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01 - January 10, 2012 Special County Council Meeting Agenda Package
ORDERS OF THE DAY SPECIAL COUNCIL FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - ORDER 1st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3rd Motion to Move into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 4th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 5th Council Correspondence — see attached 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information 6th OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements /Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 7th Closed Meeting Items 8th Motion to Rise and Report 9th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 10th Consideration of By -Laws 11th ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED January 24, 2012 9:00 a.m. - County Council Meeting 1 REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF January 10, 2012 Staff Reports — (ATTACHED) Manager of Planning — Township of Southwold Official Plan E1ginC °uM-F, Prasrcssr.: aiagrc REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Steve Evans Manager of Planning DATE: January 4, 2012 SUBJECT: Township of Southwold Official Plan INTRODUCTION: This report will provide County Council with an update on the status of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing approval of the Township of Southwold Official Plan. BACKGROUND: The Council of the Township of Southwold adopted their new Official Plan by by -law on February 14, 2011 and submitted it to the Province for approval. On December 7, 2011 a letter and draft decision from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing was received by the municipality which set out a series of proposed modifications and a statement that the Ministry "is unable to support the Talbotville Settlement Area expansion or the Port Stanley Hamlet expansion designations as shown on the adopted plan. Designating these areas for future growth would be premature at this time ". This statement is based on comments submitted by the Municipality of Central Elgin and the City of St. Thomas stating that there is no allocated capacity to extend sewage servicing to areas outside of Port Stanley or to areas beyond the Lynhurst/Ferndale Meadows area within the Talbotville Settlement Area. However, both the Municipality of Central Elgin and the City of St. Thomas were supportive of the preparation of a servicing options study that may determine the feasibility of extending servicing to these areas as designated in the Southwold Official Plan. (see attachments) CONCLUSION: Having reviewed the draft decision of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing it would appear that the majority of the proposed modifications are technical in nature and will have no major effect on the document. The settlement area expansions in Talbotville and outside Port Stanley will be matters of further discussion with the Province and may require a servicing options study to be prepared in consultation with the adjacent municipalities of Central Elgin and St. Thomas. RECOMMENDATION: THAT County Council support the December 19, 2011 resolution of the Municipality of Central Elgin by endorsing its own motion as follows: 3 THAT the Chief administrative Officer is hereby authorized to forward a letter to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Township of Southwold, the Municipality of Central Elgin and the City of St.Thomas affirming that Council has no objections to the approval of the Township of Southwold Official Plan and supports the cooperation of the respective municipalities to enter into discussions in the development of a servicing options study to determine the feasibility of extending servicing to the Talbotville Settlement Area and the Port Stanley Hamlet expansion area. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Steve Evans Mark G. McDonald Manager of Planning Chief Administrative Officer 4 The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin Resolution December 19, 2011 Moved Seconded NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chief Administrative Officer is authorized to forward a letter to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing and the Township of Southwold affirming that Council has no objections to the adoption of the Township's draft Official Plan as circulated A - D- F1JRVHER THAT Council advise that the Municipality of Central Elgin is prepared to enter into discussions with the Township of Southwold respecting the extension of sanitary sewage servicing to lands in the Township adjacent to the community of Port Stanley. A r a 6,erkk- or 0 I ©, 2aJ 1�t ti\�1 ttcl\ �r-k ��.e_ i�e�,r.�c�ias� o0- rerv.t� S Q,,. , • c � �e � �L - L _�� � �� me .pry i ti �tw i rte.\ 1 V4PC P 5 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Services Office - Western 659 Exeter Road, 2 "d Floor London ON N6E 1 L3 Tel. (519) 873 -4020 Toll Free 1- 800 - 265 -47.36 Fax (519) 873 -4018 December 7, 2011 Ms. Donna Ethier CAO /Clerk Township of Southwold 35663 Fingal Line General Delivery Fingal, ON NOL 11.