09-21COUNTY OF ELGIN BY LAW NO. 09-21 "BEING A BY-LAW TO EXPROPRIATE LANDS REQUIRED FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES" WHEREAS the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, as amended, authorizes the Municipality to expropriate lands for municipal purposes; WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the County of Elgin has authorized an application for approval to expropriate certain lands; and WHEREAS the Application has not been referred to a hearing by any of the owners affected; NOW THEREFORE the Council for the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT approval is hereby given for the expropriation by the Corporation of the County of Elgin of the lands described within Schedule "A" attached to this By-Law, for the municipal purposes of realignment and improvement of the intersection of Back Street and Talbot Line in the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich in the County of Elgin to meet geometric design standards for Ontario highways as established by the Ministry of Transportation (Ontario). 2. THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer for the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to execute the Certificate of Approval and the Expropriation Certificate set out on the draft Expropriation Plan attached as Schedule "B" to this By-Law. 3. THAT the Chief Administrative Officer is hereby authorized to cause the Expropriation Plan to be registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Elgin (No. 11) at St. Thomas, Ontario, and thereby effect the expropriation of the said lands. 4. THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin is hereby authorized to enter and take possession of the expropriated lands on the day permitted under the Expropriations Act, as amended, or pursuant to any Court Order thereunder, or pursuant to any agreement entered into between one or more of the relevant owners of the said lands and the said Corporation of the County of Elgin. 5. THAT the Chief Administrative Officer for the Corporation of the County of Elgin is hereby authorized to deliver Notices of Possession, Notices of Expropriation, Notices of Election and Offers and Appraisal Reports in accordance with s. 25 of the Expropriations Act, as amended, if any such documents are required, and to otherwise do all other things and give all other notices required by the Expropriations Act, as amended. 6. THAT the provisions of this By-Law shall come into force and effect upon the final passage thereof. READ A FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 23rd DAY Graham Warwick, Warden. Chief Administrative Officer. SCHEDULE "A" Part of Lot "B", Concession 7, Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich (geographic Township of Dunwich), County of Elgin, designated as Part 1 according to Reference Plan 11 R-9054 (Elgin). Schedule "B" By-Law No. 09-21 G G~ 23 P R 12 11R-B2'o2 IS 1 LSD Ao-~r ~ \ NS Q/9~pe~ ~(~.IDD ~v0.jb ses Q THE PART ENUMERAEO HE.REW. OM REFERS TO THE LAND IN Vi19CH THE HILL FEE SIVRLE INTEREST, IWUIUNG ALL RIGHT, ME AND INTEREST IS EXPROPRNTED BY THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY PLAN OF ELGIN I CERTIFY THAT THS PLAN IS REGISTERED RN THE REGISTRY OFFICE S C H E D U L E FOR THE LAND TIRES DPASION OF ELGIN (Ho. 11) AT O'CLOCK ON VOST RECENT THE DAY OF , 2009, 1AND EN1FJtE0 IMO THE PARCEL REGISTREIt