May 12, 2009 Agendaa2yy UF~,tC , ~ U ~~~ H ti ~ TARto ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDAY, MAY 72, 2009 - ~~' ®: 3® Q.M. ~~ 11:30 a.m. The Elgin St. Thomas Emergency Medical Services Management and Staff along with the Cardiac Arrest Survivors from 2008 will join Council for lunch following the Council Meeting. PAGE # ORDER 2-10 11-12 13-17 18 NOTICE: 1st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes -April 28, 2009 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 5th Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 7th Council Correspondence -see attached 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 8th OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements/Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th Closed Meeting Items 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 13th Consideration of By-Laws 14th ADJOURNMENT LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED May 26, 2009 9:00 a.m. Elgin County Council June 9, 2009 9:00 a.m. Elgin County Council REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF MAY 12, 2009 Staff Reports - (ATTACHED) Human Resources Assistant -Training Dates -Accessibility Standards for Customer Services Director of Financial Services -Policy Manual Regarding Grants Deputy Director of Engineering Services, Purchasing Coordinator-Asphalt Crack Sealing, Contract No. 6090-09-01 Directors of Senior Services, Bobier Villa, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge -Meals on Wheels Agreement 2 ~~, '~Elgulc'oi_uii}' REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL P16nriiiir:'G/NYUIu FROM: Heather Rosevear Human Resources Assistant DATE: May 12, 2009 SUBJECT: Training Dates -Accessibility Standards for Customer Services INTRODUCTION: Staff training regarding Accessibility Standards for Customer Services must be completed by January 1, 2010. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: A consultant has been retained to facilitate the training for the County and interested local municipalities to ensure we comply with the legislative requirements by the January 1, 2010 deadline. Each training session is to be a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 25 participants. Training dates for Countv staff have been selected as follows: 3 Hours Sessions -Non-union and Union Staff (Full-time & Part-time) Monday, June 1, 2009 9:OOam - 12:OOpm & 1:OOpm - 4:OOpm Tuesday, June 2, 2009 9:OOam - 12:OOpm & 1:OOpm - 4:OOpm Wednesday, June 17, 2009 9:OOam - 12:OOpm & 1:OOpm - 4:OOpm 3 Hours Session -Countv Council, Management Team, Deputies and Managers Tuesday, November 10, 2009 1:OOpm - 4:OOpm 1 Hour Session -Homes Union Staff & Volunteers Dates and times for the 1 hour Homes sessions are currently under review with the consultant and Homes Directors and are subject to change. Wednesday, September 16, 2009 9:OOam - 10:OOam & 11:OOam - 12:OOpm 1:OOpm - 2:OOpm & 3:OOpm - 4:OOpm Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:OOam - 10:OOam & 11:OOam - 12:OOpm 1:OOpm - 2:OOpm & 3:OOpm - 4:OOpm Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:OOam - 10:OOam & 11:OOam -12:OOpm 1:OOpm - 2:OOpm & 3:OOpm - 4:OOpm Thursday, September 29, 2009 9:OOam - 10:OOam & 11:OOam - 12:OOpm 1:OOpm - 2:OOpm & 3:OOpm - 4:OOpm Training dates for the lower tier municipalities have been selected as follows: 3 Hours Sessions -Management and Councillors (Full-time & Part-time) Thursday, October 1, 2009 9:OOam - 12:OOpm & 1:OOpm -4:OOpm Monday, October 5, 2009 9:OOam - 12:OOpm & 1:OOpm - 4:OOpm 3 Hours Sessions -Other Municipal Staff (Full-time & Part-time) Friday, October 9, 2009 9:OOam - 12:OOpm & 1:OOpm - 4:OOpm Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:OOam - 12:OOpm & 1:OOpm - 4:OOpm Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:OOam - 12:OOpm & 1:OOpm - 4:OOpm 1 Hour Session -Municipal Volunteers Monday, October 19, 2009 9:OOam - 10:OOam & 1:OOpm - 2:OOpm & 11:OOam - 12:OOpm 3:OOpm - 4:OOpm Thursday, October 22, 2009 Thursday, October 29, 2009 RECOMMENDATION: 9:OOam - 10:OOam & 1:OOpm - 2:OOpm & 9:OOam - 10:OOam & 1:OOpm - 2:OOpm & 11:OOam - 12:OOpm 3:OOpm - 4:OOpm 11:OOam - 12:OOpm 3:OOpm - 4:OOpm THAT County Council approve the training schedule as proposed and the lower-tier partners be advised of their allotted training dates as soon