173 _J OF ELGIN COUNTY 173 By-Law No A COMMISSIONER AND ENFORCE THE REPAIR OF THE TO APPOIN'r 'rRAVELLED ON THE LINE OF ROAD BRIDGE ACROSS CATFISH CREEK THE TOWNSHIPS OF YAR- 'rHE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN IN LIEU OF MOUTH AND SOUTH DORCHESTER 1868 WHEREAS the Township Councils of Yarmouth and South Dorchester have neglected and refused to repair the bridge across Catfish Creek on the line of road travelled in lieu of the Township boundary line between the Townships of Yar- mouth and South Dorchester, South of the Village of Maple- ton and adjoining Lot Number Nine in the Tenth Concession of Yarmouth. 11 th November Passed AND WHEREAS a majority of the ratepayers resident on the lots bordering on the side of.such liné of road have petitioned the County Council of the County of Elgin at the present session to enforce the repair of such bridge on said line of road by the Township Councils interested. AND WHEREAS the Township Councils of Yarmouth and South Dorchester having neglected to repair said bridge in a manner similar to the bridges on other local roads, and in the opinion of this Council it is necessary that said bridge should be repaired. AND WHEREAS by the fourth subsection of Section Number 341 of the Municipal Institutions Act 29-30 Victor- ia Chapter 51, it is recited that it shall be the duty of a County Council receiving such petition from the ratepayers to consider and act upon the same at the session at which the petition is presented and to determine upon the amount which each Township Council interested shall be required to apply for the repair of such lines of road. IT IS THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin in session assembled that by virtue and under authority of the 341st Section and Subsections of the Municipal Institutions Act 29-30 Victoria Chapter 51- That the sum of forty dollars shall be applied by the Township Council of the Township of Yarmouth and the like sum of forty dollars shall be applied by the Town- ship Council of the Township of South Dorchester for the repair of the bridge across Catfish Creek on the line of road travelled in lieu of the Township line road between the Township of Yarmouth and South Dorchester and adjoining ( C ont ' d) 2 Page 173 By-Law No Concession of Yarmouth Lot Number Nineteen in the Tenth south of the Village of Mapleton. AND IT IS ALSO enacted by the authority aforesaid that Wallace Michael of the Township of Yarmouth be and is hereby appointed a Commissioner to execute and enforce the requirements of this By-Law. Provided always that if the representatives of the Townships interested shall intimate to this Councilor to the Commissioner hereby appointed their intention to execute the work themselves, then said Commissioner shall delay pro- ceeding for a reasonable time but if the work be not proceed- ed with during the favourable season by the Township officers then the Commissioner shall undertake and finsih it himself. AND IT IS enacted that any sum of money herein de- termined upon as the portion to be paid by the respective Townships of Yarmouth and South Dorchester shall be paid by the County Treasurer on the Order of said Commissioner and the amount retained out of any money in his hands belonging to such Townships. AND IT IS enacted that this By-Law shall be in force and take effect from and after the twelfth day of Nov- ember. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight Passed in Council the eleventh day of November A.D 1868 St. Thomas County of Elgin 12 November A.D; T. M. Nairn Warden 1868 William McKay County Clerk, Elgin Read a first time 11 November 1868 Certified W. McKay, Clerk Read a second time 11th November 1868 Certified W. McKay, Clerk 1868 11th November finally passed McKay, Clerk Read a third time and Certified W.