planning be prepared by an experienced consultant. A project budget for asset management was established in 2018 for $100,000 (60901804) and these funds remain to fund the Phase 3 plan. Page 10 of 127 Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ® Ensuring alignment of ® Planning for and ® Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ® Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ® Enhancing quality of programs and services ❑ Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: �m Communication Requirements: The Phase 2 supplemental CAMP plan will be available on the County's website. Conclusion: With the development of the Corporate Asset Management Plan (CAMP), the County of Elgin has achieved compliance with O. Reg. 588/17 to the extent of the requirements that must be completed by July 1, 2024. There are additional requirements concerning proposed levels of service and growth that must be met by July 1, 2025. The CAMP represents a snapshot in time and is based on the best available data and information. Strategic asset management planning is an ongoing and dynamic process that requires continuous improvement and commitment of resources. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Peter Dutchak Director of Engineering Services Andrew Parker Manager of Roads and Asset Management Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 11 of 127 L3 0 cm D I 0 I Q m L N Q7 D ' E 0 � 0 � U W U -a O � U) C C: O 2 o U � U) C O r in Q U U) O U � W 0 NINE (V O_ U r,- CD MENEM 1 0 zca T CD G3 i O_ D I O 0 C .r_ + . ca CU E C O I O) (n ca E O_ j "=3 C S6 0 X W C O Sif U-, C O U O N . 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CL Cl) M :-, C - 0 . - ry m ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Date: June 25, 2024 Subject: Appointment By -Laws Update Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "Appointment By -Laws Update" from the Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk dated June 25, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT County Council approve updated versions of the Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerk Alternate Appointment By -Law, the Land Division Secretary Alternate Appointment By - Law, and the By -Law delegating certain authorities under the Planning Act. Introduction: The By-law to appoint a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerk Alternate(s), the By -Law to delegate certain authorities under the Planning Act, and the By -Law to appoint an Alternate Land Division Secretary require updates to reflect changes in staffing and to reflect actual back-up practices. Background and Discussion: "Being a By -Law to Appoint a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerks (Alternate) for the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to Repeal By -Law No. 22-37" The By -Law to Appoint a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerk Alternate(s) needs to be updated to reflect current reporting relationships, back-up practices, and job titles. With the recruitment of a Director of Planning and Development, the Manager of Planning role is now vacant. By-laws referring to the Manager of Planning need to be updated to reflect this change including: "A By -Law to Delegate Certain Authorities Vested in the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin as the Approval Authority with Respect to Plans of Subdivision, Plans of Condominium, and Part Lot Control By -Laws Page 62 of 127 Pursuant to Section 22 and 51 of the Planning Act, to the Manager of Planning for the County of Elgin"' This by-law delegates certain authorities under the Planning Act to the Manager of Planning and to the General Manager of Engineering, Planning and Enterprise/Deputy CAO, should the Manager of Planning be unavailable. It is recommended that these authorities be delegated to the Director of Planning and Development with the Director of Legal Services as the alternate. By -Law 18-25 "Being a By -Law To Appoint Alternate Persons to Carry Out The Duties Of The Secretary Of The Elgin County Land Division Committee When the Secretary -Treasurer is Unable, For Any Reason, To Carry Out His or Her Duties" The Manager of Planning and the Chief Administrative Officer are currently appointed as Alternate Land Division Secretaries. It is recommended that the Director of Planning and Development and the Clerk/Clerk Designate be appointed as Land Division Secretary Alternates. The updated by-laws are included in Section 12 (Consideration of By -Laws) of this agenda. Financial Implications: None. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ❑ Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ® Delivering mandated ❑ Enhancing quality of programs and services ❑ Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: None. Page 63 of 127 Communication Requirements: None. Conclusion: Updates to the aforementioned by-laws will accurately reflect staffing and existing back- up practices. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Katherine Thompson Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Approved for Submission Blaine Parkin Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 64 of 127 ElginCounty Report to County Council From: Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Date: June 25, 2024 Subject: Approval of Fees and Charges 2024 Recommendation(s): THAT the report titled "Approval of Fees and Charges 2024" dated June 25, 2024, from the Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk be received and filed; and, THAT the changes to fees and charges identified in "Schedule A" of the aforementioned report be approved and imposed to commence on June 25, 2024; and, THAT the corresponding By-law be considered for approval by Council. Introduction: The County of Elgin Management Team and County staff annually review the fees and charges levied for administrative activities within each department to reflect cost recovery for materials, activities, and services. The attached by-law "Schedule A" reflects changes to fees and charges as recommended by the Management Team. Background and Discussion: Relevant Legislation: • Subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that a municipal power shall be exercised by by-law; and • Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; and • Section 10(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public; and • Section 10(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may pass by-laws respecting: in paragraph 7, Services and things that the municipality is authorized to provide under subsection (1); and Page 65 of 127 Section 391(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may impose fees or charges on persons: (a) for services and activities provided or done by or on behalf of it; (b) for costs payable by it for services and activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or local board; and (c) for the use of its property including property under its control; and Section 69 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, provides that a council of a municipality may by by-law, establish a tariff or fees for the processing of applications made in respect to planning matters. Proposed Changes: Community and Cultural Services Replacement cost for lost and damaged Yoto Players has increased from $160.00 to $210.00 - $265.00. The category called "Game Kits" has been changed to "Puzzles and Games". Yoto Player are kids' audio players with a programmable night light and clock, they include podcasts, family radio stations as well as endless hours of free stories, music, podcasts, and sleep sounds. Land Division Application for Consent fees have increased from $1,250 to $1,350. Application for Validation fees have increased from $1,250 to $1,350. Homes and Senior Services Guest Room Accommodation has increased from $55 to $60. Meals on wheels VON (already taken to Council; just an update in this document): o Oct. 1/23 to Sept. 30/24 $7.75/meal and $3.75 for double portions o Oct. 1/24 to Sept. 30/25 $8/meal and $4 for double portions Meals on wheels WECHC (already taken to council; just an update in this document): o Jan 5/24 — Jan. 4/25 $7.75/meal and $3.75 for double portions o Jan.4/25 to Sept 30/25 $8/meal and $4 for double portions Resident and Staff — Replacement Key — actual replacement cost ranges from $10 - $30. Staff Replacement Name Tags increases from $8.00 to $9.00. Loss/Replacement of Fob increases from $11.50 to $12.00. Visitor meals: Page 66 of 127 o Full course meal lunch increases from $10.00 to $12.00 o Full course meals supper and breakfast increase from $7.00 to $8.00. o Under the age of 5 years increases from $2.50 to $4.00. o Volunteers increase from $4.50 to $6.50. o Special events meals increase from $15.00 to $17.50. o Volunteers increase from $6.00 to $7.50. Diners Club pricing adjusted to be the same pricing WECHC Meals on Wheels Valet this has been updated to indicate "as available". Terrace Lodge barber/hairdressing increases per chart below effective August 1, 2024. Shampoo Only Shampoo/Blowout $25.00 $26.00 Conditioning Treatment $10.00 $10.00 Ladies Cut only $22.00 $23.00 Ladies Cut / Dry $23.00 $24.00 Men's Cut $19.00 $20.00 Men's Cut/Dry $20.00 $21.00 Bang Trim $5.00 Beard Trim Beard/Ears/Eyebrows/Nose $10.00 $10.00 Set only (no shampoo) $22.50 $23.50 Shampoo and set $25.00 $26.00 Cut and set (no shampoo) $34.00 $36.00 Comb Out & Curl with Iron $20.00 $22.50 Shampoo/Perm /Set $65.00 $67.50 Shampoo/Colour/Set $50.00 $52.00 Foils (1 /2 head) $38.00 $42.50 Cut/Set/Curl $ 42.00 $45.00 Shampoo/Cut/Set $ 38.00 $40.00 Shampoo/Cut/Set/Curl $45.00 $47.50 Shampoo/Colour/Cut/Set $ 60.00 $62.50 Shampoo/Perm/Cut $68.00 $70.00 Shampoo/Perm/Cut/Set $ 77.00 $80.00 Braids/Up do $10.00 $10.00 Page 67 of 127 Financial Implications: Fees and charges are imposed through the Fees and Charges By-law are on a cost recovery basis. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin ❑ Ensuring alignment of ❑ Planning for and ❑ Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services ❑ Exploring different ways ❑ Fostering a healthy now and in the future. of addressing community environment. need. ❑ Delivering mandated ❑ Enhancing quality of programs and services ❑ Engaging with our place. efficiently and effectively. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: None. Communication Requirements: A copy of the approved by-law will be posted on the County of Elgin website and circulated to all departments. Conclusion: This report recommends that the increases to fees and charges requested by departments be implemented, and that the County's Fees and Charges By-law be amended to reflect cost recovery. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Katherine Thompson Blaine Parkin Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Page 68 of 127 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 2..26 "A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE A SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO FEES AND CHARGES BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 23-33" WHEREAS, by virtue of s.9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers, and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under that or any other Act; AND WHEREAS, by virtue of s.11 of the said Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, an upper tier municipality may enact a by-law respecting, among other things, public assets of the municipality acquired for purpose of exercising its statutory authorities, economic well-being of the municipality, services and things that the municipality is otherwise authorized to provide, and protection of persons and property; AND WHEREAS Section 391 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, states that a municipality and a local board may pass by-laws imposing fees or charges on persons for services or activities provided or done for persons; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By -Law No. 23-33 imposing fees or charges on services or activities provided to persons by the County of Elgin's various departments; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has deemed it advisable to amend the fees and charges applicable to some of its services or activities, and to make provision for the addition of taxes where appropriate. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law setting out services and activities which are subject to fees and charges, and taxes where applicable, and the amount of such fees or charges be and is hereby adopted. 