September 13, 2011 MinutesCOUNTY COUNCIL Tuesday, September 13, 2011 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:00 a.m. with all members present. Warden Mennill in the Chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT the minutes of the meeting held on July 26, 2011 be adopted. Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT we do now move into the Committee Of The Whole Council. Carried. REPORTS Elgin Arts Trail Progress Report Tourism Development Coordinator The coordinator presented a PowerPoint report outlining details and launch of the new arts trail. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT the report titled "Elgin Arts Trail Progress Report" dated August 30, 2011 be received and filed. Carried. Elgin Business Resource Centre 25 Anniversary Sponsorship Opportunity Business Development Coordinator The Business Development Coordinator presented the report regarding sponsorship of the Centre's anniversary. Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT Elgin County Council and Economic Development purchase a platinum sponsorship for the Elgin Business Resource Centre's 25 anniversary celebration and allocate $1,000 from Council's budget to supplement Economic Development's contribution of $1,000. Carried. Tourism Signage Grant: Farmtown Canada General Manager of Economic Development The Marketing and Communications Coordinator presented the report on the application by Farmtown Canada for tourism signage. County Council 2 September 13, 2011 Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Mc William THAT Elgin County Council approve the grant for tourism directional signage up to five signs for Farmtown Canada. Carried. Tourism Signage: Revised Policy General Manager of Economic Development The General Manager of Economic Development outlined the changes in the tourism signage policy. Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the revised Elgin County Tourism Signage Policy be endorsed by County Council. Carried. Summary of Comments from the Open Houses and Update on the Elgin County Official Plan Process Manager of Planning The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report, updating council on the process of the Official Plan. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor McIntyre THAT the report titled "Summary of Comments from the Open Houses and Update on the Elgin County Official Plan Process" dated September 6, 2011 be received and filed. Carried. Update to Highway 3 By-Pass Manager of Planning The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report regarding a traffic study of the Highway 3 by-pass. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT Elgin County Council endorse the proposal put forward by the affected municipalities and that a formal request be made of the Ontario Minister of Transportation to carry out a traffic assessment study on the portion of Highway 3 extending from Highway 4 in the west to Hacienda Road in the east as soon as possible; and, THAT such a request be made as a resolution of Council and that all affected municipalities be copied and requested to pass similar resolutions which can be submitted jointly to the Minister of Transportation for Ontario. Carried. Elgin County Council Student Day Manager of Archives The Director of Community and Cultural Services presented the report, asking council to consider participating in Student Day. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT Council host a Student Day session on November 8, 2011. Carried. County Council 3 September 13, 2011 Library Building Capacity Grant Director of Community Cultural Services The director presented the report, noting the provincial grant was in the amount of $9,188. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor McWilliam THAT Elgin County Library be authorized to expend $9,188 in one-time funds from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture by the end of February 2012 for library building capacity; and, THAT the Warden, on behalf of Council, issue a letter of appreciation to the Minister of Culture and Tourism. Carried. 2011/2012 Nursing Strategy: Late Career Initiative Director of Homes Seniors Services The director presented the report outlining the amounts of funding for the three county homes. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the report titled 2011/2012 Nursing Strategy: Late Career Initiative" dated September 6, 2011 be received and filed. Carried. Award of Tenders: Exterior Improvements King George Lift Bridge; Bridge Expansion Joints and Miscellaneous Culvert Repairs Deputy Director of Engineering Services The Director of Engineering Services presented the report, outlining tender results for projects. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor McIntyre THAT Klassen Construction be selected for exterior improvements King George Lift Bridge tender, Contract No. 6210-10-10 at a total price of $83,938.37 exclusive of HST; and, THAT Gary D. Robinson Contracting Limited be selected for the Bridge Expansion Joints and Miscellaneous Culvert Repairs tender, Contract No. 6290-10 at the total price of $375,000, inclusive of a contingency allowance in the amount of $35,000 and exclusive of HST; and, THAT if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 percent, the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contracts. Carried. Calton Line Slope Rehabilitation— Deputy Director of Engineering Services. The Director of Engineering Services presented the report outlining the rehabilitation project and tender. It was noted that Calton Line will be closed from September 26, 2011 until November 11, 2011. Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT Birnam Excavating Limited be selected for the Calton Line Slope Rehabilitation, Contract No. 6200-11-05 at a total price of $350,811.43, inclusive of a $25,000 contingency allowance, exclusive of HST; and, County Council 4 September 13, 2011 THAT staff be directed to allocate the funds for this project from efficiencies in other capital projects with the remaining allocated from the 2012 Belmont Road Resurfacing project; and, THAT if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 percent, the director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. Carried. Road Shoulder Rehabilitation and Sub Drain: Furnival Road Deputy Director of Engineering The Director of Engineering Services presented the report and the tenders. Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT Birnam Excavating Limited be selected for the road shoulder rehabilitation and subdrain (Furnival Road) tender, Contract No. 6200-11-03 at a total price of $838,004.11, inclusive of a $40,000 contingency allowance, exclusive of HST; and, THAT if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 per cent, the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. Carried. County Roads and Library Branches Bus Tour September 29-30, 2011 Deputy Director of Engineering The Director of Engineering Services presented the schedule for the bus tour for council. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor McIntyre THAT the report titled "County Roads and Library Branches Bus Tour: September 29-30, 2011" dated August 24, 2011 be received and filed. Carried. National Tree Day: September 21, 2011 Director of Engineering Services The director presented the report, outlining a 10-year tree replanting program at the county's administration building. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT the County of Elgin support National Tree Day and plant a Carolinian tree at the county's administration building; and, THAT the Warden forward a letter to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority thanking them for their support to a worthy cause. Carried. Heat, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Replacement at Terrace Lodge Director of Engineering Services The director presented the report on the tender submitted for the project. County Council 5 September 13, 2011 Moved by Councillor Couckuyt Seconded by Councillor Mc William THAT Climate Control be selected for the heat, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) replacement tender, Contract No. 4502-11-21 at a total price of $40,950, exclusive of HST; and, THAT council approves to reallocate $25,000 from Terrace Lodge efficiencies capital budget, Project: Enabling Accessibility, Contract 4502-11-30 to the HVAC replacement project, Contract No. 4502-11-21; and, THAT if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 per cent, the director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures. Carried. Council recessed at 10:00 a.m. and reconvened at 10:25 a.m. Installation of Ceramic Tile Flooring: Bobier Villa Director of Engineering Services The director presented the report on the tender submitted for the flooring project. Moved by Councillor McWilliam Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT Bernardo Group Limited be selected for the installation of ceramic tile flooring at Bobier Villa, Contract No. 5930-10-04 at a total price of $89,765.80, exclusive of HST; and, THAT Council approves to reallocate $22,000 from Terrace Lodge efficiencies capital budget, Project: Enabling Accessibility, Contract No. 4502-11-30 to the capital project of installing ceramic tile flooring, Contract No. 5930-10-04; and, THAT if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 per cent, the director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures. Carried. Quick Connect Solutions Court Services Supervisor The Director of Financial Services presented the report, outlining the benefits of using the automated calling system. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign the Quick Connect Solutions non-disclosure agreement; and, THAT management be authorized to approve the use of the Quick Connect Solutions system as a method of contacting residents and clients. Carried. Quarterly Information Report: Contract Awards, April 1, 2011 June 30, 2011 Purchasing Coordinator The Director of Financial Services presented the report, outlining purchases made from April to June, 2011. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor McWilliam THAT the report titled "Quarterly Information Report: Contract Awards, April 1, 2011 June 30, 2011" dated August 24, 2011 be received and filed. Carried. County Council 6 September 13, 2011 Budget Comparison: July 2011 Director of Financial Services The director presented the report, showing a favourable performance. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT the report titled "Budget Comparison: July 2011" dated August 23, 2011 be received and filed. CORRESPONDENCE Items for Consideration None. Carried. Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 1. Hon. John Wilkinson, Minister of the Environment, acknowledging Council's support for the Town of South Frontenac's product and packaging resolution. 2. Hon. Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, acknowledging council's concern regarding ambulance fees. 3. Ron Eddy, Mayor, County of Brant, with information regarding investment in South-Central Ontario (The Sand Plain). 4. M. Dianne Caryn, CAO/Clerk, the Town of Petrolia, with a resolution to support the Town of Goderich by donating $100.00 to assist with replacing trees that were lost in the recent tornado. 