021 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 21 "TO I)ETEBMINE 'rHE MODE OF DECISION TO BE ADOpTED IN__ASCER- ~~INING__~li~_APPRQYAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF A CERTAIN BY-LAW OR~g;NATED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE C9UNT¥__0~ ELGIN Al1D EN- TITLED "BY::_LAW ~UîliOR:tZImLJ'H1i_90UNTY C9_UNCIL OF THE_ÇOUNTY QF ELGI~_TO BAISE THE SUM OF FJVE THOUSAND POUNDS AND_Il1- TEl~ES'r PAYABLE WI'rHIN THIR<J:.Y YEARS :ro _ BE .APPLIEJ2.__JN THE ERECTION OF THE NEÇESSARY ENC~O~U~E FOR TflE ßECURITY OF ERISON~R~_Q9fiFINED IN THE GOAL OF rHE SAID COUNTY OF ELGIN AND_F9_R THE IMPROVEMENT O.fi' THE BRIDGES Ot'l THE_PO!lT STANLEY ill~A VE;.1-R0;11LJ'iJI'J'HIN THE SAIJ2.Y-!.TlNICIpAI{ITY ~N12. TO RAISE T]i:[ S;1ME_9JLîJ:íE CJiED_I'r_ OF _tJ:íE CON$OLIDATED MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND ACT OF __TlPEER CANADA." Passed 26th January 1855. WHEREAS it is expedient to define by what mode the approval or disapproval of the By-Law mentioned in the Title to this By-Law shall be ascertained from the Munici- palities in the County of Elgin. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the said County of Elgin that the question whether the said By-Law shall be decided by the majority of the Total Number of Electors voting yea or nay in the whole of the said County of Elgin when the said By-Law shall be submit- ted for their approval as required by law and that the decision of the Electors of each Township and Village Muni- cipality in the said County shall be made known to the Clerk of this Council by the Clerk of each Municipality within the said County who shall transmit to the said County Clerk with- in five .days after the closing of the Poll in each Municipal- ity respectively a certificate signed by the Clerk and the Head of the Municipality wherein shall be stated the number of voters who shall have voted Yea and the number who shall have voted Nay on Polling the votes of such Electors respec- ting the said By-Law. Certified W. McKay Thos. Locker Clerk Warden (Cont'd) 2 Page By-Law No 21 Read a first time 26th January 1855 Read a second time 26th January 1855 Read a third time 26th January 1855 Passed 26th January 1854 Certified