November 8, 2011 Agenda PackageEl/ ginCounty
FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2011 -10:00 A.M.
1st Meeting Called to Order
2nd Adoption of Minutes — October 25, 2011
3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof
4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations
11:15 a.m. Jeff Yurek, M.P.P., Elgin- Middlesex- London
11:30 a.m. EMS presentation
5th Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council"
6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff
7th Council Correspondence
1) Items for Consideration
2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda)
1) Statements /Inquiries by Members
2) Notice of Motion
3) Matters of Urgency
9th Closed Meeting Items — Chief Administrative Officer's Annual Performance
Evaluation (see separate addendum)
Motion to Rise and Report
Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole
Consideration of By -Laws
November 22, 2011 County Council
November 26, 2011 Elgin County Christmas Party, St. Anne's Centre
December 13, 2011 Warden's Election 7:00 p.m. (Official Attire)
December 15, 2011 County Council
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:00 a.m. with all
members present.
Warden Mennill in the Chair.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Walters
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on September 27, 2011 be adopted.
- Carried.
Councillors Couckuyt, Walters and Wiehle declared, at the appropriate time, a conflict of interest
with regard to the Closed Meeting report concerning 99 Edward Street, St. Thomas, as it might
prejudice their position as Council appointees on the Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Board. At
the appropriate time, Councillors vacated the Council Chambers and refrained from discussing
and voting on the item.
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT we do now move into the Committee Of The Whole Council.
- Carried.
Hospitality Suite: ROMA /OGRA — Councillors McWilliam and McIntyre
Councillor McWilliam outlined the background on the option of hosting a hospitality suite at the
annual Rural Ontario Municipal Association /Ontario Good Roads Association Conference.
Moved by Councillor McWilliam
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT Elgin County Council discontinue hosting a hospitality suite during the annual 2012 Rural
Ontario Municipal Association /Ontario Good Roads Association Conference in Toronto: and,
THAT the report titled "Hospitality Suite at ROMA/OGRA" dated October 11, 2011 be received
and filed.
- Carried.
Local Food Awareness Program, Trillium Application — Business Development
The General Manager of Economic Development presented the report outlining a partnership
with Elgin St. Thomas Public Health to apply for funding for a local food awareness program.
It was suggested a potential partner in the program may be the Ontario Vegetable Growers'
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Walters
THAT Elgin County Council enter into a collaborative partnership for the Trillium application for
funding for the Local Food Awareness Program in partnership with Elgin St. Thomas Public
- Carried.
Appointment of Closed Meeting Investigator for the County of Elgin and Constituent
Municipalities — Chief Administrative Officer
The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report outlining the recommendation that local
administrators approve the re- appointment of the closed meeting investigator.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Jenkins
THAT Mr. John Maddox (JGM Consulting) be re- appointed as Closed Meeting Investigator for
the County of Elgin for a four -year term ending on December 31, 2015: and,
THAT Elgin County agrees to pay Mr. Maddox's retainer fee for Elgin County and its seven
constituent municipalities ($3,100): and,
THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign the
necessary documents and agreements: and further,
THAT the necessary by -law and agreement be prepared.
- Carried.
Establishing an Elgin County Planning Office — Manager of Planning
The manager presented the report on proposed options regarding the establishment of a
planning office.
Moved by Councillor Walters
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT the report on "Establishing an Elgin County Planning Office" dated October 7, 2011,
be deferred until Council has had the opportunity to review the draft county Official Plan.
- Carried.
Elgin County Council Student Day — Manager of Archives
The Director of Community and Cultural Services presented the schedule of events for the
Student Day to be hosted by Council on November 8, 2011.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT Council approve the proposed agenda of activities for student participants in Council's
Student Day session on November 8, 2011.
- Carried.
Budget Comparison - September 2011 — Director of Financial Services
The director presented the report, showing the County performance was favourable.
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt
THAT the report titled "Budget Comparison, September 2011" dated October 13, 2011 be
received and filed.
- Carried.
2010 Performance Measures Details for Roads Maintenance Costs — Director of Financial
The director presented the report, providing explanations for performance measures versus the
actual maintenance payment to municipalities.
Moved by Councillor McWilliam
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT the report titled "2010 Performance Measures Details for Roads Maintenance Costs"
dated October 13, 2011 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Roof Replacement: Terrace Lodge — Director of Engineering Services
The director presented the report, outlining the roof replacement tender that is to be issued.
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT staff award the Roof Replacement - Terrace Lodge, Contract No. 4502- 11 -02(A) tender,
as long as the County's purchasing policy is followed: and,
THAT the lowest bid is selected and the bid received is within the budget allocations: and,
THAT staff report the results of the award at the November 8, 2011 Council meeting.
- Carried.
King George Lift Bridge: Repairs to Hatch Cover — Director of Engineerinq Services
The director presented the report outlining that emergency repairs are required for the hatch
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Walters
THAT Comstock Canada be directed and authorized to complete repairs to the King George
Lift Bridge hatch at their estimated price of $16,500: and,
THAT the funds be allocated from the Lift Bridge roof project, 6290- 10 -10.
- Carried.
Exterior Improvements to the Kinq George Lift Bridge: Re -award — Director of
Engineerinq Services
The director presented the report, noting the project required re- tendering since the company
initially awarded the contract had withdrawn its bid.
Moved by Councillor Walters
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT Elgin County Council affirm that The Cobrell Company Limited be awarded the contract
for the exterior improvements of the King George Lift Bridge — Re- Award, Contract No. 6290-
10-10 at a total price of $83,938.37, exclusive of HST: and,
THAT if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by more than 10 per
cent, the director shall prepare a further report to Council outlining the expenditures: and,
THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the contract.
- Carried.
Custodial Maintenance Service — Director of Engineering Services
The director presented the report outlining bids received for the tender of custodial services at
the County Administration Building.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Jenkins
THAT J &A Cleaning Solutions be selected for the Custodial Maintenance Tender, Contract No.
5850 - 200 -11 for a three -year term, commencing November 1, 2011 to October 31, 2014 with
an option to renew for an additional two -year term at a total price of $231,216, exclusive of HST.
