255 COUNTY OF ELGIN 255 By-Law No ~Q GRANT CERTAIN AMQ1LNT~~O IMPRQVE COUN~Y A!'J.D TOWNêHIr gNEê.: Passed 18 June 1874 WHEREAS it is expedient to appropriate certain amounts to improve the county and township lines in the County of Elgin. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin under and by virtue of Municipal Institutions Act That the sum of fifty dollars be granted to improve the western county line between Elgin and Kent for the purpose of repairing a bridge near the southerly end·.of county line and that C.A. Omalley be a Commissioner on behalf of this county providing Kent grant a like amount That the sum 0:('. one hundred and fifty dollars be' granted to improve and repair two bridges on the eastern county line between Elgin and Norfolk, provided the Gounty of Norfolk grant a like effect and that Mr. H. Stratton be appointed a Commissioner on behalf of this council That the sum of eighty dollars b~ granted to improve the county line between Elgin and Middlesex at or near the northern boundary adjoining Mr. McGugan's farm between Southwold and Delaware and that Mr. McIntyre the Deputy Reeve of Southwold be a Commissioner on behalf of this county provided Middlepex grant a like amount and that the Clerk be requested to notify the different counties to that effect, all of which grants be paid by the County Treasurer 'on the Certificates of the Commissioners that the work has been expended. John McCausland Warden - Elgin William McKay Clerk 1874 A.D. and finally passed 18 June Read a third time