March 22, 2011 Agenda Package ORDERS OF THE DAY
FOR TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2011 – 9:00 A.M.
1st Meeting Called to Order
2 Adoption of Minutes – March 8, 2011
3 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof
4thPresenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations
9:00 a.m.
Judith Wiley, Executive Director, Central Community Health
9:15 a.m.
John Klunder, Program Coordinator, Sand Plains Community
Development Fund
9:30 a.m.
Overview of Community and Cultural Services – PowerPoint
10:30 a.m.Break
– Municipal Administrators & Heads of Council to sign
Mutual Assistance Agreement
11:30 a.m.
Elizabeth VanHooren, General Manager/Secretary Treasurer,
Kettle Creek Conservation Authority and Jeff Lawrence, Tree
Commissioner and Weed Inspector
11:45 a.m.
Dedication Ceremony – Restored Hand Plough
5th Motion to Move Into “Committee Of The Whole Council”
6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff
(see separate addendum)
7th 2011 Composite Budget
8th Council Correspondence
1) Items for Consideration
2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda)
1) Statements/Inquiries by Members
2) Notice of Motion
3) Matters of Urgency
10th Closed Meeting Items
11th Recess
12th Motion to Rise and Report
13th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole
14th Consideration of By-Laws
April 12, 2011 9:00 a.m. – County Council Meeting
April 26, 2011 9:00 a.m. – County Council Meeting
April 27, 2011 Elgin County Library 75 Anniversary - Open House 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
- Ceremony 3:00 p.m.
August 21-24, 2011 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Conference
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive,
St. Thomas, at 9:00 a.m. with all members present except Councillor Walters (vacation).
Warden Mennill in the Chair.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT the minutes of the meeting held February 15, 2011 be adopted.
- Carried.
Liz Brown, Executive Director and Cam Watts, Board Member, Violence Against Women,
Services Elgin County, gave a presentation to council on the services offered by the
agency and requested a letter of support be sent to the Provincial Government, supporting
the agency’s services.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt
THAT the presentation on Violence Against Women Services, Elgin County, be received
and filed; and,
THAT Elgin County Council encourage and support the Board of this agency in its efforts
to develop a new emergency shelter to serve Elgin and St. Thomas; and,
THAT a letter of support be forwarded to the Provincial Government.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Wiehle
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council.
- Carried.
Investing in Economic Development and Tourism - General Manager of Economic
The manager presented a report outlining recommendations to support and enhance the
county’s tourism program.
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT County Council support the enhanced tourism program; and,
THAT given the partnership between the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin, St.
Thomas City Council be approached to contribute the full 40 per cent of the tourism program
costs and the 10 per cent overhead costs for a total of approximately $118,060; and,
THAT an alternative funding arrangement and service level for tourism be extended to the City
of St. Thomas at the same amount as last year, including a two per cent inflationary increase,
plus the 10 per cent overhead costs for a total of $99,700; and,
THAT the economic development and tourism budgets incorporate the hiring of a marketing
assistant, for consideration in the County’s budget deliberations; and,
THAT the revised terms of reference for the County of Elgin Economic Development Tourism
Advisory Committee be approved with a member of County Council being appointed to the
tourism advisory subcommittee.
- Carried.
10 Year Capital Plan: Library Materials – Library Coordinator
The Library Coordinator presented the report outlining the department’s proposal to increase
the library materials budget.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt
THAT recommendations in the report “10 Year Capital Plan: Library Materials” dated
March 1, 2011 be referred to the 2011 capital budget review and 10 year capital plan.
- Carried.
Land Records Transfer of Funds – Manager of Archives
The Manager of Archives presented a report outlining the partnership between the County
and the Elgin St. Thomas Archives Association regarding land registry office documents.
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor Wiehle
THAT the Elgin County Archives be authorized to accept approximately $20,000 in GIC
format from the Elgin St. Thomas Archives Association for the purposes of preserving and
providing access to land registry office documents; and,
THAT the GIC ownership be transferred to the county; and,
THAT the County Solicitor be directed to prepare the necessary agreement.
- Carried.
Library 75 Anniversary Update – Director of Community and Cultural Services
The director presented a report outlining plans for the 75 anniversary of Elgin County
Library in 2011.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT the report titled “Library 75 Anniversary Update” dated February 17, 2011 be
received and filed.
- Carried.
Cold-In Place Recycled Expanded Asphalt Mixes (CIREAM) – Deputy Director of
Engineering Services
The deputy director presented a report on the tender results for the CIREAM.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Wiehle
THAT Roto-Mill Inc. be selected for the Cold-In Place Recycled Expanded Asphalt Material
(CIREAM) Contract No. 6200-11 at a total price of $731,050, inclusive of a $25,000
contingency allowance, exclusive of HST; and,
THAT if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10
per cent, the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures;
THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract.
- Carried.
Motor Vehicle Collision Review on County of Elgin Roads: 2010 – Director of
Engineering Services
The director presented a report informing Council on statistics of collisions.
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Wiehle
THAT the report titled “Motor Vehicle Collision Review on County of Elgin Roads: 2010”
dated February 11, 2011, be forwarded to the Elgin County OPP and Aylmer Police Services
Boards for their information; and,
THAT letters from the County be forwarded to the Elgin County OPP Police Group Services
Board and Aylmer Police Services Board thanking them for their support in providing motor
vehicle collision information to the County.
- Carried.
Off-Load Delay: February 14, 2011 - Director of Engineering Services
The report outlined a recent occurrence in the delay of Emergency Medical Services
Moved by Councillor Ens
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT the report titled “Off-Load Delay: February 14, 2011” dated February 15, 2011 be
received and filed.
