December 13 & 15, 2011 MinutesCOUNTY COUNCIL
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 7:00 p.m. with all
members present.
The Chief Administrative Officer called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance to
the annual Warden's election.
The Chief Administrative Officer asked that members of Council wishing to run for the Office of
Warden to please stand. Councillor Walters offered his candidacy for the position of Elgin
County Warden for 2012.
The Chief Administrative Officer explained that since the position for Warden remains
uncontested, the normal election procedures would be dispensed with, as prescribed by by-law,
and that a resolution appointing Councillor Walters to the position of Warden would be in order.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Mennill
THAT Bill Walters be appointed as Warden for Elgin County Council for the Year 2012.
- Carried Unanimously.
The Chief Administrative Officer announced that the Warden of Elgin County for 2012 is Bill
Walters, Mayor of the Municipality of Central Elgin.
Warden Walters took the Declaration of Office, administered by the Chief Administrative Officer.
The Warden left the room, was gowned, and re-entered the Council Chambers, where he was
officially presented with the Chain of Office, the Lord Elgin Watch and the Gavel of Office, by the
Immediate Past Warden Dave Mennill. Warden Walters delivered his Inaugural Address to
Council, thanked them for their support, and outlined the items of interest and importance for
consideration in 2012.
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Jenkins
THAT the appointments to Outside Boards and Committees for 2012 be confirmed as follows:
County of Elgin Economic Development & Tourism
Advisory Committee (CEEDTAC) — 2 appointees
Dispute Resolution — Warden and 2 appointees
Elgin County Museum — 1 appointee
Elgin St. Thomas Public Health — 3 appointees
Health Recruitment Partnership — 1 appointee
Councillor Couckuyt
Councillor Marr
Warden Walters
Councillor McIntyre
Councillor Mennill
Councillor Jenkins
Warden Walters
Councillor Couckuyt
Councillor Wiehle
Councillor McWilliam
County Council
Official Plan Committee — 3 appointees
Rural Initiatives — 3 appointees
2 December 13 & 15, 2011
South Central Ontario Region (SCOR) — 2 appointees
Social/Entertainment —2 appointees
St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital — 1 appointee
St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre — 1 appointee
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital — 1 appointee
Waste Management/Liaison
Councillor Marr
Councillor Mennill
Councillor Wiehle
Councillor McIntyre
Councillor McWilliam
Councillor Mennill
Councillor Couckuyt
Councillor Ens
Councillor Marr
Councillor McWilliam
Tom Marks (Citizen Appointee)
Councillor Jenkins
Councillor Ens
Committee of the Whole Council
THAT Councillor Dave Marr be re-appointed as the Council appointee to the Joint Elgin/Central
Elgin Accessibility Advisory Committee.
- Carried.
Item for Consideration
1. Melanie Knapp, Administrative Clerk, Municipality of the City of St. Thomas, informing
council that Mayor Heather Jackson-Chapman was appointed to the Green Lane Community
Trust Fund for 2012.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #1:
Moved by Councillor Wiehle
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT Elgin County Council concur with the appointment to the Green Lane Community Trust
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT we now do recess at 7:15 p.m. until Thursday, December 15, 2011, at 9:00 a.m.
- Carried.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Elgin County Council resumed the meeting at the Administration Building at 9:00 a.m. with
all members present except Councillor Wiehle (attending to municipal business).
Warden Walters in the Chair.
County Council 3 December 13 & 15, 2011
Moved by Councillor Mennill
Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on November 22, 2011 be adopted.
- Carried.
Warden Walters and Councillor Couckuyt declared, at the appropriate time, a conflict of interest
with regard to the Closed Meeting report concerning 99 Edward Street, St. Thomas, as it might
prejudice their position as Council appointees on the Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Board. At
the appropriate time, they vacated the Council Chambers and refrained from discussing and
voting on the item.
Dave Phillips, the County's official Town Crier, presented his annual report. Warden Walters
thanked the Town Crier for his work.
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT the report titled "Town Crier Annual Report" be received and filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT we do now move into the Committee Of The Whole Council.
