169 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 169 TO RAISE THE SUM OF TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE DOLLÀRS FOR COUNTY PURPOSES IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ETWHT." WHEREAS by the Thirteenth Section of the. Act 29- 30, Victoria Chapter Fifty-thDee it is enacted that THE Council of every Municipality shall every year make estimates of all sums which may be required for the lawful purposes of the county, city, town, township or village for the year in which such sums are required to be levied. AND in the Fourteenth Section of said Act it is also enacted THAT the Council of every Munic~pality may pass one By-Law or several By-Laws authorising the levying and collecting of a rate or rates of sO:-.much in the dollar upon the Assessed Value of the property therein for the previous year as the Council deem sufficient to raise the sums re- quired on such estimates. AND WHEREAS the Council of the County of Elgin have made an estimate of all sums required for the lawful purposes of the Municipality of the County of Elgin for the year 1868 showing that the sum of Twenty-four Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-one Dollars will be required for the law- ful purposes of said county exclusive of Common Schools as follows: Debentures and Interest & Coupons $ 2,740 Municipal Loan Fund 6,400 Grammar Schools 600 Local Superintendents 560 Board of Public Instruction 500 Administration of Justice & Jurors 4,500 General Purposes Members, Wages Etc. 5,500 County Appropriation for Roads, 4,161 Bridges and other purposes $24,961 AND WHEREAS by the Seventy-fifth Section of said Act, it is also enacted that the Council of a County in apportioning a county rate among the different townships, towns, and villages within the county shall in order that the same may be assessed equally on the amount of property returned on the Assessment Rolls of such townships, towns and villages or reported by the valuators as finally revised and equalized for the preceding year, the basis upon which the apportionment is made (cont'd) By-Law No 169 Page 2 BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin by virtue and under authority aforesaid THAT there shall be levied and collected a rate of Three and a half Mills in the dollar upon the assessed value of the property in the Municipalities of the said County of Elgin in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-eight to raise the sum of Twenty-four Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-one Dollars required for the lawful pur- pose of the said County of Elgin and apportioned amongst the several Municipalities in said County on the amount of pro- perty as returned on the Assessment Rolls and, as finally re- vised and equalized for the preceding year (1867) as contained in the following Schedule. SCHEDULE Aldborough $ 2,334 Dunwich 3,158 Southwold 4,722 Yarmouth 5,445 Malahide 4,226 South Dorchester 2,126 Bayham 2,648 Vienna 302 $24,961 AND IT IS enac~ed that the Treasurers of the sev- eral Municipalities in the County shall pay the several amounts to the County Treasurer as required by law. AND IT IS enacted that this By-Law shall take ef- fect and be in force from and after the Twentieth day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-eight. Passed in Council this Eighteenth day of June A.D, 1868. St. Thomas County of El~in 18th June 18 8 William McKay T. M. Nairn County Clerk. Warden Read a first time 18 June 1868 Certified William McKay, Clerk. Read a second time 18 June 1868 Certified William McKay, Clerk. Read a third time and finally passed, 18 June 1868 Certified William McKay, Clerk.