- Carried.
Quarterly Information Report : Contract Awards – Purchasing Coordinator
The purchasing coordinator presented a report outlining the contracts awarded from
October 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 and direct negotiation and expenditures from
January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT the “Quarterly Information Report: Contract Awards” dated February 1, 2011 be
received and filed.
- Carried.
Council recessed at 10:00 a.m. and reconvened at 10:10 a.m.
Preliminary Budget Comparison: 2010 Full Year – Director of Financial Services
The director presented a report showing preliminary information in preparation for the 2011
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT the report titled “Preliminary Budget Comparison: 2010 Full Year” dated February
22, 2011 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Ten Year Capital Plan and 2011 Capital Budget – Director of Financial Services
The director presented a report outlining the capital budget, requesting new capital
projects of $8,492,313 in 2011.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT the report titled “Ten Year Capital Plan and 2011 Capital Plan” dated February 22,
2011, be received and filed; and,
THAT the 2011 Capital Budget be deferred for final approval concurrent with the 2011
Operating Budget.
- Carried.
Ten Year Business Plan Balance Sheet and 2011 Reserves Budget – Director of
Financial Services
The director presented a report outlining the reserves budget and balance sheet for
consideration in budget deliberations.
Moved by Councillor Couckuyt
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT the report titled “Ten Year Business Plan Balance Sheet and 2011 Reserves
Budget” dated February 22, 2011 be received and filed; and,
THAT the 2011 Reserve Budget be deferred for final approval concurrent with the 2011
Operating Budget.
- Carried.
2011 Request for Grants
The director presented the report outlining requests for funding from community groups in
the amount of $55,376.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Wiehle
THAT the report titled “2011 Request for Grants” dated February 16, 2011 be received and
filed; and,
THAT the grants be included as recommended by Council into the draft 2011 Operating
- Carried.
Property Assessment Appeals – Director of Financial Services
The director presented a report with a letter from the Town of Aylmer, on participation of
the County in property assessment appeals with partner municipalities.
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt
THAT the County Treasurer be authorized to approve requests from the municipalities for
50 per cent funding of property assessment appeals.
- Carried.
Items for Consideration
1. Joe Richards, Executive Director, Pearce Williams United Church Christian Centre,
submitting Elgin County tourism directional signage grant application.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #1:
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin approve the application for tourism directional
signage for Pearce Williams United Church Christian Centre.
- Carried.
Items for Information (Consent Agenda)
1. Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London with copy of correspondence to Hon.
Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario and Hon. Sandra Pupatello, Minister of Economic
Development & Trade, concerning the future of the St. Thomas Ford Assembly Plant.
2. Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London with a copy of correspondence to various
Ministers, requesting funding for the Ojibwa Project.
3. Toby Barrett, M.P.P. Haldimand-Norfolk expressing support for Project Ojibwa.
4. Norma Bryant, Clerk, The Municipality of West Elgin and Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk,
The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin, with resolutions of support for the
Capital Redevelopment proposal for St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital.
5. Kevin Bain, Regional Clerk, Niagara Region, with a response and resolution regarding
the Town of Fort Erie’s Request to Petition the Minister of Natural Resources to
Improve the Delivery of Land Conservation Services in Ontario.
6. Major Gord Mathers with an invitation to attend the 2011 St. George’s Day Mess
Dinner on Saturday, April 23, 2011. RSVP by April 4, 2011.
7. Mayor Heather-Jackson-Chapman, Mayor of the City of St. Thomas, announcing hiring
of Barbara Arbuckle to the position of Director of Ontario Works & Social Housing.
8. Salpie Stepanian, Assistant to the Prime Minister, thanking the County of Elgin for
correspondence regarding the long-form census.
9. Cynthia St. John, Executive Director, Elgin St. Thomas Public Health announcing
formation of new Healthy Communities Partnership.
10. Brad Sinclair, Executive Director, HealthForceOntario Marketing and Recruitment
Agency, offering recruitment program to attract health-care professionals.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Items #1-10:
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT Correspondence Items #1 - 10 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Statements/Inquiries by Members
– None.
Notice of Motion
– None.
Matters of Urgency
– None.
Closed Meeting Items
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT we do now enter into a closed session under the Municipal Act, Section 240.2 (e)
litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting
the municipality or local board: Elgin ats HIRA, Settlement Reached; Section 240.2 (d)
labour relations or employee negotiations – 2011 Non-Union Compensation; and, Section
240.2 (f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications
necessary for that purpose – Pharmaceutical Tender Award Negotiations (County Solicitor
is scheduled to appear at 1:00 p.m. as a delegation).
- Carried.
The Chief Administrative Officer presented his report on the settlement reached with HIRA.
The Director of Human Resources presented his report on the 2011 Non Union
The Chief Administrative Officer presented background on the Pharmaceutical Tender
Award Negotiations.
Motion to Rise and Report
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Wiehle
THAT we do now rise and report.
- Carried.
Paul Collins, with Allan Weatherall and Paul Bode of the St. Thomas Elgin General
Hospital Foundation in attendance, made a presentation outlining the Foundation’s 10-year
capital campaign. He also thanked the county for its continued support.
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT the presentation on the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Foundation be received
and filed.
- Carried.
Mike McAulay, Manager, with Paul Campbell, Director of Valuation and Customer
Relations for Business Properties, MPAC, presented background on the Ford property
assessment decrease adjustment and responded to questions. They agreed to keep
interested parties informed of the process.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Wiehle
THAT the presentation on the Ford property assessment be received and filed.
- Carried.
Carla Neil, with Paul Yeoman, Property Assessment Consultants, MTE Paralegal
Professional Corporation, in attendance, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Ford
property assessment and the appeal process regarding assessments.