as possible. Respectfully Submitted Heather Rosevear Human Resources Assistant A oved for Submissi Mark Chief Administrative Officer Agin ~u~~}, Pltarc35i~tb/(6YU~a REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jim Bundschuh -Director of Financial Services DATE: May 4, 2009 SUBJECT: Policy Manual Regarding Grants INTRODUCTION: A Policy exists stating that grants will be paid on December 15th each year, or quarterly if requested in writing, or on a specific date as requested and indicated in the original motion. DISCUSSIONICONCLUSION: Past practice has been to approve the grants, along with the overall operating budget early in the year. At that time letters go out to the successful grant recipients informing them of the amount of money their organization is to receive. On December 15th cheques are sent out, however in some instances, some cheques are sent earlier in line with the policy. The current policy creates incremental paperwork for no benefit to the County or to the Grant requestors. If cheques were sent out together with the letters informing the Grant requestors of the amount being awarded, the process would be streamlined to the benefit of all involved. This would not preclude Council providing special direction in unique cases to send out certain grants cheques at a different time. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the sentence "County Grants will be paid December 15th each year, or quarterly if requested in writing, or on a specific date as requested and indicated in the original motion" be deleted from the policy"; and, THAT bullet (g) reading "Grants may be paid earlier if requested in writing and approved by County Council" be deleted. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Jim Bundschuh Director of Financial Services Appr or Submissio Mark G. Mc a Chief Administrative Officer GRANTS County Grants will be paid December 15th each year, or quarterly if requested in writing, or on a specific date as requested and indicated in the original motion. a) Grants to local Agricultural Societies will be paid out in the amount of $1,500 for each day of the fair/exhibition b) Hospital Capital Grants will be determined by Council. c) February 1st of each year will be the cutoff date for receiving grant requests. d) If required, County Council will set aside a separate day, in February, to hear delegations. e) Each grant request must include a brief description of the organization; must clearly state the amount requested; and must indicate the planned use of the grant, if approved by Council. f) The Warden will decide which delegations may be invited to the special February meeting. g) Grants may be paid earlier if requested in writing and approved by County Council. The guidelines will be reviewed periodically. '~~l~uz~""~"'~' REPORT TO COUNCIL Jn,']~sib. tryi4GV~ FROM: Jim Bundschuh - Director of Financial Services DATE: May 8th, 2009 SUBJECT: On-Line Investing INTRODUCTION: In the past the County invested through the Bank of Montreal (BMO), with transactions being completed via fax. With today's technology the same can be accomplished efficiently online. DISCUSSIONlCONCLUSION: In the past, most of the County's funds were in a Treasury Rate bank account which delivered a reasonable rate of return. In addition, GICs were used to provide a slightly higher rate of return on any funds that could be locked in for an extended period of time. Currently the County is avoiding long term investments to keep its funds available for potential infrastructure projects later this year. Given that the County will need to actively invest this year as any investments need to be short-term in duration (30-90 days), online investing allows the County to invest in a more time-efficient manner. Any investments will continue to be in GICs, as in the past. However, an investment policy and strategy needs to be developed which will be forthcoming in the near future. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Treasurer and Clerk be authorized to enter into an online investing agreement with the Bank of Montreal. Respectfully Submitted G~ ~~ Jim Bundschuh Director of Financial Services Approved for ion Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer <~~ ~` ~ .