171 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 171 "TO AUTHORISE THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO IM- POSE TOLLS ON THE WARDSVILLE BRIDGE ACROSS THE RIVER THAMES ON THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF ELGIN AND MIDDLESEX TO RAISE MONEY TO DEFRAY THE EXPENSE OF MAKING OR REPAIRING SAID BRIDGE." Passed 18th June 1868. WHEREAS the erection of the Bridge across the River Thames known as the Wardsville Bridge situated on the bound- ary between the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex and adjoin- ing Lot Number Fourteen in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Aldborough entails great expense on the ' , Counties of Elgin and Middlesex to make or keep the same in repair. it is deemed expedient that Tolls shall be imposed thereon to defray the expense of making or repairing said Bridge. AND WHEREAS by the Second Subsection of Section Three Hundred and Thirty-three of the Municipal Institutions Act 29-30, Victoria Chapter Fifty-one, County Councils are empowered to pass By-Laws for raising money by Toll on any bridge ,rQad or other work to defray the expense 0 f making or repairing the same. IT IS THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin by virtue and under the, authority aforesaid that·· the following Tolls be imposed and collected on the Wardsville Bridge and paid at each time of passing over said Bridge. For every vehicle or load drawn by one horse or animal every time passing three cents and returning three cents. For every vehicle or load drawn by two horses or animals every time passing. five cents and returning five cents. For every additional horse or beast of draught or for a horse and rider, two cents each time of passing over said Bridge and two cents returning. For every scør,e of sheep or swine, five cents per scor:e each time of passing. For every head of cattle one cent each time of passing over said þridge. (con1;'d) 171 By-Law No Page 2 AND IT IS ALSO enacted that all persons exempted by Law on Toll Road are to pass over this bridge free of Toll AND IT IS ALSO enacted that persons passing or attempting to pass over said Bridge without paying Toll shall on conviction before a Justice of the Peace be fined not less than One Dollar and not more than Ten Dollars and costs at the descretion of the convicting Justice or Justices and that in default of payment of fine when directed the amount may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender.~nd for want of sufficient dis- tress to satisfy the fine and costs the offender may be com- mitted to the County Jail of the County of Elgin and im- prisoned for a period not excreeding ten days as the convict- ing Justice may determine. AND IT IS ALSo enacted that this By-Law shall be in force and take effect from and after the date of the pass- ing of a By-Law to the same effect by the Council of the County of Middlesex and notified to the County of Elgin. St. Thomas County of Elgin 18th June 1868 T. M. Nairn Warden William McKay County Clerk. Read a first time 18 June 1868 Certified W. Clerk McKay, Read a second time 18 June 1868 Certified W. McKay, Clerk 18 June 1868 Clerk , , Read a third time and finally passed Certified W. McKay