July 13, 2010 AgendaORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDAY, July 13, 2010 9:00 A.M. PAGE ORDER 1st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes June 22, 2010 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations PRESENTATIONS: 10:15 a.m. Ray Coddington and Sandy Lyle; Carl and Judi Lindsay; Renee and Dick Saarloos regional winners in the Premier's Award for Agri Food Innovation Excellence to be congratulated by Council 5th Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 1 -25 6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 7th Council Correspondence (Attached) 26 -29 1) Items for Consideration 30 -32 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 8th OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements /Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th Closed Meeting Items see separate Agenda 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 33 -38 13th Consideration of By -Laws 14th ADJOURNMENT CASUAL ATTIRE PERMITTED and LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED NOTICE: July 27, 2010 9:00 a.m. County Council Meeting Sept. 14, 2010 County Council and Directors annual photograph, 8:45 A.M. Administration Building, rain or shine; official county attire. REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF July 13, 2010 Staff Reports (ATTACHED) 2 IPM and Events Coordinator Water Feature Display, Elgin County Showcase, 2010 International Plowing Match 4 Manager of Archives Alma College History Project 6 Manager of Support Services, BN Bobier Villa Wellness Fair 8 Administrator /Manager of Resident Care, BN Follow -up Compliance Visit Bobier Villa 9 Administrator /Manager of Resident Care, B/V Ministry of Labour Safe at Work Ontario Inspection Bobier Villa 11 Director of Homes and Senior Services, T/L and BN Pharmaceutical Services Elgin County Homes Deputy Director of Engineering Services Signage Removal and Installation Contract, Tourism Signage Contract (REVISED REPORT INCLUDED ON FRIDAY FAX) 15 Deputy Director of Engineering Services Exterior Lighting, County Administration Building 17 Chief, Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Services for the International Plowing Match 25 Manager of Planning Elgin County Official Plan Proposal Chief Administrative Officer Impact Assessment of the Ford Talbotville Closure (TO BE INCLUDED ON FRIDAY FAX) FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Lindsey Morritt, IPM and Events Coordinator Rhonda Roberts, Director, Terrace Lodge and Bobier Villa Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Coordinator June 22, 2010 Water Feature Display, Elgin County Showcase, 2010 International Plowing Match The County of Elgin issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the construction and installation of a water feature /landscape display which will be displayed as part of the courtyard in the centre of the showcase. Following the closing ceremonies, the water feature /landscape display will be relocated to Bobier Villa in Dutton so the residents /staff /families of the Home can continue to enjoy the display. The RFP was advertised on May 11, 2010 and submissions were received until June 8, 2010. DISCUSSION/ CONCLUSION Three companies responded to the proposal; Beamish Landscape, Ron Koudy's Landscape Architects Inc. and Second Nature Land Design. The three proposals were reviewed and evaluated based on: a) Experience, completion of similar projects, b) Fee structure, c) Design and Innovative Approach. The Evaluation Committee comprised of a representative from Engineering Services, Homes and Economic Development. The committee members identified that Second Nature provided the highest rating as indicated by the evaluation process. RECOMMENDATION THAT Second Nature be selected to provide all labour, materials and equipment to construct and install the water feature display at the International Plowing Match at the total cost of $21,974.75 (exclusive of taxes); and, THAT following the closing ceremonies, Second Nature will provide all labour, materials and equipment to dismantle the water feature display and relocate and install the Water Feature Display at Bobier Villa at no additional cost; and, THAT, $10,000 will be allocated from the International Plowing Match Budget and the remaining amount will be allocated from the Bobier Villa Donation Account. All of which is Respectfully ubmitted l J Lindsey Morritt IPM and Events Coordinator Rhonda Robe s Director, Terrace Lodge and Bobier Villa Sonia Beavers Purchasing Coordinator Approved for Submission Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer Ptn; i,*.SS Los 61:2ure REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Francom Manager of Archives DATE: June 19, 2010 SUBJECT: Alma College History Project INTRODUCTION: The Alma College International Alumnae Association is funding a project to update the existing history of the College, Alma College Centennial Book, 1877- 1977. The Elgin County Archives is facilitating this project by receiving donations on the Alumnae Association's behalf, and providing donors with charitable tax receipts. DISCUSSION: The Alma College International Alumnae Association is funding a project to update the existing history of the College, Alma College Centennial Book, 1877- 1977. To facilitate this very worthy initiative by an extremely active and supportive community partner, the Elgin County Archives is receiving donations in support of the project on behalf of the Alumnae Association, depositing the donated funds in its Alma College Reserve for ultimate disposition by the Alumnae Association, and issuing charitable tax receipts to donors. To date the Archives has received and deposited donations totalling $5,025. It is anticipated that donations will total at least $6,000. In addition, the Archives has pledged to contribute up to $2,000 from existing funds in its Alma College Reserve to support the project. The total cost of the project, including the author's fee and publication costs is expected to be $8,000. CONCLUSION: The Elgin County Archives seeks Council's approval to expend existing funds in its Alma College Reserve to an upset limit of $8,000. No new money is requested for this project. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Elgin County Archives be authorized to expend existing funds in its Alma College Reserve to an upset limit of $8,000. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Stephen Francom Manager of Archives Chief Administrative Officer Bnn Masschaele Director of Community and Cultural Services ti Mark cDonald REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Annemarie Atkinson Manager of Support Services, Bobier Villa DATE: June 17, 2010 SUBJECT: Bobier Villa Wellness Fair INTRODUCTION: In an effort to provide positive exposure for Bobier Villa and benefit the lives of individuals within the community, Bobier Villa's Health and Safety Committee would like to hold a Wellness Fair on October 20, 2010. DISCUSSION: Bobier Villa's Health and Safety committee in partnership with community health promotion providers would like to hold a Wellness Fair at Bobier Villa. The purpose of the Fair is to promote healthy lifestyle awareness and strategies. Key stakeholders /partners promoting health and wellness to residents (within the home and community) and employees will be invited to set up an information booth at Bobier Villa on October 20, 2010. There will be no fee charged for the information booth. Participant agencies that the committee would like to invite include but are not limited to; Elgin -St Thomas Public Health Unit, West Elgin Community Health Centre, Cancer Society, Heart and Stroke Society and Alzheimer Society. As with past Wellness Fairs held in the County Homes, those who will benefit from the event include the residents, staff, guests and neighbours of the Home. In addition to the many displays the committee would like to take the opportunity to have a fund raising barbecue for the United Way. CONCLUSION: Hosting a Wellness Fair open to the residents, staff and community is an opportunity to strengthen existing partnerships and further promote the progressive nature of the County of Elgin. RECOMMENDATION: THAT, the Bobier Health and Safety Committee plan and hold a Wellness fair in October. THAT, the committee report back to Council the effectiveness of the Wellness Fair. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Respectfully Submitted Annemarie Atkinson Manager of Support Services BV Michele Harris Administrator /Manager of Resident Care BV Rhonda Robe s Director of Senior Services -BV TL Approved for Submission Li t..t 4, GMark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Michele Harris Administrator /Manager of Resident Care Bobier Villa DATE: June 24, 2010 SUBJECT: Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care Follow -up Compliance Visit Bobier Villa INTRODUCTION: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL On Thursday, May 27, 2010, The Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care conducted a visit to Bobier Villa. Staff is pleased to report that the inspection went well and the two unmet standards (B 1.2 and B 4.3) from May 2009 were reviewed and put back into compliance. DISCUSSION: The purpose for the visit was to perform a follow -up to 2009 Annual Review. The following unmet standards were reviewed: B 1.2 Each resident's needs for care and services are determined with the resident /representative through an interdisciplinary assessment process. B 4.3 There is ongoing monitoring and evaluation of each resident's care, services and care outcomes. CONCLUSION: The two unmet standards from May 2009 were reviewed and placed back into compliance. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care Follow -up Compliance Visit Bobier Villa dated June 24, 2010 be received and filed. Re {pctfully Submitted Approved for Submission ViqLe Michele Harris Administrator /Manager of Resident Care �7J Rhonda Roberts Director of Senior Services -BV and TL i G. McDona d Chief Administrative Officer INTRODUCTION: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Michele Harris Administrator /Manager of Resident Care Bobier Villa DATE: June 17, 2010 SUBJECT: Ministry of Labour Safe At Work Ontario Inspection Bobier Villa On Monday, June 14, 2010, Ministry of Labour conducted a field visit at Bobier Villa. Staff is pleased to report that the inspection went well and the two minor recommendations were addressed and resolved by June 16, 2010. DISCUSSION: The purpose for the visit was to perform a health and safety inspection under the Ministry of Labour Safe At Work Ontario Heightened Enforcement Campaign for new and young workers. The following items were discussed at the time of the visit: joint health and safety committee, workplace inspections, required postings, workplace incidents, safety engineered medical systems, violence and harassment prevention, lifts and transfers, pandemics, health and safety policy and annual review of programs to support health and safety. A tour of the facility (excluding resident areas) was conducted with the inspector, a worker representative of the health and safety committee, a management representative of the health and safety committee and the homes' Administrator. CONCLUSION: Upon completion of the inspection, two orders were issued as follows: Materials, articles or things shall be transported, placed or stored so that they will not tip, collapse or fall and so that they can be removed or withdrawn without endangering the safety of any worker. At the time of this visit the floor model drill press, toolex 16 speed located in the mechanical room was not secured to the floor. When a supplier material safety data sheet obtained under subsection is three years old, the employer shall, if possible, obtain from the supplier an unexpired supplier material safety data sheet if any of the controlled products remains in the workplace. (It was noted that one MSDS sheet was not current). The above orders as described were issued with a deadline of completion /correction of June 25, 2010. Both issues were addressed and resolved by June 16, 2010. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled "Ministry of Labour Safe At Work Ontario Inspection Bobier Villa dated June 17, 2010 be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Rhonda L. Roberts Director of Senior Services -BV TL Michele Harris c LMark G. McDonald Administrator /Manager of Resident Care Chief Administrative Officer FROM: DATE: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Rhonda Roberts, Director Terrace Lodge and Bobier Villa Pat Vandevenne, Director Elgin Manor Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Coordinator June 28, 2010 SUBJECT: Pharmaceutical Services Elgin County Homes INTRODUCTION: The pharmaceutical contract with the County's current service providers, Hills Pharmacy, Shoppers Drug Mart and Highland Pharmacy expires August 31, 2010. A Request for Proposal for Pharmaceutical Services for the Elgin County Homes was issued as per the County's Purchasing Policy. Proposals were received until April 29, 2010. DISCUSSION /CONCLUSION Nine companies responded to the proposal. The proposal evaluations have been completed and interviews have been scheduled for the short listed proponents. The interviews are scheduled to take place in July and August. Staff are suggesting to extend the pharmaceutical contract with the current service providers, Hills Pharmacy, Shoppers Drug Mart and Highland Pharmacy. The extension will begin September 1, 2010 and will end March 31, 2011. The purpose for the extension is to allow staff to fully evaluate the proposals and make the right decision. In addition, the extension will allow time for the smooth transition (if required) and implementation of new programs outlined in the Proposal. RECOMMENDATION THAT staff be authorized to extend the Pharmacy Contract with the current service providers, Hills Pharmacy, Shoppers Drug Mart and Highland Pharmacy, until March 31, 2011; and, THAT a report to Council will follow outlining the results of the Pharmaceutical Pharmacy Contract. