011 COUNTY OF ELGIN II By-Law No SUM OF SEVEN THOUSAND POUNDS THE BY WAY OF LOAN TO RAISE COUNTY AMOUNT OF DEBT DUE_1?Y THE INTEREST TO PAY THE AND AND COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX AND 'ro COMPLETE FINISH TlÅ’ GOAL AND COURT HOUSE OF THE THE OF ELGIN TO " COUNTY OF ELGIN Passed lOth May 1854 SAID WHEREAS in accordance with the agreement dated at London the Twenty-eighth day of September One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty-three, made by the late Provision- al Council of the County of Elgin with the Municipal Coun- cil of the United Counties of Middlesex and Elgin for the adjustment and settlement of the proportion of the debt due by the said United Counties of Middlesex and Elgin which it was considered just, that the County of Elgin on its being disunited from Middlesex, should take upon its- elf with the time of payment thereof the sum of Five thousand pounds with interest after the first day of Janu- ary One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty-four, was by mutual consent determined on as the proportion of the debt so due by the said United Counties on the next first day of January including the repairs made and to be made in the same year on the Port Stanley Road in Elgin that it was considered just that the County of Elgin should take upon itself. AND vffiEREAS it is desirable and expedient to raise and contract for a loan of Seven Thousand Pounds for the purpose of being applied to pay the --ãlores-aid-- debt due by the County of Elgin to the County of Middle- sex aforesaid and to complete and finish the Goal and Court House in the said County and it will require the additional sum of Twelve Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty pounds to be raised as a special rate for the pay- ment of such Loan in equal annual payments and the in- terest thereof for the space of Twenty years from the Tenth day of May next ensuing until the Tenth day of May in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-three, both years inclusive. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property in the County of Elgin according to the assess- ment returns for the same for the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty-three being the financial year next pre- ceeding the passing of this By-Law was One Million Two ) (Cont'd II By-]~aw No Page 2 Hundred and Eight Hundred and Twenty-nine Thousand Nine pounds AND ùmEREAS it will require the several rates in the pound mentioned in the Schedule appended hereunto and forming part of this By-Law upon such rateable pro- perty as a special rate for the payment of said interest and for the creation of a sinking fund for the equal an- nual payment of the principal of such Loan according to the requirements of the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Section of the Upper Canada Municipal Act Twelfth Victoria Chapter Eighty-first as amended by the fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria Chapter One Hundred and nine BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the County of Elgin under authority of the Upper Canada Municipal Corporation and Territorial Divisions Act and it is hereby enacted under authority of the same Firstly - That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Warden of the County of Elgin to raise by way of Loan and at a rate of interest not exceeding eight per cent per annum from any person or persons body Corporate or Politic who may be willing to advance the same upon credit of the Debentures hereinafter mentioned a sum of Money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Seven Thousand Pounds and to cause the same to be paid into the office of the Baw( of Montreal in St. Thomas subject to the order of the Treasurer of the said County for the within mentioned pur- poses Secondly - That it shall and may be lawful for the Warden to cause or direct any number of Debentures to be made in sums not less than Twenty-five pounds for such sum of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Seven Thousand Pounds as any person or persons body corporate or politic shall agree to advance on the credit of such De- bentureS..Such Debentures to be under the Common Seal of the said County signed by the Warden and Treasurer for the time being and the said Warden and Treasurer are hereby authori- zed and required to sign the same which said Debentures shall be made out in such form and manner and payable at such periods not exceeding Twenty years and shall have cou- pons attached to them for the payment of the interest which in lilëe manner shall be signed or initialed by said Warden and Treasurer Thirdly - That the interest on such Debentures shall be payable by the Treasurer half yearly at the Office of the Baw( of Montreal in St. Thomas and the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty pounds being the Twentieth equal part of (Cont'd) Page 3 II By-Law No the said sum of Seven Thousand pounds shall be made pay- able on or before the Tenth day of May in each of the years One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty-five, One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty-six, One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty-seven, One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty-eight, One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty-nine, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty, One Thousand Eight Hundred and six- ty-one, One Thousand Eight Hundred and sixty-two, One Thou- sand Eight Hundred and sixty-three, One Thousand Eight Hun- dred and sixty-four, One Thousand Eight Hundred and sixty- five, One Thousand Eight Hundred and sixty-six, One Thou- sand Eight Hundred and sixty-seven, One Thousand Eight Hun- dred and sixty-eight, One Thousand Eight Hundred and sixty- nine, One Thousand Eight Hundred and seventy, One Thousand Eight Hundred and seventy-one, One Thousand Eight Hundred and seventy-two, One Thousand Eight Hundred and seventy- three, One Thousand Eight Hundred and seventy-four at the office of the Bank of Montreal in St. Thomas. Fourthly - That for the payment of said interest and the equal annual payment of the said Debentures there shall be raised, levied and collected upon the whole rate- able property within the said County the rate and sums men- tioned in the said Schedule during which the said Debentures or any of them shall remain outstanding or the sums of Money thereby secured or any part thereof shall remain unpaid over and above and in addition to all other rates whatsoever. Fifthly - That the said sum of Seven Thousand Pounds when so paid into the said office of the Bank of Montreal in St. Thomas, shall be appropriated towards de- fraying the amount of the debt due as aforesaid by the County of Elgin to the County of Middlesex and also towards the completion and finishing of the Goal and Court House in the said County of Elgin. By-Law shall Tenth day of And be it enacted that the effect from and after the and fifty-four Sixthly - be in force and take May Eighteen;Hundred Seventhly - And be it further enacted that the shall be the Schedule referred to in this By-Law. following Pound in 1854 to raise in the of one penny '2~~~ È 910 4L~1 25b2 882 854 .. " 1855 1856 " " " .. J±?-1 '2562 (Cont'd) By-Law No II Page 4 ~ of one Penny in the Pound in 1857 to raise È 826 25 2 ~~ " " 1858 " 798 ~~ " " 1859 " 25 2 770 èH " " 1860 " 742 d~ " " 1861 " 714 2~~ " " 1862 " 686 .--1~. 1863 658 25 2 " " " 2~H " " 1864 " 630 --101 1865 2562 " " " 602 ·-?-F 1866 574 25 2 " " " ¿iB " " 1867 " 546 ¿-~t~ " " 1868 " 518 __?!*2 25 2 " " 1869 " 490 åt! " " 1870 " 462 2~ 25 2 " " 1871 " 434 2~ 25 2" " " 1872 " 406 182 2562 " " 1873 " 378 (Qont't) By-Law No II Page 5 Passed lOth May 1854 Certified William McKay Thomas Locker, Warden County Clerk Read a first time on Wednesday the lOth May 1854. Certified - W. McKay C/Clerk Read a second time on Wednesday the lOth May 1854. Certified - W. McKay C/Clerk Read a third time on ~Jednesday the 10th May 1854. Certified - W. McKay C/Clerk Passed on Wednesday the lOth May 1854. W. McKay C/Clerk Certified