032 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 32 ~_TO A~POIN~__AN_:¡:Ji~YEC~ºR OF __WEIGHTS AIiP MEASURES Il'l__Al1J2_ FOR ~liE MU~JCIPALI~Y OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO PROCURE A STANDARD SET OF WEIGHTS__&~J2 ME~SURES FOR ,!,HE USE Q~~&IJ2 lVlUIjI CJ:!,ALITY . " Passed 14th November 1855. WHEREAS by an act passed in the Eighteenth year of Her Majestys' Reign entitled "An act further to amend the Laws concerning Inspectors of Weights and Measures in Upper Canada," it is enacted that from and after the passing of said act the Municipal Council of each County and City in Upper Canada shall have power to appoint from time to time one or more Inspectors of Weights and Measures for such Municipality under the provisions of the Act passed in the Twelfth year of Her Majestys reign entitled "An act to amend the several laws therein mentioned relative to the ap- pointment and duties of Inspectors of Weights and Measures in Upper Canada" provided that each Inspector holding office at the time of the passing of this act shall be and remain Inspector for the County in which he shall reside until another be appointed by such Council. BE IT ENACTED by the authority aforesaid that it shall be lawful for the Municipality of the County of Elgin to appoint one or more Inspectors of Weights and Measures in said Municipality. BE IT FURTHER enacted that Archibald McLachlin be appointed an Inspector of Weights and Measures in and for the Municipality of the County of Elgin. AND BE IT FURTHER enacted that it shall be lawful for the Warden of the said County of Elgin to procure a set of Standard Weights and Measures for the use of said County of Elgin. Passed 14th November 1855 W. McKay Clerk Thos. Locker Warden Read a first time 14th November 1855. W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 14th November 1855. W. McKay Clerk Read a third time and finally passed 14th November 1855 W. lVIcKay Clerk