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT the PowerPoint presentation on the Ford property assessment appeal process be
received and filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Ens
Seconded by Councillor Jenkins
THAT the confidential report and the recommendations contained therein be approved; and,
THAT Council approves that the proposal for pharmacy services for Terrace Lodge and
Bobier Villa be reissued with a contract end date of April 3, 2016 with the terms consistent
with the original Request for Proposal; and,
THAT Council authorize staff to extend the current contract with Hill’s Pharmacy and
Highland Pharmacy from April 1, 2011 to June 6, 2011.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT the Minutes of Settlement with HIRA Limited and the actions contained therein be
approved for implementation.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT Council approve a non-union staff economic adjustment of 2.25 per cent, effective
on the first pay period of 2011; and,
THAT the necessary by-law be prepared; and,
THAT Human Resources staff be directed to issue a RFP for a compensation review in
2012 of Council, outside boards, and non union staff to ensure the County of Elgin remains
competitive and avoids potential spikes/gaps in compensation practices; and further,
THAT this review be included in 2012 budget and that recommended compensation
awards, if any, arising from said review, be implemented in 2013.
- Carried.
Motion to Adopt Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole
Moved by Councillor Ens
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT By-Law No.11-06 “Being a By-Law to Regulate the Proceedings in the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and Committees Thereof, and to Repeal
By-Laws No. 02-37, 03-33 and 07-36” be read a first, second and third time and finally
- Carried.
County Council 8 March 8, 2011
Moved by Councillor Ens
Seconded by Councillor Wiehle
THAT By-Law No. 11-07 “Being a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council
of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 8, 2011 Meeting” be read a first,
second and third time and finally passed.
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt
THAT we do now adjourn at 12:20 p.m. to meet again on March 22, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.
- Carried.
Mark G. McDonald, Dave Mennill,
Chief Administrative Officer. Warden.
March 22, 2011
Staff Reports – (ATTACHED)
Curator, Elgin County Museum – Museum Advisory Committee 2011 Appointees
Co-Secretary, Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee – County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint
Accessibility Advisory Committee
(JAAC) Appointments
General Manager of Economic Development – SCOR Report
Director of Engineering Services – Ambulance Replacement
Director of Engineering Services – Intravenous Training for Paramedics
Directors of Senior Services – Ministry of Health & Long Term Care Funding Announcements
for Resident Safety
Director of Financial Services – Karen Street Pumping Station
Director of Financial Services – 2011 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Budget
FROM: Mike Baker, Curator, Elgin County Museum
DATE: February 25, 2011
SUBJECT: Museum Advisory Committee 2011 Appointees
This report requests that County Council confirm the 2011 appointees to the Elgin County
Museum Advisory Committee.
Elgin County Museum’s inaugural meeting for 2011 was recently held and the following
members have agreed to stand for the year based on the terms of By-Law No. 05-44 as
amended through By-Law No. 09-40:
Mr. Perry Clutterbuck, Chairman (at large member, second year of four year term)
Ms. Helen VanBrenk, Vice-Chairman (Women’s Institute member, third year of four
year term)
Ms. Marie Nancarrow, Secretary (at large member, second year of four year term)
Ms. Joan Mansell (Women’s Institute member, third year of four year term)
Ms. Leta West (County museums representative, fourth year of four year term)
Ms. Lynda Hunter (IODE representative, fourth year of four year term).
Councillor Jenkins serves as County Council’s member of the committee for 2011.
This report recommends appointments to the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee
for 2011. In future, staff recommend that an amendment be made to the by-law to only
require Council’s authorization when membership changes.
THAT 2011 membership in the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee as outlined
in the report “Museum Advisory Committee 2011 Appointees” dated February 25, 2011
be hereby adopted; and,
THAT By-Law No. 05-44 “Being a By-Law To Provide For The Operation of The Eglin
County Museum” be further amended to require Council’s approval of membership only
when the committee’s composition changes.
Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Brian Masschaele Mark G. McDonald
Director of Community and Chief Administrative Officer
Cultural Services
Mike Baker
Curator, Elgin County Museum
FROM: Cole Aicken, Co-Secretary, Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee
Dianne Wilson, Co-Secretary, Joint Accessibility Advisory
Committee (JAAC)
DATE: March 10, 2011
SUBJECT: County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory
Committee (JAAC) - Appointments
In late November 2010, staff advertised in several of the local newspapers that
serve the Elgin County area, inviting applications from citizens of the County of
Elgin to serve on the County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory
Committee (JAAC). This advertisement was also posted on the County and
Central Elgin website.
Ten (10) applications were received and it was determined that five (5)
applications were eligible as per the Terms of Reference (copy attached). All five
(5) eligible applicants were contacted to schedule interviews, four (4) applicants
accepted the invitation and one (1) applicant declined the interview and withdrew
from consideration due to health reasons.
On Tuesday, February 15, interviews were conducted by Dave Mennill,
Warden, County of Elgin, David Marr, Deputy Mayor, Municipality of Central
Elgin, with Cole Aicken and Dianne Wilson, Co-Secretaries of the Committee in
attendance for administrative support. The following individuals were
interviewed: Michael Close (Dutton), Joyce Greer (Town of Aylmer), Lynn
Demont (Port Stanley) and Jenny Phillips (Dutton).
Warden Mennill and Deputy Mayor Marr were delighted that the applicants
seeking to serve on the Committee represented different areas of the County.
Warden and Marr agree that all four (4) applicants interviewed be recommended
to County Council and Municipal Council to serve on the Committee.
