155 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 155 TO APPOINT TRUSTEES FOR THE GRAMMAR SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND PROVIDE TOWARDS THE SUPPORT OF SAIp__~CHOOLe~~. Passed 25th January 1867. WHEREAS it is expedient and necessary to appoint Trustees for the Grammar Schools in the County of Elgin and to provide towards the support of said schools for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin by virtue and under authority of the kct 29th Victoria Chapter twenty- three entitled "An Act for the further improvement of Grammar Schools in Upper Canada", That the Reverend Edmund Sheppard be and is here- by appointed Trustee of the St. Thomas County Grammar School with term of office for three years. AND IT IS ALSO enacted that the Reverend Mr. Jessup be and is hereby appointed Trustee of the Vienna Grammar School with term of office for three years. That the sum of two hundred dollars be appropri- ated towards the support of the Teacher of the Vienna County Grammar School for the present year. Passed in Council this 25 January 1867. And to be in force frþm and after the date of the passing thereof. St. Thomas T. lVI. Nairn 24 January 1867 Warden William McKay County Clerk Read a first time 25th January 1867 Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 25th January 1867 Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a third time and finally passed 25 January 1867 Certified - W. McKay Clerk