217 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 217 TO APPOINT TRUSTEES FOR THE HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS TO THE SUPPORT OF SAID SCHOOLS" . Passed 26 January 1872. WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to appoint Trustees for the High Schools in the County of Elgin and make appropriations for the support of said schools. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the County Council of the County of Elgin in Council assembled and under authority of the School Act. 1. That Henry Caldwill be and is hereby appointed Trustee of the St. Thomas High School in place of Dr. J. H. Willson, resigned. 2. That Colin McDougald be re-appointed a Trustee of the St. Thomas High School with term of office for three years. 3. That John McLean be appointed a Trustee of the St. Thomas High School. 4. That the sum of Five Hundred and Twenty Four dollars be granted to the St. Thomas High School for the current year. 5. And the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty dollars to the Vienna High School for the current year. 6. And that George Suffel and Hugh Sells be appointed Trustees of the Vienna High School for the term of three years. This By-law to take effect from the 26th day of January 1872. St. Thomas 26 January 1872 William McKay John Ellison County Clerk Warden Read a first time 26 January 1872. W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 26 January 1872 W. McKay Clerk Read a third time 28 January 1872 W. McKay Clerk