<0 Re: Ministere des Affaires municipales et du Logement Bureau des services aux municipalites - region de rOuest 659, rue Exeter, 2e etage London ON N6E 1L3 Tel. (519) 873 -4020 Sans frais 1 800 265 -4736 Telec (519) 873 -4018 Southwold Official Plan Township of Southwold, County of Elgin Our file no: 34 -OP- 0156 -1100 e/l" Ontario Dear Ms. Ethier: This is further to the submission of the Council adopted Official Plan for the Township of Southwold which has been submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing ("MMAH") for approval. The proposed Plan will guide the physical development of the Township while having regard to relevant social, economic and environmental matters over a 20 -year planning period. It will replace the existing Township of Southwold Official Plan that has been in effect since 1987. Our review of the Plan has been completed and we are now in a position to forward to you a list of draft modifications to the Plan that are provided prior to the Ministry proceeding to finalize a decision on the Plan, pursuant to subsection 17(34) of the Planning Act. We wish to advise you of the draft modifications so that staff may review the modifications and provide comments to Council and that Council may respond in advance of a Ministry decision. As you are aware, MMAH is the approval authority for the Township of Southwold Official Plan. The Minister and Municipal Council must have regard to matters of provincial interest as outlined in Section 2 of the Planning Act, and decisions must be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) when exercising their authority under the Planning Act. This Official Plan has been reviewed by the provincial Ministries under the PPS 2005, Attached is a chart summarizing the comments and describing how they have been addressed to date, with the modification numbers included, as appropriate. In addition, attached are letters from the City of St. Thomas and the Municipality of Central Elgin which outline their comments on the Official Plan. It is noted that municipal sanitary servicing is not available to service the proposed urban expansion areas in the Talbotville Settlement area, or in the Port Stanley Hamlet area as shown in the adopted Official Plan. We understand that the Township has not prepared servicing options studies for sewage treatment for the Talbotville area to cover new development in the Settlement Area beyond the currently serviced areas. In addition, it is our understanding that a recent review of the existing sanitary sewer located on St. George Street revealed that the sewer has no capacity to carry additional sewage flows beyond 6 that which will be generated by the current primary and secondary service areas in Southwold Township and Central Elgin as identified on the Schedule "A" to the 1997 Agreement with the City. With regard to the Port Stanley Hamlet area. it is noted that the area is designated as "Rural Development Areas" and `Agriculture" in the existing Southwold Official Plan. The Rural Development Areas designation recognized existing residential uses. It is noted that no servicing options studies have been completed for sewage treatment in the area. The Municipality of Central Elgin notes that capacity in the Port Stanley sewage treatment facility is required to satisfy current and planned development needs of Central Elgin. Therefore there is no currently available residual capacity to service the proposed Hamlet area outside of Port Stanley. In addition, the Ministry of Natural Resources has indicated that there is an extensive area of important natural heritage features (an Area of Natural and Scientific Interest — ANSI) in the area of the proposed Port Stanley Hamlet designation that requires protection under the PPS and needs to be recognized on the new Official Plan Land Use Schedules. Proposals to expand the settlement boundary, or establish a new settlement, must be supported by the criteria set out in. Section of the Provincial Policy Statement. For the expansions of the Talbotville or Port Stanley Hamlet, there does not appear to be sufficient documented justification for the expansion of the settlement boundary. The review completed as a result of the Official Plan exercise concerning population and land needs has not supported the need to expand or establish new settlement areas, based on past growth. In addition, Section of the PPS has not been addressed, which requires that the infrastructure and public service facilities which are planned or available are suitable for the development over the long term and protect public health and safety. In addition, Section 1.6.1 of the PPS states that planning for infrastructure and public service facilities shall be integrated with planning for growth so that these are available to meet current and projected needs. In situations where there are lands within the existing "settlement" boundaries that are designated for development, but not developed, they should ideally be retracted to conform to the 20 year growth projections. While MMAH may not require that the over supply of lands be de- designated, i.e., that the settlement areas be reduced to match the projected population needs, settlement area expansions must be justified by a comprehensive review under Section of the PPS. Therefore, it may be beneficial for the Township to review the developable potential of lands that are currently designated as a means to assist in any future comprehensive review. Based upon these comments, we are unable to support the