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226 COUNTY OF EWIN 226 By-Law No TO EQUALIZE THE VALUATION OF PROPERTY RETURNED IN THE ASSESSMENT ROLLS OF THE SEVERAL TOWNSHIPS AND VILLAGES IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUN- THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR Passed 7th June 1872. DRED AND SEVENTY-TWO' WHEREAS BY THE Seventy-first Section of the Assessment Act of 1869 32nd Victoria Chapter 36 of the Province of Ontario it is enacted that - The Council of every County shall yearly before imposing any County rate and not later than the first of July examine the Assessment Rolls of the several Townships Towns and Villages in the County for the preceding finan- cial year for the purpose of ascertaining whether the valua- tion made by the assessors in each Township, Town or Village for the current year, bears a just relation to the valuation so made in all such Townships, Towns and Villages and may for the purpose of County rates increase or decrease the aggregate valuation of real and personal property in any Township, Town or Village adding or deducting so much percentum as may in their opinion be necessary to produce a just relation between all the valuations of real and per- sonal estate in the County but shall not reduce the aggre- gate valuation thereof for the whole County as made by the Assessors. AND WHEREAS the Council of the County of Elgin as required by said Section Number Seventy-One have examin- ed the Assessment of the different Townships and Villages in the said County of Elgin for the preceding financial year to ascertain whether the valuation made by the assessors for the current year bears a just relation to the valuation so made in all such Townships and Villages. of the BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation County of Elgin in Council assembled by virtue of the authority aforesaid - THAT the following Schedule of Valuation be the equalized valuation of real and personal property in the several Townships and Villages in the County of Elgin for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one shewIDng the rate added or deducted from the amounts of the Assess- ments Rolls of the several Townships and Villages in the said County of Elgin. (Cont' d) (Cont'd) Names of Real and Acres Real and Assessed Equalized Real and Alterations Municipalities Personal Assessed Personal Value Value per Personal made in Property as in 1872 Property Per Acre Acre 1872 Property 1872 Equalized Assessed 1872 Equalized in 1871 in 1872 1872 Aldborough 850963 677723 11 11 788912 111189 Dunwich 1119870 905045 15 15 1135420 230375 Southwold 1687130 1673092 20 20 1685936 12844 Yarmouth 1771711- 1799688 23 1775037 24571 rJlalahide 1365300 1337860 20 1332180 4680 S. Dorchester 682600 687197 22 733200 55003 Bayham 714705 922343 11 719705 202638 Vienna 70000 82275 60000 35375 Aylmer 119220 81000 52570 $ 8262279 $ 8195443 $ 8311390 SCHEDULE OF EQUALIZATION Page 2 By-Law No. 226 By-Law No. 226 Page 3 AND IT IS enacted that this By-Law shall take effect from and after the twenty-third day of June one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. St, Thomas - County of. Elgin 4th June A. D. 1872 John Ellison William McKay Warden Clerk Read a first time 7th June 1872 Certified W. McKay Clerk Read a second time 7th June 1872 Certified W. McKay Clerk Read a third time 7th June 1872 Certified W. McKay Clerk