23 - October 22, 2024 County Council Agenda Package Elgin County Council Minutes October 8, 2024, 9:00 a.m. Council Chambers 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON Members Present: Warden Ed Ketchabaw Deputy Warden Grant Jones Councillor Mark Widner Councillor Jack Couckuyt Councillor Andrew Sloan Councillor Mike Hentz Councillor Richard Leatham Members Absent: Councillor Dominique Giguère (with notice) Councillor Todd Noble (with notice) Staff Present: Blaine Parkin, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Brian Masschaele, Director of Community & Cultural Services Michele Harris, Director of Homes and Seniors Services (virtual) Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Nicholas Loeb, Director of Legal Services Peter Dutchak, Director of Engineering Services Mat Vaughan, Director of Planning and Development Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Mike Hoogstra, Manager of Purchasing and Risk Natalie Marlowe, Manager of Library Services Diana Morris, Senior Planner Séanin Steele, Digital Services Librarian Jenna Fentie, Legislative Services Coordinator Stefanie Heide, Legislative Services Coordinator _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with Warden Ketchabaw in the chair. 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT the Open and Closed minutes of the meeting held on September 24, 2024 and the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council on October 2, 2024 be adopted. Motion Carried. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None. 4. Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 1 None. 5. Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT we do now move into Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 6. Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 6.1 Digital Services Librarian and Director of Community and Cultural Services - Launch of the Next Generation of The Digital Services Librarian and Director of Community and Cultural Services presented the report informing Council that the next generation of the County's website is now live. The Digital Services Librarian led a demonstration of the site's features. Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Couckuyt RESOLVED THAT the report titled "Launch of the Next Generation of the Community and Cultural Services dated October 8, 2024 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.2 Director of Engineering Services and Manager of Procurement and Risk Engineering Services - Glen Erie Line Slope Rehabilitations Contract Award The Director of Engineering presented the report providing Council with details on the Request for Proposal (RFP) that was issued to solicit proposals from firms to provide engineering services for the Glen Erie Line Slope Rehabilitation project and seeking approval from Council to award the contract. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Leatham RESOLVED THAT the contract for Engineering Services associated with the Glen Erie Line Slope Rehabilitation project, Request for Proposal 2024-P24 be awarded to Planmac Engineering Inc. in the amount of $252,151.00 (excluding HST); and THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk be directed and authorized to sign the contract. Motion Carried. 6.3 Director of Engineering Services - Calton Line Culvert Replacement (Tender No. 2024-T28) Contract Award The Director of Engineering Services presented the report to Council providing information on the bids received for Tender No. 2024-T28 issued for a culvert replacement project on Calton Line (CR45) immediately east of Mitchell Road in the Municipality of Bayham and seeking Council's direction on awarding this tender. Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT Cassidy Construction London Ltd. be selected to complete the Calton Line Culvert Replacement, Tender No. 2024-T28 at a 2 total price of $474,779.50, inclusive of a $35,000 contingency allowance and exclusive of HST.; and THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk be directed and authorized to sign the contract. Motion Carried. 6.4 Senior Planner - Municipality of Bayham Official Plan Amendment No. 37, Part of Lot 19, Concession 8, Municipality of Bayham, 55942 Maple Grove Line The Senior Planner presented the report providing Council with the information required to make a decision on Official Plan Amendment Number 37 (OPA No. 37) adopted by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham. Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin approves Official Plan Amendment No. 37 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham; and THAT staff be directed to provide Notice of this Decision in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. Motion Carried. 6.5 Director of Planning and Development - Population and Employment Projection Update The Director of Planning and Development presented the report seeking Council's approval to hire Hemson Consulting Ltd to update the County's Population and Employment projection study in order to account for the potential impact of the proposed development of the St. Thomas Psychiatric hospital lands. Moved by: Councillor Hentz Seconded by: Councillor Leatham dated October 8, 2024 be received and filed; and THAT County Council approves to proceed with hiring Hemson Consulting Single Source Procurement as permitted under section 4.7(c) of the Motion Carried. 