099 '- COUNTY OF ELGIN 99 By-Law No TO ESTABLISH A NEW ROAD IN LIEU:DF;PART OF THE ORIGINAL " MALAHIDE Passed 30th January 1862 A~LOWANCE BETWEEN THE TOWNSHIPS OF YARMOUTH AND WHEREAS it has been reported to the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin by Charles Fraser, Esquire Provincial Land Surveyor that a portion of the original allowance for Road between the Townships of Yarmouth and Malahide adjoining the fourth concession of the said Township of Yarmouth is intersected by several large ravines which can be avoided by the open- ing of a new Road in lieu of said Original allowance accord- ing to the Plan of Survey and Report of the said Charles Fraser which is hereunto annexed~ AND WHEREAS Thomas Backhouse and others have petitioned the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for the opening of a new Road in lieu of said Original allowance. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin by virtue and under authority of the Municipal Institutions Act for Upper Canada. THAT a new Road be opened and established across the fourth concession of the Township of Yarmouth between Lots number twenty-seven and twenty-eight in lieu of the original allowance for Road between the said Townships of Yarmouth and Malahide as ~ollows. That is to say: Com- mencing in front of the said fourth concession of Yarmouth in the limit between Lots number twenty-seven and twenty- eight. Then North Jalong the limit between said Lots number twenty-seven and twenty-eight, Seventy-nine chains more or less to the allowance for Road between the fourth and fifth concessions of Yarmouth. THE Road to be one chain wide and the line on the West side thereof as described and laid down in the Report and Plan of Survey of the said Road made by Charles Fraser, Esquire and hereunto annexed. AND IT IS enacted that said line of Road be opened and is hereby established as a public Road and that this By-Law be in force and take effect from and after the date of the passing theveof. ) (cont'd By-Law No 99 Page 2 Passed in Council the JOth day of January A.D. 1862. St. Thomas 30th January 1862 William McKay J. H. Jones County Clerk Warden Read a first time 30th January 1862. Certified W. McKay, Clerk Read a second time 30th January 1862. Certified W. McKay, Clerk Read a third time and passed 30th January 1862. Certified W. McKay, Clerk. Attached to By-Law No. 99 is a Provincial Land Surveryor's Report with a map. Also typed copies of By-Law No. 99 and the Report (cont'd) Page J 99 By-Law No THE THE MUNICPAL COUNCIL OF WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF TO THE " ELGIN OF COUNTY Gentlemen In obedience to your order I beg leave to Report that I have examined the ~riginal allowance for Road between the Townships,of Yarmouth and Malahide across the fourth concession of Yarmouth and find it to be intersected by several ravines which will cause a very large outlay, before a road can be made passable from the third to the fifth concessions. This however can be avoided by establishing a new road across the fourth concession of Yarmouth in lieu of the Qriginal allowance for road between Yarmouth and Malahide as follows. That is to say: Commencing in front of the fourth concession of Yarmouth in the limit between Lots number twenty-seven and twenty-eight. Then'North along the limit between said Lots numbers twenty-seven and twenty-eight. Seventy-nine chains more or less to the allowance for rQad between the fourth and fifth concessions of Yarmouth The Road to be one chain wide and the line on the West side thereof. The above road may be seen described on a rough sketch annexed hereto is perfectly level and dry across the concession with the exception of one small wet place which can easily be drained, it being only a few rods distant from a ravine, and I feel confident that if the Council should see proper to establish it, it would afford a very great accommddátiono to·the· pifblic. With regard to the location of the line of road I regret to say a serious difficulty has had to be encount- ered owing to the boundary line between Lots twenty-seven and twenty-eight being in dispute between the parties own- ing them, but having ascertained the true Astronomical bearing of the Townline governing this survey and the v.ariations of the needle both at the Town Line and limit between Lots twenty-seven and twenty-eight, and having written to the Crown Land Department for the Field Notes of this part of the Original Survey, I am in hopes very shortly to be able to report the boundary question settled to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. ) (cont'd All of which is most respectfully submitted by By-Law No 99 Page 4 Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant Port Bruce ) Charles Fraser, Nov. 18th 1861) Provo Land Surveyor. Province of Canada ) County of Elgin to Wit) I Charles Fraser of the Village of Port Bruce in the County of Elgin a Provincial Land Surveyor make oath and say that written notices of intended application for establishing the above road were duly posted up by me in six of the most conspicuous public places in the immediate neighborhood of the said Road on the fourteenth day of November instant, and also that the resident owners of the land affected thereby have been notified by me in writing to the same effect. Charles Fraser Provo Land Surveyor. Sworn before me at Port Bruce this 19th day of November 1861. Amasa J,ewis, J. P. Read in Council, 19th November 1861