~ ~ ~l~f,,,r~,~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jim Bundschuh - Director of Financial Services DATE: May 8th, 2009 SUBJECT: 2009 Social Services Budget INTRODUCTION: In March Council approved a Social Services budget of $4,442,000 based on the numbers available from the City at that time. In April City Council approved their budget which included a $4,284,000 contribution from the County equating to a difference of $158,000. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Last year Social Services costs came in over budget by $113,000, and the change in the City's forecast from March to April of $158,000 demonstrates how difficult forecasting Social Services costs is. What the actual costs will be remains to be seen. The County has not yet received any billings for 2009. Any changes between the Elgin County approved budget and the actual billings will ultimately become part of the year-end surplus/deficit. Per the normal process this surplus/deficit will be included in the following year's budget. Surpluses are used to help reduce the amount of the levy. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled Budget 2009 Social Services Budget and dated May 8, 2009 be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted ~~ im Bundschuh Director of Financial Services Ap or Submiss Mark Chief Administrative Officer .~`~~ !~t;(fnzt °rtt:~,~ REPORT TO COUNCIL fmriasfnc-bi Me+vm FROM: Jim Bundschuh - Director of Financial Services DATE: May 8th, 2009 SUBJECT: Budget Comparison -March 31, 2009 INTRODUCTION: Attached is the budget comparison to March 31, 2009 for the County operating departments showing $35,487 favourable performance. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: In the past the approved budget was spread equally into the 12 months of the year. However spending does not always follow this pattern, and in some cases the spending pattern can be predicted, with some examples listed below: Benefits are higher earlier in the year as the County contributes to CPP and UI up to the capped amounts. • Wages increase in the summer months with student employment • Some grants are paid in certain months (eg. Library CAP) As a result of these discrepancies between the monthly budget and the monthly actual, budget performance was displayed in some months which would ultimately reverse itself later in the year. This phenomenon makes it difficult to ascertain true performance issues that need to be investigated and acted upon, versus budget timing anomalies. The departments have begun the process of developing budgets by month, and the significant timing issues have been identified. This process for Elgin Manor, Bobier, POA and Collections has not been completed, and as such no performance is shown for these departments. Their performance will be included with the April month-end report. Highlights of the budget performance are as follows: Line 17 -Engineering & Land Division: $4,943 over budget: Chatham/Kent invoice for Road 7 was $3,000 over budget and with the balance being Land Division due to fees being less than budgeted. Line18 -Homes: Terrace Lodge performance of $33,428 due to lower wages due to staffing efficiencies in January. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled Budget Comparison -March 31, 2009 and dated May 8, 2009 be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted Approv im Bundschuh Mark Director of Financial Services Chief Adm y ~ pp w O e U ~ m ~ l0 •L ~ '~ l0 .. m ~ Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O r r r O O^ O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O r r O^ O O O 0 O O O < O^ r 7 0 0 0 M M O^O ~ M~ 0 0 V O O ~ N0 pr ~0~0 OD Z r N M h r O . .. (O M h ~ O ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 N ~ ~ O O ~ R R 1 a W ~ r a; ~ ~ W N M r T ~~tooo mooo n N M O (O d M 0 7 O (O N 6) ~[! 0 (D W r M h 7 U CO `-' M < 4' ~ .._, h ~ 7^ 0 0 0 ~ M 0^ O ~ r N p p M~ 0 N M 0 7 O < N O) N r lfi ~ 6) a0 Z O N r M h r (O . .. N M . . h .. ~ ~ ~ j 0 0 0 ~ 0 O M O O N 0 O 7 O Z O O In M ~ a o r m ti m W N r M r 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 ~ M o O H M ' d' C O r ~ O W M r ' V' U (D ... r M < K ~ aJ =Q rn W Q ~ p, $ 00 ZU j n ~ to Z F'"' ~ W J ~ F- ,u~ wn.~ W N ~ ~ W ~ C n Q~ c cn ~ a LL °a ~ U ~U W~U~ O. O.