6.6 Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk - Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator Services Extension of Agreement The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report to Council providing details on the extension of the contract with Aird & Berlis LLP for Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator Services and for Council's consideration regarding authorizing the contract extension for an amended term. Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Widner Meeting Investigator Services - Administrative Officer/Clerk and Manager of Procurement & Risk dated 3 October 8, 2024 be received; and THAT the County of Elgin issue a Request for Proposal for Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator Services for a 2.5 year term to end on May 31, 2027. Motion Carried. 6.7 Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - 05-06 (2) Grant and Sponsorship Policy The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer presented the report providing more information as follow-up to questions from Council at the September 10, 2024 meeting of Council regarding the new Grant and Sponsorship Policy being developed. Moved by: Councillor Couckuyt Seconded by: Councillor Leatham -06 (2) Grant and Sponsorship 2024 be approved for use during the 2025 budget process. Motion Carried. 6.8 Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - 2024 Quarter 2 Financial Review Follow up Council recessed at 9:53 a.m. and reconvened at 10:06 a.m. The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer presented the report to Council providing follow up information relating to the amount of Wage Performance existing in the overall Quarter Financial Review in 2024, relative to Council's request at the September 24, 2024 Council meeting. Moved by: Deputy Warden Jones Seconded by: Councillor Widner October 8, 2024 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 6.9 Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - 2023 Year End and Financial Statement Review The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer presented the report providing information related to the year end results and the 2023 Financial Statements for Council's consideration. Rob Foster, CPA, CA, Partner of Graham Scott Enns LLP provided an overview of the Independent Auditor's Report on pages two (2) and three (3) in the Consolidated Financial Statements. Mr. Foster read the statement of the Auditor's Opinion and stated that the report would be dated as of today if it is approved by Council. Mr. Foster also answered questions from Council. Moved by: Councillor Couckuyt Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones Services/Treasurer dated October 8, 2024 be received and filed; and 4 THAT County Council approve the 2023 Financial Statements as presented in Appendix B and authorize the Warden, the Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk, and the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer to sign for distribution and publication; and THAT the signed 2023 Financial Statements from Appendix B be posted separately and added to the 2023 Annual Report in Appendix A all of which will be published on the County of Elgin's website for public information. Motion Carried. 6.10 Director of Financial Services/Treasurer - Investments 2023 Annual Report The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer presented the "Investments - 2023 Annual Report" to Council in alignment with section 8(1) of Ontario Regulation 438/97, issued under section 418(6) of the Municipal Act 2001, that requires the Treasurer to produce and submit to Council an Annual Investment Report. Moved by: Councillor Leatham Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT the deferred until the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer provides additional information at a later meeting. Motion Carried. 7. Council Correspondence 7.1 Items for Consideration None. 7.2 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) Moved by: Councillor Widner Seconded by: Deputy Warden Jones RESOLVED THAT Correspondence Items #7.2.1 - 7.2.2 be received and filed. Motion Carried. 7.2.1 Letter from the Honourable Rob Flack, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness re: Agricultural Workforce Equity and Diversity Initiative (AWEDI) 7.2.2 Letter from the Township of Brock re: Rideshare Services 8. Other Business 8.1 Statements/Inquiries by Members 8.1.1 Candidate Announcements for 2025 Warden Deputy Warden Jones announced his intention to run for 2025 Warden. Councillor Widner announced his intention to run for 2025 Warden. 8.2 Notice of Motion None. 8.3 Matters of Urgency None. 5 9. Closed Meeting Items None. 9.1 Closed Meeting Minutes - September 24, 2024 10. Motion to Rise and Report None. 11. Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Couckuyt RESOLVED THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Motion Carried. 12. Consideration of By-Laws 12.1 By-Law No. 24-36 Confirmation BEING a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October 8, 2024 Meeting. Moved by: Councillor Leatham Seconded by: Councillor Hentz RESOLVED THAT By-Law No. 24-36 be now read a first, second, and third time and finally passed. Motion Carried. 13. Adjournment Moved by: Councillor Sloan Seconded by: Councillor Widner RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 11:22 a.m. to meet again on October 22, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden. 6 Report to County Council From: Ed Ketchabaw, Warden Date: October 22, 2024 Subject: September 2024) Recommendation(s): THAT the report September 2024) from Warden Ketchabaw dated October 22, 2024 be received and filed. Introduction: The purpose of this report is to provide a high-level summary of the meetings and official functions I have attended during the month of September 2024 as Elgin County Warden. Background and Discussion: Events/Meetings Attended by Warden: September 2024: Strategic Planning Steering Committee September 4 WOWC Meeting September 6 County Council September 10 Child Cancer Awareness Flag Raising September 10 Rodney Fair Opening Ceremonies September 13 Housing-Enabling Water Systems Funding Announcement September 18 Thames Valley Family Health Team New Clinic Opening September 20 Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Committee Bowling Tournament September 21 County Council September 24 STELIP Welcoming Week Flag Raising September 24 Strategic Planning Steering Committee September 24 SCOR Presentation to Middlesex County - September 24 Community Safety and Well-Being Committee Integration Table September 25 Cultivating Success: The 2024 Elgin County Business Networking Event September 25 Bridges to Better Business September 26 Wallacetown Fair Opening Ceremonies September 27 Every Child Matters Flag Raising - September 30 Financial Implications: None. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin Planning for and Ensuring we have the Ensuring alignment of facilitating commercial, necessary tools, current programs and industrial, residential, and resources, and services with community agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver need. programs and services now and in the future. Fostering a healthy Exploring different ways environment. of addressing community Delivering mandated need. programs and services Enhancing quality of efficiently and effectively. Engaging with our place. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: partners. Communication Requirements: None. Conclusion: I look forward to representing Elgin County Council at various events throughout my term as 2024 Warden. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Ed Ketchabaw Blaine Parkin Warden Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Report to County Council From: Ed Ketchabaw, Warden Date: October 22, 2024 Subject: Finance Committee Terms of Reference Recommendation(s): Finance Committee Terms of ReferenceWarden Ketchabaw dated October 22, 2024, be received and filed; and THAT the Budget Committee evolve to a Finance Committee with a broader mandate as described herein this report; and THAT County Council adopt the Committee Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee as recommended by the Committee; and THAT an updated version of the Committee By-Law, incorporating these changes, be brought forward for Council consideration at a future meeting. Introduction: At its meeting on June 11, 2024, the Budget Committee discussed the evolution of the Committee as well as the need to have a greater focus on the broader financial condition of Elgin County. Staff were directed to develop Terms of Reference for a Finance Committee and present those to the Committee for discussion and recommendation to County Council. On October 8, 2022, the Budget Committee considered and approved new Terms of Reference for a Finance Committee. Background and Discussion: Following the municipal election in the fall of 2022, County Council formed a Council Budget Committee with the following mandate: The Budget Committee is a Standing Committee of Council established to deliberate on the Budget, which includes the future Capital and Current Programs for the County of Elgin. Review and assess budget principles, allocations and related financials, providing advice to the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance on the annual budget; To receive presentations from each department, as required, on financial matters; To evaluate the budgetary implications of proposals for new and substantially Recently, the Province of Ontario has made unprecedented strategic investments in the Elgin St. Thomas region to grow jobs and the economy, centered around the locating of the Power Co. gigafactory. With these investments it is expected that the Elgin County region will experience unprecedented growth that could potentially result in financial pressures for the County to manage. Members of the Budget Committee, recognizing the need and benefits of the Committee condition discussed evolving the Committee to have a broader view than strictly just budget focused. At its meeting held on October 8, 2022, the Budget Committee supported recommendations to evolve the Committee into a Finance Committee and approved updated Terms of R consideration. Financial Implications: None. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin Ensuring alignment of Planning for and Ensuring we have the current programs and facilitating commercial, necessary tools, services with community industrial, residential, and resources, and need. agricultural growth. infrastructure to deliver programs and services now and in the future. Exploring different ways Fostering a healthy of addressing community environment. Delivering mandated need. programs and services Enhancing quality of efficiently and effectively. Engaging with our place. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: None. Communication Requirements: Should Council approve an evolution of the Budget Committee to a Finance Committee and approve the new Terms of Reference for said Finance Committee, By-Law 23-01 (Committee By-Law) will need to be updated to reflect these changes. Additionally, this would be an opportune time to incorporate the Terms of Reference for the Growth Planning Steering Committee into this By-Law as well. Conclusion: On October 8, 2024, the Budget Committee approved its evolution into a Finance Committee with a more holistic approach to financial management. The Committee also approved updated Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee. County Council must now consider these changes before they can be finalized. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Ed Ketchabaw Blaine Parkin Warden Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk TERMS OF REFERENCE Committee Name: Finance Committee Committee Type: Standing Committee Reporting to: Elgin County Council Enabling Legislation/ Municipal Act By-Law (if applicable) Staff Support: Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Department Linkage: Administrative Services and Financial Services Term of Appointment: Term coincides with that of Elgin County Council Financial Impact: Staff Resources Required Meeting Frequency: At the call of the Chair Chair/Vice Chair Warden Ed Ketchabaw Skills/Qualifications N/A Membership/Composition Warden Ed Ketchabaw Deputy Warden Grant Jones Councillor Mike Hentz Councillor Andrew Sloan Mandate: The Finance Committee is a Standing Committee of Council that advises and makes recommendations to Council regarding financial strategy and policy direction as well as the fulfillment of reporting, external audit requirements, asset management, internal controls and compliance with financial regulations and polices. Objectives: o Financial Strategy and Policy Direction o In conjunction with Staff, reviewing and making recommendations to Council respecting existing and proposed new financial and fiscal policies, practices and procedures. o Reviewing and recommending a long-range financial plan for the County including its ongoing updating. o Reviewing any significant proposed changes to financial reporting and accounting policies to be adopted by the County. o Internal Control and Compliance o reporting process and system of internal controls regarding financial reporting and accounting compliance for safeguarding County assets, including the review of financial policies and procedures. o Reviewing financial and fiscal policies, practices and procedures to ensure compliance with legislation, regulations, corporate objectives, policies and ethics. o External Audit Function o Making recommendations to Council, in conjunction with staff, with respect to selecting and dismissal of the External Auditor. o Directing and reviewing the performance evaluation process for the external auditor. o Reviewing the external auditors proposed terms of engagement, audit scope and approach. o Review the results of the audit, including reports and the letter to Management, with the external auditors and management ensuring that the assessed objectively, financial statements are properly audited, any problems identified in the audit are satisfactorily resolved and any external auditor recommendations to management are followed up. o Annual Business Plan and Budget o Determining the annual schedule for the Business Plan and Budget preparation and presentations. o In conjunction with staff, identify financial pressures that the County is experiencing and options to address them through the Business Plan development process. o Review and assess budget principles, allocations and related financials, providing advice to the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance on the annual budget. o To receive presentations from each department, as required, on financial matters. o To evaluate the budgetary implications of proposals for new and substantially revised budget deliberations o Asset Management o Provide