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission ut C�a� nl cc� r� Pat Vandevenne Dire ;tor Elgin Manor Rhonda `Ro•erts Director Bobier Villa and Terrace Lodge Sonia Beavers Purchasing Coordinator --Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer COMPANY TENDER BID (exclusive of taxes) PTN Electrical Solutions Limited 41,094.06 CDI Contracting Inc. 47,285.00 Whalls Electric Limited 49,170.00 Gary D. Robinson Contracting Limited 55,709.29 R.A. Barnes Electrical Contracting Limited 63,400.00 Langley Utilities Contracting Limited 84,900.00 FROM: Cole Aicken, Building Sciences Technologist Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: June 10, 2010 INTRODUCTION: REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Exterior Lighting, County Administration Building In 2009, there was an incident where one of the lamp posts in the Parking Lot of the County Administration Building collapsed. From a Risk Management perspective, staff contacted Spriet Associates to complete an inspection. A parking lot lamp post inspection was completed in May 2009. The report concluded that the lamp posts were over seventy years old and posed a potential hazard to property, staff and public. Therefore as part of the approved 2010 Capital Budget, quotations were advertised as per the County's Procurement Policy and were received until Thursday, June 10, 2010 for Exterior Parking Lot Lighting at the County Administration Building, Contract No. 2660- 10 -04A. DISCUSSION: Six companies submitted bids for the Exterior Parking Lot Lighting Quotation as follows: PTN Electrical Solutions Limited submitted the lowest bid for the Exterior Parking Lot Lighting Quotation at a total price of $41,094.06, inclusive of $3,000.00 contingency allowance and exclusive of taxes. The contractor will provide all materials, equipment and labour necessary to completely remove and dispose of existing exterior lighting and supply, install, test and put into operation new exterior lighting in the parking Tots of the County Administration Building. The total amount tendered is within the budget allocation. As per the County of Elgin's Purchasing Policy, if change orders are required and the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by less than 10 and the amount is within the overall budgeted project amount, work will proceed upon authorization by the Director. However, if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures. RECOMMENDATION THAT, PTN Electrical Solutions Limited be selected for the Exterior Parking Lot Lighting Quotation, Contract No. 2660- 10 -01A at a total price of 41,094.06(exclusive of all taxes), inclusive of $3,000.00 contingency allowance; and, THAT, if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Cole Aicken Building Sciences Technologist onia Beavers Purchasing Coordinator Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services Approved for Submission A l iti* ,,Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer Progressive by Nature REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Chief Emergency Medical Services DATE: June 22, 2010 SUBJECT: Emergency Medical Services for the International Plowing Match INTRODUCTION: In the fall of 2010 a major international event, the International Plowing Match (IPM), will be hosted in Elgin County. The County of Elgin is the upper tier municipality responsible for the Emergency Medical Services within the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas. Thames Emergency Medical Services (TEMS) is providing the services for the County and City. The IPM requested that TEMS provide emergency medical services for the duration of the event. The IPM and TEMS have agreed on the scope of services to be provided. The final step is to determine will each party spilt the cost. DISCUSSION: In the fall of 2010 a major international event, the IPM, will be hosted in Elgin County and the event is expected to draw an estimated 100,000 people. The IPM committee requires many services for the IPM and one such service that is co- ordinated through the County of Elgin, is the emergency medical services. The IPM has met with TEMS on several occasions and agreed on the scope of services required. The services will include: paramedics; ambulances; a duty manager; other staff or equipment as required. The cost of the services is $15,000. TEMS has made a proposal that the three parties: IPM; TEMS; and the County of Elgin City of St. Thomas split the costs (see attached letter). Therefore each party would require a contribution of $5,000. The emergency medical services budget for May 2010 shows a small operating deficit, but staff and TEMS are anticipating a surplus at the end of the year. Therefore, staff believes that the County of Elgin City of St. Thomas $5,000 share can be absorbed in the 2010 operating budget. CONCLUSION: The IPM is a major international event being hosted in the County of Elgin and more than 100,000 people are expected to attend the event. The people are expecting the same service provided as required for a small city, such as emergency medical services. Thames Emergency Medical Services has had discussions with the IPM and the parties have agreed on the scope of services required for the event. A proposal has been submitted (see letter from TEMS) to the County of Elgin City of St. Thomas to contribute one third of the $15,000 for the service provided. Staff is confident that the County City share can be managed within the present EMS operating budget. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the County of Elgin accept the Thames Emergency Medical Services proposal to share the $15,000 equally between the International Plowing Match Committee, Thames Emergency Medical Services and the County of Elgin City of St. Thomas to provide services for the International Plowing Match in September 21 to September 25 2010; and, THAT Thames Emergency Medical Services be formally acknowledged, from the Warden of the County of Elgin, for their contribution ($5,000.00) to the International Plowing Match; and, THAT the $5,000 be allocated from the Emergency Medical Services Operating Budget; and, THAT the City of St. Thomas be so advised. Respectfully Submitted Clayton Watters Chief Emergency Medical Services Approved for Submission G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer .0 ,i©altcavio IW Z? DI S June 21, 2010. Clayton Watters, EMS Chief, County of Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, ST.THOMAS, Ontario. N5R 5V1. 