012 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 12 TO ~ETERMINE THE MODE OF DECISION TO BE ADOPTED IN AS- ÇERTAINI~G THE APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF A CERTAIN BY- LAW ORIGINATED B~ THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ENTITLED "A BY-LAW AUTHORIZING THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF Trill COUNTY OF ELGIN TO RAISE THE SUM OF TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS AND INTEREST PAYABLE WIrHIN THIRTY YEARS TO BE ~PPLIED IN TAKING STOCK IN THE LONDON AND PORT STANLEY RAILWAY COMPANY AND TO RAISE THE SMßE ON THE CREDIT OF 'r:lIE CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND OF UPPER CANADA." Passed 26th January 1854. WHEREAS it is expedient to define by what mode the approval or disapproval of the By-Law mentioned in the title of this By-Law shall be ascertained from the Munici- palities in the County of Elgin. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the said County of Elgin that the question whether the said By-Law shall be decided by the Majority of the Total Number of Electors voting yea or nay in the whole of the said County of Elgin when the said By-Law shall be sub- mitted for their approval as required by law and that the decision of the Electors of each Township and Village Municipality in the said County of Elgin shall be made known to the Clerk of this Council by the Clerk of each Municipality within the said County who shall transmit to the said County Clerk within five days after the clos- ing of the Poll in each Municipality respectively a certi- ficate signed by the Clerk and the Head of the Municipality wherein shall be stated the number of voters who shall have voted yea and the number who shall have voted nay on Polling the votes of such Elections respecting the said By-Law. Passed 26 January 1854 Certified W. McKay Thos. Locker C/Clerk Warden (Cont'd) By-Law No 12 Page 2 Read a first time on Friday the 26th January 185Lf Certified'- W. McKay C/C Read a second time on Friday the 26th January 1854. Certified - W. McKay C/C Read a third time on Friday the 26th January 1854. Certified - W. McKay C/C Passed on Friday the 26th January 1854. Certified - W. McKay C/C