2. THAT By -Law No. 23-33 and any by-law that is contrary to this one be and is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon its passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 25th DAY OF 1111JO W1iyzN Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 69 of 127 Rio] a:11Bill 111:1111111elti By -Law No. 2..26 The Corporation of the County of Elgin has deemed it advisable to provide activities and services that are subject to fees and charges. The following list details such activities and services and the fees and charges that will apply: Please note that the fees and charges below include taxes, where applicable. General (authority under the Municipal Actl Photocopies for the public throughout all County of Elgin Departments: Copy charge per printed page - per printed side (black & white) $0.25 - per printed side (colour) $1.00 Document Commissioning Fee: $20.00 Financial Services (authority under the Municipal Act) Late payment of County Levy 15%/year (i.e. - installment due on the 15th and not received until the 16th, one day of interest would be charged) Communitv & Cultural Services — Archives (authoritv under the Municipal Act) Long -Distance Research $40.00 per hour Photocopying/Internet Printing Letter/Legal $0.25 11 x 17 $0.50 Microfilm Reader -Printer: Letter/Legal — per page $0.50 11 x 17 — per page $0.75 Scans $0.25 Photograph Prints: 4 x 6 $17.00 4 x 6 — additional print $10.00 5 x 7 $20.00 5 x 7 — additional print $12.00 8 x 10 $30.00 8 x 10 —additional print $17.00 11 x 14 $40.00 11 x 14 —additional print $30.00 Larger Sizes On a case by case basis Digital photo/document files for personal use $10.00 Digital photo/document files for $20.00 publication/exhibition/display/commercial use Photo/document image scanning $10.00 Scanning: Document scanning as PDF $5.00 Recordable CD $2.50 Supplies: Acid -free storage box $20.00 Newspaper storage box $50.00 Acid -free file folders $1.00 General archival supplies Market value Page 70 of 127 Shipping Actual cost with a $5.00 minimum cost Community & Cultural Services - Libraries (authority under the Public Libraries Actl Library Fines: Fines are subject to Elgin County Library's fine -free plan to eliminate overdue fines on all library materials by December 31, 2024. Fax Machine: Sending: First Page $1.50 - Each Additional Page $0.50 Receiving Per Page $0.50 Interlibrary Loan — Borrowing: Canadian Library or University — plus shipping (if they charge) Discretion of Loaning Library U.S. Library or University — plus shipping (if they charge) Discretion of Loaning Library Microfilm — plus shipping (where applicable) $4.00 Printinq: Black & White/Colour — per printed side $0.25 Lost or Damaged Materials: All Material Types Actual Cost plus $5.00 Processing Bag of Books $160.00 If actual cost is unknown, the following rates are charged: Other Materials — Lost or Damaged: DVDs/Videos $20.00 Playaways $80.00 Wonderbooks $70.00 Microfilms $30.00 Music CDs $20.00 Game 4its Iuu zes/Garyies $20.00 Program Kits $20.00 Computer Kits $80.00 Park Permits $100.00 Yoto 4 " avers II: u,.uncfl1es $21 0.00 Library Card Replacement $1.00 Books — Lost or Damaaed: Hardcover $30.00 Magazines $5.00 Paperbacks $10.00 Audio Books $50.00 Reference Books $50.00 Room Rentals (no charge for non-profit group) $25.00 Library Fine Threshold $20.00 Fines are subject to Elgin County Library's fine -free plan to eliminate overdue fines on all library materials by December 31, 2024. 313 Printing Filament Page 71 of 127 $0.10/gram Exam Proctoring Donation basis Book, Magazine & DVD/CD Discards Donation basis Community & Cultural Services — Museum (authority under the Municipal Actl Admission Membership: Annual Lifetime Donation basis $5.00 $100.00 Programs Delivered: Adult off -site programs $33.90 plus travel paid at the rate established by the County for use of personal vehicles School tours and children's group tours (designed for children under the age of 14) $1.75 - Chaperones are no charge School programs offered in -school (designed for children under the age of 14) — including rented teacher's $3.00 kit Note: Fees for programs delivered by the Museum may vary according to the program Engineering Services (authority under the Municipal Actl County Road Maps Meetinq Room Rental Rates: (authority under the Municipal Act) $5.00 For use of meeting rooms in the County Administration Building by outside groups: Central Elgin Boardroom (Suite #25) $75 for 3-hour minimum inclusive; $25 per hour thereafter West Elgin Boardroom (Suite #138) $65 for 3-hour minimum inclusive; $25 per hour thereafter Electric Vehicle Charging Station Fee: $2.40/hr Oversize/Overweight Movinq Permit: (authority under the Highway Traffic Act) Permit for moving heavy vehicles, loads, objects or structure in excess of dimensional & weight limits set out in the Highway Traffic Act: Single Move Fee (if action is requested with greater than 10 business days' notice) $200.00 Single Move Fee (if action is requested with less than 10 business days' notice) $400.00 Single Move Fee - Overweight, greater than 63,500 kg (approval requires a $1,300.00 minimum of 10 business days' notice) Annual Oversize Moving Permit Fee $500.00 Preparation of Road User Agreement / Telecommunication Equipment (Where Applicable by Agreement) Consent and Road User Agreement Road User Agreements (authority under the Municipal Act) $1,000.00 Annual fees shall be a minimum of $500 with no upset limit. Project type and the amount of road property affected shall dictate the annual fee and associated encumbrances. Taxes not applicable and fees may be added to the property tax roll for collection, on behalf of the County, by a local municipality. Telecommunication Equipment Conser� ancP oa7d User Agreement Permit Fee $200.00 base fee plus $0.25/m (Applicable to each approved telecommunications equipment installation location) Contract Administration Fee $100.00 (Where applicable by Agreement per year for each year of term of Agreement) Road Occupancy Permit (authority under Public Highway & Transportation Improvement Act) To regulate the construction or alteration of any entranceway, private road or other facility that permits access to County Roads: Request greater than 5 days notice $200.00 Request less than 5 days notice $400.00 Tender Documents (Hard Copy) (authority under the Municipal Act) $50.00 Cost Recovery Damage to Public Property Caused During a Collision Actual Cost (authority under the Municipal Act) Long -Term Care Homes (authority under the Lona-Term Care Act. 2007) Adult Day Programs Fees as set by the Province Barber/Hairdresser (Terrace Lodge): effective August 1, 2024 wee and S;8t $25.99 $39-99 I -, rliod WGR ni,t nnhi $22.00 QhompGG Dorm R. Set $65.99 nnon's r-it Q. nr- I - JOo�' Q-t 4 nr"$23.00 Rflaa RgTFO R; $599 $20.00 Roor Trimrim $7.00 Room!/Core /Cvohrnn,c /nlnco $22.59 !'`GRditiGRinn Treatment $119.99 CAmIs 14 Wpad $39.99 lyaryi'I;oo t. inl $7.00 Q.'.oll" c llflyhll"11111ng � IIreatlyyelnt $10 00 acfles Cut onu $q23 00 ...ac les C0„ut/� )iry ,dug"'ll.. 00 {'v en s Cut $t?0.t.t�0 Men's Cut/Dry I tang IIJim $5.00 I teaird "Illlyl $ ny.t.t0 cell"Ct/ :,cell"y / y� l hll"Ch V /I�Ch $1 0.00 Set onu (no Iha yule,: oo) $2350 lyallyl'poo and set $26.00 �;uut and set (no Ilyauyrupoo) $ 6.t.l0 COITfl,-1 Out & Cu,.uI11 rtlh Ilurruy Page 73 of 127 $22. r0 Ili aim Doo/l pe rryi/Set $67 50 ::6s (1/2 "Bead) $42 50 C� ut/Set/Cui 11 $ 4 5.00 hainIpoo/CuUC t $40.00 Il unI �;a �;.u11 $47.50 $6 .50 Il u n I n p n� mt $ 70.00 Cll i uu ul r r/I °cu'u a/�;uut/Cc `fi8.0.00 l: irau is/UIpdo $10.00 Bobier Villa & Elgin Manor As per Contracted Service Provider Cable TV/Internet Market Rate Foot Care through Contract Provider Market Rate Dental Care Services through Contract Provider Market Rate Optometry Care Services through Contract Market Rate Provider Wheelchair Seating Assessment Fees Wheelchair and mobility equipment repair fees Market Rate (Contract Provider) Guest Room Accommodation — 1 Guest Maximum - per night including breakfast at Elgin Manor & $60 Bobier Villa Meals on Wheels for Community Clients: - per meal VON WII:......CILIIIC Medication not Covered by Health Card 65 & Cost of drug plus $2.00 - ODB co - Non -prescription Drugs payment Newspaper Market Rate Preferred Accommodation Rate Upon Admission: Resident fees are charged in accordance with the rates set by the Province of Ontario which may change from time to time. Purchases Services Resident requested sundry products, therapy services, supplies, etc. Market Rate Resident Basic Accommodation Rate: Resident Fees are charged in accordance with the rates set by the Province of Ontario which may change from time to time. Note: Residents may apply for a rate reduction based on annual income Page 74 of 127 Ilpsudcu�.: u�d .:off II.illgii,,�mcin) II.g7, Room Rental Determined by Homes' Director II2:=.sh .2.l .L222.q lineln.t....2....I .2,1 Transportation/Accompaniment of Staff Valet (mending or clothing) Visitor Meals: ullll Cou,.uurse If/IeM (Ilu,.unch) ullll Cou,.uurse If/IeMs ( u,.uplpeir and I -hire ulkrast) Under the Huge of r years V6I u,.0 n tee ur pe64l I:ven( If/IeM Under the age of 5 years V6I u,.0 n tee ur Diner s Ca I'r;')d" Cr d'1,dd'1.dB,.Bn e nktl r Deur umeM (finch, cfing III ..(..) (w.l'anu.uair r 2024 w.l'anu.uairy 4, 0 r) DouuP,-lle IDoi- iion (Januairy r 2025 U;clpteiafl,-bcur 30, 2025) I )ouuP,-lle IDoi- iion Wander Guard System — Replacement Strap/Tag actu.uM urepaceument cost urainges furoim $10 .. 0 $42.50 - minimum fee may apply f .00 Market transportation rate, plus, if accompanied by staff the employee's hourly rate of pay times the length of absence from the workplace, plus benefits if applicable. (Minimum of 4 hours may apply) Market Rate As Available Human Resources (authority under the Municipal Act) Countv Sponsored Trainina Proarams: ff.r0 $6.00 `fi f'.50 $7 75 $3 75 $3 $1. Market Rate Participation by Public Partners Cost Recovery Basis Accessibility Training Services Cost Recovery Basis Identification Badge Photo: Loss of Employee Identification Badge $5.00 Research Responding to Professional Service Requests Cost Recovery Land Division (authority under the Planning Act) $f, r0 Application for Consent `fif „35(:) Application for Validation Title $300.00 Stamping of Deed $300.00 Validation Certification If an Application for Consent/Validation is: (i) withdrawn at least fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing date $50.00 will be retained. If amended at least fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing date, an additional $50.00 will be charged. Page 75 of 127 (ii) withdrawn after the time limit set in (i), the entire fee will be retained. If amended after the time limit set in (i), an additional $50.00 will be charged. (iii) requested to be reconsidered once consent has been granted, in order to alter the original decision in a minor way, it will be treated as if it were a new application, and a fee of $300.00 must accompany the letter explaining the reason for the change. (iv) requested to be deferred from having action taken on it, by the applicant, in writing, whether after or before a hearing date has been set, a fee of $300.00 must accompany the request for deferral. Plannina Application Fees (authoritv under the Plannina Act) Plans of Subdivision or Plans of Vacant Land Condominium: $4,000.00 Extension to draft plan approval $500.00 Plans of Condominium (all other types excluding vacant land): $1,500.00 Exemption from draft approval: $1,000.00 Extension to draft approval: $500.00 County Official Plan Amendment: $4,000.00 Local Official Plan Amendment: $1,000.00 (municipally - initiated Official Plan Amendment exempt) Part lot control exemption: $500.00 The applicant seeking approval in support of any development matter shall be required to reimburse the County for the fees and expenses, if any, of the County's peer review professionals related to technical studies/reports determined necessary by the Manager of Planning, or his/her designate. Technical studies/reports include, but are not limited to: address planning matters such as a planning justification report, relating to environmental and natural matters such as a development assessment report or a hydrogeology study, to address transportation matters such as a traffic impact assessment, to address servicing and infrastructure matters such as a functional servicing report, and to address nuisance and hazard matters such as a noise assessment study. Tourism Fees (authority under the Municipal Act) Memberships Tourism Membership: Elgin County Members (Elgin County businesses only) Affiliate Advertisers (businesses located outside of Elgin County's tax base) Tourism Signage: Elgin County Tourism Members (Elgin County businesses and those businesses that pay the Affiliate Member fee to be part of the Elgin County Tourism Membership Program) Tourism Signage Re-entry Fee FEE per year $50 (+HST) $200 (+HST) $150 (+HST) $350/sign Provincial Offences (authority under the Provincial Offences Act) Photocopies $1.00 Certified Copies Page 76 of 127 $3.50 - per certification Transcripts - per page for first copy (paper) $8.70 - per page for first copy (electronic) $6.30 - per page for first copy (paper) RUSH 5 days $9.60 - per page for first copy (electronic) RUSH 5 days $8.80 - per page for first copy (paper) RUSH 24 hrs $12.55 - per page for first copy (electronic) RUSH 24 hrs $11.75 - per page for additional copies $0.80 Note: The above items are not applicable to Judiciary and County Prosecutor. NSF Cheques $40.00 Cost of Collection Cost of Collecting Delinquent Fines to be charged back to the Defendant as a percentage of the Fine. A range of 10% to 45% for Collection Agents. All other costs of enforcement as incurred. Note: Fees for copies and transcripts are set by the Ministry. 25% of the fine amount Page 77 of 127 Municipaility Resolution Number Date: Moved by: Seconded by: MUNICIPALITY OF DUTTON DUNWICH 2024.12.05 June 12, 2024 A. Drouillard H. Dryfhout Council Meeting THAT the Council of the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich receives the request from the Dutton Dunwich School Parent Council and the Home School Association; and THAT Council assures that the Municipality has considered sidewalks along County Roads (Currie Road and Pioneer Line west of Currie Road) towards the development; and THAT a copy of this request be forwarded to the County of Elgin for consideration. Motion: CARRIED Page 78 of 127 Dunwich Dutton Parent Council Letter of Concern June 5, 2024 Over the pastyear our school has worked diligentlywith parents, families, and the communityto create a safe and consistent experience for all our students primarily ourjunior individuals who walk uptown for lunch. With the new construction site underway and final plans for a McDonalds to be open during the 2024/2025 school year we are eager to plan for another safe and successful start in September. We would like to voice our concern of the need for a sidewalk with hopes that completion could be planned for September 2024. This would not only support foot traffic for local community members, but families with small children, individuals on scooters and wheelchairs but also the students at Dutton Dunwich School. With new development opportunities coming this location over the course of the next couple years, lets plan now to proactively prioritize safety for our community and be prepared with a safe accessible route to enjoy the newly completed McDonalds to its full capabilities. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing back from you soon... as we know you're as invested in the success of Dutton Dunwich and the safety of our community. Thankyou, On Behalf of the Dunwich Dutton School Parent Council & The Home and School Association �//, , "? A4 Melanie McLeod Parent Council President (J OLit�� Julie Christensen Dunwich, Dutton Public School Priacu al Page 79 of 127 Call for Nominations 2024 Community Schools Alliance Memo: Members of the Community Schools Alliance From: Doug Reycraft, Chair and Patricia Greig, Secretary -Treasurer Please be advised that in accordance with the Constitution of the Community Schools Alliance, nominations to the Executive Committee of the Alliance are invited. The three-year (3) terms of three (3) members of the Executive Committee will end August 31 of this year. Also, one (1) other position on the Executive Committee is vacant. Nominations to fill all four (4) positions for three-year terms are invited. A nominee must either be an individual member of the Community Schools Alliance or an elected official of a member municipality as of July 1, 2024. Should more than four people be nominated, a virtual election will be held to fill the four positions. The election, if necessary, will be held following the virtual Annual Meeting of the Community Schools Alliance on August 14, 2024, at 7 p.m. All individuals and members of municipal councils who are members of the Alliance and who register to attend the Annual Meeting and election will be sent a ballot following the meeting. The names of all qualified individuals who are duly nominated will appear on the ballot for election to the Executive Committee. Please print, complete and forward a completed Nomination Form to Chair Doug Reycraft and Secretary -Treasurer Patricia Greig (20li a�uin�^III^uin.un^�). A completed Nomination Form must be received by Doug Reycraft and Patricia Greig no later than Tuesday, July 16, 2024. Nominations will not be accepted beyond that date. The four successful candidates will join the other seven members of the Executive Committee previously elected for the 2024-2025 year. Section 5(i) of Constitution states: "The Chair, Vice -Chair and Secretary -Treasurer shall be elected by the members of the Executive Committee following the Annual Meeting." Current Executive Committee members: Sue Carleton, Meghan Chomut, Patricia Greig (Secretary -Treasurer), Stephen Harvey, Stephanie Jaworski (Vice -Chair), Carol Lowery, Dane Nielsen, Doug Reycraft (Chair), Marcus Ryan, Stephen Townsend Page 80 of 127 Nomination Form 2024 Executive Committee of the Community Schools Alliance Candidates must be either (a) an elected member of the council of a municipality that has joined the Community Schools Alliance or (b) an individual who holds a personal membership in the Alliance as of July 1. 2024. Nominee's Name (as it is to appear on the ballot): Nominee's Municipality (if applicable): Civic Address including postal code: Email address: Telephone: I, the Nominee named in this Nomination Form, do hereby consent to such nomination and declare that I am qualified to be elected to the Executive Committee of the Community Schools Alliance. Signature of Nominee and date: Page 81 of 127 Constitution for the Community Schools Alliance (As Amended August 15, 2023) 1. NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION The name of the organization is the Community Schools Alliance. 2. MISSION STATEMENT The Community Schools Alliance is a non-profit organization committed to working with the Ontario Ministry of Education, municipalities and school boards to achieve a collaborative process that results in democratically determined decisions regarding education infrastructure. Such decisions should be based on principles that consider the broad impact, including but not limited to both social and fiscal effects, of any changes to the infrastructure on students and their community 3. GOALS a. Students will have the opportunity to be educated in their home community. b. All school boards and municipalities must work together to build creative partnerships that allow community resources and services to be delivered in conjunction with education. C. When surplus space develops in a school, the school board and the municipality must work together to identify community uses for the space before considering closure of the school. d. The input of students, parents, the host municipality and the community to the student accommodation review process used by school boards must be considered. e. The provincial government's formula for funding public education must recognize the critical value of schools to the local economy and the social fabric in rural and northern Ontario communities. Page 82 of 127 4. MEMBERSHIP a. Every municipality in Ontario will have the opportunity to become a member of the organization by submitting the required fee with an application. b. Other individuals and bodies, including municipal organizations, may become members of the organization with the approval of the Executive Committee and upon payment of the required fee. However the membership fee shall be waived for an individual who is elected to the Executive Committee if the individual resides in a municipality that has paid its required membership fee but the individual has ceased to be an elected official of the municipal council. 5. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE a. The affairs of the organization shall be controlled and managed by the Executive Committee. Subject to the terms of this constitution and to the resolutions of members adopted in the Annual Meeting, the Executive Committee may exercise all the powers of the organization. b. All members of the Executive Committee shall be members of the organization or elected officials of member municipalities. C. The Executive Committee shall comprise at least seven (7) but not more than thirteen (13) members and will consist of the following: Chair; ii. Vice -Chair; iii. Secretary -Treasurer; iv. A minimum of four (4) other persons. d. Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a three-year term at an Annual Meeting. e. The Chair, Vice -Chair and Secretary -Treasurer shall be elected by the members of the Executive Committee following the Annual Meeting. f. Should a position on the Executive Committee become vacant, the remaining members of the Executive Committee may appoint a person to Page 83 of 127 fill the vacancy and that person shall hold office for the balance of the term but shall be eligible for re-election. g. The office of an Executive Committee member shall become vacant if a member: resigns; ii. becomes unfit and/or incapable of acting as such; iii. ceases to be a member of the organization; iv. is removed by the Executive Committee by a resolution adopted by at least two-thirds (2/3) of its members. V. misses three consecutive meetings. h. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened by the Chair on not less than ten (10) days' notice to members of the Committee. i. Quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of the members of the Committee. j. Whenever possible, meetings of the Executive Committee shall be by conference call or by videoconference. 6. ANNUAL MEETINGS a. Whenever possible, Annual Meetings of the organization shall be held in conjunction with the Annual General Meetings of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. b. Annual Meetings shall be convened by the Chair on not less than twenty- one (21) days' notice to all members of the organization. The notice shall state the date, time and place of the meeting and, in broad terms, the business to be transacted at the meeting. C. The business of an Annual Meeting shall include: the presentation and adoption of the Annual Report of the Chair; ii. the consideration of the Annual Financial Statement for the preceding calendar year; iii. the election of members to serve on the Executive Committee; iv. other matters as may be considered appropriate. Page 84 of 127 d. All members of the organization and all elected officials of member municipalities in good standing shall be eligible to vote at an Annual Meeting. e. All voting at an Annual Meeting shall be by show of hands except for the election of members of the Executive Committee which shall be by ballot. 7. FINANCIAL MATTERS a. An account in the name of the Community Schools Alliance shall be held by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. b. All monies received by the organization shall be deposited in the abovementioned account. C. All expenditures shall be made by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario on the recommendation of the Chair and/or the Secretary Treasurer. d. The organization's financial year shall be the calendar year. e. The Secretary Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget for the Community Schools Alliance and shall see to the general administration of the budget. f. The Secretary Treasurer shall prepare an Annual Financial Statement for each financial year. The Annual Financial Statement shall include a statement of income and expenditure. g. All expenditures shall require the authorization by the Executive Committee and will be used to promote the objectives of the organization. h. No portion of the income of the organization shall be paid to any person or to any member of the organization or the Executive Committee except as: reasonable compensation for services actually rendered to the organization; ii. reimbursement of actual costs or expenses reasonably incurred on behalf of the organization. Page 85 of 127 8. MEMBERSHIP FEES The Executive Committee shall determine the required annual membership fees for individuals, municipalities, municipal organizations and other bodies. 9. AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION a. This Constitution may be amended by a resolution of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at an Annual Meeting. b. At least twenty-one (21) days' notice prior to the Annual Meeting stating the nature of the resolution to be proposed must be given to all members of the organization. Page 86 of 127 From: AMO's CCBF Team <ccbf amo.on.ca> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2024 9:44 AM To: CAO <CAO .elgin.ca>; Jennifer Ford <iford ,eldn.ca> Subject: Funding Agreement for the Renewed Canada Community -Building Fund, 2024-2034 This email originated from outside of your organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Blaine Parkin and Jennifer Ford, We are pleased to submit to you the renewed 10-year Municipal Funding Agreement (MFA) for the administration of the Canada Community -Building Fund (CCBF). This is made possible due to the renewal of the Administrative Agreement found here. Actions required As soon as possible, please: 1. Pass a municipal by-law authorizing the MFA; 2. Have the appropriate officers sign the MFA (section 18, page 15); and 3. Submit the signed MFA and by-law to ccbf amo.on.ca. CCBF funds will not be distributed to your community until these three actions have been completed. Webinar We will provide a webinar to go over the agreement and answer any questions you might have. The session will be recorded. The webinar will be offered at two times: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18th, and 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19th. Please forward the registration link to anyone from your municipality involved in the administration of the CCBF. Changes to the MFA - requirements around housing The CCBF will continue to provide predictable funding — without a need for application — to be invested into priority infrastructure projects. The Government of Canada previously committed to tie federal infrastructure funding to actions that increase the housing supply where it makes sense to do so. Under the CCBF's renewed agreement, single -tier and lower -tier municipalities with a 2021 Census population of 30,000 or more must complete a Housing Needs Assessment by March 2025. Other municipalities with housing pressures are encouraged to develop one. Page 87 of 127 AMO is here to help. We have been working with Infrastructure Canada to streamline the data requirements. More information will be provided shortly. Allocations Allocations for the 2024-2028 period were shared in 2023 and can be found here. Agreement in final form Please note that as with previous agreements, the form and content of this Agreement are not subject to negotiation. Any changes - other than the inclusion of signatures - are null and void. If you have any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to this email address and a member of AMO's CCBF team will get back to you as soon as possible. Sincerely, AMO's CCBF Team ccbf amo.on.ca www.buildingcommunities.ca Page 88 of 127 Notice of Motion — Councillor Sloan June 25, 2024 WHEREAS The County of Elgin has historically provided financial support for major projects and initiatives of the St Thomas Elgin General Hospital; WHEREAS the County of Elgin provides approximately $6M annually to top -up long- term care services in Elgin County homes as part of its commitment to ensuring a high level of care for our community members and loved ones; And WHEREAS access to healthcare services and support within our community and across the healthcare continuum is a critical component of quality of life in Elgin County; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the County of Elgin establish the Elgin County Healthcare Fund of $1.8M over a minimum of six (6) years to support resident access to high -quality, localized care; THAT the fund be divided between the Transforming Tomorrow Diagnostic Imaging Campaign for the St Thomas Elgin General Hospital ($1.3M) and Hospice of Elgin ($500, 000); THAT Staff be directed to provide annual reports to Council with an update on fund amounts and disbursements. Page 89 of 127 Isle] :10i1Mil IIQLlEel a1:I:9di111►IWK91aAIle] ILl By -Law No. 24-23 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A DEPUTY CLERK AND DEPUTY CLERKS (ALTERNATE) FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 22-37" WHEREAS pursuant to section 228(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. M. 46, as amended ("Act"), a municipality may appoint a Deputy Clerk or Deputy Clerks who shall have all of the powers and duties of the Clerk under the said Act and any other Act; AND WHEREAS, by By -Law No. 22-37, Elgin County Council last appointed a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Clerks (Alternate) for the Corporation of the County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS, it is deemed appropriate that the aforementioned appointments be revised to accurately reflect current operations for the Corporation of the County of Elgin; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services be and is hereby appointed as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 2. THAT Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator be and is hereby appointed as Deputy Clerk (alternate). 