March 8, 2011 MinutesCOUNTY COUNCIL Tuesday, March 8, 2011 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, at 9:00 a.m. with all members present except Councillor Walters (vacation). Warden Mennill in the Chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the minutes of the meeting held February 15, 2011 be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF — None. DELEGATION Liz Brown, Executive Director and Cam Watts, Board Member, Violence Against Women, Services Elgin County, gave a presentation to council on the services offered by the agency and requested a letter of support be sent to the Provincial Government, supporting the agency's services. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT the presentation on Violence Against Women Services, Elgin County, be received and filed; and, THAT Elgin County Council encourage and support the Board of this agency in its efforts to develop a new emergency shelter to serve Elgin and St. Thomas; and, THAT a letter of support be forwarded to the Provincial Government. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Wiehle Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council. - Carried. REPORTS Investing in Economic Development and Tourism - General Manager of Economic Development The manager presented a report outlining recommendations to support and enhance the county's tourism program. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor McWilliam THAT County Council support the enhanced tourism program; and, THAT given the partnership between the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin, St. Thomas City Council be approached to contribute the full 40 per cent of the tourism program costs and the 10 per cent overhead costs for a total of approximately $118,060; and, County Council 2 March 8, 2011 THAT an alternative funding arrangement and service level for tourism be extended to the City of St. Thomas at the same amount as last year, including a two per cent inflationary increase, plus the 10 per cent overhead costs for a total of $99,700; and, THAT the economic development and tourism budgets incorporate the hiring of a marketing assistant, for consideration in the County's budget deliberations; and, THAT the revised terms of reference for the County of Elgin Economic Development Tourism Advisory Committee be approved with a member of County Council being appointed to the tourism advisory subcommittee. - Carried. 10 Year Capital Plan: Library Materials — Library Coordinator The Library Coordinator presented the report outlining the department's proposal to increase the library materials budget. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT recommendations in the report "10 Year Capital Plan: Library Materials" dated March 1, 2011 be referred to the 2011 capital budget review and 10 year capital plan. - Carried. Land Records Transfer of Funds — Manager of Archives The Manager of Archives presented a report outlining the partnership between the County and the Elgin St. Thomas Archives Association regarding land registry office documents. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT the Elgin County Archives be authorized to accept approximately $20,000 in GIC format from the Elgin St. Thomas Archives Association for the purposes of preserving and providing access to land registry office documents; and, THAT the GIC ownership be transferred to the county; and, THAT the County Solicitor be directed to prepare the necessary agreement. - Carried. Library 75th Anniversary Update — Director of Community and Cultural Services The director presented a report outlining plans for the 75th anniversary of Elgin County Library in 2011. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Mc William THAT the report titled "Library 75th Anniversary Update" dated February 17, 2011 be received and filed. - Carried. Cold-In Place Recycled Expanded Asphalt Mixes (CIREAM) — Deputy Director of Engineering Services The deputy director presented a report on the tender results for the CIREAM. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT Roto-Mill Inc. be selected for the Cold-In Place Recycled Expanded Asphalt Material (CIREAM) Contract No. 6200-11 at a total price of $731,050, inclusive of a $25,000 contingency allowance, exclusive of HST; and, County Council 3 March 8, 2011 THAT if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 per cent, the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures; and, THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract. - Carried. Motor Vehicle Collision Review on County of Elgin Roads: 2010 — Director of Engineering Services The director presented a report informing Council on statistics of collisions. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT the report titled "Motor Vehicle Collision Review on County of Elgin Roads: 2010" dated February 11, 2011, be forwarded to the Elgin County OPP and Aylmer Police Services Boards for their information; and, THAT letters from the County be forwarded to the Elgin County OPP Police Group Services Board and Aylmer Police Services Board thanking them for their support in providing motor vehicle collision information to the County. - Carried. Off-Load Delay: February 14, 2011 - Director of Engineering Services The report outlined a recent occurrence in the delay of Emergency Medical Services delivery. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Mc William THAT the report titled "Off-Load Delay: February 14, 2011" dated February 15, 2011 be received and filed. - Carried. Quarterly Information Report : Contract Awards — Purchasing Coordinator The purchasing coordinator presented a report outlining the contracts awarded from October 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 and direct negotiation and expenditures from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the "Quarterly Information Report: Contract Awards" dated February 1, 2011 be received and filed. - Carried. Council recessed at 10:00 a.m. and reconvened at 10:10 a.m. Preliminary Budget Comparison: 2010 Full Year — Director of Financial Services The director presented a report showing preliminary information in preparation for the 2011 budget. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor McIntyre THAT the report titled "Preliminary Budget Comparison: 2010 Full Year" dated February 22, 2011 be received and filed. - Carried. County Council 4 March 8, 2011 Ten Year Capital Plan and 2011 Capital Budget — Director of Financial Services The director presented a report outlining the capital budget, requesting new capital projects of $8,492,313 in 2011. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the report titled "Ten Year Capital Plan and 2011 Capital Plan" dated February 22, 2011, be received and filed; and, THAT the 2011 Capital Budget be deferred for final approval concurrent with the 2011 Operating Budget. - Carried. Ten Year Business Plan Balance Sheet and 2011 Reserves Budget — Director of Financial Services The director presented a report outlining the reserves budget and balance sheet for consideration in budget deliberations. Moved by Councillor Couckuyt Seconded by Councillor Mc William THAT the report titled "Ten Year Business Plan Balance Sheet and 2011 Reserves Budget" dated February 22, 2011 be received and filed; and, THAT the 2011 Reserve Budget be deferred for final approval concurrent with the 2011 Operating Budget. - Carried. 2011 Request for Grants The director presented the report outlining requests for funding from community groups in the amount of $55,376. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT the report titled "2011 Request for Grants" dated February 16, 2011 be received and filed; and, THAT the grants be included as recommended by Council into the draft 2011 Operating Budget. - Carried. Property Assessment Appeals — Director of Financial Services The director presented a report with a letter from the Town of Aylmer, on participation of the County in property assessment appeals with partner municipalities. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT the County Treasurer be authorized to approve requests from the municipalities for 50 per cent funding of property assessment appeals. - Carried. CORRESPONDENCE Items for Consideration 1. Joe Richards, Executive Director, Pearce Williams United Church Christian Centre, submitting Elgin County tourism directional signage grant application. County Council 5 March 8, 2011 The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #1: Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Mc William THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin approve the application for tourism directional signage for Pearce Williams United Church Christian Centre. - Carried. Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 1. Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London with copy of correspondence to Hon. Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario and Hon. Sandra Pupate llo, Minister of Economic Development & Trade, concerning the future of the St. Thomas Ford Assembly Plant. 2. Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London with a copy of correspondence to various Ministers, requesting funding for the Ojibwa Project. 3. Toby Barrett, M.P.P. Haldimand-Norfolk expressing support for Project Ojibwa. 4. Norma Bryant, Clerk, The Municipality of West Elgin and Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk, The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin, with resolutions of support for the Capital Redevelopment proposal for St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital. 5. Kevin Bain, Regional Clerk, Niagara Region, with a response and resolution regarding the Town of Fort Erie's Request to Petition the Minister of Natural Resources to Improve the Delivery of Land Conservation Services in Ontario. 6. Major Gord Mathers with an invitation to attend the 2011 St. George's Day Mess Dinner on Saturday, April 23, 2011. RSVP by April 4, 2011. 7. Mayor Heather-Jackson-Chapman, Mayor of the City of St. Thomas, announcing hiring of Barbara Arbuckle to the position of Director of Ontario Works & Social Housing. 8. Salpie Stepanian, Assistant to the Prime Minister, thanking the County of Elgin for correspondence regarding the long-form census. 9. Cynthia St. John, Executive Director, Elgin St. Thomas Public Health announcing formation of new Healthy Communities Partnership. 10. Brad Sinclair, Executive Director, HealthForceOntario Marketing and Recruitment Agency, offering recruitment program to attract health-care professionals. The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Items #1-10: Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT Correspondence Items #1 - 10 be received and filed. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS Statements/Inguiries by Members — None. Notice of Motion — None. Matters of Urgency — None. County Council Closed Meeting Items Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Ens 6 March 8, 2011 THAT we now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act to discuss matters under Section 240.2 (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board: Elgin ats HIRA, Settlement Reached; Section 240.2 (d) labour relations or employee negotiations — 2011 Non-Union Compensation; and, Section 240.2 (f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose — Pharmaceutical Tender Award Negotiations (County Solicitor is scheduled to appear at 1:00 p.m. as a delegation). - Carried. The Chief Administrative Officer presented his report on the settlement reached with HIRA. The Director of Human Resources presented his report on the 2011 Non Union Compensation. The Chief Administrative Officer presented background on the Pharmaceutical Tender Award Negotiations. Motion to Rise and Report Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. DELEGATIONS Paul Collins, with Allan Weatherall and Paul Bode of the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Foundation in attendance, made a presentation outlining the Foundation's 10-year capital campaign. He also thanked the county for its continued support. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Ens THAT the presentation on the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Foundation be received and filed. - Carried. Mike McAulay, Manager, with Paul Campbell, Director of Valuation and Customer Relations for Business Properties, MPAC, presented background on the Ford property assessment decrease adjustment and responded to questions. They agreed to keep interested parties informed of the process. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Wiehle THAT the presentation on the Ford property assessment be received and filed. - Carried. Carla Neil, with Paul Yeoman, Property Assessment Consultants, MTE Paralegal Professional Corporation, in attendance, gave a Power Point presentation on the Ford property assessment and the appeal process regarding assessments. County Council 7 March 8, 2011 Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor McIntyre THAT the Power Point presentation on the Ford property assessment appeal process be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Jenkins THAT the confidential report and the recommendations contained therein be approved; and, THAT Council approves that the proposal for pharmacy services for Terrace Lodge and Bobier Villa be reissued with a contract end date of April 3, 2016 with the terms consistent with the original Request for Proposal; and, THAT Council authorize staff to extend the current contract with Hill's Pharmacy and Highland Pharmacy from April 1, 2011 to June 6, 2011. - Carried. Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the Minutes of Settlement with HIRA Limited and the actions contained therein be approved for implementation. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor McWilliam THAT Council approve a non-union staff economic adjustment of 2.25 per cent, effective on the first pay period of 2011; and, THAT the necessary by-law be prepared; and, THAT Human Resources staff be directed to issue a RFP for a compensation review in 2012 of Council, outside boards, and non union staff to ensure the County of Elgin remains competitive and avoids potential spikes/gaps in compensation practices; and further, THAT this review be included in 2012 budget and that recommended compensation awards, if any, arising from said review, be implemented in 2013. - Carried. Motion to Adopt Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor McIntyre Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT By-Law No.11-06 "Being a By-Law to Regulate the Proceedings in the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and Committees Thereof, and to Repeal By-Laws No. 02-37, 03-33 and 07-36" be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. County Council Moved by Councillor Ens Seconded by Councillor Wiehle 8 March 8, 2011 THAT By-Law No. 11-07 "Being a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 8, 2011 Meeting" be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - Carried. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Jenkins Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt THAT we do now adjourn at 12:20 p.m. to meet again on March 22, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. - Carried. / ,_.> A --/ Mark G. McDonabir'' Chief Administrative Officer. Dave IVIennill, Warden.