059 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 59 ~'TO CONFIRM A CERTAIN BY-LAW OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH ENTITLED "BY-LAW NUMBER ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN TO CONVEY CERTAIN ROAD ALLOWANCES THEREIN MENTIONED. " Passed 15th November 1858 WHEREAS by the Act 20th Victoria Chapter 69 en- titled "An act.to provide for the disposal of Road allow- ances in the rural Municipalities of Upper Canada". IT IS THEREBY enacted that - It shall be law- ful for the Municipality of each of the Townships of Upper Canada from time to time to make a By-Law or By- Laws for the stopping up and sale of any original allow- ance for Road or any part thereof within such Township and thereby to determine and declare the terms upon which such original allowance for road shall be sold and conveyed or where a new road shall be opened in lieu of an original road allowance and for which no compensation has been or shall be paid to convey such original road allowance to the party or parties through whose land or lands the same shall have or shall run in lieu of such new road provided always that such By-Law or By-Laws before they have any force shall be confirmed by a By-Law of the County Council of the County in which such Township is situated at some ordinary session thereof held not sooner than three months nor later than one year next after the passing thereof. AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Township of Yarmouth having on the ninth day of August A D 1858, pass- ed By-Law number one hundred and eleven for the purpose of conveying certain portions of original road allowances in the said Township of Yarmouth in words to the following effect. "WHEREAS the original road allowance between the first and second concessions in the Municipality in front of lots Nos. Twenty-six, Twenty-seven and Twenty-eight has been and is impracticable and whereas á public road has been opened through lots nos. Twenty-eight, Twenty-seven, Twenty-six, Twenty-five and part of Twenty-four in the said second con- cession in lieu of said original road allowance:' "AND WHEREAS Charles Fraser Esquire a Deputy Pro- vincial Land Surveyor has in a Report of the said roads now (Cont'd) Page 2 59 By-Law No laid before this Council certifies that the said new road is quite sufficient for the use and accommodation of the public and that the original road allowance is not required on account of its inaccessibility and whereas over one months notice has been given of the intention to pass this By-Law at the present session of this Council and to submit the same to the County Council at a succeeding meeting of that Body for its approval by putting up six written notices in as many different places in the vicinity of the said road allowance as well as by publishing the same in the Weekly Dispatch for three successive weeks, and whereas no compensa- tion has been made to the.persons hereafter mentioned." "The Municipal Council of the Township of Yarmouth by virtue of the authority of the power vested in them by the åct Twentieth Victoria Chapter p9 hereby conveys to and vests in John Oill the owner of the south half of said lot number Twenty-seven in the said second concession every part and parcel of the said road allowance in front of his farm and extending from the east to the west limit of said lot No 27, to Thomas Warren the owner of the south east quarter of lot No. Twenty-six the portion of said road allowance ex- tending from the east limit of the said lot No. 26 to the center thereof, and to James Nelson Teetzel that portion of the said original road allowance in front of the south west quarter of said lot no. 26 in the said 2nd concession extending from: the centre to the west limit of the said lot no. 26 And all right, title, interest and ownership to these separate portions of the said original road allow- ance above described is respectively vested in John Oill, Thomas Warren and James N. Teetzel aforesaid subject never- theless to the approval of the County Council of the County of Elgin. And for the same and similar reasons, the original road allowance laid out between lots numbers sixteen and seventeen north and south of Edgeware Road be in the same manner vested in and conveyed to the following parties viz _ to Charles Close that portion of the north west quarter of lot no. 17 south of Edgeware Road, to Daniel Luton that portion of said allowance west of lot number seventeen in the first range north of Edgeware Road and Robert Michael Senior that portion west of lot no. 17 in the 2nd range north of Edgeware Road". Miller Reeve (Cont'd) A (Signed) Signed A. McLachlan Mun. Clerk By-Law No. 59 Page 3 AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient by the Munici- pal Council of the County of Elgin and in conformity with said in past recited act and said By-Law of the Municipal- ity of the Township of Yarmouth that said By-Law should be confirmed. IT IS THEREFORE, hereby enacted by virtue of the authority aforesaid that said By-Law numbered one hundred and eleven entitled a By-Law to convey certain road allow- ances therein mentioned be and the same is hereby confirmed which said By-Law No. III was passed by the Municipal Coun- cil of the Township of Yarmouth on the 9th day of August A. D. 1858. Levi Fowler William McKay Warden County Clerk Read a first time 15th November 1858. Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 15 November 1858. Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a third time and passed 15 November 1858. Certified - W. McKay Clerk (Attached to By-Law 59, there is a copy of By-Law III of the Townsnip of Yarmouth and also a copy of the Report of C. Fraser P.L.S including a map.) By-Law No 59 Page 4 COpy OF REPORT OF C FRASER PLS ON SAID ALLOWANCE AT JAMESTOWN YARMOUTH Read in Council 15 November 1858 TO THE REEVE AND MEMBERS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF YARMOUTH Gentlemen: I beg leave to report that I have examined the road across lots. 28, 27, 26, 25 and a part of 24 in the Second Concession of Yarmouth now used by the public in place of the road allowance between the first and second concessions across said lots. ~ rough sketch of which place see on opposite page of this sheet. I beg to state that the said travelled road is quite sufficient for the use and accommodation of the public and that the road allowance aforesaid is not required on account of its inaccessibility. I have the honor to be Gentlemen Your Most Obedient Servant (signed) John Fraser Provincial Land Surveyor Port Bruce August 7th 1858 Certified to be a true copy. A. McLachlin M.C (Cont'd) Page 5 NO 59 :copy OF BY-LA.W By-Law No III OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH III :!9~ONVEY CERTAIN ROAD ALLOWANCE T~REIN ,MENTIONED By-Law No Passed 9th August 1858 WHEREAS the original road allowance between the first and second concessions in this Municipality in front of lots nos. Twenty-six, Twenty-seven and Twenty-eight has been and is practicable and whereas a public road has been opened through lots nos. Twenty-eight, Twenty-seven, Twenty- six, . Twenty-five and part of Twenty-four in the said second concession in lieu of said original road allowance and where- as Charles Fraser Esquire a Deputy Provincial Land Surveyor has in a Report of the said roads now laid before this Council certifies that the said new road is quite sufficient for the use and accommodation of the public and that the original road allowance is not required on account of its inaccessibility. AND WHEREAS over one months notice has been given of the intention to pass this By-Law at the present session of this Council and to submit the same to the County Council at a succeeding meeting of that body for its approval by putting up six written notices in as many different places in the vicinity of the said road allowance as well as by publishing the same in the "viTeekly Despatch" for three suc- cessive weeks and whereas no compensation has been made to the persons hereinafter mentioned. THE Municipal Council of the Township of Yarmouth by vir>tue of the authority of the power vested in them by the Act Twentieth Victoria Chapter 69 hereby conveys to and vests in John Oill the owner of the south half of said lot number twenty-seven in the said second concession every part and parcel of the said road allowance in front of his farm and extending from the East to the West limit of said lot no. 27 to Thomas Warren the owner of the south east quarter of lot number twenty-six the portion of said road allowance extending from the East limit of the said lot No. 26 to the centre thereof and to James Nelson Teetzel that portion of the said original road allowance in front of the South West quarter of said lot No.26 in the said 2nd concession extend- ing from the centre to the West limit of the said lot No. 26 and all right, title, interest and ownership of the said separate portions of the said original road allowance above described is respectively vested in John Oill, Thomas viTarren and James Teetzel aforesaid subject nevertheless to the ap- proval of the County Council of the County of Elgin and for the same and similar reasons the original road allowance ) Cont'd ( By-Law No 59 Page 6 Copy of By-Law No III of the Township of Yarmouth laid out between lots numbers sixteen and seventeen North and South of Edgeware Road be in the same manner vested in and conveyed to the following parties viz to Charles Close that portion West of the North West quarter of lot No. 17 South of Edgeware Road to Daniel Luton that por- tion of said allowance West of lot number seventeen in the first range North of Edgeware Road and to Robert Michael Senior that portion West of lot No. 17 in the 2nd range North of Edgeware Road. signed A. McLachlan M. Clerk (Signed) A. Miller Reeve I hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of By- Law no. III of the Municipality of Yarmouth as passed on the 9th day of August 1858. A McLachlin M. C Read in Council 15th November 1858