125 Edward Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 4L9 Phone: (519) 637 -3098 Fax: (519) 637 -3484 E -Mail: office @thamesems.com Dear Mr. Watters: Please find enclosed copies of correspondence to Duncan McPhail, Chair of the International Plowing Match, concerning an EMS proposal for additional staffing coverage and participation at the International Plowing Match in the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas on September 21 -25, 2010. Staffing and costs associated with this event have been discussed with you a number of times, however a formal request for funding has not been completed. The purpose of this letter is to formally provide your office with a copy of the recommended staffing and EMS participation at the event and request funding on a shared basis with Thames EMS, the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas and the International Plowing Match equally sharing in a funding formula. The International Plowing Match has agreed to a 5,000,00 contribution to cover costs associated with the estimated 15,000,00 additional staffing cost. Thames EMS request the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas split the $5,000.00 contribution equally. The requested 5,000.00 will not be additional to the approved 2010 budget as it is anticipated a projected budget surplus in 2010 will be sufficient to include this additional cost in 2010. Thames EMS will cover the remaining estimated 5,000.00 cost and any other associated costs with the event, Thames EMS believe this is an important event that is being held in the community and is looking forward in presenting a professional presence at the event that both the County of Elgin and the City of St.Thomas will be proud of For this reason, Thames EMS have agreed to participate in the sharing of costs. Yours truly, Trusting this is the information you require. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions or require additional information. Please respond within 30 days. Malcolm Gilpin. Vice President. Jun, 28, 2010 11:O2AM Thames EMS LONDON Thome 6neigency /2 EIGNSINOMASIMS Duncan McPhail, Chair, International Plowing Match, 450 Sunset Drive, ST.THOMAS, Ontario. N6R SV1. Dear Mr. McPhail No, 1104 P, 4 125 Edward Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 4L9 Phone: (519) 637 -3098 Fax: (619) 637 -3484 E -Mail: office @thamesems,com The purpose of this letter is to document our recent telephone discussion of last month held with you and the senior management team of Thames Emergency Medical Services Inc. concerning the ambulance requirements for the upcoming International Plowing Match to be held in the County of Elgin September 21 -25, 2010. During our telephone discussion it was agreed the staffing, supervision, static ambulance display, communication needs and EMS bike and gator patrol proposal outlined in our January 11, 2010 letter is agreed to and the International Plowing Match will contribute 5,000.00 towards the estimated total staffing costs of$ 15,000.00. Invoicing for this amount would follow after the Match is completed. It is the intention of Thames EMS to contact the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas to negotiate a similar proposal towards the total cost of the Match. Further, as discussed Thames EMS will also be contributing a similar amount towards the total cost of the Match. Trusting this is an accurate accounting of our telephone discussion and Thames EMS are looking forward to working with the various Committees of the International Plowing Match to ensure a successful event the community of Elgin- St,Thomas will be proud of Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions or concerns with this letter. It is our intention to contact the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas with a formal proposal /request later this month. Please respond within 30 days. Yours truly, L 1/14/LAt Malcolm Gilpin. Vice President. 4n.28. 2010 11:02AM Thames EMS LONDON Thame Gnary l)kdico/krrioei Hal MST mows Ems January 11, 2010 Duncan McPhail, Chair, International Plowing Match, 450 Sunset Drive, ST_THOMAS, Ontario. N6R 5V1. Dear Mr. McPhail:: The purpose of this letter is to respond to your request for ambulance service coverage and participation at the upcoming international Plowing Match to be held in Elgin County September 21 -25, 2010. Following our discussion on December 8, 2009 concerning the event requirements and number of potential participants and visitors a plan of coverage was carefully discussed with the senior members of the management team at Elgin- St.Thomas EMS. During this process Thames EMS consulted with EMS services that have hosted past events, the County of Bruce (2008) and the District of Teinislcaming (2009). This plan for staffing assumes the St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital will not be providing on site medical staffing ofa tent facility with a doctor or nurse practitioner. It is the understanding of Thames EMS that the IPM would be confirming the participation of the Hospital. Any on site medical coverage provided by the hospital could potentially reduce ambulance staffing hours, In the meantime, a plan of staffing hours of coverage to be provided including supervision, static display suggestions including handout literature, communication needs, EMS bike and 4 x 4 Gator patrol activities and deployment of EMS vehicles have been agreed to and Thames EMS are pleased to recommend the following plan to the International Plowing Match, together with estimates of costing. STAFFING AND SUPERVISION No. 1104 P. 5 125 Edward Street St, Thomas, Ontario N5P 4L9 Phone: (519) 6373098 Fax: (519) 637 -3484 E Mail: office @thamosems,com Thames EMS recommends two fully staffed ambulances with on site supervision for the five days of the event for 10 hours daily. To achieve maximum staffing at reasonable cost, Thames EMS suggests staffing one ambulance from 07:00 to 17:00 hours and a second ambulance from 09:00 to 19:00 hours. The remaining hours of coverage can be easily accomplished from the 125 Edward Street Base with standby coverage if and when required. Supervision will be provided by either the Duty Manager or the Operations Manager Jim Malik. Thames EMS assumes the IPM will provide a tent and location for parking the ambulances from which to respond from during the Match. Estimated cost of the staf£uig of the two additional vehicles assuming no overtime staffing including supervision, fuel, and all required supplies is approximately $14,570.00. 