084 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 84 :':''!'.Q_º-Ol1EJ..BJYL~Y-LAW NUlVJBER..2.Q... OF THE MUNICIPAL C01¿NCIk-OF THE ..~º-WNSHIP OF SOUTHWOW ~O DISPOSE OF A_ cEB'rAIN ORJGINAL B.º:iJLA~:¡:'OV~4NCJI.. IN SAJ)¿ 'rOWi'!SHIP". Passed 13th June 1860. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Township of Southwold by virtue of the Municipal Institutions Act of Upper Canada passed a certain By-Law on the ninth day of January A. D. 1860 numbered 76 To convey that portion of allowance for road in front of lot number fourteen in the first range north of the Lake Road in the aforesaid Township of Southwold to John Mason in lieu of land taken from him across the north end of said lot number fourteen. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin by virtue and under authority of the 343rd section of the Act 22nd Victoria Chapter 54 of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada. AND IT IS HEREBY enacted by the said Corporation of the County of Elgin that sàid By-Law number seventy-six be and the same is hereby confirmed. Passed in Council 13 June 1860 James Armstrong \liTilliam McKay Warden Clerk County of Elgin Read a first time 13 June 1860. Certified - W. McKay Clerl, Read a second time 13 June 1860. Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a third time and finally passed 13 June 1860. Certified - \liT. McKay Clerk Copy of By-Law No 76 follows (Cont'd) Page 2 84 By-·:Law No TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD 76 By-Law No " IYIENTIONED Passed 9th January 1860 '''ro COl1Y~ CERTAIN .ROAD ALLOWANCES THEREIN WHEREAS the original road allowance in front of lot number fourteen first range north of the Lake Road in the Township of Southwold called the Lake Road AND WHEREAS Daniel Hanvey, a Deputy Provinc- ial Land Surveyor has in Report of the said road now laid before this Council certifies that the road laid out and now travelled across the north end of lot No. II} first range north of the Lake Road in the Township of Southwold if quite sufficient for the use and ac- commodation of the public and that the original allow- ance of road in front of lot number 14 is impractic- able and not required on account of its never being used as a road AND WHEREAS over one months notice has been given of the intention to pass this By-Law at the pre- sent session of this Council and to submit the same to the County Council at a succeeding meeting of that body for their approval by putting up six written notices in as many different places in the vicinity of the said road allowance as well as by publishing the same in the Home Journal for three successive weeks. AND \~EREAS John Mason is desirous of getting the allowance for road in front of lot number 14 first range north of Lake Road in lieu of lands taken from him across the north end of lot number 14 for which he received no remuneration THE Municipal Council of the Township of South- wold by virtue of the authority vested in them by the Municipal Institutions Act of Upper Canada hereby con- veys to and vests in John Mason, the owner of said lot No. 14 first range north of Lake Road, that portion of road in front of lot number 14 first range north of Lake Road in the Township of Southwold aforesaid Fowler Levi Reeve Signed) Daniel Carpenter Clerk and finally passed January 9th 1860 Read a first time Read a second time Read a third time