- Carried.
Council recessed at 10:00 a.m. and reconvened at 10:15 a.m.
2012 Changes to Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System — Director of Human
The director presented the report outlining a contribution rate increase for employers and
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Jenkins
THAT the report titled "2012 Changes to Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System"
dated October 11, 2011 be received and filed.
- Carried.
2011 Excess Indemnity Coverage and Occupational Accident Insurance Renewals -
Director of Human Resources
The director presented the report, noting insurances are to be renewed on November 1, 2011.
Moved by Councillor Walters
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT Elgin County Council approve the Excess Indemnity and Occupational Accident
coverages with Chubb Insurance Company of Canada for the period of November 1, 2011 to
October 31, 2012.
- Carried.
Items for Consideration
1. Andrew Murie, Chief Executive Officer, MADD Canada, seeking support for opposition to any
government plan to put liquor, beer or wine into community convenience stores.
2. Berry Vrbanovic, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) President, requesting renewal
of annual FCM membership fee totaling $6,790.18.
3. Ron Eddy, Mayor, County of Brant, seeking support for the Provincial Government to amend
the Municipal Tax Act to remove grain elevators from the industrial property class and include
in the commercial property class.
4. Elizabeth VanHooren, General Manager /Secretary Treasurer, Kettle Creek Conservation
Authority, seeking letter of support for the four Elgin Conservation Authorities to apply to the
Ontario Trillium Foundation for establishment of Clean Water Program.
5. Mayor Heather Jackson - Chapman, City of St. Thomas and Mayor Bill Walters, Municipality of
Central Elgin requesting County Council appoint a member to liaise with St. Thomas and
Central Elgin in the Centennial Avenue Area Traffic Impact Investigation Project.
6. Kevin Bushell, Executive Officer, Facility Services and Capital Planning, Thames Valley
District School Board, with information on Disposition of the following properties:
• Central Education Centre South, Central Elgin
• Elmdale Public School, St. Thomas
• Myrtle Street Public School, St. Thomas
• Scott Street Public School, St. Thomas
7. Dan Mathieson, Chair, Southwest Economic Alliance, seeking support for the Provincial
Government to create a multi -year economic development fund specifically for South - western
Ontario in its next budget.
8. Bill Walters, Chair, Board of Health, Elgin St. Thomas Public Health requesting an extension
to current County of Elgin lease with the Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Unit.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #1:
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT Correspondence Item #1 be received and filed.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #2:
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt
THAT Council renew the annual membership fee of $6,790.18 to the Federation of Canadian
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #3:
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor McWilliam
THAT Council support the resolution from the County of Brant for the provincial government to
amend the Municipal Tax Act to remove grain elevators from the industrial property class and
include them in the commercial property class.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #4:
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Walters
THAT the County of Elgin support the four Elgin Conservation Authorities (CAs) application to
the Ontario Trillium Foundation for the establishment of a Clean Water Program for Elgin
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #5:
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Wiehle
THAT Correspondence Item #5 be received and filed.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #6:
Moved by Councillor Wiehle
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT Correspondence Item #6 be received and filed.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #7:
Moved by Councillor Walters
Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt
THAT, in keeping with its campaign promise under the rural platform, the Provincial Government
be strongly encouraged to establish a multi -year rural and small urban economic development
fund for Southwestern Ontario in its next budget: and,
THAT Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus (WOWC), Southwest Economic Alliance (SWEA) and
South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corp. (SCOR) be so advised.
Moved by Councilor Wiehle
Seconded by Councillor Jenkins
THAT Correspondence Item #7 be received and filed.
- Carried.
- Carried.
Councillor Walters, Chair of the Board of Health and co- author of the letter, introduced the
correspondence providing background to the Board's request.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Item #8.
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT Correspondence Item #8 be referred to the Closed Meeting portion of Elgin County
Council for consideration.
- Carried.
CORRESPONDENCE — October 25, 2011
Items for Information (Consent Agenda)
1. Bill Tucker, Director of Education, Thames Valley District School Board, providing a copy of
the Thames Valley District School Board's 2010 -2011 Report to the Community. (a copy of
the report is available for viewing in Administrative Services or online at
2. Melanie Knapp, Administrative Clerk, City of St. Thomas, with letter of support re:
St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital President and C.E.O. appointment.
3. Letters of support re: Highway 3 By -Pass Traffic Assessment Study from:
• Donna Either, CAO /Clerk, Township of Southwold:
• Melanie Knapp, Administrative Clerk, City of St. Thomas:
• Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk, Municipality of Central Elgin.
The following recommendation was adopted in regard to Correspondence Items #1 - 3.
Moved by Councillor Walters
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT Correspondence Items #1 - 3 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Statements /Inquiries by Members
Councillor McIntyre invited council and the media to attend the Southwold Township- hosted
presentation on the Ford Impact Study at the County Administration Building on October 25,
2011 at 1:30 p.m.
Notice of Motion — None.
Matters of Urgency — None.
Closed Meeting Items
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Walters
THAT we do now proceed into closed meeting session in accordance with the Municipal Act
Section 240.2 (a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board — 99 Edward
Street, St. Thomas: 240.2: and (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before
administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board — Elgin v. Brown Tree By -Law
- Carried.
The Chief Administrative Officer presented a verbal report on Elgin v. Brown tree by -law matter.
Councillors Couckuyt, Walters and Wiehle departed from Council Chambers at 10:40 a.m.
The Chief Administrative Officer presented the report on the Request for Lease Extension -
Public Health at 99 Edward Street.
Councillors Couckuyt, Walters and Wiehle returned to Council Chambers at 11:20 a.m.
Motion to Rise and Report
Moved by Councillor McWilliam
Seconded by Councillor Marr
THAT we do now rise and report.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Ens
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT the request from Elgin St. Thomas Public Health for a lease extension be deferred
pending further information and providing Council more time to consider the request.
- Carried.
Councillors Couckuyt, Walters and Whiele took their seats.