~ a w U~~ va~0 ~- ~ o ~ Wz z~~~ i ~ I- ~ Z V 4 G ~ W J S ~ J 4' ~ W ~~ _ ~ W W V ~ Z z ~ Q Z Q O 3 ~ " O~~Ow WKZ~ V m ~i o UF"?mxt7~aoH r N M 7 ~ O~ O h N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 777 hO MLL)7~Oh 7OONr 0 00N0N 00000 007000 00000 N OOr(+j 6)0070 pp 07 t0 h X77 7 ~~N rN N 000 r h X (1 cOhN~ ~~ V M ~ ~ ~ r M (V r ~~ M r N N M N h O N N 00~f)O (O 7 N (O l6 M hN r h7 M^^r N ON QOM 7 O N M 7 N M ~ h NCO M O~~ COO T = OhN00 000000 tt I~M(V hh OCOM T MM ~ 0 ~ O r N O N to r ~~ < r M Nh ON0 0 O~ f) O N 7CON NN h h 0 7 0 M V (00]N 0 V CON U1 h N M7N ~ lI)h 7x0 00 (ON 47 OL1 O ~NOCO 0 0 0 0 (O 000CON I~ O O h (O d' ~r0~6) r (f X 0 0 0 N 7 r r r N r 0 L O r r r < r M r 00 0 0 0 0 h N 0'V' CO i~ 0 N ~ ~ 0 CD ~ h V O ~ N N N ~ l f) O j LL ' d' h h NT-N d) M 7 r N 6)I~7 CO N r 0~ O 7 `-' M `-' N r r v O ' M v N M 700 ~N 7NCDhN CD07 ~ N 70h O rN ON~ < 07 Nor Or (ON NNN O ~~ CON M 0~7 0 0 0 0 0 00 ~M I~ C O O (O M ~ MO ~ 0 N I` M N O N lO r~ ~ r M M7 ~In N CDMOO C07C0 N N 7 N N h N Nor O7 N N N 0 0 NM 0 h00 0 7 r 7~ 00 (D NCD h < O tfjy rOj OOOOC6 O(bN hM ho7hm ~t>hr (O (D r~n000 N 00 r r r N r 0 It) r r r < r (+j r OD O O O O N O V (D l n 0 0 (O x 0 0 ~ 7 N Nh 0Cn LONNh N cDM7 000007 00 h I~ h N r r 0 M 7 vN 0 h N C D N r 0 d~ ~1' ~--' M N r r vv O M r H W U~ >~ ~ O W ~ ~ to Z O f. ~ ~~ o ~wuWi - Z orn wW U ~ ZwW(n~ U Z~~tn Z v~i ~n. ~ Wm d'OWfn = Q Z WO Q J C~U OW~~Z W D.WZ>U WIWi n-W W w Z ~HWpf- WZ~~~ Zp~ZWp E W a~~w~ ~~oQ W oUU ~a ~ ~ Q~ Z u i ~ LL~Y' _ ~ZUZ~ , d ~ N O Z Z Q Z W Z W W~ 0 ~ J 7 Z ~ Q ~ Q .. m > pJmp m ~ p ~ p ° o ~QLL=Q Uw= m ?n . UQw E - `.N T7 ~n COn W CAN NN NN N N a O O < h N M N N O O h at OD n W < N .<.. N M h O M O M. h < h O m W < T < N Y O 0 m a 0 0 N m >J~~,~~c:~t~z,ty: Piq;tc53Le GfMitma REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: April 30, 2009 SUBJECT: Asphalt Crack Sealing, Contract No. 6090-09-01 INTRODUCTION: As part of the approved 2009 Capital Budget, tenders were advertised as per the County's Procurement Policy and were received until Thursday, April 30, 2009 for Asphalt Crack Sealing. DISCUSSION: Four companies submitted bids for the Asphalt Crack Sealing Tender as follows: COMPANY TENDER BID inclusive of taxes) Nia ara Crack Sealing $ 168,210.00 1414609 Ontario $ 187,425.00 Road Savers 2000 Limited $ 193,725.00 R& N Maintenance $ 218,925.00 Niagara Crack Sealing submitted the lowest bid for the Asphalt Crack Sealing Tender at a total price of $ 168,210. The total bid price includes taxes and does not include a contingency allowance. The bid includes all labour, material and equipment to place Asphalt Crack Sealing on various County Roads. Since the unit prices received are favourable staff will increase the number of road cracks to be sealed while still remaining within the capital budget allocation of $204,000. RECOMMENDATION THAT, Niagara Crack Sealing be selected for the application of Asphalt Crack Sealing Contract No. 6090-09-01 at their submitted price of $168,210 inclusive of all taxes, with no contingency allowance; and THAT, since the unit prices received are favourable staff will increase the number of road cracks to be sealed while still remaining within the capital budget allocation of $204,000. THAT, the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to enter into an agreement with Niagara Crack Sealing for the Asphalt Crack Sealing, Contract No. 6090-09-01. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Peter Dutchak D jeputy Director of Engineering Services /Soma Beavers P chasing Coordinator ~,(~~~~,~Vjp Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services ElginCoUlAy Pm„issle: LE r1 Y.~m REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Rhonda Roberts, Director of Senior Services, Terrace Lodge Pat Vandevenne, Director of Senior Services, Bobier Villa and Elgin Manor DATE: April 27, 2009 SUBJECT: Meals on Wheels Agreements INTRODUCTION: Elgin County Homes have actively participated in the Meals on Wheels program for many years. Each year the Directors of Senior Services meet with the coordinators of the programs, to review all aspects of the Meals on Wheels program, determining if any adjustments are needed. Although the homes had informal meetings throughout last year, in error, no Meals on Wheels Agreement was signed. This year, the homes will prepare appropriate agreements and have the parties date and notarized appropriately. DISCUSSION: Recently the Directors of Senior