recommendations on strategy, policy and procedural development management. o Review the Asset Management Plan and make recommendations to Council. o Act in an advisory capacity to Council on issues specific to asset management. This committee touches upon all elements of the Strategic Plan. Priorities: Reporting Requirements: Reports shall be delivered to Elgin County Council on an as needed basis and at least once per year. Timeline for Completion of the Work completed on an as needed basis. Assigned Tasks: Council Review: Annually Report to County Council From: Jennifer Ford, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Date: October 22, 2024 Subject: 2023 Investment Summary Report Recommendation(s): 2023 Investment Summary Reportthe Director of Financial Services/Treasurer dated October 22, 2024 be received and filed. Introduction: Section 8(1) of Ontario Regulation 438/97, issued under section 418(6) of the Municipal Act 2001, requires the Treasurer to produce and submit to Council an Annual Investment Report. Background and Discussion: All of the investments are consistent with the restrictions outlined in the Ontario Regulation 438/97, as amended, that municipalities are required to follow and outlined in the approved County Investment Policy passed July 26, 2022. Since balances within the financial instruments can fluctuate daily over the year, the Average Return on Investment is based on the average daily balances held within the accounts throughout the year rather than directly related to the balance shown within the account at year end. GIC listed were held at year end. As a result, interest was not received in 2023, however, the portion attributed to investment during 2023 was accrued and recognized in the 2023 fiscal year and will be deducted from Interest when it is received in 2024. th The final levy is received by the County each year on Dec 15. As a result, there is usually a large amount in the HISA account at year end. The County will utilize these funds for operational purposes and draw down this balance before the first payment of the 2024 levy is received at the end of March 2024. Financial Implications: Below is a chart summarizing the year end balances by account and the applicable income received through the various investment activities within the financial instruments for the year ending Dec 31, 2023. Balance at Dec 31, 2023 Interest Investment CategoryAverage Annual ROI 2023Income General Account7,338,335396,3215.46% Cash Account - High Interest Savings Account (HISA)*16,185,641777,9085.46% Guaranteed Investment 2023 Interest Certificate(s) Accrual Term GIC Aug 2023 to Feb 20241,000,00020,3336.10% Term GIC May 2023 to May 20245,000,000157,3625.25% Term GIC Aug 2023 to May 20242,000,00041,3336.20% Term GIC Aug 2023 to Aug 20242,000,00040,6676.10% Total Investments33,523,9761,433,924 As per the recently approved Reserves and Reserve Fund Policy staff have allocated interest to the balances held in existing reserves on December 31, 2022 based on the Average Rate of Return of 5.46%. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin Ensuring alignment of Ensuring we have the Planning for and current programs and necessary tools, facilitating commercial, services with community resources, and industrial, residential, and need. infrastructure to deliver agricultural growth. programs and services now and in the future. Exploring different ways Fostering a healthy of addressing community environment. Delivering mandated need. programs and services Enhancing quality of efficiently and effectively. Engaging with our place. community and other stakeholders. Local MunicipalPartner Impact: No impact. Communication Requirements: This report is provided to support mandatory requirements of the Municipal Act. Conclusion: For All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Jennifer Ford Blaine Parkin Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Report to County Council From: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services Date: October 22, 2024 Subject: Provincial Funding for Outdoor Spaces in Elgin County Recommendation(s): THAT Elgin County Library be authorized to accept the terms and conditions of a funding agreement with the Province of Ontario for a contribution of $36,300 under the Inclusive Community Grants Program, 2024-25 for a Enhancing Access to Outdoor and Cultural Spaces for Rural Residents in Elgin County and, THAT the Warden on behalf of Elgin County Council issue letters of appreciation to the Otter Valley Naturalists and West Lorne and Community Horticultural Society for their support of these projects. Introduction: Elgin County Library applied for provincial funding under the Inclusive Community Grants Program, 2024-25 for furniture and equipment for outdoor leisure spaces throughout the County. This report informs County Council that the application was successful in the amount of $36,300 and recommends that the project proceed. Background and Discussion: Elgin County Library has been approved for $36,300 of funding to support the following projects which are all