Talbotville Settlement Area expansion or the Port Stanley Hamlet expansion designations as shown in the adopted Plan. Designating these areas for future growth would be premature at this time. Within the existing Talbotville and Port Stanley Hamlet designations (the land areas that coincide with the existing Talbotville and Rural Development Area designations in the existing Official Plan), development that is not on full municipal water and sewage services could proceed on an infill basis, provided the development is in conformity with the policies of the new Official Plan including Section 6.15. The re- designation of the expansion areas of Talbotville and Port Stanley Hamlet could be considered at a future time through the Official Plan amendment process. We have not proposed modifications to change the policies for the two areas, but would appreciate your planning consultant responding with proposed changes to the wording. We would, however, request that changes be made to the appropriate Land Use Schedules to remove the Talbotville and Port Stanley Hamlet expansion areas. 7 2 We would like to thank your Planning Consultant, George Belango, from Zelinka Priam°, for taking the time to discuss the comments on the Plan with us. We look forward to receiving your response back on the proposed modification list, revised policies for the Talbotviile and Port Stanley Hamlet areas, and Council resolution, indicating Council's endorsement of the modifications. As well, please provide revised Land Use Schedules, as described in the chart, and in the draft Decision. If you have any questions, or if clarification is required, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached at 519 - 873 -4031 or by e -mail at tammie.ryall(a�ontario.ca. Yours truly, Tammie RyaII, MCIP, RPP Planner Municipal Services Office — Western Enclosures Copies: George Belango, Zelinka, Priamo Amanda McCloskey, MNR - Aylmer Bill Armstrong, MOE - London Heather Doyle, MTO - St. Catharines John Morrisey, MTO - London Laura Hatch, MCL - Toronto Debbie Laidlaw, MNDM - Tweed Drew Crinklaw, OMAFRA - London Val Towsley, LTVCA Joe Gordon, KCCA Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Steve Evans, County of Elgin Donald Leitch, CAO/ Clerk, Central Elgin Wendell Graves, Clerk, City of St. Thomas 8 3 The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive, 1st Floor, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 P:519.631.4660 F:519.631.4036 Tammie Ryall Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing Municipal Advisor 659 Exeter Road, 2 °d Floor London, ON N6E 1L3 Dear Ms. Ryall: Received MAY 202011 MSO -W May 18th, 2011 Re: Township of Southwold — Official Plan Please be advised that Central Elgin Council discussed a report respecting the above noted matter at their Planning Meeting dated Monday, May 161h, 2011 and the following resolution was passed: THAT: Report CEP 22 -11 be received; AND THAT: Council advise the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Southwold Township that: (i) Council has no objections to the proposed new Official Plan for the Township of Southwold, dated February 2011; (ii) Council supports the new Official Plan policies which provide that the preferred method of servicing in the designated settlement areas be municipal sanitary sewers and municipal piped water services; (iii) Capacity in the Port Stanley sewage treatment facility is required to satisfy current and planned development needs within Central Elgin, therefore there is currently no available residual capacity in the facility to service the proposed hamlet area outside of Port Stanley as contemplated by the new Plan; (iv) A recent analysis of the existing sanitary sewer located on St. George Street revealed that the sewer has no capacity to carry additional sewage flows beyond that which will be generated by the current primary and secondary service areas in Southwold Township and Central Elgin as identified on Schedule "A" to the 1997 Agreement with the City; (v) Council supports the new Official Plan policies that would provide for the preparation of servicing option studies for the Talbotville Settlement Area, and would suggest that the same should apply to the hamlet adjacent to Port Stanley and request that any such studies that include the Port Stanley sewage treatment facility as a servicing option ensure that the Municipality is involved at the earliest possible time; and (vi) All references to the "Township of Central Elgin" should be deleted and replaced with "Municipality of Central Elgin ". CARRIED. Please note that a copy of Report CEP 22 -11 has been attached to this correspondence for your information and ease of reference. Further to Council's resolution and their discussion on Monday night, the intent of Council's resolution is not to say that connection to the Port Stanley system will not be allowed, only that there is not current available capacity and any such connection would be subject to study and negotiation. Please feel free to contact me at the municipal office should you have any questions regarding this matter. Yours truly, Dianne Wilson Deputy Clerk C. C. encl. J. McCoomb, Planner, CEPO L. J. Perrin, Director of Physical Services T. McKenna, Manager of Environmental and Community Services 10 The Corporation of the .Municipality of CentraEE[gin DATE: May 111h, 2011 REPORT: CEP.22.11 CEPO FILE: TO: His Worship the Mayor and Council PREPARED BY: Jim McCoomb, Planner Central Elgin Planning Department SUBJECT: Township of Southwold New Official Plan — Staff Review ATTACHMENTS: Schedules A and A -I from the draft Southwold Official Plan TO COUNCIL: May 161h, 2011 APPROVED: Y N OTHER RESOLUTION NO.: RECOMMENDATION: THAT Report CEP.22.11 be received; AND THAT Council advise the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Southwold Township that: (0 Council has no objections to the proposed new Official Plan for the Township of Southwold, dated February, 2011; (ii) Council supports' the new Official Plan policies which provide that the preferred method of servicing in the designated settlement areas be municipal sanitary sewers and municipal piped water services; (iii)capacity in the Port Stanley sewage treatment facility is required to satisfy current and planned development needs within Central Elgin, therefore there is currently no available residual capacity in the facility to service the proposed hamlet area outside of Port Stanley as contemplated by the new Plan; (iv) a recent analysis o f the existing sanitary sewer located on St. George Street revealed that the sewer has no capacity to carry additional sewage flows beyond that which will be generated by the current primary and secondary service areas in Southwold Township and Central Elgin as identified on Schedule "A" to the 1997 Agreement with the City; (v) Council supports the new Official Plan policies that would provide for the preparation of servicing option studies for the TalbotviIle Settlement Area, and would suggest that the Central Elgin Planning Office Report No.: CEP -22 -11 -1- 11 same should apply to the hamlet adjacent to Port Stanley and request that any such studies that include the Port Stanley sewage treatment facility as a servicing option ensure that the Municipality is involved at the earliest possible time; and, (vi)all references to the "Township of Central Elgin" should be deleted and replaced with "Municipality of Central Elgin ". REPORT: The Township of Southwold has recently adopted its new Official Plan and has forwarded the Plan to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval. The Ministry has circulated the adopted Plan for the purposes of review and comment by interested Ministries, agencies and neighbouring municipalities. Staff has reviewed the new Official Plan, focusing primarily on those areas adjacent with or in proximity to the common municipal boundary, or for which there may be cross - jurisdictional interests. In that respect, staff notes that for the most part land use along the common boundary is very similar, with the predominant use being agriculture, reflecting the prominence of farming and prime agricultural lands in this region. The Agricultural policies of the new Plan are similar and compatible to those of the dralt new Central Elgin Official Plan, particularly in terms of permitted uses, permitted secondary uses, MDS requirements and other related policies. It is noted that there are a few references to Central Elgin that erroneously state "The Township of Central Elgin" and these should be corrected. There are two areas of the new Official Plan that reflect a more significant change from the former Official Plan and warrant Council's consideration. These include: 1. Proposed New Hamlet Designation Adjacent to Port Stanley: The new Official Plan proposes a new Hamlet designation be established in the area north of the Community of Port Stanley, The limits of the proposed Hamlet are shown on Schedule A attached. Most of the lands within the proposed Hamlet were designated "Rural Development Area" and "Agriculture" within the old Southwold Official Plan. The Rural Development Area designation recognized the existing cluster of residential uses in the area. The proposed Hamlet designation would expand the range of permitted uses to include low density residential, home occupations, bed and breakfast establishments, retail, service, office, automotive, institutional and open space uses, small -scale dry industry and agricultural- related commercial and industrial uses. Notwithstanding the range of permitted uses, the most probable development in the area will be residential, through consents and infilling. The servicing policies of the draft Official Plan propose full municipal (communal) sanitary services only for the designated settlement areas, which does not include the hamlets. Hamlets may be serviced through partial servicing to allow for infilling and rounding out of existing development. However, the Plan also recognizes that there is potential for connection to the servicing system of Port Stanley. The proposed changes for this area could mean an intensification of land uses on partial services on lands adjacent to the fully serviced urban settlement area of Port Stanley. The implication for Central Elgin lies in the potential for the need for sanitary services should the partial services fail, Any existing residual capacity within the Port Stanley sewage treatment lagoons will be required by Central Elgin for the long term needs of the Port Stanley community. The Port Stanley sewage treatment facility is also recognized as a potential option Central Elgin Planning Office Report No.'