203 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 203 TO APPOINT GRAMMAR SCHOOL TRUSTEES AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE SUPPORT OF SAID SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGH'r HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ONE". Passed in Council 28 January 1871 WHEREAS by the second section of the Act 29th Victoria Chapter 23 it is enacted that - Each County Council at its first session to be held after the first day of January appoint Trusteès of Grammar Schools for the vacancies occasioned by the annual retirement of trustees. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin under the authority aforesaid. That Dr. John Willson of St. Thomas be and is hereby appointed Trustee of the St. .Thomas County Grammar School with term of office for three years and that John Crawford of Vienna be and is hereby appointed Trustee of the Vienna County Grammar School with term of office for three years and that Dr. Tweed- ale of Vienna be appointed Trustee of the Vienna Grammar School in place of Simon Newcomb Deceased. AND IT IS ALSO enacted that the sum of four hundred dollars be appropriated towards the salary of the teacher of the Saint Thomas Grammar School for the year 1871 payable quarterly. AND THAT the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be granted towards the salary of the teacher of the Vienna Grammar School for the year 1871 payable half yearly provided that county pupils be admitted to said Grammar Schools free of charge for fees. AND THAT this By-law shall take effect from the twenty-eighth day of January A. D. 1871. St. Thomas County of Elgin 28th January 1871 William McKay 'r. M. Nairn County Clerk Warden Elgin Read a first time 28 January 1871. Certified W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 28 January 1871. Certified W. McKay Clerk Read a third time and finally passed 28 January 1871 Certified William McKay Clerk