1 Jun. 28. 2010 11:03AM Thames EMS LONDON No, 1104 P. 6 STATIC AMDUANCE DISPLAY Thames EMS would welcome the opportunity to provide a static new Elgin ambulance for display and if possible display the Company's 1971 Cadillac antique ambulance vehicle. This display would be staffed by second year Fanshawe College students currently enrolled in the Paramedic Program. It is the understanding of Thames EMS that the County of Elgin will be sponsoring a tent and Thanes EMS would welcome the opportunity to participate with the County of Elgin. Thames EMS will be providing either coloring books or a cut -out Aand assertible ambulance with the same lettering as the Elgin- St.Thomas ambulances currently display. It is assumed approximately 8,000 to 12.000 children from the surrounding primary schools will be attending the event and these handouts will be given to the children. These costs will be approximately 5,000.00 and will be provided by Thames EMS at no charge to the IPM if the display area can be arranged with the County of Elgin at no cost. CONEVITJNICATION NEEDS Thames EMS will be working closely with the London Central Ambulance Commvnication Centre to ensure 911 calls from the Match will be responded to without delay. To ensure prompt response, Thames EMS will require independent communication with the emergency centre to respond to events occurring at the Match and suggest using the TELUS Mike system and therefore will require four additional handsets for each of the crew members. Thames EMS will provide these handsets at no costs to the JPM. EMS BIKE AND GATOR PATROL Thames EMS will provide EMS bike and 4 x 4 Gator patrol to the match to provide a high profile /visible presence at the Match. Thames EMS currently has bikes equipped with first aid equipment and defibrillator. The 4 x 4 Gator will have to be rented from Toronto EMS at an estimated cost of $500.00 for delivery and pickup of the machine, rental and associated safety training. EMS SUPERVISION PARTICIPATION IN PLANNING PROCESS Details surrounding the deployment of ambulances, bike and 4 x 4 Gator patrols, and specific response points/location will be discussed with the appropriate committees of the IPM and the management of Thames EMS These costs (including staffing and supervision costs) will be provided to the JPM at no cost. 2 Jun. 28. 2010 11:03AM Th ames EMS LONDON No. 1104 P. 7 Thames EMS would like to thank you for the opportunity to respond to your request, and look forward to participating in the IPM. Yours truly, Thames Emergency Medical Services Inc. Randy Denning President 3 .•1).t03„ FROM: Steve Evans, Manager of Planning Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Coordinator Alan Smith, General Manager of Economic Development DATE: June 29, 2010 SUBJECT: Elgin County Official Plan Proposal INTRODUCTION: The County of Elgin issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the preparation of its first comprehensive County Official Plan on April 6, 2010 with a closing date of April 27, 2010. DISCUSSION /CONCLUSION Twelve companies responded to the proposal; Ainley Group, Alan Ramsay Planning Consultants, Dillon Consulting, IBI Group, MMM Group, MHBC Planning Consultants, Monteith Brown Planning Consultants, Meridian Planning Consultants, Planscape, Sorensen, Gravely, Lowes Planning Consultants, Stantec Consulting Ltd., and Zelinka Priamo Planning Consultants. The twelve proposals were reviewed and evaluated based on: a) Experience, completion of similar projects, b) fee structure, timeframe for completion c) Innovative Approach d) suitability and fit. Four companies were short listed and interviews were held by a selection committee comprised of representatives from Administrative Services and Economic Development and Tourism Services. The committee members identified that Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. provided the highest rating as indicated by the evaluation process. RECOMMENDATION THAT Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. be selected to provide all services to prepare a County Official Plan at the total cost of $249,432.50 (exclusive of taxes); and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign the necessary agreement. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Steve Evans 2 Manager of Playinin Chief Administrative Officer Alan S General Manager of Economic Development Sonia Beavers Purchasing Coordinator REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Approved for Submission ,LAitI =Mark G. McDonald CORRESPONDENCE July 13, 2010 Items for Consideration (ATTACHED) 1. Denise McLeod, Administrator, Township of Southwold with resolution requesting County's support on behalf of all Elgin County Municipalities to the Ontario Good Roads Association's Minimum Maintenance Standards Litigation Fund. (Background information from Frank Cowan Company— June 2010 News Views also attached) Y 07/06/2010 12:01 FAX 519 769 2837 June 30, 2010 DELIVERED BY FAX: (519) 633 -7661 Mark McDonald, CAO County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. McDonald: Re: Minimum Maintenance Standards Litigation Fund Please be advised that Council at its regular meeting on June 28, 2010 passed the following resolution: 2010 -177 You ruly, nise McLeod Deputy Clerk "THAT Council for the Township of Southwold hereby requests the County of Elgin on behalf of all municipalities in Elgin County support Ontario Good Roads Association's request for a contribution toward the Minimum Maintenance Standards Litigation Fund." (Carried) Received Time Jul, 6. 2010 12:02PM No, 5620 T\VP of SOUTHWOLD U001 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD 35663 Fingal Line Fingal, ON NOL 1K0 Phone: (519) 769 -2010 Fax: (519) 769 -2837 Email, dmc /eod @twp_southwold.on.ca The legality of the Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS) is currently being challenged. An application has been filed with the Superior Court of Justice to declare MMS null and void. The hearing of this application will be held in the fall of 2010. Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA) is filing a notice with the Court opposing this application. MMS were created to help municipalities defend legal actions alleging non repair of roads. These standards provide municipalites with not only a framework for road maintenance but also a third defence under Section 44 of the Ontario Municipal Act. It states: A municipality is not liable for failing to keep a highway or bridge in a reasonable state of repair if, "c) at the time the cause of action arose, minimum standards established under section (4) applied to the highway or bridge and to the alleged default and those standards have been met." A Call to Acton The Challenge to the iAinimum Ltintenance Staudairds The application filed with the Superior Court of Justice is seeking to remove this defence. If successful, not only will all motor vehicle accidents (MVA) going forward be impacted but also all open MVAs within the dates November 1, 2002 to March 6, 2010. Recently, OGRA sent a letter to all their municipal members. They have asked for your assistance to help them fund this legal challenge. Frank Cowan Company supports the OGRA initiative and urges all municipal members to do the same. For your reference, we are enclosing a history of the MMS. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call your Account Manager at Frank Cowan Company. Continued on Page 2: The History of Minimum Maintenance Standards June 2010 4- 0- J11.1 i��� i o 7�E l 10 Of �Cow,. The I- QLLtory oaf Minimum Mainten The Municipal Act, RSO 1990, Section 44. (1) places liability for road maintenance on the municipality that has jurisdiction over the road. This section is written as: "Maintenance The municipality that has jurisdiction over a highway or bridge shall keep it in a state of repair that is reasonable in the circumstances, including the character and location of the highway or bridge." Defences to liability were set out in Section 44. (3) and written as follows: 'A municipality is not liable for failing to keep a highway or bridge in a reasonable state of repair if, a) it did not know and could not have been expected to have known about the state of repair of the highway or bridge; b) it took reasonable steps to prevent the default from arising. If a municipality knew, or it was deemed, it ought to have known, a state of disrepair existed the municipality would be found liable in a motor vehicle accident (MVA). This was in accordance with common law principles that govern the law in Ontario. In order to provide municipalities with some relief against liability, Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS) were developed. On November 1, 2002, Regulation 239/02 was enacted. The regulation was amended by Regulation 23/2010. MMS provided municipalities with a third defence against road liability claims. This defence is incorporated into the Municipal Act, RSO 1990, Section 44 (3) and is written as follows: (c) at the time the cause of action arose, minimum standards established under subsection (4) applied to the highway or bridge and to the alleged default and those standards have been met." In Thornhill vs. York, Justice Howden (2008) opined that MMS may not be enforceable as he was of the opinion that the :ice Standard"' June 2010 Ontario Legislature did not have the authority to empower the Minister to create the regulation. The legal term applied is "ultra vires" which means "outside of the government's legislative realm However, in the case of Thornhill vs. York, Justice Howden did not rule on this point as it was not before the Court. MMS have protected municipalities from liability that would be applied under normal common law principles. Therefore motorists injured in MVAs must meet a higher level of proof of liability than in other situations that may cause injury. This is the main reason Justice Howden made his comments on the legality of MMS. Since the release of the Thornhill judgement, Plaintiff Counsels have made threats of challenging MMS. Some have pled the fact that the MMS are ultra vires in Statements of Claim. However, none of these cases have come to trial, yet. In the case of Silveira vs. Vaughn, York et al., a motion was brought to remove the issue of MMS as being ultra vires from the trial and instead decide the issue by a separate motion. The sitting Judge, Justice Lauwers, granted the motion and the matter is to be heard in the fall of 2010. This will bring some order to the hearing and interveners are allowed to make submissions. Claimants involved in MVAs, who bring actions against the municipality, will have a much lower burden of proof. The municipality can no longer use the defence of having met the minimum standard of care. Claimants will not have to prove that the municipality knew about the state of disrepair. They will only have to prove the municipality knew or ought to have known of the disrepair. ls \v7o.l 6 l c, 11fi' ��Xol�ih Ja ,1 c. i1Yt l it 4 "t j `liT: Princeton, ON NOJ 1 VO Toll free: 1- 800 -265 -4000 P This will serve to increase the number of judgments against municipalities and adversely impact the cost of claims and therefore the cost of insurance. CORRESPONDENCE July 13, 2010 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) (ATTACHED) 1. Shelly McCorkell, Executive Director, Alzheimer Society Elgin St. Thomas thanking Council for supporting weekly barbeques at the Elgin County Administrative Building. Carol Mitchell, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs thanking Council for their support for the business risk management (BRM) proposal by the Ontario Agriculture Sustainability Coalition and commending the Economic Development Department in their support of local producers by initiating agricultural projects. June 28, 2010 Susan McConnell Administrative Services Coordinator Elgin County 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Ms. McConnell: Shelley McCorkell Executive Director Alzheimer E L G I N- S T. T H O M A S On behalf of the Alzheimer Society of Elgin St. Thomas I would like to thank Elgin County Council for supporting our weekly barbecues at the Elgin County Administrative Building. It is our intention to have the weekly barbecues on the following dates between the times of 11:OOam- 1:30pm: July: Thursday the 8th Thursday the 15 Thursday the 22 Friday the 23 Thursday the 29 August: Thursday the 5th Thursday the 12 Thursday the 19 Thursday the 26 Friday the 27 Thank you for your support of the Alzheimer Society of Elgin St. Thomas. 450 Sunset Drive, Suite 229, St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Phone: 519- 633 -4396 •i -888- 565 -1111 +Fax: 519- 633 -7028 www.alzheimerelgin.ca Charitable Registration No. 13498 3956 RR0001 07/06/2010 13:15 5198264253 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Office of the Minister 77 Grenville Street, 11t Floor Toronto; Ontario M7A183 Tel: (416)326 -3074 Fax: (416) 326 -3083 'MAY i. 0 2010 Ms. Bonnie Vowel Warden County of Elgin 400 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5k 5V1 Dear Warden Vowel: Sincerely, Ministere de ('Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et des Affalres rurales Bureau de 1a ministre 77, rue Granville, 11° etaga Toronto (Ontario) M7A 153 T41.: (416) 326 -3074 Teldc.: (418) 328 -3083 Carol Mitchell Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs OMAFRA Rece ived TimeirJul. 