Services from Terrace Lodge, Elgin Manor and Bobier Villa met with the WECHC Community Support Service Coordinator and the Middlesex-Elgin VON Community Support Service Coordinator to review the past years Meals on Wheels program. Discussion around content of meals, Specialty meals, rotation and variety of meals as well as the practical aspects of the distribution were discussed. Cost currently is set at $6.00 for each meal. CONCLUSION: Meals on Wheels are an important program for seniors within the Elgin community, promoting independence for individuals and linkages with the VON and WECHC. Through discussion, a consensus was reached with Meals on Wheels partners that the meal recovery cost of $6.00 per meal for this agreement will continue in order to provide quality product. It was however discussed, that for the next agreement, a review of raw food costing will take place with a likely need to make an increase in cost recovery. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign the Meals on Wheels agreement with VON Middlesex-Elgin and the West Elgin Community Health Centre for the period March 31, 2009 to March 31, 2010. THAT the Homes continue to evaluate the associated costs of the program and meet with Meals on Wheels partners on an annual basis. All of which is Respectfully Submitted ~; ~ ,', (' Rhonda Roberts, Terrace Lodge Director of Senior Services _~ - Pat Vandevenne, Bobier Villa and Elgin Manor Director of Senior Services CORRESPONDENCE - Mav 12. 2009 Items for Consideration Denise Labelle-Gelinas, City Clerk, Cornwall, with a resolution requesting the Provincial Government to exempt items related to the rental of recreation facilities and registration fees for minor sports from the Harmonization Sales Tax. (ATTACHED) C®I I ~YY~ ONTAR70 CANADA May 5, 2009 To All Municipalities in Ontario Subject: Provincial Harmonized Sales Tax The Council of The Corporation of the City of Cornwall, at its regular meeting of Monday April 27, 2009, endorsed a Resolution appealing the Government of Ontario to exempt the fees paid for the rental of recreation facilities and registration fees for minor sports organizations from the recently announced Harmonized Sales Tax. It is the position of Cornwall City Council that recreational activities for the youth of our communities, regardless of which activity they participate in, is paramount to helping communities minimize child obesity as well as creating a healthy and affordable lifestyle. In addition, the application of this tax to these activities and the accompanying added costs could result in making minor sports unaffordable for families. The Resolution further requests support from The Association of Municipalities of Ontario on this most important issue. We include a copy of this Resolution for Council's consideration and endorsement and ask that you forward your support to the Premier of Ontario as well as AMO. Respectfully, Denise Labelle-Gelinas, C.M.O. City Clerk CITY CLERK SEC ETAIRE MUNICIPALE P.O. Box 877 CP 877 Cornwall, ON K5H 5T9 Cornwall ON K6H 5T9 Tel (613) 930-2787, ext.2537 Fax (613) 932-8145 E-Mail/courriel: dgelinas@cornwall.ca Resolution number: 2009-27.03 Moved by Councillor: Glen Grant Seconded by Councillor: Kim Baird Provincial Harmonized Sales Tax WHEREAS the Provincial Government has recently announced the harmonization of the 5% GST and the 8% PST: and WHEREAS, the Harmonized Sales Tax will negatively impact the registration costs for minor sports by an increase in facility rental fees and registration fees; and WHEREAS these increased costs will prevent some youth from participating in sporting activities; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, City Council, send an appeal to the Provincial Government to exempt items related to the rental of recreation facilities and registration fees for minor sports to ensure that all youth are able to afford to participate; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, City Council, request to have AMO lobby the Provincial Government on our behalf; and that a copy of this Resolution be sent to all municipalities in Ontario requesting their support. I, Denise Labelle-Gelinas, City Clerk of The Corporation of the City of Cornwall, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of Resolution Number 2009-27.03 enacted by Council