058 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 58 TO REPEAL BY-LAWS NUMBERS SEVENTEEN, TWENTY-EIGHT AND TWENTY-NINE HERETOFORE PASSED BY THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TQ AUTHQRIZE T~1LTAKINg OF STOCK IN CERTAI~ RAILWAYS ON BEHALE_OF ';PHE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." Passed 17th June 1858 WHEREAS By-Laws Numbers 17, 28 & 29 heretofore passed to authorize the Council of the County of Elgin to take stock in certain Railways and comtemplated Railways from Amherstburg to St. Thomas, from Malden to the Town- ship of Bertie. and from St. Thomas to Simcoe. ON THE CREDIT of the Municipal Loan Fund said By-Laws not having been acted upon and no stock having been subscribed for in said Railways by or under author- ity of the Council of the County of Elgin therefore this Council deems it expedient and advisable that the same should be repealed. IT IS THEREFORE HEREBY enacted by the Munici- pal Council of the County of Elgin in Council assembled That By-Laws numbers Seventeen, Twenty-eight and Twenty-nine heretofore passed by the Council of the County of Elgin authorizing the taking of stock on behalf of said Council in certain Railways and contemplated Railways be and the same is hereby repealed. Levi Fowler William McKay County Clerk Warden County of Elgin Read a first time 17 June.1858. Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 17 June 1858. Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a third time and passed 17 June 1858. Certified - W. McKay Clerk