Moved by Councillor Jenkins
Seconded by Councillor Walters
THAT the confidential advice from the County Solicitor regarding the withdrawal of a tree
by -law matter be accepted and supported.
- Carried.
County Council 8 October 25, 2011
Motion to Adopt Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole
Moved by Councillor Marr
Seconded by Councillor Ens
THAT we do now adopt recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor McIntyre
Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt
THAT By -Law No. 11 -24 "Being a By -Law to Re- Appoint JGM Consulting as the Investigator
Pursuant to Sections 8, 9,10 and 239.1 of The Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, C -25, As
Amended and to Amend By -Law No. 09 -31" be read a first, second and third time and finally
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Ens
Seconded by Councillor Couckuyt
THAT By -Law No. 11 -25 "Being a By -Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of
the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October 25, 2011 Meeting" be read a first, second
and third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Walters
Seconded by Councillor McIntyre
THAT we do now adjourn at 11:30 a.m. and meet again on November 8, 2011 at the County
Administration Building Council Chambers at 9:00 a.m.
Mark G. McDonald,
Chief Administrative Officer.
- Carried.
Dave Mennill,
November 8, 2011
Staff Reports — (ATTACHED)
Director of Homes and Seniors Services — Terrace Lodge Donation
Co- Secretary, Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee — Joint Elgin / Central Elgin Accessibility
Advisory Committee — Appointment
Director of Engineering Services — Terrace Lodge Roof Replacement
Purchasing Coordinator — Quarterly Information Report — Contract Awards July 1, 2011 —
September 30, 2011
Manager of Archives — Tweedsmuir History Digitization Project Funding
Director of Community and Cultural Services — Minister's Award for Library Innovation
Director of Community and Cultural Services — Capital Funding and Facility Plan for Elgin County
FROM: Rhonda L. Duffy
Director Homes & Senior Services
DATE: October 28, 2011
SUBJECT: Terrace Lodge Donation
The County of Elgin Homes receives donations from residents residing within the
Homes as well as those from the community. Staff has received notification that
Terrace Lodge has been named as a beneficiary.
A community resident, who has named Terrace Lodge as beneficiary, has
donated the amount of $20,000 to be used by the home to purchase beds. This
donation will enable the home to purchase approximately 5 -6 beds.
THAT the report titled "Terrace Lodge Donation" dated October 28, 2011 be received
and filed.
Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Rhonda L. Duffy Mark G. McDonald
Director Homes & Senior Services Chief Administrative Officer
FROM: Cole Aicken, Co- Secretary, Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC)
on behalf of the Committee
DATE: October 27, 2011
SUBJECT: Joint Elgin/ Central Elgin Accessibility Advisory Committee - Appointment
Due to a recent vacancy on the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee, staff was
directed to advertise in several of the local newspapers that serve the Elgin County area
inviting applications from citizens of the County of Elgin to serve on the Joint
Elgin /Central Elgin Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC). This advertisement was
also posted on the County and Municipal websites. Eight (8) applications were received
and it was determined by the Committee that three (3) interviews would take place.
On Tuesday, September 27th, interviews were conducted by Dave Mennill, Warden,
County of Elgin, David Marr, Deputy Mayor, Municipality of Central Elgin, with Cole
Aicken and Dianne Wilson, Co- Secretaries of the Committee in attendance for
administrative support.
Warden Mennill and Deputy Mayor Marr were pleased that the applicants seeking to
serve on the Committee represented different areas of the County. They both agreed
that Arnold Row was the preferred candidate to fill the vacancy on the Committee.
On behalf of Warden Mennill and Deputy Mayor Marr, staff would respectfully request
that County Council approve the recommended appointment to the Joint Elgin /Central
Elgin Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC).
THAT County Council approve the appointment of Arnold Row to serve on the Joint
Elgin /Central Elgin Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC) effective immediately for a
four (4) year term subject to approval by County Council.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Cole Aicken
Co- Secretary, Joint Accessibility
Advisory Committee (JAAC)
Clayton Watters
Director of Engineering Services
Approved for Submission
Mark McDonald
Chief Administrative Officer
n try-
FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services
Sonia Beavers, Purchasing Coordinator
DATE: October 28, 2011
SUBJECT: Terrace Lodge Roof Replacement
Council at its meeting held on October 25, 2011 accepted the following
THAT staff may award the Terrace Lodge Roof Replacement, Contract No.
4502- 11 -02(A) tender, as long as the County's Purchasing Policy is followed, the
lowest bid is selected and the bid received is within the budget allocations, and;
THAT staff will report the results of the award at the November 8, 2011 Council
The Roof Replacement Tender was reissued and bids were received until
October 27, 2011. A total of nine bids were received for Roof Replacement,
Terrace Lodge Tender. Bids were received as follows:
(exclusive of H.S.T.)
Rooftops Sheet and Metal Corporation
Nortex Roofing Limited
Triumph Roofing and Sheet Metal Inc.
Keller Roofing and Sheet Metal Inc.
Aseal Roofing and Sheet Metal Limited
Smith -Peat Roofing and Sheet Metal Limited
Semple Gooder Roofing Corporations
Nedlaw Roofing Limited
Conestoga Roofing and Sheet Metal Limited
Rooftops Sheet and Metal Corporation submitted the lowest bid for the Terrace
Lodge Roof Replacement Tender at a total price of $130,260.29 exclusive of
H.S.T. The bid includes the supply of labour, equipment and materials to
complete the Roof Replacement at Terrace Lodge.
The budget allocation for this project is $110,000. To date $4,354 has been
allocated to expenses. Therefore the current budget allocated for this project
remains at $105,646. The monies required for the supply of all labour, equipment
and material for the Roof Replacement at Terrace Lodge is $130,260.29
exclusive of HST. In addition, other costs may be required for inspection fees.
As a result this project is not within the budget allocation and thus staff is asking
Council's approval to re- allocate the difference of $40,000 from the Terrace
Lodge Loading Dock Driveway, Project No. 4502- 11 -35. The total budget for this
project will re- established at $145,646.