3. THAT Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services be and is hereby appointed as Deputy Clerk (alternate). 4. THAT By -Law No. 22-37 is hereby repealed. 5. THAT, where provisions of this By -Law are inconsistent with the provisions of any other By -Law, the provisions of this By -Law shall prevail. 6. THAT, this By -Law becomes effective on June 25, 2024. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 25th DAY OF JUNE 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 90 of 127 �9111►IVK910�1Er11►1 By -Law No. 24-24 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT ALTERNATE PERSONS TO CARRY OUT THE DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY -TREASURER OF THE ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE WHEN THE SECRETARY -TREASURER IS UNABLE, FOR ANY REASON, TO CARRY OUT HIS OR HER DUTIES" WHEREAS pursuant to Section 56.(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did constitute and appoint an Elgin County Land Division Committee; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 44.(8) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did appoint a Secretary -Treasurer to the Elgin County Land Division Committee; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint alternate persons to carry out the duties of the Secretary -Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee when the said Secretary -Treasurer is not available. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the Director of Planning and Development and the Clerk/Clerk Designate for the County of Elgin, be and are hereby appointed to carry out the duties of the Secretary -Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee when, for any reason, the said Secretary -Treasurer is unable to carry out his or her duties; and, 2. THAT By -Law No.18-25 be repealed; and, 3. THAT this by-law shall become effective upon its passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 25th DAY OF JUNE 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 91 of 127 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 24-25 "A BY-LAW TO DELEGATE CERTAIN AUTHORITIES VESTED IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AS THE APPROVAL AUTHORITY WITH RESPECT TO PLANS OF SUBDIVISION, PLANS OF CONDOMINIUM AND PART LOT CONTROL BY-LAWS PURSUANT TO SECTION 22 AND 51 OF THE PLANNING ACT, TO THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO.22-01." WHEREAS Section 4 (1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P. 13, as amended, provides that the Minister may by order delegate to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin the authority to approve, among otherthings, plans of subdivision, plans of condominium and part lot control by-laws; and WHEREAS Section 5 (1) of the Planning Act, Chapter P 13, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, provides that the Council may by by-law delegate all or any of the authority to approve, among other things, plans of subdivision, plans of condominium and part lot control by-laws to a Committee of Council orto an Appointed Officer identified in the by-law by name or position occupied; and WHEREAS County Council considers it advisable to delegate certain powers to the Director of Planning and Development for the County of Elgin, and, in the Director of Planning and Development's absence, the Director of Legal Services. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Council of the County of Elgin delegates to the Director of Planning and Development and in his/her absence, the Director of Legal Services, the authority to: a) Sign draft plans of subdivision forthe purpose of indicating draft approval. b) Sign draft plans of condominium forthe purpose of indicating draft approval. c) Sign local municipal Official Plan Amendments indicating approval d) Sign County Official Plan Amendments indicating approval e) refuse to accept or further consider any application for plan of subdivision or plan of condominium until the prescribed information and material and the required fee and the draft plan are received, pursuant to section 51 (19) of the Planning Act as amended. f) Enter into negotiations/dispute resolution with those parties involved in an objection to a draft plan of subdivision or condominium or conditions thereof. g) Decide whether a change to conditions of draft approval is minor for the purpose of giving notice and to approve such minor changes. h) Extend draft plan approval time periods. i) Approve and sign final plans of subdivision and final plans of condominium for the purpose of indicating that final approval has been granted by the approval authority and is acceptable for registration purposes. j) Approve part lot control by-laws for local municipalities passed under Section 50 of the Planning Act, as amended. THAT this by-law shall come into force and effect on the date of its final passing by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. Page 92 of 127 THAT By-law No. 22-01 be repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 25th DAY OF JUNE 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 93 of 127 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 24-26 "A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE A SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO FEES AND CHARGES BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 23-33" WHEREAS, by virtue of s.9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers, and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under that or any other Act; AND WHEREAS, by virtue of s.11 of the said Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, an upper tier municipality may enact a by-law respecting, among other things, public assets of the municipality acquired for purpose of exercising its statutory authorities, economic well-being of the municipality, services and things that the municipality is otherwise authorized to provide, and protection of persons and property; AND WHEREAS Section 391 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, states that a municipality and a local board may pass by-laws imposing fees or charges on persons for services or activities provided or done for persons; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By -Law No. 23-33 imposing fees or charges on services or activities provided to persons by the County of Elgin's various departments; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin has deemed it advisable to amend the fees and charges applicable to some of its services or activities, and to make provision for the addition of taxes where appropriate. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law setting out services and activities which are subject to fees and charges, and taxes where applicable, and the amount of such fees or charges be and is hereby adopted. 2. THAT By -Law No. 23-33 and any by-law that is contrary to this one be and is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon its passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 25th DAY OF 1111JO W1iyzN Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 94 of 127 Rio] a:11Bill 111:1111111elti By -Law No. 24-26 The Corporation of the County of Elgin has deemed it advisable to provide activities and services that are subject to fees and charges. The following list details such activities and services and the fees and charges that will apply: Please note that the fees and charges below include taxes, where applicable. General (authority under the Municipal Actl Photocopies for the public throughout all County of Elgin Departments: Copy charge per printed page - per printed side (black & white) $0.25 - per printed side (colour) $1.00 Document Commissioning Fee: $20.00 Financial Services (authority under the Municipal Act) Late payment of County Levy 15%/year (i.e. - installment due on the 15th and not received until the 16th, one day of interest would be charged) Communitv & Cultural Services — Archives (authoritv under the Municipal Act) Long -Distance Research $40.00 per hour Photocopying/Internet Printing Letter/Legal $0.25 11 x 17 $0.50 Microfilm Reader -Printer: Letter/Legal — per page $0.50 11 x 17 — per page $0.75 Scans $0.25 Photograph Prints: 4 x 6 $17.00 4 x 6 — additional print $10.00 5 x 7 $20.00 5 x 7 — additional print $12.00 8 x 10 $30.00 8 x 10 —additional print $17.00 11 x 14 $40.00 11 x 14 —additional print $30.00 Larger Sizes On a case by case basis Digital photo/document files for personal use $10.00 Digital photo/document files for $20.00 publication/exhibition/display/commercial use Photo/document image scanning $10.00 Scanning: Document scanning as PDF $5.00 Recordable CD $2.50 Supplies: Acid -free storage box $20.00 Newspaper storage box $50.00 Acid -free file folders $1.00 General archival supplies Market value Page 95 of 127 Shipping Actual cost with a $5.00 minimum cost Community & Cultural Services - Libraries (authority under the Public Libraries Actl Library Fines: Fines are subject to Elgin County Library's fine -free plan to eliminate overdue fines on all library materials by December 31, 2024. Fax Machine: Sending: First Page $1.50 - Each Additional Page $0.50 Receiving Per Page $0.50 Interlibrary Loan - Borrowing: Canadian Library or University - plus shipping (if they charge) Discretion of Loaning Library U.S. Library or University - plus shipping (if they charge) Discretion of Loaning Library Microfilm - plus shipping (where applicable) $4.00 Printinq: Black & White/Colour - per printed side $0.25 Lost or Damaged Materials: All Material Types Actual Cost plus $5.00 Processing Bag of Books $160.00 If actual cost is unknown, the following rates are charged: Other Materials - Lost or Damaged: DVDs/Videos $20.00 Playaways $80.00 Wonderbooks $70.00 Microfilms $30.00 Music CDs $20.00 ts Puzzles/Games $20.00 Program Kits $20.00 Computer Kits $80.00 Park Permits $100.00 Yoto dyers Bundles $210.00 - $265.00 $169.99 Library Card Replacement $1.00 Books - Lost or Damaaed: Hardcover $30.00 Magazines $5.00 Paperbacks $10.00 Audio Books $50.00 Reference Books $50.00 Room Rentals (no charge for non-profit group) $25.00 Library Fine Threshold $20.00 Fines are subject to Elgin County Library's fine -free plan to eliminate overdue fines on all library materials by December 31, 2024. 313 Printing Filament Page 96 of 127 $0.10/gram Exam Proctoring Donation basis Book, Magazine & DVD/CD Discards Donation basis Community & Cultural Services — Museum (authority under the Municipal Actl Admission Membership: Annual Lifetime Donation basis $5.00 $100.00 Programs Delivered: Adult off -site programs $33.90 plus travel paid at the rate established by the County for use of personal vehicles School tours and children's group tours (designed for children under the age of 14) $1.75 - Chaperones are no charge School programs offered in -school (designed for children under the age of 14) — including rented teacher's $3.00 kit Note: Fees for programs delivered by the Museum may vary according to the program Engineering Services (authority under the Municipal Actl County Road Maps Meetinq Room Rental Rates: (authority under the Municipal Act) $5.00 For use of meeting rooms in the County Administration Building by outside groups: Central Elgin Boardroom (Suite #25) $75 for 3-hour minimum inclusive; $25 per hour thereafter West Elgin Boardroom (Suite #138) $65 for 3-hour minimum inclusive; $25 per hour thereafter Electric Vehicle Charging Station Fee: $2.40/hr Oversize/Overweight Movinq Permit: (authority under the Highway Traffic Act) Permit for moving heavy vehicles, loads, objects or structure in excess of dimensional & weight limits set out in the Highway Traffic Act: Single Move Fee (if action is requested with greater than 10 business days' notice) $200.00 Single Move Fee (if action is requested with less than 10 business days' notice) $400.00 Single Move Fee - Overweight, greater than 63,500 kg (approval requires a $1,300.00 minimum of 10 business days' notice) Annual Oversize Moving Permit Fee $500.00 Preparation of Road User Agreement / Telecommunication Equipment (Where Applicable by Agreement) Consent and Road User Agreement Road User Agreements (authority under the Municipal Act) $1,000.00 Annual fees shall be a minimum of $500 with no upset limit. Project type and the amount of road property affected shall dictate the annual fee and associated encumbrances. Taxes not applicable and fees may be added to the property tax roll for collection, on behalf of the County, by a local municipality. Telecommunication Equipment Conser� ancP oa7d User Agreement Permit Fee $200.00 base fee plus $0.25/m (Applicable to each approved telecommunications equipment installation location) Contract Administration Fee $100.00 (Where applicable by Agreement per year for each year of term of Agreement) Road Occupancy Permit (authority under Public Highway & Transportation Improvement Act) To regulate the construction or alteration of any entranceway, private road or other facility that permits access to County Roads: Request greater than 5 days notice $200.00 Request less than 5 days notice $400.00 Tender Documents (Hard Copy) (authority under the Municipal Act) $50.00 Cost Recovery Damage to Public Property Caused During a Collision Actual Cost (authority under the Municipal Act) Long -Term Care Homes (authority under the Lona-Term Care Act. 2007) Adult Day Programs Fees as set by the Province Barber/Hairdresser (Terrace Lodge): effective August 1, 2024 Shampoo Only $7.00 Shampoo/Blowout $26.00 Conditioning Treatment $10.00 Ladies Cut only $23.00 Ladies Cut/Dry $24.00 Men's Cut $20.00 Men's Cut/Dry $21.00 Bang Trim $5.00 Beard Trim $7.00 Beard/Ears/Eyebrows/Nose $10.00 Set only (no shampoo) $23.50 Shampoo and set $26.00 Cut and set (no shampoo) $36.00 Comb Out & Curl with Iron $22.50 Shampoo/Perm/Set $67.50 Shampoo/Colour/Set $52.00 Foils (1/2 head) $42.50 Cut/Set/Curl $45.00 Shampoo/Cut/Set $40.00 Shampoo/Cut/Set/Curl $47.50 Shampoo/Colour/Cut/Set $62.50 Shampoo/Perm/Cut $70.00 Shampoo/Perm/Cut/Set $80.00 Braids/Updo $10.00 Bobier Villa & Elgin Manor As per Contracted Service Provider Cable TV/Internet Market Rate Foot Care through Contract Provider Market Rate Dental Care Services through Contract Provider Market Rate Optometry Care Services through Contract Market Rate Provider Wheelchair Seating Assessment Fees Wheelchair and mobility equipment repair fees Market Rate (Contract Provider) Page 98 of 127 Guest Room Accommodation — 1 Guest Maximum - per night including breakfast at Elgin Manor & Bobier Villa Meals on Wheels for Community Clients: - per meal VON (October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024) Double portions (October 1, 2024 — September 30, 2025) Double portions WECHC (January 5, 2024 — January 4, 2025) Double portions (January 4, 2025 — September 30, 2025) Double portions Medication not Covered by Health Card 65 & Non-prescription Drugs Newspaper Preferred Accommodation Rate Upon Admission: $60 $7.75 $3.75 $8.00 $4 $7.75 $3.75 $8 $4 Cost of drug plus $2.00 - ODB co - payment Market Rate Resident fees are charged in accordance with the rates set by the Province of Ontario which may change from time to time. Purchases Services Resident requested sundry products, therapy services, supplies, etc. Market Rate Resident Basic Accommodation Rate: Resident Fees are charged in accordance with the rates set by the Province of Ontario which may change from time to time. Note: Residents may apply for a rate reduction based on annual income Resident and Staff — Replacement Key Staff Replacement Name Tags Room Rental Determined by Homes' Director Loss/Replacement of Fob Transportation/Accompaniment of Staff Valet (mending or clothing) Visitor Meals: actual replacement cost ranges from $10 - $30 $9.00 $42.50 - minimum fee may apply $12.00 Market transportation rate, plus, if accompanied by staff the employee's hourly rate of pay times the length of absence from the workplace, plus benefits if applicable. (Minimum of 4 hours may apply) Market Rate As Available Full Course Meals (lunch) Full Course Meals (supper and breakfast) Under the age of 5 years Page 99 of 127 $12.00 $8.00 $4 Volunteers $6.50 Special Event Meals $17.50 Under the age of 5 years $6.00 Volunteers $7.50 Diner's Club for Community Seniors -per meal (including HST) (January 5, 2024 — January 4, 2025) $7.75 Double portions $3.75 (January 5, 2025 — September 30, 2025) $8 Double portions $4 Wander Guard System — Replacement Market Rate Strap/Tag Human Resources (authority under the Municipal Act) Countv Sponsored Trainina Proarams: Participation by Public Partners Cost Recovery Basis Accessibility Training Services Cost Recovery Basis Identification Badge Photo: Loss of Employee Identification Badge $5.00 Research Responding to Professional Service Requests Cost Recovery Land Division (authority under the Planning Act) $1,350 Application for Consent $1,350 Application for Validation Title $300.00 Stamping of Deed $300.00 Validation Certification If an Application for Consent/Validation is: (i) withdrawn at least fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing date $50.00 will be retained. If amended at least fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing date, an additional $50.00 will be charged. (ii) withdrawn after the time limit set in (i), the entire fee will be retained. If amended after the time limit set in (i), an additional $50.00 will be charged. (iii) requested to be reconsidered once consent has been granted, in order to alter the original decision in a minor way, it will be treated as if it were a new application, and a fee of $300.00 must accompany the letter explaining the reason for the change. (iv) requested to be deferred from having action taken on it, by the applicant, in writing, whether after or before a hearing date has been set, a fee of $300.00 must accompany the request for deferral. Plannina ADDlication Fees (authoritv under the Plannina Act) Plans of Subdivision or Plans of Vacant Land Condominium: $4,000.00 Extension to draft plan approval $500.00 Plans of Condominium (all other types excluding vacant land): $1,500.00 Exemption from draft approval: $1,000.00 Extension to draft approval: $500.00 County Official Plan Amendment: Page 100 of 127 $4,000.00 Local Official Plan Amendment: $1,000.00 (municipally - initiated Official Plan Amendment exempt) Part lot control exemption: $500.00 The applicant seeking approval in support of any development matter shall be required to reimburse the County for the fees and expenses, if any, of the County's peer review professionals related to technical studies/reports determined necessary by the Manager of Planning, or his/her designate. Technical studies/reports include, but are not limited to: address planning matters such as a planning justification report, relating to environmental and natural matters such as a development assessment report or a hydrogeology study, to address transportation matters such as a traffic impact assessment, to address servicing and infrastructure matters such as a functional servicing report, and to address nuisance and hazard matters such as a noise assessment study. Tourism Fees (authority under the Municipal Act) Memberships Tourism Membership: Elgin County Members (Elgin County businesses only) Affiliate Advertisers (businesses located outside of Elgin County's tax base) Tourism Signage: Elgin County Tourism Members (Elgin County businesses and those businesses that pay the Affiliate Member fee to be part of the Elgin County Tourism Membership Program) Tourism Signage Re-entry Fee FEE per year $50 (+HST) $200 (+HST) $150 (+HST) Provincial Offences (authority under the Provincial Offences Act) $350/sign Photocopies $1.00 Certified Copies $3.50 - per certification Transcripts - per page for first copy (paper) $8.70 - per page for first copy (electronic) $6.30 - per page for first copy (paper) RUSH 5 days $9.60 - per page for first copy (electronic) RUSH 5 days $8.80 - per page for first copy (paper) RUSH 24 hrs $12.55 - per page for first copy (electronic) RUSH 24 hrs $11.75 - per page for additional copies $0.80 Note: The above items are not applicable to Judiciary and County Prosecutor. NSF Cheques $40.00 Cost of Collection Cost of Collecting Delinquent Fines to be charged back to the Defendant as a percentage of the Fine. A range of 10% to 45% for Collection Agents. All other costs of enforcement as incurred. Note: Fees for copies and transcripts are set by the Ministry. 25% of the fine amount Page 101 of 127 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 24-27 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 14-14 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO :1*1U*QIl►Lem 1:1:1111111Mil ►6ya:I:ZO]a1:I:997e1►FitDIXd9lLViILViLei ►111va-.IliIIDII►[H1I1►U7 (FORMERLY FEDERAL GAS TAX REVENUES)" WHEREAS Section 11(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides broad authority to the upper -tier municipality to pass by-laws for the financial management of the municipality; and, WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin did, by By -Law No. 14-14, enter into an agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) in connection with a Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of the Community Building Fund (Formerly Federal Gas Tax Revenues); and, WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and Ontario municipalities, represented by AMO, have amended the Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement in order to confirm municipalities' Canada Community Building Fund allocations to 2034; and, WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it expedient to enter into an amending agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario to continue the transfer of the Canada Community Building Fund (Formerly Federal Gas Tax Revenues). NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer are hereby authorized to sign an amending agreement, under certain terms and conditions, between the County of Elgin and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, respecting a Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of the Canada Community Building Fund. 2. THAT the said amending agreement be attached hereto as Schedule "A" and form part of this by-law upon execution by all parties. 3. THAT By -Law No. 14-14 be and is hereby amended. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 25T" DAY OF JUNE 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 102 of 127 BETWEEN: AND: MUNICIPAL FUNDING AGREEMENT ON THE CANADA COMMUNITY -BUILDING FUND THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO (referred to herein as "AMO") THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (a municipal corporation pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, referred to herein as the "Recipient") WHEREAS the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, AMO, and the City of Toronto are signatories to the Administrative Agreement on the Canada Community -Building Fund effective April 1, 2024 (the "Administrative Agreement"), which governs the transfer and use of the Canada Community -Building Fund ("CCBF") in Ontario; AND WHEREAS AMO is responsible for the administration of CCBF funding made available to all Municipalities in Ontario — except the City of Toronto — under the Administrative Agreement, and will therefore undertake (and require the Recipient to undertake) certain activities as set out in this Agreement; AND WHEREAS the Recipient wishes to enter into this Agreement to access CCBF funding; NOW THEREFORE the Parties agree as follows: Page 103 of 127 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS 1.1 Definitions. For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below: "Annual Report" means the duly completed report to be prepared and delivered to AMO as described in Section 6.1. "Asset Management" is a principle/practice that includes planning processes, approaches, plans, or related documents that support an integrated lifecycle approach to the effective stewardship of infrastructure assets to maximize benefits and effectively manage risk. "Canada" means the Government of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities. "Canada Community -Building Fund" or "CCBF" means the program established under section 161 of the Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act, S.C. 2011, c. 24 as amended by section 233 of the Economic Action Plan 2013 Act, No. 1, S.C. 2013, c. 33, as the Gas Tax Fund and renamed the Canada Community -Building Fund in section 199 of Budget Implementation Act, 2021, No. 1. "Contract" means an agreement between the Recipient and a Third Party whereby the latter agrees to supply a product or service to an Eligible Project in return for financial consideration. "Eligible Expenditure" means an expenditure described as eligible in Schedule B or deemed eligible by Canada in accordance with Section 4.2. "Eligible Investment Category" means an investment category listed in Schedule A or deemed eligible by Canada in accordance with Section 3.2. "Eligible Project" means a project that fits within an Eligible Investment Category. "Event of Default" has the meaning given to it in Section 13.1 of this Agreement. "Funds" mean the funds made available to the Recipient through the CCBF or any other source of funding as determined by Canada. Funds are made available pursuant to this Agreement and includes any interest earned on the said Funds. Funds transferred to another Municipality in accordance with Section 5.3 of this Agreement are to be treated as Funds by the Municipality to which the Funds are transferred; and Funds transferred to a non -municipal entity in accordance with Section 5.4 of this Agreement shall remain as Funds under this Agreement for all purposes and the Recipient shall continue to be bound by all provisions of this Agreement with respect to such transferred Funds. 1 2 (,,t 24 Page 104 of 127 "Housing Needs Assessment" or "HNA" means a report informed by data and research describing the current and future housing needs of a Municipality or community according to guidance provided by Canada. "Ineligible Expenditures" means those expenditures described as ineligible in Schedule C or deemed ineligible by Canada in accordance with Section 4.2. "Infrastructure" means tangible capital assets that are primarily for public use or benefit in Ontario — whether municipal or regional, and whether publicly or privately owned. "Lower -Tier Municipality" means a Municipality that forms part of an Upper -Tier Municipality for municipal purposes, as defined under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25. "Municipal Fiscal Year" means the period beginning January 1st of a year and ending December 31st of the same year. "Municipality" and "Municipalities" means every municipality as defined under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25. "Non -Municipal Transfer By-law" means a by-law passed by Council of the Recipient pursuant to Section 5.4 of this Agreement. "Parties" means AMO and the Recipient. "Prior Agreement" means the municipal funding agreement for the transfer of federal gas tax funds entered into by AMO and the Recipient, effective April 2014 and with an expiry date of March 31, 2024. "Single -Tier Municipality" means a Municipality, other than an Upper -Tier Municipality, that does not form part of an Upper -Tier Municipality for municipal purposes, as defined under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c. 25. "Third Party" means any person or legal entity, other than the Parties to this Agreement, who participates in the implementation of an Eligible Project by means of a Contract. "Transfer By-law" means a by-law passed by Council of the Recipient pursuant to Section 5.3 of this Agreement. "Unspent Funds" means the amount reported as unspent by the Recipient as of December 31, 2023 in the Recipient's 2023 Annual Report (as defined under the Prior Agreement). i ;(,„J, Page 105 of 127 "Upper -Tier Municipality" means a Municipality of which two or more Lower -Tier Municipalities form part for municipal purposes, as defined under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c. 25. 