PART LOT CONCE540N P.W. AREA TRANSFEREE FOR PROPERTY WOENMER PAN. 35138-0208 PART OF 1I.Dm s,,. MICK TRTER'NGTON i PART Of LOT 'B' J PIN. 35136-0206 BWOGET THTERC!GTON IAND REGISTRAR THE IANO TRIES DIYSION OF ELGIN 0 PART 6 1R-6252 Ci \ O A D JAG G <1 ~ ~199// ' a~ QA~ ~ t/b QPR 0Mh \ i / t]9 ,jQ Q' ~ / \tA (tom . O \ O' aQ g~~ a ee h9p / Q/ Q' G 5 ti / Qy 4~ ~ Q Q $l8 (115) ( DEPOSIT PLAN c D-190 gds F9 COT ;q\`" ~1~GP~GO~/ I DEPOSIT PLAN D-190 a e i \ R<I> 6 O NOTES BEARUIGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO THE SOIIMFASIFRLY UWT OF LOT 9 CONCESSION 8 AS SNOVN ON DEPOM PUN 0-190 HAW:G A BEARING OF N 46 59. 40' E LEGEND LIT - DENOTES 19NISTW OFT MPORTATION N ACOOROANCE THE LIt)W PAL ACT (SO. 2001 - CWWTER C.25 - SECTION 6) AND THE EXPRO WANONS ACT (R.SO. 1990 _ CHAPTER E.26) PLAN OF SURVEY pia OF PART OF LOT "B" CONCESSION 7 (GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH) MUNICIPALITY OF' DUTTON/DUNWICH COUNTY OF ELGIN 0 100 200 SOO FEET SCALE 1 100' DISTANM SP.O'AN ON THIS PUN ARE IN FEET AND CAN BE CONNERTED TO METRES BY MULTIPLYIN'G BY 03048 EXPROPRIATIONS ACT CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORAMN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGW HE W CERTIFIES THAT APPROVAL WAS GNEN TO THE COW TIDN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ON THE 23 r6. DAY OF JUNE 2009, TO EYPRDPRNTE THE LANDS BHO'AN DESGNATED AS PART 1 ON THIS PUN. VURDW - CN v YIARAIC CLERK - UAW( MCOQNALO YIE RAVE THE AWHORTIY TO 94YD WE CORPORATION' FOR THE C NM OF R6 C01190RRON OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WED AT THE NIRLGPALRY OF C RAL ELGIN. THIS 23rd RAY OF JUNE 2009 ■ - DENOTES SURIEY Wro ENT FOUND - DENOTES SURVEY MON MEM PLANTED I.B. - DENOTES STAWARO RON BAR S.S.I.B. - DENOTES SHORT STANOA40 IRON BAR EXPROPRIATING AUTHORITY'S CERTIFICATE RI.B. - DENOTES ROUND MINN BAR 1.8. - MOTES SQUARE IRON EAR THIS PLAN IS SGNED PITRSUAM TO SECTON 9(1) OF THE EXPROPWATIONS EST. - DENOTES INSTRUMENT ACT BY THE CORPGRATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, THE LAND SHOVN AND MEAS. - DENOTES VEASRES DFSGNATEO AS PART 1 ON MS PLAN PAVE BEEN EXPROFRNTEO BY THE 1355 - DENOTES BRUN VAn6 L O.LS. CORPORATION OF THE COUNtt OF ELGN PURSUAW TO WE FXPROPWAFO S ACT, 1130 - DENOTES J.G. RUPE , O.LS. R.S.O. IND. CHAPTER E.26 AND PURStW4T TO THE MUNKDP1 ACT, 5.0., 2W1. C" - DENOTES CONCRETE LIONUMEM C TER C.25 BY EY-WI 09-21 PAS£D ON JUNE 23, 2009 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERRFY THAT: 1. TF65 SURJEY AM PLAN ARE CDRRECT AND W ACCDRdWCE XADI THE SURVEYS ACT, THE SURVEYORS ACT. THE LM'D TIRES ACT AND THE EXPROPRwnGNS ACT AND THE REGULAWNS nNDE UNDER THEM. Z THE SURIEY WAS COLIPLETED ON THE 19IR. DAY OF MARCH, 2009. WARDEN - CRAHAU V wM CLERIC - MAQK VoDIx LD CO TIOH OF THE WLT" OF ELGN 'm HAVE THE AUMORITY'0 BNO THE CORPORATION' ST S. UFR. JUNE E 23 23 , 2009. ONTAFYA 1A\~SURUEYOR . r..- BRIAN VAUGHAN SURVEYING LIMITED 124 CENTRE STRES'T, ST THOMAS, ONT. N51? 2Z9 PH. -(519) 631-5057 FAX (519) 631-8255 E-1.07L bveugb.@go1den.ne1 P~jSg-y5 O G V NCR' ~ ~ Schedule "B" By-Law No. 09-21 THE PMT ENIh'EFNN HEREUNDER REFERS TO THE WM IN 1VMCH THE FULL FEE 56PLE MEREST, PLAN G I LF ~ 3 MELLO NG ALL RIGHT, TILE AND CRFREST IS EXPROPRUTED BY THE CGRPORATIO`I OF THE COUNY OF UOTI 1 CERPFY T T TtES PLW M REGISTERED N THE REGISTR( OM,, S C H E D U L E FOR THE MW TITLES OVLSON of ELGIN (Na. 11) AT 15:2 3 D'ao« ON LOST REMa THE Z3<d DAY OF J u,L . 