THAT Rooftops Sheet and Metal Corporation be selected for the Terrace Lodge
Roof Replacement Tender, Contact No. 4502- 11 -02(A) at a total price of
$130,260.29 exclusive of H.S.T. and;
THAT Council approves to re- allocate $40,000 from Terrace Lodge Loading
Dock Driveway, Project No. 4502 -11 -35 to the Capital Project Roof
Replacement, Terrace Lodge, Contract No. 4502 -11 -02 (A) and;
THAT if the cost increases above the tender amount approved by Council by
more than 10 %, the Director will prepare a further report to Council outlining the
expenditures and;
THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Clayton Watters
Director of Engineering Services
Sonia Beavers
Purchasing Coordinator
Approved for Submission
Mark G. McDonald
Chief Administrative Officer
FROM: Sonia Beavers
Purchasing Coordinator
DATE: October 24, 2011
SUBJECT: Quarterly Information Report - Contract Awards
July 1, 2011 — September 30, 2011
As per the County of Elgin's Procurement Policy 10.1; " an information report containing
the details relevant to the exercise of delegated authority for all contracts awarded that
exceed $10,000 including amendments and renewals is to be prepared and reported to
Council on a quarterly basis ".
In addition, the County of Elgin's Procurement Policy 3.14 states;
"Any expenditure exceeding $50,000 for a one time purchase or over an annual basis
must be reported to Council ".
The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin delegated authority to the
Directors to award contracts as follows;
Report Status
Greater than $10,000
but less than $50,000
No report to Council required if within 10% of the
approved budget allocation
Greater than $50,000
but less than $100,000
No report to Council required if within approved
However, Council also approved that a quarterly information report would be brought
forward containing details of the award of contracts including amendments and
renewals. The detailed report of the award of contracts is attached as Appendix A.
THAT the Quarterly Information Report - Contract Awards, July 1, 2011 to September
30, 2011 be received and filed.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted, Approved for Submission by,
Sonia Beavers Mark G. McDonald
Purchasing Coordinator Chief Administrative Officer
Jim Bundschuh
Director of Financial Services
Purchases /Projects greater than $10,000
July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011
Bid Price
excludes hst
Main Library Office
Wayne & Harold
Smith Construction
Concrete Sidewalks
Bobier Villa
J. R. (Rick) Falkins
Bobier Villa and Elgin
Energy Audit Services
Energy Solutions
Terrace Lodge
Combi Oven
Longo Food
Community & Cultural
Shelving Units
Rodney Library
PAINSiiti• DI 61.2-%,,.
FROM: Stephen Francom
Manager of Archives
DATE: October 25, 2010
SUBJECT: Tweedsmuir History Digitization Project Funding
The Elgin County Archives seeks approval to accept $6,000 from the Elgin
County Chapter of the Ontario Genealogical Society for the purpose of funding a
project to digitize and publish online a series of Elgin County Women's Institutes
Tweedsmuir History books.
Since the successful completion in March, 2007 of a project to digitize and
publish online its collection of original Elgin County Women's Institutes
Tweedsmuir History books, the Elgin County Archives has acquired additional
original Tweedsmuir History books which it now wishes to digitize and publish
In response to a formal request by the Archives, the Elgin County Chapter of the
Ontario Genealogical Society at its October 24, 2011 meeting approved a
resolution to contribute $6,000 to the Archives to fund this project.
The Elgin County Archives wishes to accept $6,000 from the Elgin County
Chapter of the Ontario Genealogical Society.
THAT the Elgin County Archives be authorized to accept $6,000 from the Elgin
County Chapter of the Ontario Genealogical Society for the purpose of funding a
project to digitize and publish online a series of Elgin County Women's Institutes
Tweedsmuir History books; and,
THAT the funds be deposited into a project account for this purpose; and,
THAT the Warden on behalf of Council issue a letter of appreciation to the
President of the Elgin County Chapter of the Ontario Genealogical Society.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Stephen Francom Mark G. McDonald
Manager of Archives Chief Administrative Officer
Brian Masschaele
Director of Community and Cultural Series
FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services
DATE: October 21St, 2011
SUBJECT: Minister's Award for Library Innovation
This report informs Council that the Elgin County Library is a finalist for the Minister of
Tourism and Culture's Award for Innovation as part of the 2011 Ontario Public Library
Service Awards.
Staff were recently notified that the Elgin County Library is a finalist for the
aforementioned award for the quality and innovation shown for the "Check It In! Check
It Out!" radio program in partnership with Mennonite Community Services and Radio
105.9 FM De Brig in Aylmer. This project is succeeding in its goal to bring the library, its
resources, programs and services to the Low German Mennonite Immigrant population
of East Elgin in order to bridge the cultural, linguistic and economic barriers within this
community. The project was initially funded through a $22,000 grant received from the
Ministry of Tourism and Culture in 2010 and has since been sustained by further
contributions from the operating budget of the Elgin County Library and a recent Trillium
Foundation award to Mennonite Community Services.
This award is the top honour for public libraries in Ontario and the competition is very
intense. Being recognized as a finalist is already a huge honour. The award winner will
be announced at the 2012 Ontario Library Association Super Conference in Toronto
during the first week of February 2012. The Warden or a member of Council will be
asked to attend.
It should be noted that the library won a similar award in 2005 for a project involving
Aylmer Library and Summer's Corners Public School. Chris Mayhew, Supervisor of
Aylmer Library, played a key role in both projects and is to be acknowledged for her
efforts in leading the nomination process.
THAT the report "Minister's Award for Library Innovation" dated October 21St, 2011 be
received and filed as information.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission
Brian Masschaele Mark G. McDonald
Director of Community and Cultural Service Chief Administrative Officer
Launch of ONTARIO PUBLIC LIBRARY WEEK (October 16 to 22, 2011) includes
announcement of nominees for Ontario Public Library Service Awards
Toronto, Ontario, October 19, 2011 —
Ontario Public Library Week was launched at a reception at Whitby Public Library on October 17,
2011. The reception was co- hosted by the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries (Federation) and
the eight public library systems in Durham Region. The Honourable Michael Chan, Minister of
Tourism and Culture was the special guest speaker.