5. Dennis Travale, SCOR Chair with information regarding their decision to move forward in partnership with the Rural Secretariat of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 6. Information regarding the Counties, Region and, Single Tier Municipalities District Social Services Administration Boards 2011 Conference, October 16-18, 2011. 7. Information regarding the 2011 Ontario West Municipal Conference, November 25, 2011. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #4: Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT Elgin County Council donate $100 to the Goderich Disaster Relief Fund to help the community rebuild. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT Correspondence Items #1 3, and #5 7 be received and filed. OTHER BUSINESS Carried. Carried. Statements/Inquiries by Members Councillor Walters commented on the resurfacing of county roads and the state of catch basin gutters that provide a challenge to farmers moving equipment. Staff were directed to come back to council with a report. County Council 7 September 13, 2011 Councillor Mc William reported on the success of the Elgin County Plowing Match. Councillor Marr reported that Central Elgin was awarded a Peter L. Marshall Certificate of Merit at the recent Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference. The Director of Community and Culture Services thanked council for their support of the recent library summer reading program. Warden Mennill reported on the special event held for the Kangaroo regiment on the weekend of September 10, 2011. Notice of Motion None. Matters of Urgency None. Closed Meeting Items Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor McIntyre THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act Section 240. 2 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board Keystone Village Project (former Elgin Manor site); 240.2 (d) labour relations or employee negotiations Pay Equity Commission Notice of Decision; 240.2 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board Clinical Associates Lease; 240.2 and (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board Judgment from Court of Appeal Elgin v. Elku. Carried. The Chief Administrative Officer presented a report on the Keystone Village Project. The Director of Human Resources presented a report on the Pay Equity Commission Notice of Decision. The Director of Engineering Services presented a report on the Clinical Associates Lease. The Chief Administrative Officer presented the correspondence regarding Elgin v. Elku a tree by-law violation. Motion to Rise and Report Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor McIntyre THAT we do now rise and report. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Jenkins Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor McWilliam Carried. THAT Elgin County Council inform Inpartnr Incorporated of its decision to waive section 8.0 of the agreement and decline the option to buy back the completed project (Keystone Village). Carried. THAT the confidential report regarding pay equity commission be received and filed. Carried. County Council 8 September 13, 2011 Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign a one year lease with Clinical Associates Lease. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Marr Carried. THAT the confidential correspondence regarding Elgin v. Elku (tree by-law violation) be received and filed. Carried. Council recessed at 11:10 a.m. and reconvened at 11:30 a.m. DELEGATION Lauren Millier of Millier Dickinson Blais Inc., and Anya Codack of Yfactor, presented a Power Point on the Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the PowerPoint presentation titled "Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2014" be received and filed. REPORTS (con't) Carried. Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2014 General Manager of Economic Development The general manager presented the recommendations from the plan. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT County Council endorse the Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan; and, THAT the recommendations made that have financial and/or resource implications for the County be considered through County Council's budgetary process. Carried. Sole Sourcing: Business Retention Expansion and Employment Land Strategy General Manager of Economic Development The general manager presented the report, recommending hiring of consultants to carry out two projects outlined in the economic development plan and strategy. Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT the consulting firm Millier Dickinson Blais Inc., be retained to complete a Business Retention and Expansion Program and phase one of the Employment Land Strategy; and, THAT funds from the 2012 Economic Development budget be allocated to complete phase two of the Employment Land Strategy by Millier Dickinson Blais Inc. Carried. County Council 9 September 13, 2011 Motion to Adopt Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole Moved by Councillor Mc William Seconded by Councillor McIntyre THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole. Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT By-Law No. 11-21 "Being a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September 13, 2011 Meeting" be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor McIntyre THAT we do now adjourn at 12:10 p.m. and meet again on September 27, 2011 at the County Administration Building Council Chambers at 9:00 a.m. Chief Administrative Officer. Carried. Carried. Dave Menni I, Warden.