214 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 214 TO RAISE THE SUM OF FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVEN DOLLARS FOR COUNTY PURPOSES IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE YEAR ONE ~~HOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENT'(.._ONE". \~EREAS by the thirteenth section of the Assessment Act 32nd Victoria Chapter 36 of the Province of Ontario it is enacted that - The Council of every Oounty or local Municipality shall every year make estimates of all sums which may be requir- ed for the lawful purposes of the County or local Municipality for the year in which such sums are required to be levied. And by the Fourteenth section of said Act it is also enacted that the Council of every Municipality may pass one By-law or several By-laws authorizing the levying and collect- ing of a rate or rates of so much in the dollar upon the assessed value of the property therein as the Council deems sufficient to raise the sums required on such estimates. AND WHEREAS the Council of the County of Elgin have made an estimate of all sums required for the lawful purposes of the Municipality of the County of Elgin for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy one showing that the sum of Forty Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Seven dollars will be required for the lawful purposes of said County inclusive of Common Schools as follows - DebenturesandCoupons~ $ 1.820.00 Municipal Loan Fund 6,400.00 Southern Railway Debentures and Coupons 25,000.00 Grammar Schools 650.00 Inspector & Examiners of Schools 750.00 Administrator of Justice· Ii·, 000.00 County Lines and Bridges 2,000.00 General Purposes ),487.00 $41 ·, 107.00 Common Schools '3 ,I-¡.OO. OQ. $47,507.00 (Cont'd 214 No BY-Law of said 2 section Page AND WHEREAS by the seventy fourth Assessment Act it is enacted that - The Council of a County in apportioning a county rate among the different towúships, towns and villages within the County shall in order that the same may. be assessed eq- ually on the whole rateàble property of the County make the amount of property returned on the Assessment Rolls for such townships, towns and villages as finally revised and equalized for the preceding year the basis upon which the apportionment is made. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin by virt~e and under the authority aforesaid. That there shall be levied and collected during the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy One, a rate of five and a half mills.in the dollar upon $ 8,019,488.00 The amount of property returned on the Assessment Rolls of the townships and villages in the said County of Elgin as finally revised and equalized for the preceding year (1870) to raise the sum of $ 47,507.00 required for the lawful purposes of said County as mentioned in the' foregoing estimate in i:his By-law and as apportioned amo~g the several townships and villages in said County in the following schedule Amounts Raised Total To Be Total Common Schools General Purposes Southern Railwa: Rate Municipal- ities 4,618 6 , 5LI-1 9,409 9,776 7 , 64L~ 3,804 5,330 ¡rr,-;:;-JJ?.5. 4>'""7,507 316 ¡H8 630 660 594 245 537 $"3,400 1,858 2,665 3,791 3,937 3,050 1,538 2,093 175 $19,107 2,1}44 3,l¡-58 4,988 5,179 l¡·,000 2,021 2,700 210 $25,000 Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth lVIalahide S. Dorchester Bayham Vienna AND IT IS ALSO enacted that the Treasurers of the several Municipalities in the said County of Elgin shall pay the reFJpective amounts to the County Treasurer as apportioned to be paid and at such time as by law required. AND IT IS ALSO enacted that this By-law shall take effect and be in force from and after the 22nd day of June One thousand eight hundred and seventy one 1871 D of June A second day twenty Passed in Gouncil this St. Thomas County of Elgin 21st June 1871 ) d Nairn (Cont I)'. M. Warden William McKay County Clerk By-Law No 214 Page 3 Read a first time 22 June 1871. Certified W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 22 June 1871. Certified W. McKay Clerk Read a third time 22 June 1871~ Certified W. McKay Clerk