6. n20107e 1:29PRoNo, 5624uelph (Ontario) N1G 4Y2 Ontario Thank you for your letter and your kind words on my appointment as Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. I have made note of Elgin County Council's support for the business risk management (BRM) proposal brought forward by the Ontario Agriculture Sustainability Coalition. Our government recognizes agriculture as akey econozxuc sector.. Ontario farmers need predictability, bankability and stability when it comes to BRM programs.1 have heard from faxxxiers across the province that the current suite of programs is not meeting their needs. That is why I am absolutely committed to working with the coalition to address the needs of our farmers. Our government will continue to support Ontario's farmers"and create long -term, sustainable strategies for their success.1 will work to ensure that the national BRM Strategic Review moves forward. National consultations will begin this spring and I encourage the industry to participate. I commend your economic development department on its initiatives in support of local producers. I would definitely enjoy learning more about your agricultural projects, and trust we will have the opportunity to meet when I visit the 2010 International Plowing Match in Elgin County in September. Thank you once again, for writing to me. I wish you all the best for the summer: ministry Headaua trs: 1 Stone Road West. Guelph, Ontario NIG 4Y2 Good Things Grow in Ontario A bonne terre, bons produits PAGE 02/02 Staff Reports: (ATTACHED) CLOSED MEETING AGENDA July 13, 2010 1) Tree Commissioner Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board Tree By -law Prosecution Update. 2) Director of Community and Cultural Services Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (d) labour relations or employee negotiations Minimizing Working Alone in Libraries A Cost Effective Solution. 3) Economic Development Coordinator Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (b) personal matters about identifiable individuals Investment Attraction and Retention Update. (VERBAL) Elgin o t fax cover DATE: 7/9/2010 Send to: Warden Vowel, Councillors Marks and Wilson Attention: Office Location: Fax Number: Call Group #s URGENT 0 REPLY ASAP 0 PLEASE COMMENT PLEASE REVIEW FOR YOUR INFORMATION COMMENTS: Additional Items for Council Agenda of July 13, 2010 Reports of Staff and Council: (attached) From: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer mmcdonald @elgin county.on.ca Office Location: Administrative Services Phone Number: Ext. 161 Number of Pages, Including Cover: 8 1. REVISED Signage Removal and Installation Contract, Tourism Signage Contract Report replaces pages 13 14 of July 13 County Council agenda previously mailed. 2. Chief Administrative Officer Impact Assessment of the Pending Closure of the Ford Talbotville Plant. Closed Meeting Items: (NOT ATTACHED) 1. Director of Financial Services Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board. 99 Edward Street. (Restricted Circulation: Members of Board of Health Excluded). 2. General Manager of Economic Development Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board. Business Development Proposal. (Restricted Circulation: Members of Board of Health Excluded). THE INFORMATION IN THIS FACSIMILE IS FOR THE NAMED RECIPIENT ONLY. IT MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, OR THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS IN TRANSMISSION, PLEASE NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Canada Phone: 519 631 -1460 Fax: 519 633 -7661 www. e l g i n -c o u nty. o n. c a Progressive by Nature Elan 11 0, PligteSsfr: by almru FROM: Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer DATE: July 8, 2010 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Impact Assessment of the Pending Closure of the Ford Talbotville Plant INTRODUCTION: Attached for Council's consideration is a report and resolution from the Township of Southwold recommending that the County of Elgin play a lead role in the development of an impact study and action plan relative to the pending closure of Ford's Talbotville Assembly Plant. BACKGROUND: On May 26, 2010 various Ministry staff from Municipal Affairs and Housing, Economic Development and Trade, Agriculture and Food, and economic development staff from Elgin, St. Thomas, Middlesex County, Southwold Township and the City of London were invited to a meeting to discuss the impact on local economies as a result of the planned closure at Talbotville in 2011. This meeting was coordinated by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. In essence, the impact assessment would include four components at a total estimated cost of $60,000: 1) Primary data gathering to assess the resilience of firms in supplying other plants or other manufacturers and probe for estimated production cut -backs and job loss. 2) Survey of workers to assess talent pool and skill set available; intent to find new work, willingness to relocate and what retraining or support do they need. 3) Municipal fiscal impacts to be determined including but not limited to assessment loss, fees collected for servicing the plant and other economic impacts, 4) Case studies of major plant closures comparative studies of how communities have responded. In addition, Ford's administration will be asked to consider funding their own site redevelopment study to assess potential uses for the property and buildings which would benefit the communities in helping to market the location. A subsequent meeting was held on June 30, 2010 with a smaller group and it was recommended that the Mayor of the host municipality, the Township of Southwold, be encouraged to arrange a meeting with Ford executives to request that Ford underwrite the cost of the studies, including the redevelopment project, to assist the region in developing action plans to combat the inevitable loss of a major manufacturing base. CONCLUSION: Various provincial ministries and several municipal economic development staff have met to discuss a proactive approach to developing an action plan in anticipation of the closure of the Ford Talbotville Assembly Plant. Obviously the pending closure has far- reaching implications for southwestern Ontario, particularly the County of Elgin. Hence, the need for County involvement. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Council of the County of Elgin hereby supports the resolution from the Township of Southwold of the creation of an Impact Study and Action Plan relative to the pending closure of Ford's Talbotville Assembly Plant; and, THAT the County's Chief Administrative Officer and General Manager of Economic Development be hereby authorized and directed to participate in said study and report back to council. All of which is respectfully submitted, Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD REPORT TO COUNCIL Date: June 28, 2010 Prepared by: Donna Ethier, CAO /Clerk Subject Matter: FORD TALBOTVILLE CLOSURE IMPACT ASSESSMENT STAKEHOLDER MEETING Background information: Attached is a copy of the minutes of a meeting coordinated by Maureen Beatty, Municipal Advisor for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and other key Ministry personnel. The minutes are self explanatory. Ministry staff represented at the meeting had previously met to discuss the short to medium term impacts of the plant closure in Talbotville and wished to learn more about both the economic, labour and social implications from the communities that will be impacted most by the planned closure and to engage regional municipal politicians, staff and other relevant agencies in the discussions. It is anticipated that by working together; local stakeholders and various provincial ministries and other agencies, that a fairly concise estimate of the forthcoming impacts can be made and that this information can then be used to develop clearly defined action plans related to the closure. Plans include an Impact Study and subsequent Action Plan. It was felt that the Township of Southwold should be the driving force and endorse the concept and work with the County to coordinate this endeavour. Financial Impact: Recommendations: "That the Council for the Township of Southwold hereby endorses the concept of the Impact Study and Action Plan as discussed at the Ford Talbotville Closure Impact Assessment Stakeholder Meeting of Wednesday May 26, 2010; And further that Council approach the County of Elgin to take a coordinating role with respect to this endeavor." June 22, 2010 Donna Ethier, CAO /Clerk Date 06/30/2010 09:20 FAX 519 769 2837 June 30, 2010 DELIVERED BY FAX: (519) 633 -7661 Mark McDonald, CAO County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. McDonald: Re: Impact Study and Action Plan Ford Talbotville Closure Please be advised that Council at its regular meeting on June 28, 2010 passed the following resolution: 2010 -174 If you should have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact Donna Ethier, Chief Administrative Officer. a enise McLeod Deputy Clerk Received Time Jun. 30. 2010 9:21A11 No, 5591 TWP of SOUTHWOLD x002 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD 35663 Fingal Line Fingal, ON NOL 1K0 Phone: (519) 769 -2010 Fax: (519) 769 -2837 Email: dmcleod @twp.southwo/d.on.ca "THAT the Council for the Township of Southwold hereby endorses the concept of the Impact Study and Action plan as discussed at the Ford Talbotville Closure Impact Assessment Stakeholder Meeting of Wednesday, May 26, 2010; AND FURTHER that Council approach the County of Elgin to take a coordinating role with respect to this endeavor." (Carried) cc: Donna Ethier, Chief Administrative Officer COMPANY BID (exclusive of taxes and exclusive of individual orders) Sparta Tree 1640313 Ont. Inc. $40,884.00 Graphic Designs by Robert D'Cruz $45,300.00 Excellent Signs and Displays (1983) Inc. $45,320.00 Everest Signs $48,230.00 r„'�,_ REVISED REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Meredith Goodwin, Engineering Technician/ Emergency Management Coordinator Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Coordinator DATE: June 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Signage Removal and Installation Contract, Tourism Signage Contract INTRODUCTION: As part of the approved 2010 Capital Budget, a quotation was advertised as per the County's Procurement Policy and submissions were received until Monday, June 21, 2010 for Signage Removal and Installation, Contract No. 2685- 10 -08A and Tourism Signage Contract No. 2685- 10 -08B. DISCUSSION /CONCLUSION: Signage Removal and Installation, Contract No. 2685- 10 -08A The request for quotation included the removal and installation of signage (bulk order) to be completed by September 15, 2010 and the removal and installation of signage (individual orders) on an as needed basis. To be more cost effective, staff is recommending the award of the removal and installation signage for the bulk order only. It may be in the best interest of the County and the municipalities to have each individual municipality remove and install signage (individual orders) on an as needed basis. Staff would like to investigate this possibility. The County of Elgin reserves the right to award the contract by items or groups items. Four companies submitted bids for the Signage Removal and Installation as follows: COMPANY BID (exclusive of taxes) Cedar Signs Inc. 30,869.50 McBain Signs and Graphic Design Inc. 36,083.40 Excellent Signs and Displays (1983) Inc. 49,400.00 Everest Signs 57,970.00 Sparta Tree 1640313 Ont. Inc. submitted the lowest bid for the Signage Removal and Installation at a total price of $40,884.00 (exclusive of taxes and exclusive of individual order). The bid includes all labour, material and equipment to remove existing tourism signs and install new tourism signs (bulk order only) at various locations throughout the County of Elgin. Tourism Signage, Contract No. 2685- 10 -08B Four companies submitted bids for the Tourism Signage as follows: Cedar Signs Inc. submitted the lowest bid for Tourism Signage at a total price of $30,869.50 (exclusive of taxes). The bid includes all labour, material and equipment to manufacture and deliver all signs specified in the Quotation form. The capital budget cost allocation for the Signage Removal and Installation project and the Tourism Signage Project is $92,000. Therefore, the cost of the project is within the proposed 2010 capital budget allocation. RECOMMENDATION THAT Sparta Tree 1640313 Ont. Inc. be selected for the Signage Removal and Installation Quotation, Contract No. 2685- 10 -08A at a total price of $40,884.00 exclusive of taxes and exclusive of individual orders; and, THAT Cedar Signs Inc. be selected for the Tourism Signage, Contract No. 2685- 10 -08B at a total price of $30,869.50 exclusive of all taxes; and, THAT if the cost increases above the quotation amount approved by Council by more than 10 the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures. All of which is espectfully Submitted Approv Meredith Goodwin Engineering Technician/ Emergency Management Coordinator Mark Chief Administrative Officer Sonia Beavers Purchasing Coordinator Clayton Watters Director of,Eigineering Services i� m Bundschuh Director, Financial Services