From October 16 to 22, Ontario's 300+ public library systems are marking Ontario Public Library
Week with a variety of activities, focused on the theme Your Library: A Place Unbound. "This
theme suggests that, as part of a changing world, libraries are expanding their resources as they
connect people to information and reading," said Mary Baxter, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors
of the Federation. "Innovations such as digital and downloadable books, music, movies, Internet
access, electronic databases, eReaders, gaming, and the utilization of social media such as Facebook
and Twitter appeal to a new generation of library users!"
The importance of public libraries was reinforced by Gary Rose, Chair of the Whitby Public Library
Board, who said, "Public libraries are without boundaries, places of endless opportunity where
Ontarians can access information improve their literacy and engage in lifelong learning. Ensconced
as dynamic community hubs, public libraries of today are integral to our province's growth and
cultural vitality."
At the launch event, Minister Chan took the opportunity to announce the nominees for the
Minister's Award for Innovation, which recognizes successful new approaches in programming
with positive impact in the community, and the Angus Mowat Award of Excellence, which
recognizes excellence in service delivery. The nominees are:
• Burlington Public Library for its I'll Show You How program;
• Elgin County Public Library for its Check It In, Check it Out: A Radio Show for Kids
• Pelham Public Library (and partners) for the Niagara Evergreen Consortium;
• Richmond Hill Public Library for the Richmond Hill Public Library Annual Information
• Vaughan Public Library for Teen Engagement Initiatives; and
• Whitby Public Library for its Reading Buddies program.
These awards are an excellent way to highlight the pivotal role that our public libraries play in their
communities in such areas as early literacy development, career planning, immigrant settlement
support, and resources for small business. Winners will be announced at the SuperConference of
the Ontario Library Association in early February 2012.
Library owned and driven, the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries is a not - for - profit member
organization which provides a single, strong voice for public libraries in Ontario to enhance library
policies and programs through four strategic pillars: advocacy, marketing, research and consortia
- 30 -
For additional information, please contact:
David Allen, CEO
Federation of Ontario Public Libraries
c/o North York Central Library
5120 Yonge Street, Toronto M2N 5N9
Tel: 416- 395 -0746 Fax: 416- 395 -0743
Email: Web:
E1g��� MTntry-
FROM: Brian Masschaele, Director of Community and Cultural Services
DATE: October 20th, 2011
SUBJECT: Capital Funding and Facility Plan for Elgin County Museum
In March 2011, County Council approved a 10 -year capital plan that included
allotments of $100,000 in each of 2012, 2013 and 2014 towards facility needs for
Elgin County Museum and /or Elgin County Archives. This report recommends to
Council how these funds could be utilized and seeks authority to engage in
further planning to assess the future needs of the museum in relation to other
operations at the County.
In 2006, and after considerable debate, Elgin County Museum (ECM) moved
from a historic home with adjacent storage facility in St. Thomas comprising
8,000 square feet to the 4th floor of the Elgin County Administration Building in a
new facility comprising 6,500 square feet. The cost of the new facility was
approximately $500,000 and was funded entirely through a private bequest and
contributions from federal and provincial governments. There was no direct cost
to County ratepayers for this project.
The 4th floor was developed in order to stabilize the Museum's operations in a
cost - effective manner after several years of volatility brought on by a fire and
structural issues with the previous building. The facility has achieved the
intended outcome and has resulted in a number of significant improvements,
particularly the application of formal environment controls to preserve portions of
the collection and improved accessibility. The process to re- locate the museum
also resulted in a more focused mandate with a greater emphasis on assisting
other County museums. Furthermore, the relocation process prompted a
rigorous review of the collection, resulting in the de- accessioning of many
artifacts that did not meet the terms of the amended mandate.
Five years hence, it is now time to put a longer -term plan in place to meet other
outstanding challenges that were not addressed during the re- location process.
The major issue in this regard is a lack of quality storage and display space for
oversized items such as furniture. The Museum does not have sufficient storage
and display capacity on the 4th floor to store these items nor is it possible given
limitations brought on by the size of the elevator. Therefore, out of sheer
necessity the Museum has resorted to storage of items in an undeveloped space
in the basement of Elgin Manor. While it may be expedient to devote future
capital funds to formally develop this space to incorporate features such as
environmental controls for a museum purpose, this option should not be
considered given that the items will never be accessible to the public as a result
of access restrictions to and from the building. An alternative facility needs to be
A second concern is the inability of the Museum to meet its mandate with regards
to illustrating the key role agriculture played in the development of the County.
The Museum's collection in this area is relatively weak, speaking further to the
inadequacy of current storage and display facilities as outlined above. Staff have
to largely decline the acquisition of such artifacts in light of current facilities.
Unless these facilities change, agriculture will never be a prominent feature of the
County museum.
County Museum Facilities in Ontario
It is pertinent to review County museum facilities in Ontario in order to assess the
future needs for ECM. The following is the results of a survey listing total
assignable space for county museums in the province:
Lambton County Museum — 50,000 square feet + heritage buildings
Huron County Museum — 40,000 square feet + gaol
Grey Roots (Grey County Museum) — 40,000 square feet
Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre — 39,000 square feet
Wellington County Museum & Archives — 38,000 square feet
Simcoe County Museum — 30,000 square feet + 10 heritage buildings
Dufferin County Museum and Archives — 25,000 square feet
Lennox and Addington County Museum and Archives — 11,000 square feet
Chatham -Kent Museum — 7,200 square feet
At 6,500 square feet of assignable museum space, ECM is likely the smallest
county museum in Ontario. Admittedly, space for archives is included in some of
the figures above but in these cases, capacity for museum - specific functions is
still much greater than the space available to ECM.
Recommendations from Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee
The Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee adopted the following
recommendations for Council's consideration at a meeting held on October 21St
"THAT the Elgin County Museum Advisory Committee hereby recommends to
Elgin County Council that $100,000 be allocated from the capital budget in each
of 2012, 2013 and 2014 for the purpose of increasing capacity for storage of
museum artifacts; and
THAT a capital campaign be developed to raise additional funds in support of this
project; and
THAT consideration be given to developing a museum facility on County -owned
property adjacent to the Elgin County Administration Building; and
THAT a detailed plan be presented for County Council's consideration before the
end of 2012."