geared towards creating accessible, age-friendly outdoor leisure experiences: Installation of outdoor furniture at the Elgin County Heritage Centre adjacent to the mural and emerging walking trail south of the building; Installation of a reading garden at Terrace Lodge Long-Term Care Home; Installation of a reading garden at Straffordville Library in partnership with the Municipality of Bayham and the Otter Valley Naturalists; Installation of a reading garden at West Lorne Library in partnership with the Municipality of West Elgin and the West Lorne and Community Horticultural Society. Installation of accessible book return bins at both Dutton and Straffordville libraries, allowing patrons to return items from the parking lot with a drive-through option. Furniture and equipment at these locations include accessible benches, picnic tables, decorative planters, exterior book bins and any necessary pads to secure the items. These specific sites were chosen due to the availability of appropriate space and in consideration of emerging site plans with municipal partners at these locations. Financial Implications: in-kind contributions include staff time to design and procure the necessary equipment. It should be noted that the Otter Valley Naturalists and West Lorne and Community Horticultural Society are both contributing funds and volunteer assistance towards vegetation and maintenance for reading gardens at Straffordville and West Lorne libraries. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin Ensuring alignment of Ensuring we have the Planning for and current programs and necessary tools, facilitating commercial, services with community resources, and industrial, residential, and need. infrastructure to deliver agricultural growth. programs and services now and in the future. Exploring different ways Fostering a healthy of addressing community environment. need. Delivering mandated programs and services Enhancing quality of efficiently and effectively. Engaging with our place. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: The Municipality of Bayham and Municipality of West Elgin have authorized reading gardens at Straffordville and West Lorne libraries and are providing in-kind support to facilitate installation. All of the approved projects fit well with an emerging strategy being facilitated by Southwestern Public Health Unit to make Elgin County an age- friendly community. County staff are active participants in a committee involving multiple stake holders supporting this emerging strategy. Communication Requirements: A future photo opportunity and associated press release will be arranged through the offices of the Minister of Seniors and Accessibility and Member of Provincial Parliament (Mr. Rob Flack) which will also involve the Warden and members of County Council. The Minister recently announced successful applicants which are listed here. Conclusion: The projects outlined in this report are being led by Elgin County Library with a goal to increase the number of accessible outdoor spaces in the County where reading and leisure activities may be enjoyed and to facilitate easier access for the return of library materials. All projects must be completed by March 31, 2025, although it is expected that some aspects of landscaping will extend into spring 2025. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Brian Masschaele Blaine Parkin Director of Community and Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Cultural Services Report to County Council From: Katherine Thompson, Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Date: October 22, 2024 Subject: Recommended Updates to the Procedural By-Law (19-41) Recommendation(s): Recommended Updates to the Procedural By-Law (19-41) the Manager of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk dated October 22, 2024, be received and filed; and THAT Council review proposed changes to the Procedural By-Law and provide feedback and direction, and THAT Council feedback be incorporated into a draft Procedural By-Law to be brought forward for Council consideration at the future meeting. Introduction: Administrative Services staff are undertaking a comprehensive review of existing policies and by-laws to ensure accuracy, consistency, and clarity. As part of this initiative, staff are recommending updates to the Procedural By-Law, which was last revised in 2019 with minor amendments. Subsequent amendments were made in 2020 to facilitate electronic participation in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal Act, and in 2021 to modify election procedures for the annual W election. Background and Discussion: The current Procedural By-Law requires a significant reorganization to enhance its logical flow and improve readability. The proposed updates aim to achieve the following objectives: 1. Logical Reorganization: Restructure the by-law to create a more intuitive format that facilitates easier navigation and understanding for all users. 2. Clarity and Direction: Expand on areas where additional guidance is necessary, ensuring that all procedures are clearly defined and unambiguous. 