. CEP -22 -11 -2- 12 for servicing the Community of Union, The Director of Physical Services advises that there is no residual capacity in the existing facility to make available to service the proposed hamlet area in Southwold should the need arise, It is therefore recommended that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Township of Southwold be advised of this situation so that it may be factored into the consideration of the proposed new Official Plan. 2. Proposed Settlement Area in Lynhurst: The draft Official Plan proposes to designate an approximately 3,250 acre area from Lynhurst to Talbotville and northerly to the Ford plant as a Settlement Area (the "Talbotville Settlement Area ", see Schedule A -1 attached). The Talbotville Settlement Area includes the already designated Hamlet of Talbotville, the approximately 2,348 acre Industrial block running from Major Line to the Ford plant, and the already designated Urban Development Area that encapsulates the Lynhurst Park and Ferndale Meadows subdivisions. It also proposes to include a roughly triangular 36 hectare area extending from McBain Line and Wellington Road northwesterly between Ford Road and Highway #3. This area is designated "Agricultural" in the current Southwold Official Plan, but is proposed to be designated Residential and General Commercial in the draft new Plan. The Township of Southwold is party to an agreement with the City of St. Thomas for access to, and treatment capacity within, the St. Thomas Sewage Treatment Plant. While the performance of that agreement is a matter between the City and Southwold Township, in the Lynhurst area the sewage from Southwold is brought to the City system via an existing sanitary sewer along St. George Street in Central Elgin. A recent review of that sewer by Dillon Consulting Limited has determined that there is not sufficient capacity within the sewer to accommodate the additional flows that would be realized by any additional development in Southwold beyond the existing primary and secondary servicing areas recognized in the agreement, If the Township of Southwold proposes to use the capacity allotted to it within the St. Thomas Sewage Treatment Plant to service additional lands within the proposed Talbotville Settlement Area, the capacity of the St. George Street sewer will require expansion or an alternate connection to the St. Thomas system will be required. It is therefore recommended that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Township of Southwold be advised of this situation so that it may be factored into the consideration of the proposed new Official Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Having reviewed the new Official Plan for the Township of Southwold, staff recommend that Council advise the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Southwold Township of the following: ® That Council has no objections to the proposed new Official Plan for the Township of Southwold, dated February, 2011; • That Council supports the new Official Plan policies which provide that the preferred method of servicing in the designated settlement areas be municipal sanitary sewers and municipal piped water services; ® That there is no available residual capacity in the Port Stanley sewage treatment facility to service the proposed hamlet area outside of Port Stanley as conternplated by the new Plan should the need arise in the future; Central Elgin Planning Office Report No CEP -22 -11 -3- 13 ® That a recent analysis of the existing sanitary sewer located on St. George Street revealed that the sewer has no capacity to carry additional sewage flows beyond that which will be generated by the current primary and secondary service areas identified in the 1997 Agreement with the City of St. Thomas; • That Council supports the new Official Plan policies that would provide for the preparation of servicing option studies for the Talbotville Settlement Area, and would suggest that the same should apply to the hamlet adjacent to Port Stanley and request that any such studies that include the Port Stanley sewage treatment facility as a servicing option ensure that the Municipality is involved at the earliest possible time; and, • That all references to the "Township of Central Elgin" should be deleted and replaced with "Municipality of Central Elgin ". Respectful ly submitted, cCoo Planner Central Elgin Planning Office Report No.: CEP -22 -11 -4- 14 0) SETTLEMENT AREA HIGHWAY SERVICE COMMERCIAL CENTRE WASTE MANAGEMENT OPERATIONAL SEWAGETREATEMENT SITE * CLOSEDWASTE DISPOSAL SITE PETROLEUM POOL TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD Official Plan Schedule 'A-1` Talbotville Settlement Area fac:' <3 L° --;—:—'^-,--., — SETTLEMENT AREA BOUNDARY RESIDENTIAL GENERAL COM4ERCIA1 INDUSTRIAL OPEN spAa HAZARD LANDS (overlay) WOODLANDS (overlay) C R CITY OF ST. THOMAS A North 0 200 400 600 800 1000 DISTANCE IN METRES 16 00 Patrick.. C. Keenan Director of Planning THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ST. TI- OMAS All correspondence to be addressed to: St. Thomas Planning Department City Hall Annex 9 Mondamin Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 2T9 Telephone: (519) 633-2560 Fax: (519) 633 -6581 May 18th, 2011 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Services Office - Southwestern 659 Exeter Road, 2nd Floor London, Ontario N6E 1L3 Attention: Ms. Tam nie Ryall, Municipal Planning Advisor Dear Ms. Rya11: Received MAY 24 2011 MSO -W Re: Township of Southwold Official Plan Further to your letter and attachments dated March 14, 2011, enclosed please find a copy of the resolution passed by Council at its meeting of May 16th, 2011 regarding the recently adopted Township of Southwold Official Plan. A copy of Report No. PD -12 -2011 is also enclosed to provide you with further background information behind Council's resolution. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. 5.TOUrS truly, Aiffk&_ atrick J. !' eenan Director of Planning 17 FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. THOMAS EXTRACT FROM THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF: MAY 16, 2011 TO: Mr. J. McCoomb, Planner Mr,P:,Keenan, Director of Planning Mr. J. Dewancker, Director, Environmental Services Township of Southwold New Official Plan - Council Comments THAT: Report PD -12 -11 relating to the Township of Southwold New Official Plan - Council Comments be received for information; and further, THAT: Council advise the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Southwold Township that: • Council has no objections to the new Township of Southwold Official Plan, dated February 2011; • Council supports the new Official Plan policies which provide that the preferred method of servicing in the designated settlement areas be municipal sanitary sewers and municipal piped water services; ® The existing agreement (1997) between the City and the Township of Southwold only allocated sewage capacity to the Lynhurst/Femdale Meadows area within the Talbotville Settlement Area, which includes Service Areas #1 and #2 as depicted on Schedule "A" to the agreement; ® Council supports the new Official Plan policies that would provide for the preparation of servicing option studies for the Talbotville Settlement Area, and request that any such studies that include the City as a servicing option ensure that the City is involved at the earliest possible time. Carried. 18 The Corporation of the t;r <<' " City of St. Thomas ST. THON AS Directed to: Chairman M. Coscns and Members of the Planning and Development Committee Report No.: PD -12 -2011 Subject: Township of Southwold New Official Plan Council Comments Department: Planning Department Prepared by: Jim McCoomb, Planner File No.: 243 Report Date: May 9th, 2011 Council Meeting late: May 16th1, 2011 Attachments: - Memo from J. Dewancker - Schedules "A" and "A -1" RECOMMENDATION: THAT: Report PD -12 -2011 be received for information; AND THAT: Council advise the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Southwold Township that: Council has no objections to the new Township of Southwold Official Plan, dated February 2011; ▪ Council supports the new Official Plan policies which provide that the preferred method of servicing in the designated settlement areas be municipal sanitary sewers and municipal piped water services; © the existing agreement (1997) between the City and the Township of Southwold only allocated sewage capacity to the Lynhurst /Ferndale Meadows area within the Talbotville Settlement Area, which includes Service Areas #1 and ##2 as depicted on Schedule "A" to the agreement; ® Council supports the new Official Plan policies that would provide for the preparation of servicing option studies for the Talbotville Settlement Area, and request that any such studies that include the City as a servicing option ensure that the City is involved at the earliest possible time. The Council of the Township of Southwold recently adopted a new Township Official Plan in ORIGIN: accordance with Subsection 17(22) of the Planning Act, K.S.O., 1990 as amended. nnThe new w l part s its been submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) approval. m municipalities l process, MMAH and comment Staff has reviewed the Plan and is recommending that Council provide comments to MMAH and Southwold Township in accordance with the following report. REP ITT: The new Plan for Southwold Township policy the Tcship ov er a 20 y err ai g pe iod.In reviewing hedocument, s staff focused on those areas with common bond li e n and policies that t may have cross-jurisdictional patio S. relative to land use, observations are offered for Council's consideration: common ou _a y between the City and the attached. lt is that s Agricultural. the common bound ry range of agricultural and The policies of the Plan for the Agricultural designation permit a rang expandin livestock facilities ties are subjeccttitouMir Minimum Distance Separation policiescand formulae. expanding This is l generally d consistent designation thathredomL mates Area the the St. Thomas on the City side of most f the the Rural Area design P common boundary. the Schedule rthwes "A" o the City as a Settlement Area" (Talbotville Settlement nt Area). The specific northwest area of Y a co of which is and uses for the Talbotville Settlement Area are detailed on Schedule "A -1 ", copy also attached. The 'Talbotville Settlement Area includes the former Hamlet of Talbotville; the approxiinately 2,348 acre industrial corridor that extends from Major Line in the south to Southdel Drive in the north and includes the Ford Motor Company lands; and, the Lynhurst and Ferndale