On behalf of Warden Mennill and Deputy Mayor Marr, staff would respectfully
request that County Council and Central Elgin Council approve the
recommended appointments to the County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint
Accessibility Advisory Committee.
THAT County Council approve the appointment of the following individuals:
Michael Close, Lynn Demont, Joyce Greer and Jenny Phillips to serve on the
County of Elgin/Central Elgin Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC)
effective immediately for a four (4) year term subject to approval by County
All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Cole Aicken Mark G. McDonald
Co-Secretary, Joint Accessibility Chief Administrative Officer
Advisory Committee (JAAC)
Dianne Wilson
Co-Secretary, Joint Accessibility
Advisory Committee (JAAC)
FROM: Alan Smith, General Manager, Economic Development
DATE: March 7th, 2011
The County of Elgin along with the counties of Brant, Norfolk, Middlesex, and Oxford
form a municipal partnership comprising the South Central Ontario Region or SCOR. In
2008 the five counties signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Since then, each
partner has contributed $5000 every year to help fund SCOR. In 2010 SCOR became
incorporated - the SCOR Economic Development Corporation. A Board of Directors was
formed and an economic development office established. A request from SCOR has
been received by the County of Elgin, asking each partner county to contribute $5000
for the 2011 fiscal year.
As a shareholder in SCOR, the County of Elgin has supported this municipal
partnership with funds from the Economic Development budget, and continues
contributing staff time to support some of the current projects undertaken by SCOR.
Appendix one provides an overview of the Priorities for Action described in the SCOR
Strategic Management Plan:The Path Forward. As highlighted, due to the efforts of the
municipal partners, current projects like Maintaining the Competitive Edge, Supporting
Entrepreneurship, Accessing the Marketplace and Implementing a regional
communications strategy on skills and training, are progressing. A quarterly report is
also contained in appendix one highlighting SCOR activities including operational
happenings, partnership development, and status of current and future funding
In order for SCOR to continue to progress and reach its strategic objectives, continued
support from the five counties that consist of SCOR is required. Therefore, staff is
recommending that County Council support SCOR’s funding request of $5000.00 for the
2011 fiscal year, with the funds being drawn from the 2011 Economic Development
operating budget.
The SCOR EDC office has now been operating for 6 months, and progress has been
made on implementing some of the Priorities for Action as described in the SCOR
Strategic Management Plan: The Path Forward. In achieving SCOR’s goal of
diversifying and growing the regional economy, regional cooperation and coordination
has been and will continue to be critical.
THAT County Council supports SCOR’s funding request for $5000.00, for the 2011
fiscal year, with the funds being drawn from Economic Development’s 2011 operating
Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Alan Smith Mark G. McDonald
General Manager, Chief Administrative Officer
Economic Development
Appendix One
February 25, 2011
Mr. Mark McDonald, CAO
County of Elgin
450 Sunset Drive
St. Thomas, ON
N5R 5V1
Dear Mark;
Thank you for your municipality’s continued support for South Central Ontario Region (SCOR).
This municipal partnership is a strong, unified force which will provide an effective foundation
for the future of economic development in Brant, Elgin, Middlesex, Norfolk and Oxford. Our
combined efforts have advanced our current projects (Maintaining the competitive edge,
Supporting entrepreneurship, Accessing the marketplace and Implementing a regional
communications strategy on skills and training) significantly.
Our important work continues, and the municipal partners can continue to demonstrate their
commitment to the SCOR organization by providing financial contributions.
As per the direction of the SCOR Board of Directors attached is an invoice fir $5,000 for your
municipality’s 2011 contribution
Kindest regards,
Dennis Travale
Chair, South Central Ontario Region EDC
February 25, 2011
Warden Dave Mennill
87 John St. South
Aylmer ON
N5H 2C3
Dear Warden Mennill:
Report on Activities from SCOR Economic Development Corporation
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the SCOR EDC (a Corporation in which your County is a
Shareholder), I am pleased to provide you with an update on our most recent activities and
successes, and ask that you distribute this document to all elected officials and Chief
Administrative Officers.
Following the 2010 municipal elections, changes took place on our Board of Directors. We thank
all of the Counties for quickly appointing their Directors and Member Representatives (2011 list
of Directors attached). The newly constituted Board has begun its work including the
appointment of Executive Officers as follows: Dennis Travale (Norfolk), Chair; John Lessif
(Oxford), Vice-Chair; and, Jack Couckuyt (Elgin), Treasurer.
The Board also has appointed Directors from each partner County to the Sand Plains, Steering
Committee - Dennis Travale, John Lessif, Jack Couckuyt, Jim Maudsley, and David Miller.
The SCOR EDC office has now been operating for 6 months. Our General Manager and
Development Officer have been establishing our presence in the region. The SCOR web site
( is being redesigned and will soon be more dynamic and interactive. We
will host an interactive search program offering information on business support services
available across the region. A searchable database on relevant government granting programs also
will be online and supported by SCOR staff.
A personnel change has taken place. We are recruiting for a new General Manager andplan to
have this person in place by the end of April. In the interim, Lynda Newman of Clara Consulting,
who is very familiar with our operations and our strategic management plan is fulfilling these
The Board is continuing its efforts to familiarize the federal and provincial governments with
SCOR and our strategy for economic growth and diversification. We have met with the Federal
Conservative Caucus Members in Southwestern Ontario, President and Vice-President of FedDev
Ontario, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and other provincial representatives at
The SCOR Partnership is an excellent example of cooperation among municipalities. Early on,
SCOR established a strong partnership with the five CFDCs serving the region. Partnerships have
been struck with several organizations including the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers
Association and the two Local Training Boards to undertake Priority projects. We continue to
have strong community-based and region-wide participation in our activities and projects.