1.2 Interpretations a) "Agreement" refers to this agreement as a whole, including the cover and execution pages and all of the schedules hereto, and all amendments made hereto in accordance with the provisions hereof. b) The words "herein", "hereof" and "hereunder" and other words of similar import refer to this Agreement as a whole and not any particular schedule, article, section, paragraph or other subdivision of this Agreement. c) The term "including" or "includes" means including or includes (as applicable) without limitation or restriction. d) Any reference to a federal or provincial statute is to such statute and to the regulations made pursuant to such statute as such statute and regulations may at any time be amended or modified and in effect and to any statute or regulations that may be passed that have the effect of supplementing or superseding such statute or regulations. 2. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT 2.1 Term. Subject to any extension or termination of this Agreement or the survival of any of the provisions of this Agreement pursuant to the provisions contained herein, this Agreement shall come into effect as of April 1, 2024 up to and including March 31, 2034. 2.2 Review. This Agreement will be reviewed by AMO by June 30, 2027. 2.3 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time in writing as agreed to by AMO and the Recipient. 2.4 Notice. Any of the Parties may terminate this Agreement on two (2) years written notice. 2.5 Prior Agreement. The Parties agree that the Prior Agreement, including Section 15.5 thereof, is hereby terminated. Notwithstanding the termination of the PriorAgreement, including Section 15.5, the reporting and indemnity obligations of the Recipient thereunder with respect to expended Funds governed by the Prior Agreement as set forth in Sections 5, 7, 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5 of the Prior Agreement shall survive the said termination. Page 106 of 127 3. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS 3.1 Eligible Projects. Eligible Projects are those that fit within an Eligible Investment Category. Eligible Investment Categories are listed in Schedule A. 3.2 Discretion of Canada. The eligibility of any investment category not listed in Schedule A is solely at the discretion of Canada. 3.3 Recipient Fully Responsible. The Recipient is fully responsible for the completion of each Eligible Project in accordance with Schedule A and Schedule B. 4. ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURES 4.1 Eligible Expenditures and Ineligible Expenditures. Eligible Expenditures are described in Schedule B. Ineligible Expenditures are described in Schedule C. 4.2 Discretion of Canada. The eligibility of any item not listed in Schedule B or Schedule C to this Agreement is solely at the discretion of Canada. 4.3 Reasonable Access. The Recipient shall allow AMO and Canada reasonable and timely access to all documentation, records and accounts and those of their respective agents or Third Parties related to the receipt, deposit and use of Funds and Unspent Funds, and any interest earned thereon, and all other relevant information and documentation requested by AMO or Canada or their respective designated representatives for the purposes of audit, evaluation, and ensuring compliance with this Agreement. 4.4 Retention of Receipts. The Recipient will keep proper and accurate accounts and records of all Eligible Projects including invoices and receipts for Eligible Expenditures for at least six (6) years after the completion of the project. 4.5 Contracts. The Recipient will award and manage all Contracts in accordance with its relevant policies and procedures and, if applicable, in accordance with any domestic or international trade agreements, and all other applicable laws. The Recipient will ensure any of its Contracts for the supply of services or materials to implement its responsibilities under this Agreement will be awarded in a way that is transparent, competitive, consistent with value for money principles and pursuant to its adopted procurement policy. 5. FUNDS 5.1 Use of Funds. The Recipient acknowledges and agrees the Funds are intended for and shall be used only for Eligible Expenditures in respect of Eligible Projects. i (,„J, Page 107 of 127 5.2 Unspent Funds. Any Unspent Funds, and any interest earned thereon, will be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and will no longer be governed by the terms and conditions of the Prior Agreement. 5.3 Transfer of Funds to a Municipality. Where a Recipient decides to allocate and transfer Funds to another Municipality (the "Transferee Municipality"): a) The allocation and transfer shall be authorized by a Transfer By-law. The Transfer By-law shall be passed by the Recipient's council and submitted to AMO as soon thereafter as practicable. The Transfer By-law shall identify the Transferee Municipality and the amount of Funds the Transferee Municipality is to receive for the Municipal Fiscal Year(s) specified in the Transfer By-law. b) The Recipient is still required to submit an Annual Report in accordance with Section 6.1 hereof with respect to the Funds transferred. c) No transfer of Funds pursuant to this Section 5.3 shall be effected unless and until the Transferee Municipality has either (i) entered into an agreement with AMO on substantially the same terms as this Agreement, or (ii) has executed and delivered to AMO a written undertaking to assume all of the Recipient's obligations under this Agreement with respect to the Funds transferred, such as undertaking in a form satisfactory to AMO. 5.4 Transfer of Funds to a Non -Municipal Entity. Where a Recipient decides to support an Eligible Project undertaken by a non -municipal entity (whether a for profit, non- governmental, or not -for profit organization): a) The provision of such support shall be authorized by a Transfer By-law (a "Non -Municipal Transfer By-law ). The Non -Municipal Transfer By-law shall be passed by the Recipient's council and submitted to AMO as soon as practicable thereafter. The Non -Municipal Transfer By-law shall identify the non -municipal entity, and the amount of Funds the non -municipal entity is to receive for that Eligible Project. b) The Recipient shall continue to be bound by all the provisions of this Agreement notwithstanding any such transfer. c) No transfer of Funds pursuant to this Section 5.4 shall be effected unless and until the non -municipal entity receiving the Funds has executed and delivered to AMO a written undertaking to assume all of the Recipient's obligations under this Agreement with respect to the Funds transferred, in a form exclusively satisfactory to AMO. 5.5 Payout of Funds. Subject to Sections 5.14 and 5.15, AMO will transfer Funds twice yearly, on or before the dates agreed upon by Canada and AMO. i (,„J, Page 108 of 127 5.6 Deposit of Funds. The Recipient will deposit the Funds in: a) An interest -bearing bank account; or b) An investment permitted under: The Recipient's investment policy; and ii. Provincial legislation and regulation. 5.7 Interest Earnings and Investment Gains. Interest earnings and investment gains will be: • Proportionately allocated to the CCBF when applicable; and • Applied to Eligible Expenditures for Eligible Projects. 5.8 Funds Advanced. Funds shall be spent (in accordance with Sections 3 and 4) or transferred (in accordance with Sections 5.3 or 5.4) within five (5) years after the end of the year in which Funds were received. Unexpended Funds shall not be retained beyond such five (5) year period without the documented consent of AMO. AMO reserves the right to declare that unexpended Funds after five (5) years become a debt to Canada which the Recipient will reimburse forthwith on demand to AMO for transmission to Canada. 5.9 Expenditure of Funds. The Recipient shall expend all Funds by December 31, 2038. 5.10 HST. The use of Funds is based on the net amount of harmonized sales tax to be paid by the Recipient net of any applicable tax rebates. 5.11 Limit on Canada's Financial Commitments. The Recipient may use Funds to pay up to one hundred percent (100%) of Eligible Expenditures of an Eligible Project. 5.12 Federal Funds. The Recipient agrees that any Funds received will be treated as "federal funds" for the purpose of other federal infrastructure programs. 5.13 Stacking. If the Recipient is receiving federal funds under other federal infrastructure programs in respect of an Eligible Project to which the Recipient wishes to apply Funds, the maximum federal contribution limitation set out in any other federal infrastructure program agreement made in respect of that Eligible Project shall continue to apply. 5.14 Withholding Payment. AMO may, in its exclusive discretion, withhold Funds where the Recipient is in default of compliance with any provisions of this Agreement. 5.15 Insufficient Funds Provided by Canada. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2, if Canada does not provide sufficient funds to continue the Funds for any Municipal i (,,tJ, Page 109 of 127 Fiscal Year during which this Agreement is in effect, AMO may immediately terminate this Agreement on written notice to the Recipient. 6. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Annual Report. The Recipient shall submit a report to AMO by April 30th each year, or as otherwise notified by AMO. The report shall be submitted in an electronic format deemed acceptable by AMO and shall contain the information described in Schedule D. 6.2 Project List. The Recipient shall ensure that projects are reported in advance of construction. Information required is as noted in Section 2.3 of Schedule E. 7. ASSET MANAGEMENT 7.1 Implementation of Asset Management. The Recipient will develop and implement an Asset Management plan, culture, and methodology in accordance with legislation and regulation established by the Government of Ontario (e.g., O. Reg. 588/17). 7.2 Asset Data. The Recipient will continue to improve data describing the condition of, long-term cost of, levels of service provided by, and risks associated with infrastructure assets. 8. HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT 8.1 Requirement. While an HNA is encouraged for all Municipalities, the Recipient must complete a HNA if it had a population of 30,000 or more on the 2021 Census of Canada and is a Single -Tier Municipality or a Lower -Tier Municipality. 8.2 Content of the HNA. The Recipient will prepare the HNA in accordance with the guidance provided from time to time by Canada. 8.3 Use of HNA. The Recipient is expected to prioritize projects that support the growth of the housing supply. The HNA is to be used by Municipalities to prioritize, where possible, Infrastructure or capacity building projects that support increased housing supply where it makes sense to do so. 8.4 Publication of the HNA. The Recipient will publish the HNA on its website. 8.5 HNA reporting requirements. The Recipient will send to AMO by March 31, 2025, unless otherwise agreed upon: a) A copy of any HNA it is required to complete in accordance with Section 8.1; and i (,„J, Page 110 of 127 b) The URL to the published HNA on the Recipient's website. 9. COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS 9.1 The Recipient will comply with all communication requirements outlined in Schedule E. 10. RECORDS AND AUDIT 10.1 Accounting Principles. All accounting terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings assigned to them; all calculations will be made and all financial data to be submitted will be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") in effect in Ontario. GAAP will include, without limitation, those principles approved or recommended for local governments from time to time by the Public Sector Accounting Board or the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada or any successor institute, applied on a consistent basis. 10.2 Separate Records. The Recipient shall maintain separate records and documentation for the Funds and keep all records including invoices, statements, receipts, and vouchers in respect of Funds expended on Eligible Projects in accordance with the Recipient's municipal records retention by-law. Upon reasonable notice by AMO or Canada, the Recipient shall submit all records and documentation relating to the Funds for inspection or audit. 10.3 External Auditor. AMO or Canada may request, upon written notice to Recipient, an audit of Eligible Project(s) or Annual Report(s). AMO shall retain an external auditor to carry out an audit and ensure that any auditor who conducts an audit pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise, provides a copy of the audit report to the Recipient. 