Meadows subdivisions located on the west side of Wellington Road. It also includes 36 hectares of lands designated as Agricultural in the old Official Plan north of Ferndale Line and between Ford Road and Highway #3, and is proposing Residential and General Commercial land use in that area. Staff have no land use planning concerns with respect to this proposed settlement area as it is composed largely of lands already designated for urban type land uses and is essentially carrying forward those uses. The new Plan's growth strategy states that the Settlement Areas will be the focus of growth for the Township, and that full municipal sewage and water services are the preferred form of servicing in the Settlement Areas. The Plan recognizes that capacity in the St. Thomas sewage treatment plant will not be exceeded, but further recognizes that improvements and extensions to the sanitary system may be necessary. The policies infer that servicing from St. Thomas may he extended to cover new development in the Settlement Area beyond the currently serviced areas. However, according to the Director, Environinental Services (see attached memorandum), the existing 1997 Sanitary Sewage Servicing Agreement between the City and the Township limits the servicing area to the primary (Sewage Area #1) and secondary (Sewage Area #2) identified on Schedule "A" to that Agreement. m The Director, Environmental Services notes that servicing options for the Talbotville Settlement Area would best be assessed through a servicing master planning exercise in which all options are examined. If the City is identified as a servicing option, the City should be included early in any study. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Having reviewed the new Official Plan for the Township of Southwold, staff recommend that Council advise the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Southwold Township of the following: • that Council has no objections to the new Township of Southwold Official Plan, dated February 2011; • that Council supports the new Official Plan policies which provide that the preferred method of servicing in the designated settlement areas be municipal sanitary sewers and municipal piped water services; • that there is an existing agreement between the City and Southwold Township, as outlined in the attached memorandum from John Dewancker, Director Environmental Services, which only allocates sewage capacity to the Lynhurst /Ferndale Meadows area, and specifically Service Areas #1 and #2 as depicted on Schedule "A" to the agreement; and, • that Council supports the new Official Plan policies that provide for the preparation of servicing option studies for settlement areas and requests that any such studies that include the City as an option ensure that the City becomes involved at the earliest possible stage. Respectfully submitted, 1 /Jim M'eCoom P arurer Reviewed By: E_v. Services Treasury City Clerk Other 20 'rInN iv NF't'ITr ��v ST. THOMAS MEM± 1RANDUM DATE: May 6, 2011 TO: Pat Keenan, Director of Planning FROM: John Dewancker, Director, Environmental Services SUBJECT: Township of Southwold - Draft Official Plan Circulation FILE NO: 09- 029 -00 Pat, At your request, Environmental Services staff has reviewed the new Official Nan, dated February 2011, for the Township of Southwold. As the City of St. Thomas provides sewage collection and treatment services for the Lynhurst /Ferndale suburban development community, as well as water operational services within the primary service area of the Lynhurst development, the comments below are limited to the municipal servicing aspects associated with the proposed Official Man and also limited to the Talbotville Settlement Area of the OP. The existing 1997 Sanitary Sewage Servicing Agreement between the City of St. Thomas and the Township of Southwold provides a committed sewage treatment capacity for 48 dwelling units and 300 dwelling units in the primary (sewage area #1) and secondary service (sewage area #2) areas of the Lynhurst /Ferndale suburban area respectively (a copy of the plan showing the sewage areas is attached). A balance committed treatment capacity of 1,215 m3 /d remains in effect for any future development within these subject service areas providing that the capacity of the receiving sewage collection system is adequate or made adequate to accommodate these additional flows. It must be noted also that this inter - municipal service agreement provides for the requirement that, as a condition of approval of each plan of subdivision within these Areas #1 and 42, such plans must be developed to the same servicing standards as those that are required by the City of St. Thomas. We note that the new OP policies may consider the use of on -site private systems and partial municipal services. However, in settlement areas full municipal services are the preferred method of servicing and in particular within the Lynhurst /Ferndale suburban area the policies require municipal water supply and municipal sanitary sewage services. The Lynhurst /Ferndale suburban area is shown on Schedule "A" of the OP to be a part of the expanded Talbotville settlement area. However, other areas within Talbotville have developed separately and their servicing provisions are different (full municipal services vs. partial /private