211 COUN'rY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 211 "TO APPOINT A COUNTY BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR THE EXAMINATION LICENCING OF TEACHERS IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN". Passed 22 June 1871 WHEREAS by the eleventh section of the Act thirty fourth Victoria chapter thirty three of the Statutes of OntariG it is enacted that each County C~uncil and the Board of Public School Trustees in each city shall appoint a county or city board of examiners for the examination and licensing of teachers in accordance with the regulations provided by Law consisting of the County Inspector and two or more of the competent persons whose qualificatiGns shall from time to time be prescribed by the Council of Public Instruction and the number of members not to exceed five. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the County~ouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin under the authority afore- said - That John Raine, Samuel S. McColl, James R. Williams John Millar and A. F. Butler, Inspector of Schools be and are hereby appointed examiners for the examination and licens- ing of teachers in accordance with the regulations provided by Law. That the remuneration of said examiners shall be two dollars per day and ten cents per mile travelled from res- idence to place of meeting of board. And that the term of office be during the pleasure of the County Council. It is also enacted that this by-law shall be in force from and after the twenty second day of June A. D one thousand eight hundred and seventy one. St. Thomas County of Elgin 21 June 1871 T.. M. Nairn William McKay Warden County Clerk Read a first time 22 June 1871 Certified W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 22 June 1871 Certified W. McKay Clerk Read a third time and passed 22 June 1871 Certified W. McKay Clerk