156 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 156 :'TO AUTHQR~ZE THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TQ APPROPRI_ATE THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED AND _ FIFTY DOLLARS IN AID OF THE ERECTION OF A BATTALION DRILL SHED AND ARMORY AT OR NEAR THE TOWN OF ST. THOMAS IN THE SAID COUNTY OF ELGIN" . --- Passed 25th January 1867. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to grant a further sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in aid of the erection of a Battalion Drill shed and Armory at or near the Town of St. Thomas. AND WHEREAS by the Militia Act 29-JO Victoria Chapter 12, Municipalities are authorized to aid in the construction of any drill shed for the Volunteer Militia within the Municipality. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin by virtue and under the authority aforesaid That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be and is hereby granted by the said Corporation of the said County of Elgin in aid of the construction of a Battalion Drill shed at or near the Town of St. Thomas in the said County of Elgin. AND IT IS ALSO enacted that the Warden of the County of Elgin is hereby authorized to sign an order on the County Treasurer to paid said sum of two hundred and fifty dollars on certificate of the inspecting officer or Brigade Major of the District certifying that the buildings have been completed according to the plans furnished and approved by the Militia Department. AND IT IS ALSO enacted that this By-Law shall be in force and take effect from and after the date of the passing thereof (Cont'd) -. By-Law No. 156 Page 2 Passed in Council this twenty-fifth day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. St. Thomas County of Elgin 25th day of January 1867 T. M. Nairn William McKay County Clerk Warden Read a first time 25th January 1867 Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 25th January 1867 Certified - W. McKay Clerk Read a third time and finally passed 25 January 1867 Certified - W. McKay Clerk