We are pursuing further regional cooperation with other agencies including SWEA and the new
Board of Directors of Region 1 Tourism Organization. We will shortly be asking to meet with the
Western Wardens.
Good progress is being made on implementation of several of our Priorities for Action. A
summary is attached.
You will recall that SCOR EDC received a grant from the Sand Plains Community Development
Fund. These funds are supporting our corporate operations and the implementation of priority
projects through the first quarter of 2012. We are talking to both federal and provincial
representatives about continuance of sustaining funding and will be able to report back to you on
this matter by the fall 2011. At that time, we will be preparing our 2012 budget and will wish to
speak with each County about the level of the annual Member contribution.
The invoice for the Member contribution ($5,000) for 2011 is attached.
In closing, I would like to extend a sincere thank you on behalf of SCOR for your support of the
newly formed economic development corporation. Regional cooperation and coordination has
been and will continue to be critical in achieving our goal of diversifying and growing the
regional economy.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or if you wish to have a
detailed presentation made to your Council.
Yours truly,
Dennis Travale, Chair
Board of Directors
South Central Ontario Region (SCOR) Economic Development Corporation
Mark MacDonald
Elgin County
Status Report on Priorities for Action
Implementing The Path Forward
February 2011
Implementation is progressing on several of the Priorities for Action described in the
SCOR Strategic Management Plan: The Path Forward.
Priority #1 - Maintaining the Competitive Edge
The five Counties maintain a supportive business environment in the region. With the
commitment of the SCOR Partners to a regional approach to economic development
and diversification, it is important for the partnership to ensure that the region, as a
whole, remains competitive. Both our rural and urban communities must be supported in
their efforts to improve their quality of life.
1. SCOR EDC secured funding for this project through its Sand Plains CDF grant.
2. The Project Steering Committee for this project is in place with each SCOR Partner
appointing a senior member of County Staff. The Regional Project Team is:
i. Reviewing the region’s regulatory environment including policies, programs,
taxes, fees and charges to ensure that the new directions set out in the
SCOR Strategic Management Plan are supported to the greatest extent
possible across the region. Recommendations for change will be made to the
SCOR EDC and to the SCOR Partners.
ii. Reviewing the regulatory environment created by senior levels of government
and their agencies in order to make recommendations for advocacy to
minimize barriers and support achievement of our Vision and Goals.
3. The project is on schedule with recommendations to the SCOR EDC and SCOR
Partners anticipated by May 2011.
Priority #2 - Supporting Entrepreneurship
The region is well-served by a network of agencies including CFDCs, Enterprise
Centres, municipal economic development and tourism departments, training agencies,
provincial/federal programs and staff services, private agencies and, business, tourism
and agricultural groups offering business support services.
These agencies are working together to review their services with the intent of focusing
and coordinating their services on a regional basis. A new, online service tool is being
developed that will allow service providers and business persons to gather information
on services and sources of business capital available throughout SCOR.
1. SCOR EDC secured funding for this project through the Sand Plains CDF.
2. The Project Steering Committee has been assembled from business support service
providers across the region.
3. The project is on schedule and will be completed by June 2011.
Priority #3 – Accessing Business Capital
See description for Priority #2 for current activity.
Priority #5 – Expanding Research, Development & Commercialization
Two centres of excellence can become the catalysts for regional economic growth
positioning SCOR as a leader in several economic sectors. It is proposed that the
existing Erie Innovation and Commercialization be expanded and a new centre – the
Centre of Excellence Providing Rural and Agricultural Solutions to Climate Change – be
i. Diversification of the Agriculture Sector
Increase applied research, product development and commercialization of agricultural
products, services and processes in the region.
Increase regional sales to both food and non-food markets.
Expand the function of the Erie Innovation and Commercialization Initiative, making
good use of under-utilized facilities in the region, to fill knowledge gaps, support a
dynamic interaction between researchers and producers and, accelerate
commercialization of field products including: commercialization of new agricultural
products, services and processes; commercialization of sustainable technologies and
practices; and, pursuit of non-food markets such as pharmaceutical.
ii. Centre of Excellence Providing Rural and Agricultural Solutions to Climate
Increase applied research and support for commercialization of environmental and
energy solutions – products, services and processes – in the region.
Re-purpose under-utilized facilities in the region as a centre of excellence for rural
and agricultural solutions to climate change. The concept for the centre is:
commercialization of sustainable agricultural practices; commercialization of
sustainable rural and agri-based energy production; and, demonstration of climate
change adaptations in rural communities.
1. Advocacy is underway:
The Chair, Mayor Travale met with Deputy Minister Burke in December 2010, to
discuss advancing support in research, development and commercialization.
The Chair and Dr. John Kelly, Erie Innovation and Commercialization, will be
presenting at the regional PETT (Provincial Economic Transformation Teams)
meeting in early 2011.
A meeting with Senator Finley was held on February 26, 2010 to seek advocacy
for an ongoing Federal role in R & D for the region.
An expression of interest was sent to the Ministry of Research and Innovation,
Ontario Network of Excellence Program, concerning SCOR research,
development and commercialization priorities and a meeting with staff is now
being arranged.
2. The Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association, through the Erie Innovation and
Commercialization Initiative, has carried out consultations concerning expansion of
their operations.
Priority #7 - Accessing the Marketplace
The purpose is: to increase the ability of regional producers to bring their products to the
marketplace and obtain a greater return for their products; and, to replace imports with
regional products to the greatest extent possible and promote buy local.
To achieve the above, we are studying the feasibility of options for improving the
regional food distribution system for the benefit of producers (farmers and processors) in
SCOR. Options being considered include: cooperative marketing group; clearing house
function; and, a regional food brokerage centre.