3. Tightening Language:Refine the language used in the by-law to eliminate vagueness, potential for multiple interpretations, and ensure consistent terminology, thereby enhancing compliance and enforcement. 4. Housekeeping Amendments: Consolidate existing amendments into the by-law to streamline the document and remove redundancies. 5. Grammar and References: Correct grammatical errors and update references to any outdated by-laws to maintain the document's relevance and accuracy. Review Process: Both Administrative Services and Legal staff have conducted a thorough review of the current Procedural By-Law. The chart attached to this report outlines recommended changes for Council's discussion and consideration. Once Council has provided feedback, staff will take this feedback and incorporate it into a draft by-law for presentation to Council at a subsequent meeting. Council will then have the opportunity to review this draft and provide comment before a final version is brought forward for approval. Financial Implications: None. Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Serving Elgin Growing Elgin Investing in Elgin Ensuring we have the Ensuring alignment of Planning for and necessary tools, current programs and facilitating commercial, resources, and services with community industrial, residential, and infrastructure to deliver need. agricultural growth. programs and services now and in the future. Exploring different ways Fostering a healthy of addressing community environment. Delivering mandated need. programs and services Enhancing quality of efficiently and effectively. Engaging with our place. community and other stakeholders. Local Municipal Partner Impact: None. Communication Requirements: In accordance with Notice By-law 24-15, notice of intention to pass a new Procedural By-Law must be included on the agenda of the preceding regular Council meeting. The draft by-law incorporating Council feedback will serve as notice for passing of the new Procedural By-Law. Conclusion: By-Law 19-41 being a by-To Regulate the Proceedings in the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to Repeal By-Law No. 18- updates to ensure consistency, clarity, feedback regarding proposed changes and will incorporate this feedback into a draft version of the By-Law which will be brought before Council at a future date for consideration. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Katherine Thompson Blaine Parkin Manager of Administrative Services/ Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk Deputy Clerk 1 of y to title Laws - practice for Law to - Law so that when it - . unicipal Council of the should be added to this M Law to provide additional - egulate the Proceedings of here are some definitions It is common Procedural Byestablish a Short Title for the Byis referenced within the document there is no need to utilize the formalRthe Corporation of the CountTthat Byclarity. Law. - established by the means a Committee means the Member of Council who has most ordance with procedures of this By means to postpone the meeting. This motion requires means more than half of the votes cast by Members means written documents by Councillors, municipal a) a second, is not debatable, requires a majority vote for adoption and cannot be reconsidered. Council to advise on matters which the Council has deemed appropriate for the Committee to consider. recently held the position of Warden or has been elected Deputy Warden in acc entitled to vote. employees, committees, consultants or other individuals appointed at the pleasure of the Council for the purpose of 2 means a meeting not scheduled in means a Motion that has been carried by Council means the County of Elgin website address identified a)b)c)d) www.elgincounty.ca ResolutionWebsite providing advice, alternatives, information, and/or recommendations on various matters. or Committee. accordance with the approved schedule of meetings. as 3 thirds of the - Law; and, - Where required by law;Contractual agreements binding the County;Amending this Procedural ByQuorum requirements. le Council, with the exception of the following o i. ii. iii. iv. The rules and regulations contained herein that are discretionary and not mandatory under statute may be temporarily suspended by a vote of twowhcircumstances: a)a)b) Suspension of Rules 4 c)a) 5 a)b)c) b) i.ii.iii. 6 a)b)c) i. ii. i. ii. iii. 7 i.i. ii.ii. iii.iii. 8 under section, ation. by Council ot required law - aw shall continue to which the Public L - the Clerk in advance of the Clerk shall call a Public law, or where Council is by -aw. held pursuant to this in order to facilitate the efficient L CAO/ Council for the purpose of - by law, the Head of - of this By conflict. statute, notice shall be provided in accordance with iv. Notice of a Public Meeting shall meet the notice Where any statute confers a right to be heardbefore the passing of astatute required to hold a public meeting before thepassing of a byMeeting.The Clerk may call a Public Meeting at any time where so directed by thesoliciting feedback