- Carried.
Health Recruiter Resource Position: Activity Update — Chief Administrative Officer
The Chief Administrative Officer gave an update on the activities of the health recruiter.
Moved by Councillor Mc William
Seconded by Councillor Mennill
THAT the report titled "Health Recruiter Resource Position: Activity Update" dated December 9,
2011 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Request for Proposals for County Website — Marketing and Communications Coordinator
The coordinator presented the report, outlining the proposed recommendation to call for
Request for Proposals to update the county's website.
Moved by Councillor Couckuyt
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT County Council direct staff to call for proposals to update the County's website; and,
THAT the report titled "Request for Proposals for County Website" dated November 10, 2011 be
received and filed.
- Carried.
County Council 4 December 13 & 15, 2011
Tax Ratios — General Manager of Economic Development
The general manager presented the report, outlining various levels of property assessment.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT County Council maintain the current level of tax ratios for Commercial and Industrial
classifications; and,
THAT the report titled "Tax Ratios" dated November 28, 2011 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Utilization of Web-Based Survey Tool 'Survey Monkey' — Director of Homes & Seniors
The director presented the report, outlining the survey tool's capabilities of collecting data,
necessary for operation of the Homes.
Moved by Councillor Mennill
Seconded by Councillor Mc William
THAT the report titled "Utilization of Web-Based Survey Tool 'Survey Monkey' " dated
November 29, 2011 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Preventative Maintenance Program for Mobility Devices — Director of Homes & Seniors
The director presented the report, noting that maintenance of mobility devices is mandated by the
Province of Ontario. The director informed council that the date the agreement would be in effect
was January 1, 2012.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Jenkins
THAT Shoppers Home Health Care be selected as the current vendor to provide preventative
maintenance for wheelchairs, walkers and other related devices to the Elgin County Homes;
THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to enter into a
one-year agreement with Shoppers Home Health Care commencing January 1, 2012 to
December 31, 2012.
- Carried.
Security Camera Updates — Director of Engineering Services
The director outlined the proposal to call for security camera updates for the Homes.
Moved by Councillor Couckuyt
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT staff may award the Security Camera Upgrades, Contract No. 4502-11-28 provided that
the County's Purchasing Policy is followed, the lowest quotation is selected and that the lowest
quotation accepted is within 10 per cent budget allocation; and,
THAT staff will report the result of the award at the January 24, 2012 County Council meeting.
- Carried.
County Council 5 December 13 & 15, 2011
Plank Road Slope Stabilization — Director of Engineering Services
The director presented the report regarding the awarding of a contract for stabilization of Plank
Moved by Councillor Ens
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT Gary D. Robinson Contracting Limited be selected for the Plank Road Slope Stabilization,
Contract No. 6200-11-04 at a total price of $385,079.45 inclusive of a $35,000.00 contingency
allowance, exclusive of HST; and,
THAT if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 per
cent, the director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures; and,
THAT the funds be allocated from the 2011 Capital Budget surplus with the remainder allocated
from the 2012 Capital Program; and,
THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract.
- Carried.
Membership in Federation of Ontario Public Libraries — Director of Community & Cultural
The director presented the report regarding membership.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Mennill
THAT Elgin County Library decline membership in the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries.
- Carried.
Library Public Internet Policy & Procedure — Director of Community & Cultural Services
The director presented his update on the policy and procedure for the Elgin County Library.
Moved by Councillor Couckuyt
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT the "Public Internet Policy & Procedure" and "Code of Ethics" be adopted and previous
versions be rescinded.
- Carried.
County of Elgin and Municipal Partners Accessibility Coordinator — Director of Human
The director presented the report outlining changes by the Provincial Government's introduction
to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT partner municipalities be contacted by staff for the purpose of determining interest in
receiving from the County advisory and coordinating assistance in all matters related to
accessibility; and,
THAT upon receipt of such information, Human Resources staff report back to Council with
recommendations on how best to proceed in the matter; and,
THAT related personnel costs of approximately $70,000 be included in the 2012 budget
- Carried.