11. INSURANCE AND INDEMNITY 11.1 Insurance. The Recipient shall put in effect and maintain in full force and effect or cause to be put into effect and maintained for the term of this Agreement all the necessary insurance with respect to each Eligible Project, including any Eligible Projects with respect to which the Recipient has transferred Funds pursuant to Section 5 of this Agreement, that would be considered appropriate for a prudent Municipality undertaking similar Eligible Projects, including, where appropriate and without limitation, property, construction, and liability insurance, which insurance coverage shall identify Canada and AMO as additional insureds for the purposes of the Eligible Projects. 11.2 Certificates of Insurance. Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Recipient shall have a valid certificate of insurance that confirms compliance with the requirements I ,.., , r (, %/ Page 111 of 127 of Section 11.1. The Recipient shall produce such certificate of insurance on request, including as part of any AMO or Canada audit. 11.3 AMO Not Liable. In no event shall Canada orAMO be liable for: • Any bodily injury, death or property damages to the Recipient, its employees, agents, or consultants or for any claim, demand or action by any Third Party against the Recipient, its employees, agents, or consultants, arising out of or in any way related to this Agreement; or • Any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages, or any loss of use, revenue or profit to the Recipient, its employees, agents, or consultants arising out of any or in any way related to this Agreement. 11.4 Recipient to Compensate Canada. The Recipient will ensure that it will not, at any time, hold the Government of Canada, its officers, servants, employees or agents responsible for any claims or losses of any kind that the Recipient, Third Parties or any other person or entity may suffer in relation to any matter related to the Funds or an Eligible Project and that the Recipient will, at all times, compensate Canada, its officers, servants, employees and agents for any claims or losses of any kind that any of them may suffer in relation to any matter related to CCBF funding or an Eligible Project. 11.5 Recipient to Indemnify AMO. The Recipient hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AMO, its officers, servants, employees or agents (each of which is called an "Indemnitee"), from and against all claims, losses, damages, liabilities and related expenses including the fees, charges and disbursements of any counsel for any Indemnitee incurred by any Indemnitee or asserted against any Indemnitee by whomsoever brought or prosecuted in any manner based upon, or occasioned by, any injury to persons, damage to or loss or destruction of property, economic loss or infringement of rights caused by or arising directly or indirectly from: • The Funds; • The Recipient's Eligible Projects, including the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of any part or all of the Eligible Projects; • The performance of this Agreement or the breach of any term or condition of this Agreement by the Recipient, its officers, servants, employees, and agents, or by a Third Party, its officers, servants, employees, or agents; and • Any omission or other wilful or negligent act of the Recipient or Third Party and their respective officers, servants, employees, or agents. Page 112 of 127 12. TRANSFER AND OPERATION OF MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE 12.1 Reinvestment. The Recipient will invest into Eligible Projects, any revenue that is generated from the sale, lease, encumbrance, or other disposal of an asset resulting from an Eligible Project where such disposal takes place within five (5) years of the date of completion of the Eligible Project. 12.2 Notice. The Recipient shall notifyAMO in writing 120 days in advance and at any time during the five (5) years following the date of completion of an Eligible Project if it is sold, leased, encumbered, or otherwise disposed of. 12.3 Public Use. The Recipient will ensure that Infrastructure resulting from any Eligible Project that is not sold, leased, encumbered, or otherwise disposed of, remains primarily for public use or benefit. 13. DEFAULTAND TERMINATION 13.1 Event of Default. AMO may declare in writing that an Event of Default has occurred when the Recipient has not complied with any condition, undertaking or term in this Agreement. AMO will not declare in writing that an Event of Default has occurred unless it has first consulted with the Recipient. For the purposes of this Agreement, each of the following events shall constitute an "Event of Default": • Failure by the Recipient to deliver in a timely manner an Annual Report or respond to questionnaires or reports as required; • Delivery of an Annual Report that discloses non-compliance with any condition, undertaking or material term in this Agreement; • Failure by the Recipient to co-operate in an external audit undertaken by Canada, AMO or their agents; • Delivery of an external audit report that discloses non-compliance with any condition, undertaking or term in this Agreement; and • Failure by the Recipient to expend Funds in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including Section 5.8. 13.2 Waiver. AMO may withdraw its notice of an Event of Default if the Recipient, within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the notice, either corrects the default or demonstrates, to the satisfaction of AMO in its sole discretion that it has taken such steps as are necessary to correct the default. 13.3 Remedies on Default. If AMO declares that an Event of Default has occurred under Section 13.1, after thirty (30) calendar days from the Recipient's receipt of the notice 1 'i (, Page 113 of 127 of an Event of Default, it may immediately terminate this Agreement or suspend its obligation to pay the Funds. If AMO suspends payment, it may pay suspended Funds if AMO is satisfied that the default has been cured. 13.4 Repayment of Funds. If AMO declares that an Event of Default has not been cured to its exclusive satisfaction, AMO reserves the right to declare that prior payments of Funds become a debt to Canada which the Recipient will reimburse forthwith on demand to AMO for transmission to Canada. 14. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 14.1 No Conflict of Interest. The Recipient will ensure that no current member of the AMO Board of Directors and no current or former public servant or office holder to whom any post -employment, ethics and conflict of interest legislation, guidelines, codes or policies of Canada applies will derive direct benefit from the Funds, the Unspent Funds, and any interest earned thereon, unless the provision of receipt of such benefits is in compliance with such legislation, guidelines, policies or codes. 15. NOTICE 15.1 Notice. Any notice, information or document provided for under this Agreement will be effectively given if in writing and if delivered by hand, or overnight courier, mailed, postage or other charges prepaid, or sent by email to the addresses in Section 15.3. Any notice that is sent by hand or overnight courier service shall be deemed to have been given when received; any notice mailed shall be deemed to have been received on the eighth (8) calendar day following the day on which it was mailed; any notice sent by email shall be deemed to have been received on the sender's receipt of an acknowledgment from the intended recipient (such as by the "return receipt requested" function, as available, return email or other written acknowledgment), provided that in the case of a notice sent by email, if it is not given on a business day before 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, it shall be deemed to have been given at 8:30 a.m. on the next business day for the recipient. 15.2 Representatives. The individuals identified in Section 15.3 of this Agreement, in the first instance, act as AMO's or the Recipient's, as the case may be, representative for the purpose of implementing this Agreement. 15.3 Addresses for Notice. Further to Section 15.1 of this Agreement, notice can be given at the following addresses: I 'I, (- Page 114 of 127 • If to AMO: Executive Director Canada Community -Building Fund Agreement Association of Municipalities of Ontario 155 University Avenue, Suite 800 Toronto, ON M51-1 3137 Telephone: 416-971-9856 Email: ccbf@amo.on.ca • If to the Recipient: Treasurer The County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 16. MISCELLANEOUS 16.1 Counterpart Signature. This Agreement may be signed (including by electronic signature) and delivered (including by facsimile transmission, by email in PDF or similar format or using an online contracting service designated by AMO) in counterparts, and each signed and delivered counterpart will be deemed an original and both counterparts will together constitute one and the same document. 16.2 Severability. If for any reason a provision of this Agreement that is not a fundamental term is found to be or becomes invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, it will be deemed to be severable and will be deleted from this Agreement, but all the other terms and conditions of this Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 16.3 Waiver. AMO may waive any right in this Agreement only in writing, and any tolerance or indulgence demonstrated by AMO will not constitute waiver of rights in this Agreement. Unless a waiver is executed in writing, AMO will be entitled to seek any remedy that it may have under this Agreement or under the law. 16.4 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable in Ontario. 16.5 Survival. The Recipient agrees that the following sections and provisions of this Agreement shall extend for seven (7) years beyond the expiration or termination of this Agreement: Sections 4, 5.8, 5.9, 6.1, 11.4, 11.5, 12, 13.4 and 16.8. 16.6 AMO, Canada and Recipient Independent. The Recipient will ensure its actions do not establish or will not be deemed to establish a partnership, joint venture, principal - I 'I' (- Page 115 of 127 agent relationship, or employer -employee relationship in any way or for any purpose whatsoever between Canada and the Recipient, between AMO and the Recipient, between Canada and a Third Party or between AMO and a Third Party. 16.7 No Authority to Represent. The Recipient will ensure that it does not represent itself, including in any agreement with a Third Party, as a partner, employee, or agent of Canada or AMO. 16.8 Debts Due to AMO. Any amount owed under this Agreement will constitute a debt due to AMO, which the Recipient will reimburse forthwith, on demand, to AMO. 16.9 Priority. In the event of a conflict, the part of this Agreement that precedes the signature of the Parties will take precedence over the Schedules. 16.10 Complementarity. The Recipient is to use the CCBF to complement, without replacing or displacing, other sources of funding for municipal infrastructure. 16.11 Equity. The Recipient is to consider Gender Based Analysis Plus ("GBA+") lenses when undertaking a project. 17. SCHEDULES 17.1 This Agreement, including: Schedule A Eligible Investment Categories Schedule B Eligible Expenditures Schedule C Ineligible Expenditures Schedule D The Annual Report Schedule E Communications Requirements constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained in this Agreement and supersedes all prior oral or written representations and agreements. I 'i J, (- Page 116 of 127 18. SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WHEREOF, AMO and the Recipient have respectively executed, and delivered this Agreement, effective April 1, 2024. LM LM THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Name: Date Title: Name: Date Title: THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO Name: Date Title: Executive Director Witness: Title: Date I 'I (,A 2J, Page 117 of 127 SCHEDULE A: ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT CATEGORIES 1. Broadband connectivity — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that provides internet access to residents, businesses, and/or institutions in Canadian communities. 2. Brownfield redevelopment — investments in the remediation or decontamination of a brownfield site within municipal boundaries — provided that the site is being redeveloped to construct a public park for municipal use, publicly owned social housing, or Infrastructure eligible under another investment category listed in this schedule. 3. Capacity -building — investments that strengthen the Recipient's ability to develop long- term planning practices as described in Schedule B, item 2. 4. Community energy systems — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that generates energy or increases energy efficiency. 5. Cultural infrastructure — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that supports the arts, humanities, or heritage. 6. Drinking water — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that supports drinking water conservation, collection, treatment, and distribution systems. 7. Fire halls— investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of fire halls and fire station infrastructure. 8. Local roads and bridges — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of roads, bridges, tunnels, highways, and active transportation infrastructure. 9. Public transit — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that supports a shared passenger transport system that is available for public use. 10. Recreational infrastructure — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of recreational facilities or networks. 11. Regional and local airports — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of airport -related infrastructure (excluding infrastructure in the National Airports System). 12. Resilience — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of built and natural infrastructure assets and systems that protect and strengthen the resilience Page 118 of 127 of communities and withstand and sustain service in the face of climate change, natural disasters, and extreme weather events. 13. Short -line rail — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of railway -related infrastructure for carriage of passengers or freight. 