115 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 115 TO APPOINT LOCAL SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SGHOOLS FOR THE TOWNSHIPS IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EI GHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR." Passed 27 January 1864. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and necessary to ap- point Local Superintendents of Common Schools for the Townships in the County of Elgin for the current year. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Elgin under authority of the Fifty- third Section of the Upper Canada School Act, Chapter Sixty- four of the Consolidated Statutes for Upper Canada, and by virtue thereof. THAT John S. McColl be and is hereby appointed Local Superintendent of Common Schools in the Townships comprised in the West Riding of the County of Elgin for the present year, namely Aldborough, Dunwich, and Southwold with a salary of Two Hundred and Twenty Dollars per annum. AND IT IS ALSO enacted that Leonard Luton be and is hereby appointed Local Superintendent of Common Schools in the Townships comprised in the East Riding of the County of Elgin, namely Yarmouth, Malahide, Bayham and South Dorchester for the current year with a salary of Three Hundred Dollars per annum. AND that the sum of Twenty-five Dollars be allowed the Local Superintendent of the East Riding for postages and stationery and that the sum of Fifteen Dollars be allowed the Superintendent of the West Riding for the postages and station- ery. AND BE IT enacted that thisj3y".;,Law shall be in force and take effect from and after the Twenty-seventh day of Jan- uary 1864. st. Thomas County of Elgin 27 January 1864 William McKay George Suffel County Clerk. Warden (cont'd) By-Law No 115 Page 2 Read a first time 27 January 1864 Certified w. McKay, Clerk Read a second time 27 Janaury 1864 Certified W. McKay, Clerk Read a third time and finally passed, 27 January 1864 Certified W. McKay, Clerk