on the 27th day of April, 2009. Denise Labelle-Gelinas, CMO City Clerk DISCLAIMER This matedal is provided under contract as a paid service by the originating organization and does not necessarily reFlect the view or positions of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companies, officers, directors or agents. A city with a world of possibilities Un monde de possibilitbs CORRESPONDENCE - Mav 12, 2009 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 1. Debbie Zimmerman, Chair, MPAC Board of Directors, with the 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements. (ATTACHED) (Report and Statements available for viewing in Administrative Services) 2. Association of Municipalities of Ontario ALERT, CRTC Changes National Do Not Call List -Municipal Candidates Now Exempt. (ATTACHED) 3. Dennis Travale, Chair, SCOR Executive Committee, South Central Ontario Region (SCOR), with an update on SCOR Activities. (ATTACHED) MUNICIPAL P R O P E R T Y A 5 5 E S S M E N T C O R P O R A T I O N ~~ __,.._ Apri123, 2009 To From: Subject: Heads of Council All Ontario Municipalities Debbie Zimmerman Chair, MPAC Board of Directors C®UNTY C~ ~~,CF A~MiNISTRATiU~ S~RUICES 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements Please find attached for your information, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation's (MPAC) 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2008. These documents have been prepared as required by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Act. Copies have been provided to the Minister of Finance, MPPs and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. Both the Annual Report and Financial Statements are also available online at www.m ay c.ca. I trust you will find the reports informative in reviewing MPAC's activities including the organization's delivery of the 2008 Assessment Update for Ontario's nearly 4.7 million properties. Should you have any questions regarding the reports, please do not hesitate to contact me at 905 688-0990, extension 225, or Carl Isenburg, President and Chief Administrative Officer, at 905 837-6150. Yours truly, ~~-~--- Debbie Zimmerman Chair, MPAC Board of Directors Enclosure OP(ice of the Chair c/c Municipal Property Assessment Corporation 1305 Pickering Parkway, Pickering, Ontario L1 V 3P2 T: 905.688.0990 ext 224 F: 905.831.0040 www.mpaaca Porm No t5o5oA Issue: Candidates for municipal office in Ontario are now exempt from the provisions of the National Do Not Call List (DNCL). Background: On April 20, 2009, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) issued "Telecom Public Notice 2008-14"which sets out modifications to the rules governing unsolicited call made by municipal candidates for elected office. The CRTC has now concluded, "that telemarketing telecommunications made by or on behalf of non-party candidates should also be exempt from the National DNCL Rules." The CRTC has adopted the following change to the National DNCL Rules (Part II) with the applicable change in italics below: 3.1 In addition to the exemption set out in section 3(d), the National DNCL Rules do not apply to a telemarketing telecommunication made by or on behalf of a candidate as defined in subsection 2(1 } of the Canada Elections Actor a candidate under provincial law for the purposes of a provincial or municipal election, or by or on behalf of the official campaign of such a candidate. On September 30, 2008, the CRTC launched the National Do Not Call List (DNCL) which imposed enforceable restrictions on organisations and individuals placing unsolicited telephone calls to Canadians who had registered on the List. Exemptions from this restriction were granted to political parties for a municipal election but only if the calls are made on behalf of a registered political party under provincial law. In Ontario, with no municipal political parties, this represented an unacceptable infringement on democratic activities at the municipal level in Ontario. In early September AMO President Peter Hume wrote to the federal government and the Chairman of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, urging that steps be taken to address this issue. In response, the CRTC agreed to review these provisions and their effect on municipal candidates. The issuing of new rules to include Ontario municipal candidates responds to the original concerns AMO raised. Action: For your information. This information is available in the Policy issues section of the AMO website at www.amo.onn.ca. Association of 1-1 Municipalities of Ontario - - Received Time Apr. 27. 