services). Such use of 21 private services is different from the City's standards, which require new development to be fully serviced with municipal water and sewage services. it is noted that the Sanitary Sewage and Water Service Policies contained in Subsection 5.7.1 of the OP provide that the Township may undertake a sanitary sewage servicing options study to assess its 20 -year need for sanitary sewage systems. We would encourage the preparation of master servicing plans within the Talbotville Settlement Area as supporting background information to demonstrate the adequacy of the existing infrastructure that will be relied on to service the proposed new development areas and analyze the need for any capacity improvements. For any such studies that include the City as a servicing option, the City should be invited to participate at the earliest stages. 22 SCHEDULE "A" CC1JNT,2. 52 SOUTHWOLD SEWAGE AREA No.1 SOUTHWOLD SEWAGE AREA No,2 YARMOUTH SEWAGE AREA No.1 YARMOUTH SEWAGE AREA No.2 CITY BOUNDARY 23 H = 2 76' -C3CLJ -Z=3 CD r3 tr") SETTLEMENT AREA HIGHWAY SERVICE COMMERCIAL CENTRE WASTE MANAGEMENT OPERATIONAL SEWAGETREATEMENT SITE CLOSED WASTE DISPOSAL SITE PETROLEUM POOL • CORRESPONDENCE — January 10, 2012 Items for Information (Consent Agenda) - (Attached) 1. Faadia Ghani, LHINS, with invitation to Board to Board session with the South West LHIN on Wednesday, January 25th, 2012 at 6:00 P.M. 26 From: Ghan' F0adia PFaad|a.Ghoni@U|lN5.[}N.CAl Sent: Wednesday, January O42Ol25:0PIM To: Health Service Provider Board Members Subject: You're Invited: Board to Board session with the South West LHINWednesday, January 25th/ 6:00 p.m. As you may he aware, the South West 0H|N Board has made changes to its meeting schedule and forrnat in order to encourage more particiaaten f'om health service provicler Board rnernbrs and the public. We are hoping to do this by holding meetings later in the day and hos.ting meetings in communities around the South West to hear about topics of significant interest across the LH|M, Following our Board meeting in SL Thomas January 25th, we will be holding a Board—to—Board engagement session that all health service provider boards are welcome to attend from 6:00-7:C0 p.m. at St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital in the Auditorium Conference Roam, At this ueoo|on, we will discuss governance and health care system issues of concam to providers in the Elgin area using the World Cafe technique. Please RSVP in advance to the email address bo'ow. We also encourae you to jon tis for a Comrnunity Information Session open to tIe geiioral public hat wilP ruri from 7:15'O30p.nn. (flyer attached) where we will hear about new health care developments and activities in the Elgin area, including: • An update from PauI CoII is an Horne First, redevelopment and mental health activities at St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital • I-atIier DeBruyn from the Canadian Mental Health Association — Elgin will provide yn update wn community rnontp|hea|thservices • Gordon yWi|ak from the South West Community Care Access Centre on how health care providers are working together to enharice access to care • Judth Wiley ari how the Central Community Health Centre is advancinq access to tocal primar care • A client experience Please register for the Board-to-Board session in advance, by emailing faadia.dharralhins.on.ca. For more information, visit -itto://south.vestInin.on.oa. We ask that you print off the attached flyer and post ilH.oi.ighutl[ yout This email may contain confidential information. If you are not one of the intended recipients, if you receive this email or if 1 is forwarded to you withot the express authorization of The County ofElgin, please destroy this email and coritact LIS imrnediately. APlease consider the environment before printing this e-nriail 6-.-..jether to Ilf::yrove Your Health Care LIjinCounty Hear more about how health care is changing in Elgin County, including: r A A 11(7-'1 l'aUl • • • • •:1 1--lc.)rne Firsi. re'--,•,--•!•-pnteilt an d iiLi • L. Ci .• Has Ek frorn t (al) Coitutmn re on how e orovic -s are \.vorkiimi -.T,..ther to nce. cccsnr He Hier L„.eEktlyn forn int • Eighl will [Novick ail update on commhnity mental se Judith Wiiey an hovii the unity 1-10E,1 rare I 4 47,1 1 ' • r; A 111 t1 K`rt 'I ' •• , MIN MIMI • idnesday, January 25, 2012 7:15 — 8:30 p.m. St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Auditorium 189 Elm St St. Thomas • . ;tioiv;? Gill' 519-672.4. s 1, 5,14 .0-11)■-1 outhw , .. ' • : or visit \,,vvyw.soutlitdvestliiili... 7., •fc4- • CLOSED MEETING AGENDA January 10, 2012 Staff Reports: 1) Chief Administrative Officer - Municipal Act, Section 240.2(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board — PowerPoint Presentation — Facility Space Needs Including Property Options 2) Chief Administrative Officer - Municipal Act, Section 240.2(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board — PowerPoint Presentation — Terrace Lodge Building and Property Options 3) Director of Financial Services - Municipal Act, Section 240.2(e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board — Ford Property Assessment 4) Director of Human Resources — Municipal Act, Section 240.2(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees — Labour Relations Matter (VERBAL)