038 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 38 TO GRANT THE SUM OF ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS TO BE APPROPRIATED IN AID OF SUCH OTHER MONEYS AS MAY BE RAISED BY TrÅ’ SEVERAL MUNICIPALITIES IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF ROADS AND BRIDGES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." Passed 27th February 1856. WHEREAS IT IS expedient to grant the sum of one thousand four hundred pounds to be appropriated in aid of such other moneys as may be raised by the several Munici- palities for the improvement of Roads and Bridges and for other purposes in the County of Elgin. 1 - BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the County of Elgin that the sum of one thou- sand four hundred pounds of the general funds of the said County be granted and hereby appropriated in aid of such other moneys as may be raised by the several Municipalities for the improvement of Roads and Bridges and for other pur- poses in the said County of Elgin and that the same be ap- portioned as followsl- In the Township of Aldborough the sum of two hundred pounds for the purpose of opening up new roads in the said Township as the Township Council may direct. In the Township of Dunwich the sum of two hundred pounds in aid of making Roads and Bridges in said Township. In the Township of Southwold the sum of two hun- dred pounds to be expended in aid of improving Roads and Bridges in said Township or the Township lines applying one hundred pounds of said sum for the improvement of the hill west of St. Thomas on Talbot Road in said Township of Southwold. 2 - AND BE IT FURTHER enacted that the sum of one hundred pounds be appropriated for the improvement of the Township line between Malahide and Yarmouth and South of the fourth concession of Yarmouth or the road travelled in lieu of the Townline to be expended as the Reeves and Deputy Reeves of the adjoining Townships may direct, and that the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds be appropriated (Cont'd) Page 2 38 By-Law No for the improvement of Roads and Bridges in the Township of Yarmouth. 3 - AND THAT THE sum of one hundred and fifty pounds be appropriated to the Township of Malahide for the improvement of Roads and Bridges in said Township 4 - AND IT IS FURTHER enacted that the sum of two hundred pounds be appropriated in aid of other moneys to be raised for the purpose of establishing a Lock up House in the Village of Vienna. 5 - AND IT IS FURTHER enacted that the Reeves and Deputy Reeves of the several Municipalities shall and are hereby authorized to apportion the sums hereby ap- propriated to their respective Municipalities and be Commissioners to superintend the expenditure thereof. 6 - AND IT IS FURTHER enacted that the several sums before mentioned shall be paid by the Treasurer of the County on the warrant of the Warden signed by author- ity of the certificate of the Reeves and Deputy Reeves that the work has been duly performed. of Elgin R. Johnson Warden County Passed 27th February 1856 Certified W. McKay Clerk Read a first time 27th February 1856 Certified - W Clerk McKay second time 27th February 1856. Certified - W. Read a Clerk Read a third time and finally passed 27th February 1856. Certified - W. McKay Clerk McKay