109 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 109 "TO CONFIRM BY-LAW NUMBER ¡61 OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF YARMOUTH GRANTING CERTAIN ROAD ALLOWANCE TO DANIEL LUTON AND CHARLES W. CLOSE." Passed 17 June 1863. WHEREAS By-Law Number 161 of the Municipälity of Yarmouth was passed on the third day of November 1862, to convey to Daniel Luton and Charles W. Close, a certain Road allowance therein mentioned, Namely to Charles W. Close so much of the original allowance as lies adjacent to his land the North half of Lot Number seventeen in the range South of the Edgeware Road; And to Daniel Luton so much of the origin- al road allowance as lies adjacent to his land-viz to Lot Number seventeen North of the Edgeware Road in the first range. AND enacting that the remainder of said allowance may be sold at any time after due notice for the benefit of the owners of Lot Number eighteen, South of the Edgeware Road and of Lot Number 18 in the second range North of the Edgeware Road. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Elgin under authority of the 343rd Section of the Act 22nd Victoria Chapter 54 of the Consolid- ated Statutes for Upper Canada. AND IT IS HEREBY enacted by virtue thereof, that By-Law Number 161 of the Corporation of Yarmouth be and that the same is hereby confirmed and that this By-Law take effect from and after passing thereof. St. Thomas 17 June 1863 William McKay Daniel Luton County Clerk Warden Read a first time 17th June 1863 Certified Wm. McKay, Clerk. Read a second time 17th June 1863 Certified W. McKay, Clerk. Read a third time and f1nally passed, 17th June 1863 Certified W. McKay, Clerk. See copy of By-Law No 161 of Yarmouth (cont'd) .--- 109 By-Law No Page 2 TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH By-Law No. 161 III AND TO CONVEY TO DANIEL LUTON AND TO CONFIRM BY-LAW NO " CLOSE A CERTAIN ORIGINAL ROAD ALLOWANCE CHARLES W Passed 3rd November 1862 WHEREAS doubts have arisen as to the sufficiency of the Report laid before the Council in reference to the Original Road Allowance lying between Lots sixteen and seven- teen in the:Ranges North and South of the Edgeware Roads part of which is conveyed to Daniel Luton and Charles W. Close under the provisions of By-Law No. Ill. AND WHEREAS there is now before this Council, the Report of T. W. DObbie, Esquire a Provincial Land Surveyor, in which he states that the present travelled Road is a good one and that the parties through whose lands it is made, are desirous of getting the Original Road Allowance in lieu of the present travelled Road. AND WHEREAS there is now before the Council a cert- ified copy of the Original Report made by John Bostwick Esq. Surveyor of Highways in favor óf establishing the said Road, through Lots seventèen andréightéen, which Report was confirmed in the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace held in and for the London District on the Eleventh day of July 1828 and registered according to law. AND WHEREAS there is before this Council the Report of a Special Committee of Council charged with a careful personal examination of the Original Allowance for Roads ly- ing between Lots sixteen and seventeen in the Ranges North and South of the Edgeware Road, in which they state that a large outlay of public money would be necessary to make the said Original Allowance for a Road practicable for public travel and would not thertbe necessary for the public accom- modation and recommend that so much of the Original Allowance for Road as is adjacent to the north half of Lot seventeen. South of Edgeware Road and Lot seventeen in the First Range, North of Edgeware Road be conveyed to C. W. Close and Daniel Luton respectively. AND THAT the remainder of the said Allowance be sold for the benefit of the owner of Lot Number eighteen South of and of the owner of Lot Number eighteen in the second Range, North of Edgeware Road so soon as they shall have (cont'd) Page 3 109 By-Law No the sale thereof being duly made application for the same, advertised as required by Law. AND WHEREAS further there is before the Council the petition of Lyman W. Learn and sixty other Ratepayers of the Township, residing, the major part of them, in the immedi- ate vicinity of the Road, praying that this Council should dispose of the said Original Road Allowance, so as to remun- erate those who have lost land by establishing the present travelled Road and representing such an action as just and right to all parties THEREFORE this Council hereby convey to G. W. Close so much of the Original Road Allowance as lies adjacent to his lands-viz, the North half of Lot Number seventeen in the Range South of theLEqgeware.Ro.âd and>.to DanieLLúto.n, so. much o.f the Original Road Allo.wance as lies adjacent to his land-viz, to Lot Number seventeen North of the Edgeware Road in the first Range. AND enact that the remainder of the said Allowance may be sold at any time, after due notice for the benefit of the owners o.f Lot Numer eighteen, South of the Edgeware Road and of Lot Number eighteen in the second Range, North of the Edgeware Road and hereby confirm the provisions of By-Law No. 111, gO far as the same relates to the conveyance of the Ori- ginal Allowance to the above mentioned Daniel Luton and Charles W. Close, and the same is hereby confirmed and the conveyance fully established. Daniel Luton Deputy Reeve Signed Archibald McLachlin Municipal Clerk I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of By-Law No. 161 of the By-Laws of the Municipality of the Township of Yarmo.uth passed in open Council on Monday, the third of November, 1862 Archibald McLachlin Municipal Clerk