008 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 8 "BY-LAW TO REPEAL BY-LAW NUMBER TWO ENTITLED "A BY-LAW TO R~ISE ~Y WAY OF LOAN THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND POUNDS AND IN- T~REST PAYABLE WITHIN FJFTEEN YEAR:? TO ~E API:LIED IN '['HE E- Rl?_CTJON OF THE COURT HOUSE AND gOAL Il1 THE COUNTY Qf_:§!.LGIN." Passed 13th May 1853. WHEREAS by the Statute 14th & 15th Victoria Chap- ter 109 Section 14 it is enacted that where any original By-Law may have been passed by any Provisional Municipal Corporation for contracting any Loan under the 177th Section of the Municipal Corporation Act of 1849 it shall be unlaw- ful for such Provisional Municipal Corporation to repeal such By-Law at any time before the contracting of any part of such Loan and the actual issue of the debentures, or other obliga- tions of such Provisional Municipal Corporation for the same. AND WHEREAS no loan has been contracted or De- benture or other obligation issued under the Authority of said By-Law Number Two and whereas the said By-Law Number Two does not provide for the raising by way of Loan a sufficient sum of Money to complete the erection and finishing of the Court House and Goal, this Council considers it advisable to repeal said By-Law Number Two. IT IS THEREFORE her~by granted by the Provisional Municipal Council of the County of Elgin that the said By-Law Number Two be, and the same is hereby repealed. Passed 13th May A.D. 1853. Certified - John McKay Thos. E. Locker Provo Clerk Provo Warden Read the 1st time Friday the 13th of May 1853. P./C Certified - J. McKay Read the 2nd time Friday the 13th of May 1853. Certified - J. McKay P./C Read the 3rd time Friday the 13th of May 1853. Certified - J. McKay P./C Passed on Friday the 13th of May 1853. Certified - J McKay P./C