09-13COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 09-13 "BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE 2009 BUDGET OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO ESTABLISH THE 2009 TAX RATIOS AND TO ESTABLISH THE 2009 TAX RATES FOR THE COUNTY CONSTITUENT MUNICIPALITIES" WHEREAS Section 289 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the upper-tier municipality; and WHEREAS Section 308(5) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of an upper-tier municipality shall in each year establish the tax ratios for that year for the upper-tier municipality and its lower-tier municipalities; and WHEREAS Section 308(7) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality establish for each property class, a single tax ratio for the upper-tier municipality and its lower-tier municipalities; and, WHEREAS Section 308(15-18) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality may opt to have certain optional property classes apply within the County. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the 2009 tax ratios for the County of Elgin set out on Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted by Council. 2. THAT the 2009 budget of the County of Elgin set out on Schedule "B", attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, which incorporates estimates for revenue and for expenditures be approved and adopted by Council. 3. THAT the 2009 tax rates for the assessment in each property class set out in Schedule "C", attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted by Council. 4. THAT the large industrial class be chosen as an optional properly class. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 14TH DAY OF APRIL 2009. Mark C Mc Graham Warwick, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW 09 -13 SCHEDULE A Ratios PROPERTY CLASS 2009 RESIDENTIAUFARM 1.0000 MULTI-RESIDENTIAL 2.3458 FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT- RESIDENTIAL 0.5000 COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED 1.6376 COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND 1.1463 INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED 2.2251 INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND 1.4463 LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED 2.8318 LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.8407 PIPELINES 1.1446 FARM 0.2500 MANAGED FORESTS 0.2500 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW 09 -13 SCHEDULE B 2009 2009 2009 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TAX EXPENDITURES REVENUES LEVY CORPORATE ACTIVITIES TAXES 437,500 801,500 (364,000) INTEREST CHARGES & INCOME - 100,000 (100,000) SOCIAL SERVICES - ST. THOMAS 4,442,464 - 4,442,464 HEALTH UNIT 832,156 832,156 GRANTS 102,800 102,800 RENTAL INCOME - 701,732 (701,732) PROPERTY ASSESSMENT 678,012 678,012 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP FUN - 5,276,000 (5,276,000) TRANSFER TO RESERVES/CAPITAL 7,263,104 7,263,104 Total Corporate 13,756,036 6,879,232 6,876,804 DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES COUNCIL MEMBERS & LOCAL BOARDS 317,645 317,645 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 438,780 28,675 410,105 FINANCIAL SERVICES 445,070 445,070 HUMAN RESOURCES 432,045 432,045 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 705,412 343,356 362,056 CORPORATE EXPENDITURES 543,675 543,675 ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,178,716 105,000 3,073,716 HOMES FOR SENIORS SERVICES 17,786,303 13,552,354 4,233,949 MUSEUM/ARCHIVES 358,860 20,000 338,860 LIBRARY SERVICES 2,194,763 160,739 2,034,024 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 586,735 586,735 PROVINCIAL OFFENSES 897,552 935,700 (38,148) COLLECTIONS - POA 443,127 461,175 (18,048) AMBULANCE & EMERGENCY SERVICES 7,453,814 5,180,716 2,273,098 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM 718,343 129,151 589,192 Total Departmental 36,500,841 20,916,866 15,583,975 TOTAL BUDGET 50,256,877 27,796,098 22,460,779 4.9% CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OM OMM co r. M(0 (0 MM CU y n r pMM V r06 N c-r,: ~ N ~ ~ V 1~ r r U N M ' o Q (A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W NNCN N 04 CNI.T NC14 (N F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ro t " o F (n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W h M M V' N w U) LO mr- 00 co LO 0) M r~ (D ~ M (O M M CD C 9 M M N N C. q M M N C. O O M M(0 U) M N V M IT V' N (0 C4 N N O M n (D m V (0 - ( V' V' X O cq C M (O N N NCOO(0 lr~ 77 ( N ) O C> O O O O O O F' N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W (0N N ONM CO MM C)~ M V M O 'IT N N (O C O rl- N M V M C4 N M LO LO M~ V N~ CO M(0 LO N ~ N co M (O N M V' (O h (0 'r q t0 M N M (O N N N O O Q O <-000 ~-0.-~-- 000 1- _ C a) (U L E O to fl- N Q J N N C ro F M~ Z N O j N U U W ro z ~ n. J T V Z o ro a) E W W CD U W :E CU 0 0 . O 0 O IL p p 0 X " co x F J 2 W p F a 0 o Y U) = Q W p Q Z rn co p W p Q C F U ZD C ro J < Lz -j M - E ~ (j) Q U U Z) Q Q Q ~ F CO) U~K W ZQO> mQ U LL ¢¢~Z) ¢ Q F (~p U U Q U p W Q Z z N O W W W Z , Q W W ` O a op 2F n(n U' J~ U' J rG~ z pp 0.. < U U X Q d U ZzJJ E Il.~ CC cc'LL U CS 0 0