County Council 6 December 13 & 15, 2011
Laserfiche Upgrade — Manager of Information Technology
The manager presented options to Council on how to upgrade the system. There was
discussion about the cost-effectiveness of other partners coming on board to share the system.
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor Mennill
THAT MC Imaging Technologies be selected as the vendor of record to provide and support
Laserfiche RIO to the County of Elgin; and,
THAT the request for funds to purchase Laserfiche RIO be included in the 2012 budget
- Carried.
Council recessed at 10:10 a.m. and reconvened at 10:25 a.m.
Streamlining of Accounts Payable Process — Director of Financial Services
The director presented the report outlining opportunities to make the payment of invoices more
effective and efficient.
Moved by Councillor Mennill
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT the alternatives of in-house automation or outsourced processing be further investigated
with the goal of achieving savings in the Accounts Payable function; and,
THAT the associated cost savings and one-time costs be included in the 2012 budget
- Carried.
Ford Property Assessment — Director of Financial Services
The director presented an update on the efforts of Ford to have its property re-assessed
regarding taxes.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Mc William
THAT the report titled "Ford Property Assessment" dated November 29, 2011 be received and
- Carried.
Items for Consideration
1. Barbara Wilson, County Clerk, County of Huron, urging the Provincial Government to review
and include the losses sustained by woodlot owners in the applications for eligible assistance
under the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program (ODRAP).
2. Barbara Wilson, County Clerk, County of Huron, objecting to the direction from the Fire
Marshal's Office to restrict use of farm buildings for shed parties, barn parties and family
functions leaving the responsibility to the owners of such private buildings and property.
3. Bonnie O'Neill, Manager, Regional Economic Development Programs with copy of the
Southwestern Ontario Development Fund Consultation Paper.
4. Chris Ripley, Manager, Regulatory Applications Union Gas, with a copy of the Notice of
Application issued by the Ontario Energy Board.
5. Rebecca McLean, Supervisor of Planning, London District Catholic School Board,
with a notice regarding Facility Partnership Opportunity.
County Council 7 December 13 & 15, 2011
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #1:
Moved by Councillor Mennill
Seconded by Councillor Jenkins
THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin support the resolution by the County of Huron
urging the Provincial Government to review and include the losses sustained by wood lot
owners in the applications for eligible assistance under the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #2:
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Mennill
THAT Correspondence Item #2 be received and filed.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #3:
Moved by Councillor Mc William
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT Correspondence Item #3 be deferred pending a resolution from the Western Ontario
Wardens Caucus.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #4:
Moved by Councillor Mennill
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT Correspondence item #4 be received and filed.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #5:
Moved by Councillor Couckuyt
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT Elgin County Council invite the London District Catholic School Board to discuss the
policy and its implications and potential building uses.
- Carried.
Items for Information (Consent Agenda)
1. Joe Preston, MP, Elgin-Middlesex-London informing Council of Community War Memorial
Program, application deadline January 4, 2012.
2. Laurie Collins, Administrative Assistant, with a resolution regarding the Ford Closure Impact
3. Duncan Jewell, Chairperson, Goderich and Area Disaster Relief Committee thanking Council
for financial support.
4. Ted McMeekin, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs thanking Council for concerns
about property tax classification.
County Council 8 December 13 & 15, 2011
5. Invitation to participate in Pre-Budget Consultation with MP Joe Preston and special guest
MPP Jeff Yurek on Thursday, January 5, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.
6. Invitation to Four Counties Health Services Foundation Open House Information Session on
January 11, 2012 or February 8, 2012 from 5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Jenkins
THAT Correspondence Items #1 - 6 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Statements/Inquiries by Members
Councillor McIntyre reported there was an open house today at the CASO Station for MPP Jeff
Yurek's office.
The Director of Engineering Services provided an update on repairs to an area on Glen Erie
Line. The director will report back to council on the project.
Councillor Jenkins said he has had concerns expressed about the use of heavy trucks on Avon
Line. The Director of Engineering Services will check into the matter.
Notice of Motion — None.