from the public on issues ofimportance to Council. requirements of the statute underMeeting is required. If the Public Meeting is nbySection 11 (b)Delegations at a Public Meeting are not required to provide written submissions tomeeting, unless otherwise prescribed by legislHowever, Delegations are encouraged to provide written submissions to the Clerkconduct of the meeting.The procedures set out in this Byapply to a Public Meetingexcept that this section and the statute or bywhich the Public Meeting is required, shall prevail to the extent of any i. ii. v. iii. iv.vi. 9 10 i.ii. 11 i.ii.iii.iv. 12 i.ii.iii.iv.v.i. 13 ii.iii.iv.v.vi.vii.viii.ix. 14 a)b)c)d)e)f)g)h)i)j) x.xi. 15 i. ii. v. iii. iv. 16 i. x. vi.ix.xi. vii. viii. 17 i. ii. iv. iii. i. ii. iii. iv. a) 18 i. v. ii. v. iii. vi.iv. 1)2) 19 i.i.i. ii.ii. i. 3)4)5) 20 i.ii.iii.i.ii.iii. i. 6)7)8) 21 ii.iii. i.ii.iii. iv. 9) 22 i.i. ii. iii. v.vi.vii. 23 ii. 24 Wednesday, October 09, 2024 To: County of Elgin Head of Council and Council Members Sent via email to: kthompson@elgin.ca Subject: Establishment of an Ontario Rural Road Safety Program Too many Ontarians are being seriously injured or killed on our roads. In 2023, there were 616 people killed and 36,090 people injured. The number of fatalities is up nearly 20% in the last ten years. ntario Road Safety Annual Report (ORSAR), there were 561 fatalities 426 of which occurred on municipal roads. While At the same time, municipal insurance premiums continue to increase. With no plausible reform being considered for joint and several liability, municipalities need to find innovative means for managing risk, particularly on their roadways, To deal with this crisis, Good Roads has designed a multifaceted rural road safety program and have been in discussions with the Ministry of Transportation to fund it. The program would target ty infrastructure that prevents serious injuries and save lives. This program is designed to be cost effective while also providing rural municipalities with a direct means for addressing risk associated with their roadways. Good Roads has proposed leading a five-year $183 million program that leverages our 131 years of municipal road expertise and our industry partnerships to quickly put in place the Good Roads is seeking support to address these preventable tragedies. If the County of Elgin would be interested in pursuing this, a Council resolution similar to the example below should be adopted and sent to the Premier and the Minister of Transportation: WHEREAS official statistics from the Government of Ontario confirm that rural roads are inherently more dangerous than other roads; AND WHEREAS, despite only having 17% of the population, 55% of the road fatalities occur on rural roads; AND WHEREAS, rural, northern, and remote municipalities are fiscally strained by maintaining extensive road networks on a smaller tax base; strained health care system; AND WHEREAS, roadway collisions and associated lawsuits are significant factors in runaway municipal insurance premiums. Preventing crashes can have a significant impact in improving municipal risk profiles; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the County of Elgin requests that the Government of Ontario take action to implement the rural road safety program that Good Roads has committed to lead. It will allow Ontario's rural municipalities to make the critical investments needed to roads; and FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Premier Doug Ford, Hon. Prabmeet Sarkaria, Minister of Transportation, Hon. King Surma, Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Rob Flack, Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Lisa Thompson, Minister of Rural Affairs, Hon. Trevor Jones, Associate Minister of Emergency Preparedness and Response, and Hon. Sylvia Jones, Minister of Health, and Good Roads; and FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in Ontario requesting their support. Manager of Public Policy & Government Relations, at thomas@goodroads.ca at your convenience. Sincerely, Scott R. Butler Antoine Boucher President Executive Director Good Roads Board of Directors COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 24-37 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE OCTOBER 22, 2024 MEETING WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5.3 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, the powers of every Council shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, in respect of each recommendation contained in the reports and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, at its meeting held on October 22, 2024 be hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Warden and appropriate officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the actions of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer, or alternate, are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. ND READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 22 DAY OF OCTOBER, 2024. Blaine Parkin, Ed Ketchabaw, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk. Warden.