Additional Sources of Funding
The request for $100,000 in each of 2012, 2013 and 2014 in the ten -year capital
plan is intended to build reserve funds that can be utilized to match other sources
of funding beginning in 2014. Staff are confident that additional sources of
funding can be obtained to at least match the County's contribution in order to
expand the scope of the project without impacting ratepayers. Part of this will
involve fundraising and part will involve applications to other sources of funding.
These sources may include:
• Canada Cultural Spaces Fund — Funds up to 50% of capital construction
of new or renovated facilities to increase and improve access to, among
other things, museum collections. Contributions of several hundred
thousand dollars or more are common.
• Museums Assistance Program — Funds up to $50,000 for collections
management systems.
2017 also marks the Sesquicentennial of Canada as a country and Ontario as a
province. It is expected that both federal and provincial governments will be
developing significant funding opportunities by 2014 that will include a
component for cultural infrastructure projects. It is therefore prudent to plan now
to establish reserve funds to take advantage of this unique opportunity.
Staff appreciate that the County is under considerable fiscal pressure and that
there are other emerging facility needs within the County that merit equal
consideration in coming years. These needs may include Provincial Offences
Court, archives, a planning office and a tourism information centre. Larger
issues such as the renovation or rebuild of Terrace Lodge and a contribution to
the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital's capital campaign will also exert
considerable financial pressure. Staff are recommending to Council that the
allocation of $100,000 in the 2012, 2013 and 2014 capital budgets remain for
museum purposes but that staff have the opportunity in 2012 to bring back for
Council's consideration a more comprehensive review of all facility needs within
the County for the long -term and how best to allocate these funds to meet these
larger needs.
THAT the allocation of $100,000 for facility needs of the Elgin County Museum
be referred to 2012 budget deliberations; and
THAT a detailed assessment of all future facility needs for County operations be
brought forward for Council's consideration in 2012.
All of which is Respectfully Submitted
Brian Masschaele
Director of Community and
Cultural Services
Approved for Submission
Mark G. McDonald
Chief Administrative Officer
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CORRESPONDENCE — November 8, 2011
Items for Consideration - (Attached)
1. Denise B. Holmes, CAO!CIerk- Treasurer, The Township of Melancthon, requesting the
Provincial Government install a cap on the number of industrial wind turbines that can
be constructed within the boundaries of any one Municipality,
qi• 40 Ai* Ih
The Corporation of
157161 Hwy. 10, R.R. #6, Shelburne, Ontario, LUi 1159
Denise S. Holmes, AMCT
C4 O /Cf e rf r- Treasure r
October 12, 2011
OCT 3 1 2nli
Telephone - (519) 925-5525
Fax No. - (519) 925 -1110
Website: www,mefancthontawnsfiip,ca
Ernail;rnfo melancthontowr?ship.ea
To: Municipalities Currently Hosting
Industrial Wind Turbine Development
Dear Sirs /Madames:
At the meeting of Council held on October 6, 2011, the following resolution was introduced and
Be it resolved that:
"Whereas the Province of Ontario has enacted the Green Energy and Green
Economy At 2009 an Act to Govern the Establishment,Construction and Location
of Green Energy or Renewable Energy Projects such as Solar and Wind Energy
within the Province of Ontario;
And Whereas the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2008 sets by Regulation,
standards for the operation of industrial wind turbine energy such as permissible
operating levels of noise 140 dsA) and setback distances from residential buildings
among other such standards;
And Whereas the Township of Melancthon has been at the forefront of industrial
wind turbine energy in the Province of Ontario with a total 111 industrial wind
turbines currently 1n operation and 7 more just finishing construction;
- 2 -
And Whereas the Township of Melancthon is significantly covered geographically
by industrial wind turbines Ir stallationsortheassociated "works'ofindustrial wind
turbine installations with the "works" being specifically transmission wires,
substations and access right of ways, etc,;
And Whereas The Growth Plan forthe Greater Golden Horseshoe" has set targets
for growth for all Municipalities in the Greater Golden Horseshoe Area with said
targets being for residential, economic and job growth;
Therefore be it resolved that the Township of Melancthon requests that the
Province of Ontario install a 'cap" on the number of industrial wind turbines that
any one Municipality can have constructed within its boundaries and further that
this "cap" be based on the total land area of the Township, expressed as a
measurement, and that the formula to calculate this cap be as follows:
Area of Land in 5q. Km /2.5 sq km - CAPPED NUMBER OF TURBINES
For example, Melancthon {302 sq kni) /2.5 sq km = 121 CAPPED NUMBER OF TURBINES
And Furthermore, that this resolution he forwarded to all Dufferin Municipalities,
Grey County, any Municipality currently hosting industrial wind turbine
development in Ontario, the Minister of Energy, the Minister of the Environment,
the rvlinisterof Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs and the Premier of the Province cf Ontario and to the Inter - Municipal
Turbine Working Group."
Yours truly,
Denise B. Holmes, AMCT
CAO /Cleric- Treasure r
CORRESPONDENCE — November 8, 2011
Items for Information (Consent Agenda} - (Attached)
1. Council invitation to join a roundtable discussion on Local Immigration to be held on
November B or 18. 2011.
2. Council invitation to one -day "Doing Business with the Government seminar to be held
on November 23, 2011.
3. William G. Sandisar'i with copy of correspondence sent to Hon. Deborah Matthews,
Minister cf Health and Long -Term Care concerning the St. Thomas Elgin General
Hospital and the Public Interest.
4, Nancie Irving, Clerk, Town of Aylmer supporting Council's resolution requesting the
Provincial Government to carry out a traffic assessment study fora portion of the
Highway 3 corridor.
5. Ann Baldwin, Regional Director, West Region, Ministry of Transportation acknowledging
both Council's and the Township of Malahide's resolution regarding a traffic assessment
study for the Highway 3 corridor from Highway 4 to Hacienda Road.
