:,ro _ APPOINT_l&CA~ê.!:!.PE13.INTEI::1DENTS OF _-º.9MlVION SCJ:I00I!.ê._JHiJ2.
GF(&lVIMA1U;'-CJi.QQL TJ'{.JL;:;J~~?LIIL::tJi~-º-ºUNTY OF ~LGIN_L TO _f..RO-
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Passed 27 January 1860
WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to ap-
point Local Superintendents of Common Schools for the
year 1860 to appoint Grammar School Trustees to pro-
vide for the support of the County Grammar Schools and
to determine the salaries of Local Superintendents
BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Coun-
cil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin assembled
by virtue of the Municipal Institutions Act of Upper
Canada and it is hereby enacted -
That John S. McColl be and is hereby appointed
Local Superintendent of Common Schools in the Townships
comprised in the West Riding of the County of Elgin for
the ensuing year with a salary of two hundred and twenty
AND BE IT ALSO enacted that D. J. Hughes Esquire
and the Reverend E. Sheppard be appointed Local Superin-
tendents of Common Schools for the Townships comprised
in the East Riding of the County of Elgin for the ensuing
year with a salary of three hundred dollars to be paid to
Mr. Sheppard
AND IT IS FURTHER enacted that D. J. Hughes and
John McKay Esquires be reappointed Trustees of the St.
Thomas County Grammar School for the term of four years
AND BE IT FURTHER enacted that George
and Samuel Garnsey be appointed Trustees of the
Dounty Grammar School for the term of four years
AND IT IS FURTHER enacted that
be appointed Trustees of the Fingal County Grammar School
for four years
By-Law No. 81 Page 2
AND BE I'r FURTHER enacted that the sum of
three hundred dollars be granted towards the support
of the St. Thomas County Grammar School and the sum
of one hundred dollars to the Vienna County Grammar
School for the present year.
AND PP. IS ALSO enacted the sum of one hun-
dred dollars be appropriated towards the incidental
expenses of the Western Division of Board of Public
Instruction and the sum of sixty dollars for the in-
cidental expenses of the Eastern Division of the
County Board of Public Instruction of the County of
Elgin for the current year.
27 January 1860
\nJilliam McKay James Armstrong
County Clerk Warden
Read a first time 27 January 1860
Certified - W. McKay Clerk
Read a second time 27 January 1860
Certified - W. McKay Clerk
Read a third time and finally passed 27 January 1860
Certified - W. McKay Clerk