14. Short -sea shipping — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure related to the movement of cargo and passengers around the coast and on inland waterways, without directly crossing an ocean. 15. Solid waste — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that supports solid waste management systems (including the collection, diversion, and disposal of recyclables, compostable materials, and garbage). 16. Sport infrastructure — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of amateur sport infrastructure (facilities housing professional or semi-professional sports teams are ineligible). 17. Tourism infrastructure — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that attracts travelers for recreation, leisure, business, or other purposes. 18. Wastewater — investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that supports wastewater and storm water collection, treatment, and management systems. Note: Investments in health infrastructure (e.g., hospitals, long-term care facilities, convalescent centres, and senior centres) are not eligible. I 'ii (- Page 119 of 127 SCHEDULE B: Eligible Expenditures will be limited to the following: Infrastructure investments — expenditures associated with acquiring, planning, designing, constructing, or renovating a tangible capital asset and any related debt financing charges specifically identified with that asset. 2. Capacity -building costs —for projects eligible under the capacity -building category only, expenditures associated with the development and implementation of: • Capital investment plans, integrated community sustainability plans, integrated regional plans, housing needs assessments, or asset management plans; • Studies, strategies, systems, software, third -party assessments, plans, or training related to asset management; • Studies, strategies, systems, or plans related to housing or land use; • Studies, strategies, or plans related to the long-term management of infrastructure; and • Other initiatives that strengthen the Recipient's ability to improve local and regional planning. 3. Joint communications and signage costs — expenditures directly associated with joint federal communication activities and with federal project signage. 4. Employee costs — the costs of the Recipient's employees for projects eligible under the capacity -building category only — provided that the costs, on an annual basis, do not exceed the lesser of: • 40% of the Recipient's annual allocation (i.e., the amount of CCBF funding made available to the Recipient by AMO under Section 5.5 of this Agreement); or • $80,000. I ;-' (, Page 120 of 127 SCHEDULE C: The following are deemed Ineligible Expenditures: 1. Costs incurred before the Fund was established —project expenditures incurred before April 1, 2005. 2. Costs incurred before categories were eligible — project expenditures incurred: • Before April 1, 2014 — under the broadband connectivity, brownfield redevelopment, cultural infrastructure, disaster mitigation (now resilience), recreational infrastructure, regional and local airports, short -line rail, short -sea shipping, sport infrastructure, and tourism infrastructure categories; and. • Before April 1, 2021 — under the fire halls category. 3. Internal costs —the Recipient's overhead costs (including salaries and other employment benefits), operating or administrative costs (related to planning, engineering, architecture, supervision, management, and other activities normally carried out by the Recipient's staff), and equipment leasing costs — except in accordance with Eligible Expenditures described in Schedule B. 4. Rebated costs — taxes for which the Recipient is eligible for a tax rebate and all other costs eligible for rebates. 5. Land costs — the purchase of land or any interest therein and related costs. 6. Legal fees. 7. Routine repair or maintenance costs — costs that do not result in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of a tangible capital asset. 8. Investments in health infrastructure — costs associated with health infrastructure or assets (e.g., hospitals, long-term care facilities, convalescent centres, and senior centres). 9. Investments in professional or semi-professional sports facilities —costs associated with facilities used by professional or semi-professional sports teams. Page 121 of 127 SCHEDULE D: ANNUALREPORT The Annual Report may include — but is not necessarily limited to — the following information pertaining to the previous fiscal year: 1. Financial information — and particularly: • Interest earnings and investment gains — in accordance with Section 5.7; • Proceeds from the disposal of assets — in accordance with Section 12.1; • Outgoing transfers — in accordance with Sections 5.3 and 5.4; • Incoming transfers — in accordance with Section 5.3; and • Amounts paid — in aggregate for Eligible Expenditures on each Eligible Project. 2. Project information — describing each Eligible Project that started, ended, or was ongoing in the reporting year. 3. Results — and particularly: • Expected outputs and outcomes for each ongoing Eligible Project; • Outputs generated and outcomes achieved for each Eligible Project that ended construction in the reporting year; and • Housing outcomes resulting from each Eligible Project that ended construction in the reporting year, and specifically: i. The number of housing units enabled, supported, or preserved; and ii. The number of affordable housing units enabled, supported, or preserved. 4. Other information — such as: • Progress made in the development and implementation of asset management plans and systems; and • The impact of the CCBF on housing pressures tied to infrastructure gaps, the housing supply, and housing affordability. I 2C, (, Page 122 of 127 SCHEDULE E: COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS 1. COMMUNICATIONS ACTIVITIES 1.1 Scope. The provisions of this Schedule apply to all communications activities related to any Funds and Eligible Projects. 1.2 Definition. Communications activities may include (but are not limited to) public or media events, news releases, reports, web articles, blogs, project signs, digital signs, publications, success stories and vignettes, photo compilations, videos, advertising campaigns, awareness campaigns, editorials, award programs, and multi -media products. 2. INFORMATION SHARING REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Notification requirements. The Recipient must report all active Eligible Projects to AMO in advance of construction each year. Reports must be submitted in an electronic format deemed acceptable by AMO. 2.2 Active Eligible Projects. Active Eligible Projects are those Eligible Projects that either begin in the current calendar year or are ongoing in the current calendar year. 2.3 Information required. The report must include, at a minimum, the name, category, description, expected outcomes, anticipated CCBF contribution, anticipated start date, and anticipated end date of each active Eligible Project. 3. PROJECT SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Installation requirements. Unless otherwise approved by Canada, the Recipient must install a federal sign to recognize federal funding for each Eligible Project in accordance with design, content, and installation guidelines provided by Canada. 3.2 Permanent signs, plaques, and markers. Permanent signage, plaques, and markers recognizing municipal or provincial contributions to an Eligible Project must also recognize the federal contribution and must be approved by Canada. 3.3 Responsibilities. The Recipient is responsible for the production and installation of Eligible Project signage in accordance with Section 3 of this Schedule E, except as otherwise agreed upon. 3.4 Reporting requirements. The Recipient must inform AMO of signage installations in a manner determined by AMO. 1 21 (- Page 123 of 127 4. DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Social media. AMO maintains accounts dedicated to the CCBF on several social media networks. The Recipient must @mention the relevant account when producing content that promotes or communicates progress on one or more Eligible Projects. AMO's CCBF-dedicated social media accounts are identified on uil in communities.ca. 4.2 Websites and webpages. Websites and webpages created to promote or communicate progress on one or more Eligible Projects must recognize federal funding using either: a) A digital sign; or b) The Canada wordmark and the following wording (as applicable): "This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada"; or ii. "This project is funded by the Government of Canada". The Canada wordmark or digital sign must link to www.infrastructures coca. Guidelines describing how this recognition is to appear and language requirements are posted at http://www.i frastructure. c.ca/pub/si na e-panneaux/intro-en e tmle 5. REQUIREMENTS FOR MEDIA EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 5.1 Definitions. Media events and announcements include, but are not limited to, news conferences, public announcements, and the issuing of news releases to communicate the funding of Eligible Projects or achievement of key milestones (such as groundbreaking ceremonies, grand openings, and completions). 5.2 Authority. Canada, AMO, or the Recipient may request a media event or announcement. 5.3 Notification requirements. Media events and announcements must not proceed without the prior knowledge and agreement of AMO, Canada, and the Recipient. 5.4 Notice. The requester of a media event or announcement must provide at least fifteen (15) business days' notice to other parties of their intention to undertake such an event or announcement. If communications are proposed through a news release with no supporting event, Canada additionally requires five (5) business days with the draft news release to secure approvals and confirm the federal representative's quote. 5.5 Date and location. Media events and announcements must take place at a date and location that is mutually agreed to by the Recipient, AMO and Canada. I 22(, Page 124 of 127 5.6 Representatives. The Recipient, AMO, and Canada will have the opportunity to participate in media events and announcements through a designated representative. Each Party will choose its own designated representative. 5.7 Responsibilities. AMO and the Recipient are responsible for coordinating all onsite logistics for media events and announcements unless otherwise agreed on. 5.8 No unreasonable delay. The Recipient must not unreasonably delay media events and announcements. 5.9 Precedence. The conduct of all joint media events, announcements, and supporting communications materials (e.g., news releases, media advisories) will follow the Table of Precedence for Canada. 5.10 Federal approval. All joint communications material related to media events and announcements must be approved by Canada and recognize the funding of all contributors. 5.11 Federal policies. All joint communications material must reflect Canada's Policy on Official Languages and the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity. 5.12 Equal visibility. The Recipient, Canada, and AMO will have equal visibility in all communications activities. 6. PROGRAM COMMUNICATIONS 6.1 Own communications activities. The Recipient may include messaging in its own communications products and activities with regards to the use of Funds. 6.2 Funding acknowledgements. The Recipient must recognize the funding of all contributors when undertaking such activities. 7. OPERATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS 7.1 Responsibilities. The Recipient is solely responsible for operational communications with respect to the Eligible Projects, including but not limited to, calls for tender, construction, and public safety notices. Operational communications as described above are not subject to the federal official languages policy. 7.2 Federal funding acknowledgement. Operational communications should include, where appropriate, the following statement (as appropriate): a) "This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada"; or b) "This project is funded by the Government of Canada". I -; ''(, Page 125 of 127 7.3 Notification requirements. The Recipient must share information promptly with AMO should significant emerging media or stakeholder issues relating to an Eligible Project arise. AMO will advise the Recipient, when appropriate, about media inquiries received concerning an Eligible Project. 8. COMMUNICATING SUCCESS STORIES 8.1 Participation requirements. The Recipient must work with Canada and AMO when asked to collaborate on communications activities — including, but not limited to, Eligible Project success stories (including positive impacts on housing), Eligible Project vignettes, and Eligible Project start -to -finish features. 9. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS 9.1 Responsibilities. The Recipient may, at its own cost, organize an advertising or public information campaign related to the use of the Funds or Eligible Projects, provided that the campaign respects the provisions of this Agreement. 9.2 Notice. The Recipient must inform Canada and AMO of its intention to organize a campaign no less than twenty-one (21) working days prior to the launch of the campaign. I -;2J, (- Page 126 of 127 COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 24-28 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JUNE 25, 2024 MEETING" WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O.2001, c.25, as amended, the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5.3 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, the powers of every Council shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, at its meeting held on June 25, 2024 be hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Warden and appropriate officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer, or alternate, are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 25TH DAY OF JUNE, 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. Page 127 of 127