From A. Marroquin ra.marroquin.ywca @gmafl,com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 3:43 PM
Subject: Invitation to Participate-Roundtable Discussion
Dear St. Thomas and District Community Leaders,
The St. Thomas -Elgin Local Immigration Partnership is pleased to invite you to
participate at the next roundtable discussion on local immigration to be held in
St. Thomas, Ontario. Please note that them are two dates to choose front I
would truly appreciate it if you could attend to any of these Roundtable
Discussions, Food and drinks will be provided.
Please feel free to share this information within your networks
Join a roundtable discussion on
Make Your
voice Count
A forum for newcomers, community members, business owners, employers, faith
community members, and social service providers to Darn and provide feedback on the
services offered, the process of immigration, and to find ways to develop collaboration
across sectors to attract and retain newcomers and immigrants.
We will be holding two events in St. Thomas!
Tuesday, November 8th 2011 6:00 to 9 :00 pm
Friday, November 18th 9:OOam to 12:OOpm
St. Thomas Elgin Public Art Center
301 Talbot Street, St. Thomas
Please RSVP
Telephone: 519- 631 -9840 x 59
E -mail:
There is no admission charge to the event.
If you require transportation please contact us.
Everyone is welcome!
For more information : Telephone: 519- 631 -98Q0 x 59 E -mail: stelip.2411
Local Imml9ration Partnership
sullding 5/dooming, Caring, and ]rciusivr Cos, musiilet.a
Funded by Fliance pax;
• Clllaenshlp and C.toyannei6
Immigration inada Irnmigraliun Canada
Elgin County Conference Series Presents
Doing Business
with the Government
A one -day seminar shoitcd.wgii, business and
funding opportunities available to small
businesses through ell levels of government.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
9 :00 am - 3 :30 pm
New Sarum Diner,
46230 New Sarum Line, St. Thomas, ON
Elgin: nilflty
rrcp.e..lw !r 6a�'
More information at
WW d. Dae5s iv@ bygoiturp,som
or phone 619.631 -4460 x168
Register now to attend
with the
This seminar will gve small businesses In Elgin Cm inty air
dppotl:uNly to learn abtrut the prose of doing business
with the gnuernnlent end applying ror funding at the rederal,
provincial and municipal levels. ToPlcs p er~ented w?Fl
Include: rho Notting application pracruSS, funding avails hi,ty,
pruuurenitnt and purchasing processes. and accessing
the marker ref agricultural producers. b'na1111r: Keynote
presentat.ans wlJI tie delivered by speakers ranging From
Successful business OV nwrs to ministry representatives.
Keynote Speakers
Merrelaes - Federal Senior Procurement
Argirnpaulas Consultant Stakeholder Outreach
%pre: Federal Procurement Process
Kevin Fns
Sc Oa Beavers -
Provincial Senior Procurement Consultant
Stakeholder Outreach
Provincaal Procurement Process
Pu?chz:sing Coordinator, County a` Elgin
Municipal Procurement {era r. e s s
Grace rl?cGartland- Chair of The iris (.;+ui::ery Bank
Topic; SU ry:
Ace g Government Funding
Fien8usfriess Resource Centre
Gio /ernment Funding
Or. lolin Vice President of Erle Innovation
and Commercialization
Art Lawson - 0cneral Minager of SCOP CDC
Took:: Accessing the Market Place for
Agricultural Producers
For more information on speakers please visit or call US-63144H w t 1S6
Registration Cast S30 irroludi rig -IST' par person
cordinantrsi breakfast, lunch and refreshments)
To register complete the tear off haler" and
return with your cheque or each payment of
$30 made payable to County vfElgln:
County of Elgin - Economic development
454 Sunset Dr.
St. Thomas, ON 145R 5V1
UO2 ITrr i1 i'
InfOrmat n i
Postal Code
Phone Number
Email --
To; Honorable Deborah Matthews, Minister of Health and Long -Term Care
Co. Honorable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario
JeffYurek, Elgin- Middlesex- London MPP
Dave Mennill, Elgin County Warden
Heather Jackson- Chapman, St. Thomas Mayor
Ian McCallum, St. Thomas Times - Journal Page Editor
Subject: St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital and the Public Interest
Dear M. Matthews,
October 27th 2011
OCT 3 1 2011
Earlier this month, I requested your ministry exarniae the events undermining public trust and confidence
surrounding the "retired" CEO Pad Collins at the St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital and to take action on
behalf of the public interest. I received a prompt response dated October 17'19 2011 from M1 Kyle in your
Correspondence Services group. Unfortunately the response was not helpful and raised additional
concerns about the accountability of the board of directors at a public hospital and the application of the
Public Hospitals Act as it relates to the public interest.
There is widespread dissatisfaction, to put it mildly, in our community regarding the concurrent retirement
and rehiring. by the board of directors at St. Tnornas -Elgin General Hospital, of Mr. Paul Collins as their
CFO It dates back to January of this year when it was first revealed by the St Thomas Times - Journal.
In the response From M Kyte, Correspondence Services it states; "the hospital's board of directors is
responsible for making and accounting for decisions regarding hiring." Perhaps you could clarity to whom
they are accountable, beyond the hospital itself. It is clear that they are not accountable to the elected
representatives of the public at large; the St. Thomas City Council, the Elgin County Council and they
have turned a deaf ear to the sometimes social conscience of cur community; the St. Thomas Times -
It does not appear that the board of directors at the St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital undertook any
succession planning prior to Mr. Collins' retirement and none in the year that followed. Further the board
of directors at the St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital has fuelled public discontent by extending this
relationship for another five (5) years to the benefit of Mr. Collins who continues tc enjoy employment and
retirement simultaneously from the same public hospital
Despite written requests from our elected municipal bodies indicating a lack of public support and the
anticipation of future financial problems, the public interest has been disregarded. Where the public
interest is not served, your ministry may have a rale to play in the application of the Public Hospitals Act
under Section 9.1 (1) which states;
Public interest
9.1 (11 In malting a decision 111 the public interest Under this Act the Lieutenant Governor in
Council or the Minister, as the case may be, may consider any matter they regard as relevant
including.. without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
(a) the quality of the management and administration of the hospital;
(b) the proper management of the health Ware system in general;
(c) the availability of financial r7asources for the management of the hea +th care system and
for The delivery of health care services;
Page 1 of 2
(d9 the accessibility to health services in the community where th6 hospital is located; and
(e) the quafrty of the Bern and treatment of patients. 1996, c. 1, ached. F, s 8.
