282 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 282 TO CONFIRM BY-LAW NUMBER 229 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD TO CONVEY TO THE HEIRS OF THE LATE JESSE ZAVITZ A CERTAIN ROAD ALLOWANCE THEREIN MENTIONED" Passed 22 June 1876 BE IT ENACTED by the Corporation of the County of Elgin under authority of the Municipal Institutions Act That By-law number two hundred and twenty nine of the Township of Southwold to convey a.certain road allowance therein mentioned to the heirs of the late Jesse Zavitz be and is hereby confirmed. St. Thomas County of Elgin 21 June 1876 William McKay George Suffel Clerk Warden Read a first time 22 June 1876 Read a second time 22 June 1876 Read a third time and passed 22 June 1876 Certified W. McKay Clerk Note: Attached is a copy of a letter to the Township of Southwold from Jno. D. Baikie, Provincial Land Surveyor. Also attached is a copy of Township of Southwold By-law No. 229 (Cont'd) By-Law No 282 Page 2 To the Reeve and Municipal Council of the ~~ownship of Southwold - Gentlemen I beg leave to report that in compliance with the request of Mr. Fossett I have measured the content of land contained in that part of the Union Road lying between the Town Line between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold and where the said present travelled road used in lieu of said Union road deviates southerly leading to Port Stanley and find the same to contain by admeasurement 1-45/100 acres be the same more or less, and may be more particularly described as follows that is to say. CommBncing at a point where the northerly limit of the Union Road intersects the westerly limit of the Town Line between Yarmouth and Southwold. Thence westerly on the north limit of Union Road 14 chains, 56 links more or less to the easterly limit of the road leading south to Port Stanley and laid out in lieu of said Union Road. Thence southerly on the easterly limit of said road laid out in lieu of said Uni.on Road 1.00 chain more or less to the southerly limit of Union Road. Thence easterly on the southerly limit of said Union Road 14 chains, 56 links more or less to the westerly limit'of the Town Line. Thence northerly on the west limit of the Town Line 1.00 chain more or less to the place of beginning. All of which is most respectfully submitted. I have the honor to be Gentlemen Your Obedient Servant Jno. D. Baikie Provincial Land Surveyor St. Thomas October 3rd 1874 (Cont'd By-Law No 282 Page 3 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD By-Law No. 229 ~TO AUTHORIZE THE CONVEYANCE OF A CERTAIN ROAD ALLOWANCE IN 'mE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD". Passed 10th January 1845 WHEREAS that part of the Union Road lying between the Town Line between the Township of Yarmouth and Southwold and where the said present travelled road used in lieu of said Union Road deviates southerly leading to Port Stanley and find to contain 1-45/100 acres be the same more or less and may be more particularly described as follows, that is to say. Commencing at a point where the northerly limit of the Union Road intersects the westerly limit of the Town Line between Yarmouth and Southwold. Thence westerly on the north limit of Union Road 14 chains, 56 links more or less to the easterly limit of the road leading south to Port Stanley and laid out in lieu of said Union Road. Thence southerly on the easterly limit of said road laid out in lieu of said Union Road 1.00 chain more or less to the southerly limit of Union Road. Thence easterly on the southerly limit of said Un- ion Road 14 chains, 56 links more or less to the westerly limit of the Town Line. Thence northerly on the west limit of the 'rown 1.00 chain more or less to the place of beginning. AND WHEREAS the said piece of land having been con- demned by John D. Baikie, Esquire, Provincial Land Surveyor as being useless to the public according to a report hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS by the 334th section of the Municipal Institutions Act 29th & 30th Victoria, Chapter 51, the Council of the Municipality is authorized to sell and convey an origin- al road allowance which is of the opinion of said Council useless to the public. AND WHEREAS the heirs of the late Jesse Zavitz being the owners of the lands near the said original road allowance the Council of the Township of Southwold deems it expedient to authorize the conveyance of said original road allowance to the said heirs in lieu of lands taken from the said lot (Cont'd) Page 4 282 No By-Law BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the Township of Southwold by virtue and under the authority afore- said that that part of the Union Road lying between the Town Line between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold and where the said present travelled road used in lieu of said Union Road deviates southerly leading to Port Stanley be con- veyed to the heirs of the late Jesse Zavitz being the owners of the lands adjoining. And that the Reeve of the said Town- ship execute a conveyance on behalf of the Council for said road in the Township of Southwold to the heirs of the late Jesse Zavitz their heirs and assigns and attach the seal of the Corporation hereto AND IT IS enacted that this By-Law shall take effect from and after the tenth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand, Eight Hundred and seventy-six David King Reeve Samuel 'rubbey Municipal Clerk 1876 10th January Passed