Matters of Urgency — None.
Closed Meeting Items
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Mc William
THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act
Section 240.2 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board — 99 Edward
Street; and, Section 240.2 (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including
municipal or local board employees — Confidential POA Law Enforcement Matter — Update.
- Carried.
The POA Supervisor presented the confidential POA Law Enforcement Matter update.
Warden Walters and Councillor Couckuyt vacated the Council Chambers at 11:08 a.m., during
the discussion of 99 Edward Street.
Councillor Marr took the Chair as Deputy Warden.
The Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Financial Services presented an update on
99 Edward Street regarding the lease.
Motion to Rise and Report
Moved by Councillor Mennill
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT we do now rise and report.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT the letter accepting the terms and conditions of the Board of Health's one year lease
extension (to December 31, 2013) at 99 Edward Street be received and filed.
- Carried.
County Council 9 December 13 & 15, 2011
Warden Walters and Councillor Couckuyt took their seats in Council Chambers.
Closed Meeting Item (continued)
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT we do now enter into closed session in accordance with the Municipal Act Section 240.2
(e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the
municipality or local board — Update of Ford Motor Company Tax Assessment Considerations.
- Carried.
Carla Nell and Paul Yeoman of MTE Consultants Inc. presented a Power Point update on the
assessment and appeal history situation with the Ford Motor Company.
Motion to Rise and Report
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT we do now rise and report.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded Councillor Ens
THAT the confidential POA Law Enforcement matter be received and filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT The confidential Ford Assessment Appeal information provided by MTE Consultants Inc.
on December 15, 2011 be received and filed; and,
THAT MTE Consultants Inc. be requested to prepare a strategy/work plan and cost estimates
for the consideration of councils in time for their January meetings.
- Carried.
Elgin County retirees Marg Ashton and Dave McDonald were presented with certificates and
thanked for their dedication by the Warden.
Motion to Adopt Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Jenkins
THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
County Council 10 December 13 & 15, 2011
Moved by Councillor Mennill
Seconded by Councillor Mc William
THAT By-Law No. 11-28 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow
Up to the Sum of Fifteen Million Dollars" be read a first, second and third time and finally
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Couckuyt
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT By-Law No. 11-29 "Being a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of
the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December 13 and 15, 2011 Meeting" be read a
first, second and third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT we do now adjourn at 12:05 p.m. and meet again on January 10, 2012 at the County
Administration Building Council Chambers at 10:00 a.m.
- Carried.
Following adjournment, Council recognized the following recipients with a luncheon and Long
Service Awards, as presented by Warden Walters and Past Warden Dave Mennill:
BOBIER VILLA Heather McDowell 10 years
Bev Drouillard 15 years
Sharon Gordon 15 years
Stephanie Rieger 15 years
Deb Petrushevsky 20 years
Dianne Uitvlugt 20 years
Nancy Hunter 30 years
COMMUNITY Brian Masschaele 10 years
AND CULTURAL Magdalena Van Zyl 10 years
SERVICES Bonnie Barons 25 years
Shelley Fleming 25 years
Maria McLellan 25 years
Sharon Podeszwa 25 years
Janice Guindon
Kelley Johnson
Joyce Lockyer
Pat Vowel
Sharon Wilson
Carol Adams
Carol Boyle
Dorothy Fife
Douglas Pearce
Melinda Deziel
Servat Sobhani
Helena Kyle
Rhonda Rieger
10 years
10 years
10 years
10 years
10 years
20 years
20 years
20 years
20 years
25 years
25 years
30 years
30 years
County Council
Julie Bohm
Jessica Dance
Helena Hamm
Leanne Pearson
Angie Vanderwyst
Kelly Wright
Tina Back
Jennifer Groot-Zevert
Sandra Grylicki
Carletta Slaght
Loree Vandemaele
Ernie Schned
December 13 & 15, 2011
10 years
10 years
10 years
10 years
10 years
10 years
15 years
15 years
15 years
20 years
25 years
30 years
20 years
Sonia Beavers 30 years
Chief Administrative Officer.
Bill Walters,