Just this week, both the Landon Free Press and the St. Thomas Times-Journal published an article titled.
"Hospital board's CEO pay plan angers community, donors" by Joan UUakely, Special to QM! Agency thal
echoes the concerns shared by many of the residents;
"1 dorYt know in what Circles the hoard members travel to first the support they say they have, but
1 hove not met ono person within the iast few weeks who isn't dead set against the "double
dipping,'' as they see it. l have met same strong financial supporters of the hospital who say they
will not be donating now."
While area residents are excited regarding the announcement from yoLr office about the proposed 5100
million redevelopment project for the St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital, there appears to be mounting
concern that the lack of public trust and confidence will jeopardize the project.
I respectfully ask for your assistance; to review the matter and if it is within your authority, issue a decision
to reverse the course in keeping with the public interest.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
m . Edison
144 Lake Marga ret Trail
St. Thomas ON N5R 6L7
Page 2o 2
1i/24/OCT/NU 11 :44 AM
11 I
Ontario, Canada
Proud I3exitage. Bright Future.
F. 001 /aCi
The Corporation of the Town of Aylmer
46 Talbot Street, West, Aylnw. Q t; N5H 117
Office; 519 -773 -3164 Fax 519 - 765 -1446
www ayixner �a
October 14, 2011
County of Elgin
450 Sunset Drive
St Thomas ON N5R 5V1
RE: Highway #3 By -Pass
At its meting held on October 11, 2D11, the Town of Aylmer Council received a
communication from Elgin County Council about the Highway #3 By -Pass.
Town Council resolved:
Resolution No. 392-11
Moved by Councillor A. ❑such and seconded by Councillor D. LaPointe:
That the Town of Aylmer Council supports the Elgin County
Council's resolution dated September 13, 2011 requesting that the
Ontario Minister of Transportation carry out a traffic assessment
study on the portion of Highway 3 extending from Highway 4 in the
west to Hacienda Road in the east, as soon as possible; and further,
that this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Transportation.
The - motion -ls- Carrie
Nancle 4. Iry g1 CMO
Cleric, Town of Aylmer
cc Ministry of TrarRportetion
Elgin County Council
ecei1 d Time Oct. 24. 2011 11:3 A/ No. 3169
Ministry of Transportation
Office of the Regional Director
West Region
659 Excler Road
London, Ontario b16E 11-3
Telephone~: (519) 8m -4333
Facsimile: (619) 873 -4236
October 12, 2011
Mr. Dave Mennill
County of Elgin
Administrative Services
450 Sunset Drive
St. Thomas, Ontario
N5R 5V1
Dear UWarden Merrill:
plln1st$re des Transports
Bureau du directeur regional
Region de I'Ouest
853, chernin Exeter
London (Ontario) NOE 5L3
TetephOn : (519) 073.4333
Tet$t pleur : (519} 873.4235
Thank you for your letter to the Minister of Transportation providing Elgin County Council's
resolution regarding a traffic assessment study for the Highway 3 corridor from Highway 4 to
Hacienda Road. i have been as ed to reply cn the Minister's behalf.
The Ministry undertook a larger travel pattern study, extending along Highway 3 from
St. Thomas to Fort Erie, about 10 years ago. That study found that more than half the traffic on
Highway 3 between 8t. Thomas and Aylmer was local in nature and unlikely to be attracted to a
new bypass. Currently, the ministry's focus is on improving the condition of pavements and
bridges on the provincial highway system. Other work such as planning and traffic assessment
studies, are considered on a prioritised basis and are subject to the availability of funding and
staffing resources.
suggest that staff from the ministry's West Region office meet with county staff to better
understand the local concerns and explore the potential to work together on managing and
funding a study that would be of mutual benefit_ If county staff would like to meet to discuss the
above matters in more detail, please feel free to contact Kevin Bentley, Manager of Engineering,
at (519) S73 -4373.
Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention.
Yours truly,
Ann Baldwin
Regional Director
West Region
Ministry of Transportation
Office of the Regional director
West Region
659 Exeter Road
Landon, Ontario 116E 1L3
Telephone. (519) 873 -4333
Facsiinite: (6.19k 873 -4236
October 25, 2011
Minlst6re des Transports
Bureau du directeur regional
Legion de rGuest
659, chemin Exeter
London (Ontario) N6E 1L3
Tel phone : {519) 873.4333
Tefdcopieur (519) 8734236
Ms. Michelle Casavecchia
Chief Administrative Officer /Clerk
Township of Malahide
87 John Street
Aylmer, Ontario
N5H 2C3
Dear Ms. Casavecchia:
eFfr- Ontario
oct W, zou
Thank you for your letter to the Minister of Transportation providing the Township of Malahide's
resolution regarding a traffic assessment study for the Highway 3 corridor from Highway 4 to
Hacienda Road. You also provided a copy of Elgin County Council's resolution of the same
purpose. I have been asked to reply on the Minister's behalf.
We also received Elgin County Council's resolution directly from Mr. Dave Mennill, Warden for
the County of Elgin, In my reply to Elgin County, which is enclosed for your information, I have
suggested that ministry staff meet with county staff to better understand the local concerns and
explore the potential to work together on a study.
Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention.
Yours truly,
Ann Baldwin
Regional Director
West Region
Dave Mennill, Warden, County of Elgin
Wendell Graves, Chief Administrative Officer, City of St. Thomas
Heather Adams, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Aylmer
Donna Ethier, Chief Administrative Officer, Township of Southwold