175 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 175 TO AUTHORISE THE CONVEYANCE OF PART OF THE ORIGINAL ALLOW- ANCE FOR ROAD BETWEEN YARMOUTH AND SOUTHWOLD". WHEREAS a new and travelled road has been laid out across part of Lot Letter A. in the Gore, North of Lot Number Forty-five North of Talbot Road in the Township of Southwold, in lieu of part of the original allowance for road between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold which part of said Original Allowance has been reported by a Pro- vincial Land Surveyor as useless to the public and that said new or travelled road is sufficient for the purposes of a public highway. AND WHEREAS said part of said Original Allowance for road is in the opinion of this Council useless to the public and should be conveyed to the person through whose land the new or travelled road rURS. AND WHEREAS the requisite notices have been given by publication and otherwise of the application for the pass- ing of this By-Law. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin under authority and by virtue of the 334th Section of the Municipal Institutions Act 29-30 Victoria Chapter fifty-one. That the portion of the Original Allowance for road between the Townships of Southwold and Yarmouth adjoin- ing Lot Letter A in the Gore of the said Township of South- wold, north of Lot Number forty-five north of Talbot Road in the said Township of Southwold, be conveyed to William McKay, the owner of that part of said Lot Letter A through which the new or travelled road has been laid out in place of part of said Original Allowance and may be known and described as follows:- That is to say, commencing on the west limit of the Original Allowance for road between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold at the northeast angle of Lot Let- ter A in said Gore. Then south along the west limit of said Original Allowance for road between Yarmouth and Southwold, seventeen chains and fifty links more or less to the travelled road laid out in lieu of said Original Allowance. Thence easterly to the east limit of said Original Allowance four rods more o:vless. Thence north along the east limit of said Original Allowance for road between Yarmouth and Southwold seventeen ( C ont ' d) By-Law No 175 Page 2 chains and fifty links more or less to a point where the north limit of said Lot A would intersect said east limit of said original allowance if produced thereto in a due easterly direction. THENCE westerly four rods more or less to the north easterly angle of said Lot Letter A or place of beginning.· AND IT IS ALSO enacted that the Warden of the County of Elgin is hereby authorised to execute a conveyance for said road allowance to the said William McKay on behalf of this Council and attach the Seal of the Corporation there- to. Passed in Council the Twelfth day of November, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-eight. AND IT IS enacted that this By-Law shall take effect from and after the date of theõpassing thereof. St. Thomas County of Elgin 12 November 1868 William McKay T. M. Nairn County Clerk. Warden Read a first time 12 November 1868 Certified W. McKay, County Clerk. Read a second time 12 November 1868 Certified W. McKay, Cöunty Clerk. Read a third time and finally passed, 12 November 1868 Certified w. McKay, County Clerk. NOTE, Attached is a certified duplicate copy of By-Law No. 175 and a letter from the Provincial Land Surveyor of the County of Elgin and also two road maps of Lot Letter A. (cont'd) Page 3 175 By-Law No of Elgin. Warden and Council of the County To the Gentlemeni. I beg to report that I have examined a portion of the Original Allowance for Road between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold which lies between Lot Letter A in the Gore in Southwold and Lot Number one in the ninth Concession of the Tównship of Yarmouth and find that saiä portion of the Original Allowance is useless to the public and unfit for a Road. I have also examined the new or travelled public road laid out in lieu of said Original Allowance for road and find that said new or travelled public road is laid out across part of said Lot Letter A in the Gore in the Township of Southwold and is sufficient for the purposes of a public highway. I ~herefore beg to report that the owner of that part of said Lot Letter A through which said new or travel- led public road runs is entitled to part of said Original Allowance as embraced in the following description, viz. Commencing on the West limit of the Qriginal Allowance for Road between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold at the North Easterly angle of Lot Letter A. Then South along the West limit of said Original Allowance, seventeen chains and fifty links more or less to the travelled road laid out in lieu of said Original Allowance. Thence Easterly to the East limit of said Original Allowance four rods more or less thence North sêvent-een. chains and fifty links more or less along the East limit of said Original Allowance for road between Yarmouth and South- wold tOa~~oint where the North limit of said Lot A. would intersect said East limit of said Original Allowance if pro- duced thereto. rods more or less to the Thence Westerly four place of beginning. J. D. Baikie Provincial Land Surveyor st. Thomas County of Elgin 15th June 1868