072 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 72 TO RAISE BY ASSESSMENT TrÅ’ ~EVERAL AMOUNTS REQUIRED FOR COUNTY PURPOS~~_I~__~HE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY-NINE." Passed 17 June 1859. WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to pro- vide by a general assessment upon the rateable property in the several Municipalities of the County of Elgin for the payment of the liabilities and general expenses of the County for the year 1859. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin by virtue of the Upper Canada Municipal Institutions and Assess- ments Acts - That there shall be raised, levied and collected from the rateable property in the County of Elgin the sum of Twenty-six thousand six hundred and ninety-six dollars for the general expenditure and liabilities of the said County for the current year as follows namely - For Debentures and Interest $10,000 " Municipal Loan Fund 7,000 " Seed Loan Rate (Aldborough only) 120 " General Purposes 9,576 $26,696 AND BE IT enacted that the said sums shall be apportioned and raised in the several Municipalities in the said County of Elgin as contained in the following schedule and the full amount paid over to the County Treasurer without any deduction as required by Law. AND ALSO that a rate of six mills on the dollar be levied on the rateable property in the County to raise the amounts in the following schedule. (Cont'd) --.... Page 2 72 By-Law No Totals General Purposes Seed Loan Rate SCHEDULE Municipal Loan Fund Special Rates for Debentures and ._____________Interest ___ Municipalities 1887 2154 5022 5650 3718 3111 1518 2618 1018 26696 636 778 1808 2038 1339 ll20 547 943 -2.2l 9576 120 - 120 467 564 1325 1488 973 820 400 693 ~ 7000 664 812 1889 2124 1406 ll71 571 982 ~ $ 10000 Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham Dorchester St. Thomas Vienna Totals of Elgin 'rhomas County June 1859 St. 17 Levi Fowler Warden W. McKay Clerk Read a first time 17 June 1859. Certified - W. Clerk McKay second time 17 June 1859 Certified - W Read a Clerk and finally passed 17 June 1859 Certified - W. McKay Clerk McKay Read a third time