2009 6:29PM No, 3003 ~'~' `~', e'~ L ui s 'v 4-F ~ ~ ~'r ~ f L'.r.~d :tc f~,it~~ !r J ~~~9 ®U~ ~i' do F=~L71d .~~~hQ~~~~~}~1~~1~h 15~ ~~(~~~ Warden Sylvia Hofhuis County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON NSR SVl Dear Warden Hofhuis: RE: UPDATE ON SCOR ACTIVITIES SCOR is pleased to provide an update on our activities and successes to date: SCOR is well along in the work associated with "Phase 2 -Business Planning" of our Strategic Management Plan; • The planning process remains community-based with more than 90 volunteers from across the region and resource persons from all levels of government preparing action plans for our seven (7) strategic directions; - Agribusiness & Food Industry, - Culture & Quality of Life, - Energy, - Environment, - Manufacturing, - Public Infrastructure, and - Tourism, Continuity has been achieved with the continuing participation of volunteers from the "Phase 1 -Strategic Planning Team". OMAFRA has been instrumental in this project and are active in many of the Working Groups. • The seven Working Groups have been diligently brainstorming, qualifying and articulating action steps for the Strategic Plan. Our consultant has been facilitating these many sessions and has prepared a draft action plan that has been reviewed by the SCOR Administrative Committee and the Executive Committee; • The action plans include recommendations for regional infrastructure improvements; enhanced/new/bettertacgeted skills training services; support for enhepreneurs; innovation (research/development/commercialization) in the areas of agriculture, energy and the environment; retention of our manufacturing base; and, expansion of tourism; SCOR -MAILING ADDRESS 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 5A7 Canada Telephone: (519) 842-6428, Ext. 3250 /Fax: (519) 842-9431 Web: www.scorregion.com / Email: scor(c~scorregion.com Apri129, 2009 • 15 Priorities for Action have emerged and are currently being considered by the SCOR Executive Committee. Public consultation is taking place across the region in May to gather comment on the action plans; • Other communications activities inchide ongoing use of the SCOR web site - coivwscorr~ion.co,u, and an online survey associated with the consultations described above; • Also part of this phase is consideration of the organizational and resource requirements of sustaining regional delivery of this economic revitalization and diversification strategy. Recommendations will be forthcoming from the business planning process; • OMAFRA has retained a consultant to advise on organizational models for regional delivery. The consultant's work is largely completed; and • Within the last three weeks, now that the tobacco quota payment has been resolved, Agriculture Canada (Rural Secretariat) has been in communication with the Executive and a dialogue is now taking place as to how best to structure the program for the tluee year, $5 million per year funding of "regional economic development" projects. More on this later as progress is made. Open houses for SCOR Partners will be held as part of our May consultation efforts and an invitation will be sent to you. I hope you will be able to attend. I extend a sincere thank you on behalf of SCOR for your past and ongoing support for this initiative which has been and will continue to be critical to our success in diversifying and growing our regional economy. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, SCOR Executive Committee South Central Ontario Region (SCOR) cc: Diane Finley, MP Haldimand-Norfolk Phil McColeman, MP Brant Joe Preston, MP Elgin-Middlesex-London Dave MacKenzie, MP Oxford Toby Barrett, MPP Haldimand-Norfolk Dave Levac, MPP Brant Steve Peters, MPP Elgin-Middlesex-London Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford SCOR Executive SCOR Administration SCOR -MAILING ADDRESS 200 Broadway, 2ntl Floor, Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 5A7 Canada Telephone: (519} 842-6428, Ext. 3250 /Fax: (519) 842-9431 Web: www.scorregion.com / Email: scorCu~scorregion.com