1. The Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association (OFVGA), through the Erie
Innovation and Commercialization Initiative, has agreed to be the Project Leader and
has secured project funding through Sand Plains CDF. Matching funds are being
sought through the Broader Public sector Investment Fund (Greenbelt Fund). SCOR
has entered into an agreement with OFVGA to act as Project Leader.
2. The Project Steering Committee is in place representing a broad range of food
producers, distributors and retailers.
3. The George Morris Centre is providing consulting services.
4. The project is on schedule for completion of the first phase by June 2011 and the
second phase, when funded, by December 2011.
Priority #8 - Implementing a Regional Communications Strategy on Skills &
SCOR is served by a training system that is dynamic and able to respond quickly to
changing training needs through a wide range of agencies and facilities throughout the
region. Two significant situational changes have challenged the abilities of this system:
1) the economic downturn of 2008/09; and, 2) the significant changes taking place in
provincial skills programs.
A key solution, for both workers and employers in the region, is an aggressive
communications campaign that addresses their immediate needs for information and
access to skills training and employment programs.
1. The Elgin-Middlesex-Oxford Local Training Board has agreed to be the Project
Leader and has secured project funding through MTCU. SCOR is entering into an
agreement with the Board to act as Project Leader.
2. Project start-up will be taking place in March with completion anticipated by summer
Priorities #10 & 11 - Fielding a Winning Team (Renewable Energy) & Advancing
the Rural Role in Renewable Energy
Renewable energy offers important economic benefits to both our rural and urban
communities. The benefits can be realized throughout SCOR.
We need to act immediately to demonstrate our competitiveness in biomass energy from
agricultural products. We need to show that we have a competitive team that speaks
with a single voice for agricultural producers in the region and has the ability to produce
and deliver the quantity and quality of agricultural product needed.
SCOR needs to undertake consistent and aggressive advocacy with senior levels of
government for locally-grown renewable energy solutions. While the Ontario Green
Energy Act addresses a number of our concerns (i.e., the ‘arbitrariness’ of rates paid for
power going into the grid), more is needed and now is the time to advocate for SCOR
1. SCOR Spokespersons are continuing advocacy with federal and provincial
More work is needed with regional partners to arrange funding and initiate the
communications strategy as envisaged.
Priority #12 – Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
The existing ALUS (Alternative Land Use Services) Program, operating in Norfolk
County, is the basis for a regional program. This farm based program uses biomass to
sequester carbon and reduce our footprint and provides co-benefits in nitrate
management and in reduction of farm operating costs. ALUS uses incentives to offset
the initial operating expenses associated with restoring the environmental balance on
the farm. This approach also supports source water protection. Finally, it is a start on
regional readiness for participation in any carbon credit trading program established
provincially or federally.
ALUS held a “think tank” with participants from academia, municipalities, clean water,
conservation and naturalist and concluded that province-wide action called for an ALUS
Alliance; 2) this group should undertake fund raising, develop a communications plan
and a sustainable business plan.
Work on regional demonstration projects and regiona-wide delivery is deferred to 2012.
Priority #15 Develop an Agri-Tourism Showcase
At a premier site on a 400 series highway, develop a mixed use centre accommodating
food retailing, food service, food science and culinary arts education and, a travel
information centre. This showcase could be developed in conjunction with a food
brokerage centre.
See description for Priority #7 for current activity.
FROM: Clayton Watters, Director, Engineering Services
Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Coordinator
DATE: March 8, 2011
SUBJECT: Ambulance Replacement
In accordance with the Ministry of Health ambulance vehicle replacement
schedule, staff has determined that the replacement of two vehicles would meet
the current needs of the County of Elgin.
This report is in regard to the proposed purchase of two replacement ambulance
Contained in the draft 2011 capital budget, there is an allowance for the
replacement of two ambulances. A Request for Proposal was issued and
responses were received from two suppliers for 2011 vehicles, gasoline and
diesel engines.
Also, the County will be trading in:
a) 2003 Ford E350 Gasoline with 294,000 kilometers and 7300 hours (as
of January 25, 2011)
b) 2004 Ford E350 Gasoline with 295,000 kilometers and 6300 hours (as
of January 25, 2011)
Quotations were received from Crestline Coach Limited and Tri-Star Industries
Limited. The results are below.
2011 Vehicle Chassis
Vehicle Type Supplier Quoted price
(excluding HST)
GM Gasoline (single cot) Crestline Coach Limited $103,417
GM Gasoline (dual cot) Crestline Coach Limited $103,549
Ford Gasoline (single cot Crestline Coach Limited $106,681
Ford Gasoline (dual cot) Crestline Coach Limited $106,813
GM Gasoline (single cot) Tri-Star Industries Limited $104,877
Ford Gasoline (single cot) Tri-Star Industries Limited $105,375
Crestline Coach Limited offered a trade in allowance of $4,000 for one vehicle
and $4500 for the second vehicle. The prices stated above will be reduced by the
trade-in value.
Staff recommends the purchase of two GM gasoline powered vehicles, one
vehicle single cot and one vehicle dual cot from Crestline Coach Limited. Options
such as 35PX, docking station, 6 way power seat and curb switch control will be
added at an extra cost of $8,774 per vehicle. The service provider for the County
of Elgin, Thames EMS, has also reviewed the quotes and also recommended the
purchase of two GM gasoline vehicles, one signal and one dual cot from
Crestline Coach Limited.
Contained in the draft 2011 budget, an allowance was made to replace two
ambulance vehicles. A Proposal was issued to three different manufactures and
the lowest priced vehicles that meet the needs for the County of Elgin is the 2011
GM, gasoline powered vehicle from Crestline Coach Limited.
THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to
purchase one single cot and one dual cot 2011 GM gasoline powered vehicles
from Crestline Coach Limited at their quoted price of $216,014 (inclusive of
options, 35 PX, docking station, 6 way power seat and curb switch control and
inclusive of trade in allowance listed below), which has been contained in the
draft 2011 Capital Budget, and;
THAT the County trade in the 2003 Ford E-350 with 294,000 kilometers and
7300 hours (as of January 25, 2011) to Crestline Coach Limited at their quoted
price of $4500, and;
THAT the County trade in the 2004 Ford E-350 with 295,000 kilometers and
6300 hours to Crestline Coach Limited at their quoted price of $4000.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Clayton Watters Mark G. McDonald
Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer
Sonia Beavers
Purchasing Coordinator
FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services
DATE: March 15, 2011
SUBJECT: Intravenous Training for Paramedics
Intravenous (IV) training for paramedics has been completed in the counties surrounding
Elgin for many years. Thames Emergency Medical Services has completed other
important training such as continuous positive airway pressure and the 12 lead program
that identifies issues of the heart such as pre-notification of a heart attack. IV training is
now identified as being necessary to create efficiencies in the heath care system and
reduce costs.
Therefore staff is requesting to increase the 2011 training budget, with Thames
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to permit the primary care paramedics to receive the
required IV training so that the residents of Elgin County and St. Thomas can receive
treatment that would improve their health at a critical time.
Service providers for counties surrounding the County of Elgin have completed the
intravenous training several years ago.
IV uses venipuncture techniques to establish catheter lines for IV therapies including
hydration and drug administration to name a few. The benefits to the county and city
residents are to give medication that paramedics otherwise could not administer, assist
unstable patients and create better partnerships with the emergency rooms.
The County of Elgin, through Thames EMS, is requesting a volunteer training program for
paramedics who would have an interest in investing in themselves so that they can provide
an improved service to residents. This partnership would reduce the cost for the County of
Elgin while improving services. Thames EMS has approximately 80 paramedics of which
20 have already completed the required training through other EMS agencies or through
their educational training prior to employment at Thames EMS. This would leave
approximately 60 paramedics that could sign on with the training.
In partnering with the paramedics, so that the paramedics can invest in their skills, staff is
suggesting that this training be on a volunteer basis. The paramedic would then require up
to 40 hours of baseline training so that they could proceed to the classroom for 16 hours of
training and the field for 8 hours of training. Additionally, each paramedic would be
required to complete a physical exam of 14 positive IVs. The total training is 64 hours of
which the County would compensate the paramedics 24 hours of the training or 37.5%.
A most important benefit is to reduce the door to needle time for the patients. Once the
patient is assessed by the paramedic, if required, the IV can be established immediately.
The longer the time without cathertization, the more likely the veins will collapse.
Therefore, getting the IV early will speed up the patient recovery time. If the IV was not
started, then the medical staff at the hospital would then go through the process of looking
for the vein and inserting the IV; that time is valuable. Quite simply put, giving fluids early
means increasing patient outcomes.
Another benefit is when a patient is in a cardiac arrest, the paramedic can start the IV
immediately on scene. The speed of the operations at the hospital would be improved.
The County would compensate Thames EMS for 24 hours of training for each of the
approximately 60 paramedics that have not already received the training from other
services at an estimated cost of $55,000, plus other miscellaneous costs to install the
required equipment in the ambulances and supplies of $5,000 for a total of $60,000. Of
that $60,000, the Province of Ontario assumes $30,000, the City of St. Thomas assumes
$12,000, and the County assumes $18,000.
If County Council accepts the training program, then the annual operating cost would
increase by an estimated total cost of $4,000 (400 IV uses), of which the County of Elgin
share would be $1,200.
IV training will improve the skills of the paramedics. Those skill enhancements will assist in
improving patient outcomes and allow medications to be given that otherwise would not be
THAT the report titled “Intravenous Training for Paramedics”, dated March 15, 2011, be
received and filed; and,
THAT the County of Elgin introduce, on a voluntary basis, Intravenous Training for
Paramedics and the cost of said training be approved and included in the 2011 budget.
Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Clayton Watters Mark G. McDonald
Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer
FROM: Rhonda L. Roberts
Director – Bobier Villa & Terrace Lodge
Pat Vandevenne
Director – Elgin Manor
DATE: March 11, 2011
SUBJECT: Ministry of Health & Long Term Care – Funding Announcement for Resident
On March 9, 2011, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, (MOHLTC), announced one-
time funding for long-term care homes for the fiscal year 2010/2011. The funding is to assist
long term care homes in improving resident safety.
The MOHLTC is providing funding to purchase specific items to assist in improving resident
safety related to falls and continue to promote fall prevention. According to the Ontario
Health Quality Council, 13% of long-stay long-term care home resident have had a fall within
the last month. Eligible equipment & supplies include but are not limited to: lifts, bed alarms,
specialty mattresses, hip protectors, bed rail bumpers, floor mats, etc. Funding amounts per
home are as follows:
Bobier Villa - $15,000
Elgin Manor - $21,022
Terrace Lodge - $23,252
To be eligible for this funding, the Homes must purchase and receive all goods and services
between the date of the announcement and March 31, 2011. Any unspent funds will be
recovered. The Purchasing Coordinator is assisting the Homes in expediting equipment
purchases to meet the deadline of March 31, 2011.
THAT, the report titled “Ministry of Health & Long Term Care Funding Announcement for
Resident Safety” dated March 11, 2011 be received and filed.
Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Rhonda L. Roberts Mark G. McDonald
Director – BV & TL Chief Administrative Officer
Pat Vandevenne
Director - EM
FROM: Jim Bundschuh - Director of Financial Services
DATE: March 9th, 2010
SUBJECT: Karen Street Pumping Station
Council approved $1.4 million expenditure on the Karen Street Pumping Station on
October 27, 2010. The Pumping Station will provide sewage transfer capability for the
County’s Administration Building. This capability is currently being provided by a facility
owned by the St. Joseph’s Health Care Hospital, but per the agreement signed in 1985
for the purchase of the Administration Building, the County cannot continue to use the
Hospital pumping station.
Central Elgin will be managing the construction of the Pumping Station per an
agreement signed with Central Elgin on July 14, 2009. The pumping station has the
capability of handling more than just the waste from the Administration Building. In fact it
is anticipated that the new St. Joseph’s Health Care Hospital and Family & Children
Services will be connecting to this facility within the year. Potential exists in the future
that residents in the Norman Street neighbourhood would also connect as their aging
septic systems fail. Long-term, this pumping station could handle the addition of new
developments. Since the County is paying for the construction of this facility, the County
will benefit from any revenue generated from Development Charges from connections
that are made, thereby partially offsetting the cost of construction. Connections to this
facility will generate revenue for the County estimated as follows:
Connection DateRevenue to County
St. Joseph’s Health Care Hospital 2011 $33,000
Family & Children Services 2011 4,000
Norman Street Neighbourhood 2020-30 18,000
Future Developments post-2030 500,000+
The estimated cost of $1.4 million was included in the draft 2011 Capital Budget
presented to Council on March 8 based on an estimate received from Central Elgin.
Subsequently, a meeting with Central Elgin revealed that the estimated cost is now $1.8
million. The initial estimate was revised after detailed engineering estimates were
completed, including the impact of inflation.
Furthermore, during this meeting, accounting treatment of this asset was discussed. It
was determined that although the County is paying for the construction and will receive
the revenue generated by the Pumping Station, the asset needs to be on Central Elgin’s
Balance Sheet. While Central Elgin has authority to assess Development Charges, the
County does not. The asset needs to be on Central Elgin’s Balance Sheet in order to
allow for the cost of the facility to be recovered through Development Charges. Hence, it
is required that the County gift the asset to Central Elgin. Regardless, the County still
fully retains its claim to the revenue stream generated by the Pumping Station.
The draft Capital Budget presented on March 8 will need to be modified to remove the
Karen Street Pumping Station from the list of projects, and the cost for this project must
be added to the Operating Budget. This does effect the Municipal Position negatively in
the accounting sense, however, this change in accounting treatment does not effect the
financial stability of the County, as the County still benefits from the sewage handling
capability, which is required for this Building to remain in operation, and the County will
continue to be able to benefit from the Development Charges revenue.
The Agreement dated July 14, 2009 with Central Elgin must be modified accordingly,
and the accounting treatment changes are now reflected in the 2011 Budget awaiting
THAT the Warden and CAO be authorized to enter into a revised Karen Street Pumping
Station agreement consistent with the report titled “Karen Street Pumping Station” dated
March 9, 2011; and
THAT the 2011 Capital and Operating Budgets reflect the accounting treatment outlined
in the report titled “Karen Street Pumping Station” dated March 9, 2011.
Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Jim Bundschuh Mark G. McDonald
Director of Financial Services Chief Administrative Officer
Clayton Watters
Director of Engineering Services
FROM: Jim Bundschuh - Director of Financial Services
DATE: March 9th, 2010
SUBJECT: 2011 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Budget
Attached is a letter from Elgin St. Thomas Public Health informing the County
that its 2011 budget was passed at the Board at its March meeting, with the
County’s share being $902,296. Also, the County will receive its share of the
2010 surplus, likely in April, upon their approval of its audited statements.
The $902,296 County share of the 2011 budget is above the comparable 2010
budget by $44,300 or 5.2%.
The causal factors driving changes in the 2011 budget from 2010 levels are
summarized as follows:
3% increase in base budget which includes:
base budget savings of $178,469 in rent
service & repairs increase from the 2010 level of $30,000 by $178,469
to $208,469
West Nile increase of 36% to $8,185 for the County Share
42% increase for CINOT. This includes an incremental request for CINOT
funding outside of the base budget of $16,564 for the County Share. The cost
for CINOT was included entirely in the base budget last year.
Per Health Protection and Promotion Act R.S.O. 1990 section 72.1, the County
must accept the budget submitted by Elgin St. Thomas Public Health. However,
the County is entitled to an explanation of the changes, as well as answers to
any questions that Council may have, and this has been done traditionally prior
to budget approval. The Public Health CAO is unable to attend the March 22
THAT the 2011 Operating Budgets reflect the Public Health Board approved
budget amount outlined in the report titled “2011 Elgin St. Thomas Public Health
Budget” dated March 9, 2011; and
THAT Public Health CAO present the Public Health budget at the April 12
Council Meeting.
Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Jim Bundschuh Mark G. McDonald
Director of Financial Services Chief Administrative Officer
CORRESPONDENCE – March 22, 2011
Items for Information (Consent Agenda) - (ATTACHED)
1. Donna Ethier, Clerk, Township of Southwold with copy of: 1) notice of adoption of the
Official Plan for the Township of Southwold; 2) notice of passing of Township of
Southwold’s New Comprehensive Zoning By-law.
2. Hon. Tom Kontra, Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief, Ministry of Community Safety
and Correctional Services congratulating Elgin County Council and staff for completing
all of the mandatory emergency management activities required under the Emergency
Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) for 2010.
3. St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre Annual Report 2010.
4. St. Thomas City Council announcing the appointment of Mr. Wendell Graves as the
Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk for the City of St. Thomas.