046 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 46 TO APPROPRIATE THE SUM OF TWENTY-FIVE POUNDS FOR THE IM- PROVEMENTS OF THE COUNTY LINE BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF ELGIN AND KENT." Passed 20th November 1856. WHEREAS the line of Road between the Townships of Aldborough and Orford being the boundary line between the Counties of Elgin and Kent and subject to the control of the Municipal Corporations of both counties it is deem- ed expedient to grant the sum of Twenty-five pounds for the imp~ovement of said line of Road. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Coun- cil of the County of Elgin - That the sum of twenty-five pounds be appropri- ated for the improvement of the line of road between the Townships of Aldborough and Orford and that the Reeve of the Township of Aldborough be commissioner for expending the same. AND IT IS FURTHER enacted that the Warden of this County is hereby authorized upon receiving a certi- ficate from the said Commissioner that a part or the whole of the work has been performed to sign an order on the County Treasurer for such sum as may be named in said certificate and not exceeding in the whole the sum of Twenty-five pounds. AND IT IS FURTrÅ’R enacted that this By-Law shall have no effect until a similar amount has been appropriated for the improvement of said road by the County Council of the County of Kent and by a By-Law passed to that effect Passed 20th November 1856. William McKay R. Johnson Clerk Warden Read a first time 20th November 1856. Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 20th November 1856. Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a third time and finally passed 20th November 1856. Certified - W. McKay Clerk