2009, AND ENTERED IMO THE PARCEL RE(oSTRER PART LOT COUCESSION PJN. A¢E4 TRANSFEREE FOR PROPERTY NDENEOER P.W. 35136-0206 4 -N- a ~f m~ \G~ q) ~O~\OJ~~ ~m///pro^a ,~oFo \O a h e rygo° QP\' GJ ~ o j PART 12 R-8262 ~d s9 e,. ~A~Po•f yp;M ~A1 ~.r 0, I i I PART OF LOT -B" I I P.IA. 3 1 6 0206 111 3 59 R. I OGE TR ER GTOY I ~ SA ?0 \ y ~1RR1A8262 / ••G / Q .51$ 5 W h / O Qs~Sd/Oy~P p .F a 'P14 p0 j" h PP\\~~ '0 / c O p(~..ral / ~O l 4Po p0 p ~ P P \ \ ~ La (1.143) 9 1a a O¢ O ,DO ~ , y0\ t p'o~ \ N r ^ea / O Q y^05 Qs2 19. / 11~/ Q Q Or" sie. U35R) QP sue/ t% //¢q4pa DEPOSrr PLAN & % S"i S\ D-1903'9 \\ob lc~ 0 0r(i~~ 1 QPRS T 5 O < l y C, a \ P GeS P GOB/ DEPOSR PLAN AT~1~OO / D-190 Poft¢9 ED NOTES SEAWM ARE ASTRONOMUO AND ARE REFERRED TO THE 50UNEASTERLY LiMTT OF LOT B MInSSTON 8 AS S 'Al ON DEPOSR FLAN 0-190 HAW.10 A BEORTNG OF N 4T 59' 40" E \ LEGEND - DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND \ DENOTES SURVEY LONUGENT PUNTED DENOTES MMDARD RON RAR s slB. - DENOTES SroRT STANDARD LRON DAR G RIB. - DENOTES ROUND IRON BAR Le. - DENOTES SQUARE IRON BAR INST. - DENOTES N. UMEM L''FAS. - DENOTES MEA$DRES 1355 - DENOTES SRIMI VAUGHAN. O.LS. 1130 - MIOTES J.G. RUPERT, OI-S. CN - DENOTES CONCRETE LIONV'.FNT W - DENOTES 6Nn Rf OF TM4 FORTATIW S. Gi EIRS A s4. W- _AND REGSTRAR FOR THE W40 TRIES DIVEAN Of ELGIN N ACCORDANCE WITH THE MV COAL ACT (S.o. 2001 - CHAPTER Q.25 - SEDTION 6) AND THE UFROPMA110NS ACT (R.S.O. 1990 - CHAPTER E.28) PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOT "B" CONCESSION 7 (GEOGRAPHIC TOVMSHIP OF DUM'dCH) MUNICIPALITY OF DUTfON/DUNWICH COUNTY OF ELGIN O 100 no 300 FEET SCALE 1" = 100' DISTANCES SHOWN QI 1155 PLAN ARE N FEET An CON RE CON FTTED TO LETRES W 6M1ILW=10 BY D.3648 EXPROPRIATIONS ACT CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL THE COUNCM. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE WU. OF ELM HEREW CERiETES THAT APPROVAL WAS GNEN TO THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF nnG ON THE 23 rd. DAY OF JUNE 2009. TO EXPROPRIATE T c W.'05 SHOAN DESG¢ATED AS PMT' 1 ON ITLS PLAN. V:A - GRAHiN 1YAR!/ICK QERK -VARK Ak00NAL0 ME HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BLVD THE CORPORATION" FOR THE COUNCA OF T1E WRPoRTION OF THE WUNTY OF 214 DATED AT THE NUNIOPALIIY OF CENiFAL ELGIN, THE 231d DAY OF J S. 2004 EXPROPRIATING AUTHORITY'S CERTIFICATE TRS PUN E SGNED PURSUOM TO SECTION 90) OF THE EXPROPRUTONS ACT BY THE CORPORATION OF THE ED M. OF n", THE IMO SHONN AND DESIGNATED AS PART 1 ON T PLAN HAVE SEEN EXPROPRUTED Of THE CORPORATOH OF THE WUNW OF am PURSUANT TO THE EXPROPRNTONS ACT, F.S.0. 1990, CHAPTER E.26 An PURSUANT TO THE LNNWC L ACT, 50., 2001. CIN M 035 V W-LAW 09-21 PASSED 04q JUNE 23. 2009 G ~ SURVEYOR JS CERTIFICATE I L HEREBY Mm THAT. r / C) 1. 1M5 SURVEY go) T'IPN ARE CURRECT AND N ACCOR NCE WT H THE Y'PA EN - GFIdNSI VU AMK C K - VARK DcDD.NALO ,,R ACT. ME SURVEYORS ACT. THE LAND TILES ACT AM THE CORPOWTION OF THE COUNTY OF ELG.N G EXPROPRIATO'S ACT An THE REG==IONS MADE UNDER THat Az HAVE THE AUTHOR= TO END THE WRPOR\TON' 2. T M5 SURY'Y WAS COMPLETED O4 THE 1911+. DAY OF NARCH. 2009. BRIAN YAUGHAN SURVEYING LIMITED 124 CENTRE STREET; ST THOMAS, ONT. sr Tlovzs, oM. BPoAN ALIGIAN N5R 2Z9 PH. (519) 631-5057 J11NE 23 , 2009. OMAW LAND SURVEYOR FEE: 09-t0R FAX (519J 631-8255 8-xren" bveughan®goldea.aet.