087 .~ ELGIN 87 COUN'rY OF By-Law No ~.~ TO -º_ºNF:¡:B<r!!..J3..I:-.:r"A\<L_NUlYI~?.1U~EV~l!~Y -EIGHT _OF _-'fHE __~QRPORll- OF SOU'I'HWOLD TO CONVEY CER'rAIN ROAD --' -' ---------- T I ON __QJ!'---T.:mL~m~Ij_SHI p Passed 7 November 1860 " £>..LL01'fANÇE __~HE~lN lVf?.NTIONED. WrillREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Southwold under authority vested in them by the Municipal Institutions Act of Upper Canada passed By--Law number seventy-eight on the thirtieth day of April A. D. 1860 for the purpose of conveying to Ewin Cameron Esquire the original road allowance in front of lot number thirteen first range north of the Lake Road in the Township of Southwold in lieu of land taken from him across the north end of said lot number thirteen for which he received no remuneration AND l~EREAS it is deemed expedient that said By-Law number seventy-eight should be confirmed BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin by virtue of the 343rd Section of the Act 22nd Victoria Chapter 54th Municipal Institutions Act of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada AND IT IS HEREBY enacted by virtue thereof that By-Law number seventy-eight of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Southwold be and the same is hereby confirmed 1860 James Armstrong Warden D. il 7th November A of Elgin County 1860 Passed in Counc St. Thomas -- 7th November W. McKay Clerlc Read a first time 7th November 1860 Certified - W Clerk McKay second time 7th November 1860 Certified - \<iI. Read a Clerlc 7 November 1860 McKay Clerk McKay Read a third time and finally passed Certified - \<iI. Cont'tl) 78 See Copy of By-Law No Page 2 87 By-Law No TOWNSHIP OF SOUTID~OLD 78 No By-Law " .:'!'..9 COI'iY.~L~ERTAIN J3.0AD_ALLOWANCES...1.liEREIN l~NTIONE~ Passed 30 April 1860 WHEREAS the original road allowance in front of lot number thirteen first range north of the Lake Road in the Township of Southwold called the Lake Road AND lIlliEREAS Daniel Harlvey, a Dè'puty Provinc-- ial Land Surveyor, has in a report of the said road now laid before this Council, certifies that the road laid out and now travelled across the north end of lot no. 13 first range north of the Lake Road in the Town- ship of Southwold is quite sufficient for the use and accommodation of the public, and that the original al- lowance of road in front of lot number thirteen is im- practicable and not required on account of the new being used as a road. AND WHEREAS over one months notice has been given of the intention to pass this By-Law at the pre- sent session of this Council and to submit the same to the County Council at a succeeding meeting of that body for their approval by putting up six written notices in as many different places in the vicinity of the said road allowance, as well as by publishing the same in the Home Journal for three successive weeks AND WHEREAS Ewin Cameron Esquire is desirous of getting the allowance of road in front of lot number 13 first range north of the Lake Road in lieu of lands talcen from him across the north end of lot no. 13 for which he received no remuneration. The Municipal Council of the Township of Southwold by virtue of the authority vested in them by the Municipal Institution Act of Upper Canada here- by convey to and vest in Ewin Cameron Esquire, the owner of said lot no. 13 first range north of Lake Road, that portion of allowance of road in front of lot no. 13 first range north of Lake Road in the Township of South- wold Begg James Reeve (Signed) Daniel Carpenter Clerk Read a first time Read a second time Read a third time and finally passed30tl1ApriL186D